The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, September 23, 1898, Image 4

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    iVA.N lc3 ,v.""n::cANCsr
if. v " . " " "ill
now Geo. Miles and hl staff were cheered at they
Foace, i'orto BIcc.
rod through tit streets of
Alwaya Hot hid la th Vr I,Ul-'i
Kind of Frock.
Those wise little mothers who decry
tba American habit of overdressing
wee bit of babies will be Interested to
know that Prince Albert, the amall
mite of 4 years, who la la the direct
line of succession to the throne of En-
weara the Dial neat kind of
Colonel X. wai making a long
march, ana the provision wagon had
gone astray. Ho was hot and tired and
hungry, when he met Major B., who
Invited him home presumably to aome
fortto breakfast.
The major's fortunes were at a low
ebb, and wben the breakfast whs
brought oa It proved to consist entirely
of rice rice cooked la the wonderful
Southern fashion, with every kernel
perfect. The hungry gueat ate a spoon
ful. He detests rice. Then be waited
for a second course.
"Have some rice, colonel,'' said the
major, whom nothing ever disconcerts.
quite aa if the rice had bnt that mo
ment disappeared.
"Nor snapped the colonel. Tra a
Kentucklan, sir, and t don't eat rice. I
don't eat rice, air. Give me something
"Why, certainly colonel, certainly,'
said the boat "Try some of the mus
tard; It's very fine, air, very fine."
Wlf. of th Former Nenubllc' Alter
lean-Hawallaa rreeltlent.
Now Mist Itrtwall Is annexed It I
proper to Inquire who Is to be the "first
lady of the land," or of the, to
be more explicit. - It is possible that
rnrty b", r..! la Re ca.o ot the
United tttntca, numerous successive
"first Indies" of Hawaii, but at present
Mrs. thAet, the wife of the Amerlcnu-
Ilawatlan who was the President of the
former republic, occupies the enviable
position.' lira, fkilo used to be Miss
Annie P. Oate of Massachusetts, (the
la only a few years younger than her
husband, and the reports that come
from Americans who hare traveled In
Hawaii any that she I one of the most
fascinating women in all the delightful
fffj 0yj
fjervous People
Are great sufferer and they deiterv sym
pathy rather titan ceiisunv Their blood is
ooor aud thin and their nerees sre con-
leuuently weak. Such people find relief
Slid rare in Hood's Snntnparilla because it
purities and enriches the blood and gives
it power to fml, strengthen and sustain
the nerves. If you are nervous and run
not ihtp, take Hood's Sarsaparilla aud
rvalue its nerve strengthening power.
Am Interesting .
It has long been an open secret that
John Sherman was cut out of MoKin-
ley's cabinet because lie was allege" to
have lost his grasp of details, liwent
nublished statements from the Oh 0
statesman Indicate its oKI-titne incisive
power. If 8hrmn rwiMv was falliiii!
mentally, hate and a thirst for revenge
have wotkeil as powerful restorative.
Hood's) Pills rare all Mirer tilt. JSeente.
A Pleasant Plaea to Live In flood
Wttar, Ooort Street and Hanrteoma
Horn Th Coming Kapo.ltlon.
Portland, Bopt 10. (To the Editor.)
When Joe Meek and I.ishe Apple
gate and Christopher Columbus pre
dieted that the Noi th west waa going to
aevelop into a rich and productive
region and that cities and towns were
going to spring up all over it, they
earned medals for veracity that were
never awarded to them. But the peo
ple who came alter them are enjoiyng
the frnita of their predictions, and will
throw Dowers on the graves of those
f or the Northwest has developed
and ia developing, and Portland is one
of the prettiest places on the coast. It
was wise forethought on the part of
bet pioneer people to plant shade trees
along the aides of the streets, for now
they add beauty to the landscape, and
in no city of the world do they show
to better advantage. Portland's streets
are well shaded by day and well light
ed bv nioht. for the wondorlul eleetrie
Inlands. ; There ia no limit to her tact, current ia everywhere and ever ready to
and a woman better fitted for a dig- aid humanity.
titled position In life than is Mrs. Dole Portland's business streets are well
could not be found. Mr. and Mrs. Dole paved and full of life, and her business
live In Very simple yet comfortable houses contain everything needed for
tyle In: their Honolulu home. Both the use of man. Hot homes are neat
are loved and respected by everybody
In the capital, and even the most bitter
ills ease, if it has been correctly re
ported, will prove an Interesting stud
Hood's Oarsanarilta (ur lhe wch,ilolt , ,a u""
u'efeH ".t tains, belief long entertained by s -
uonts OI menial uisoruera urn
vigor must be sustained to some degree
by the passions by ambition, or love,
or hate, or riralrr. Great Intellects
can not safely jaove in sluggish current.
They require aotlon and movement,
anil lacking thsse consume thomsolvea
Spok8ui an-1 :o view.
tub onofvrH or socialism.
It l arvned bTd-en thinkers that thearowth
of . tllm ia due u tits largo aiaii'llnit annkn
of ih world, In h ch men are often made to
cnlltt analniit theli will, and lliti" tmuorae die.
content.! with t ltlnf condition. Tlte
ftrowth o: a tttronft r raeo of lanpie m ena to
th lariftt aula of UMtetter'a 8toniaek llluera,
which ia the beat medicine for ctxllrenaaa,
dvaiH'pola, (ever, ag 10 aud all nertoui troubla.
Try euu bottle.
Cats can swim if they only oare to
exert themselwa sumuiently. The
ancient Egyptians used to fish with
thorn on the Nile, according to the rep
resentations on walls and so forth that
have come down to us.
Try ScfallllBf's Bast taa and baking powdar.
Thar la mora Catarrh In this aectlon ol the
country than all other diveaaea put toftethvr,
mt-nrahla. For a (treat many yoara
nouneea it a local utiteaite, ano
tcUtra ortv
'reacriued local
ailltis to cure
enemy of the republic cannot but ad
mire the President and hla charming
wire. l-resident Dole. It should be said.
Is a native son of the Islands, although
his parent were Americana.
rawer ana morner Doth went msnv
I an. I taatnfnl anrl In man. enaoa Almratit
tnd stand In spots where not many
years ago floulrshed the fir forest
Portalnd people are enterprising,
and invite the people of the whole
Northwest to oome and visit thorn this
1 fall, and to entertain their guests they
' nave arranaea to noiti me ureiron in
and until the last few year waa ttpttoied to be
rmedieft. and by constantly failltts
ft h local treatment, pronounced It Innttrahln.
fclence haa proven catarrh to be a eimatltu
tlonat dtaeae, and tharhtre ratpilrca eonatttti.
tlottal treatinenL Hall'a Catarrh Cure, man-
tt'a itured by F. 1. Cheney A Co., Toledo. Ohio,
la the onltr oonHtitntlonal cure on tlia markat.
It la taken internally In dowa frota 10 drona to
a teaapoonful. It acta directly oa the blood
and mucona itrfacea of the lyntem. They offer
ou nttnareu ootlaa lor anv eaaa it lalla to
runs, eona tor cirruttra anq icstimontaia. Au
drum. f. J. en KNKY a CO.. Toled). 0.
tfedd ty DriiRxIfta, 76c
Uall'a ramify Pllta ar tht beat.
riant Witt ! Powaf.
There hns lieen dlsoovere.1 In India
Strang plmit which possessed asttn
iahing magiii'tio intwer. The httit.l
toucblng it lniiii'liuttly .receives a
strong uinynetio shook, while at a dis
tance of 30 feet mu.netlu heetlle is
arTeeteil bv it.
In Lap'ntitl. it is suld, tlresa fashions
have not changed for 1,000 years.
4 Ptrfect Tpi of tht Highnl Onltref
ttcdhm Id Mamifactun. "
Absolutely Pure,
Ba tara that yoo ffl iba Ganalna Anlcla,
made at D0BCHE5TCR. MASS, by
EarasuiHaD i;a.
Good !
Tcople who buy SthiU
ting's Best drink more tea a
year than other people
0iin In
OCTOBER 22, 1893.
The Fincit Slid (Ircateitt Funoaltlun Kvor Held
III I ho Nurllmv.l.
frMuH of Oron fcnil Wn-hlnrum will t
diklAyt d hi wiirtr(ui trof tiniMH, Inrttul
liiH iiMtr Vstrlfitf hn v 1h(ui-
acsyvuers duu rVlinrr UUIU WVUI UiRU J i a -
years ago to Hawaii as Christian mis- Justtial Expostticn from September 83
All deserts are situated where the
winds from the ocean, bofore reaching
them are exhausted of their moisture
by passing over mountains or soross
extensive tracts of land.
raise ALBIDH.
frocks and bonnets. The children of
the royal family are always clothed
almpty. Their little arms are unham
pered with frills and furbelows, and
ribbons and bows are not continually
getting into their pseclous mouths or
tickling their soft, pretty necks. Little
Prince Albert, whose plctuee Is here
given, wears tucked skirts of pique and
blouses of the same material, trimmed
with braid Of plain white or turkey red.
The children of many of the well-to-do
Americans are costumed In small gar-
: meets every bit as costly.
Prince Albert's younger brother,
Prince Albert Frederick Arthur George
of lork, who Is one year younger than
the eldest baby of the Duke of York's
Interesting family, plays his baby
games In ordinary frocks of nainsook,
trimmed perhaps with a few dainty
tucks or edgings of delicate hand em
broidery. The little sister, Princess
Victoria, who was 1 year old April 25
last, has for everyday wear plain fine
little slips that have neither heavy
lace-trimmed flounces to hamper her
small legs or elaborately made yokes to
fret her Infant mind.
Quintal Bald to Be the Only ft arriv
ing Specimen tn Enstand.
A curious clause, taking one right
back to the middle age, appears in the
title deeds of a house which Is now to
be sold hi the village of Ofrham, In
Kent' says the Westminster Gazette.
Scheduled as part of the "messuages,
lands, hereditament and premises" Is
the village quintain, which still swings
on Its etout oaken post before the
bouse, and the purchaser must coven
ant to keep tbs relic of a bygone pas
time In good repair. One end of the
swinging crossbar of this quintain (said
to be the only surviving specimen in
England) is shaped like a square tar-
got pierced with a number of holes Into
which the point of the player's lance
would enter. hen struck It would
swing round, and unless the player
were nimble the sandbag bung on the
other end of the crossbar would swing
round and unseat him. Here Is a chance
seldom met In these modern days of
gnbtlng back into medievalism. The
. j-fft?r a A
. p' w
W f
mi tar
owuer has only to don Alio contouipo
rary costume, Ult at the quintain and
I run glue that the dock has been put
buck a few centuries. ;
..w 1
True Hospitality.
The Washington Post prints a "true
story," told by a retired army officer.
I'lis occurrence happened ' New Mex-
BeawMfat Mrs. "Jack" Wttmenllna's
Trtends Claim sat la Mot Insane.
For some Ume past New lork society
has been deeply Interested in the ur
fortunate case of Mrs. "Jack" WUmer-
ding, the beautiful scion of the Vander-
but family who Is confined In the
Bloomingdah) Asylum. II er friends
claim that she Is not Insane and that
she Is the victim of conspiracy and
they have gone to the courts to secure
her release.
Mrs. wilmerdlng was Marie Allen,
the daughter of VanderbUt Allen, and
grand nlere of the old Commodore Van-
derWH. She wus a pretty, dashing girl,
and "JaA" Wllmerdlng fell In love
with her and married her In 1802.
Husband and wife were both fond of
gayety, and Mrs. WUmerding spent
money freely. She was not without
some fortune of her own. and her
gowns were the envy of many -women
who had more wealth but less origin
ality. The marriage was unhappy.
Tharo were violent quarrels and dlspu-
hbs. "jack" wn.MBania-0.
tatfons until things were brought to s
climax one night In Dclmonlco's, when
Jack" threw a plate of ice cream into
his" wife's pretty face. A separation
followed and Marie went to live with
ber father, who was in Italy.
Her nervous system was entirely
broken, and st her father's advice she
returned to America to seek rest In a
sanitarium. In a few hours after ber
landing she was In Blootnlngdale Asylum,
Worldly Wisdom.
A relative whom Mrs. Uppenup had
not seen for many years came one day
to visit hor.
"Maria," said Mr. TJppenup, after the
family bad retired to rest that evening,
It seems to me you weren't any too
cordial to Cousin Harriet, considering
the fact tnat this is the nrst time you
and she have met for nearly a quarter
of a century. Ton didn't even smile
when you greeted her."
"Henry," replied Mrs. TJppenup.
have yoo noticed that when I smile
It wrinkles my face all over Well, I
didn't want the wrinkles of twenty-flve
years to take effect on ber all at once."
Juggernaut Story a Pake.
The ghastly stories told of many of
the Indian fanatics who, at the relig
ious festivals, throw themselves be
neath the wheels of the Juggernaut car
are for the most part imaginative.
These car festivals, which sometimes
attracted ss many as 100,000 pilgrims,
have certainly resulted lu loss ot life;
but It Is stated theso deaths were pure
ly accldcutaL
One of the most distressing things
In the world 1 to hear sny one scold
who Is so old and feeble that his breath
gives out
Men do not propose marriage outside
of novels, though the result of calling
on a gin ana treating ber to soda Is
Just the sumo.
What has become of the old-fashioned
people who on a hot afternoon used to
make their own soda water
slonanes. Mr. Dole was educated In
Usaeachusetts, and it wss while a stu
dent there that he tnet the girl who
was destined to be "the first lady" In
the land of Kalakaoa.
to October 23. Portland people have
subscribed (13,000 in hard cash to pay
the expense of this exposition, and It
will be one of the grandest events that
ever occurred in the Northwest.
It will contain everything to make
it attractive, interesting and Instruc
tive. There will be the band concerts
every afternoon and evening by Ben
nett's full military band ol 83 pieces,
: and It will be the finest music ever
t heart) in the Northwest The wonder
ful Ilegolmans have been engaged, and
they will amaze the audience with
their great aerial sorobatlo feats. All
sorts of new and attractive amusements
To-dav Vptm- waa , rhi-tai . will be given In connection with the
Hirlon so effective aa tt la tn-rl-n exposition, snd there will Do a repre-
T. T. Muntrer. Tlnltirian k n, sentatiou of Southern plantation life,
Conn. I and free cooking lectures, ami a baby
a , u mi - I show and children's oarnival and a
m71 "-" oi our ( ,ad dormrtmenl ar,j , school ex-
uuuu u bu uusnusn anu nooie one. i.ii,:. j . mni ;! i,i t
I be on a magnificent scale throughout,
and every person who visits tbe exposl-
Ho liouxcholtl la comnlMe wtthont a hottta of
tne lamoua jesite Moore wniMtey. it it a ture
ami whiliaonipllmtilantrefiininit'iHl.vl by all
puyauiiaiia. twn t neguKti una neceamiy.
There are 908 registered distilleries
in North Carolina, Virginia Los 618,
and Kentucky 877. .
CITS PanoananUy Cured. a Ma or Mvmnnn
I, Jf' "l "" ' br. Kitno iint
Nrv Mmiorar. 8. net far rUKK aa.oo trial
bottle aud trwitliw. tirt. B. li. aJJKAa Ltd-fue
Arch auaet, f uiuueipuia. i. .
. Blaetrle UelDOetat.
Lawaon Tate of London has been giv
ing successful exhibitions of the virtues
Ot Ms new elect rib hemostat, intended
for the arrest of bleeding in surgical
operations. A platinum wire, ar
ranged to carry a current, is enclosed
in the blades of a pair of steel foroops
or any other requisite ntonsil, the wire
being Insulated by a bed of burnt pipe
ci ty. In practice a current ot suitable
vnltncA is tiirnml on. thA artnrv aniuul
n'' V" M1,ana Epl9copaUan' operation everyday. Everything will snd com pressed, and in a few seconds
ban mranclsco, OaL 1 - monifinint analn tlirnnohnnt. the tissues snd the sttotial walla are
GlnrV TlMfh rrtAnna fn. n.nh n.. a nt - .1 . I. .. : i . . wA n n I I mft atrol it t ifiiflrAtl t ii n I Ilia naiuund tl
v. . . . . vi7 v. j auu uircry (iviBvii eiiu im ko im iei- -nn " - r " "O "
ns the entrance into glory or the en- tion will find something new and novel. Mood is rendered impossibls. The
trance Into gloom. Ber. Mr. Barbor. 1 to interest, instruct 01 amuse them, temperature employed is about 180 de
Baptist, Columbus, Ohio. One of tho special features will be the grees Fahrenheit, showings great differ-
A PulDit Artist. A nrpnxhor ahontri ' wedding In public which is open free "nco between this and the electric cau
to all couples, snu tne nowiy-marneo
fJoino politiclaos are like corkscrews
rather crooked, but they have
stronj pull. v . .
be an artist whose business It Is to
make men feel bis mcssage.-Kev. F.
James, Episcopalian, Philadelphia, Ta.
In Need, There are times when ons
wants to be comforted, wben wc pray
to be kept nearer to the heart of God.-
Rev, O. a Hail, Preabyterlan. New
York Olty.
Power. The secret of power In ths
material realm consists In our ability
to lay bold of the forces in nature.
Ber, Lyman Abbott Congregational-
1st, Brooklyn, N. T.
Christ It Is far better to know
whom we trust, and that be Is able to
keen all we commit to Mm nntll ths
last great day-Rev. Dr. Cuyler, Pres
byterian, Brooklyn, New York.
Religion. The Christian religion is to
some A series of propositions concern
ing life, and divine purposes require In
tellectual assent Bev. D. 8. Jordan,
Unitarian, Palo Alto, CaL
God Will Help. However difficult
arduous or responsible your work may
be, rest assured that God will prove
your sufficiency. Rev. J. A. Henry,
fresDytenan, Philadelphia, Pa.
No Reform In Spain. Spain stands
untouched by the reforming Ideas
which Influenced even such barbarous
countries as Russia and Turkey. Rev,
J. M. Scovell, Baptist, Philadelphia,
Revelation. What does faith In God
.mean unless It means that he has
spoken to US and revealed himself to
us In tbe person of humanity? Rev. J,
W. Atwood, Episcopalian, Columbus,
Evolution. The evolutionary theory
Is beginning to impart something of its
largeness and scope to all our concep
tion of human life and destiny. Rev,
J. H. Ecob, Congregatlonnlist Deuver,
Colo. ; -
Christian Peculiarity, True Chris
tian peculiarity lies In differing from
ths world In character. As to conduct,
decent men everywhere are the earns
outwardly. Bev. Dr. F. Crane, Metho
dist, Chicago, lit
Deaths from Snake Bites.
Fully 20,000 of tbe population of In
dia are annually killed by suake-bltes.
Ths most deadly ot all Indian reptiles
appears to be tbe cobra dl capello,
Which is greatly dreaded by the bare-
logged Hindoos. With view to re
ducing tho mortality, tbe government
tried tbe effect of offering a reward for
snakes' heads; but, Instead of diminish
ing the number of these reptiles, it only
Increased It ss It was discovered that
the natives were breeding tbe suukes la
order to secure the reward.
AA Oat-of-tbe-Way Verdict.
A Georgia Jury recently brought In
the following extraordinary verdlctt
"We, the Jury, find the defendant al
most guilty," New York Tribune.
"That hospital," said the guide, "was
built Snd endowed by a deaf mute."
"Indeed!" said tbe loquacious lunatic)
"then It is tbe first authentic case of
being dumb-founded that I ever en
countered." New York Journal.
Most men spend too much time Acs
lag oa committee.
ones are generously remembered with
wedding presents.
Your correspondent was at the Expo
sition building today and saw the ar
rangements being made for the great
fair, and noted that there was going to
be a big display of all the fruits,
grsins, grasses, vegetables and commer
cial timber produced in the Northwest,
and good, solid gold medals costing
f 20 each sre going to be swarded for
the best exhibits.
The exposition building is an im
mense structure 200x400 feet, suitably
divided off. The grand music hall is
100x200 feet and three stories high.
with sn arched glass root. Tbe build
ing cost (150,000, and it ia convenient
ly located being within easy walking
diBtance of the hotels snd business
part of the olty, or reached from any
part on a five-cent fare on street-cars
that pass its doors.
All tbe railroad and steamboat lines
are going to make spocial low rates to
the exposition from all parts of the
Notthwest, and the admission fee is
only going to be 25 cents, children 10
cents. People who attend will remem
ber it as one of tbe pleasant events of
their lives. It.
Conductivity f Uah'tolng Bods.
Some interesting experiments bearing
on the conductivity of lightning con
ductors have been made by Professor
Koch, ss reported in Industries and
Iron. He formed a chain several yards
long with links oP iron oxide, and
placed it in circuit with the accumu
lator cells snd s galvanometer, the
ohain being In a room 280 yards from
the galvanometer. When a spark was
discharged in the vicinity of the chain,
tbe deviation of the galvanometer
showed that tbe resistenoe of the circuit
was reduced to one-thousandth of its
normal value, and In a second experi
ment the resistance fell to one ten-
thousandth of the normal. From these
experiments Professor Koob finds an
explanation why lightning conductors
with poor conductivity are nevertheless
effective in thunderstorms. The oscil-
ations produced provoke an enormous
reduction of resistance at the proper In
stant to facilitate the flow of the cur
rent through tbe conductor.
torizing instruments, snd the necessity
for a ligalure is removed.
Jennie B- Qreon and Mrs. Harry
Hardy. .
Jammi E Orckit, Denmark, Iowa,
writes to Mrs. Pinkham:
"I had been sick at my monthly
periods for seven years, and tried
almost everything I ever heard of, but
without any benefit Was troubled
with backache, headache, pains in the
shoulders and dizziness. Through my
mother I was induced to try Lydia E.
Pinkham's , Vegetable Compound, and
It has done me so much good. I am
now sound and well. "
Mrs. Hakbt Hardy, Riverside, Iowa,
writes to Mrs. Pinkham the story of
her struggle with serions ovarian trou
ble, and the benefit she received from
the use of Lydia E. Plnkham'a Vege
table Compound. This Is her letter t
" How thankful I am that I took
your medicine. 1 was troubled for
two years with inflammation of the
womb and ovaries, womb was also very
low. I was in eonatantmlsry. I had
heart trouble, was short of breath and
could not walk five blocks to save my
life. Buffered very much with my
back, had headache all tbe time, was
nervous, menstruations were irregular
and painful, had a bad discharge and
waa troubled with bloating. I was a
perfect wreck. Had doctored and
taken local treatments, but still was no
better. I was advised by one of my
neighbors to write to you. I have now
finished the second bottle of Mrs. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound, and am
better in every way. I am able to do
all my own work and ean walk nearly
a mile wttnout fatigue: somethlntr I
had not been able to do for over two
years. Your medicine has done me
more good than all the doctors."
Csnaldar Wall He fore Acting.
"Because an acquaintance of yon is
has a set of plate teeth that are giving
good satisfaction is not slways a guar
antee that yon can meet with tho anino
results when your teeth are all extract
ed, for thore are a great per oent of
mouths that will not tolerate a plute of
sny kind, snd the only way you can de
termine tills fact Is by a trial," says
Dr. Thomas 11. White, at, the north
east corner ol Morrison snd Fourth
streets. "VVhon your natursl teeth
have been sll taken out the plate Is the
only recourse, and if yoo are unfortu
nate enough to have a mouth that will
not retain a plate, misery the rest of
youi life will be the ultimate result.
Therefore it is ot vital Importance to
keep your natural teeth as long as pos
sible. It is not always necessary to
have your teeth extracted because thny
are decayed even to the gum margin,
or because they pain yon and you can
not use them in such condition, for 05
pot cent of such teeth can be restored
to s good, healthy and serviceable con
dition. The progress of dental science
has made it easy for an up-to-date den
tist to rcproduoe the lost parts of thotto
organs, making them thoroughly reli
able In every sense.
"When there sre but few teeth or
old roots remaining In the mouth do
not have them extraoted because some
dentist that ia not in possession of the
late methods of orown and bridge work
advises extraction and pinto. Tiy to
cold, siurcR m mi kcgjujs wu be mzn
Karvaloaaly Rich Sperlmana fratn Oas
Quid, Silver and Other Mlnaa.
Beonatt's Renowned Ellltarj Bind
Uaa bean ensKfi3 for the season.
Attoandln Aerial feata and AeroUatla
Vary Low lutas all Railroads.
AhMlltl X,
Adults, SS Cants. t'lillitraa, IS Cants
... atAWtrrACTTSBKD BY ...
fs-wors! tub wa.
I S JT. st lair a. l 1
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i M
l-sa Him (M tnr u ni
ftAvhaUki, lrtfUrtiRi,ttMnaV
I tint itini atf- nil (Mat ..
lif M h e m fHmtilrii..r(,
rnhiiWs), and Nt ulrtu
I or wiit In thilii wraptwr.
bv prxut, tn-pai.J, l,ajv
J II rttt, .ir A tmliltM, . TV
Circular ti um i-v-jutti.
iuufiicicos iSgrEQEDviVc..,!,"
Plain ar with fatter. The beat nenlie In th map
art, lltnt by all wa aawi-r.. t ut eale lr ail gen
eral uerUieuaiae ewree, or by
wit-t, vinok :o.,
SK Market street, ftaa rrauctami. Cat
mm auiiitj una wearing oritigti wore, and ls, J.u. uomtax.mieauaitattfug.wuinaa'o.iu-
reason for yourself. Yon will not re
gret your Investigation, and will, I feel
tnre.always remember this suggestion." '
Si. t. M. ti.
WHEW wrltlaa to
II mention this
ad vertlears
Ma. SB,
j . . . mm
Cawston & Co.
lueeaiiars Is M. t. Drager, 1 C:
48 and 50 First St,
Portland, Or.
304 Fin Ave.,
Sratttc Wash,
The new improved Stonghton wagons
stand the racket. Three more car loiulu are
on the way. It pavs to have the beat.
Write for free catalogue. JOHN POOI.K,
sole agent, foot of Morrison street, Port
land, Or.
of "A rmtron'i Combined Theory and Frantic
of Bookkeepfns are nnmeroun. Inveitlaal
thli new method of u-achln. It is eztramalv
lutareitlng, thoroughly practical.
ualng to Business Colleae ?
DO not fall to learn -h.l .r.A !.- .....
Orfgon. Call, or write. Vlitltor. always wall
coma. A. P. Aatiirraoao. Priuclual.
Under international law warships in
distress for lack of coal may purchase
enough at a neutral port to carry them
back back to the nearest port of their
own country.
I shall recommend I'lso's Cure for Con
sumption fur and wide. Mrs. Mulligan,
rmtimteau, Kent, jsngiand, rtov. 8, 181k).
A boxful of earth from the Garden of
Qothsemane was sprinkled over Mr.
Gladstone's coffin.
It was once customary in France
when guests had remained too long for
the host to serve a cold shoulder of
mutton instead of hot toast. This wus
ths origin of the phrase '"to girs the
made on a amall begin
Makemonav br
nieculatlon In Chicago. W
euu - wueei on mar.
I. Fortune. h. i
bttaiunlna hv ir, ..
Hires. Write for fnil nartlrulara. n,... ..T
srene given. Sera! rear' ex parlence on th
Chicaito Board of Trad, and a thorough know
ledge of the bulneM. riend for mr tree refer-jnt-e
book. IKJWNiNo, HOPKINS A c".
.Chicago Hoard of Trade Brokt-ra. Offiosi i In
Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Waab.
Moore navealed Remedy wllldolt. Three
dotes will make you feci better. Get n from
your druggist er any wholesale drug bousa, or
from Stewart A Holmes Drng Co., Seattle.
liiirttS bViUHi AlL El Sll EfilLai.
CoukIi bjrup. TasuH (j.iod. Cm
"Chaniplon" Chemical Firs Englnca, Hook and l-atlttttr Trucks, Hose Carts. Steam,
crs, Fir Hydrants, and a full stock of Kir liepartmritt Suppllas.
"Keretone" Waxed Ctttttm Vlra liiian, having a for long servlr that
cannot he equalled. It la the beat madej tend for a in. utile ami you will learn why.
Hancock fire Kxllnulshere. The "liahcock" la ths rviiiyiimttl standard I
tlngiihiher unlvanallv uaed III the rira 1 epartnieiil fervlm. Kvttry Milngtilaher tear.
Ing this plant is tested Son pounds to the Miliar Inch, although the working prensure Is
only atx.ut luu pounds. Meteo.1 heavy tnllit copper, with a apun top; no riveted Joints)
baa shut-off nunle, whereby the operator can control the stream, Ibis being th
most eaaentlal point In a fire astttiguitjier.
Beware of any Mr axtlnguliiher not having a shut-off. lest It b cheaply Con
structed machine, not capable of conllnlng the preuure generated, t'lieap Imitations
re on the market, made of light material, with riveted Inluis. and so cheaply con
structed u not U) be able U) bold th preaaur were II confined for but a moment,
e CAL. SIZE tSO.OO 3 OAL 8IZI 18.00
Including Supply of Chemical Charges with Kaob,
A Beautiful Present
In order to further Introduce ELASTIC STARCH (Pint Iron Ilmnd),
the manufacturers. I. C. Hubingcr Ur. Co., oi Keokuk, Iowa, have
decided to QIVB AWAY a beautiful present with each package ol
starch sold. These presents are in the form of
OoGufifu! Poofcl Picforos
They are 13x19 Inches In size, and are entitled as follows:
Lilacs and
ST l-WWTIalsstsel .S
uwmtftocoosaar'y ti
mam mmmmmmiu
it)' '
Lilacs and
Theee ear nf.... I f . . H
R LeRnv nf vi T J l numper, Dy the renowned pastel art at, g
ti.UKoy, ot New York, have been chosen from the vcrv rhoireat snliierts S
'"ThVn.'1.'0 and afe noW ered ,or ,he " time to the pib ic J 8
them in beauty, richness of color nd i artiaiic meritl6' ntmng ,urPMSln
wsi uikm. I'lVtUI
III t - !
win pc -Riven away
with each cat It a cm
beSuf pictured ' psckage. Ask your grocer for this starch snd gel a
Elastic Starcli
. . ucot launary gtarch on the nn
Ask your grocer for this starch
Sll f ""'
Sab bueaaui
cold shoulder."
zt mzt-t tttfttst8tttf mitt 1 1 zz t t s 5