OREGON, MIST. SS!IS ( VlilKIHlDAI WOKNlflU DAVID DAVIS. ftnbarrtplloit Hates. fine copy one ye-r tn adTauce... tin copy six mouths., ..... -1 90 ... 60 t fiingla copy.. Advertising rat "waade known upon application COLOMBIA OOUSTY DIRECTORY. ' CODSTI Ot-riORBS. in. Ira .......Joseph B. Poan, Rainier Clerk J. . Watts, St. Helen Bherlir 1. N. Rl-e, Clatsfcanie Treasurer ,,...B. Horn, St. Helens apt. of Uehoots I. H. Oopelnnd, Warren Assessor ...Martin White, Qulney Surveyor Oeo. Haj-es, Miiyiror Coroner Dr. A. P. McLaren, Kainlcr , . ...... .P. A. Frakea, Scanpo.ste Commissioner J ; , D Peterson, Mist XT. HE LESS, OHEdOR, OCT. SI. America for American. "Iong May It ware O'er the Home of the Free and tbe Land of the Brave." Thi awful consequences of eating canned goods was brought forcibly to view in the death of three gentlemen at Rainier last week. It is not an an' common thing to read of similar oc- iroTrerjeoln Tar-off section of the country, but when the object lesson is brought to oar doorstep, then the pre-1 ponderance of the lesson is duly real ised. Three respected citiiens, in the Vigor and beauty of happy and healthy manhood, must sacrifice their lives to remind us thai death lurks unseen in the least expected places. There is no means of checking the us of such deadly food, and perhaps the lesson which has been so expensive in its teaching will go unheeded and unob-l served after the first brief passing in cident, and a repetition of the occur rence may be expected at any time. It is a simple yet vivid and extrava gant reminder that life hangs by but a slender cord. On of the very important features to progress necessary in Columbia county is the fact that our farms should be smaller, and of course more thor oughly cultivated. We have at differ ent times advocated the division of large tracts of land into small farms. We believe if this were done, to that on man would own not more than forty acres, and half that amount all the better, that we would have th most prosperous section of country in the state, and where there are now many nam iota ana small towns we would have fairly, good-sized towns of 600 to 3000 nODulation in tha Ann n It. Tha Unt f n, in.... W I 4 -" wv. nuu Miinviarorela rorusnn nn hatiirriav fAnflin uiruiy population in tne county would brins alone all the acnrtmnany-I . u ,1,; .:t.i. . j i -o w uimo jvooiuiv. i It would bring about a state of busi ness conditions that would demand and naturally produce well improved county roads, and all other necessary Improvements of a similar nature for the same reasons. We believe the in creasing demand for the product of the farm and a slight increased de mand for real estate of that class will have a natural tendency to cause more nlioh ih. -. i.j pusn this, smaller tracts of land Willi be in demand. In many cases in this county the prices paid for small tracts! .. .. r ... I oi land have been too faieh, and the I Urmi Vdo eeyere, ami a a natural con- tequence individual hardship has re- . Manon Cooper, employed on the Pat .,,. ...... , , 'nlla ranch, went to Portland oa horse- -ui.cu. xuo uujiiiuu ui tins minoa in our county would be of vast benefit from an individual source of reasoning, nd naturally , would equally benefit tha eonntv In a nnMm .n.l , z s,w. annaA. . I Thkb is wealth in Columbia ooun- ty 's timber, and as times pass and EO , and conditions chanze the fact comes all the more apparent. From 0 , , i oBieui ana otner vauey towns there comes a complaint of scarcity of wood. Of course there are good reasons for this. Last year the price of wood was tow, and this had been the rule for several years theretofore. Farmers cut less wood than usual, and the eonsump- to Uon of wood in that part of the state the past year has been much greater than it had been for several years he- fore, owing to an increase of operation , ... , x ,Tl vi uiauuiaut.uring plants OI Oinereni kinrla. Tt la .all H,t th. .m. f wood used in the hop-bouses and fruit- dryer, this year hs. exceeded that of former years by many thousand cords. . m aen lDa" " tlie other cough medi t -ii i u i. .t . ones combined. J. M. Nickle, of Nickle In all probability the scarcity of wood Bros., merchants, Nicklevllie, Pa. For sale wnicb now orevsils Will be the cause of a great amount nf wood .nil .. . . .u." as a consequence undoubtedly rule lower. But this im-1 meuse eotisamptiou is bringing about e a WWM" I reiij vi uiiiusr m many sections of the stale, and the result will be that the supply for valley point will have to come from a distance and the river ana rauroaas orougut into requsition :i ru-i . Movable girl with an offensive breath. Karl's to deliver it. While many thousand Clover Root Tea purines the breath by Its corosot wooa are each year eut in I , 4 i , . .. i"".. duiu iur years on aosoiute guarantee, tuu county, and the handiest timber I Price 25 eta. and GO cts. Bold by IJr. Edwin utilized, still there remit na mnh Hm. or tu DB tuu. uisposea oi. sua as d.s J- a m . - - - -.. -vk saw the price increase. Flumes and rail roads are rapidly being brought into una to deliver this commodity to tl markets, and we confidently believe tlmi, uut a great uiauy year will elapse until railroadi will tap the liuibor bell of Columbia county. asAlNIKU NOTES. C W. Mosher'e new house is rapidly n ear ing ooiuptelton. J Oy Smith loolis younger sloce ha got h "jonan. on uis nanus. Rainier creamery butter brines the top price la i'oruiind markets. Tbe Smith mill has been cutting- a large bill ul ceiiar lor ratcu K tiue. Idinsr uMr. Syreraou w Moeck's addition, There Is not a vacant house in Rainier. and Btili tbe demand is nut satisfied. The Misses Zewmer and the Misses Sil vers took in tlie excursion Saturday. Mrs. Both and her sister. Bertha Silver. were shopping in Portland Saturday, Mrs. R. A. Anrys has been nursing; run-atvuud uu one of her fingers tbe post wee a. Dr. French, who has been looking; after Dr. McLaren's practice, baa gone to I'ort- lana to locate. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dow. of Oak islan- were visitinjt old and making new friends in Kauiier last week. Beckert & Wood, the new managers of the Renew, are out rustling for business, nope they will get it. Conrad Schneider, of Kvser nostofflce. took the Shaver for Portland Monday uurht. tause "Dusteu lnjecter. 8. K. Thompson's family baye arrived front Idaho, and have moved into the tfuiith House in Moeok addition. T. J. Everman. postmaster at Hudson, was doing business in town this week; like wise vv m. rioieappie, 01 ueiena. Yonr correspondent has been threatened with "six mouths, twice a year" for netrlect oi easiness, and will try to do better. Tbe opposition to the Iralda stops some some place up river, uuess they are afraid it wouiu oe an aii-uay run from iuuoier. The sad occurrence of last week with its accompaniment of gloom is girinc place to the usual air of business activity we are ao- cusHjtuea to. O. E. Wonderly. of Delena. says there money in hauling cream eight miles to the creamery. It is strange that some of our ranchers living nearer don't find that out Mrs. Ingerson, of Catlin, took ber little eiri back to the hospital at Portland Bun I day night on tbe train. The little one had her leg amputated about six weeks ago, but i is oui ueauug property, Two carloads of eordwood went from here to Portland Wednesday, the first shipment thos made from this point. But it is fair to presume that with such great quantities of timber bandy, and a. very reasonable freight chance, that it is a small beginning tu a large Business, . WtBKEH NEWS. Kim Baker and wife were Portland visit ors last week. Charles Pattullo, of Portland, spent Eun- uay ai ma raituiia rancu. Mrs. A. H. Sheffield, of Portland, is vis iting tier son, vy imam, at mis place. James Bacon. Sr.. was attending to hna men at roruana one a ay last week. B. K. Pone and son. Dave, of Bachelor Flat, were Warren visitors one day hut week. . Mrs. ueonre Beaver and children were attending the exposition at Portlaud Ut-t wees. Mrs. T. Blayerrs and children were cas- sengera for Portland on the soon train Sat urday. Mrs. Heroic and eliflilren. nf Ttarhelnr Ilat, arespendtug a few days with Mrs, j una uowning. Messrs. Collins. Duncan. Eepel Hawk. ins. Will and Orvilie iktcon are rolling logs or J ub negeie. a ST TW .1 a B -WH m a v sa- ... "r- ?a c-ariana ana Mr. Jd Uollins Mrs. C.R. Hart and children, of Kelso, i.. i tt i i i -i. ; "pe.auu, roruanu, are ynuung reiauyee at una place. Brother T. J. Ferguson, of Portland TTnl vereitv, preached to a large conzreeatinn uig Kuwiuuuia ouuuay evening. John Hawkins, who is emnloved at ih Muckie logging camp, spent a few dava mm ui lauiuy uut weea at wis place. Mr. Henry Larsen. a one-time resident nf mis place, cut who nuw resides at Siioal- water Day, Is here attending to business. Mr. Ole Bohman hai purchased the Per sons property. Mr. Bohman expects to cut 10U0 cords of wood this winter from the place, i jiiuuiic nacon, oi nan ry ts, who nas r" UB unrty-oay inriougu, returned to his company last week, quartered at the "morJ n romana. John Karens, who has been In the em, ploy of the O. K. and S. Co.. at Portion, l for two months, spent last 8unda with r'" oaca nuiiaay toartve oackaohead of sheeo " ' i""" "'-t'"", hasncTostd during' lhe ,tumfeo?th.h held a meeting last baturday evening and' .'""""'"K omcers : Manon cooper, presment; rranK bbetfleld, vice: Rihert Downinsr. treaHiirAr. lai M0mr,L I secretary; lAau Puaey, purchasing agent. alternate SKS ZZnZZ. ' lfu :lub " mtntion. to have a programme ?5."JJt!K?"nl.tyf 1 "eeln li? loy Teu- .Men uiuviviu Mcremre, we nope tne cmo win prosper in tne future a it baa in the past. YOUNG MOTHERS. Croup is the terror oi thousand! nf vrninir uvutciB ucuiubv m uu ureal a no amniK. ingand frequently fatal. Hliiloh's Cough cases of Croup. It has never been known fail. ine worst casrj relieved immedi ately. Price 25 cts.. AO cts. and tl.tin. Bold by Dr, Edwin iioei, druggist. Hew t Prevent Cretan. .tYaV two chi!d,r1fn wh0 re ubject to attacks of croup. Whenever an attack is comma; on my wile (rives tdem Chamber- 1Bln svougn Kemeoy and always prevents tne attack. .It is a household necessity in tl" coautry, and no matter what else we Ch.n?r uruggist, XOU TRY IT. If Bhllob's Couth and f!nnilmr,(lnn rn. which is sold for the small price of 26 cts.) ff.i! - a,,d 5100, doS no c,ire talie " boi- tie back and we will rafnnri en - our money, "oia tor over nfty years on this guarantee, oia for over fifty year Price 25 eta. and 60 cts, i guarantee. Bold by Dr. Edwin Ross, druggist. MANY A LOVER Has turned with disgust from an nll,r;.. n u , j , uuw"0' "", " notntng els "UK"- CircuU conr. ftdiollrnnH Ia.t w ... nui-uiDuiuif uui.li ltidiniiuv mnrniMfr ROAD TO JEHALEM VALLEY Well Attended Public Meeting Held at Vernonia. Sollcltlnft Committee Appointed at Vernonla Similar Committee to be Named at St. Helena. Whether the time was opiortune or tiot. the agitation for the improvement of the county road betwoen St. Helena and the N elialem valley baa resulted at last in deft niteand substantial action being taken for the road's Improvement. Realising th stupendous Importance of such a move ment, Tne Mist took up tbe agitation sin, gle htsnded, and to this one fact as ram as any other is due at least a portion of tl credit for action io tbe matter so far aa it has gone. The residents of thoNelialem valley need a good wagon road to the Columbia river, and are willing and anxious to lend their assistance in a substantial way to the Im, provement of the road connecting their rieh and fertile valley with tit. Hulensand limit- ton. This enthusiastic spirit manifested itself to such an extent as to ultimately lead op to assistance being asked from out side sources. Mr. B. B. Rose, explaining the situation in detail to Mr, V. It. Beach of Portland, became interested and prom ised financial aid in tha matter, besides assuring his aid in eliciting help from the Portland chamber of commerce and hid vidual subscriptions. A citiiens' meeting held at Vernonla last Saturday is evidence of the good Intent of the people over ttvre, and we believe if tbe matter is persistently urged we can succeed in having the road well improved. At this meeting Mr. 8. B. Rose was called to pre side and Mr. John Pringls chosen secre tary. A committee consisting of th three following-named gentlemen was at this meeting elected to solicit and receive subscriptions iu labor and cash, and ma terial, if a willingness is 'manifest to donate it, to improve the road ; W. Pringte, Pitts burg; 6. B, Rose and T. B. Denalow, Ver- uouia. This committee was Instructed to canse tbe secretary to correspond and form committee in St. Helena to solicit and i ceive subscriptions at this place, and from the different transportation companies op erating steamers between here and Port land. The secretary was also instructed to lay the matter before the Portland chare ber of commerce, which we believe to be business-like move. The people of Nehalem valley are an In dustrious element, yet not financially able to carry such a project to a successful end without financial assistance from outside sources. There is no question but that the people in that valley will do their full share of bard work in this matter if means are provided for them to live while the work ia being done. There will be much need for cash for other purposes than simply buying a little material to work with. large force of men would necessarily be employed in such an undertaking, and there must be provision made for their sus tenance while they are ensuring the hard ship of camping out along the route while this work is being prosecuted. These peo ple have repeatedly declared their willing ness to perform a greater part of tbe labor on that road if they could but be supplied with tbe necessary articles. This matter has never been presented to the county court in the proper light, and we believe the gentlemen constituting that board are of such broad mental capacity to readily grasp the situation and render Baaacial aid. Tbe business men of St. Hel ens, we believe, will readily and liberally respond to any call to assist in the matter, and if aid can be secured from oiher aourcea then the only drawback will lie in lack of interest to push the undertaking, ft. Helens people as well aa the residents of Nehalem valley readily aee what auch sn improvement means for them, and the obstacle now standing in the way is lack of more thorough organization, which is to the Interest of every one of us to assist. The products of that valley ase varied and prolific, and should better means be provided for marketing them the volume would increase ten fold in an alarmingly brief time. Bt. Helens could as easily as not be made the common shipping point or those products, it being natmally so, and to a more or less extent the supply center for that district. Aa it now is ninety per cent oi the necessaries that are con sumed in the Upper section of that valley are bought at Washington county points simply because of the existence of better rosds leading that way from the valley, Much bay, many bushels of potatoes, an enormous amount of fruit, great numbers of splendid beef cattle and sheep, besides a vast amount f splendid grain is an annual product in that valley, and a market for it would naturally spring into existence if means were provided for conveying; it to the river front, whe-e it could be shipped not only would these benefits accrue, but the fertile section of country through which the road would traverse would soon become more densely populated and the volume of trade and commerce be accordingly in creased. Tbe immediate and substantial improvement of this road is the most im port ant business proposition now before the people of this section of the county, and if we wish to develop and progress tha mat ter will receive our heartiest co-one rat ion ana most substantial assistance. OOAti IN the: nehalem. A Movement to Build a Road There Bald to be Organizing. There is a movement organizing to build road into tbe Nehalem country for tbe purpose of tapping that great body of tim ber and tbe coal beds that are known to be only slightly covered. The movement fa now jiggering because they are uncertain about the resources to be found. But tbey need not be. Tbe timber can be aeen and the coal bas been. Some years ago a thor ough prospect was made by Honeyman, IJeHart & Company, who sent a Pennsyl vania coal mining engineer into the district. He found an abundance of good coal, lig nite. It burns clear and with but little nsbes. It is well adopted for steaming. This expert's report is on file with the firm that sent him out. Before him in tbe days of Ben Holaday, Judge W. E. Smith, of this place, made a survey of tbo country report ing to the same effect. Iron is there, too. The engineering problem is not at all dif ficult. The way was once surveyed and the line located, and even graded for several miles through Tuulitan plains. The road ill not go within two or three hundred yards of the mine, but rather to the mouth of tbe tunnel itself. Tbe company need not hesitate on account of a question of re sources. They are there. It is only a ques tion of the resources of the company. Tbe people will give every encouragement they on n, but, the organization must not expect s subxidv tu build the road; for if we had been able to build. It would long since have been hauling the wealth of the coast range of mountains to tide wnti-r. What advantages will there be to the present landowner should trie r"llrr.d b" built? Are they sufficient Io Induce him to be friendly? it' a railroad la built through the line forests at the huad of Dairy or-k and those other woods over the divide, every gwli&.tbat cau be laid beside tlie Irai-it will fiave a market value, fur It ran be dumped into tho Willamette bv the side of the sawmill at Portland. And that Is why Portland is interested in the priitcct. An industry is fosiered that will call ships to her docks. Hubboro Independent. STEAMER "OANBY" Commencing Monday, October inth, the llwuw UsIIuav & N'Hvlgailua Oo.'s simmer "OANBY" wilt make round Irips betweeu RAINIER PORTLAND Leaving Rainier at 6 s. m. and Pnrt land at 8 p. m. dully (except Sunday). Wn rollelt a share of the nubile itatronage. ani iu rtiiurn will five tntiek hhi-vIi-a and a otean boat. fHfV have come to stay and want your uusilittM. a nv a. n a-i.t,. P. SMITH, Agent E.E. QUICK G. WCOLE Commissioner of .Notary Public, lteeds for Wash ington. ' COLE & QUICK, PBOPK1ETOR3 Of THORNFS Numerical stejKBc Abstracts. Titles Examined and Perfected. Abstracts Furnished. Assessments Kxawined. in surance Written. Taxes Paid and Convey ancing. ST. IIELEfSfl, OREGON. J STORIA & COLOMBIA MER Xl RAILROAD COMPANY. witfi aonrnriF.. East bound Dally .West bound 29 Trains 22 24 p. m. : :H7 8:86 8:19 T: 7:33 7:00 0- a. ia. 11 X a. m. H SO u is 0 10 no 10 24 10 M 11 1H 11 tt p. ra. 7 80 S 10 8 25 8 55 20 60 10 13 srrive.nontlon. leave 11 00 Oobie Rainier Miyi-ert ......(TfttHkHnie...... Westport....... Clifton Koappa care. .Astoria, arrive 10 45 10 1 53 28 00 S SS Son 10 5 111 10 p. m. U 15 Trains leave Astoria for Seaside at 12 20 p. m. and 6 p. m. Boat concoctions at Astoria for llwaeo, Chinook. Kort Canny, Nehalem, Till amauk, and Uartlbakli. Passenger for Astorls, or way points mnst flag trains at Uoulton. Trams will slop to let pas senfters off at Houltonwben coming from points west of tioble. J. C. mays. Gen, Pass. Airt.. Astoria, Or. DENTIST J. A. REID Has Located In 8t Helens Permanently. FULL SET TEETH 17 50 to S10 00 Ffl.lJNl M to tl 00 00LDHLLING3 tl 50 upwards Crop aii Briflge fori a Specialty $3.60 TO S)S.OO PER TOOTH. The work that I hnve done In this eommnnlty for the past Ave months ts my recotuiueuuaUon. All work guaranteed satisfactory. Office Next Door to Rosa' Drugstore HELENS, t : I i OREGON ST. THE OKIE K"TLt HOTEL A Strictly first-class house. A home for commercial travelers and the public Board and lodging at reasonable rates. ST. HELENS, - - - OREGON PROFEHSIfJiNAl J. W. DAT W. B. DILLABD guiavfr'& pan. ATTORNEYS -AT-LAW Office next door to Courthouse, BT. UKLENB. OREGON. General practice In conrts nf nn-mn or Wuh. Ingtou. Abstracts made directly from county jQR.. Jt. HALL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Clatskauie. Columbia county, Or, G. W. CQLE, . ATTORNEY AND COOS8ELOB-AT-LAW, ST. HELENS, OREGON. Title Abstract Bonks. Nntarv Pnhlfe rnnii. Biuneruj feeus iur ,vv asningcon, ana nn exper ienced collector In connection with office. jyn. EDWIN ROSH, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ; St. Helens, Oregon JT)R. H. R. CLIFF, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. St. Helens, Oregon. GEORGE A. HALL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Collections, foreclosures, mechanics' lelns, etc. atspub piiffiwtiLijig auorney, umoe with T. 1. Wee ton. St. Helens, Oregon. C3 J-t Ts - T- r a Bean the jf m Kind Yon Nan Always BoaeW OA.OT'OniA. Beano 'he Kind Yon Hav Always Benjit eigaatae of C ASTOR I A For Infants and Children. TSa Kind Yea Kara A!wa;s Esi'ght Bears the Signature OREGON INDUSTRIAL -OPENS IN PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 22, -CLOSED October 22, 1898. The tiuo.it and Greatest Exposition Held In the Northwest - Ever Hortlcntal and Agricultural Products of Oregon and Washington will be displayed in wonderful profusion, in cluding more varieties than ever be fore gathered together iu one exhibit. GoU, SilTcr ani Bronze Mali will lie awarded. iVJtivvelaiialy Hich iierlmi fram Our Wold, MlVor and uiher .viluea. Bennett's RceotoiI Military Ban! lias been engaged for the season. Astounding Aerial Pent and Acrobatic Performances. Very Low Rates on all Railroads. Admission: Adults 25 Cts. Children 10 Cts. MAGNOLIA.... ...SALOOH G, A. BRINN, Pnofs. FINE : WINES; : LIQUORS, nd Cigars. PORTLAND, OREGON 143 Front Street, Near Aider. George Is always pleased to see his old Columbia county friends. When lu the metropolis giyehtia. a call. BANQUET SALOON 0L0NINGER& COOPER, PROPRIETORS. Wine and Liquor Card tables, pool table, billiard table and other devices for tbe entertainment of pat rons, where time can be pleasantly spent. Besides other popular brands, are kept constantly on hand to supply the inureafed trade at uus very popular saioun. TH FAMOUS CYRUS NOBLE WHISKY IB KEPT AT THE BANQUET, -MONEY'S WORTH" EVERY TIMS AT DOLMAN'S STORE. ST. HELENS, OREGON. Mr. Dolman always keeps a full stock of General Merchandise, which he sella at prices that defy coin petition. Private Boarding ....HOUSE.,.. Mrs. M. J. Scott, Proprietress 8T. HELENS, OREGON. Private board and rooms. Transient trade and regular boardets solicited. Care taken ot horses oi country sojourners. NKXT TO MA80NI0 HALL. Get Value Received EVERY TIME AT N. A. Perry's HOULTON, OREGON. STAR -:- -s- SALOON , .- W. W. BfL AK KM1.E V, Prep. 7ine Wines : and : Liquors. The Famous J. H. CUTTEK, MAONOLIA aud HONEY DKW Whiskey always on hand , CELEBRATED HOP GOLD BEER A larfre stoek of DOMKSTlu and KKy WEST Cigars of tbs best grade always on band. , Between the two hotel. Malm St. - St. Helena, Ore. TIUCKLE BROS MANUFACTURERS OF Dimension Lumber, Floorins, Bnstlo, fihoath ln. Casings, and a complete stock of every variety of ROUGH and DRESSED LDIBER ALWAYS ON HAND AT THB OLD BTAND, BT. HKLBNfl, OR OJSL&fSfOTlXjA.. Bsars the yf Tin Kind Yoa Haw AIwrvs Bhroatar rnnnoa: SI HUMS MEAT MARKET. JAMES II. All Kinds of Fresh Meats, IW MSA TS BY AT snciAL Main Straet, CLATSKANIE DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor, Has hist received a large assortment ' of Krash anil Par Drugs anChemicals Also a new and select stock of drugs and patent rnedlclnea. fancy stationery, school boost and si hool supplies, perfumery Hud toilet articles, aud 111 lact vrlhiu which is usually kept at a flirt-elate drag store. Prescriptions Caref ally CompoaiiiJcd . -AT TUB CLATSKANIE DRUG STORE 3 ry tyy sMSaystsayy y Groceries and FLOUR, GRAIN, AND FEED. TOBACCO AND CIGARS, NOTIONS, ETC. T. C. WATTS' STORE, TV 1 ftuuueii, ssstskjssftaT.saflst "The Perkins'' C. W. KNOWLES, Manager. Mr. Knowlos was, for many years, proprietor of the St. Charles hotel, and while there vataMiahod a reputation as a hotel man. He is now in a better position to vntertnin bis friends thsn ever before, and will welcome all his old patrons to his new place of business, whore can be found u up-to-date hotol. Corner Fifth and Washington streets, Poftfanl White Collar Line TBI COLUMBIA RIVER AND PUOET BOUND NAVIGATION CO. POETLlHD-iSTOSlA BO0TE. ...TELEPHONE... Landfne Foot nf Afdor fUrnat. p.i.na Leaves Forilund dally (except tiunday)ai7 A. U. Landlnar Telenhnna dnek. 1S.S. Leaves Astoria dally (except Sunday) 7 P. Telephone Tickets -flood on Steamer Potter. Htvauier Potter Tivkeu Good on Telephone. V. B. SCOTT. Pres. FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. -STEAMER- Young America -VIA- WILLAMETT-E SLOUGH Leave 8t. Helens Arrive at Portland.., Leave Portland .. C:,TO A M ..10:00 A M . . 2:00 P M .. 0:U0 P M Arrive at Ht. Helens. . FARE CS CBfl'tS. Will Carry Nothing but Passengers end Fast Fri-ight. JAMES Of DD, Master. STEAMER G. l. J DELL SHAVER,Ma8ter. Hjf. .. : ..-.flLm.j Leaves f&.XS' JSrS&- change time without notice, .u..uu ,, ui n, Ul, Shaver Transportation Company. 5IIiMJOSEPH KELLOGG.... leaves Kelso on Mon days, Wed n e s d a v a ,at' 'I?.'.!.. snd Fridays at 6 o'clock a. in. .Portland and Kelso Route SHELDON, Prop. Hams, Bacon, and lard. WHOUSALt-VHk HAI as. ...... IU. Ilalisna. Crouton. 3ULJLJLJL- DRUG STORE myjy ay aji wjrvaja V V VV 1 Provisions Oregon sss'..ssfcjafW.SsifclJ oie.co. Time SCHEDULES Dbvt roa Asaiva raua From Portland, Fast Mall Sp. in, Salt Lake. Fast Mall 7 warn. Worth. Omsha.K.n aaa City, ft. liuia, vnivasu aua SMk Spokane ,. Flyer Sp.m, Walla Walla, Spokane, Spokana Fl)er 10 aa,m. mm neanon a, hi. Paul, Uuluthr afll waukee, Chicago A Sp. m. Ocaan Staamtrilps. All sailing dates sub sp. m. ject tu cnanire. For Man Frauoiiaio Sail ()ct,il.r 3, 6, S, 11. 14, 17, DD, 29, 7 p.m. To Alaska Hall Bcpt, 11 p. aa. So. m. Oolumbla River teamer. EctSvaday Ex.Buiiday Saturday 10 p. m. To Astoria and Way- aaauiuss. St. m. Willamette Rlyer. 4:Md. m. Si. Sunday Oregon City. Newhnrs. Ka.nuady ouivuu n V ay-land's 7 am. Willamette and Vara- l:Mi.n. Tuea.Thur, mil KK.rs. Hon. Wed. aud Bat. Oreirnn City, Dayton, aud Fri. and way-laudiuss. Sam. Willamette Rlv.r, 4:9nn. m. Tact. ITiur. Portland to Corvallls TuesThur. and eat. anu nsy mnainns. and Sat. Lv. Rlparla nakRwr. Rlparla to Lewlstou. Lv.Law'toa i:sds. m. :&. m. daily ex flatly ex cept Hat cept Frl, W. H. HURLBERT, General Paswnter Afont, PORTLAND OREGON W. SHAVER Tlie Only Direct Route ..FROM.. Portland to Clatskanio in company reserve th riah to 4fA.ti ussssasi , ,tu-; o'clocaani. via Willamette Slough.....