The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, July 22, 1898, Image 4

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    V 1 S f I
i 0 ou i tiki a
to Work Every Day Since Tak
ing Hood's SarsaparUla. -
"X iTiis rt great sufferer from stomach
tetfinira few bottles of IInoilV Wir-
!:-! :i!;t I . us nl, to la tut almost anything
I i'-iiv.i, ami I have been well enough to
v. ijs'k every ity. I am now eit Joying good
Head's. Carsaparilla
Is America's Greatest Medicine. 1; six lot fa.
Hooi's (Pif !S cure Indigestion. 55 cent
Westernisation of the Jar-.. ,
Kioto, Japan, formerly regarded
tha sacred city of ttie Mikado, ia be
ing thoroughly westernised, ,. having
adopted the overhead trolley and aro
and incandescent lighting. The power
for the operation of the atreet railway
is supplied by the waters of Lake B wa,
which are utilised through the agency
of extensive canals, the plant being one
oz tee argent engineering projects com
piotea Dy native engineers.
One of th Philippine
insurgent leaders Is a
IB 111 seema tj-k h
charmed. She has often htvi i..,..
vtmiu tn ueum rroro. guttfl una Cannon,
but has novor been wounded. Weiiuently w
see people In thl country who live so long
that their live seem clisrmed but th
oniy onsra soous it ll mat they loop up their
B.triiKtu uu viwiin meir oiona witutleat
celebrated reiuwly, Hostettor's Stomach
ItltlUl'B. (
Abe word "hairbreadth," now used
for an Infinitesimal space, waa once a
regular measure. It was the width
of 18 hairs laid sldo by aide.
' ' y
Dbax Madam: ,
Your bread needn't smell
of soda or alum or lima.
Schilling' $ Best baking
powder has no lime or alum
or excess of soda. -
It is stated that .vast uncovered un
touched beds of sheet mica lie within
60 miles of Klao-Chon bay, China.
Try Schilling's Best tea and baktn powtW.
' offer One Hundred Dollars Reward tor any
of Catarrh that can not be cured by Ball's
indcrslimed.have known l.Chemev
lor th past 16 year. and believe him perfectly
C&uxrh Gu
We the underftlp-ued, hare known F. J. Chert
hotiorftble ia all buglccM teajMartion! tuid An.
anciaiif ame to carry out any oWigaUofca
u uiiur una,
. Wist A Truax, '
Wholsal Drufgtot, Toledo, 0.
Jtunnu, n.iNiaU S jMAbviit,
the Gallant Chlcotro Rcg-l:rient Com
' poaod of Irishman.
"Itallyl All Irishmen In favor of
forming a regiment of Irish volunteers
to sustain the government of the TJul-
i'Vi butwa iu and througo tile war will
rally at North Market Hall thia even
ing, April 20, at 730 o'clock. For tho
honor of the old land, rally I Rally for
the defense of the new!"
This notice appeared In nil tho Chi
cago newspapers on April 20, 1301,
Five days before Gov. Yate had tsaticd
a call for troops, and the patriotic fer
vor of the people was at a white heat
Enlistment had already commenced,
Oapt Josoph Kellogg having begun the
work of recruiting a company on April
Those whose knowledge of war and
war Hmea Is limited to the present con
flict With Spain have small conception
of the excitement that swept- over tho
de-camp, the Chevalier do rontglbaud,
who relates the Incident in his
memoirs, heard him soliloquizing thus
on the hopelessness of the situation
and the emptiness of glory:
"Plublet I have done well certainly.
At my time of Hfo fvirr-iy twentj j"-a:s
of age with my name, rank and for
tune, and after having married Made
moiselle do Noolllea, to leave every
thing and serve as a breakfast for cod
fish!" Youth's Companion,
: Biasstion.
Bad J-fearL
.Toiler at the Furnaces Twenty Foot
Below tne Furfacw of the Sea.
If a landsman wants an experience
that he will not forgot soon lot him go
down Into the stokehole of a warship.
Then h will renllae, indeed, what it
moans to be to the bowels of a vxSBtl,
and, to an extent vrhBt It means to be
buried alive. If he can far tho roaring
furnace without shrinking and stand
Poor digestion often causes Irregular
ity of the heart's action. Thia irrega
liitity may be mistaken for real, organic
hoar u loeueo. i he sym ptoms are m uoh
tho same. There is however a vast
dllToienoe between the two: organic
henrt disease is often incurable; ap
parent heart disoasa ia curable if good
digestion be restored.
A case in point is quoted from the
New Bra, of Greensburg, Ind. Mrs.
'Ellon Colsora, Newjiolnt, Ind., a
woman 43 years old, had suffered for
four years with distressing stouiaob
trouble. . The eases generated by the
Indigestion pressed on the heart, and
oaused an irregularity of its action.
She bad much pain in her stouiaoh and
heart, and was subject to frequent and
severe choking spells . whioh were moat
severe at night. Dootors wore tried in
vain; the patient became worse, do
oondent, ud feared impending doath.
- 1 " 1 , i '
Wholesale Drupglsts, Toledo, O.
en Internally, actin
Hal 'He Catarrh Cure la taken
fllrectlT on the blood and mnoous surfaces
the system. Price 7c per botUe. Bold bf all
artu.'Kists. Tost Imonials free,
liall's Family tills -jo the best.
In Egypt fans weie used in religious
ceremonies, made of parchment or
lors. Pinkham'a Advioe Inspire!
Confidence and Hope.
Examination by a mala physician la
hard trial to a delicately organized
She puts It off ea long; its she dare,
ana la only driven to it by fear of
cor, polypus, or some dreadful HL
Moat frequently such a woman leaves
a physician's office
where aha has un
dergone a critical
examination with.
an impression, more
or leas, of discour
This condi
tion of tha
mlnddea troys
tha effect of
advicei and
ir,ir in ir-Mr VomA worse rather
than better.- In consulting Mrs. Pink
ham no hesitation need be felt, the
atory is told to a woman and la wholly .
confidential. Mrs. Pinkham's address
is Lynn, Mass.. she offers alck women
her advice without charge.
Her Intimate knowledge of women's
troubles make her letter of advice a
we 1 Isprlng of hope , and her wide experi
ence and skill point the way to health.
' I suffered with ovarian trouble for
ceven years, and no doctor knew what
was the matter with me. I had spells
which would last for two days or mora.
I thought I would try Lydla E. Pink
barn's Vegetable Compound. I have
taken seven bottle of it, and am en
tlrely cured." Mas Jobr Fobemam, 24
N. Wood berry Ave., Baltimore, Md.
1 The above letter from Mr, foreman
b only one of thousands.
A d experienced accountant and Mies man la open
for an engagement. Twenty -five yearn' exprtenc
as ftoletiman, book-keener and buyer. General
tnvrcnhuaim ana Darnware preferred. AtMrttm w
room 27, Lambert block, Mtatioo Portland, Or.
Hm unfrt BIott, bit ,,ft4rid)ttM'',
in lount Jf rcie tinuiusren, in ocnen a blS
htt itoct) nid)t gniilgrnb itfanut mar, fenben
roit ti von jrj;t an bis jum 1. aituar 1899
frti an aOc bieitnigm, toc!d)c fiir bai nadifti
Saijt unftw Slbonnenten roctbtn unb ben
tctra bofur. 82.00, ietjl jmftnben. 2Han
lalt Itdj !yroBey(ummrn djtcfeit. 1
German Publiahing Co., Portland, Or.
; ' -?a t mi YouRsctpi
- l'H i l'i BH for unnatural
! 1 u ft dftrs. , ellrharKea, iDdamroatlona.
Otunait )j Irrttatlons or nlcrattous
ail memoramia.
"'' crausloa, Palnleas, sod Dot Mtrlo-
W1MtCJUSUHt'CttitJ. w puutODOHS.
cmcipnri,0,f f StoM by frurwlatsu
. tir an ft. IM
vj sxpreM, prepaid, lor
ll.O). or bottles, SJ.7S.
tlrcalar sent ea nauest,
land, rising nowhere to a hhrher pitch
than at Chicago when Fort Sumter was
area mwn and tne President issued a
tail for 75,000 troopa.
The call for a meeting of the loyal
Irishmen of the cfty, which was signed
by James A. MuUk-tin. M. C Mclonald
and elevch other Irish ettineus, was
royally responded - to. North Market
Hall being thronged to the door. James
A. Mulligan, an eloquent young Irish
Ameiicaa lawyer, delivered a ringing
speech, as did several others, and the
work of recjulUng the real business of
the evening was begun. No urging was
required, men presenting themselves
faster than they could sign the roll. In
an hour and a half 823 names had beed
enrolled, -'.
This meeting was but the beginning
of the patrotlc enthusiasm which
speedily seized upon the people, and ap
plications fof admission to the Irish
brigade, as the prospective regiment
had been already named, continued to
poor In, not from Chicago only, but
from all portions of northern Illinois,
one body of ttotroit Irishmen offering
their services. Within a week 1,200
same were signed and the regiment
was complete.
The Confederate were bent on tak
ing Lexington, and Gen. Sterling Price
soon appeared with 88,000 men. Ont-I
In the steel walled pit without feeling
dread, he will be a man of rare nerve. :
; Sunk in a shaft twenty feet beUrw
the sen, then loll amid fierce flres whose
flames In that conOned space lick out at
them with every movement of tho long
sbeeJ slice bars that are need to feed the
gaping furnaces, as eavago caged beasts
are fed, and, like the beasts, the Are
are raging to kill the men who master
them only by desperate labor. There is
no room to spare on a modern ship.
Therefore the mighty furnaces are so
crowded together that the men who
serve them have barely space to move
to and rro before tnetn. So near thran
are the stokers and the firemen that
Until their stlns are hardened to tt they
blister and crack with the heat.. The
chance visitor can bear H only a few
minutes. : . .
That Is a stokehole when the ship Is
going at ordinary speed and there are
no especial demands on the stokers and
the firemen. ? 'When there comes the
time that a ship must fight for her life,
chase or run, the stokehole becomes a
place of torment When the warship
goes Into action she calls on every one
of her hundred and more firemen to be
In readiness, and the boilers must fur
nish every pound of steam tha they
can give her. The more they give bet
the louder are the demands of the en-
A Out aeort Failure.
She was much frightened, but no
ticed that in Intervals in which her
stomach did not annoy her, her heart'
action became normal. Reasoning cor
rectly that her digestion was alone at
fault she procured the proper medicine
to treat that trouble and with immedi
ate good results. Ilor appetite oame back,
the choking spoils became loss frequent
and finally ceasfid. Her weight, which
had been greatly reduced was restored
and she now weigh more than for
years. Her blood soon became pure
nd her cheeks rosy. ;
The case Is of general interest because
the disease is a very common one.
That others may know the means of
cure we give the name of the medicine
nsed Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for
Pale People. These pills contain all
the elements necessary to give new life
and richness to the blood and restore
shattered nerves.
The tomb of Mohammed is covered
with diamonds, sapphire and ruble,
rained at 113,600,000.
A powder to be shaken into
&( mis season your feet reel Swollen. ner
tha shoe.
- IN
vous, aud not, and get tired easily. If you
nave imtniDi reet or ugnt snoes, try
Allen's Foot-Ease. It cools the feet and
makes walking easy. Cures swollen and
sweating feet, blisters and callous spots.
Relieves coma and bunions of all pain and
gives rest and comfort. Ten thousand tes
timonials of cores. Try it today. Sold by
all draretsts and shoe stores for 28c Sent
by mail for Wc in stamps. Trial package
FKKB. Address Allen 8. Olmsted, U
Boy, New York.
Twenty words per minute is the aver
age at Which long hand is written.
rjjt Ftrrmeoentlr Cured. So Staor naryoosnea
INerre Kentorer. Send for WHt.K at.OO trial
bottle and treatlae. OR, B. U, IXl, ulS
The Massaohusetts militia will dis
pense with the bayonet.
A fine oollectlon of clear ribbons will be
ent by encloelnx 29 eta. to Globe Ciirar
Co., 118M Pulton St., San Francisco, Cal.
The new Improved Btouehton waeons
stand the racket. Three more car loads are
outhewav. It pars to have the bent.
Write for free catalogue. JOHN I'OOLE.
sole agent, foot of Morrison street, Port
land, ur.
I believe ray prompt use of IMso'sOnre
reventea nuica cousnmpiion. Mrs.
sd q'
, Mt
urtpiette, Kaunas,
Dec. 12, 18U5
Make moner br amwrMf nl
IwcalaiionlnChicaHo. W
m 7 auu mu wneai on mar-
RlUkL Viri.llHSM hSaa iA
Hiada oa a nmtt.Il beulnnttiK bv traltnin ix.
tures, Write lor full particular. Best cl r
crenoa Riven. Severn! years' eiperiencoon tha
yji.t-auY""" raue,ano inorouan knovr
ipfljftTfof thflbuslnesii. Send ior our Iree reter-
nc b.Hk. DOWNIWO,' HOPKIjNB 4 Co!
hicajfo Board ot Trade Brokera. Offioei in
' et;EDLES.
raln or with Cutter. 1'h h. nai. ,t.
irh aSr? byrf?" " M""- 'otl ball tea.
Will, A FINCK CO.,
Market Street, San Fraud eco, Cat
Is It Wrong?
Get it Ritrht
IT Lell KeeoltRlohr
.i(ir,i'a iievnal,d Xtemedy wlUdolt. Three
3ost will m,ke)'Ou led better. Get It from
your dr-uircist or any wholesale drug bouse, or
cM -ttart it liulracs UrusCe, SMtU.
h timbered ten to one, poorly provision
ed and suffering from lack of water.
CoL Mulligan made determined de
fense. Colled upon by Price to surren
der and agree to fight no more on Mis
souri sail, brave Mulligan replied:
"The Irish brigade makes no compro
At length after a resistance that falr-
Jy electrified all Northern hearts and
called forth expressions cf praise from
the Confederates, Col. Mulligan was
forced to surrender, the devoted Irish
men destroying their green flag in pref
erence to yielding It to the enemy. The
total Union loss In killed and wounded
was 107. OoL Mulligan was retained j
as a prisoner of war, but was soon ex
changed. Be was treated with great
consideration by Gen. Price, who, In ap
preciation of bis bravery, refused to ac
cept his sword.
The heroic death of Col. Mulligan
while fighting the main body of Gen,
Jubal A. Early' army at Kernstown,
Va., July 24, 1864, Is known to all who
are familiar with the stirring events of
the war of the rebellion. .
"Lay me down and save the flag," be
said to those who were bearing him
mortally wounded from the field.
The "Irish brigade fought nobly for
their country; they did more they
raised an enthusiasm that recruited
many thousands of troops and Impart
ed boldness to timid hearts. Their glory
has not yet faded will never fade. To
have been a follower of Mulligan Is an
honor which no American disputes.
felnes for more, and the men must work
at the flres till they fall. Forced draught
te the order then, and the stokehole Is
practically sealed up that no air may
escape from It except through the fur
naces. The fires grow fiercer and fierc
er, and soon there Is no spot In the steel
pit that Is not unbearably hot Men
watch the indicators and shout for
more steam. The limp heaps are drag
ged away to die or to go mad. Relief
Is called to the burning hole, and still
the open throttles of the ship's engines
take the steam faster than the furnace
can make It. What Is going on above no
man down there knows. Sometimes a
dull echoing shock may tell them that
the ship bo been hit hard. ,
Dr. T. a White, No. 971 Morri
son street, cor. Fourth, Portland, Or.,
has the most complete modern dental
appliances to be found in the North
west Electricity is used in all oases
wher . indicated, and the result is
pleasing, and a surprise to patients who
have suffered nnder the old regime,
j Teeth without plates, bridge work and
gold orowns are welcome indeed to the
patient who has had the opportunity to
avail themselves of such as are made
by Dr. White. Painless dental opera
tions are performed : daily. Teeth
filled, cleaned, and where extraction Is
necessary, which is rare, without pain.
" If a disinfectant smells good, it Isn't
a good disinfectant
Kxperi.ticei of I'hiltp'a Fleet ia tha
r tor ma of the German Ocean,
7 In the Century there is an article on
"The Spanish Aruiada," by , William
Frcdci'k TilUa. -. Aflr dutciiulng the
defeat ot the Armada, Mr. TUton aaya:
Meanwhile tho ttptutlards were speed
ing, crestfallen, ever the . German
Ocean, under all the canvas that tholr
torn rigging and splintered spurs would
bear. For Sldonia's men were think
ing only of getting home to the wtarm
sun and sparkling water of their cam
Kspuna dear old Spain. Soldier and
sailors lounged In sullen, gllent groups
about the decks. The flag-ehlp would
not respond to the salutes of her con
sorts. Tbo wind blew nohrly at
times, but the duke forgot his promise
to tail back Into tho Cluuinol. He
thought only of flight, and offered his
French pilot two thousand ducats If
he should bring htm safe to Spain.'
Soon the autumn storms burst, and
the Spaniards had to house everything
but a rng of sail to stoer by. Thick,
Muck fogs often sctUod down upon
them, so that they could not bob
one another's lights a night One
day, however, they had the melancholy
satisfaction of capturing a fow En
glish pinnaces returning from tholr
fishlng-grouud laden with cod and Mng.
Tills one almost rt'frr.i to say It-
was the greatest achievement of the
fleet that was to give rhlllp tho soV'
creignty over western Europe. The
men had been supplied with clothes
only for a short summer campaign,
and these North Sea galea froae thetn
to the bone. "We all expected to corne
home rich from this expedition," wrote
a gentleman on board the flag-ship,
as she was floundering post Scotland;
"mu now we aro coming home In out
shirts, for our clothes got so ragged
that wo had to throw thorn overboard."
To Increase the wretchedness, K be
came necessary to reduce the ration
to starvlng-polut The artillery mules
and noblemen's horses, which a wise
commander would havo kept for food,
were cast overboard to save water. It
was heartrending to see the wild white
eye of the poor brute as, plunging
ana snorting, they tried to swim back
to the ship' side.
It seemed imperative to punlcb some,
body for all this disgrace and misery.
A number of officers were accused of
disobedience or cowardice. Some of
these the duke deprived of their com
mands; and one cattain was hanged
In a pinnace, which was sent through
the fleet with Ha gruesome freight
dangling from the yard-arm as a warn
ing to the rest
The weather got ever wilder. The
clumsy ship heaved and rolled, and
plunged their yards deep 'Into the
waves. Hull got so badly strained
that they bad to be stiffened with
rope. Strong men flocked to the chap
lains, begging for tbelr prayer. Many
a poor fellow, losing hopo of seeing
tana again, made his will and Intrusted
It to the ship' priest Men sickened
and died by hundreds, sons of Spain'
noblest bonne with the rest Mnnj
hlps got so hortihanded that' thej
dropped behind the main body, and
bad to atrugglo northward In Isolated
groups. Now and then a rotten mcln
would give way, and the sailors, weak
ened by hunger and sickness, had tt
go aloft la the gale to house tho tug
ging and bellying sail, lucky tf shrouds
and spars were not slippery and dan
gerous with the driving sleet Though
midsummer. It was as cold as Christ
mas. Everybody except the ptlotj
stayed below as much as possllde to
keep warm. They were all jxirtshlng
with hunger and thirst and the little
food they got wa moldy. They might
have tried catching rain-water in
casks, but the spray would have turn
ed It salt Calderon, one of the pay
masters, had a store of delicacies
aboard his hulk, and distributed them,
as well as the heavy sea allowed,
among the sick and wounded of the
fleet The negroe ind mulattoes. It
was observed, nearly all perished with
the cold. The men were now kept
continuously at the pumps. Woo to
the ship when pumps got clogged with
ballast pebbles! It was hard and dun
gerous work shifting the crew of
sinking vessel In the tempestoou
weather. .
The Doctor Slocum System Has
Proven Beyond Any Doubt Its
Positive Power Over the
Dread Disease
" "j r, . ii.M..,.MI.WiI.-sii-.-iV.Ii...i.. ,.. . .
By Special Arrangement with the Doctor, Three Free Bottles
Will he Sent to All Readers of This Paper.
The Por tor fllortim 8vttm.
as the name implies, is a coin-
tnthensire ami complete ay.
:tn of treatmimL wlik'h at
tacks ererv vulnerable tiolut
of the disease and completely
Vanquishes it. It leaves no
point unguarded; it leaves
ho phase of the trouhlo neg
lected; It cures, and euros
forcver.Weuk Lungs. Coughs,
iironcniua, catarrh.
Consumption and all
other throat and lung
diseases by absolutely
obliterating the causa.
:loi-v. v;i:r l "
i:tW-:. :i . 1 B m 1$ m
X I i , ;.. "'2 .1.1.1"""'",.
eS. UST-V iBISwa!!' '.. ' "ZL :
y ' ' : , i ss
, . i S
!Z siiaanmai""',i , ' ' ;
i MmSHr'' "rij "WtK!Sft ; 'S;!. '!tlF
":h; ....
EnrroatAt Not. The Doctor Slocum Svatsm ia MorliMn ,ir..j t
Exact Bclence by the World' most Famous Phvsician. AU rentiers r,f hla nnn.e
anxiou regardintr the health ot themselves, children, relatives or friend", may
have three free bottle as represented in tho above illustration, with complete
directions, pamphlets, testimonials, advice, etc, by sending their full address to
V oiuviira. lujoiuvura unuuin, new xorK city. Tin is a plain, honest,
tralghtforward offer, and Is mado to introduce the merits of Tho Now System of
Treatment that Cures, and we advise all sufforer to accept this philanthropic
offer at once. When writing the Doctor please mention thi paper. All letter
receive Immediate and careful attention.
The First Polar Explorer.
The hardy mariners who were' the
pioneer In polar discovery achieved
wonders, considering that they bad
everything to learn about methods of
arctic work, and their vessels and
equipment were very Inadequate. One
of the greatest of all arctic voyagers
was the man who commanded the first
true polar expedition. William Ba
rents. He sailed from Holland In 1504
on the little fishing smack Mercurlus.
and the object of hi voyage shows bow
ignorant (he merchants and seamen of I
those day were as to the navigability
of arctic seas. Barents pushed Into the
unknown for the purpose of sailing
around the north end of Nova Zenibln
and finding a northeast passage to
China; and so for a month be skirted
a .
r .2i
His molt a IstA wlijt 1. 1 .
A Seasick Hero. " Iu,": L " i T V
No man !s a hero whlla attaint, r .'"" '"'"-' f
" " s I tirhllh V Vi.lfavtfr A 1 t. at...
fayette was sent by Washington and K " "Z.T.l ! .."'T's".'m
nnnvrcma tn ttVnnno rr, tM , V"--, P' uvui,lgnry
...e. r. 11, 1, .. .. . .. ,.. . . ,l,,t
1 . . .
by Nansen, or 874 milts from the iole.
The harbor was frozen, and a passage
noa to do cut tor the ship through the
Ice. -
Off the Newfoundland banks the
ship was assailed by a terrible tempest
which threatened destruction, ntid La
fayette was- verr seasick. Hi ald-
Harper's Weekly,
Tr tdtnit wit'i 1 holr Own Itno v
The population of Autwerp lucltiili
20,000 Oermnii.' who, It !s wuid, lm;.
their goods of Oerninn uierclitiuls oiil
ft V oe Hi.
is due not only to the originality and
simplicity of the combination, but also
to the care and skill with which it is
manufactured by scientific processes
knows to the California Fiq 6rnup
Co. only, and we wish to impress upon
all the importance of purchasing the
true and original remedy. A the
genuine 8 yrop of Fig is manufactured
by the California Fio Svbut Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
assist one in avoiding1 the worthless
imitation manufactured by other par
tie. Tho high standing of the Cau
FOBHIA Fi St-Kur Co. with the medi
cal profession, and the atlafaction
which the genuine Syrup of Figs has
given to million of families, makes
the name of te Company a guaranty
of the excellence of Its remedy. It is
far la advance of all other laxatives,
as it acts on the kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating or weaken
ing them, and it doe not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to get its beneficial
effects, please remember the name of
the Company ;
. Wajres of Soldiers. .
The regular rate of pay apply to th
volunteer service, both to officer and
o men, as stated In the army register,
although there Is an Increase enjoyed
by the regulars who have been In the
prmy more than five years. The follow
ing Is the monthly stipend of officers
and soldiers of the United States army:
H.Jo'.eneral .....02S oo
Brlgudler general W) B9
t'o'onel 2(1 0T
Lieutenant colonel 2K0 00
Maior a ia An
Captain, mounted .. ,,,,, liio ()7
unpiaiu, not mounted loO 00
Regimental adjutant 150 00
Regimental quartermaster IM 00
Klrnt lieutenant, mounted ISM ml
Flrrrt lieutenant, not mounted , 125 00
OnAnnit IIai. ........ n . . . ....
Second lieutenant, not mounted .... 110 67
Chaplain 12a 00
Private , , ja 00
Musician in 00
Artificer 18 00
uorporai (tnuiery, cavalry ana In-
fiwiir.v) S 04
BIsekKmltb snd farrier , ... 16 00
Saddler , 18 00
Rerneant 18 00
I'rlvate (engineers and ore! n nee) .... 17 00
v onrat (engineers ana ordnance) , , m
First Sergeant 28
sergeant (engineers, ordnance and
signal crp) ,
Sergeants (signal corps)
Chief trumpeter ...................
principal musician
nadiller sergeant
t.l, ,H,, ,1.1, M I ,, ,-
nil I (a);
"Net t take car lor an ntharwlia fatal
dlssase Is te practically commit salclds."
If You Suffer
From Epilepsy, Epileptic Spells, Fits,
St Vitas' Dance, Falling; Sickness,
Vertigo, etc, have children or
relatives that do so, or know
people that are afflicted.
My New Discovery,
H Epilepticide,
Will euro them, and all yon areaakedto
do Is to send for a Free ltottlo and try it
I am quite prepared to abido by th
result- It has cured thousands wher
everything else has failed. Please giv
full name, AGE, and postoffice and
express addres
WM. H. MAY, M.D., May Laboratory,
?4 Pine St., Hew VorH City.
Editor's Note. All sufferers are advised to send for Gratuitous Espert Advlee and a Fret
Bottle ot thia New Dlacoverr, which taan Unfailing; Cure for any and all oi the frightful forms ot
Bpltepsy and allied nervous diseases. When writing Doctor Msy, please mention this paper.
A Beautiful Present
In order to further introduce ELASTIC STARCH (Flat Iron Brand),
the manufacturers. I. C. Hub mire Hrnarv. ,f k-.,,i,L i t'.
decided to GIVE AWAY a beautiful present with each package of
tarrh anld. Thoa nrnnii . in t . r 6 "
- v"l lWlll J-ISf 111 U1G S4JI III 111
Pgs.c! Piciurco
M 00
to 00
21 00
22 00
22 00
00 00
2!) 00
Chief musician
Reraeant maior
Quartermaster sergeant 28 00
Sergeant major and quartermaster
sergeant ..80 00
Ordnance sergeant , M
Commissary sergeant 84
Post qusrtennaster sergeant 84 00
Hospital corps !
Hospital steward 48 09
Acting hospital steward 26 00
1'rlvat Is
Veterinary surgeon (senior) 100
Veterinary surgeon (Junior, 78 00
Hospital matron , 10 00
KUlins the Habit.
"I see by the paper that the cigar
ette habit Is dying out." ;
"What the cause? People smoking
"No; the cigarette fiend are dying
out" New York World.
MCUVILMC, sty. . )W tB, V.W.
Judging from the Hound.
"Do yon know that fin ordinary
piano contains about a mile of wire?"
"No. I should rather believe that an
ordinary piano contain about a wag
onload of tinware." ,
They are 13x19 inche in gite.and are entitled at follows;
Lilacs end
... X ,1.
11 .
t.) ; t-
& uj JF P, lm.
1 ,
J 1 "11
MV 01
aJMCtlHllt MMw
'PS, Jr HI U! Ur i.,i.,.ra il, ... (J......i-V. ?. 1
(MV lW0 OT W TAI?fM Wil l C
9 ant oiH'iit riAiikP
Lilacs and
1 nee rare nlctures. fnnr in immiw t... .1.. 1
R. LeRov. of New York. hv. h.l X"! .u'c' owne? ynt "ist,
in hi. studio ,nd are now offered for the firs, time to tOTublte"
.The picture, are accurately reproduced in all the color, used n the orlt,
inals, and are pronounced by competent critics, work of art S'
Pas el picture are the correct thing for the home, nothing turrjasaln
them in beauty, richness of color and artistic merit nu"n urpasslnt
une ot these picture. r"W" 1 M a
fill be (riven awav f m laWt ae JfU . I'.,. B
with eac6 nackatre' of I dl LI I S tta1I-l K"T fciS
purchased of your grocer. It is the best laundrv starch on thf " I
is sold for 10 cent a Dackar,- av -.""7 f:?r?P,on the market, and
beautiful picture. " w mi. March and get
I jM.,,ia1.,l,ut'fc tLSi (Alia,
m. p. m. tr
SO, 'US.
1 y 11 kn wrltln. to advertisers
- - WWHeJ flttS
1 payer,