OKEOON MIST. Kxrly thi wufk lliu ruin uil to Hie dual.: "l' cu to "u UU1 yuurnamo in 'mud.'" ,Uov. JUilUirook will ph t Bcap. flKKiso.next Buiiday as usual momim .Mini evening. The Intorlar of tlio Stir saloon lias iLooti Improved very much lu appear unco this week by a new ceal ot jmlut .and paper. Mend's wood WW la lu town, having arrived TuustUy, AH parties expect ing to have wuod Hwa will do wll itogot It ready. JB, E. Quick now hat a fruit-dryer In Mtrtlun on liia farm WAt of town. II it prone o.ohurd yielded quite boun tifully ilii year. Wanted. -About twenty men to uul .cord wood. Eighty rente 'per cord, Apply to -i. U. Muygur, manager of (Oregon Wood Company, St. Hulom, Eov. a. 0. Haley has been re-up-jioinlod to the Si. Heluns charge, where lie ha been for the post year, while JUuv. K. V. Hmilh hat been assigned to the 01uUltinle charge, and Kev. M. 'llurlingame to the ltainier charge. County Treasurer Jtoaa has a call lor warrants) indorsed prior to Novem ber 1st, 180(1. in this inane. He also hui on hand about (13,000 to pay war rants (or which he hue .advertised, but Which have net been preseuted for payment. Throe children of Mra, Minnie O. JLayftold Myttle F., Annie, and Ger trude Lay field living at Neor City, were taken to Portland yesterday by Judge loan and delivered over to .BupVGurdner of tho Hoys' and Girla' A id tiouiety. The mother ie widowed and nimble to care lor the children. There wae a genuine eilvertail, tim hot gray aquirrol exhibited In this oity Tuesday afternoon. He wai caught iby iChnrley Muckle'e dog, near Mr. Muckle'a ploa on the bay. These squirrel are not common in thia part ol Oregon, although an oooaaional one' iaa been aeen of late. It U the gen eral disposition not to destroy them, with the hope that they would become more plentiful, K. M, Wharton la Milling the product f liia prune orchard to the fruit-drying esUbiialiinotit at Clatukauia. He haa shipped Irotn Columbia City oo the usaer Shaver during the past, few: day a over throe toot of prune, and f jtpeoU to ship that many move, pro-, viding the weather clears np, aa it is .not a good plan to box the fruit when wot, it being very liable to mold. The ririce realized is one-half ttal per found, JulmotaU at ClaUkanie. The peace and quiet of this city was somewhat disturbed last 8unday after noon by two Swedes, a soldier, and an abundance of bad whiskey, the latter certainly purchased elsewhere than in Uiia city. A nearly as the (acta could le ascertained, one of the Swedes apoke' in a disrespectful manner of the lad wiio Wore the blue, which proved to be more than lite patriotic blood of the Jatter could stand, and a rough-and-iumble ensued, in which little blood wae spilled and no serious damage done. There wr three arrest made,: bat before V o'clock the jail was unoc cupied, each of the transgressor hav ing been "bailed out." No complaints were entered, and all la now quiet. aUxui a dozen member of Avon lodge, Knights of Pythian, paid a fra ternal visit to Orpheu lodge at Port land last Thursday night, and the treat ment they received was truly fraternal. After the diapmal of tbe usual order of business, the evening was devoted to a .general good time, fast Grand Clianootinr Oeary wa present, and a number of other able apeaker. Some aime wa spent under head ot good-ot-4ho-ordor, when the lodge-room wa converted into a banquet hall, and a jnoat sumptuous lunch wa terved, mhicU all present thoroughly enjoyed., lleside a membership of royal good' fellows and a orpa of officer who iiave no superior in their place, Orpheu haa a chancellor commander who i the embodiment of perfection, and posgoesos the happy faculty of snaking visitors feel at home under ny circumstance. Those attending; from Avon were Chancellor Com mander Quick, Vice-Chancellor Ed Watt, Faat Chancellors Cliff, Boas, Dray, and Davis, and Knights J. G. Watts, CUwton, Wikstrom, and May jeer. It i needless to say that a good time was had. The public school of Uiiscky opened i last Monday morning under vory fav-' oruble circumstances, with an attend ance of 42. In the primary depart ment, under charge of Mrs. 8. S. Way, there were 24 pupils, and in the higher grade, in charge of Mr. Geo. A. Hall,' 1$ pupUa were present. The directors aoted with commendable judgment when they decided that one teacher' culd not properly instruct such a targe number, and consequently em-, ployed an ansistant. The attendance is oertaln to be increased by another month, wiien botb teachers will have on hand all the duties they n prop erly perform. The school-building taat ear was repaired and rendered more, convenient, and this year over one hundred dollars was expended for fur niture end school apparatus, thus in creasing the facilities, when now it is possible to render better service to a larger number of pupils. Nothing that can be done adds greater to the stability of a town than good facilities for instructing the youth, and we are pleased to say that St. Helens is really progressing in this respect. Under tbe tutorship of Mr. Hall and Mrs. Way, patrons of the St. Helens school can jiow expect better results. RAILROAD TO NEHALEM., Incorporators of a New Enterprise File Papers. Sunday O.rtfioniau. Articles of Incorporation of the Portland A Mchalom Uallroad Company were filed In She county cleric's office yesterday. Th, capital stock Is 1100,000. and tne incorpora tors are R. V. Pratt, J. Tliornbnrn Rosa, and U. A. Wlnstanley. The object are to construct and operate a railroad and tele ora: h line from s point on the Nehalem riyer near the boundary line between Co lumbia and Washington counties, thence to the city of Portland by some convenient route to be Uereaftur selucteu. VOJX A CANSEltlT. w. dHnloiui Being Looked to aa the ttowalblo IxicatJon fair One. 'A gentleman earns down from Portland Tuesday renins; io view the conditions In this city looking toward th sutabllxluueiit of a cannery here. We understand that lis Jiietwltli tnoouragement by being oHered a Isasa of a iKa without consideration, and was guarrnteed all passible moral support In the enterprise. The proportion of the gentleman, ws un derstand, I to establish a combination can nery, operating on fish during that season, and later lit the year taking up the preser vation of fruit and vegetable. ttaslness men of Bt. Helens and the farm ing element hereabouts could foster a no more benelloial enterprise than justsueb anon. is contemplated by th visitor. . It mlht b posslblsto operate hioenaso tlon with such a eMuWnsMon of equip nient svoream separator and cheese manu facturing plant, In widen Instance the en terprise would be cnuplete within itself and amply answer tin purpose for band lli'g the product of the community until the product greatly increases and the per manency of the project is assured by a lib-' eral patronage and hearty eo-operatlon of the community established. We need Just jucli .an institution here, and w predict, In cose of Its establishment, a prosperous future. Many tons of fruit annually go to waste In our neighboring orchards which could be cared for at a profit to producer and oanner, and the pro duction of small vegetables would be en couraged. It Is .to be hoped that our visitor may become Impressed with prevailing conditions and decide to locate with us. TUB LIST OF JURORS. The Following Is die Jury Llatt for October Term of Circuit Court. Ole 8. Lyons farmer... Mist Irwin Heflort..... . Deer Island James Muckle.jr. .logger . .St. Helens It. Thomas tanner., . vernonia Abelfeer ,. " .-JSeer City CatoPareliu " ...Quincy A. II. George. , .carpenter. .St. Helens r. M. l'arker . ....farmer. ..Vernonia Dan Stehman.... " ... .Apiary Wm. 8y mons. . fisherman .... Rainier John Edholnt. . , .farmer... . Vernonia Wm. Itealtnius . .St. Melons Lindloy Meeker. . . " ... Houlton Thos.B. Denslow. " ...Vernonia Wm. Holt .... Warren J. A. Van........ .. Fishhawk Silvo Graham. . . .butcher. Chttakanie S, M. Wharton. orchardnt. St. Helens I. Spencer farmer. . .Vernonia Petfr Lund.. .... " .... - Warren A. M.Tichenor .capitalist. . Claukanie J. P. Welia. .... . .farmer Goble Charles English. , " .Deerlaland Martin Harvey.... Mist T. C. Watts. . . . merchant. Goble John M.Reddick. .farmer.. ClaUikanto F. W. Makinster. . " Goble JohnBtockeuberg. " Mayger Harry Hyveruon.. " ..,,uutncy J. C. Stewart farmer . .... Rainier A. 8. Graham. . . .farmer. .Marshland A BOOH l!i LUMBER BUSINESS. Astoria Oas Been Given a Common- Point Rate by Nortliera i'aoiftei. There undoubtedly Is no legitimate reason why the lumber and logging Industry on the Lower Columbia should not now thrive as never before. The steady increase in bsaiaess In this line which has been noted for many months U now augmented by tbe acta of the officials olXhe Northern Pacific Railroad company. This Increase In busi ness will not only affect Astoria but will stimulate th logging industry all along the lower river. A dispatch fount Astoria, In last Sunday's Oregonian, read: "Astoria ndllmen are at work making preparations for an immediate increase of buttles. W. 8. Kinney, manager of the Clatsop Mill Company, one f the largest lumbering concerns In Astoria, has already made arrangements by wire to oover East ern territory tributary to the Northern Pa rtita and Its connecting lines with a force of traveling salesmen, aud it Is confidently ex pected tbst an Immediate Influx ot people and capital will follow this action of the Northern Pacific "There' Is already .on toot an organised movement to manifest the city's apprecia tion of the Northern Pacific's action by sup porting exclusively the lines of that cent pany in every section of itttitory where they can be utilised. The feeling seems to be that the Northern Pacific, whether In tentionally or otherwise, baa made a ten strike among th salmon packers and other large shippers of Ahtoria, and, hewey.et much or little tbe Northern Pacific stands to make oa the lumber shipped out of the city, there Is no question that It will find Its common point extension a paying Invest ment In other directions." A later dispatch from Astoria says; 'The taggers along th lower river are very busy at present, and every camp In this vicinity employs a large force of men. The principal camps are situated on Young's river, the Lewis and Clark, and theNecani- cuui. and all are now engaged In taking out pruce. This timber lain great demand for box manufacturing purposes, and the fact that the supply la not equal to the demand has had the vllect of sending np the price to St) per KMX) feet. Many owners of timber land near the city have held their places in rrserre until nrices becama batter, and the common-point rte granted to Astoria by tne Kortnern racinc nas given an impetus' to thelnduBtry. It is reliably stated that ru an v of the timber claims will be worked to meet I lie demand created by the increase of the territory of local dealers. The most extensive operations are now being con ducted gear tiosiiilfl, and it s estimated by the company at worn more mai lo.oou.uw feet of spruce will be taken out there this full. The camps on the iwis and Clark and Young's river send out large rafts each week, tbe grentor part of which has hereto fmn irons In Porllnnd for the liox factories. The revival of this industry will mean much lor mn I'ujr inn mw sunvuiiv....,, j . ttexat shim the food pare, rRM S (W few absolutely Purw 1EVJW 1- $1.00 to ts.oo fa' your ExpeitH . . sfkiiv tW UU I I Kftrtiioiionnnt oi vimtnn to tut) rair i"Si i : EXP0SITI01I COUPON s a Corner 9 ItlnrrlHors and Slid M 11 fl.oo on tvery fio.uu purvnaiw 01 i .felon's on coyc CLOTi!iric. At our store. One Fries to tlaonds markud in plain flnro, T1 1 Tf ATTfl rtTAmTTTlTn TTATTOTJ pohtlakid COUNTY OOUItT PROCEEDINGS. What Was Done at the September Term by the Commissioners. Be ltiromsmbered that at a regular term of theeounty court f tbestat of Oregon for the county of Columbia, begun and held in the courtroom of said .court in SI. Hel ens, said county and state, on Wednesday, September 7th, 1808, th same being the time fixed by law for holding a regular term et said .court for the transaction of county business, when wore present Hon. J. B. Doan, county Judge-, r. A. Frahes and N. D. Peterson, eounty commissioners; I. O. Watts, elerki J. N. Rice, sheriff; due proc lamation having been made, the following proceedings were hod: Tax sule certificate N. US for the e of the nw and the nw'4 of the of sec 27, tp 7 n. r 4 west and M of sec 10, tpl m r i west, was amlgned to John Conway for the sum of 1318.87. Costs and penalty on tax saleof E. Ridge way land, ordered remitted to the amount of $8.10. and tax sale certificate No. 688 or dered cancelled. Cost and penalty on tax sale of property of N. lUsrcill In the sum of g33.42 ordered remitted, for the year 18U5. The olaim of J. A. C. Johnson for remis sion of 19.70 allowed upon the payment of $4 60 the original tax for 18U2. Poll tax of James Imel for 1802 ordered remitted. 1 Poll tax of Mra. A. J. Eubert for 1807 or dered remitted. Taxes of B. C. Hudson for 1880 In tbe sum ot $1(1.10 ordered ci edited .on tbe tax roll for that year. Taxes of A. N. Tucker for 1801 ordered remitted In tbe sum of $10.31. Tim account of the clerk, sheriff, and treasurer were examined and approved for the month ol July and August. A. U. Holaday appointed justice of the peace for 8capKose precinct, and J. W. Ltarnes for Oak Point. Bruce Haines appointed eonstable for Chitskanie precinct, and Al Robinson for Union precinct, vice U L. Decker absent from the couuty. Fixing tax levy of 1808 continued for the term. Petition of John Pringle et. al. for connty aid on .the Pittsburg and Bt. Helena couuty road continued for the term. Contract ir building Tide creek bridge let to H. C. Hoadley (or tUe sum of ll'AI.OO. Ordered that tbe sheriff execute a deed to Columbia county of the real estate covered by tax sale certificate No. 380, consisting ot town lots In Bt. Helens assessed to Joseph Myrick. Court adjourned until October 19, 1808. twk nwuuwiMa uiixs vsax PAID. Orwig, A X, making Jury1 list for Clatskanie precinct I 3 00 Hall, WK. same 8 00 Conyers, W H. same 8 00 Lewis & Dryden, stationery and printing 18 00 News Publishing Company, same. .. 38 00 David Dims, sow 67 40 Irwin, Hodson Co, sane 25 00 Glass et Prudhomme. same. 25 00 Bonney, D. Crosby Inquest 160 Uellinger, Wm, same 1 60 Prazler, Wm, boarding Upton 6 25 HI. Helens LAW Co. watr rent 6 00 Hill, Joel, juror, state vsMusgrore.. i 00 Merrill, N, witness, stale va Coulter 4 00 liaker, Mrs 1) F, saute 7 20 Ray, J A, witness before grand Jury 0 20 McLaren, Dr A P, examination of lusaue person 5 00 cox it, viejrer oi aamages on Aa aims road 4 40 Haen.RO, Saws.,, 80 Kullerton, W J, same 8 80 Rosa. Dr R. attendance OB Hoodies' and medicine . . .. 10 50 Cone and. I H. teachers examinati'n 0 00 War. Mrs Mary, same 8 00 Haley, GO, same 8 00 Ross. Dr E, supplies tor eoartliouae 1 75 Copaland, 1 H, postage.,... 4115 Rice, J N, same SO Of) Howard. HO, lumber for rdist 22.. 45 33 Trow. Fred, same fordist 8 19 38 Burgdorfer & Johnson, same dist 1 . . 104 00 Flippiu.T J, same fordist U 40 10 Smith & Thomas, same for 13 ..... .. 10 00 Watts & Price, spikes for di-,i 1 6 85 Honeyman, Dull art Co, nails and Iron for dist 1 4 45 Meier A Frank Co. same 2 35 Lovelace, ft M, hauling lumber for road district 8 4 31 Lovelace, R N, work In same dist. . . 20 00 Lind, B N. work on bridge In dist 13 20 CO Pomeroy, W O, same in dist 1 40 00 Freeman, A, same in dist 3, . ..... 6 40 Collins, K, same , 4 50 Sheffield, F, same, 4 60 Haien, R O, same. .. 7 90 Bacon, J 8, Jiails for dist 3 600 Cooper, Win, work in district 8 . . . . 8 65 St Vincent hospital, care of Tedford 35 00 Golden, Mrs D, care of Headley 4 50 Watts, T C. auppliosfor Mrs Lax-field 9 55 Myers, A F, supplies for Oakea fam 10 00 Dart St, Muckle, supplies for McCoy family 6 85 Johnson, If D, care of JosOreea.... 33 42 Sheffield, A H, care of Headley 30 00 Delta, W J, supplies for Jorden 10 00 Lindgren, U F, supplies for Doraeyer 10 18 Lane, O W, care Bittncr children. . . 9 00 Cheldelin, Mra 0 P, care of Hansen children 12 00 Van blarjcom Mrs fiffie, care of ejtik diea. 10 00 Huber, H, care of sister 12 00 Oardner, W T, Boys and Girls Aid Society . . 10 00 Heckert, J P. work oa delinquent tax roll to 00 Rice, J N, same O) Ot) Peterson, N D, county commissioner 20 40 Frakes, P A, same 17 00 itlakesley, C W, work in assessor' office 107 60 White, Martin, assesser 164 00 Watts, J O, work in clerk's office. ... 60 00 Hubert, Mrs A J, rebate of poll tax 1 00 Merrill, F, rebate on double aasni't. . 9 40 PEHSOSIAl, MENTlOn. C. G. Caples was up from Columbia City Tuesday, Mrs. Tho. Geoper was A Portland visitor last Saturday. C. H. Briggs, of Yankton, was in Port laud Monday. ,, I. G. Wikstrom was doing business In Portland Monday. Mr. A. H. Powell, of Pittsburg," was In this city Monday aud Tuesday, Irwin SelTert was In town yesterdrtv, hav ing come up from Doer Island to take tiie boat for Portiauu,. Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Page and children, formerly of ( latnkaiiie, were visiting Mra, i T. J. Cioetoit this week. I V. W. Clark and wife, who are temporar- ; fly residing near Kalaimi, spent sunu I with relativea and friends near Houlton, ' Adin Boss. brother of the doctor, who has 1 been In the dniu store In this city since January, took his depnrlure Monday morn i lug for tiis old home c Wi-cunsln. I James Severn, of Mnyger, was in town Monday, under treatment of a physician. : having suffered a rupture last Friday while , lifting a heavy log. ! County Coroner McLaren was In town Monduv inorniiiK nitikine arrangements for a trip back to his old home in Cuuada. Tho doctor expect 10 oe aiuem two or tnrec months. .ootoP S.OQ f Oood until October Jmiu nrn i iriT a s.....i ihi i i prMcu 11. w um, ww roiutiu A IdUUI . CLATHKAME NEWS. We noticed s load of baled hops bronchi In for shipment from Johnson' ranch, eoi vesper. Miss Louise Barr took tbe train Monday morning for Portland, after visit of s few days with ber parents. Mr. and Mrs. David McDonald are now reaidentaof our city, occupy tug tbe Elliott bouse on Walnut street. Willie Merrill has deposited his "hop money" In a bicycle, and la taking comfort in using it pretty freely on our street. Charles Lindgren has been bringing quit a quantity of baled hay to town lately and storing It in his baru for market in the future. Mr. and Mrs. Mills, of Portland, were In town Monday on their way to wlsit Mrs. Mills' parents, Dr. and Mrs. Ray, in Use Nehoiem valley. Mrs. Campbell and family, Mrs. Aldridge and family, and tbe bop-uiokers generally, have returned to ase their earnings In mak ing themselves comfortable for the winter. Charlie Conyers seems to ba carrying the mails between the trains and postomc now. There is pretty lively competition now in carrying passengers to and from tba depot, but it insures patrons good service. The new store-room In the Merrill band ing lb receiving Its finishing touches and will soon be ready for occupancy. Mr. Nackley expects to move bis stock of goods into tiie new room, and watches its progress with a good deal of interest. Th Hazel Grove people turned out last Friday evening and gathered into William Rarra to give Miss Martha a surprise. When all got in, there were forty or more present, and it would not be necessary to remark that a lively time was the. result. V, I. Dunbar, secretary of state-elect, and a party from Astoria, paid our town a visit last Saturday on their way Ha Mnyger to ship their team home by steamer. They hod driven across the country from Astoria througli the Nehalem valley, doing a little hunting and taking an outing for variety. Andrew Ragle is coming to the front with a new residence which la being built in front of his old one. Tbe frame Indicates that Andrew will have much more com modious quarters for bis family. He was over from Oak Point on (Sunday, where he Is at present employed doing blacksmith work. - P. J. Popham met with a painful accident last week in shoeing a horse. The animal was reatless and came down on his toe so heavily as to crush it severely, injuring tbe bones and causing liiiu severe pain. He is crippling around on crutches, regretting very much being compelled to stop work, a he was quite busy. The dime social at the resldenr of Dr. and Mra. Hall la-t Frklav evenine was well attended and furnished a pleasant evening to the guests. Miss Barr's presence added to the musical interest, while the Guitar and Mandolin Club furnished some excel lent selections. Not many towns of its size are as well favored musically as Clatskanie, aid when the inusiclaus are in tune they can make an evening pass very agreeably. There was s mingling of various ages at the aoctat anu au seemeu to leei at uuuie. Edward Dixon, of Wisconsin, surprised his parents and brothers by a visit on Sat urday. It baa been several years since be has seen any of hia father'a iamily, and he finds them greatly changed in that time nearly a score ot years. He has a family in Wisconsin liv ng on good farm which he left in charge of bis two sons while he cam to Ore ion for work, which be wassjot long in finding. 4t is a little surprising that one should go so far from home to earn a little money, but it siaka well for Uregon mat it can supply tne neeaiui. FOR SAt.K Orwlll trade foreattte, one two SCAUsd staring hack in Rood order; also two norses. uu on or wunw, j. o. uuvr ivu i , , Helens, Oregon. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. JUsd Orrica at Obsoon Citt, On , Auiruat 27. ltm. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THK following-named settler has filed notice of his inteution to make a uul proof in support of his claim, and that said proof wilt be made tw- lorerne Kegmwranu neceiver, tu. uregon vpy, Oregon, on October dth, Um. vis: M1KCZYSTAW OLEJNICKI, Homestead Entry No. 10,367, for the se! of nw'-i and ncji oi sw4 sua s; j o sw? ui swuun u, tnAii rl WAKt. Me names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resideaee upen. and cultivation ot said land, vu: K, Marshall, ei remaau, ure on, 23 Columbia street; W. Mitchell, of Port- Harney, of valley, Oregon, aad M. fresh, of veer ituanu, uregon. sun? C HAS. B. MOORKS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lahd Dwci at Obkooh City, Oa., August 23, IBM. NOTICE IS HEREBY (JIVKN THAT THE follawing-uanied settler has Aled uotlee of his Intention to make final proof ia aupportof his clnim, and that said proof will be made be fore Clerk of Court, at St. Helens, Oregon, on Octobers, 181)8, vis: JOSJtPH A EVERETT, Homestead Entry No. 129, for the sw 4 nwW, aud lot No. 4, section 4, and ee'-i of ueJi' aad lot No. 1, seotluu 5, tp 4 n, r 5 west. He names the follow ing witnesses to prove his conttnuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: Brice Hacker, Wm. H. Hacker, and Joseph Reed, of Keasey, Oregon, and John U. Hantaan, of Vemonla, (Jay-gon. a2tki7 CHAtt. B. MOORKS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Ornca at Orwjoh Citt, On., ilMK'ttff Ail IfWW. OTIflK TS HEREBY GIVKN THAT THE N1 fnllnwlnflr-nammt nettler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of his ointin, ftnd mat tHia proor wm ne nmae De fore Clerk of Court at tic. Holens, Oregon, on October!, vi: M. E. EVERITT, Homestead Entry No. 10,S9l, lor the se of nw?4 and of ttcKi of sou fti, tp 6 n, r 5 went. He names the following witnesses to prove his conthiuoua residence upon aud cultivation of siitd Innti, vfs: Briee Hacker, Wm. H. H ticker, aud Jownh Heed, of Kettey, Oren, aud John l. iiniiiuiuii ui idaiVMn, viva"ii SlXn7 CHAS. II. MOOHKS, Register. NOTici FOR PUBitlCATION. La so Orrica at Orsoon City, OaM AUffURt lltll. IH'.tS. N' OTICK IS HEREBY GIVKN THAT THE followlnsr-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make lliutl proof in Buutmrtof nts ciHiui, ana mat satu proof win ue mace be fore tlte Register and Receiver, at. Oregon City, Oregou, oa September Such, istut, vis: CHRISTIAN VA.N BRISK, Homestead Entry No. 070, for the cast M of the southeast M ot seetiou s, township & north, ranKe 4 wost. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation ojaajd bind, via: John tlmss, John B. Braunaud Frank Keefe. of Hramisport, Oregou, and Pan iel l.iooy, ol Buxton, Orogou. a!0s28 CIIA8. B. MOOREH, Register. NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. lfto Orrica T Obkoon City. Oa.. August 11th, lKM. V0TICE 18 HERRBY GlYKN THAT THK 1 fottowlng-nained xettler has filed notice of his intention to make final prwf in support of his claim, aud that said proof will be made be fore tbe Register and Rt-eelvor, at Oregon City, Oregon, ou (September Will, l.iw, vis: JOHN IIOK8, Homestead Entry So. as'd, for the south U of the northeast W mtd west W of Dutheast of station 6, towiisblp north, ratin 4 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence tipoti and cultivation of said land, viz: Hermanns Kullner, John It. llraun, (lust Hmidllng and Christian Van Buck, all of BrauusiMirt, Oregon. aiusSa CHAS B. MOORKS, Kcglster. A CRITjCAL TIUE During the Battle of Santiago. 8ICK OB WELL, A RUSH NIGHT AND DAY. Th Packers ait the Bstttle ef ( war all Hsrees m Tksir Ilerelc rrure la Oettlnfr Amms. altlein ana Battlone the franc Bared (he Day. P. Buttler of pack-train No. 3, writing from Santiago de Cuba, on July 23rd, says: "We all bad diarrhoea In more or less vio lent form, and wlien we landed we bad no lime to see a doctor, for it was a case of rua .and rnsli night and day to keep the troops snprilied with ammunition and ra tions, bat thanks to Chamberlain's Colic, (holers and Diarrhoea Ueniedy, we are able to keep at work and keep our health; in fact. I sincerely believe that at one criti cal time this medicine was the indirect saviour of our army, for if the packers had been unable to work there would have been noway of getting supplies to the front. There were no roads that a wagon tram could rise. Vy oomrade and myself bad the good fortune to lay In a supply of this medicine before we left Tampa, and! know In four vases it absolutely saved life." Tbe svboae tetter was written to the man ufacturers of this medicine, the Cbainber lain Medicine Co., Des Moiues, lows. For sale by Or. E. Hoss. TOR BALE. f have four volumes ef -"ffarm and Fireside" and four volumes of Hau Framlsue Weekly Kxamlner to sell. I will sell thelKt volumes for the smalt sum ot three dollars aud fifty cents. 1 he veterinary, dairy and mttcellan- ,eHJ w.ipea are alune worth double the price. lucre we eosuunea also exact teu atones; gooa te read in i'mg winter evenings. Any rancher farmer, or fruit man wanting thein, will pteaae address H. W. plttlCKt, Bt. Ueleus, Oregoa, P. O. box No. 20. TBtASORER'S NOTICE. Cocktt TaKAauaaa's Ornca, ' Br. Hklshs, Oa.,Beptember28, 1898. NOTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN THAT A IX unpaid County Warrants of Columbia Countv. Oreimn. which have been nrcsented and endorsed: "Nut Paid for Want of funds," srior to Nov. 1. 1hja. will be naid uoon creseu- iatlon at thlsofoce. Interest will not be allowed after this ute. KDW1N ROrta, lOSotl Treasurer o eeUisaWa. Oeuuty, Oregoa- NOTICE TOjCREOITORS. NOTICE 18 HERKBY GIVES THAT THE uiilerM)f!ie1 ha been nLH)inte nlniiiitft- liar till Hull ''mitllV JllHtTA nl Cnilllll- uuunijr. wreKon. au persons naving cimm aainnt aald estate are required to present the! saittK, pjo.ieny vennea, to me the omce ol ; George A.. Hufrl, attorney at law U Ht. Ueletis, Oregon, within six months (rjiuthin datsa. j Lulatl. Helens, urwgoiisBet-'emniTw, iwra. Miirtl i. WIK8TKOM, Adininl-trntrii of the estftie of J-'rank 14. Web ber, deceased. t9o7 Notice of Administrator's Sale ofLaaa. NOTICB IS HEREBY OIVEX THAT IN PCB siiaui o of au orrter af tl Owunty C'oort of Die State of Oregon, In anrt for ColumMa Coun ty, made and entered on the 6th day of Septem ber, laa, In the matter of Hie estate of John El more, deceased, the undersigned, the adminis trator of said estate, will sell at public auction to the nig-heat bidder, subject to counrmation by said Court, on Monday, the 24th day of Octo ber, A. l ls'JH, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the front door of the County Courthouse, In tbe City of Bt. Helens, Columbia County, Htate of Oregon, all the right, title, interest, and estate of the said John Klmore at the time of hia death in and to all that certain lot, piece, or parcel of real estate, situate in the County of Columbia and Htate of Oregon, and particularly described as follows, towit: The Southeast Quarter of Section Thirty-fonr, In Township Six North, of Ranee Three West of the Willamette Meridian, and containing 100 acres. The terms of said sale are Cash, U. 8. Gold Gain; tea per cent of the bid to be paid on the day af sale, and the balance of said bid payable oa ttae day of coulirmalion of said sale. E. K. QUICK, Administrator of Estat of Joha klmore, da eeaeed. s!6ol4 SUMMONS, In the Circuit Court ol the State of Oregon for Columbia County. Uu.T M. TiYLoa, Plaintiff, r. JorsT HSNar Tavioa. Defendant To John Henry Taylor, the above-named de fendant: IN THa NAMK OP THK STATU Of OREGON: You are herehy commanded and required to appear in the- above-entitled court and an swer the complaint filed against you in the above-entitled cause on or before the first day of the next regular term of the above entitled court next following the expiration of the time preecribed in the order of publication of this summons, towit: Tuesday, the 11th day of Octo ber, 18ta; and you will take notice that if you fail to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed Jorlu her complaint, towit: First That on or before the first day of the term ef tJae abow-eotitfed court, that you pay to the slerk thereof the sunt of flM.W alimony pendente lite. Beconct For a decree dissolving the maniara contract now and heretofore exhitlug betweeu fdaiutiff and defendant, and for a degree award ng the care, custody, and control of the minor children ot plaiutiff aud defendant to this plaiuti Third For a decree awarding to this plaint! IT one-half of the following-described real prop erty, towit: Lying, being, and situate In Colum bia eounty, OreKou, and designated aa the South west quarter ef the Kortheaxt quarter and the Northwest quarter of tbe Southeast qusrter of Section a, Township 4 North, Range 4 West of the Willamette Meridian, belonging to said de fendant; aud Fourth That In the event said defendant falls to pay said alimony pendente lite, that the said gum of $150.00 be ordered and adluriged to be a lien upon the interest of said defendant in aald nrcmiaes. and that the same be sold to par aaid sum, and for the costs and disbursements of this suit, aud lor such outer reliet aa may be equitable. This summons Is published against yo inTff a St. Hslshs Mist by order of Hon. Thos. A. Mc Bride. Judge of the above-entitled court, made and dated the 2nd day of September, GKO. R. BA!,EY, at of Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia County. Miss Emma H.Stenborg, plain tiffl TS. John C. Mania, Annie Manta, Kailie Manta, Tillie Manta, Carl Mania. M. Hendricks. Alpliia Adams, and Ktiiel Hendricks, defendants. To John C. Mauls, Annie Manta, Sadie Manta, Tillie Manta, Carl Mania, and M. Hendricks, of the above-named defend ants; YOU AND BACH OF YOU ARE hereby mini red to appear and answer the ooinpamt filed against you in the above entitled attit by the first day of the next term of tiie above-entitled Court following the expiration of the time prescrilied In the order for publication of this summons, which day will be Tuesday, the eleventh day ef October, 1SWH, and if you fail so to appear or answer said.enplaitit on or be fore said day for WHnt thereof, the plaintiff will apply to said Court for the relief de manded In her complaint. The relief demanded In Plaintiff's com- ilaiut ia that the mortgage held and owned iv ber upon the following described real property situated in the County of Colum bia and State of Otoroii, to-wit: the Honth west quarter of Section four (4), in Town ship three (3) North, Kange two(2) West of the Willamette Meridian, containing 160 acres, be forclosed. and the said premises be sold to satisfy the titortKage dobt due plaintiff secured by said mortgage, to-wit: Th. sum of $lXi.00, together with interest on the same at the fate of 10 per cent per annum since the 18th day of August, 18t7, also a reasonable attorney's fee and the costs and disbusements of this suit, and that you and each of you, and all persons claiming or to claim by, Ibrtigh, or under you r either of you subsequent to theenm. moncement ol this snit, be barred and for ever foreclosed of all right, claim, equity nf redemption, or other Interest In or to said real property, and sunh other and further relief as to the Court may secia meet and proper. This Summons is published by an order of Hon. T. A. Mollrula, Judge of the above outitlcd Court, made August 5th. 18!8. J. THOHNIIURN KOSH. P. P. DAB.NEY, aud K. U. 8BAUKO0K, ul2L'a Attorneys fur l'laititilf. AW OPEN i 0 iiw i ns.no. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR EIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD "CASTORIA," AND "PITCHER'S CASTOMA," A3 OUR TRADEMARK. , DR SAMUEL PITCHER, of Uyannis, MassackusdlB, was the originator of "CASTORIA the same iudt has borne and does now tear on every the fac-simile 'signature of(&&fiffflc wrapper. This is the original "CASTORIA" which has been used it the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at tho wrapper and see that it b the hind you have always bought : -f , a t1:? and has the signature of CtMic wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name except Jf j?trr Cmpan' cwhieh Chas' & cher & President - Do Hot Be BcceiYed Do not endanger the life of your child by 'accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he does not know. "ThQ KM You Have Alway3 BoLbJi" BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF - Insist on Having The Kind That Never PaifoLYca VMS CNTAUtl IMMIIf) Tt WWfllMV VTHstCTe MCW TOUM OtTV HARRIS' CASH GROCERY j MVWsvyyywsfwVwwwVwr ' Keep always on hand all kinds of ... ., rr. " ', 1 tPe nd fancy groceries and ; , - - " r ' provisions, farm produce, tropical rOT YOUr ; and domestic fruits in season, fine : (jTOCCneS. k.....". - 1 tea and coiiVjpa, tolkawo and cta&ri. ,,,, , , ., r ' ', K tine Hne of cmifectUHie alw in : stock, and variousolherspeeiaities. : J CORNER COWLITZ AND MAIN STREET. ST. HELENS, OR. kk-a. S) A Jt A A. A A A ST. HELENS Dr. EDWIN ShafcaiaAlhsaJfaUsyUsJsas 1 nni 0W5 II r" I wwww , U I 1. rvvvwnfvvvv Patent Medicines, PERFUMES AND Prescriptions... Carefully and Accur ately Compounded.-. DAY OR NIGHT. ..Oiixrs.... DART & rialn Street, - Dealer in.... GENERAL ....MERCHANDISE Including s and dress syMUa-AasrialsssWfcsaaaUsSiiUWL DART & Main Street, - GOOD TOOLS! ..FOE KKT Jenning's Patent Bita ,. Clark's Expansion. Uita..... Common Braces Ratchet Braces Prawing-knivea Folding Drawing-knives.,.. Common Saw-seta Morrell's Saw sets Carpenters' hammers Carpenters' hatchets 12 to 30c ...70c toll.10 35 to 50o ...COe tof-'.'W , 4fic n 20 , ......15c .Cue . 25 to4ic 85 to fa lo . ..... 60 to 70c 55o 1 25 50 to 75c 17 to 85c Carpenters' haudaxes ... Jack planes Disston handsaws Good steel handsawa .. firmer chisels..,, , .... ICS CKKAK raitKKEKS. 1-qt. Artio 5 5-qU Artio 1 15 8-qt. Artio. 1 30 Black Diamond Files, Oil Stoves, Pinchers, Wrenches, and manv ether pood tliinira used by all kinds of people, at low prices for the next 3o days. Open evening. ZVZTZSll. HUITT JIABBT7AHS rsssa ff WEf 'iUt v -aaa mmst m ' -li La 4 i SI 3 i i i i A A Jm A A At A fa PHARMACY ROSS, Proprietor. iao lia. .""V V - V-rl V- Fancy Toilet Articles. FANCY STATIONERY. Complete Line of... School Books. Ubu. School Supplies MUCKLE St. Helens, Oregon. Choice Groceries Always on hand. Floor, grain, and feed. ToWco and Cigars, and smokers' srtlvles, uotioua. eta. ...Hardware... CROCKERY AND TINWARE. ...Dry Goods... general assortment of clothing, furnishings, goods. Also a Hue Hue of boou and shues. MUCKLE St. Helens, Oregon. us, jreguii. jj LOW PRICES! SPOT CASH.., 4-Quart Artio. ft 55 1- qt. White Mountain I M 2- qt. White Mountain 1 4f 3qt. White Mountain 1 75 4-tjt. Whit Mountain 2 l 8-tit. White Mountain 8 45 LAWN MOWKUS. 12-inch Phllailelphia. . i M l-l-iuch Philadelphia 5 15 lfl-inoh Phiiadejphia 6 i'0 IH-ineh Phiiatlelphia Mi 20-inch Philadelphia 7 t Camp Coffee Pota . , 20 to 3 to GBAMITB CAM? KKTTIKS. wllh cover 4-qt. with cover , 6-qt, wi!h cover , . 8-qt. with coyer ...3i'c . . .3.- ..Am i