,1Jir.,l,wwrrnwwi,'"fw'1 iii im urn :;;::;uuN MIST. ;.v? r itUBtfJieusisO jus Calami tf kstwun. Tin Eiieen Guard, which U th leading deiuoM-aije !i in Western Oregon, eon plain that immigration ia betng driven to now, where only a eoojrt of years ir (w lojfj vera being put iu, and (a eotu quenceof thi activity hundred of men now find employment at fair, U not good wages. The losing and lumber outlook at 3& rtpilaw Rate. ( if v one vHtr :n aaVnac,.,,,., i ( - t lnuulirf .... jj tfj-y v... ,ii calamity stories o( curtain individual in Uut rery forcibly the tact that renewed and bot Lufieue. Tu. Guard advocate Uvlty. with better demand and better waite. H n j calling of aa indignation meeting for I is at hand. MM 3 pBACE IS RESTORED.,... . J id the people f C.JomMe eonnty tra aa greatly aisled over th fact those f any other part ot tb world, aad ill order to enable our friend to keep posted ou transpiring veuts, W bar decided to fur nish them with Advertising rt nsmade kaewn upon appikaoioo COLOMBIA COOKTY DIRECTORY. POt STI trlCERS. '! ... :ir . rril t "-tH-ii-T frn. r.l efc.-hMl.. A.4..t.r. .......... trv,'inr... ...... 4;roKr .JoMih B. Doan. Bainler J. (1. Wan, lit. liil.ns ....J. JJ. K!v. Ctfttrtante t. hWl, fU ll.ilMII ...I. II. ,-'t. ft M-rra ....Mrtlu WWId, Qntuoy .. .IHV,. 3a'CTr .......Ir. A. p. M'-lrt-u. KwiVtWr r, ,,, t ...P. A. Fmh-s. ..e I can estimate th amount of darssc whicb C"""""mc"' ' '''. Mia j been don, to Pooglas county by tha fact that this so-called newspaper baa ooiv holding ap to public acorn tbeaa people! Tb republican, of California have on who drive away Immigration, by this "rpre-1 Inatcd Hon. H. T. Gag. for governor, and heosible practtcaw W. of Dougiaa county I WiMooaion rcpubiioaaa bar. ranoaiiBaud are in a poiftion to aympatblz with Lane 1 Governor 8cboAld. ennnty. not m uxiah aa account of th in sane calamitv bowline- of individual, el-1 1 tboflgh w have enough of that to contend with, bat from th farther and mora im portant fact that w bav In thia county a newspaper which is contioaoariy publish ing to th world pack of ianfamons lies in regard to tba condition in Douglas county and the atat of Oregon. No on st. nvLr.H, oBEuon, Are. so. " zSlL hiauaily, for month paet,ia alsaoat every iisa, bewailed th poverty and distrea which it claims exista among the farmer and borines men of Dongta county. Im- Iniigration will not atop In a etunmanity when the (araiara ara unable (o anas a liiriiig. and wber tha business men are on the verg of bankruptcy. If lb era is any I ground for such iniameua slanders against I a eoontry and It people it would be diiler I eut, although it to an ill bird that will foul I it ewa nest, but there la absolutely no eon for ilxi slander. K. other locality ia the United State can prod ace so great a variety of th necessar ies of life which are produced from the soil, the foreals, the mines, and the seas and I river, aa can Western Oreeon. and Loda Aw estimate bas been made showing that ttl. fensm of Douelaa count ara harvest. th nutuliinrM tat n tiu, mmr I , . . . . . ..I ""'"""I j I ing auca a variety m crops oi snca magnin-1 kaetring of noultrv on tha farm which b thuafaraggregat. over IS0.008.000. Thi. L.abuod a. would aaak. anZst. -!n7 ..5L - Jr... .Tr? A inert c for AmerioAiM "Ijontf May It wave 0or th Home of tbo Fro ftad tho lncl of U&e Brave." AOBlCVLTDMAt COlUTSHIP, A potato nml onl mi mnht Ant cijutthl mi onion btM3i ""TbeU'ii ni4 for d," oiKn-4 the qattla, Go 'wrnyr the oniirn, WtijiB4j ericd 'Yout 0V I e&nnok ho; The nnikfn joar lawful bride; YOU tittUiesOp) WtUa 03,." But onward ttftl th tnhr em, A4 tlowtj tU her i3rt; wYoa C4ulitltrr by ity luims. And it will mdU m wheul; Dd I, too, mb u e-srtjr ArtA yon It aomt to m: SortonH Mini up yonpuTly Bui nJuaeibai wiU ma4 1 do not c-mH ail to wwt. Ho to. sjr. if tou bleftE3t' Ttk irttlt?tit oukia meekly mML "And lettuoH. urav. h.v rxsjt-f Oo, think that you hv nrvr wea My 1 1, or smell by ait.; Too kBff a mlti I ham boea urtv-onlnyuarol" "Ah, rr ft dm r th tobr prayod ; "My eberryfchet! bride you'll but Tou r tho oaly wpnT maid Th' ourrvuti now wud mei' i i i i i i i i 4 4 CT7A ninT7T,(t PAT. fPTTTJ rtTiTIU AT) A'TTI Will get THE WEEKLY OREGONIAN for ONE YEAR, and THE OREGON MIST until JANUARY ist, 1900, The mrniar subscription price of th Oregonian la ft .60 per year and the regular ubsoripuon prine of Tua Mnv ia $1.00 bat w wlfl furnUh th. two together lor a limited time fur 1.75, invariably tu advance. HK legislature Is seen to meet, th. full proceeding of which will ap. pear eacn wee, tn (tie Urrgoaian, besldca a lull text of national pro eeedinire in regard to tha recent war with ilnaia. Tua slut will contain all th local and county new. This olW cannot be equaled, 1.78 Bunding la two (2) new yearly cash ub scription to Thb Mist will be Milled to EACH PERSON on veer' subscription to that paper absolutely frv of charge. Thi offer bold good only until September &)tb, ltittf. Subscriber paying up arrearage and on year in advance will receiv a 30 per onat discount. This oiler for 0 daya only. Address: THE OREGON MIST, St. Helens. Or. I7TT 1 "., rr tt n Irnimi n li "11 fi n I H sr. HEiigiMEAT- MARKET. I t ' . ... i ' 1 . . And a th wily tuner tpoke. necenrni ur ey vururiM, And mine her an anitftioJte. iMvourad tter wtia ala eye. aVIeetta. Powltry aa Inaoct Destroy ere. There la on valuahl advantage ia th r .ZSZ Zr, " sertouiiurust open bis eyin wonder. One number of iasecte dertroyed by poultry. hap. tmvxw in round nnur. wUIsnf- m4rchjmU , Eoeburgp who I f f every Insect caoght by a ben none d7y flee for our .hsr. of th evpenaof forcing i hu fca in busmes here alaoit so tong ooold b. counted, and sn timsU mi. ppuu w RJioquiBii sex aWHi qb vum. Private Boardins -..HOUSE.... Mrs. M. J. Scott, Proprietress ST. HELENS, OREGON. Private board and room. Transient trade and regular boardera aolicited. Care taken of horse of country sojourner. NKXT TO MASONIC HALL. HARDWARE CO. rOBTLAND, 0BK60KI. HO&THCAST COBN'B 8X00N0 A M0RRI80N Oua meager fire apparatns would prove J lug the present aumuier, the beet trade that of little avail should a Sre start is the right J he has bad for lea years, and that th farra- localUy in St. Helena at a time when the j era Lav had ur money thi summer than frequent high winds prevail, and it ia im-1 for yean; that they are getting out of debt that the memory of man runneth not to the I for a number of insect eaten bv a Back cJ I contrary, informs as that he has had, dur- twenty-five ben. It would be shown that portanttbat our citisena ba constantly oa I and making new purchases, a they had I .j. ' ProTiJ',n 't1? wi,n ilHd' ' U alsrt. Good fortune one ha saved u. not de for yearn. We concur with tht oVof aTdd fora7d asth"u the fat of many towns in tb. Northwest I Guard ia raying that th individual or " i 1 1 I paper that, ander these conditions, win Oca representative in the legislature. Dr. I persist In spreading evil report in regard Ball, ihonld have hi attention called to I to th country and It conditions, is a public th fact early and often that th people of j enemy and aboard be suppressed. Boss- ben are more useful in that respect than I may be supposed. When busily engaged scratching aba secure manv rrnha and worms, anus u larvae 01 Insect also as-1 A flock cor tnrkev I can consume a large amount of food it will I find it if it can be bad. Tbav will clear tobacco field of the green worms more thoroughly than can any number of per son that mav attemot auch a disazraeahi job. The active guinea ia ever on the alsrt aearcmng ine neias lor insect. It doe not Th. trnth rJ K. t. !.. V I " ' " B' iwae-J "s" i over, ana u rareiy cornea to tiie barn eea tood. tu tndi Get Value Received EVERY TIME AT N. A, Perry's HOULTON, OREGON. ustry prompts it to thi eouaty expect and demand that some I burg Flaindealer. etioa be taken by th next session of that body looking to improved methods of col- JQuard has been on of th rankest ealam leetins: and exoendinc nubile moner on I ity-howling, ranting, anarcliuttosvmcathnv publie fclghwaya. Thi. b certainly the ing. poverty-bewailing. ruination procla.ra- ,dr,h .rV; most important subject now before the peo- 'f-K. socutlistio sheets printed in thia fair I satiified, will attempt to seek enough In the rinmhia muiniv anil If mm arill .11 tate. and ita nttersncaa for mora than twn I field, and It cauturoa aot tha lOMOUL Ktil tola hajIa in a spirited attack . tha anta. year, to our Car tain knowledse. havn been B' ",icVna ll reptiles, also mU lis-1 iUluTian methods now employed w can eontinuoasly of the character oa which it beaatsn by dock and Jesse If othw food alMfiTnnlitih Anr Aim. I bow turns ite back, and scorns. We need I is not nlentiful : but if inseets .honnri ik.. i in I not go so far away from hem a Eugene I wiu oo111" wh eating them ba prefer- Tbb next national enterprise should be I to find a imnt of tly th aame nature iient ff.rmge? iZi doe. gSdTervtoJT the eoastractioa of th Nicaragna canal I at that frowned down and condemned by I If we will but consider tbst the work of Th. distance from Hew York to San Fran-1 the tiuard, but a that paper Bow aee the Pmry ia irom eany mora nntu nineet, ciao around Cap. Hom is over $17 J Urror ofit. , d b k. lniuieo. wTumbS mlleav II the eanal were opened for nayi-1 demnA-ioei, let it eeaw 1U bowlinir. nd by iiueeu dratroyud mid appear too great fftuoo uta tusiaace woaia ds tnonenea Ifc wunu 10111 an ooaesi 1 'w wuinn, una mim Tuuatie errtce oo . fWi ftva.. a Jt M 1 lit u. I ffMlm MU. tilt! tlMVaa tkak tenth of Ha PVt Of POtlltrT tbOQid b ffiODTltMl 1t . v..u- ...... .. ..nitons. iUi be profiUln jU favor, for while kdl- rn..UB nn,v.un..ww.uuuwvu.uSu, i tog oc toe iusectsuey r not only saving this channel because tt a shorter and fa ..that. n.,,h., nl f.mM Si .""P"' ?a' -wB-rnn wum irmjo inv Meoicurrmu-l , . . . . . I rawraora as weu aa seeping in an sea and the Boes eanaL Th same I ooatry bav become tired of wait- j better health and condition than under any esouldb.trtfth.eommer -BANQUET SALOON 0L0NINGEB& COOPER, ....CarrteaaComptaU Stock of.... Heating-:-Stoves and RANGES. All Kinds of Ceostne TJIensil. mRIar andENAMELKO FrtOtT fAtia Ram.tn ber and eaU when In the elty if in need of anything In th Irull-eaunita Hue. Hardware, : Tinware, ; Crosicry And Kverrthlug la that Line of Goods. CHERRY SEEDERS, APrUB rCELBBS, ETC. NORTHKA8T CORJTB IKOOIID M OKKIBOH Bemember the plane PEOfKlgTOK. Wine and Liquor Card table. Pool table, billiard table and other devicea for th entertainment of pas-1 rooe, waere am can o pieaaaour spent. Bealdea other popular brand, are kepi constantly on band to supply th faereased I trade at Uii very popular saloon. . THa FAatOCB CYRUS NOBLE WHISKY IS KXPT AT THB BAB-QOSr. JSeporUof thetrwur, department show IT,h.7" il l ? 7 rt' P"ibl. 'or tf the? dV otoiuiy that the trad of th. Culled Btato. with th. VHS J S nl"-Atorla- "amag , a plant r twoit'wiU be but a a Bationt of the East amount to S1SOU0O00Q P . . " ttmm "d P1" to eonv Mty ta, omparlwn with th. benefit eon " ' " """ ."w.uw.uuo mmas s i u,. i I ferred. Lewiton JoornaL I I dividQsJs ar forging ahead in tills very irn-1 ' CASTOR I A aunoally Ta people of Oregon onght to be happy porto,,t D bsorbin ttr. their act amdtheyara. The war barer and th boys j Wh ot extraordinary praise. We U soon he heme. Th. wheat crop, which I " ' w purpoe of Having b bring saved In good oondition, is on. of0ttr rod Improved, but the amounts thus for Infanta tud CfrflflrfB, tha laieat aad bast wrargrowii. Th hay Inad! to demands, and if Tj JM YfJ PjTS 1271 tlZtl a con-1 w crop ia large aad is bringing a good price. hP Tr to get relief from th bad oon- Tbar. ia aa and to th fruit of all kind. (iitton our thorough (are w must dis- Th anrploa stock ha been sold at big fJar to twUio sxtsnt, th. ssms belpisg- prioaa, Mony is plenty, time are good oarlT pMt as mentioned ia the extract and becoming better. Tb. merchants have p th Astorian. It fa nererthelee up- badtb best trade this summer they have ! mu muma w undertake soch a thing, ba. bsd tor years. Evsry man, woman, and I B"U"" sonu wiu bsaut ana otners wUl not, child who wanted to so haa had an ontinir I whole burden fall npon a few either in the mountain or on the seashore, I 'boulders. Th spirit 1 coram end able, bat Xvcet tb populists bav quit grumbling. I wU1 no rafEc s s general crtuad agint Why shouldn't everybody be happy? I ""PMaao' roaus. rf must ont amend Jtosaotirg riaindealer. an, eompeiung roaa ana prop- " ! rty road tax to b paid ia cash to th tax vbst intoresting statement at the re- collector, and exempt no property or noth- osipts and expenditure of th government n8 ,ro this tax, aad then we will have but Bears tha Bignitnr. of OASTOntA. im kiaa im lun Baet OABTOniA. BaaaO -TlB UilMto ktvm fesM IIAGH0LI1.. i$i & .SAL00N . . O. A. BRINN, Psjof. FIIE:ME:UPBS, and Clgv. PORTLAND, ORK&ON Oeonr i always pleased to see hi old Columbia eotinty hiende. When in the meuopolis give him a call. MONEY'S WORTH" ftVIftV TIMI AT DOLUAli'S STORE. T. HeXSNS, ORtOON. Mr. Doha an always keeps a rait stork of General MerchandiM, which he mil at prleea that defy competition. JAMES H. SHELDON, IW. Kinds cf Fresh Ms, Hams, Eassa, end tatt 'tWMUTS BY WH0LSSUM-& km- A T SHSCIAl KA tIS,..,... t Mat. Btrt, Bt. JToiana. Oregon, CLATSKANIE.. DRUG STORE DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor, Ha last raaslvMl a larf aartawat of frssh sad Pure DrugsaHd Chemicals Abo a now and select .took of dm and patent mad do, fancy tatlonerr. aehonl Iwoa and SRhool ulUe. MrfunivrV aud t nauallf kept at a unt-cuua drug store. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded AT THE CLATSKANIE DRUG STORE St Groceries and Provisions FLOUB, GRAIN, AND FEED. TOBACCO AND CIQAE3, NOTIONS, ETC. T. C. WATTS' STORE, Eenben, i i i i i Oregon j "The Perkins" C. W. KNO WLES, Manager. Ur. Knowlc wu, for man years, proprietor of tbe 8 1. Chariot hotel, and while there establuibed a reputation a a holol man. He ia now in bettor position to entertain hi friend than ever before, and will welcome all hit old patrons to hit new place of busioeea, where can be fonnd an up-to-date hotel. ' Corner Fifth and Washingtsa Streets, Portland. WHITE COLLAR LINE DENTIST J. A. REID Ma Ueated a at Helaa Parian tl,. rVLl 8T TKXTB gf US to git CO FILUN'l 60 to 11 09 GOUjriLUN08 .41 60 npwards CKi aai BrMie fori a Spscialtj M OO TO ttt.OS PtR TOOTH. The work that I have dona In thi. Mmmnnii. All work guaranteed in. factory. or in necai year, ending June SOtb. ,""'''""""" improv ID lb Imi IM lb t! flri laiud lad k h. thi.nt iuw highway. Thhaihassard..llivahicl.o. jfmtmmtimmnKS& UoweH, of the trewnry. Owing to war ex- s-yon-pieaa method of working reads now pendituj. ha tiie last quarter, there was a ra rogxl miil never be araoces or a credit, deficit of tSSflaja tot the year. That was. And ti. sooner it i relegated to the past f course, to ba expected. But the most tDl1 man progressiv and busioess-iike Interesting portion of thstatematto those BMthod adopted the soonr we will have who contended that the Dingley tariff law I Mttr Tomi and th aoooar will tb rural Would produce all the revenue needed to I """"en p heneimed. run th government, la that showing that lor the past fir months February to June, I Cussxn eoaditioa rsmind tu that the Bciostva ot the nscal year, tbe Dingley I hop-picking season is at hand a seasaa of tariff law produced revenue exceeding our I outing (or woman and stria aa much aa it I. rrdiaary expenditure, on a peace footing, la season of profitaht employment; for bt man tnan sa.iMl.uu), I many time tbe boo-pickar return horn - altr the field hav been gleaned with more It a little exasperating nowaday, when than their experience but th latter is not there is sn abundance of work in the bar. alway fruitful of pleasant remembrance, est field, to bav a big, burly fellow step Cupid seldom goes to the hop-fislda; but Bp snd ask if "you will please help a poor his counterfeit Is generally then with a man to get a meal." Thar, is plenty of quiver fall of poisoned srrows. Occurrences Work where able-bodied man can earn a reported last year as result of tove-makfn living if they will but get out and rustle, I under tb burr of tbe hopvin. ought to I Product of Oregon and Washington wUl no mere m bo xeua lor begging. It u I ve taught parents a salutary leaaon. I " uipia in wonuermi proiuaion, in- Dnl pKarlt. n ttA . -Vn.-l.l. -i . . .1 ClUOll -y .v-v hiw mmwi wuci, uiey I a11'., um euuugn 10 woa asKance at eai get an opportunity to earn their living. I the shapely swain, but to immature to be i-ugen uuard (democrat). This doe I permitted to pursue their feverish faneie not agree with the experience of the editor I unattended, easily got in to trouble trouble oi tn Koseuorg Keview, who it continually I i om ease which sorrowed th. parent telling u that times ar becoming harder I n& disgraced th subject of inch adven. and money scarcer. That th price of wheat One of the la.se who thought that Marw.l wiunoapay ior inrening. That there i I wipia naa touched her tender heart with no wor tor the idle, and no money with the shaft of lore was soon deserted by her wnica 10 pay mem it they did work. Plain-1 wicked deceiver. Other cases, similar in nernor. . I their Inception, might be cited on. in to , ... " which a 17-year-old girl of a Portland east ... - w uai uarvey water- aide suborb Is now th mother of a papal, meion ooou cannot be made pres.deat.gov- babe; but thi Intimation of the awful con sequence of the recklessness of unattended girls in the hop-fields ought to be .officiant to remind parent that it is almost criminal folly to tnrn their daughters loos in the fields with a lot of precocious lads and vic ious young men. Don't do it. OREGON INDUSTRIAL EXPOSmOH OPENB HI POSTUSD, SEPTEMBER 22, CUE8 October 22, 1893. Th. Finest and Ores test Exposition Ever I uia in in norinwest Hortlcnltiiral and Agricultural! -THE- OBilEJlTPilirA HOTEL THOMAS COOPER. Manage. 8T. HELENS, t t . 0BEQ0N. Bvervthlna In connection with th hona I. strictly drat elaa. About twenty well hiruiahed mi wen aep. rooms, ine lame vupnuea 4 all wv uea. hh aiaraea auorua. OfTtoe Nt Door te Rose' Drugstor. ST. HSUCXg, : j 0RB005 E.E.Q1 ? fVwmmtaksriri QUICK CorrtmlMtoner of veeostur wash lngton. ...... G. WCOLE .Xotary Fublie. times with t beat the market aff Horses EoarM and Care. For. PROFESSIONAL. ernor commander-in-chief and general over. aeer ot all oar affair at home aad abroad. Harvey is a regular ring -tail-roarer, an all- around, go-aa-you-pleaee snorter; and when he ahuffles oS this mortal coil St. JPeter will be ordered down off the throne to make room for Harvey. During the war oar eras. tdent bas not made a move that met tbe approval of tbe big duffer, and although posing, with the organ behind him, as a great republican leader, the party and ad ministration have not had a worse enemy than this same old mess of egotiam. Bat thank Sod "the Government at Washing ton still lives," aad through the good Judg ment and foresight oi thoae wboae every act Harvey and his satelites have con. demned, this glorious country of ours arill fee brought through thi conflict ne scathed i the old star and stripes will float over free peoples that for centuries hare been held in bondage, and every nation on j the face olthe globe will have been taught iiiii great are the United State of America. Wb believe it is reasonable to say the re cent war bad a demoralising effect upon th lumber and logging Industry, and sine hostilities hav ceased and peace reign again it may be properly aud confidently expected that aa immediate further revival in that line of trade will lake place. At tbe Urn of our relation with Bpain becominr trained there was a moderately " fair de mand for available timber lands, but the war had It bad effect on that commoditv. and buying ceased almost entirely, not withstanding the fact, however, there has continued a fairly good prlc for aawlog, and a nearly as can be ascertained tbe pres ent prevailing price is from 4 to W.50 per thousand, Dozeas of cam pi are in opera-1 eluding more varieties than ever be- for. gathered together in one exhibit. Gold, SilTBr aiii Bronze Mull will to awdnsa. vmw moso, Sliver ststa a-ter Mi ate. Bennetts EesouiSu Military Ban. llaa been enraged for the aeaaoo. Astounding Aerial Feats and Acrobatic , reriormances. Very Low Bate on all Bailroad. Admission: Adult 25 Cts. Children 10 Ct. J.W.WAT W.B.DIIAABD ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Office next door to Courthouse. BT. HEUCND, OilSGON. General nraerJce In eonrts of erwim n. uh. inetou. AUtraol made directly from oountv I COLE & QUICK, PBOFBIXTOBS OF THORNE'S i Afamerical System Title Abstracts. Titles BranlviMf and 9tkrlpMA Ikitauh ! Vurnl.hed. Aaseasmenta Kxamlnwl. in. ; mraiiwe Written. Taxes Paid and Convey- tT. HEfuEftB, VBEOOIt. - I y aj'-'iaiirr njjpi t TBI COLUMBIA EI VSR AND PTJQKT 80UNP K AVI0AT10N 00. FOITLAKD-ASTOEU EOOIE. Str. BAILEY GATZERT landing root of Alder Street, Portland. Leave Fortlaad daily (except Huuday) at T A. at Landing Telephone dock, Astoria. Uava Astoria dally (except Saturday) 7 T. M. Oatsert Ticket Good on Steamer Thompson Steamer Thompaoo Ticket Uuod on Oatsert, 0.B. SCOTT, Pre. FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. -bteamir Yonng America 0.R.M.C0. CAV roa Paat stall t e,m. Brokane kiyer t b. m, 1p.m. -VIA- WILLAMETTE 8LOUGH T1UCKLE BROS GEORGE A. HALL, ATTORNEY - AT- LAW. Collection, foreelomre, mechanles' lelna, eta. with T. J. Cleeton. MANUFAOTURER1 OF Dimension Lumber, Flooring, Bustle, Shesth vwrietrof " "" amt Mock vei7 ROUGH and DRESSED LUMBER St. II BLXV8, Obboox. ALWAYS ON HAND STAR SALOON W. VT. BIAKi:81.BT, rrF, fime mmlm uoiiohs. The Fsmons J. IT. CUTTER, V A0M0UA and HON KY DEW Whiskey always on hand. CELEBRATED HOP GOLD BEER A large tock ol DOMEHTiC and KBY WBST Cigars of the best grade always on hand. Between the twe hotels, Mala. Bt. - St. IXclene. Ore. G. W. COLE, ATTOESBT AUD OOUNBELOR-AT-LAW, ST. HELENS, 0BE00K. AT THB OLD STAND, ST. BXLKKB, OB Title Artatraet Hooka. Nnf.rw PnhltM lw.u. Miru.ru vmtwiiir waHiiinKion, aaa anexpsr JJB. EDW1H BOSS, PHYSICIAS AXt 8TJEQE0N. St. Helen, Oregon T-.B. a. b. curt. PHY8ICIA1T ATO SUEGEOW. Bt. Helen, Oregon. JyK. i. B. BALL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Clatskanie, Columbia conoty, Or, DO YOU 9 KNOW THE NEWS Ton can hav It U for Per.... Kiin Per.... IM In Th Xvenlng Telegram, of Portland, Oregon. It Is the laret evening news pniier pnMIahed In Orciron; itconuine all the news of the state and ol the na tion. Try it for a month. A sample copy will b mailed to youfrae. Address THE TELEGRAn, Portland, Oregon. Leave 81. Helena Arrive at Portland .... Leave Portland Arrive at fit. Helen,., . 6:81) A M .10:00 A M . 2:80 P M . 6:00 P U frABS 8. CEirra. . Will Carry Nothing bnt Pasongor and Fast Friight. JAMES Of 0D, Master. Prom PartlwMl, Salt Lake, Denver, Ft Worth, Oaih,Knn. sm City, lit. Louis, viuoago aau aast. Walla Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis tit. raw. du nth. - a I waukea, Chicago e All aalllng date eub- ln to rnanice. rnr Ban Pranelaoo Sail Beptcmher 1. li, i, U, M 7 d, m. To Alaska r Sail Sept. 17 So. m. Oolumhla River Bx.6undsy Steamers. Saturday To Astoria and Way- 10p.m. iaudlnas, ears. Willamette diver. Bzjiunday OreimnClty.lfewherf, haleu A Way-laud s am. Willamette and Yam- Tuee.Thur. " tr. aad Sat. Oreuo.1 City, Dayton, and Way-landings. a. m. Willamette River. Tuee Thllr. Portland to Corvalll and Sat, and Way-landing. Lv. Klparla Snaks River. 1:40 a.m. daily ex. Blparla to Lewlston. CeptSat, Aaaive raoa Past Mail 1.S).m. Srxikan. Plrer 10:Oaa. 4 pm. tp.. Bx. t!Jli m. uuday 4 n m. ExSunday S-m n. m. Mini. Wed, and FrL )p m Tli ii Tues.Tlitir. andhak Lv.Lew'to 0:4oa. m, daily ex eevt Frl. W. H. HURLBERT, General Paneuger Agent, PORTLAND . .... ORltonN DELL SHAVER, Master. lAfi f4.4W The Only Direct Route PROM,,, Portland to aatskanio Kalama:!: Si H.ta .'ICT LuJf?J r.","H,K 'i a7:l; May.,, 7:35: Rainier an eliauge Urn without noUcaT roruaua i.w a. m. Ihe cornuy reserves lb rlgh tlo Shaver Transportation Company, ...STEAMER JOSEPH -KELinnq-- Leave Kelaa on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays at o'clock a. m. 79k IKS r4 . CLsiV. IV0B POPt- Iftntl TiiewUy. : Thurwlny, kihI Hulunlui, At ' o'olook m. ra. ....Pcrtlasl t:i Kelso Routs ula Vr'tllametts Slough .... STEAMER G. W. SHAVFR l