Oil EG ON MIST. rvir, octobku i. icaa. rKRSONAL AND LOCAL. Mrs. t. L, Clear visited In Portland thin week. Attorney W. H. Conyen cam up from Clatekame lhurdy. will and Jack rrlriKio wer over front Vertionia Wednesday, Charles and Lou McCauley came over Irom Venionia Wednesday. Mr. J. ft. Bliermao l( now employed ou the Murkle place, at Warren. I Frank Miles,of Salem, visited friends awl rt-luiivfa here tliii week and last. Miai Mary Confers and Mr. J. Lew!, of Oregon City, iei)t last Sunday In this city. ; Omar BhannaVian, who tome time elnoe went to Indiana, returned to this city Wednesday evening. ' Dolph Mason, who one time resided hoar tlii city, died la Portland latt Sunday morning of consumption. J Rev. C. B. Philbrook will preach next Sunday morning at Doer Inland and in thii city in the evening at 7: 80. Tha county court will be in session on October 19th and 20th to hear and receive complaints regarding back taxes. W incorrectly itated last week that the number of children enrolled at the Qiiinny ichool wat 47, It ahould have read 57. Cord wood la now telling for 12.25 per cord, spot cash, at Warren ; an in create ol 90 ceo la a cord tinea two yeara ago. Drt. Rom and ClifT were In Portland ttiie week attending the grand lodge Knights of Pythta at delegatea from the local lodge. U. W. Clark hat returned to Houl ton from Kalama, where he has been engaged at carpentering for I. O. Wik trom for tome lime. Partiea wishing to bae photographs taken ahnuld call at Ford's gallery at once, at Mr. Ford expects to remove to Rainier In a fow daya. Judge Doan wat In town Wednesday In answer to a notification to appear in the circuit court at a receiver in the case of an Intolvent business firm. Mr. 0. t Haaen, of Houlton.broughl In a few very large potatoee grown in Ida yard. The variety la unknown but that doesn't interfere with their sUe. It la said here this week that J. P. lleckert, formerly of the News force, nd W. A. Wood, of Rainier, have taken charge of the Rainier Review. It It quite evidnit that winter la here to star. Inclicationa point strongly in that direction, and the Inevitable ia accepted with more or leaa bad humor. .Rev. G. .0. Haley will preach at Kcapnocae next Sunday, morning and evening. Rev. T. J. Ferguson will preach at Columbia City at 11 a. m. next Sunday. Old fashions in drete may be re vived, but no o1d-fahioned medicine can replace Chamberlain'a Colic, Chol era and Diarrhooa Remedy. For talc by Dr. Edwin Roet, druggist. Ralph Hmen, of Warren,' brought In some very nice tpeoimena of Blue I'erimaiu applet. The tection of coun try near Warren it developing into a epiendid fruit-raising tection. Tuesday waa a buiy day In St. Hel ena. Thettreeta were crowded with jurymen, witnesses, lawyera, and epeo tatora, but the email amount of busi ness in the circuit court, and the dit charge ol the jury, toon caueed the crowds to disperse. Mr. J. L. Jonea. justice of the peace for Rainier precinct, and chanoellor commander of Rainier lodge Knight ol Pythlita, died at Rainier Taeaday forenoon at 11:45. Mr. Jonea waa well known in and around Rainier, where he had many warm fnende, be ing genial and accommodating. De reused wat alto a member of the Maaonio order. Complaint baa been reoeived at thlt olUce that our bundle of paper doea not arrive at Mist and other Lower Nohutem placea until Tuesday of each week. We have made diligent inquiry and know positively that the blame is with the railway mail service. Our import are mailed at tbit office on Thursday evening and are taken to Houlton the aame evening, from where tliey are th'ppod Friday morning to lntn.rivr aroints, and the bundles for Mist and Fiahhawk ahnuld be put off atClaUkanie Friday forenoon, ine nttAntion of the dopnrtmeut will -be called to the utter Incapacity and in cllieiency of the clerka and torvioe. The large government barge No. 9 arrived at tho rock quarry below town YV...1r.nd1iv to receive a cargo of crashed rook for the government forti fications at Fort Steven. The new iwU-cruahina: plant it iust in readiness nnnmtA. and the loading of the tin raa be beeun Monday, Mr. Wm. J. Snyder, the barge-tendor, in forma us that there are to be taken .hot nnam nvnr 10.000 vard of crushed rock, which, used with 7000 yards of eand to be brought from the upper river, will form the concrete in side the fortificationt. Work may be continued on the improvement of the mouth of the Columbia for five or aix years to come. TV. at.Aa.mnr Punhv. which It HOW on the Rainior-Portland run m opposi tion to the Iralda, came downTuesday evening ahead of time, looking after and the crow making them selves acquainted along the river. The Oauby is a ataunoh built little oraft, and as neatly and oommodiously ap pointed inaide as it is possible to ar range a small boat. Her after cabin contains 36 folding easy chairs sta tionary, arranged at in a railway F. senger coach. There still remains con siderable room ait in the little boat, besides a number of comfortable sottea in the forward cabin. The boat is said to be able to make twelve to fourteen milea per hour, and she protiiiaee to become a iormidablo opponent of tha boat already on the run. CIRCUIT OOUItT, Ldttlo Business to Do-Jury Excused . (or tie iorm. - Tb regular October tarm of tb circuit court for Columbia county was convened at 0:80 Tuesday forenoon by Judge Uo flrlde. W. A. Harris, elsrk, i. N. Hloe, her I IT; T. J. CIsoton, prosecuting attorney) T. 0. Watts and J. K. Blekesley baillfts. The rotloall of lurymun was proceeded with, and the entire panel answered "pres ent," . Th drawing of a grand Jury was tben proceeded with, and resulted In John Red- dick. Arnold Orsbaiu, Bllvo Qrabaiu, J, P. Wells, A. B. Lyons, Martin Harvey, and John Edholin being drawn, the first-named, John Reddlck, appointed foreman. All other Jurymen except James Muckle, jr., K. M. Wharton, and l.lndley Meeker, were discharged for th term, and those three mull next Honday, Utile bushiest Is expvctpd this term, In faot no cases of any consequence sre ex pected for trial. Th grand Jury l expected to hay little to occupy Its attention, Th present term will probably cost lees to th county tbaa any term for a number of years back. Th following proceeding war bad dur ing th week up to time of going to preset Durham ve Durham default. W.J, Delta vs Columbia Banking Co.; petition of E. E. Quick to be made party defendant allowed. 8. 0. Spencer vs John Conway; Judgment for coats and dissolve attachment vacated and set aaid. H. C. tamberson vs H, T. GrewcU; dis missed. R. Z. Joy vs Columbia county and Jod- eon Weed, clerk ; Judgment for plaintiff. R. H. Klner vs R. 8. Perkins; dismissed. 8. W. Tallman vs Wm. Barr; dismissed. C. 0. Ulrt at si vs W. II. Drydcn; dis missed. Stat of Oregon vs J. A. Ray; plea of guilty of simple assault, and sentence sus pended and defendant discharged on bis own recognisance. Peter II. Lund admitted to cltiscnsblp; J, B. Godfrey and Wm. Holt, witnesses. Bosart vs Embody j Judgment for plaint iff. Hatter of assignment of Anryt A Klst- nsr; sal of assign confirmed. Michael Pierter vs Wm. Mellingeretal; Judgment and decree of foreclosure. R. Nixon vs W. 8. Runyon t el ; order of confirmation of sale. Madison vs Cross; dismissed. Mitchell vs Mitchell ; default, H. Varwlg, Jr., vs Annie Miller et si; de fault and decree of foreclosure, and attor ney fceof $50. Flora Wauty rs 8. H. Kiatner; default a to Klstner and wife, demurrer of Doan overruled and one week to answer. O. V. Jlorck vs J. 0. Epperlyj answer stricken ont sod three days' tiros to verify. Plaintiffs allowed to amend compUlulby making D. J. Swltxer a party plaintiff. Emma Btonberg v John C. Mania tal; default, and W. D. Dillard appointed guar dian ad litem. Th grand Jury finished their labors it 10 o'clock Thursday, and tb following la the report i Oread Jury Repast. In the circuit court of the atate of Oregon for Columbia county. Thomas A. HcBrlde, Judge of the above- named court; We. the nnderalirned member of the grand Jury for tha October, 1898, term of aaid court, beg leave to submit this our final report, whioh Is aa follows, to-wit: We have examined Into all matters of crime brought before us, there being no blndovers, and have found no bills. We hav visited tha connty Jail, and are plraaed to say the repair were well and substantially made, and .tha sanitary con dition good. We have visited the county clerk' office. and And the books neat and well kept. We have also visited the sheriff's office. alo ex amined the books of the county treasurer's office, and wa heartily commend the sys tem with which those officers transact their business; especially th checks and eonnter checks on the public fund which is exercised by each office. We commend the Justice of the pease tn their action requiring bonds in criminal proceedings begun in their conrte providing for the proseoutlog wltnesa to pay coots should tb prosecution be unwarranted. And now, having finished onr labois, we respectfully ask that we be discharged. J. H. Rkddici, foreman, Masti Hxhvxt, John Edholk, Ota 8. Lvoa, A. 8. Gbamam, Bilvo Graham, J. P. Wait. Big Output of IiOga. Astoxia. Or.. Oct. 6.-Two extensive schemes are now on foot to Increase the outuut of lo. wblob will find their way into the Columbia, Both are in th nature of logging railways to tap the timber belle on the north sjde of the river, and parties of surveyors are said to be now in th field, making the preliminary surveys. One scheme Is said to be backed by the com bined lumber Interests of the Columbia river. Its plan is said to be to construct a road from the Columbia at a point near Iiwaco to Shoalwater bay, thus tapping one of the richest spruce belts In Western Washington. The other enterprise is backed by a private logging company, and contemplate build ing a line from the head of Deep river into tbe Salmon creek country. Both of these districts are filled with valuable timber, much of which Is sprnce, and tha building of these roada would make accessibl to the Columbia river milling interests thousana Of seres of Umber that la at present wholly tributary to dray's narpor. Royal Wbelesew and rfeiKleat. SA oil "1 h ft M aunu m NW IPOMIED MwSb Death of Three Prominent Citi zens of this County. A Light Lanoh on Canned Goods Prove s Fatal Meal All Hem bers of Rainier Lodge K. of P. Tb people of Rsinler and th surround ing neighborhood wr greatly excited tbit week over th sudden death of two promi nent men, Mr. J. L. Jones, of Raluisr, and Mr, P. J. Young, who resided near Apiary, Mr. Walter Furrow, of Rainier, Ilea in the Portlaud hospital at the point of death with apparently the same ailment that affected the two who are dead. The three gentlemen were members of the Order of Knights of Pythias, and had ttendsd lodge at Rainier last Saturday veiling. Juet before lodge they went to the saloon of Miles Sheelrn, after buying a can eucb of lobsters, elams, aud shrimps at W, J, Dt'lls's store, and proceeded to eat them along with crackers and an occasional drink. After lodge it Is supposed tliey went to th drug store of Mr. Jones, where they ate more lunch, a plate and knit aud fork having been found there. Mr. Jones took violently sick on Monday night and at 11:45 on Tuesday died. No particular notice, further than hi sadden and mysterious doaih, was taken of the matter until latter in the day Tuesday when Walter Furrow was hauled into town on a sled, suffering from an ailment exactly similar to that which affected Mr. Jonea. TJuon the arrival of Mr. Furrow, a little little examination revealed the faot that Mr. Toung had been with the other gentlemen on (Saturday eveolng, aud he, too, might be la th same critical oondltlun, hence mes sengers were immediately dispatched to bis home near Apiary, where he wa found dead in his bed. Indication pointed to the fact that Mr. Young bad struggled considerably between lite aud death, and bad been very alck at his stomach. His clothes bad been changed and it is supposed that he died either Sun day or Monday. A lamp was found still burning In bis room. He waa bachelor and for that reason It Is Impossible to ascer tain the exact facts in the case. The members of Rainier lodge who ac companied Mr. Furrow to Portland re turned to Rainier Wednesday morning to attend the funeral of Mr. Jones, and re potted the condition of the sick man even worse than when he arrived at the hospital, and no hope whatever was entertained tor bis recovery. Latsb. Mr. Walter Farrow died in the hospital at Portland at t o'clock Thursday morning. Mr. Young was buried at Rainier Thurs day by the Kulgbts of Pythias of Rainier and Avon lodges. Mr. Furrow will be burled at Rainier tO day. Dr. Cliff and Dr. Rose were in Portland attending tha grand lodge Knightaof Pyth ias, and they were summoned to Rainier, accomprnled by Dr. Caatuorn. A Jory was enipsnelcd, witnesses were examined and a verdiot of death by ptomaine poison ing rendered hi accordance with the medt- cil opinion. Ptomaine poisoning is a result of an alka loid formation from animal or vegetable Dutrefactioa. sometimes engendered in canned goods. KAINIBR NOTES. Changes in residence are numerous. Geo. Carrigan haa moved to R. H. Dlo- blee's ranch. 0. 8. H. Kutocr has moved into the Weath- erwax residence. II. H. Doan and family hav moved Into the house vacated by Mrs. Bearc. 8. K. Thompson haa moved into J. Cy Smith's bouse in Hoeck's addition. P. A. Brant Is going to occupy the rooms In the Delta building vacated by 8. H. Klst ner. lire. D. T. M. Bearc has moved to Spo kane, Wash., to Join her husband who is employed there. . The A. iC.B. B. are cleaning np their tracks through the town, and putting in guard rails at all crossings. Fred Weather ax and bis mother are moving Into the old saloon building, and are going to run a restaurant. W. B. Newsome la laying th foundation tor a large business building on Water street. The building la to be 36x80 feet, containing four storerooms, the npper story to be fixed no for a hotel, " The writer in laat week's Review who signed himself "Ananias" came closer to disclosing his real character than many of his readers supposed. He Jumped onto the poor benighted ticket agent here, who has shown him many favors and the ticket agent's mother-in-law, whom Ananias goes out of the way to belittle and Insult, baa put almost as much feed In Ananias' trough as his own -effort baa provided. Ananias has shown suob a lack of horse sense and common decency lu bis business endeavors, as well as la bis treatment of friends and neighbors, that while bis neighbors ean'l more away, the friends have. An offspring of the Flowery Kingdom sites Ananiaa op about right when be says; "Teach nm schools one time maybe twono eatoh uni schools again. School clerk; I dunno maybe two year district loose urn 240 dolls no see um again. Habe church money allesame school money. Church want blm Long time be no dig um up; byumby he catohum. He work for Blanchard and Blanobard bust. Work for Muokle he bust, Tly to lun Review bust him. Buy um team allesame two horse. One horse no sable, ellni tlee to catch um gleen leaves; fall down and no oan get up again. He go Mothar-ia-Uw, say allesame want horse little time. Allesame keep borse yet Mdther-tn-law no catch nm money, and maybe oatch um byumby; allesame school money ON A TOUK OP INSPECTION. Tbe county commissioners, Ueasra.Frakes and Peterson, were out Inst week on an In spection of roads and bridges throughout tbe county. Mr. Frakes traveled by horse book from Rainier through Beaver valley to Clatskanie, thence to Mist and Flsbbawk, where he was joined by Mr. Peterson. Tbe bridges In that locality were Inspected, and the journey resumed over onto Crooked oreek. The trip up N'elisleni river was then made to the Taylor bridge, above Vernonia, from whence Mr. Frakes continued on over the mountain to this city. Mr. Frakes states that the last mentioned bridge needs some repairing, but otherwise the bridges , in the county ate iu fairly good oondltlou. KkjA.AMrJJttfi' A j - - I J nur KinanunOood nntll October autb. r 2 For the benefit of visitors to the falr-QUf "" 3 11.00 on every t a at our store. ..j.: errs on coys' clotiisijcs. One Price to all Goods marked la plain figures. Corner FAUOUS CLOTHING HOUSE sj w4 (fuel Ns ysvyssiVsilVVVVsVvyvvvsyna ITEM. The hop-pickers are about all borne again. J. Bhlevte I working four farms tbU year, Including his own homestead. The rains have proven sufficient moisture for late garden crops. The finest tomatoes in this violuity this yea were grown on Miller Bros', place, end they have sola a ierg quantity of them. Tbe potato crop is notqnltesolerg a last year, but think there will be plenty for borne nse. School Report. Matoxb, Or., Oct. II. Tbe following is tbe report of school district No. 23, Colum bia county, Oregon, for month commencing on September 12 and ending October 7th: Number days attendance 1 Number days absent 67 Times tardy ; 28 Average daily attendance 24 Number boye enrolled 16 Number sirls enrolled u Those neither absent nor tardy Willie Overboil, Stella Turner, and Abble Black. Estxixa FoLSArrLX, teacher. Gobls, Or., Oct. 1L The following Is a report of Upper Tide Creek school, district No. 87, Columbia county, for the term com mencing August 1st and ending October 7: Number boys enrolled 10 Number girls enrolled 11 Number days attendance 760 Number days absence &'A Areraire dailv attendance... 14 Cases of tardiness.... 27 Those not absent during term are: Lydia Bucher, Mabel Jones, and Bertie Bishop. Fbssmax Fixa, teacher. Beat Eatate Transfers. Eugene Blakesley to Lena B Doming lot J5, blk 10, St Helens, and U acres off Perrv D Ll I 00 T-on. Rami A 1 fkminarto J K Blakee- lev. 11 acres off Ferry Ubu iw Lewis h and Bertha D Griffin to Jos Kitarirri wisbtrarn. nrv. or OWK end lot 1. sec7.tii7n. rgwest.... 400 00 Elleu, Percy P and William D Heath tn Mrv st j tiunninicuam. sesa aeo 4. tn 6 n. r 2 west SO 00 tnl.ii f vanh-rt to Ira Savior. neW of sec , tp 6 u, r 8 west. . ...... .iwv w Kaspar Konersteln to Annus Kolwr- stein. pan oi me a u cryam u u ft 1 00 Geo F and Margaret J Moeck to Sfbel K ruinine, lot in Banner ouiuw. .. iw w H B sod Kate Nicholas to P Loveu- ftrt, 15m acres from tbe Knighton ac. loooo Oriu G Parker to Eiis Schmidt, se sec 34. to 4 n. r 8 wees S7S 00 J C and Daisy Sanford to H B Nich olas. Irom tlie ivnigtiton uiiU um w Mary and William Williams to Una B Denilun, lot 18. blk 10, at Helens. end U acres off Perry D I. U 1 00 Three foe tare la Cnalttleaw "When vou are sick, what yon like beat is to be cfiosen fur a medicine in tha first place: what experience tells you is beat to be ehosen in the second place: what reason (I. e. Theory) says is best is to be chosen in the last place. Bat If you can get Dr. In clination, Dr. Experience, and Dr. Reason to bold a consultation togetner, iney win give you the beet advice that can be taken." v Ben you nave a naa ooia ui. inclina tion would recommend Cliainberiain's Cough Remedy, because It is pleasant and safe to take. Dr. Experience would recom mend it becausa it never falls to effect a speedy and permanent cure. Dr. Reason would recommend it because II la prepared on scientific principles, and acts on nature's plan in relievinn tha lungs, opening the se cretions aud restoring tbe system to a net- oral and healty eondiuou. cor sale ny lr. Edwin Ross, druggist. ...Sabserlbs for the OREGON ISTEOMOIAH The Two Together..,- $2.00 fen ren. .$2.oo pes nun NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. La so Orrtca at Oaaooa City, Ox., Anna 27. Isoa. vroncw re hereby given that the i V followlnor-named settler has filed nottee of his intention to make ttnal proof In support of uis cioim. ana mat ooia proof win oe maae co lore tne Kevister ana Keceiver. or uresoa utv. Oregon, on October 6th, UW&, ie: MIKOZV8TAW OLKJNICKI. Homestead Entry No. 10.367. for tbe weM of nw and iKl wl4 and of sw3 of section lu, tp In, r I went. He names the following witnesoes to prove bts eontioaous residence npou, and cultivation of sola lana, vii: k. jsarsnan, oi rortiana, ure ton. Columbia street; W. Hitoliell, of Port- 1IIM.1. VI l.-L, AVI 1 LMU L 1 T.fc , A. Warney, of valley, Oregon, and at. Fresb, of Klo7 UHA8. B.MOOBKS, Register. veer juuouu. ureicon. AAAAAAAA A A 4 ....bave i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i ....BY VISITING THE., Portland :-: Bring this coupon with you and we will allow you a rebate of ....10 PER CENT.... On all your purchases. We earry the largest stock of Hen's. and Boys' Clothing In tbe City, Including an Enormous Line of ...Overcoats end Mackintoshes... Our Prices are Always tho Lowest. B2N SELLING. LlOyQT ClotfllHg CO. Manager. The PopaWr-Prlce Clothiers. THIRD AND OAK STREETS. i' nSV A A A A A AA-ifl H I S OUT"-1" 1Uou'' nl""UB'l sio.oo puivhase of : H fOHTLAHD ? OftEiaois. k F TAKEN UP. A three rear-old bar mare with a blaze face: a little wiute on riRiit nlna lout. Ownor uluime call and pay damage. A. M. FAltKEB, Vor- uonia, uregon. FOR SALE. The Thoroughbred Reentered Jersey Bull, '8ANTMM." Inquire at tills olUce. TREASURER'S NOTICE. Coohtt TasAsoRia's flmca, HT. IIklkni, Oa September 28, 1W8. NOTICE 18 HJEKKBV GIVEN THAT ALL unpaid County Warrants of Columbia County, Orison, which have been prenented and endorMd: "Not JPld tor Want of Fundi,," prior to riov. 1, lfttio, win be pam upon prerwu tatlon at thin office. Interest will not be allowed aflertblxdiite. EDWIN KOriH, fcao'il Treasurer of Columbia County, Oregon. CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE. Ornci or Citt Tke j iimsa, TBE CITY TKKAHUkkK Ol Hf.'HaXKNg, Orexon hereby elves notice that all war rants of this elty wlikH have been prenenteo and endorsed "Not Paid Inr Want of Funds," prior to April 21t, 17, will be paid npoa pre sentation to me. .Interest will not be allowed oiler this date. DAVID DAVIS, City Treasurer. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud Ornce at Ontaov City. Ox.. September 29th, 1WH. NOTICE 18 HEREBY tilVBN THAT THE following-named settler baa Died notice of his Inteutlon to make final proof In supiiortof his elalm, and that sold proof will be mode be fore the County Clerk of Columbia county, at St. Helens, Oregon, on November 12th. viz: JOHN HII.DEBBAND, Homestead Entry Mo. 9fW5 for the smith i of northwest f4 aud lota J sad i of auction 4, town ship i north, range S west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ana cultivation of said land, vis: Valentl Glinlecki, Joe Nitch. Andrew KlnowBki, and Oertuud Morboch, all of Volley, Oregon. oTflll - CHA8. B. MOORES, Register. KoQcb of Ateinistrator's Sale of Lani NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN PtJR snance of on order of the County Court of the Bute of Oregon, in and for Columbia Coun ty, made and entered on the 6th day of Septem ber, ltm. In the matter of theentate of John El more, deceased, the uudersigued, the adminis trator or snia estate, will iill il SV'-'O? auction to the hlsrhiut bidder, subieci to conflrmation by said Court, on Monday, the 24th day of Octo ber, A. D. VSM, at ID o'clock a. m.. at the front door of the County Courthouse, tn tbe City of St. Helens. Columbia County, State ef Oregon, all the right, title, interest, and estate of tho said John Elmore at the tims of his death in and to all that certain lot, piece, or parcel of real astute, situate In the County ql Columbia and State of Oregon, and particularly described as follows, towit: The eoutheaM Quarter of Section Thirty-four, In TownshlD Six North, of Ronire Throe west of the Willamette Meridian, and containing ICO acres. The terms of said aate are Cosh, IT. 8. Gold Colo; tea per eent of the bid to be paid on the dav of sal, and the balance of said bid payable on tbe day of ronfirmoUoa of aold sale. Administrator of Estate of John Elmore, de ceased. si6ol4 SUMMONS. In the Clrenlt Court of tbe State el Oregon for Columbia County. - Uixt M. Ttvut, Plolntia, va. Jons Haaar Tatub, Defendant. To John Henry Taylor, tbe above-named de fendant: IN THs NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You ore hereby commanded and required to appoar In the above-entitled court and an swer the complaint filed against you In the above-entitled eause nn or before the erst day of the next regular term of the above entitled court nest following tlie expiration of the time prescribed in the order of publfcattou of this summons, towit: Tuesday, the 11th day of Octo ber, IW; and yon will take notice that if you foil to answer, for want thereof tlie plaintiff will apply to tha court for the reUel prayed for In ber complaint, towit: First That on or hefora tbe first day of the term of the above-entitled court, that you pay to the derk thereof the sum ef J1W1.U0 siuuooy pendente lite. . Second For a decree dissolving the manias contract now and heretofore exJsttug between ulaintirr and aefendoal. one lor a aeicree awara- 1ns the care, custody, and control of the minor children of plaintiff and defendant to this nlKintifr. Third for a decree swarding to this plaintiff one-naif of the Hittowiug-aeaoriiwo real prop erty, towit: Lying, beintr, and situate in Colura bia'oounty, Oregon, aud designated as the South west quarter of the Northeast quarter and the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 8, Township 4 North, Range 4 West of tlie Willamette Meridian, belonging to said de fendant; and Fourth That tn the event said defendant falls to pay sold aiimouy pendente lite, that the said sum of 1160.00 be ordered and adjiidfred to be a lien upon the interest of said defendant in sold premises, and that the same be sold to pay said sum, and for the costs and disbursements of thlt suit, and for such olhar relief as may be equitable. This summons Is published against yon In TH St. HsLKNa Mist by order of Hoo. Thos. A. Mo Brido, )udKe of the above-entitled eonrt, made and dated the 2nd day of September, 1898. tiKO. R. BAUI.EY, sSo7 Attorney for Plaintiff. AalAA AAAA AA AAAjri; money..... Exposition. i 1 !hJJ ; JSMetkiblcPrcpawtkmriirAs slmiliUng therootjflnd&ula liiig tlie Sicmad'iS amli3owch tf PromofcsDicslionACiiectful ftess and Pst.ContaJns neiLiVr Otitum.Morphine nor liiamuL liOTNAIlCOTIC. jtwtfMnrsmuarizamii A perfect Remedy forCoftsfipa fion. Sour Stomach.Diarriioea, Worms xinvuls bns .Fweri s h. ncss and Loss or StXER facsimile Signature ef NEWYDHK. EXACT COPY VT VHAPPEB. JJ l y y y ift y y y y . Keeps always on hand all kinds of . , ; stMpie and fancy Kroeariea and ; -rrr: ?.r? -r proviniont, fnrm produce, $ropi;al ' FOr YOUr : 1 dometic Irniu in MfawHi, line : UTOCenCS v - ttiftsand ootfefl, tobaoco and cigars. -:r - A fin line of wmfeetionery aio in ; stock, aad vauiou other BpeciaiUea. -CORNER COWLITZ AND MAIN lA-aA AJr AAAA ST. HELENS Dr. EDWIN ROSS, Proprietor. DRUGS Patent Medicines, PERFUMES AND Prescriptions... Comp.ete Line of... Carefully and Accur Lioi ately Compounded.... --1 DAY OR NIGHT. School Books.. : :- . . ..' and... . ; .:. ....Cigars.... School Supplies tJ- A Vf A JO. Jfa A A arAJuvtik rfquST at mm Mm Jiu DART & ruin Street, Dealers hi BEHEIAL ...MERCHANDISE III DART & Main Street, - GOOD TOOLS! ,.FOK NET lennlng's Patent Bits 12 to SOo mark's expansion Bits 7uoiot.io Common Braces 85 to 500 Ratchet Braces.... 60c tol'100 Drawins?-ltni ves , 4So Folding Drawing-knives ..1 20 Common Saw-aeis 15c Morrell'a Baw-seU , 60c Carpenters' ham mers 25 to 4pc Carpenters' hatchets S5 to 50c Carpenters' handaxea 60 to 70c Jack planes 55 Disston hsndsaws 1 25 Good steel handsaws 50 to 75c 1) inner chisels. .....17 to 36c ICS CREAM FREEZERS. 1-qt. Artio. 5-qt. Artio. 3-qt. Artio. .$ 85 . 1 15 . 1 Black Diamond Files, Oil Stoves, Pinchers, Wrench used by all kinds o! people, at low prices lur the next M i Serena siinl YT"" IiIM'irai S-ie Ljk kJ a 4 . 'If M A .1 I t U H I ' ' " ' - v - I ; f . t t ; ' ! id ki iJ LI KJ L m L - J t Tot IrfTkta. snd CTi" V-n. Thi ffrrl Yri isa aanaste i tiutv B eates Raeesf lasaaUf L, 4ii Bears tho Have Alvay Bought. nn ) . WCflRNTlUIIOAMNNV, UrtWIfltCW. m iy vy y y .Tjr '"a)-yw 4 3 STREET. ST. HELENS, OR. i AAA A JR. JS, d i 4 PHARMACY f Fancy Toilet Articles. FANCY STATIONERY. " MUGKLE St. Helens, Oregon. Bears tho 4 Signaturo A J My r i ( )r tiio ltd' I'ind UJ You Choice Grocer i fltS Always on hand. Flour, grain, snd feed. Tohaceo and cigani, and smokers' articles, notions, euk HardYare in CROCKERY AND TINWARE. ...Dry Goods... auilUitutsgoodaj. AUo tine Uiie of tKXjLBaud fUiots, MUCKLE St Helens, OregGa. LOW PRICES! SPOT CASH.. 4-QaaTt Artie ?1 H 1-ot. White Mountain 1 00 2-qt. White Mountain 1 5 5- qt. White Mountain,... 1 75 4-qt. White Monntain. 2 C 6- qU White Mountain 25 LAWS HOWKita, 12-lneh Philadelphia 4 P) 14-ineb Vhiladelnhia.,., 8 l.i 16-incb Philadelphia 6 f lH-incb Philadeipliia 8 M 20-iiich Philadelphia 7 Camp Coffee Pots Sj to 3i-e OBAMTS CAMP Kum.FS. 5- ot. with cover 4-qt. with covw. 6- qt. with cover. ; 8-qt. witn cover SO ana nv :tys. O. v.v ''