OitECJQNMIST, lISJ'ICO .Kl't.'MK tUI0W MOKNISS . ' -BV- . DAVID PAV1S. One copy one y-ar In a4vanca..,,...w.,w (hvut'y six Uiouth...M -.-It 90 60 ..... Advertising ral "vmada known upon application COLUMBIA. COU3STY DIRECTORY. OBKr Ot'FlCERS. Ind..,.. ...... Joseph B Pom, Rainier Ailerk jaiierlir.... Treasurer jbm.ot beliools..... J. ). Watla. St. llvlena ...J. N. Kli-8, Clitskanle E. Ko. 8t. Holeua ..I. H. Col!"", Warren ...Martin White, Quiiicy o.w. Mvfi- t,Lvir purveyor onr..DY."A7P. McLaren, lUUilvr . . . t P. A Frukiw. scapii commiraioneni i - D k-ktsou. Mist T. llfcl.iiS. OKKWOil, SWT. S3. America fop Americana. "Ijong May It ware O'er th Home of the Free and the Iarnl of the Brave." This tact of there being in Ibe hands of the eounty treasurer about f 13,000 to pay advertised warrants being to view "peculiar condition of circum stances. The treasurer ia apprised of the whereabouts of many of these war rants and the holders, notwithstanding the fact that interest has ceased, man ifest no desire to have tbero cashed. Perfect confidence is certainly placed in the ability of the county to meet its obligations, and another thing, the rash is assessable, whereas the war ranto are not. The treasurer seriously objects to keeping such an amount pn band, but it cannot be remedied. W believe no other line of trade in this section of Oregon has enjoyed a greater increase and better prices for Ibe product than has dairying this season. A stiff demand and good prices have prevailed all sammer, and the dairymen have accordingly been benefitted. This is one of the health iest industries in Columbia county and the increase in business haa greatly stimulated that line of trade. Fur a few years past, like many other lines of trade, the business of dairying has Buffered more or less, bat now new en couragement ia offered and more money is being made. Jn fact the outlook for the dairying industry in Columbia county is very encouraging at the present time. 'Tps old key note of another railroad project for Keualem is sounded in the announcement of the incorporation of another company in Portland for con strue tip g a line frpra Upper Nehalem into Portland. So far as that part of the transaction goes we have little faith in it, and the alarm has so often been gonnded that humanity in general in this and other sections of the county place little confidence in any such ' rumors. Were it not for the fact that some time ago a well authenticated re port was brought to this city that some attention was being given the proposition of rosurrecting the old phu of construotiug the Nehalem road, we would pass this latter matter by without notice, but as the rumor stated that too mnch money bad been tied BP in the affair to allow it to remain dormant, a fact which is well known, causes the matter to be treated with some consideration and a little cre dence given to the reported aims of the new corporation. By the decision of the committee from the Methodist Episcopal confer ence held last week at McMinnville, Portland is to retain the Methodist university. By this clever stroke of business tact good results may natur ally Us expected. Of course, Oregon now possesses two of these institutions one at Salem, one at Portland. The latter can supply the requirements of the coast sections of both Oregon and Washington ss well as the eastern sec tions of the two states, and the institu tion under the same management, at Salem, will undoubtedly receive a lib eral patronage from the entire slate south of Portland. Columbia connty felt a greater or less interest in the de cision of the committee, since that ed ucational institution is looked upon with no little degree of favor by peo ple here. That institution since its inception has received liberal patron age from this county, and we believe that lull value received has resulted iu each instance to the pupil attending. It can at leant be said that the decis ion was wise. Colttmbia is the only county in Northwestern Oregon, we believe, which does not possess a banking in stitution, and there is not a belter opening for a bank in this stAte than here at St. Helens. The business in terests of the county are rapidly de veloping, the business conditions im proving steadily, and the demand for aucu an institution is becoming very urgent. A roan having a thorough knowledge of tha business and a part of the capital required would receive strong backing from the business men of the town and county. But we wish to add here that no rainbow chaser or person with a wild, visionary idea that he can swindle our people, need apply. It is very inconvenient for the business men of Si. Helens and Columbia county to do their banking business in Portland. County officers find it extremely inconvenient to do business with the banks in the city, and no doubt should such an establishment he started here it would receive the patronage of the county officials. Iu litis connection we mean to say that St. Helens wants a bank, a cafe place to entrust money, and when such a concern is eatahlixhed and its honesty of purpose proven without a question, H will receive a hearty and substantial indorsement and patronage. By all means lot us endeavor to stcure such Bti enterprise fpr our town, J . ,W a.iiv I It begins to look now as if the agi tation for better roads iu the rural dis tricts of this state would b?ar some fruit. The Oregon ltoad Club, of Port land, is preparing a bili tu be preseuted in the legislature provitling tor lliecoi-1 lection of road tajt iu cash, a system 1 advocated some tiuva since by Thr Mist. There are other commendable features of the proposed bill, but we belieya this to be the most important one, and the one which wUI.be con ducive to the greatest good for the out lying districts. In this connection, the delegation from Multnomah will have the hearty support of the Clatsop county representatives, and also the earnest co-operation of Representative Hall, of this county. The demand for better roads is rapidly increasing, as is shown by those living in the interior in this county, who are urging and demanding that some beneficial legis lation tn this connection be enacted. A number of splendid ideas have been suggested, and out of the multitude of Miggealions there certainly will ema nate a splendid law. No other thiug would do more to advance business interests and bring more money into Columbia county than the substantial improvement of the roads leading from the river front to interior poinia. We believe we bare in Dr. Hall a man who will put forth his beat energies for a' revision of the laws governing our sys tem of county roads. In Portland last night opened a grand exposition, where every section and county of the state have a fine dis play of the productions that are pecu liarly adapted to their respective local ities, or should have. From the absence of disolay from Columbia county, an outsider would not be aware that one of the richest counties in the state lay in close proximity to Portland, and in the richest section of the Jxwer Co lumbia basin. Columbia county has neglected this season as in past years to make the least effort towards a dis play of its natural productions. It could make the finest display of fruits, vegetables, potatoes, hay, and grasses of any county in the state. This stale of affairs does not resect to the credit of the residents of this county. It is a very tame tribute to the enterprise of the residents of this section. Colum bia county is noted for other produc tions than lumber and shingles. The lowlands and benches produce the finest grain in the world, and coal and iron of good quality are found in quan tities. We certainly have missed a great opportunity for free advertising that would bave benefited the county thousands of dollars, by providing a creditable display at this exposition. Never did a belter op;orUiuity present itself for Columbia connty to immor talize herself by showing to other sec' lions of the state her wonderful re sources and advantages. We should not let another opportunity pass with out making an effort to advertise our resources. If we expect to prosper we most let our light shine before the world. On Scappoose bay, in the vicinity of Warreu, there are 5500 cords of excellent fir wood banked for market, or rather ready to be transferred to Portland for consumption, as the mar ket was ready before the wood waa de livered. Bayers are anxious to take charge of the wood by paying f 2.00 per cord, spot cash, and in some in stances owers refuao to sell at $2.00. There are about twenty-five men in' terested directly in this wood, while the community at large haa an indi rect interest in the industry. The im mediate sale of that wood at the cur rent price, means that 111,000 ia to be put into circulation in that conimun ity. The only fact to be lamented in this connection is that there is not a greater amount of wood to be disposed of at that place. Two years ago this fall several thousand cords of wood were delivered and sold from the same place at an average price of $1.40 per cord, on six and eight month s time. A great many men interested in this line of work and trade about Warren will today contend that their chances for making money are no better now than they have been for four or five years, when at the same time they are receiving 60 cents per cord better for their wood, and an increase of 40 per cent on the dollar in improved condi tious of bnaiuess, not mentioning that terms are now cash, when nnder less favorable circumstances it was ren dered even less favorable by a credit system. The cord wood industry is one of the priucipal industries of that community, and it seems that the ad vent of such improved conditions in their financial affairs would be heartily accepted. ANNEXATION OP MARS. When the plantet Mars is nearest the earth it 35,000.000 miles away. Almost close enough for Uncle sani to annex. Times Mountaineer. Bend Dewey up there with a fleet of airships and be will attend to the de tails of annexation. Roseburg Review. What about that railroad that was as pos-ible as the eclienve of inter na tional bimetaliam that McKinley has been monkeying with. Portland Sun day Welcome. Why not send Alger on John H. Mitchell's railroad?-r&alem Independ ent. Just turn it over to ihe big yellow journals and the job will be attended lo.-Albany Democrat. Yes, and when it ia annexed we will vote to colonize it with a lot of yon growling, whining, fault-finding, bel-ly-acbing pops, who think this world is going to hades and is Dot good enough for you any longer, and when we get you there we will have Dewey out the cable. Roeebnrg Plaindealer. CASTOR I A For Iafanti and Children. Tbi Kind Yoa Kara Always Eszght Bears the Signature of OASVOnXA. Boars the Slgastut a ym iim Ainu w nm nmjt Boipi OAflTOTlTA. Beam th yit Kind Yon Haw Always ym 1IH MB I OS SJgaatwa .. ' ; THE liKOlKLATVKIS, . " . j The Following is Mt of Senator and ltepresentatlvea of Oreoon. In view of the fact that the state legisla ture Is callvd to meet In apecjal 'session on next Monday morning;, tha following list of memtirrs tilth their addresses and political affiliations will be of great Interest. Tha vow oa United States senator bids fair to be a warm oue, and newspaper readers will want to know tha politics .of eaoh member and the county Ik represents. For that reason we suggest that readers of The Mist r-ut out the following list and preserve It for future relerence: : SENATORS. Adam, t J, rep . Marion Bates, Geo V. rep Multnomah Uruii,ll limn'tfi. rfii... Clackamas Cauicrnu, Theodore, rep.,....,... Joek-on Clem, .J, two ........ I'inn llalv, tternani, aem.., Daly, John I. rep , Benton 1 ! ren ! Ihifur, E B dam.,, Wasco Kulton, 0 W, rep . Clatsop Haines. K W, rep Washington Harmon, C K ren . .Josephine Haseltiuc, J K, Mitchell rep. . jdulttiomaii Howe, W A, rep Yamhill Kelley. P R, rep l-nn Kuvhantlall. W, rep ..Lane l.ooney, N H, rep ..Marion Ma.-bsv Donnlii ren Multnomah Mitchell. John. rap Waaco Morrow, J W, dcm...,. Morrow Mulkey, BF.rep ...Polk Patterson. O W . reD Washington Porter, L L, rep tlsckamns Proebstel, Ueorse W, rep lnuaulla Reed, A W, lep Douglas -Selling. Ben, rep.. fliiiitnonian Minn.ii Inv. h ren. Multnomah Smith, William, union... Baker Tavlor.TC.ren Umatilla Wade, Justus. peo Union Those marked with were elected in 1SO0. REPRESENTATIVES. Rnver. J C. ren ................ Multnomah Blackahv. J It. dera Molhear Beach. SC. reD ....Multnomah Urai tan. F M, rep. .. . , l-ane Brigs, Abner,- rep. Washington Butt, Clarence, rep ..Yamhill Carter, K V.rep .....Jackson Conn, James W, union. ....... ....Douglas Cunmiiiiira. Win L. reD Marion Curtis, C J. rep.. . ... ...... Catsop Davis. II K. ren biucoiii Donnellv, R N, rep. Crook Fnrrell, 8, rep Multnomah Vl R H. ren Marion Fordnev, Peter, peo ... Wallowa Freelan'd, E L, rep Morrow Grace. W E, union Baker Grav. W F. silver rep Lane Greeg. J Jf. dem Polk Man, J , rep vounuuia Hawson, o u.rep uiiiiau. Hill. George H, rep...... Multnomah Hoc-kirk. Peter, rep Multnomah Joi.e. I) M. silver reo ....Linn Knight, George, silter rep Clackamas Kruaa. J L.rep Clackamas Lanison, E F.rcp. Yamhill Lewis. Abner.rep Marion Marsh. D W. ren. Washington Maisineill. W A, rep Lake Maxwell, J W, rep Tillamook McAllister. D A.dein...... Union Met'oort, John.rep Marion McCulioUiih. J W.rep.. . Marion McQueen. Ivan, rep Lane Moodv, R K, rep Multnomah Morton, ,' W, rep ...Wasco Myers, G T, rep Multnomah Nichols, R J, rep ...Benton Palmer, H M.peo ...Linn Platts, E8. peo.... .....Curry Reeder, L B, rep .... , Cmntilla Roberta, A 8. rep Wasco Ross. J T. rep ......Multnomah Sherwin, E A. Anion Jackson Smith, J E, rep Umatilla Stanley, F S, rep Union Stewart, Matthew, rep Jackson Stillman, A D, deni Umatilla Stuoip. J B, silver rep Polk Thorapsop, Aler, rep . . - Clackamas Thompson. J RC.rep ....Washington Topping, George P, rep Coca Virtue, J W. dero-peo-sil-rep. . . Josephine Whalley, J T, rep Multnomah Whitnev.JJ. riem Linn Williamson, J N. rap Crook Wilson, W W, union.. Douglas Wonaoott. G W, onion Douglas Young, Johan E. rep ..Clatsop OREGON IHDDSTRIAL s EXPOSITION -OPEX8 IK PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 22, CUWE9- October 22, 1898. The Finest and Greatest Exposition Ever Held in the Northwest HorticBltnial and Agricnltnial Products o( Oregon and Washington will be displayed in wonderful profusion, in cleding more varieties than ever be fore gathered together in one exhibit. Gull Sienna Bronze Medals fill le awarded. Marreloaely Kick peel men fraas Oar ld, Silver anal wilier .nine. Bennett'. Renowi Military Ban! Has been enraged for the season. Astounding Aerial Feats and Acrobatic Performances. Very Low Kates on all Railroads. Admission: Adults 25 Cts. Children 10 Cts. r-THE- HOTEb A utriotly flnrt-ela home. A home for commercial travelers and the public. Board and lodging at reasonable rates, ST. HELENS, - - - OREGON vvvvvvvwvwT,rirVVyyy E.E. QUICK G.W.COLE Commliwionerof I . Notary Public . Deeds for Waah- I ington. ...... I COLE & QUICK, PBOPK1KTOES OF THORNE'S Numerical Systemjitle Abstracts. Titles Examined and Perfected. AbstracU Furn Is tuil. Anww8iient8 Kxamined. In iiraaee Written. Taxea Paid and Convey ancing. IT. BELEAS, OREGON. Get Value Received EVERY TIME AT N. A. Perry's HOMLTON, OREGON. OABTOniA. Bean tha Tl Kind You Ham Always J ' f-y ' ''TrVrr'-'-wa-w.'- : : w W ri&aw,a m-Wm ' ly ,..... By Visiting The- Iffil Bring this coupon wilh you and w will How you a rebate of 10 PER CENT Oa nil your rurclmsps. We carry the lAigust Slock ot Men's : and : Boys' : Clothing In the City, Including- an enormoHS ,' OYKROQiVFS and; j OUR PRICES ARE THE POPULAR BEN SELLING, Manager. ....Subscribe Now..,. . fOR THE toiiii aod (too 1 1 1 ...Two Together $1.75... Private Boarding ....HOUSE.... Mrs. M, J. Scott, Proprietress ST. HELENS, OREGON, Piivat. board and rooms. Transii-nt trade and regular boarders solicited. Care taken of boraes ot cuuntrr sojourners. KEXT TO MASONIC HALL. MAGNOLIA,... 8. 8 ...SALOON G. A. BRINN, Pro, FIHE: WINeJ : UQUORS, and Cigars. IORTLAlsrr. OREGON 143 Front 6trt, Netf Atdr. Geonre It alwuyr plesw! to we his old Columbia coimtf frlemdM. Wbeu iu the metropolis give him eaU. - BANQUET SALOON CL0NLNGER& COOPER, PROPRIETORS. Wine and Liquor Card tables, pool tabla, billiard table and other devices for the entertainment of put rons, where time can lie pleasantly spent. , ; Besides other popular brands, are kept constantly on band to supply the increased trade at this very popular saloon. THB FAMOUS CYRUS NOBLE WHISKV IS KEPT AT THK BANQUET. PROFESBIONAj:.. i. W. DAY W. B. JJILLABD ATTORNEYS -AT-LAW Office next door to Courthouse, ST. HELK.S'8. OKliOON. General practice In court ot Orwon or Wah ItiKtou. AljKtracta made directly from county records. GEORGE A. HALL, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. .. 7 . Collection, forecloauren, mechanics' lelns, etc. Deputy proftecutiDg aturucy. Ollice with T-1- Clecton. St. Helens, i t Okeook. G. W. COLE, ATTORNEY ANP COCNSEUlB-AT-LAW, 8T. HELENS, OEEGON. Title AhWract Pooka, Notary Public. Commis sioner of leens lor Wahitmton, and rtti exper ienced collector in connection Willi office. J-jR, EDWIN ROSS, , PHYSICIAN AND 8FRQEON. St. Helens, Oregon jB. H. E. CUFF, PHYSICIAN AND WEGE0N. . St. Helens, Oregon. JTJR. J. K. HALL, PHYSICIAN AND SUUGEON. Clatskuiile, Colunibla county, Or. H H fa H II E- W EXPOSITION ALWAYS LOWEST. PRICE CL0TIIERS, Third and Oak street, Portland it MONEY'S WORTH' EVCRV TIMI AT DOLMAN'S STORE. 8T. HELENS, OREGON. Mr. Dolman always fciep full twt ol Oenentl Mertiiam1iK. which he nulls at prices dvly compettttou. J STOMA & COLOMBIA RIVER 11 RAILROAD COMPANY, .AHTOBIA kXPHKSS., leaves Union Depot. For Mayaer, Ilfltnlcr, Clatkauiti, WoaliHirc, tllluiu, Asiorlu, Wr renton, Flavel. tiinr hart Park, and Sea side. Astoria and Seanhnre Kxprens; daily exeeH Sunday, i Aalorla Bxpresa; dally except Uattirday. Special deaiilde Excur sion i Butunlay only. Rpecfal Reitnlde Kxcur Bioa; 8uuday only. Arrives uuiiiu Depot. S:00A. H, 7:00 P. M. 2:30 P. M. 7:90 A. M. 10:20 P.M. 12:) P.M. 10:30 P.M. Ticket oillce, 'Hit Morriann street and Union Depot, JT. V. My, Oon. Pa-n. Afrk. Astoria, Of. DENTIST J. A. REID Has Located In St. Helens Permanently, . FULL BET TEETH.. FIU.INtl , liOI.L) K1LI.INOH.... ....17 SO lo S10 00 .... M) to II 00 . . . .f 1 60 upwards Crown aii Britlge- Wort a Specialty 93.60 TO $5.00 PER TOOTH. The work that t have done In thli community for the pant Ave tnonthn in my recommendation. All work guaranteed satlnfactory. Office Next poor to Rots' Drugstore ST. HELENS, s : : : OIIEOON STAR -:--:- SALOON W. W. BLAKKMLKV, Prap. FINE WINEsInD LIQUORS. The Famons J. II. CIITTEK, MAGNOLIA and HONKY DKW Whlnkey alwaya on hand CELEBRATED HOP GOLD BEER A InrKO utock of DOME.sTK; and KEY WEST Cigars o the best grade alwaya on hand, o Between the two hotels. M:aia St. - St. Helena, Ore. HUCKLE BROS MANUFACTURERS OF Diroenflioi. Lumber, Floor. tiff, Kuotlr, tthenth inK. CmsiitgM, and a cumpluLe Ntock of evury vartuty of ROUGH and DRESSED LUMBER ALWAYS ON HAND AT THE OLD STAND, ST. 11ELENH, OK IS SL mm MEAT MARKET. JAMEH If. NHKMMWJW. All Kinds of Fresh Meats, fWlTRArS BY nV t a it, At Main etrt, f..rfcr..-r '.--" - ' . i'tTTt l.CLAlSKAJNlb DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor, Has urt racelvad large MaoilSMat el I rc.li anil Pure DrugsHd Chemicals 8 8 V Alas a new and leleot "leek ot drtiipi and pteut ...1 ...i,l ,m,it. nerfumery and Uiilcl W and whool iil!e, pel 0 u.uallv kii,l al a llml i'U.m drua atora. 01 r --. . a IVescriptions Carefully Compounded'. AT THK 1 CLATSKANIE WWW V V W V V V Groceries and FLOUR, GRAIN, AND FEED. TOBACCO AND CIGARS, NOTIONS, ETC. I T. C. WATTS' STORE, Keuben, The Perkins" :v C. VV. KNOWLES, Manager. Mr. Iv'wIp . f"f many years, piopriotnr of tlio St. Charles lintel, and while there estublisliutl a reputation as a hottil man. He is now In a better position to entertain bis frirntls than ever bi-fore, ant will welcome all bis old patrons to his new place bt business, where can be found an ap-to-dule hottil. Corner Fifth and Washington Streets, Portland. 44 White Collar Line THE COLUMBIA KIVKR AND I'l'OET HOUND NAVIUAriONCO. PORTLAND-ASTORIA ROUTE. Str Bailey Gatzert Landhit Foot ot Aider Street, Portland. Laavea I'urtlaud dally (enoutbuuday)at 7 A. H. 1. aniline Telephone dock, Axtnrla. Leave. Antorla dally (uxxeitt Sunday) 7 P. M. Oatiert Tickets Oood on Hteamer Thompnon Viuamei Tliou.Min Ticket. Oood on Uauert, 0. 8.' SCOTT, frss.-' FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. -STIAMeS- Young America WILLAMETTE SLOUCH Leave St. Helens :) A M Arrive at Portland 10:00 A M Leave 1'ortland 2i.t0 V M Arrive at tit. Helens (1:00 V U t Alie tS CEN'IS). Will Carry Nothing; but Passengers and Fast Fn iglit. JAMES Gr 0D, Master, STEAMER G. DELL SHAVER, Master, -J'-iiiiT-ifai,i.tri. , Mim---' TiPfl VPJ Portland, foot of Wanhlnnton slreot, Tneaday. Thnnday, and Hnndny civentnR. d " , O'doi. HijturniiiK Umvvbk Cliitckiinlo. tide poniiittliitt, Monday, Weiliiwlay, mi Krldar evaninm at 4 o'clock. Will p, ok IN.Int about 7; Ktclla7:lfl: Mavxcr 7: Has Italnlcr aiWi Kalama9:lft; Ht. Helena U:ao. Arrive In Portland 1:110 a. in. Tits company reneive. tlio rlghlttt ...STEAMER JOSEPH KELLOGG. Leave. Kol.o on Monday., Wed n e . d a y . and Kriil y at A o'clock a. in. Jn. i-rfl , n,,," r - .....Portland and Kelso Route via Willamette Slough..... zamc Hams, Bason, and lard. WII0I.ESALS It A i a.i-MM.' ex.. Ilelemav, Oruon. ijL-iii-i!rx lAntft rM t t 0! UKUb MUKb medtelniw, faney stationery, school bnot arllvlen, and tu tiu't everything which Is DRUG STORE Provisions..,.. Oregon 0. R. & I GO. Time SCHEDULES from Portland. Pur ART rua Aaaivs raoM Kat Mall SkBt. Salt l,ka, Denver. Kt. It'onh, Omaha. Kan nn. liy, Ht. U.nl. Clduano and East. Pat Mall 7:ao a. to. Bptikans Klyar J p. ut. Wnlla Walla, Rpnkans, Mill n p ol t a, ht, Paul, Uiiliilh, Mil waukeo, Clitoago A 8rkiino Klyvr lfl.Uiia.iu. Bp I Osaan SlMmahlps. All aalllriR dat ub- Jil In dianaa. Fur Hun Praiu'lwio Sail Meiitimitter J, It, HI, Jl.'.tl 7 p.m. To Aln.ka Sail hopt. IT p. Kb s n. m. Kx.nuudajr Saturday IV p, ni. Oolumbla Rlyar etoamars. To Astoria and Wnr landlUKa, m. Ka ud.r Sa. m. Ex.Mundar Wlllamatts Rlvar. Orrvon City, Nowlwrg, Biilfiii A nay laud'n. I'M p.m. Ka.Huudap 7 a. m. Tncs.lhur. and Sat. Wlllamatts and Vara hill Rlvara. OrpKon City, Dayton, and Way-lainliiiKa, SDOp. m. Mon. Wod, aud t'tl. Sa. m. Tuen.Tliur. and Hat. Wlllamatta Rlvar. Purllnnd to Cnrvallls aud Way luiidiniis. 1 , ) nop. m. Tne.Tliuf, aud Hat. I.v. RI.orla 1 :ir. ii. m. dally x ot But, Snaka Rlvar, Blparla to Ltwl.ton. Lv.Uw'toa t :4.1a. m. dally - coptfrl. W. H. HURLBERT, General l'AuctiKer Acent, PORTLAND . . . . , OtE()0K W. SHAVER Portltuid to Clatskanio Shaver Transportation Company. I.cnvo. fort' land Tueadaf. Thursday, and Hntimlnya, at o't'louk a. m.