The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, September 02, 1898, Image 3

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Itov. Pliilbroolc will preach at Deer fttv.l St. H "''" rTt Hurxlay at
the usual hour.
Rumomher that you curt tarn one
year's subscription to (hit paper bjr
on (ling in two easii iiiBcnoer.
l'hotoirrapher Ford haa rotiirnod lo
tliis o ty from down me mer, auu it
ready to accommodate the pubho.
HervicM will be conducted In the
Epiwopal oliuroh la tliia city Sunday
evening by ttev. Wilson, of 1'orUand,
Count Treasurer Ross ha call
lor warrants in this issue. Warrant
endowed prior to Sopteiiilier 1, 1898,
will be paid. t
Parent! ihould be ready to itari
lliolr children to acbool next Monday
iiiornitiir. The regular fall term bo-
gins here on that day.
James N. Rioe made final proof on
hi homestead near Mist, on Tuesday,
before Ihe clerk. His witnesses, were
It. H. Hattan and T. A. Smith.
The regular September term of (be
eommlBsionera' court will convene In
this oily next Wednesday morning,
l'rnbate court opena on Tuesday, Mon
day being a non-Judicial day.
The Famoua Clolhlng House, of
Portland, has an ad on this page this
week. For every $10 purchase at their
store tbey will refund (1 In exposition
coupons good for admission to the
big fair.
I will be In Woodland, Wash,, until
September 15ih. Any communica
tion will reach me at that place. I
will return to St. Helens duriug that
time by appointment ouly.
Iluspeotfully, J. A. Ebid, Dentist.
The time card of tlie Astoria 4 Co
lumbia Iiiver railroad appears in an
other column this Issue. It was oun
idered expedient by the managers lo
publish their time table for the bene
fit of the people of thie end of the
Mosl of Columbia county's campers
and recreation seekers are at home
again after a season of enjoyment and
physical profit. Although the heat In
this section has not been so intense
this season as uauat, the outings bare
been nevertheless enjoyed.
Thomas Headley, an aged and in
firm gentlemen who is being supported
tiv tha county and oared for by Mr.
A. H. Sheffield, of Bachelor Flat, is
ml resovnrins from a severe illness.
Th life of the old centleman waa die-
paired of for several days, but at last
counts he was slowly improving.
The lalle papers please copy, j
It is a question what it Is that pos-j
tveao a rat to insist on singing such
weut lullabies late in the nigbi with
out any app-trent oifcjrt on hie part.
There are cats iu Our neighborhood
that never get their voice whetted up
t the tremulo pitch until half past
twelve, and when they reach up and
eatoti high C by the nape of the neck
they hold on like grim death.
The nulla In the sidewalks of St. Hel
ena protrude half their length, and the
air fuf sum distance, on many occa
sions, wear a blue, haiy appearance,
caused by the able-bodied ousawords
emanating from male and female pw
dostrians who stub their toes on them.
Ordinarily it is a ain to swear, but such
a transgression is pardonable when
Jrovoked by the chcumstancos we
tave mentioned.
Idaho bus passed a splendid law.
Hereafter all restaurant must date
their apple pie and serve sandwiches
that are of the vintage of the year tu
which they are manufactured. A
sandwich, which, when mounted with
a coal of fire, will walk off, la not con
sidered fit fruit, and the vender there
of will be held up to publio execration
and acorn and fined not less than three
ounces and a term in Hie don-Jon keep.
I Potdorn, of ClaUkanie, accom
panied by C. II. Green, the big timber
man of Saginaw, Mich., apeat last
week on Grass river, with a view to
nnuinir in hi? railroad uu that stream.
Mr. Groen own a tine body of timber
on that river, and as Mr. Saldern has
taken out all the available timber on
Fall creek, he i seeking a new loca
tion. Grave river has one of the finest
luxlios of timber tributury to its banks
to be found in the state. Uatuiamet
It is the editor duty to speak of his
own as the lovliesl town beneath near
en' blue canopy, aaye an exchange.
Ym: nd to sneak of tho deceased ott-
iznn as a fallen oak when he dies of
ilio iim-tumn. Call a man a promi
nent and influential citicen when he is
the best nokor-playor in town, BpeaK
of Ihe dirty-hcud street Arab a
bright-eyed urchin on the road to
fame. A big-looted miiid a the beau
tiful mid accomplished young bride.
And there are many other thing oon
nocted with the life of a newspaper
man that are seldom mentioned above
a whisper. " ; '"
Tlia countv board of equalisation,
which bus been in session here this
week ha had little to do. , One or two
nnnlicution for reduction of assess
ment were made and granted, but
further than that there scorns to have
been perfect confidence reposed in
Asaesaor White to do his full duty and
do it well, forhaps no county in Ore-
iron' has an assessor who has a more
i.hnroneli understanding of what is re
quired of him and who possessea a de
sire to be morr just and equitable than
does Martin White, and the knowledge
l) the people of these facts is suf
ficient to satisfy their minds as to his
"Death and taxes cannot be escaped,"
it is said, and Deputy Sheriff liattan
ia niartina himself to more forcibly
impress the truthfulness of the state
ment upon the minds of the people.
Ha hns been sending out notioes to
neonle who are delinquent on some o(
the old tax roll. Of course bitterness
is at once engendered and all manner
nl oypiihiib offered ana claims mans,
Una man. liviim in the East, it is said
when answering the notice sent by the
sheriff, stated in an affidavit that he
l nrumunvion of receipts for each
vear's tax for many many year baok,
. .. .. f - 10(iH J..
including me iai iur ioio.
liuquent might have had a httle
chanoe if he had omitted the latter
year. The assessment for 1808 is not
yet completed.
Which Deserve More than a
Slight Palng Notloe,
Mr. Herb Howard, of Yankton, was In
town riiimdny afternoon on a mission of
uuolness, and when questioned by a Wist
reporter rewriting the lumber bun! ns at
bin establishment, he stated that b was
enjoying a neat and prulltuble patronage,
local and general.
- Mr. Howard's mill has been In operation
at Yankton fur several years, and while It
ha not bean brought into great pronilneno
by moll a volume of business that it was
impossible to handle It, yet the mill Las
bad something to do most of lbs time, snd
a grout deal of th Urn it has been kuit
quite busy.
i'be business qualifications of Mr. How
ard have secured a number of contract
from the Northern l'acllle Company for
ties, anil from that on source alone th
mill has been able to opsrat much of the
time t a proIt to its owner. Meantime a
groat deal of lumber bas been disputed of
to the local trade, which, altogether, bas
tnads a profitable business.
Mr. Hawurd Is Just now looking after a
contract which will require 000,000 feot of
logs to Oil, and In cat he is successful th
plant will he kept busy for soius time.
While these orders for a large amount of
lumbar from one source are being cut and
filled, there Is, of necessity, much of the
log which Is cut Into other different kinds
of lumber, snd tbls Is stacked away and
disposed of to th local trade.
Mr. Howard Inform us that he now bas
about 800,000 feet of good lumber flooring,
celling, and rustic besides a quantity of
dimension lumber, which beflnds a market
for at a satisfactory figure. II fills many
orders for brlilge timbers and bridge plank,
and the other varieties-of rough lumber be
manufactures nnd a ready market.
The fact of the location of th mill being
in a thickly settled district, It Is beneficial
In a sens of affording employment to many
(tenons residing nesrby. Taken as a local
enterprise It is a benefit to the community,
an accommodation to th surrounding
country, and a paying investment for Its
Next Season will Bee New Operator
In the Field.
Th handling of fresh fish next yesr will
more than likely be undertaken'en th Co
lumbia on a greater seal than at any time
heretofore In th history of th Ashing In
Bom time sgo the News mad mention
that several of th cannerjmen contem
plated going Into that line of th business,
snd now It Is know for certain that three
of th local packer will give fresh fish
shipment a good deal of their attention.
This does not mean, of course, that their
canned product will be diminished, but
that it will be altogether a aid Issue. Not
only will th cannery uien handle fresh fish,
bat Trescott will again be on band with In
creased capacity. It is alxo said that other
cold storage men will locate permanently
In Astoria, and be In readiness for next
year's season.
There Is growing demand for fresh sal
mon, and the local packers are beginning
to realise that tbey are lining a good thing
oy ronniiing ine r operations exclusively
tu the canned product. Astoria Mews.
One of the biggest back sale ever
made ou the Paoifie coast took place
do Hay creek, in Wasco county, last
week, when a sheepman from Montana
urcna''d practically all the bucks
that the Baldwin Sheep and Land Co.
bad left fur sale Ibis year, about 700
head. The bucks will be shipped to
Montana from The Dulles. The price
ia private, but it could not be under
17000, says an authority, a tidy sum
to come from another state to one
man tor buolts. This company ha
old altogether about 2500 buck this
year at equally fair price.
Banna-flTMoKs.At Rainier, Oregon Hnn-
rin avaninc. Auiruet 88. IS. Mr. Harry
Brousand Miss tbeCon
srrrgatlonal ehurch, Bey. M. iJartingame
Tha church was filled with spectators,
Th young couple left on the 8:03 train for
roruana, wner iney spent uieir uoney
In the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon tor
Columbia ooumy.
Uu. M. Tayu. PlalnUfT.
John Haaav TavLea. Defendant.
To John Henry Taylor, the above-named d
Yon am herobT commnndixl and rem I red
to appear In the above-entitled court and an
swer the complaint filed sgainst you In the
ahove-entllled cause on or before the first day of
the neit rKiilar terra ot the above entitled
court next following the expiration of the time
prescribed In me oraer or puDiicaunn oi mis
summons, town: TuBsrtay, ineiun oaroiucw
her, is; ana you m ue " j.
fall to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will
apply to the court for the reliel prayed for In
iriraiVht on or before the first dav of the
terra of the above-entitled oourt, that you pay to
the elera tneraoi we sum vi fw.w wimuuj
P"J),'il!,l,'wfi,''r a itncrree dissolving: the marriae
contract now anil heretofore existing between
ril.tinUli and defendant, ana lor a aexree ewnru
mk tho oaro, ciulixly , and control of theminnr
children of plaintiff and defendant to this
pmiuuir, ., . , , ....
r'ri,ir,i v.r(1ipTf awardlni to this nlalntlrr
one-hall nl tha lollowmg-oeiwnneu rem imi
intuit. l.vlna. ItAhifF. and hitimtaln Oolliul-
uia county, ,rKui w.oh.w
west quarter of the Northeast quarter and the
K...,hU,A..,i.i.rtAF ot the HouUutkst Quarter of
Section 8, Township North, Rsnire 4 West .of
tne wmamewe skihimw. uhi,
Fourth That In the event said defendant falls
,A n.. uitia Miimoiiv Miidento lite, that the said
sum of SI60.00 be ordered and adluihted lo be a
lien upon the Interest of said defendant In
said premises, and that tho same be sold to pay
snidsum, and forOie eosta and disbursements
of this suit, and lor suon oinsr reuej wm iuoj us
"r'l'Vs summons Is published against you In TB
a Uin hw of llofl. ihOS. A. MC-
Briilo, inline of the above-entitled oourt, made
and dated the
B.,ndd.yof8ertmhor wjj.
S3 of
Attorney for ftatntiff.
AkJiliiUtli. fr-a
pnvtt BAWIWft SQWnfS no.,
A targe Crusher to be Started Here
at Once.
Messrs. John Murk and John Drew,
representing tb fortlaad Saad & Coutiact
Co., were in this city Monday looking over
the ground preparatory to putting In a large
rock oruaber. This company has secured
th contraot from th government for a
large quantity of crushed rock to be used at
th mouth of th liver, and have decided to
take th rook from tb Bister' quarry, Just
below this city,
Ths plant to be put In Is sn entirely new
on, and its capacity will b about double
that of the plant formerly need her. It
will require about twenty men to operate
the plant, and tb contract, calling for 12,
000 tons of rock, will require about fire
months' time to fill.
Tb plant bas already been purchased,
and tb boiler will be shipped down next
Week and immediately placed la position.
We were given to understand that this
targe contract is only on of many tbat are
expected soon to com her for a large
amount of crushed rock and paring blocks.
Mr. John Sweency.of tb Portland Asphalt
um Co., was in town Monday, also, looking
after th filling of large contract for pav
ing blocks, 200,000 In number, we under
stand. Gentlemen interested in this class
of work are predicting a repetition of the
time when many blookmakera and quarry
men found lucrative employment in the
numerous rock quarries In this vicinity.
The demand from lbs government for tbls
class of material for Improvements and re
pair work is becoming greater, and ltisoou
lldently expected tbat a great number of
men will soon bs put to work.
Relative Not Notified For Nearly a
Frank Webber, who onlh 28th of July
was committed to the Insane asylum, Is
dead. Tu Mist reported th facta In the
case In It Issue of August Stb, and up to
that time no notification to Webber' rela
tives had been received her concerning his
tulsfortun. It was only a few days ago
that Mrs, Wikstrom wrote to Salem inqalr-
ing as to how her brother was getting along,
when sh received th answer tbat he bad
died on August 6th.
It seems strangs that tb officials at that
institution could not notify relative as to
lb facts in such cases when it is well known
where each relative reside. It may have
been the wish of Mr. Webber sister to
make some special arrangements for tb
burial of the body bad sit been notiiled of
the iauta.
School Entertainment.
Th pupils of tbs public school at Warren
will entertain all lover of th stars and
stripes at th school-building in Warren on
th evening of September ltb. A literary
programme will b rendered, altar which
refreshments will be served. Tb proceeds
ar for th purpose of baying a Bag for the
school. Further particular concerning the
ret rose menu auu programme wm appear
next week.
Mrs. Bheldon wss in Portland Tuesday.
Mrs. Day returned frent Portland Tues
Mrs. Cliff has returned from th moun
tain. Dolph Hook-hkirk vMtod In this city this
week. , ,
Mrs. John Bcott was in Portland last Sat
urday. -
H. B, Borthwtck, of Coble, was in town
Mrs. Hugh Groves Visited relatives hi this
city last week.
J, O. Plank was attending to business hi
Portland Tuesday. ;
Will Wilson, of Vernonia. was In tblsdtv
Tuesday n route lor Porllaud. ,
Walter Blakeslef was lookinx after busi
ness aifalra iu Portland Tuesday,
Captain Henderson and O. D. Gllson, of
Houitou, were in i'ortland Wednesday,
Frank Sheffield wa down from Warren
Monday attending to business waiter.
Tho. Mill sad son, Guy, were among
those who left lor the hop-uulds last Mou
dey. Gee. A. Halt and wife returned Inst Sun
day from a aeveral days' slay near Bber-
Messrs. Chs. and Chaa. H. English war
up from Deer Island Monday ou a business
Maovof our cltisena left on tb Monday
morning boats for the hop-fields of the VY'ii-
lameite vaney.
Mr. O. G. Mavger returned last Monday
from the CllU'oaiup, near Bunker hill. She
had spent a week there.
Dr. Roa waa in Portland Wednesday,
He heard Bev. De Witt Talmaee lecture at
th exposition building.
D. J. 8wifer is staying at Rainier, where
he lis temporary charge) of Mr. George
Messrs. K, Cox. E. K. Quick. A. Davis.
and Jack Balmannu returned from their
camping trip last Monday.
Hon. Norman Merrill, of Clatskauie. was
doing bust iichs in roriiuna last Saturday,
and was also in this oily Tuesday.
Cantain Hoochkirk. of the Iraida. moved
his family to Portland from Kainier Wednes
day, runnier loses a spieuaiu lamuy,
Mlaa Dalsv Watkins denarted Tuesday
moruing for Norllu rn California, where she
expects lo remain some time with relatives.
Omar Bhamiahan visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Cleeton last Friday. Saturday. He
returned to his work at Peterson's camp
Sunday evening.
Joe Evorael ia "carryinir" on of hi feot
In sllna. A wood-watton run over his foot
at the Vancouver ferry alip, crashing off
ine DOiioni ot tue great toe.
Mrs. Jacob George returned to thl city
Monday from Coweenian. with her son and
daughter. Mr. George will remove to
Portland at once, where the children will
attend acbool tins winter.
Mr. W. H. King, of ClatgKatiie, was in
this cltv Monday on a business mission.
Mr. King la operating his large auhigle-niill
on the Clatakanl river, and reports a better
demand ana better price tor tiis prouuc
than was anucipaiea.
Harry West was down from Bcapnoose
yesterday. Mr. West says he will have
about twenty tons of Drones this season.
Hire tons already having been taken to tbe
dryer. He expects to receive 4 eeut per
pound tor toe unu product.
lay your Expenses
Forthe benellt of visitors t.the falr-gyj ""H 1 S CUT-11 10 and wc rofun,!
11.00 on every I1C.0O purchase of
At our store. One Price to all Goods marked in plain figures.
suil 2n
A Point From Where I-mmber, Bhtn.
gle, and Produce la Shipped.
It Is not misstating fact when it is said
tUt unquestionably the town of Clt-n
1 th busiest plan In Columbia county this
year. In faot, Clatskanle bas always been
a hv business center. Especially this sea
son can the people of that place and the
country tributary feel a keen gratification
In the condition now existing Iher from a
standpoint of business and commercial life.
W r reliably Informed that no less than
thirty teams ar constantly mpiiyed In
hauling Into that town lumber, sbinsrles,
bey, and other produce, beside quantities
of cord wood, and these commodities find a
market at prices which enable tbe people
to realise a bsudsorue living from th fruit
of tbolr industry.
Tb lumber which to this summer being
delivered at Ciatskanie is principal b'gb
grad cedar, and In the markets of the city
command a fancy pric. while th bln
gles, wlib h perhaps ar no better quality
than those manufactured at other olaces,
yet tbey are In domand, and th nunufae
turer realise on an averag of tl 2S per
thousand for them.
Many tons of splendid quality bay are
marketed there, and taken altogether Clats
kanle Is enjoying not a boom, but stiff
and lucrative business and a steady and
substantial growth. A rich and productive
country anrronnrts the town, which stlmn
lates business, and th-fact that the trade
from the lower Nchalem country centers in
Ciatskanie adds the greater per cent to its
trade, and on a general footing the condi
tions ar such that any town might well
feel proud of, and the people there are par
donable for their boasting. ,
Transportation facilities frosn Clatskante
are all that uy town could desire rail and
boat besides large scows or barge are
taken op tbe river and loaded with wood,
lumber, hay, shingles, and all other pro
ducU.thus creating a keen competition, the
result bing cheap rates lor freight.
Another important feature in favor or the
town Is the splendid educational fncilities
... .wWiiaed bv it. Each school
year there are many families move to the
town to take advantage of ihe good schools,
and this naturally brings the placa into
plTlT'nlitinn of tbe Immense log
ging plant In th country tributary to
Ciatskanie has been and remains an Im
portant feature In IU bu.ineas transact Ions,
and with all these resource tbe town is
sure to grow snd develop in such a way as
to bring it into lurtlier toiuawrasi
In the Clrcnlt Conrt of th State of Oregon
Miss Emm H.Bteaberg.plalntifTl
rn nmn i t.fiiiiiLV.
John 0. Manl. Anni Mania,
Sartl Mania, iium ..,
Carl Mant. M. Hendricks.
Alphla Adams, and fcthei
Hendricks, defendant,
To John C. Mant. Annie - Manix, eaoie
Mailt, Tune Menus, vsri biu, .
Hendricks, of th above-nained defend-
i k-uk ronniraxl tn Anr2ar sna answer
a. uvl ww - " " - , .
the compaint Bled against you In tlie above
enUtled suitby th first day ot tlie next
term of the above-entitled Court follow ng
the-expiralion of the time prescribed in tbe
order lor publication of this summons,
which dav Will be Tuesday, th eleventh
day of October. IR08, and it you fail so to
appear or answer "-"r ---'- .-
foresaid day for want thereof, the p aintiff
wulspplvtosald Conrt for the relief de
manded In ber complaint.
The relief demanded In plalntlfrs com
plaint is that the mortgage held snd owned
by her upon tlie following described real
property situated iu the County of Colum-
i nn i dhhs u v.r"... - - , - ,
aest quarter of 8ection four (4), In Town
ship three (3) Nortn. Kange vam wees w
the Willamette Meridian, containing 180
ores, be forclosed. end tbe said premise
be sold to atisfy the mortgage debt dne
plaintiff secured by said mortgage, to-wit :
Vbe sum of H00.00. together with interest
on th same at the rat of 10 oer cent per
annum since th 18th day of August, 1897,
also a reasonable attorney's fee and the
costs snd disbasemeuts of this suit, and
that you and each of yon. aiid all persons
claiming or to claim by, through, or under
vou or either of you snbaequent to theoom-
mencement ot tins un. oo uarreu .-... mi-
ever loreciosea oi ;
redemption, or ouier uiwmn .
real property, and nch other nd further
relief as to the Court may seem meet and
in mibHahed br an order
of Hon. T. A. McBricle, Judgeof the aboTe-
uw"w . antmnVDrifiM DACQ
P. p. DABNEY, and B. B. 8KABKOOK.
al23 awunicjiiwiiwuMM.
In the County Conrt of the But of Oregon
for Columbia county.
In the matter ot the estate I
m r
John Elmore, deceased. )
k .11 ii,. heirs and devises of John El
more, deceased, known and unknown, and
to all Demons interested in th said estate.
nn von and each of vou are here-
.' . . rr i ....
by commanaea to uu uu
in and for the County of Columbia, at the
Un. 1 W. n t.V t 111 rt 111 LIIH US
n.,.th..iiAA in Mt. neiens. ureaon. uu rauii
.i. h. Ml. rfttv nf Hentember. A. D., 1MI3,
at i o ciock p. v lv " :
regular term, 10 auow cause, u ni
why an order of sale of all the real estate n .aid estate should not betuade
as prayed for In th petition on Hie in said
n.,,. .ai.l mil ivrnrieriv bclmi desortlied as
follows, to-wit: The southeast quarter of
section 84, township 6 north, range 3 west
of the Willamette Meridian in Columbia
county, in th eiate oi ureguii,
tBT rJSTi: I. J. G. Watt.
clerk of the County court aforesaid, do here
unto set mv hand and affix the seal of said
Court at my office in tlie City of Bt Helen,
..-o ' l n. WATT8. Countv Cleik.
By w. A. riABKis, fwpw.j.
fa the Circuit Court ior Columbia Connty
Minnie Mitchell, plaintiff, vs. Lexington
4ii..hAlt dnfeiulant.
1 in
To lxington Mitchell, defendant,
1 Oregon: You are hereby required to
miliar and auswor the complaint filed
against you in the above-entii led smt by
the Unit Twesdav after the aeoond Monday
t .. iwum" uiirl if vou fail so to ans
wer, for want thereof tlie plaintiff will ap
i m tl,. m.ort for tlie relief demanded in
ii,' cnninlaint. via: Vft a decree forever
divorcimt her Iro.u the defendant.
'rki.,nmmnnRii riiililistied inTHKOaK-
Mist hv order Of tb Hon. T. A. Mo-
Bride, judge of the abovo-cntitled court,
j22a2 Attorneys for r'lalniiir.
Oood until October SUth
Iteport that a New Industry I to tie
Introduced. ,
A rumor has found its way to this city
that a deal Is on hand to build a large Hume,
extending many miles np the ClaUkanie
river, th object being to place portable
mills along tbe rout for tbe purpose of cut
ting large timbers, which are to be darned
to a point acceasabl by rail, and there
manufacture the large sticks into all var
ieties of dimension timbers and building
material. ;
Bumor has It, also, that the Astoria and
Columbia Blver Railroad people, with other
capitalists, are Interested In this project.
ultlmstely to mak ClaUkanie tb bas of
Tbe rumor I given a little color by the
lispatch from Astoria which appear else
where In thl Issue, since the deliberations
of ths prominent men are kept secret.
The existence of the railroad makes tucn
an undertaking possible now, and there
ay be some Important transaotions take
place soon which will add material aid to
our people In a business way.
frevasal for Bids.
NOTICB 18 HEHEBY oiVBNj neaiea iu
ii.r hiiiiiiitnr m. lirdiL-e over Tide creek In
fiuul main. Mo. ft. Iu Columbia countv. Ore-
gou, will lie received by J. B. Dosn, at Uafnier,
Oreiron, from the date of the publication of this
notice mi to September 7th, Wis. said bridge to
D Oillll ill HAM-.oruanue won muuw.ii,.(w
Mentions on Ills In the oflice of J. B. loau, at
Hnlnler, Oregon, thejuiunty Court reserving Hie
rtaht to reject any or ail bids. Dated Hits 24m
day of August, Dm. . lOAN,
Codmtv TnaAsoaaa's Ornc,
8t. IIslkks, Oa., Bepteniber t, Vm.
iinnuM Ronntv Warrants of Columbia
Connty, Oregon, which have been presented
and endorsed: "Not Paid for Wunt of Funds,"
prior to Ue't. l.lmsl, will be psld upon prenen
tailon at thlsoince. Interest will not be snowed
afior thi dte. EDWIN KOrtM,
ttoao Treasurer of Columbia County, Oregon.
Lakd Omc at Uaaaoa Citv, O,,
Auirmt'27. lstia.
IN tollowiiiK-samed settler has died notice of
his tntenUoa to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made be
Inrx ths Rcirinler and K:elver. at Oreaou City,
Oregon, oo October Stb, Mil, vis:
nnnuanui Kntrv go. 10.387. for the se of nwU
and ntH of swJiaod 4i ol twit ot section lo,
to 6 n, rt west.
ua tha foilnwlno. witnesses to wove nls
continuous residence nocn. and cultivation of
said land, vis: K. Marsnail, 01 rpnianu. u
ron. 328 Columbia street; W. Mitchell, of Port
land. Oretron, 1S9, loot of Morrison street; A.
Warnev, ol Valley, Oregon, and M. Fresh, of
Deer Island, Oregon. ..
sao7 CHAa B. MOOHKS, Beglster.
Lakd Oryici At Oaaeoic City, Oa.,
August 28, IK.
111 lllHln.n.mMl settler hss filed notice of
his Intention to make final proof in support f
his claim, and that said prooi win oe m -fora
Clerk of Court, at bt. Helens, Oregon, oo
Octobers, WSS, vis:
Homestead Entry No. 9129, for ths i sw of swW,
and lot No. 4, section 4, and seH of uu and lot
No. 1, section 8, tp 4 n, r 6 west.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation ol
said land, vis: Brice Hacker, Wm. H, Hacker,
and Joseph Reed, of Keasey, Oregon, and John
H. Hartuian, of Vernonia, Oreiron.
a2So7 CHA8. B. MOOKK8, Reelster.
Laxo Orrica at Oaxoex City, 0a.,
August 21, 1894.
1 , KAtllAr has filed uotlceoi
his Intention tor make final proof in support ; of
his claim, and that said proof will be made he
lore Clerk ol Court at St. Helens, Oregon, on
October S, 1Su8,vU:
Homentead Entry No. 10.391. for the seii of nwW
and swK of ne4 of see 82. tp 6 n, r S west.
He names the lollowiua witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and eultlvatton of
said land, vis: Brice Hacker, Wm. H. Hacker,
and Joeepa ileeo, oi a-easey, ureou, mu vuu
H. Hartuian, of Vernonia. Oreeon.
sido7 CHAiJ. B. MOOBK8. Realster.
laan Ornc at Oaoo Citv, Or.,
Aurll8t lllh, 189B.
fiillowlnsnained settler has filed notice of
his Intention to make final procf In support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the Bcifister and Keceiver, at Oregon City,
Oregon, on September aoth, IKU8, via:
smmhIh Wntrr Na 9ffKL for the east U of tbe
southeast W of section 6, townsbin S orth,
ranae 4 west. .
He names the followlnn witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and cultivation
of said laud, via: John Uooa, John B. Brann and
Frank Keeie, ol Braunaport, uregou, auu wui
lei Lieoy, ol Buxton, Oregon. -
alMtt CH AS. B. MOOREH, Register.
Lamd Ornca At Obkoom Citv. Oa..
August llth. ism.
NtrilUH, ID ntHBin ......
foliowing-named settler has filed notice of
his Intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will bemade . b.
... x, cm ...: Hwul.r ut llK.ffiin Citv.
vn vmnonV f , T L U 'I I . 1' 'It, N
l.uu,m rtnLnlMlllMraiM.h. VIS.
Homestead Entry Ho. M, for tne somn 01
. . . . . I n, u,,lia..t W. n!
tne ii . , 1 1 uran i '- o"'. - . - ' -
e ........ .1, In a nnrlh MRM A V'ML
Me names ine hiiupkiu, ..." i"".- -eoiHlnuous
residence npon end onltlvatiou pi
i , . 1 1 .......... Villi. ,u 1 ,1 1, tl U
saiu lauo, Ti. t ..- i - --
Uraun, uust tjmionna anu uneuau iw
all of Braunaport, Oregon. , .
algs28 CHAB B. M00RE8, Register.
Land Offic at Oaaooa Citv, On.,
Aiisrimt 1. 189ft.
lollowing-uamed settler has Hied notice of
his Intention to make final proof In support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made tie-
fore tne county eiers ui wiunin .... -j-
Helens, Oregon, on oepieuioer o, ww, ,m,.
Hnmmitead Kutry No. 10,2a7, lor the southeast
of southeast 4 oi seuuou ij, wniuui .,
,,n.lh milira 4 WeKt.
He names tne louowuig witu ...
hi..nntitinniM mildeoti unnn. and eultivntion
of said land, vis: C. O. Lindahl, of Clalskanie,
Oregon, O. E. Wonderely, J. W. Pugta, and John
Alvin, oi ueieua, wretsoii. ,
alisill C II Art. b. MOOHKS, Register.
October 22, 1893.
The Finest and Greatest Exposition Ever
Meld in me rnortnweat
Horticnltural and Agricnltaral
Prodnota of Oregon and Washliiftton will
be displayed in wonucrmi prolusion, iti
clading more varieties tlian ever be
fore gathered toeothor in one 1
Goi Silver ani Brorizs Ecials will Is
ntnrvelwnalr Bl h Mueclmena from
Our Unlet, ilvr
ather .Hiuoa.
Eoiuselt's Eesoissi Eilitary E
Has been anitamcd for tha season.
Astounding Aerial Feats and Acrobatic
j eriorniunces.
Very Low Rates on all Ilailroads.
Admissiou: AilulU25Cts. Children 10
pntfffti.ivtnmtwitli'lin'fii'il'ls'Wl'l'lllfiiinii.iw I r - 1 i I I ' s ! i t
ii i ;r" r,
I I I : . I i I id tu V
Ayeetable Preparation for As
similating theroodandlieiJula
biig tli S iuiMfiis antiiJflwvils cf
tS3 e'virisl.Coatiilns neither
Oiffljm.MorpUiiuJ not llisxioL
Wa tmi'
A perfect Renjedy forConsflpa
fion. Sour Stornich.Diarrlioea,
ncss and LOSS OT SlER
JSC Simile Signature cf
exact copy or wrappeb.
jrraW'A, 1V
U't (unWlWAst I
fiwmftcd 1
Keeps slways on hand all kinds of
staple and fancy groceries and
provisions, farm produce, tropical
and domestic Iruils in searan, fine
teas and coffees, tobacco and cigars.
A tine line of confectionery slso ia
Stock, and various otiier specialties.
For Your
rnowco rnwi IT7 AMn M A
y VUI 1 1 1 I . VW 11 M . I.,, II,
Dr. EDWIN ROSS, Proprietor,
Patent Medicines, Fancy Toilet Articles.
Carefully and Accur
ately Compounded....
i am rem r- rfM iftt r ajls rffc si
ITalii Street,
Dealer in....
Main Street, -
ajautViajtVA JsVilfkjga. A A, afh.rffc sWsA jsVuaVaJ
One hundred and twenty acres, 1H miles Ten acres on MllUin crock, i mile from
from onuiitv seat; tt acres In cultivation; I school; S-room house, barn, outhmiaes, etc:
mil from s'jlnKiliouse; on Columbia river; small oi-chartli 8 acres tu cultivation: price
prloeaiOUueracre. flWOO.
One hundred and twenty acres! Rood or- Ktehte ere. 8H miles frora ennnty seat;
chard; w acres Rood swale land; all land is all lcvol and timber alaahed; K nulie ft'.m
level; 1 mile from school house; mile achoothouse; on eonnty road; will w'l! in W-
Iroin railroad Matlonil mil from Udawat; orsw-aiw tracts; price SttlOV pur aere; part
good chance lor oordwood. cash aud balance ou time-
TtmherelalmiWaoie; estimated st4.i)il,-
out) feet of tlmlx-r; aceessahle to lotticlng
stream; prioewt0.
price 00 Ui).
For farther infornuitioa call r.i cr c
ji . . .
f-laitt 5trCCt,
Cls. 1 Cirr''fr'l'r' ""-
tV" V'r Vf! V ""!
Boars tho
t 1 i f
1 f t i !
1 '!? 1
vhk erwTAiiit ,osMv, mwwtn etnf.
I t ' t t I . - , w...
Complete Line of..
School Books.,
School Supplies
si smAi
St. Helens, Oregon.
ft i)f ilio
Vj You llavo
Always 0
Choice Groceries
Alvayson hanA. Flour, (rrain. nA fwd. Tobacco sad
cigaxs, ttad em' tirLicle, notions, eia.
...Drv Goods...
InelndliiBTaironpral assortment of clothine, fnrnlshlni?s,
and dross goods. Aim a line Hue ot boolsaud snoea.
- St. Helens, Oregon.
One hundred and twenty cri of IliuU-r
land in tp 4 n, x l vieM-, pm-o imih.
Hir hnrnlrcd and h"-(w n-'ri of t'fv.i,-,-
land tp i n, r 1 west,, p i. v- s i p r i. ..