The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, September 16, 1898, Image 3

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FKf DAY, W.VTKXIUVn 10, !0H.
repurlxtl Ihnl Hit) aUiaiii.r ISailuy GiU
tert will be withdrawn from Ilia A-tor.ti-FortW.nd
run, and that the Tolo-
nlumn will lie again 1)106(1 lit 00111 mia-
; Tim luMur itamer oun he omir
atod for 920 tlay Ion thin the Cat
ion, which will be ft. big item while
the rata war n on. Rumor ban it that
ilia aianmhnat enmnanloa will slush
rate to meet every reduction of the
railroad company, ana mat tne round
trip fare will be a low SO cent be
fore the war l over.
OitKOOM Bhkkp Contrary to punt
cnntom, aheep in Orogon are telling at
liiKh aa in Wyoming. And why
ahouldu't tlioyf Although farther
west, and consaqueiilly from the groat
eaalern market, Oregon thttttp are bet
ter than the alfep of Wyoming, to
which atate we export each year many
hundred of thorounhbrf-d rams to 1m
prove their Hooka. Further, Oregon
. eheep are rapidly bnnoming aa good aa
the beat in the Uulon, and, at the
oreaent rate of improvement in breed'
log, will toon be the beat in the world.
Ninety Membbub. The lugislature,
which baa been called to meet at Balem
on Henteniber 20th, wilt be composed
of the aenatora and representative,
leoled at the lt June election, with
the addition of the holdover aenatora.
If all the member thould be present,
there will be ninety members, ol whom
34 aenatora and 42 representative, or
a total of 00, are republican; and 6
aeuator and 18 repreaontative, or a
total of 24, are claraed a opposition,
bolne fuitioniat, democrat or popu
lilt. It will take 40 votes in the joint
couventiou, to elect a United State
aeuator. ,
New County m Eabtbhm Orbooh.
The question of a new county being
formed of portion of Crook, Orant,
and Gilliam ia again being agitated in
view of the coming aoaion of the leg
islature, aay tbe Frineville Journal.
There i no doubt that the citiien of
that suction deaira it, and that they
have juat cause for ao doing. It i aaid
that Representative Donnelly, of Orant,
t.mM ilia nrnnnaitlnn. We fiun auth
oritatively stale that Crook county'
representative win um uiipun i, uu
wilt lend hi aid and influence in It
favor if it is shown that the resident
of tho proposed county deaira him to
do 10.
To Injima Pilvbr. The Hon. Sid
ney Dull, the welt-known political
economist, wan aaksd ytrday what
lie thought of the middle-of-the-road
S epulis in nominating a ticket at
incinatti. H said: "I think the
action of that contention I calculated
to injure tbe cause of silver. Of course
tbe middle-of-tlie roadors are in favor
of greenback for currency, but they
have affiliated with the illver men for
some yeura past. From the diapatches
in this morning's As tori an it appear
the convention was one of self-eon-stituled
delegate, who were unable to
Kroe. Thia plit will oot help the
silver men." -Attorian.
Wtu Loo 8pUC Timbbb. A Jog
King engine belonging to tbe Sorenseo
Lumber Company was brought to tbe
city on a scow yrsterday and landed
on KUvcl's wharf, says the Aftorian.
From a platform there it was hauled
onto a flntcar and taken to Seaside,
where the company hat large lumber
ing interests. N. P. Sorenton, general
manager, aavs he expect to taico oat
twtweon 7,000,000 and 10,000,000 feet
of apruee this winter. It is expected
that 80,000 feet will be taken out a
day, and that amount will be brought
to tiie city in logs. Tbe limber will be
taken to the company's mill in East
Astoria and there sawed into lumber.
The timber to be taken out by the
company will be worth nearly $00,000.
Kbit abb Scarce. There is scarcely
a day passes in Astoria that laborers
re not in demand for different kinds
of laboring work. An up-river logger
a few days ago scoured the oily for
men to rorklu hi logging camp, of
fering as the lowest wage 945 per
month and fouud. Ue left here with
tvo men, being all he could find, and
would take four more, but could not
get them. There is no need in Astoria
of any one being out of work that I
looking for a job, as thore i hardly a
imlnl along tho fiver where lumbering
I carried on that refuse employment.
After fishing season, as a general rule,
Astoria in pat year could furnish
many men for different kind of la
boring work, and often men went beg
ging for employment at the height of
the fishing soasnn. Any one who ask
fur assiatance these times, for the
reaaon that he can't gel work, doea not
want to work, because he can, it he
To Open Nbhalem Coal Mines.
It i reported at Astoria that Portland
capitalist are to pen the coal fields of
the Nfhnlem. Work will be com
menced on tho claim owned by Mr.
Pearaon, of Portland, who, it ia said,
ha interested a syudicate. The coal
deposits are known to be very rich.
Should the district be operated, it ia
quite likely that the railroad will be
extended down the coast. The coal
On the Pearson property is of excel
lent quality, being considered as good
as any mined in the Northwest. The
largest vein thus far uncovered Is
nearly Ave feet in thickness. It ex
tend into the mountains, and doubt
lets leads to an almost inexhaustible
supply. There are many other valua
ble eoal properties In the Lower Neha
lem country, and tho working of the
Peitrson property probably means the
development of the other deposits.
An Arkansas editor explain hie
nosition as follows: "Our aim tell
the truth though the heavens take a
tumble. Our paper of the people,
for the people, to be paid for by the
people. Our religion orthodox, wun
belief in hell for delinquent subscrib
er. Our motto take all in sight and
rustle for more. Our policy to love
our friends and brimstone our eneml
If thine enemy smite thee on one
cheek, swipe him with haste and dex
terity at tba butt of the most conven
ient ear. What we advocate one
country, one flag, ' and one wife at a
time. Our obi wt to live in pomp
and Oriental splondor." And the gen-
tleman has embarked in jtiBt the bual
nut Krescape failuro. , I
Mr. and Mr. CWelon were in Port
land Thursday,
Mr. C. L. Ayres, of Peril, was in
town Wedneday.
The public school in this city will
open next Monday,
Tho Cloninger, of Soappoote, was
on our street Monday,
Rot has a complete line of school
boolEi and soliool supplies. .
Mr. C. L. Parker, of Pittsburg, was
doiug business in this city Mouday.
Harry West came In from Scappoose
Tuesday and atteudud to business mat
A good east-iron upright healing
stove for sale cheap. Apply at this
Attorney W, H. Conyert came up
from Clalskauie Wednesday afternoon
on business.
Mrs. Frank Dow was in the oity
Tuesday on ber way to Nohalem to
this rviatives. j
Mr. and Mrs. Q. (i. Msyger are now
occupying the Watt bouse, back of
the Oriental boteL
The Oregon Wood Company's office
is now located in tbe uppor story of
tne J ayior building.
Bemomber that you can earn one
year s subscription to this paper by
sonuing in two cash subscriber,
Bainy weather is detrimental to tak
ing good picture. Call at Ford's gal
lery before tit rains set ia. Near the
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Gray returned
Sunday night from Ilwaoo, near where
tbey had spent several days picking
Rev. J. W. Weatherdon, of Portland,
will conduct services in the Episcopal
onurcn in tin city next Sunday even-
Mr. Nelson Hovt is snendinsr a few
days with his sun, Frank, at Warren.
lie finds everything much changed
since his residence tuere.
Mr. John Gilmore Is bavins bis resi
dence, jul west of town.neatly painted.
Mr. S. Kasmusen, Mr. Gilmore' son-in-law,
is doing tbe work.
T. J. Cleetou will leave Sunday even
ing for Astoria, where the regular Sep
tember term of circuit court will con
vene next Monday morning.
Mr. J. B. Godirr jr god family have
taken an their residence In tbis
having moved into the uuei bouse,
near the schoolbouse, yesterdsy.
The Defender, a large barge belong
ing to H. B. Borthwiok, took a large
amount of hard wood at tbis place this
week for Warreuton, below Astoria.
Rev. Philbrook (toes down tbe river
and will not preach at Deer Island
next Sunday, but Kev. ford will oo-
oupy his pulpit in St. Helens in the
Mrs. I. W. Detrick came down from
Portland Tuesday-evening, and spent
s few day in this eity visiliug friends.
While here she was tbe guest of Mr.
and Mrs. B. Cox.
Omar Shannahan came an from
Piiinrton'a etmD Tuesday, and nra-
cseded to Portland Thursday, expect
ing to go to Indiana, where be wilt
remain indefinitely.
Mrs, Dell Bhinn, (nee Caples) niece
ol Senator McBride, killed a vory large
wildcat near the Dolman camp, at
Bunker hill, one day this week. Mrs.
Shinn tired at tbe animal with a shot
gun loaded with fine shot, and killed
it instantly.
Mrs. A. A. Hendorson, of Houlton,
who has been absent in Maine and
Massachusetts for nearly five months,
returned home Tuesday evening. Mr.
Henderson says she enjoyed hor visit
immeueely, but prefers Oregon as a
country in which to reside perma
nently. Mn. Edward Mnale. wife of Lieuten
ant Moale of the Uuited Slates gun
boat, Helena, baa been visiting her
mother, Mr. F. M. Hoyt, of Warren,
during the past week. Mrs. Moale
was on hei way to Boston to rejoin
ber husband, who has juat returned
from Cuba.
Rainier has a new grocery and feed
store,owned by MettPomeroy and coa-
duaiod by Binnh Kistner. xi is me
intention of the owner and manager
to oonduct a snneral merchandise busi
ness and deal extensively in wood.
The business is being conducted in the
building formerly oocupied by W. J.
Muckle a Co.
Wm I aaarvA Aama rlrtwn from
Pn.i1.iul Timrlaw nieht. where he had
been to start a carload of lumber on
its way to Sherman county.. Heserve
Bros', milt at Deleua is uow enjoying a
annA il.maml for lnnihiir. and thebova
have succeeded in opening up a fair
. m ... J a. i a
market lor .ueir proauc iu uie -era
part of the mate.
tv rinrk Harris and daughter
returned last Saturday evening from
A fill). V.lPll visit to his old home lu
New York. Mr. Harris bad not seen
his parents for over ten years, but Dis
father rxoognized him, yet time had
made mjany changes in appearance
and bis mother failed to recognise her
son. Will reports a pleasant journey
and visit. : .
Royal SMtaM tba food pur,
wfclsi llrt .
ItJttft, I.J
Absolutely Pure
: HP
$1.00 to
Pajrs your Bapciuet-tiood
j Forth bsnent ol visitors to the Wr-QJjT J
m ' 11.00 on evsrjr
fl At our store, On prl to all-Oands marked la plain figures.
fl nd gndftltj
Mr. E. W. Keasey, of Keasey post
office, came over from tbe fienaiem
valley Wednesday on his way to Port
land to visit hi son, Dorr. Mr, Keasey
brought with him a number ot beauti
ful anecimen of enole produced on
his place. These spples are undoubt
edly as magnificient specimens of that
variety of fruit as were ever exhibited
in this oily. Among the lot were one or
two Oravensiine apples which are un
excelled. The Nehalem country is
certainly a great fruit-producing seo-
llon, as the apples in question ww
bear ut out in staling.
Tbe catche of fish on the opening
night of the fall fishing season were
good at Astoria and fair at points up
the river. Onlv a few of the canneries
onerated on the first day, but many of
them are now canning. The prevail
ing price is 11 cent per pound, and
Indications are that tbe season will be
remarkably good. Some small gear la
being used and many silverides are
being taken. One of the traps on the
upper river took seven tons of fish
Isst Saturday. It is likely that fall
fishing tbis year will be quite exten
sively carried on.
C. J. Curti. of the Astoria Herald,
is a sarcastic cuss, and seems to know
considerable about mossbackiiin. In
a recent number of hi paper be laid :
"Astoria needs several important ira-
Drovemenla. It needs a normal school
or college of some kind. It needs a
sanitarium for the purpose of incul
cating modern ideaa into some of tn
old mosabacks. With most of them
it will have to be fed into them with a
spoon on account of the location of
their brains, they being unable to
comprehend modern ideas."
The third laree lumber raft built
this seasoa by the sawmill men ef
Portland was towed down the river on
Monday by two steamers. Some slight
improvements were followed oat ia
the construction of tbis latter raft, but
in Iht main ill coniitructiou is very
similar to that of the previous rafts.
Out of ten million feet of lumber thui
darted to San Francisco about two
million foet have been lost. Much in
terest Is centered In the progress of
tbe raft wbloh is sow on the way.
Petitions to tbe legislature are being
tireDared for circulation throughout
the county to amend the road laws ao
a to provide for the collection of poll
taxes and to allow road district to
levy taxes for road purposes not to ex
ceed five mills, and to amend the city
charter so aa to allow 60 per cent of
the road money collected in tbe city
limit to be used by the couuty. At
torian. Several forest fires. have been raging
op to a few days ago on both sides of
tbe river below here. It is said that
several million feet of lumber at Mar
tin's bluff were consumed and several
homes destroyed. Several locations
on the Oregon aide of the river are
said to have suffered serious loss by
forest fires within tbe past few days.
Vrnil-ira tlirnr la nun in order, and
fn.r mini ttiiKthniiHea will need
enlarging in order to hold the boun
teous supply. Yet mortal man com
plains. "
V. W YTaaftAV i. nrwtnriinir a turn
days with his children in Portland.
Homesickness, as relentless a the
grippe, ha taken possession of Dorr,
and he wants to see bis pa.
Jack Byres, of Wheatland, son-in-
law of Mr. Hacker, ha rented the Stod
dard ranch near Keasey. Several
children will be added ur the enumera
tion in district No. 27 by their coin
in ic. School is soon to be resumed in
said district, Miss Dessie Wilson to
complete tbe term uufinished by Mis
The Condition of the Repnblto Was
Never Better.
The war Is over end peace has come
without complications with any of the
foreign governments. The most boun
tiful crops ol eur bistory are gathered
or assured. Industrial aotivity has
been quickened in every sectiou of the
We have lust rescued tne highest
point of national credit known since
the beginning of our civil war. The
gold reserve is over (220,000,000, being
the largest accumulation ol gold in
the treasury ever known since the re
serve was established in 1879. It onoe
reached 2200,000,000 in 1887, but the
present improvement in business con
ditions and national credit may be
fully appreciated when it is stated that
the Kold reserve had fallen to $44,000,-
000 in January, 1895.
With our national credit established
not only at home but throughout the
world ss equal to that ol any of tbe
ereat powers, and with aa enormous
balance of trade in our favor, our peo
ple are entering upon a season of pros
perity that should be one-of the most
substantial and enduring oi tne cen
tury. Tbr hundreds of millions we
have expended in war and must eon
liuue to expend until peace shall be
fully established, have all been paid to
our own people, and never in tne nis
lory of the republic were we so entirely
iudepenrtont tiiiancuiiy aua in gen
ernl busincas condiiions.
Let our business men show their ai'
nreciation of the advent of prosperity
by coming to the front and meeting it
with generous welcome and effort.
Much can be done to hiiaten the vol
ume of business hy well-directed en
ergy on the pari of our business men
Those who lead will gather the richest
harvest; while those who lag in the
rear and wait for prosperity to hunt
them up will find themselves unfitted
for the new opportunities. -Philadel-
I hia Time.
until October SMB.
J Q (JT-praeut it to as, and w refund J
llo.oo purchase of
ok Boon
Did You Ever Notice?
That when a man wants hi wife to
go sway for a summer outing for ber
health, her folk and all ibeir acquaint
ances regard bim with an eye of sus
picion? That the average mortal prays for
rain when It is hot and dusty and as
soon a the first shower comes imme
diately begins to "enss" about tbe wet
Msskrvs-Richabds. Near Dolena, on Sun
day, September 11th, 18IM, Mr. Thomas
Maserve and Mis Lilly Richards, Judge
Duan oHiciatlng.
VOB 8 A 1. 55. I have four Tolnmtx of "Farm
and firealde" and fuur volume, of Ban ViwnclBco
Weekly Examiner to sell. I will Mil the elifhi
Toluiue. for the .mall sum of three dollar, and
filly oenu. The veterinary, datnr and mifrcellan
sous recipe, are alone worth double the prla.
There are contained alw excellent .torlee; good
to read In Ions winter venlnn. Any rancher
farmer, or fruit man wanting; them, will pleam
aditTOM II. W. MfcUtCkti, St. Helen., Oregon, P.
O. box No. 20.
Cooktt TasAniaca's Omen,
Br. if slims, Ob., September 1898.
unoaid Countv Warrant, of Colombia
County, Oregon, which have been presented
and enaomeu: "Not Paid for Want of Fund.,"
prior to Bep't. 1, lHW, will be paid upon preacn
tatlon at this office. IntereM will not be allowed
afior this date. KDW1N KOriH,
ao xreuurer or Columbia county, uregon.
underttiirned ha. been appointed admini
ceaaed, by the Hon. County Judge of Colom
bia county, Oregon, ah penon. naring claims
agaiutit .aid estate are reVjuirwl to preaent the
same, properly verified, to me al the omne of
George A. Hall, attorney at law, In St. Helen.,
Oregon, within alx moath. from thl. date.
iatea h tn. ueien, uregon, nepiem oer v, una.
Administratrix of the eatateof Frank M. Web
ber, deceased. s9o7
Notice of Administrator's Sale of Lanl.
uance of an order of the County Conn vi
the State ol Oregon, In and for Columbia Coun
ty, made and entered on the 6th day of Septem
ber, 1S9S, In the matter of the eMate of John Kl
more, deceased, the uudersliened. the adminis
trator of said eMate, will sell at puWIfl auction
to the highest bidder, subject to confirmation
by saia iMirr, on Monaay tne -na aay oi ucto
ber. A. D. IMS. at 10 o'clock a. m.. at the front
door of the County Courthouse, In the City of
Ht. listen., voluraDia voumy, eiaio oi iregou,
all the riffht. title, interest, and estate of the
said John Elmore at the Urn. of his death tn
and to all that certain lot, piece, or parcel of
real estate, situate In the County of Columbia
and Bute of Oregon, and particularly described
as follows, towit:
The southeast miarier er section Tntrty-ioor,
In Townshin (fix North, of Bangs Three West of
tbs Willamette Meridian, and containing ISO
The terms of said sale are Cash, V. 8. Gold
Coin; ten per cent of the bid to be paid on the
day o( sale, and the balance of said bid payable
on the day of con Urination of said sale.
Administrator of Estate of John felmoro, de
ceased. . SlSoU
In the Circuit Court of the Stat of Oregon for
coiumwa uounty.
Lilly M. Taylob, Plaintiff,
Jobs Himmy Taylob, Defendant
To John Henry Taylor, the above-named ds-
You are herebv commanded and reouired
to appear in the above-entitled court and an
swer the complaint Sled against you in the
above-entitled oaiueon or before the first day of
tha next regular term of the alove entitled
court next following the expiration of the time
prescribed in tne order or puoiicaiton oi tins
aummnns, towlt: Tuesday, the 11th day of Octo
ber, lsus; and yon will take notice that If yon
fail to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will
apply to the court for the relief prayed for In
ber complalut, towlt:
First That on or before the first day of the
term of the above-entitled court, that you pay to
the clerk thereof the sum ot 1160.00 alimony
pendente lite.
HAcond For a decree dissolving the marrlare
contract now and heretofore existing between
ftlainttu ana aeienaant, ana ior a ui'greeawara
ug the care, cusiodv, and control of the minor
children of plaintiff and defendant to this
Thiol For a decree awarding to this plaintitr
one-half of tha following-described real prop
erty, towit: Lying, being, and situate In Colum
bia county, Orepou, and designated a. the South
west quarter of the Northeast quarter and the
Nnrtliwnat nuarter of the Houtheast ouarter of
Sections, Township 4 North, Range West of
tne Willamette nenuian, to aaiu ue
fendant; and
Fourth That in the event said defendant falls
to pay said alimony pendente lite, that the said
sum of tlM.00 be ordered aud adiudged to be a
lien upon the Interest of wild defendant In
Mid premises, and that the same be sold to pay
said sum, and for the cost" and disbursements
of this suit, and for such other relief as may be
This summons Is published against yon InTaa
BT. hbi.xns misy Dy oruer oi non. inos. a.
Bride, judge of the above-entitled court, made
and dated the 2nd day of September, 1S98.
tl ol Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Ctrcnlt Court of tbe State ot Oregon
for Columbia Cuuntv.
Miss Emma H. Btenberg, plaintiff
John 0. Mania, Annio Mants,
Badie Mants. Time Mants,
Carl MenU, M. Hendricks,
Alpbia Adams, and Elbe!
Hendricks, defendants.
To John C. Manls, Annie Mants, Sadie
Mants, Tillie Mants, carl Mants, and M.
Hendricks, ot the above-named defend
ants :
herebv reouired to appear and answer
it. a mmnnnit Hlit.l avninat von III the ahnve
entitled suit by the first day of the next
. I ,1. - j l.wl ,., ,.,l ,,
IBIIU 111 SllV a J T (3--u ii....v v.'ui. iuiiun"i
the exoiraiion nf the time prescribed In the
order for publication of this summons,
which day will be Tuesday, the eleventh
day ot October, 1898, and if you fail so to
appear or answer saia oompiaiui on or on
fore said day for want thereof, the plaintiff
will apply to said Court for the relief de
manded In ber complaint
The relief demanded in plaintiff's oom-
Clsint I that tha mortgage held and owned
y her upon the following described real
properly situntea in tne uouniy ot uoturu
bia mid State of Oregon, tn-wit: the Houth
west quarter of Section four (4), in Town
ship three (8) North. Range two(2) Weet of
tbe Willamette Meridian, containing 100
acres, be forclosed. and the said premises
be sold to sutifv the mortgage debt due
plaintiff secured by said tuurtgaRO, to-wit:
The sum of $100.00, together with interest
on the same at the rate of 10 oor cent per
annum sine the 18th day of August, 185)7.
ulso a reasonable uttorncy's fee and the
costs and disbitseinents of this suit, and
that you and each of you, and all persons
claiming or to claim by, through, or under
you or either of you subsequent to the com
mencement ol this suit, be barred and for
ever foreclosed of all ripht, elulm, equity of
redemption, or other Interest in or to said
real property, and such other and further
relief ss to the Court may seem meet and
This Summons Is published by an order
of Hon. T. A. MoDrliie. J mis" of tbe above
on titled Court, made Angnst 5th. 1HU8.
aU223 Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Real Estate Transfer.
Elizabeth and Andrew Anderson to B
H Thompson, of ne'4 and nm
ot ite'A aud u of nm of see 32, tp
7 n. r 5 west ..... ... 400
AnnieCramer tothe Mayger Co., rltjbt-of-wy
Matilda A Carroll to h B Wood, (!.
of nK and e'A of iw of ne of see
20, tpf n. r 4 west 1
0 8 Foster to Sarah L Volght, lot 4,
blkll, townofOobla 5
Cons and Martha Uunderson to L B
Wood, sek of n and m'A ot twii
of ne of see M, to 7 n, r 4 wast ... 1
Thos and Hulda H Hodgkin to L W
Ball, und of t'A of seU and lots 5
and 6 of sec 20, tp 8 n. r 4 west 1
Sarah K and David A Lane to Chas O
Llndgrsn. lot 8, blk 6, town of 140
Amos E and I.ucinda Mead to John
Hill, sw of nw of see 28, tp 4 u,
1 4 west 100
H B and Kate Nicholas to Honeyman,
DeHnrt A Co., 10 and 7-10 acres in
see 4, tp 4 n, r 1 west 100
Oscar S and Angle O Parsons to C 8
Andrews, 20 acres ill seo 22, tp 8 n, r
4 west. 200
JN Bice, sheriff, to Fred Jennings,
John and Rebecca Bonier 1 L O ... 8352
H K Slmonda to H A Bail, und i in
terest lu lot 4 of sec 25, and lot 4, see
2(1 and lot 1. sec 84. to 8 n. r 8 west.
John F, Benton F, Sidney J . and Elisa
T Wood to U B wooo, tts'A oi ne
and of swji ot netf of see 26, tp 7
n. r 4 west '
Lino Orrtcs at Oaaooa City, Ob ,
Auanst 27. WW.
fnllnwInff-naniMl s-l f !r has filed notice of
his Intention to make finul proof In support of
hi. claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the Register and Keoolver, at Oregon Oity,
Oregon, on October 0th, IHM. via:
Homestead Entry So. 10,ae7, for the te of nwj
and ne of swJ4 and a of t of section 15,
Ip 8 n, r s west. ,
h n.mni the following wftneases to prove his
continuous reridence upon, and cultivation of
said land, vli: SL. Harsnall, oi roruanu, ure
gon. 'iM Columbia street; W. Mitchell, of Port
land, Oregon, li, foot of Morrison street; A.
Warney, of Valley, Oregon, and M. Fresh, of
Deer Island. Oregon. .
s2o7 CHAS. B. MOOEEB, Register.
Labd Orrica at Oaxooa City, Ox., '
IX folltwInr-flamMl setthtr ha. filed notice of
hi. Intention to make final proof In support of
his claim, ana tnat saia prooi win oe niaoe uv
fore Clerk of Court, at SL Helens, Oregon, on
Octobers, lB,vi.:
Homestead Entry No. 9129, for the swl of nwK,
and lot No. i, section 4, and se'4 of neV and lot
No. 1, section 5, tp 4 n, r 6 west.
it nMiuMs thn followin. wltneMea to Drove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, vis: Brice Hacker, Win. H. Hai ker,
and Joseph Reed, of Keasey, Oregon, and John
H. Hartinan, of Vernonia, Oregon.
a26o7 CHAH. B. MOOKB8, Register.
JLamd Orrica at Okxook Citt, Oa.,
August Zt, 199B.
following-named settler has filed notice of
his Intention 'to make final eroof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore Cierk ef Court at tit. Helens, Oregon, on
October 8, 1888, vis:
ii, B EVEItlTT.
Homestead Entry Ko. 10.391. for tbe seol nwli
and awi of neU of sec 82, tp 6 n, r S west
He names the following witnesses to prove hi.
oontinuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, vis: Brice Hacker, Wra. H. Hacker,
and Joseph Reed, of Ktesey, Oregon, and John
a. Hantaan, oi vernonia, uregon.
a26o7 CHAS. B. MOOUbS. Register.
Land Ornca at Obbooh Ctry, Oa.,
August 11th, 1898.
followlnff-named settler has filed notice of
bis Intention to make final proof in aupportof
his claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the Register and Receiver, at Oregon City,
Oregon, on September 80th, litw, vis:
BnmMrtAad Kntrv Ko. 9970. for the east M of the
southeast of section 6, township north,
range t west.
Ha name, the following witnesses to orove
hts oontinuous residence upon, and cnltivation
of said land, via: John Hoc., John B. Braunand
Frank Keele, of Braunsport, Oregon, and Dan
iel Llecy, ol Buxton, Oregon.
al2a CHAS. B. MOORBH, Register.
Land Orrica at Osteon- Citt. On..
August nth. vm.
following-named settler has filed notice of
hts intention to make final proof in aupportof
his claim, and that said proof wilt be made be
fore the Keaister and Receiver, at Oregon City.
Oregon, on beptember 80th. 1898, vis:
Homestead Entry No. S8M. for the south U of
tne nonneasi y sun wen or snuiness, y ui
section 5, townships north, range 4 west.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
saia utua, vis: tiermauus runner, jonn .
Biann, Uust Hmldllng aud Christian Van Beek,
all of Brauaaport, Oregon.
als28 CHA8 B. MO0RE8, Register.
Land Orrica at Oaaooa Citt, Ob.,
August I, ltfW.
follnwlntr-liamed settler hag filed notice of
his Intention to make final proof In supimrt of
hiB claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore tne county ciera oi i.otumuia miuuiy as
Helens, Oregon, on September 16, 18SM, vis:
Homestead Entry No. 10.227. for the southeast
of southeast M of section U, towiuhip 7,
north, range 4 west.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous reaiaeace upon, ana cultivation
of said land, vis: C. O. Uudahl, of Clatskanie,
Oregon, O. E. Wonderely, J. W. Pugb, and John
Alvin, of Helena, Oregon.
alSsKS CHAM. B. MOORES, Reglstor.
Ia the Circuit Court for Columbia County,
Oregon. -Minnie
Mitchell, plaintiff, vs. Lexington
Mitchell, defendant.
To I.Tinglon Mitchell, defendant.
Oregon: . You are hereby required to
appear and answer tha complaint filed
against you in the above-entitled suit by
the first Tuesday after the second Monday
in October, IStW. and if you fail so to ans
wer, for want thereof the plaintitr will ap
ply to the oonrt for the relief demanded in
tbe complaint, vis: For a decree forever
divorcing her from the defendant.
Thia summons is published In Thi Oki
oor Mist by order of the Hon. T. A. Mo
Bride, judge of the above-entitled court,
made July 18, 18U8.
and A. R. MENDKNHA1.L,
j22s2 Attorneys for Plaintiff.
October 22, 1898.
The Finest and Greatest Exposition Kver
Held in tue Nortnwes.
Horticultural and Agricultural
Product of Oregon and Washington will
be displayed In wonderful profusion, in
v olading more varieties than ever be
fore gathered together in one.
Gold, SilTcr and Eronzo Medals will lie
aw al iiuii.
Mnrwelanaly Klrh Nperlmena from
Our Wold, Silver und sit ber iUiuee.
Bennett's Eenownel Military "EaEi
Has been engaged for tho season.
Astounding Aerial Peiits and Aorobatie
Very Low Kates on all Railroads.
Admission: Adults 25 0ts, Children 10 Ct.
.Mil , I II l . i
ii ' 'h-"" j I
Vegetable Preparation Ibr As
similating rjteTcxxtartd regula
ting tteSkumJIisaralBawebof
Prctnotes l)it?,estion,Cliceit fU
ue5s and RcsLContalns nciliier
Opmin.Morpuirie oor MaesoL
Not Nabcotic.
Aocrfetrf Uemedy forCort!ir-
lion. Sour Stomach. Diantoea,
Worms jConvulsionsJeverislir
ncss and Loss or SlXEB
Toe Simile Signature of
wlw Yonrc.
. . .
itmt I
f m-r-mitjsfa t I
if uyifod JM4IO . I
Liyr sOfWI I
rCeeps ftlwayt on bond Ml kfnde of
-; BUtie and fancy frroeerien and ; , . ...
r ' provisious. faim produce, tropical J,
hOr YOUr ; anddomwtrofroltsinMawm.nne : OrOCeflCS.
, ; .. . -: teat and cofl"Mis, tobacco artd cican. .. - .
s . ; a ttne line of confectionery aim iu , .
ioek, and various olber ipeci&ltiea.
1 A: dtr a A. A A A
Patent Medicines,
Carefully and Accur
ately Compounded....
rAslrlrT"""- JVra.At. jt. jfa
riaiH Street, -
Deahrm in....
Inch. (If nf? a
aiiU drviw
Main Street, -
: sV Mat aarV altar JirW nr4 laar .TJjW mffg afl-tW
One hundred and twenty acres, 1V miles
from county seat; 40 acrett tn cultivation; I
mile from itch ool house; oii Columbia river,
price fcW 00 er acre.
One hundred and twenty aorcfl, pood or
chard ; 80 acres good 8wiii landt al) laiid Is
level; 1 mile from Sfchool house; mile
fnun ralli-oad station; 1 mile from tidewater;
good chance lor coniwoou.
Timher claim ; BOacres; efrtlmntod at 4,000,-
000 ieei of timber; aocossable to logging
Timhnrrlsim; 1W acres; over fCouO.OOOIcot;
prlc. .iU0 01).
For fnrtliftr information fall on or aiLlrcsx:
I ' , ' csoEi
i Main Street, -
o n cur:
r rd I"-" "1 '1 i f f- r J" 1
Tor Infar;t3 RTifl Ch!l Vft
Tli3 find Yen II:vo
Bears tho
You (lave
Always Bought.
u u
1 TMt Ctrivraitlll MllfWNV, NtW VOMK fllTT.
-Jtm. A A a jfim: At, jfL: A tt r .ftt A.,
ROSS, Proprietor.
Fancy Toilet Articles.
Complete Line of...
......Druggists Ssn2ri23
School Books.
and.... School Supplies
St. Helens. Oregon.
Am i
imi, iff
J1 9W W W V SJI afsjpsaMfsa.
Choice Groceries
Always on band. Flour, (train, and feed. Tobacco and
Cigars, and smokers' articles, notioiia. olo.
...Drv Goods...
(foneral dHsortmetit of cloth in i?, funiifthina,
kooUj. Alvo a tine line ot boom and hUwm.
- St. Helens, Oregon.
fc "aW A -Jfcs- ttw-ut nffcr tAm tAx A A Ajf
Tem acres on Ml Hon creek nttle from
School; 8-roora houa, harn, outhoues, etc;
Bmnll orchard; 8 acres tn cuHivatiou; price
lltiU U0.
Kisrhty acres. Similes from county seat;
all level aud timber alusluul; 4 uiUe from
achoolhoune: on county road; will sell in liiw
or 'A-cre tracts; prl f'JOOO pur acre; part
cash and balance on time.
One hundred and twentv acrps of timlMir
land iu tp i it, r i west; price Vm 00.
Hx hundred anit forty awes of limber
lamUp4 n, rawest; priia) 11 per acre,
i-T? cure::,
- St. Ik!cr.;, (