OREGON MIST. ISM, I'M t (l itf I UIIUV BtONI -ST- DAVID DAVIS. Hate. One copy one yPiir In advance.... Ontjciiy Mix uiauthB.....M-...t4. tiliiKle ooty......M.....,.,,..o.w .1100 . . Advertising rat Mmada Known upon application COLUMBIA COUHTY Dl RECTORY. Indira.. Joseph B. Ioan, Rainlnr lrk J. Watts, St. Helena Sheriff N. Kino, Clatakanle Treasurer E. Rs. St. Helens giiiit. of Schools I. B. CoH'!ml, Warren .L. Martin Wh te. Qulucy Survcvor oo. Hayes, Mayjrer Coroner ...Dr. A. P. Mi-Lawn, Kalnior Commissioner j H 0 ivteraou, Mist V. HELENS. ORKGON, OCT. ?. Amtrtan for Amerloui. "liong May It wan O'er the Bom of the Free And the band of the Bre." VEHNONIA VABIETlfS. For the past week the grumblers have had something to growl at the rain. J. 8. Mow was visiting his claim, ... Also the county seat and metropoli this week. V. L. Wilson and Will Smith re turned from the logging woods to the valley Friday.. We are looking longingly for the doctor, but he has failed to make his appearance in this vicinity. Alas' oar other half is gone, and we are left to pick op the pencil and scribble the lews from this neck o' the woods. We are listening attentively for the whistle of the locomotive as it comes over the mountain from the metropo lis. Among the numerous hop-yard out fits pawing, we notice the Mitchell, 8cboonover, Cheldelin, and a few stragglers. Mr. Btohl and Don Cummins paid this vicinity a visit last week. Salmon fishing brings a good many visitors to , our valley. Rev. Fisher, who is now at Jewell, expects his parents and sister in this city soon to remain with him during the winter. Mr. Peter Bergerson's son, Cash, is very sick with summer complaint. Feter was down after the doctor, or druggist, Sunday. Miss Bertha 'Gillihan and brother, Omar, left their home Wednesday for University Park, where they will re side in the future. K. H. Mitchell is moving bis house hold effects into the T. 3. Brink bouse before opening the winter term of school at this place. Mrs. S. B. Boss was somewhat sur prised on returning from the hopfields to find her sister, who resides in Idaho, patiently awaiting her return. Phenas Feck passed through this city Thursday, accompanied by Kev, Black and his young wife. Ye scnbe wishes you much joy, Mr, Black. Justice of the Peace Case was doing some trading in the city Thursday. lie reports "everything lovely and the goose hanging high" at Pittsburg. Mr. Ike Gillihan and son, who have been in these parts buying up heifers, witb which to starts dairy in the near future, left the forepart of the week for their island home with eleven head Some of our citizens have been busy looking op their tax receipts of late, and some find receipts showing they ,, have paid their taxes for the year the year the sheriff says they are delin quent. , KEASEY NEWS ROTES. Mrs. Mary Cheldelin Driver, of Fort- land, is sojourning for a time with her mother and sisters on Crooked creek. Bev. J. J. Black has at last succeeded in capturing quite a young lass, who will share his joys and woes "till death do them part," or otherwise, as the case may be. School opened at Keasey, October 3, with Miss Dessie Wilson as instructor. The attendance is small, many of the younger children being debarred on account of bad weather and roads. One more load of hop-pickers to be heard from, Mr. Wm. Hacker and those accompanying. Those who have returned report fine picking, and seem well pleased with the amount of money earned. "Readable romance" and "stern real ities" are vastly different things. If the fond fancies of the young lady who sings "Oh for a hut in some vast wil derness" should become a matter of fact, we think it would not be long e'er she would be sighing for a two story addition to her little domicile. Sirs Throop and Feck are headed toward Forest Grove, taking a load of oats, expecting to return with a quan tity of supplies for winter. Give us a railroad and such long, hard, and weary travels will cease. Could the poor beasts suppliuient the call, we think ths chorus would be long and loud. We read in the Oregonian that Glenco, Washington county, laughs over the union of wrinkles of 82 and the rotes of 22. Albeit, Keasey, Co lumbia county, smiles at ths combina tion of the furrows of 60 and sweetness of 16. Who'll be the next to cheer the dreariness of December with tbebriaal noss of May? Second thoughts are generally wisest but sometimes coma too late. - COLCXSIA COUNTY'S SEfssl-AXXSAl FIRAKCIU STATEMENT. Giving the Clerk, Sheriff, and Treasurer's Reports for the Six Months Ending September 30th, 1898. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT Ot the County Clerk of Columbia County, State of Orruon, showln thS amount and number Of iMatma allowed bv tha County Court, for what allowed, amount of warrants drawn, and the amount of warrant oiiMaiiillnit anil unpaid, Irout til )at day of April. 1IW8, to the SUtb, day of Beptember. 180a. both inclusive: OS WHAT ACCOUNT ALLOWED. Road and bridge , t... ...... Pauper ........ ..,..... Criminal account, olrcuit court,,,.,.. , Criminal account, Justice of the peace court Htalionery, printing and pontage,,.... Courthouse aud Jail Clerk., Sheriff. , Bailiff..... School superintendent County judge ....,.. v... County eoiniuiiulouer v ,. Surveyor. Insane .lury Cnniner , Treasurer Assessor ............... w. ................. v;.... Kleetion ,.....,......-.,........... Dlitrict attorney Fee refunded '. Board of prisoners Rebate of tax O'hcial Reporter Soldier and eaUora' Indigent fund., , Total amount of claim allowed sod warrants drawn. AMOUNT OP OUTSTANDING WARRANTS Outstanding nnnald county warrants on lb Beirtemoer, vm Estimated iutesest aocrued thereon Total amount unpaid county warrant... STATE OP OREGON, I County ot Columbia,! I, J. G. Watt, County clerk of the county of Columbia, state of Oregon, do hereby certify that the foregoing ia a true and correct statement of tha number and amount of olaima allowed by the County Court of said county, for the eix montht ending oa the SOth day of September WM, on what account the fame were allowed, and the amount of warrant drawn, and the amouutof war h .... i.m,t.n.llt and unoaid aa the aame aDOear uoon therecimla of mt office, and in my official cuatody. Witness my band and tbeaeai oi the SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT n rnmtta Tmukm of Cnlnmhta ennntv. Oreffon. for the ei month, ending, on the SOth dev 1 September, 1(M, of money recelred and source, ana oa wm awuuwut imuu wii; AMOUNTS RECEIVED. Sept. SO fro amount on hand from last report..... amount received from sherin 1 To To To To To To To ' county clerk... . " state treasurer. school Supt..... " 8ecVyof State'.! ' Co, aaaeaaor... Co. coroner Wo To To TO To To Total Received.. AMOUNTS PAID Sept. 3D Bv amount paid out on county warrants By amount paid outou School Superintendent's warrants By balance general fund on hand to pay advertised county warrant. By balance school fund on hand not apportioned By amount special school tax paid By amount county road tax paid By amount special city tax paid By amount state tax of 1897 paid By amount interest on state tax paid By amount state road fund paid By amount institute fund pais liy amount special uvputi, w a. liwij K, amount on band roecisl city tax By amount on hand special school tax............... By amount on hand county road tax........... By amount on hand stnte road fund By amount on hand institute fund..... MT amount on uauu special ucpij.it By amount on hand Umatilla county Total paid out.. STATE OF OREGON, J County of Columbia,) I. Edwin Rosa, do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a true and correct statement of the amounts received, paid out and remaining on hand, in the County Treasury of sale County for the six months ending oa the SOth day of September, A. D. 18M. Witness iny hand this 1st day of uctooer, a. u. ieac SEMI ANNUAL nf thj, unminl nf mAMT and warrants reeiTed nrer by the Sheriff ot Columbia County, Oregon, neptemoer, a. v. xoao: AMOUNTS RECEIVED SOURCE. April May June July August Sepfber Balance on hand April 1st, 1898 f 2701 95 County warrants ou hand April 1, 98 281 86.... , Original and delinquent of 1897 In coin and currency collected 10977 86 (4844 17 M630 IS 82188 28 $2692 04 81266 88 Original and delinquent ot 1897 in county warrants collected 783 11 80S 71 106S 84 268 85 127 19 98 81 Delinquent of W7 T 84 16 67 ' " 1888 7 4S 8 67 " " 18H9 18 67 19 M 124 61 " "1890.... 16 62 19 23 46 77 " 1891 18 90 12 20 101 68 u " 18(12 80 60 87 172 66 " " 1898 1 : 4 02 " 1896 11 78 8 82 4 40 Sheriff's assessment 1889 ,. 20 00 " " 1891 i 6 00 6 00 96 00 Fees 8 per cent penalty after August 1st on delinquent of 1897 49 76 4196 Fees 8 per cent penalty on back taxes from the year 1S89 to 1896 inclusive 80 1 69 22 80 Total received.... 814748 67 84962 88 86699 00 82674 14 82930 69 82009 28 Total on hand and collected for the tlx month BY AMOUNT PAID. April Orlg. and Del. of 1807 to county treas urer, caan ana county warrant.... Delinquent of 1887 " " 1888 " 1889 " 1890 " ' 181)1 " " 1WI2 " " 1898., " " vm i Hheriff's assessment 1889 " " 1891 Fees 8 per cent penalty collected on 1897 tax 814748 en Fees 8 per cent penalty collected on taxes irom un to i&w, inclusive Total paid treasurer.... a 1 1 114748 7l Total amount paid county treasurer for the six beptember 80, 1898........ Balance en hand September 80th, 1898 Total... STATE OF OREGON, I. J.N. Rice, sheriff of said conntv. do herehv eertlfv that th fnr.in a,atmen, ( n. mwu iiw. niHivwwj imuu uiui whi uxf in SEMI-ANNUAL SUMMARY STATEMENT Of the financial condition of the County of Columbia, in the Stats of Oregon, on the 80th day of DCWIJl ft Mf. um LIABILITIES. AMOUNT. To warrant drawn on the county treasurer, and out standing' and unnald .$38 630 67 . 8 000 00 To estimated amount of inter By est accrued thereon By By By Hv lly Total liabilities. 841 630 67 Total AWOTJNT OF CLAIMS ALLOWED AMI WAR HANI'S DRAWN. ..I lull 27 ,. 'i0 So ,. S-'7 8 ,. an no Oti'i 11 .. ll.t 11 ,. lfiM 7ft .. 16 ,. Ill 00 ,. 2H4 00 , . e 00 ,. 1X1 w S3 40 Ml 70 .. aw so ,, 107 70 . K M) 00 ., 6 1ft ,. 242 10 .. SIS 00 x 00 ,. 166 69 8 40 .. 170 00 .. 17 60 .1 W71 78 UNPAID. PRINCIPAL. INTEREST. 80th day of .888(30 87 ....IS 000 00 ..41 m 87 .18 000 00 County Court of Bald county, this 4th day of By W. A. HARRIS, Deputy. paid out, Iron whom received and from what . FROM WHAT SOURCE IG'NER'L RECEIVED. FUND. $ 9678 7 38961 89 T 7 226S IS General tax County road tax..... Special school tax... Special city tax...... 6 42 107 30 rees Delinquent tax Keas .. Kedemntion of land. 777 1 1094 SO IMS 6S 26X3 60 21 00 (US 00 S4 10 00 8 SO Hchnnl fund For teachers' eoruacaie Pines and license..,. State road fund Poll tax Special deposit 148766 OS G'NER 'L OCT. FUND. I1IW7 24 10KI1 7S 10143 93 TJ7 S3 18HS lift 61S S5 4 41 4766 IS 30 64 60 00 , 74 60 880 8 20 miu , 7JV 82 141 48 127 SO 86 96 S9 00 ........................i warrant 8487602 ' tunw huso, uumy treasurer. STATEMENT for taxes, and mnnev MM tn tha ConntT Traaa. lor the six month ending on the SOth day of DURING THE MONTHS OF ending September 80th 1S9S 182 909 SS DURING THE MONTHS OF May June July August Sept ber 84962 88 85699 00 82457 08 7 84 7 48 12819 28 $1340 42 16 67 867 144 11 10 0n 8 67 8 48 8 90 1U 14 66 00 10 00 U 88 ""iiw 113 73 18 7-4 181 98 402 8 22 20 00 10000 77 88 2449 6 001 84962 881 86899 0o 82681 17 12867 28 82108 44 months ending! Cash 129 868 03 ( County warrant 8 234 86 12 27 ..82 909 66 )imiuuiu, a, u, iawi, J. I. twV.i1,, Bnenrr 01 votumoia (bounty. RESOURCES. AMOUNT. By funds In hands of county treas urer applicable to the payment of conntv warranta Avartu ..$10 448 98 ..12 27 funds in hands of county she rim miiyiKnrnv w me payment Ol COUtt- t V wnmintM estimated unpaid current' taxes Ki'pucaoie w we payment 01 coun ty warrants . .. 1 861 66 .. 1867 26 Est, unpaid Del. taxes applicable w ue pnym,.Ui 0i county warrants Mnni Ml JlOW, I UCI llI Ve ............. , Br estimated unnald 11. t ,?,, .n. pllcable to the payment of county .... 10 648 28 HI 48 26 00 6110 00 .... 1600 00 cash on hand itate rnui'ri'inii" amount Umatilla cnimtv r,ni courthouse, flxture and lot!.. resources.. ..836 000 78 The Senatorial Situation. 8ale, Or,, Oct. 5. The two' houses of ths legislature held a Joint session today to ote for United State senator. The re sult follows: Corbett ...38 Hotiiiclt , . , i E'oktn 8 Waldo..;..23Oeorite....l3 Williams,, 6 1 Hewitt ... i Curtis II ThS separate ballott yesterday resulted : Corbett... SB llenoett ...itt Dunns .... t George ... 10 Kakin ..... 0 Hewitt .... 1 Williams.. S Cotton.... 1 Klli. .... 1 There was uo ohange In the Corbett forces today. Not much change in ths senatorial aituatioa ia expected tills week. Max Fracht in a recent oommunics tiou to a local paper, remind the pub lic that it is not a traneitressioo of any law to destroy ssalious, lie shows, also that seahons out to be killed, be cause tlioy destroy salmon by ths thousands; and he snggests the pro priety of offering a bounty for killing "the voracious pests. Haw I Prrreut Vr. W bare two children who are subject to attacks of croup. Whenever an attack is coiuiK ou ray wife give them Chamber. Inin Cough Ksruedy and always prevents the attack. It is a household necessity in this country, and no niatier what rise we run out of, it would not do to be without Chamberlain' conirh Kcmedv. More of it iiaold here than all the other cough medi cines combined. J. M. Nickle, of Nickle Bros., merehaow, Klckieville, i'a. Fur sale by Dr. iidwin Uowi, druggist. Tbrea twctrs lm CenesillattaB "When you are sick, what you like best la to be chosen (or a medicine in ths first place: what experience tells you I beat to be cuoseu in the second place; what reason (1. e. Theory) says is best is to be chosen In the last place. But it you can get Dr. In clination, Dr. Experience, and Dr. Rsasoo to hold a consultation together, they will give you the best advice that can be taken." When you have a bad cold Dr. Inclina tion would recommend Chamberlain's Cough Kennedy, because It I pleasant and safe to take. Dr. Experience would recom mend it because It never fail to effect a speedy aud permanent cur. Dr. iteason would recommend it because It ia prepared ou scientific principles, and acta on nature' plan in relievinn the lungs, opening the se cretions ana restoring the system to a nat ural and healty condition, i'or sals by Dr. crtimu Auea, urugjciaw OASVOtlXA. Boars tha j9 M kIn IN HI) km' i yf im Him m Hsi Always BoigM SlfBaaais of CASTOR I A Por Inianti and Children. The Kin Yea Kara Aiwa;. Eght Bears ths Bignaturs Ssaistb yatTlll Hilaj Yos Haw kimji ttasSi BMistn It Kind Yw Haw Always Baittt faataie f STEAMER "CAHBY" Commencing Monday, October 10th, the llwaoo Railway A Navigation Co.'s steamer "CANBY" will make round trips between RAINIER - PORTLAND Leaving Rainier at 6 a. m. and Port land at p. m. daily (except Sunday). We solicit a share of the public patronage, and in return will aive oulck service and a clean boat. ATSW-W have come to atay and want your buunoaa. Tb 1. H r. SMITH, Agent I STOMA 4 COLOMBIA RIYER H. RAILROAD COMPANY. WINTKR 8CIIED1TLE. East bound Daily ; West bound 21 Train 24 p. m. a. ra. 11 20 11 00 p. m. 7 60 arrive. Houlton. leave 8 60 16 80 10 00 9:26 9:07 8:36 8:16 7:46 7:28 7:00 uobie Rainier.... .... Maygers.... ...Clatskanie... ,.. Wcstport.... .... Clifton ...Knappa.... 8 10 8 25 8 66 20 9 60 10 46 10 18 9 S28 9 00 8 88 8 00 10 26 10 55 11 18 10 12 11 42 p. m. 12 16 10 86 11 10 leave..Aatorla. .arrive Train leave Astoria for Seaside at 12 20 n. m. and 6 p. ro. Boat connection at Astoria for llwaco. Chinook. Fort Canbv. Nehaiem. Till amook, and oarrlbaldl. Passeavers for Astoria or wav noint must flu trains at Houlton. Trains will stop to let pas sengers off at Houlton when coming from points westoiuvuie. uen. i-as. Agt, Astoria, or. DENTIST J. A. REID Ha Located In St. Helens Permanently, FULL SET TEETH... FILLING GOLD FILLINGS ,.$7 60 to 810 00 . . 60 to 81 00 . , .$1 60 upward Crown and Bridge for! a Spccialtj 93.00 TO S.O0 PER TOOTH. The work that I have done In this community for tne paai nve montns is my recommenuauon. All work guaranteed satisfactory. Office Next Door to Ro' Drugstore ST. HELENS, s : . : : OREGON THE HOTEL A strictly first-class house. A horns for commercial travelers and the public. Board and lodging at reasonable rate. ST. HELENS, ... OKEffON PKOFE8SIONAL. J, W. DAT W. B. DULLARD ATTORNEYS -AT-LAW Office next door to CoarthonM. HT. HELENS, OREGON. General nrantlne in courtu of Orctron or Wuh- iiiKoHs Abtftracu mittle directly irom couuty reoorda. jQR. J. X. HALL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Clatakaiiis, Columbia county, Or. OREGON INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITIOH OPENS IN PORTUKD, SEPTEMBER 22, , CLOSES October 22. 1890. Ths Finest and Greatest Exposition Ever 1 , xtetu in in ttunuwroi , Horticultural and Agrlcultaral Products of Oregon and Washington will be ritvplaved In wonderful profusion, la clsding more varieties (lion ever be fore gutbsred together in ona. sxhlbiu Golfl, SilTer and Bronze Medals will lie uffulUCu, irtairvelonsl Our tioid, f KIcU Hneclimew. trwm Kllver aud otner mine. Eennett's EoEowaoi Military Band Has been engaged for the season. Astounding Aerial Keats and Acrobatic i-enormaiioe.. Very Low Kate on all Railroads. Admission: Adult 28 Ct. Children 10 Ct. MAGNOLIA.,,, rH K ...SALOON Q. A BRINN, Prop. FINE : LIQUORS, and Cigars. PORTLAND, OBJCGON 143 Front Street, Near Alder, George I' always pleased to see hi old Columbia county friends. When in the metropolis give him a oaU. BANQUET SALOON 0L0NINGER& COOPER, PROPRIETORS. Wine and Liquor Card table, pool table, billiard table and other device for ths entertainment of pat rons, whore time can do pleasantly spent. ( Besides other popular brands, are kept constantly on hand to supply ths increated trade at this very popular saloon. y THE FAMOUS CYRUS NOBLE WHISKY IS KEPT AT THE BANQUET, , '' -MONEY'S WORTH- EVERY TIME AT DOLMAN'S STORE. ST. HELENS, OREGON. Mr. Dolman always keep a full stock of General Merchandise, which he sells at prices that deiy competition. Private Boarding ....HOUSE Mrs. M. J. Scott, Proprietress ST. HELENS, OREGON. Private board and rooms. Transient trade and regular boarder solicited. Care taken of horses of country sojourners. NEXT TO MASONIO HALL. Get Value Received EVERY TIME AT N. A. Perry's HOULTON, OREGON. STAR -:--:- SALOON W. T. BXAKESL,E, Prop. o Fine Wines : and : Liquors. The Famous 1. H. CUTTER, MAGNOLIA aud HONEY DEW Whiskey always on hand CELEBRATED HOP GOLD BEER ' A large stock of DOMEHT10 and KEY WEST Cigar of the best grade always on hand. Rstwssn tha two hotel. Malm St. - St. Helens. Ore. JTUCKLE BROS MANUFACTURERS OF Dimension Lumber, Flooring;, Rustic, Sheath- lnir, casings, ami a complete stock 01 every variety of ROUGH and DRESSED LUMBER ALWAYS ON HAND AT THE OLD STAND, ST. HELENS, OR rn SI: HIM MEAT MARKET. JAME3 K. SHELDON, Titor. All Kinds ofFreshjleats, . ItTMKATS BY XmrATSmiAL Main Street, - CLATSKANIE DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor, Has hist received a largt shoi taunt ol Pratt and Purs Drugsand Chemicals S! Also a new and select stock of drugs and patent medicines, fnnoy stationery, school boos S) and si'bmil siipil. perfumory and Millet arlltilcs, aud in laot verlliiiig which is usually sept at a nriMians urug store. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded 61 ST (fl " CLATSKANIE y ay aa1 V W V V y SI1 V Groceries and FLOUR, GRAIN, AND FEED. TOBACCO AND CIGARS, NOTIONS, ETC., I T H WATTS' STORE 3 Reuben, " . ... "The Perkins" C. W. KN0WLE5, Manager. Mr. Knowlcs was, for many years, proprietor of (be St. Charles . hotel, and while then established a reputation ss a bole) roan. He is Dow iu a better position to entertain bis friend than ertir before, and will welcome all his old patrons to his new ilace of business, where can be found an np-to-date hotel. Corner Fifth and Washington streets, Portlanl White Collar Line C.--.V 'j" c- r-,'r THE COLUMBIA RIVER AND fUOBT HOUKU NAVIUATIUN CO. PORTLAND-ASTORIA ROOTE. .TELEPHONE... Landing Foot of Alder Street, Portland. Leaves Portland daily (eitcepiSunday)al 7 A. at. Landing Telephone dock, Antorla. Leaves Astoria dally (except Sunday) 7 P. If. Telerhon Tickets flood on Steamer Potter. Steamer roller Ticket Good on Telephone. V. B. SCOTT, Pre. FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. -STEAMER Young America -vu- WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Leave St. Helen Arrive at Portland... ... Leave Portland Arrive at fit. Helen 6:110 A M 10:00 A M 2:80 P M ..... 6:00 P M c abe ts ccirra. Will Carry Nothing but Fassengers and FsbI Frfight. JAMES GfOD, Master. STEAMER G. DELL SHAVER, Master. T,fflVi Port'""" foot of Washington street, Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday evenings at fl AJlttye- o'clock. Keturnlnij-lavo. Clatsksnie, tide jiermlttltiK, Mon.lay, WtMlneNlsy. and Frldav even nirs at 4 n'olock . win m. (.,,1, ti,,i ni,t i- 7-1r.r u.., 'J.S. ,.," ... . .1? Kalama :!; fit. Helens :0. Arrive In Portlaud G. W. COLE, )R. H. R. CUFF, ' ' ' . ATTORNEY AND C0UN8ELOR-AT-LAW, . - i. ST. HELENS, OKEQON. VSICIAN AND WRCteol,. . Bt. Beleiis, Oregon. Title Abstract Books, Notary Publlo, Commla- ." ! ftpnnrsr A utl 1 . . , sloner of Hearts for WanhliiKton, arid anexper- UtUKUt A. MALL, ,encedco.torlncon.,.t,onW,thcmo.. ATTORN EY - AT - LAW. TE. EDWIN ROBS, x- Collections, foreclosures, mechsnics' lain, etc PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. uwWxchKr'' m St. Helens, Oregon St. Helens, a : : Oseoon. Hams, Bacon, End lard. WU0I.ISALS m BATHS ' ,- Bt. Jtelfne. Oreaon. DRUG STORE VI Til W "" DRUG STORE yiyysy Provisions..... ! Oregon J AAA; 01 & N. CO. Time SCHEDULES Asaivs a from Portland. o Fast Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. Fast Mail Worth, braaha.Kan. Mall 8p. iu. as City, bt. Umls, 7:20 a, m. Chicago and East. Spokane Walls Walla, Spokane, Spokane Flyer alio nea nol Is, St. Flyer 2 p.m. Paul, liululh. 1111- 10:Uia.ra. . waukec, Uhioago A East. . . Ocean Steamship. . 8p-m' Al) lllns date, sub- jl to chanae, FnrHan Fraiiclsoo- Sail Ootolwr 2,6, 8, 11,14,17,20,2. 2H, 2. . 7 p.m. ToAlssk ta,n Bali bit.l7 8 p. m. Oolumbla Nlvr 4 , . Ex.dunilay St.am.rs. Ei.buuilay Batnrday To Astoria and Way 10p.m. landlugi, 8 a. m. Willamette River. 4. w p. . ExuSunday Orccnn City, Nswhers, Ex.bumlay . Saitttn A Way-land's ' Ta, m, w",m1?1,tn,, 8 0 p.m. Tuea.Thur. h'" Mo" Wei. and Sat. Oregon city, Dayton, audFrl. and Way-landings. 8 a. m. Willamette River. 4 80 p. m. Tuea.Thur, Portland to Corvallls TucsThur. and Bat, and Way-landings. and Hat. Lv. Klnarla Snake River. Lv.Low'ton 1:4ft a.m. (MS a. m. dally ex- Biparla to Lewlston. daily ex- oeptSat. ceptFrl. VT . H. HURLBERT, General Passenger Agent, PORTLAND .... . OREGON W. SHAVER The Only Direct Route ...FROM.., Portland to Clatskanie I;U0 a. m. The company resolves the righ' to Shaver Transportation Company.