j i 1 1 'iurf' W'l 4 .As tfr. t-J ! 1 in tiio morning 3 wheii I grt to i'!;r In it J Simply bwauao your n tu tin li a poor, thin, eluirginh r'.n umi jolt do not pet the bfiicl.t of jnureltii'p. To feel strong and kwp etroim Just try th tonlo and purifying etT'iwta of HikkI's Sarsaparllla, Ourword for it, 't Drill do you good. I "cod's Carsaparilla - la America's Greatest Medicine. Hood'a Pills curtail l.iver Ilia M iiis. ITEMS OF INTEREST. In London there is a tnannfactoiy in which every kind o( rare or ancient coin is made. " - The aula of South America have been fcnottn to construct a tunnel three miles in length. . . Careful measurements prove that the average curvature of the globe is 6.00 inches to the statute mile. ' Antiseptics, creolin being preferred, are mixed with the water need for sprinkling the streets of Brussels. The wonderful part of the Maxim gun Is that it has only one barrel, and yet it can discharge 600 shots in one min ute. The "elephant beetle" of Veneauela ia the largest insect in the world. A full grown one weighs about one-hall " pound. . - Artificial limbs have been construct ed in Germany in such a way that those who are obliged to use them can ride bicycle. The Princess Of Wales has pah ol opera glasses of platinum set with ra bies, sapphires and turquolaes and val ued at 3,000. In the 8S libraries of Berlin, which are either public or belong to official bodies, there are over 8,000,000 vol umes. ' ' ' Kangaroos in captivity are said to Buffer from enormous corns. Jn wet weather they develop symptoms oi gout. There is an immense garden in China that embraces an area of 50,000 square miles. It is all meadow land, and Is filled with lakes, ponds and canals. i The German timber trade has in creased enormously with the advent ol railways through the Black Forest, the Odenwald and the Thuringenwald. i To hold crayons tor .blackboards or drawing work a tube is fitted with clamping jaws at one end and a eliding rod at the other end, to force the chalk into position. The advertising of Schilling's Beet in this paper met with such sncoesa that a few months ago Messrs. A. Schilling & . Co. started . the advertising of their money-back baking powder. They are evidently well pleased with the results, for we have again received an order for advertising of thoii tea and baking powder thia time for increased space. There ia nothing that sella so well as a good article, advertised in the town where it is to be sold. ins Lircs Tim OP NEWS. ' 'TV -O t v, y X Ml MJ i i i - a'-V- M ' A . -' V - -1V w: HEN roe read the news of vie- lory, Of battle fooitht and Von. IIow th armr of iuvualoo Made th bated CimnUb run; Did u erer pause a moment. While the dons tmlt thvlr dues. And tort of take a tumble TO the boys woo wrote tae never Perbips roe think It eaur Amid tbe fannoaa' roar To rattle off good eopy While roar patter rrlea for mora, L,et nw tell you, geotio rentier. tit War rDoriina u 00 loke. fot your soul rfly qulrkly hilnirle Is 00 With th raklutf battle's sniokia. White pen ts flrlna swlftlv Tide of conflict to rord. 8on swirling- Spanish bullet May pa roa o'er death's ford. Ob, It's well enough to lonjjh But while your mirth holds earntra) That every man la shot. In the rear you'll never And blm Where t-laah of arms aounda faint. He'll not let Hps of others Ilia own word pictures polnL Ile'a la the thick of battle, Ilea where the at rife runa red. He's grinding out his story Id that Dj-lng aleet of lead. He lore to write of others In whose rater he delights; He ofttlmet makes there fartiogs 'Twixt darknesa and daylight. He longs to tprend In detail On tbe flnoilng scroll of fame The way that tnejr won glory, But be never tells his baua. He dies to nerve bis paper. His life's the price of new. There's no one to alng hla pralaea, And few eaa till bis shoes. The British army rifle has 83 com ponent pnrtSi, in the. production ' of which 932 machines are employed, as well as various processes which do not require machinery.- , ... ; ,1 , TAXES IN PHILIPPINE& nt AUJrirS.rOOT.U8l. A powder to be shaken into the shoes. ; At tnis season your feet (eel swollen, ner vous, aud hot, and get tired easily. If yon bare amartliig ieet or tight shoes, try Allen's foot-Ease. It coo la the feet and makes walking easy. Cures swollen and sweeting feet, blisters and callous spots. Itellevea corns aud bunions of all pain and ' gives rest and comfort. Ten thousand tes timonials of cures. Try It today. Bold by ail dnireists and shoe stores for 25c Sent by mail for 23c ia stamps. Trial package ITtEE. Address Aikn a Olmsted, Koy, New- York. ' How great a havoc is created in France among birds, is shown by the fact that daring Christmas week, at the Centrl maiaet, 114,000 larks , were gold. Pi no's Cure for Consumption has been a God-send to me. Wm. B. HcClellau, Chester, Florida, September 17, 1803. The most recent estimate of the wealth of Great Britain and Ireland is 411,806,000,000. Try Schilling's Beat tea and baking powder. ""A German bird fancier has made ob servations as to the effect of balloons on otras. Borneo! them took no no tice of tbe aerlel monsters, others seemed to regard them with placid curiosity, while some were thrown into panic. Spain Had Worked Oat a Syatern of Abaotnte Bobber The revolt oi the natives of the Phil Ipplnes Is the result of Spain' worse than prehistoric methods of colonial government Misrule on a gigantic and Inconceivable scale flourished in this Island empire "The Pearl of the Orient." " The actual number of these Islands is as yet unknown, for the Spaniard makes an unprogresslve pioneer, but there are estimated to be about 1,400 of them, great and small, nestling away lust north of tbe etrtistes, The total area Is in the neighborhood of 140,000 square miles. Tbe population can only be guessed at; perhaps 10,000,000 of souls Is a fair figure at which to place The native population is of the Malay family, and from all accounts A simple, easy-going people when left to them selves, but capable' of both persever ance and courage of a high and com mendable order when keyed up to the fighting pitch. There is often a large admixture of foreign blood In tbe vvlug of these islanders. It may be cither Spanish or Chinese, and this mixed race, "Metlias," as they are railed, forms one of the most Influential class es In the Philippines. The Philippine islander has be-;n probably the most persistently taxed creature tbe sun shines on In the world to-day, for the Spaniard's whole theory of taxation is nothing more or less than WEEKLY MARKET LETTER. (Reported by Downing, Hopkins Co., Bourd ol Ir.l( llrokers. ?lt to Tit t'huubw Coutuiuru building, 1'ortland. Qrogou.J be married, and taxation kept Its crip pling grip upon him up to the hour of his death, and then the very grave he filled was made to render tribute to his oppressors. - It could not be dug until a tax of 1.60 had been paid either by hla .m(1w v -(,.,, ,1 rt 1 . . Mn,n. n rapaclty-tbe Spaniard rule is proba- ff' 3--6; ucks, young. 8i bly without a parallel The revenue P9. Pr do2en' f"V- ve. 10(9 Wheat Is being bold back by farmers It must not be expected that there will be a free movement until the spring wheat starts. The majority of t): wheat dollvered in the past 80 days has gone to exporters to fill contracts made months ago. Tt a buying to fill these contracts has taken the bulk of th arrivals, so that milters and elevator people have had to compete most of the time with exporters. The July deal ia now out ol the way. Foreigners are hear ily short of September and December, and until receipts Inoronso tho export erg will find it difficult to fill their con traots unless they have taken advan tnge of the breaks to cover. Every one 4dm Its there. Is mora than enough wheat ia go around, and the trade ia extremely light; Prospects in tbe northwest are for 800,000-bualiel crop or about the same harvested in 1898. Elevator mou there are also hedging hero. In Europe the crop situation, as com piled by Broomhall of the Liverpool Com Trade News, was given as follows: The warm breeay weatherin tbe Uni ted Kiitgdrn of the past IT days has been of almost inestimable valne to farmers. , The ceral crops at the same time have come in at a great pace, and If only a eotinuance of bright sunshine could be assured for another 17 days. harvest woufd be in full swing in many important districts. Unfortunately the weather Is now unsettled indeed, the sum mot seems to be completely broken again. rortlaad Market. Wheat Walla Walla. 68c; Val ley and Blaestom, 61o per bushel, Flour Best grades, 13.60; graham, 3.10; superfine, 2.25 per barroL Oats Choice white, 42c; choice gray, 40c per bushel. J Barley Feed barley. 31; brewing. 22 per ton. MillstuffsBran, 1 16 per ton; mid dlings, 31; shorts, 115. Hay Timothy, U13; clover. $10 11; Oregon wild hay, 910 per ton. Eggs Oregon, Ho per dosen, ButUr Fancy creamery, 85 (4 40c: fair to good, 83ko; dairy, 580o per rolL Cheese Oregon fall cream, ll12o Toons; America, 12 o. Poultry Chickens, mixed, 18.60 per dosen; hens, 14.00; springs, fa. 00(98; thus collected found its wy to the northern country, where it forms aXt important item In the budget required for tbe maintenance of the army and navy. . Not content with taxing tbe unlucky native for the enrichment of tb$ homo Government, the officials, big and little, bent all their energies toward feather ing their own nests as well. Great for tunes were amassed In tbe briefest pos sible space. j.". ' EGYPTIAN FERRIS WHEEL. 13 We per pound. Potatoes Oregon Bnrbanks, 600&o per sack; new potatoes 606So. onions tjaiiioiiua red, 91.20 per sack. . Hope 4 g 13o per pound for new orop; 1890 crop, 4 60. Wool Valley, 10 12o per pound Eastern Oregon, 8 1 3c; mohair. SSc per pound. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and ewes, 8jO; dressed mutton. To( spring lambs, 9c per lb. - Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $4.T&; light and feeders, 8.004.00; dressed, 13.60(36.60 per 100 pounds. Beef Gross, top steers, 3.60$3.76; cows, : 13. 60 (S 8. 00; dressed beef. 5 (9 6 Wo per pound, Veal Large, 6XGc, small, 78c per pound. . BmttU Markets. : Vegetables Potatoes $ 1 2 1 6 ton. Beets, per sack, f 1; turnips, 75c; carrots, f 1.100; radishes, 19H' Call fornla onions, 11.10; cabbage, i ka Fruits California lemons, fancy, 15.00; choice, (8.60; seeding oranges, $1.60(31.16; California navels, fancy. per NO WOMAN IS EXEMPT. i ' ' ' Regularity Is a matter of Importance in every woman's life. Much pain is, however, endured in the belief that it Is necessary and not alarming, when In truth it ia all wrong and indicates derangement that may cause aerions trouble. Excessive monthly pain Itself will unsettle the nerves and make women old before their time. The foundation of woman's health Is perfectly normal and regular per formance of nature's function.; The statement we print from Misa Gbb TBtTDB Bikes, of Eldred, Pa., ta echoed in every city, town and hamlet in this country. Read what ahe says: " Dkab Mas. Pihkbam. I feel like a new person since following your ad rice, and think it is my duty to let the public know the good your remedies have done ma My troubles were pain, ful menstruation and leucorrb sa I waa nervous and had spells cf being confused. Before using your remedies I never had any faith in patent medi cines. I now wlah to say that I never had anything do me so much good for painful menstruation aa Lydla E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound: also would say that your Sanative Wash has cured me of leucorrhoea.' 1 hope these few words may help suffering women." The present .Mrs, Pinkhatn's experi ence in treating female Ills Is unparal leled, for years she worked aide by side with Mrs. Lydla E. Pinkham, and for sometime past baa bad sole charge of the correspondence department of her great business, treating by letter aa many as a hundred thousand ailing women during a single year All suffering women are Invited to write freely to Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass., for advice about their health. ri ' ' wT r r rr i I ?tw QooO. XJt ! 3 an Ingenious system of spoillatlon. He cars revolve on a primitive wooden wants the natives' Inst copper, and gen- framework, and the motive power Is erally speaking he gets It. One must simply cither the muscular arm of one take Into account In considering this of the Soudanese below, or the frantid ......11 1n th. m,m.r).,,.a upm1 at!, r, nt tnv.Hnn flint tho Ifllinfm oe ' on an average of rrom five to pernaps 13 ceuts a day, and work is Do more steady there than elsewhere, yet he yielded up by way of poll tax tho neat little sum of $18 a year, while bis wife paid a tax of $14. This tax was col lected, too. "Any attempt at evasion was promptly and sternly dealt with; If tbe culprit was a man the thumb screws were used, and If a woman she was stripped and publicly beaten. But this poll tax was merely the start If tbe native was a small farm er, be must secure a license before ho could pick and market the cocoanuts from bis own trees. If he wished to butcher a cow or bullock or shear bis sheep, or cut down a tree, he must first pay tbe inevitable license fee. Should he fall in this be was sold out of bouse and home, sent to prison, or what not, according to the pleasure and whim of his Spanish master. He bad to pay a tax if be owned a beast of burden of any sort for this was Spain's helpful method of encour aging blm to thrift Every article of furniture he used was taxed. If be was a townsman or villager and wanted to keep a shop he was taxed for the priv ilege; not content with this, the very scales and measures be used In the car rying on of bis business were subject to $0 addltoDol tax. He paid tux when Nile Dweller Indulged in the Sport .' . Long; Before Chicago Existed. A few weeks ago a city paper printed a picture rrom a pnotograpb snowing how the uncivilized Malay Indulged In shooting the chutes" long before effete civilization thought of the sport And here is another Illustration that noth ing is new under the sun. Here, surely, is the prototype of the great Ferris wheel. -The picture shows an Egyp tian "big wheel" of rude construction certainly, but the principle. Is there all tbe same. There are only three cars. but they are filled with pleasure-loving 1 sous uuu uuuguiem "t i oiu .-.ue. iu 3(a9 o. , flllfli. 2 KOraa.?f hon. anas, shipping, $3.262.76 per bunch; Strawberries, $1.60 per crate. Butter Fancy native creamery. brick, S 2c; ranch, 14 16a; dairy, 1S' 16o; Iowa, fancy creamery, 22o. Cheese Native . Washington, 1 1 ll)4c; Eastern cheese, 11 11 $c. Meats Choice dressed beef steers. prime, 7c; cows, prime, 6K0; mut ton, 7c; pork, 77o; veal, 68c Hams Large, 10c; small, 11c; breakfast bacon, 11 yi. i -.-. . Poultry Chickens, live, per pound, 14c; dreseed, 160; spring chickens, $2.608.75. Fresh Fieb Halibut, 804a; steel beads, 7 8c; salmon trout, 610o; flounders and sole, 84o: herring. 4c. Oysters Olympia oysters, per sack, $3.60, per gallon, solid, $1.80. Wheat Feed wheat, $21. Oats Choice, per ton, $26. Corn Whole, $24; cracked, $24; feed tneal, $24. eea UJiopped leed, 1731 per tool middlings, per ton, $17; oil cake rpeal, per ton, $36. , . Barley Boiled or ground, per ton. 125; whole, $24, I Flour Patent. $4.10. bbl; straights. 3.8S; California brands, $8.60; buck ; wheat Soar, $6.60; graham, per bbl, $4.25; whole wheat flour, $4.80; rye flour, $4.25. - Milistuffs Bran, - per ton, $14; shorts, per ton, $16. ' Hay Puget Sound mixed, $810i ohoioe Eastern Washington timothy, $18. Eggs Paying 1818Wc, telling SO Slo...'.i aa Fraaeiaaa ifarkot. Wool Spring Nevada, 10 14c per dound; Oregon, Eastern, 1012o; Val ley, 16$17c; Northern, 14gl6o. MiII(ufT9-MiiUllin(rs, fl830.00; bran, $16.60(16.00 per ton. Onions New, 7080c per sack. Butter Fancy creamery, 20c; do seconds, 80c; fancv dairy, 18c; good to choice, 1616)o per pound. Eggs Store, 14 16c; fancy ranob, lB23o. . T- , Citrus Froit Oranges, navels, $3.00 (83.06; Mexican limes, $0.00; Cali fornia lemons, l.00ll.60; do ohoioe, $1.60.00; per box. . dentine Mote. The curious experiment has been per. formed by Rev. F. C. Lambert of fixing a photographic negative before attempt ing to develop it. .He announces the tbrprising result that, using a silver Intensifying developer, the image can be brought out even after the plates bare been exposed to full daylight. . The most violent thunder storms are aiperieneed in Fiencb Guiana. . . . 1 PUNISHING A DELINQUENT TAYPAYETL and exuberant efforts of tbe passengers tliAmbilvAi ' raviv tMv.lnM t.1, n Kava penetrated into remote parts Of Egypt a Si I 1 V l LI Mrsar "J J;;?Hrfi.PB Ml W J" Vf ! IJL, l i J' ' j XOTPTIAS "BIO WBfIL," have been amazed, as yoa may well imagine, to come upon one of these pleasure wheels, groaning and creaking round, with its loaded cars of grinning passengers. Useless Worry. "I'm afraid Wlxey thinks a little bard of me." - "You're foolish. There's a man that can't think bard on ouy subject" A of nit: will spoil of cake. Use CENTS WORTH wrong baking powder half-dollars a worth ea Schillings Best. "Home-Mada" Bod Wnte.. Plato soda in watet so often recom mended for dypeptlcs Is a disagreeable drink to many people; but a delicious drink may be prepared to tuko Its place that will prove quite as beneficial. Take two pounds of granulated sngni. two ounces of tartaric aaid, one and one-half ounces of essence ot winter green, three pints ot water and tbe whit; of two eggs. Mix tlx) augar with the acid and wtarr, lot it Come to a boil, and boil hard for two tnluutes, When cool stir in tbe wintergreen and the eggs beaten to a froth. Put into Jars and' set in a cool place. Put two tablepoonafuls or less of the syrup In a glass of cold water and foam It up with soda, using .-from one-fourth to one. haif teaspoonful of tbe soda, just enough to make it foam thorough ly; and it will not only be beneficial, but a delicious summer drink. Vine Kcitralnk. A writer in the New York Ledger says that be once tried to comfort a poor Japanese woman, who was crouch ing beside her dying husband, and eon trolling heraeil by . an effort which seemed to shake ber very being. "Cry," 1 said; "it will do you good." ' '.- Site laid net slim, brown flngar upon ber trembling red lip, and shook her head. "It might disturb him," ahe whis pered. The next day came, and the man was dead. Then the wife lay prostrate un der extreme grief and the strain of this long enforced self-control. Again I said to her: "Cry; It will do you good." But the soft reply came qulcklyt "It would be most rudo to make a hideous noise before the sacred dead." TBS INOIUfOVI GOLD v or isaa.'. J-HODCCT Tfita win be the vreatoat mM mi ta hlatnrv. rrom oouin Ami, ine kki trail tho prrrloua roctal indlke and Ana- la bttlne elittml In lance Quantities. It la R'lU'Vcd tliat thta narra output will be aeerlf donhla that ofanrpre vlous iweIo months. Tba aalra ol fluatcitnr'a Btoinaoto Bittera are alao InorsultHt rwy laat, and thla year that famoua rmniMy will cure Biore pcoK- of dyapejiaia, InAlui'mlon, conatl patlon, nervouanesa and areakneae than ever bulore. A shoemaker says we wear away quite two inches ol shoe leather in a year. A pair ot boots that would laat a lifetime would consequently have to be provided with soles from eight to nine feet thick. . Chlneea o atverjUhlni Baekwerd. The Chinese compass points to the sooth Instead ot the north. Men wear skirts, the womon trousers. Men wear thoir halt long, women wear it short Men carry on dressmaking, woman earrf burdens. The spoken language rs not written, and the written lan.uange to not spoken. Books are read backward. Footnotes are Inserted on top ot the page. " the Chinese dress ts white at funer als and in mourning at weddings, while old women always serve as bridesmaids. The Chinese luuuch their vessels sideways and mount their horses from the off side. The Chinese begin their dinner with desert and end with soup and fish. In China the bands ol the clock are Immovable; It la the dial that revolves. WAGON IMPROVED. , The new improved Btoufrhton vimoni stand the racket. Three more car Uimia are on tbe way. It pars to have the nrnt. Write for free caUioirua. JOHN l'OOI.K, sole agent, foot oi Morrison street, 1'ort land, Or. . Ant hills In West Africa somotlmes reach the height of 15 feet. The attention of the public ts sailed to the professional work ot Dr. T. II. White, No. 271 1 Morrison street, Portland, Or. Bis electrical appli ances are the most modern, and his orown and bridge work is ol such artts tio form and finish, that lita patient are delighted not only with the looks, but with the comfort they recelvs from tbe use of snoh artificial work. All operations are painless under hla meth ods. See that your teeth are properly cared for and that by a skillful dentist. There Is no need to suffer the discom forts of broken-down and stained teeth when they can be made useful and pleasant to look upon without pain. YOUR LIVERS MeetVs Revealed Remedy wltt do it Three doaes will make roe tool better. Got It troa roar drutrirtit or an 7 wholcMla drug bouae, or troia Stewart 4 Holmes brag Co, Seattle. Caller's Cattle of Isis. Guaranteed ouro for OMarrh and Cnnimitlon All DrtWKime. il.na, W. 11 Smith, Dutralo, ti. V., aula proprietor, - , . IT! rwneomUjf Cured. XoOMoriinraoumae V mfU't tttmt dav'a ntm of ft. viih.'. pw.mwrer. Hr JStta-V wS-VV trial The finest emeralds known are said to be those belonging' to the Spanish town. . BOW'S TOIST i offor One Hundred Dollar Reward for any of Catarrh that can not be cared by Hall's We tho undoratgned, have known P.l.Cbonef We eaae Catarrh Cure, tor the naat 16 ream, and believe blm perfectly honorable In all bu&tnesa tranaactlona and fin ancially able to carry out any obligations made 07 iueir arm. West A TRCiX. Wholenale PnrtKhts, TolMo, O. ' 1 : WaLsiNO, KmMtH 4i MaaviM, Wbolonle brnairlata. Tolodo. O. nall'f Catarrh Cure la takenlntornallr. actios oirecny on me oioca inn mncous auriacea 01 tbearstcra. Price 7(S per bottle. Sold by all oruKRisia. loaiimoniaM irve. lioira iamUj rill -to the best. A case of disease of the law bones due to inhaling phosphorous vapor from matches has been reported by a French physician. Tbe patient frequently used more than 100 matches a day in lighting and relighting the cigars be smoked. Electric trantmissloo. of water power is now in operation in over 200 planes In the United States, according to Mr. William Baxter. Jr. The horse power transmitted ranges from less than 100 to 13,000, the distance from one mile to 88. ' ; mm TEE EICELLDXE CP SY2LT CF RSS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which It is manufactured, by sclentiflo processes known to the Cauvobsia Fio Srsor Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all tbe importance of purchasing' the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fi Bvbup Co. only, a knowledge of that tact will assist one ia avoiding the worthless imitations'manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fobnia Fio Bruvr Co. with tbe medi cal profession, and the eatiafaotlon which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes tbe name of the Company a iruarantv of the excellence of Its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritatinir or weaken. ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company - California fig syrup co. sax ruAKcuse, ci WTOTJXUi, . MCWT0RI.X.T. Value of Worms to Parmara. V often do not appreciate the worth of a thing until wo have lost It. The farmers who own the large tract ot land In Kssox which was in November last Sooded by salt water owing to a break, own of a lea wall, may think of this silngo when they ruefully look at llielr sodden gionnd. The donplmxl worms, by their constant burrowing, kept the land well drained; but when the sua flood came they were ail killed, and sea birds hud a gieat fmtt. That bind, measuring about 00,000 acres, is still in a spongy state, and is likely to re. main so until the tanners' friends the worms have had time to recover their lost position. 0m Bitter VUtt, klr 9J4frldtri", tit folifit Ktilfniniufrtljtrn, In brnrit bit, t)tx nod) nldjt Miiurnb ttfomil rner, Iriibra rslt a ocm rk on bit sum 1, Junior IttwO ftd ou aQt bitjrniarii, mcldjt (At feat nadjfii arst un(r flronnrntrn wttttn unk tt JVlroff bftW. 2.00, rtt dn'eiibrn. 5J!a faff id) $rcbt31iiiiitmtn fd)i(frn. aert&ah PuMUhing Co., Portland, Or. ma aat esa Make money by suroeafal ILfl I tluiati.w tu i filcao. w 1 1 11 I " "3 " wheat oa mar. I Salt I Ui. rortunn ba, baes r.ade on a arnaTl bt'gluiilns hr iiadiiisln lfc Inrea. write lor lull bartluiilara. Iwat ot roa. bar erenoa m Wen. Sereral rani' ea pertenro on lbs Chlfaco hoard ol Trade, and e tliurooah know. liHlseol Uie bnnlnftw. Hjndforoor Irae rnlar fn.'a book. lMjNIN(l, llol'KIKS Co, ChWaKO Hoard ot Trado hrokor,. OUicfl la rorllaild, Ortsou and Maattle, Waah. Ifltl 1 flit fflt 8PRINO IYI CHAIN " BAQ Ht.EOL.i8 Plain or with ratter. Tha heat naedla In In mar. kt. I'ihhi by all aack aawara. yur aale by u aoa. eral owruwudlae atoraa, or br WILL rtNttK CO., OB Marint airwK, oa Kranolaim, csl. 4whmt$r, tnarcm-iitn. Iriltiitu or ttlvstrHllorti CURE YOURSCIF! Ft tart, qlst erletiiM. i ihii (it's, sju, nt. -wttl ou niMffle, for mt i M L'Uvalar i MOHrnim 1 tX' A INK 1 LIIIKIM I dtomd atnnca Da. J.O. Uorra am, am Isabella Hl'lii, C hUmso, i u. ii. Km , v. . . a. r i wrltliif to advertlaere pteaae ntesUoa this paper. A Beautiful Present ... -I In order to further introduce ELASTIC STARCH (Flat Iron Brandk the manufacturers. I. C. Hublnger flros. Co., oi Keokuk, Iowa, have decided to GIVE AWAY a beautiful present with each package of starch sold. These presents are in the form oi mmm II ss Tbey are 13x10 inches th slie.snd are entitled as follows: Lilacs and Pansles. Pansies and Marguerites. BO . ! Iwat won or ra vran wii 'm amy 6ii a tiAaut, Wild American Poppies. Lilacs and Iris. in number, by the renowned pastel artist, These rare pictures, four R. LeKoy, of New York, have been chosen from the very choicest subjects in bis studio and are now offered for the first time to the public. 1 ne pictures are accurately reproduced In all the Colors used in the orb nolo 9(1(1 atvaa, e-.srwkiiin y.Arl Kar n.a.e -a ! I. Pastel plciurw are the correct thing for the home, nothing surpassing them in beauty, richness of color and artistic merit Ela&tio'Sfnii-nhi purchased of your grocer. It is the best laundry starch on the market, and I is sold lor 10 cents a package. Ask your grocer for this starch and ect a S beautiful picture, ILL GSSSESS IZZ? EUSTI3 tUT.ZX ISCIPT S3 SU2STITSTE i I". . !! f) ( ' tn-flifrn-r- .tJ' DOWER -- .-FOR... PROFIT Power that will save you money and make you money.' Hercules Engines are the cheapest power known. Burn Gasoline ot Distillate Oil; 00 emoke, Dre, w dirt For pumping, running dairy or farm machinery, they have no eqnaL Automatic In action, perfectly safe and reliable. Send for Illustrated catalog. Hercules Gas Engine Works Bay St., San franclsco, Cal. tlercvtea Special H actual horsepower) Price, only $133.. -