OREGON MIST, A good selection of millinery for tale ft oot during July and Anp-unt at the raniUuno of Mrs. W. B. Buell.near the OtlOOlllOUM. . Dr.G. W. Gu will hold the Motho dit Episcopsl 4(b quarterly confer ence la St. Helens, Thursday, July 21, i a p. m. N. A. Firry, t,t IJoulton, hits Urge took of genu' and ladies' slums lust In from the East, which lie la selling at bed-rook prices. It waa possible to seo u re only the lint of bill allowed In the court fur publication this week. Orders of court will be furnished next week, Blackberries are said to be very plentiful in the mountain and valleya till year, end a great deal of th'i dulioioua fruit u being brought to market. "I have UMod Chamberlain's Ooagh Jlemedy In my family for year and always with good results," says Mr. W. p. Cooper, of El Rio, Oal. "For small children we And Iteapeoially efleotive." for Bale by Dr, E. Rots. Ei-County Clerk Judson Weed spent ft few days at his farm near Vomonia this week. It Is quite likely that Mr. Weed will locate at Philomath, where bis children will have advantage of Jbetler school facilities. Mrs. E. E. Quick and daughter, Alios, Mrs. A. II. George and son and daughter, Alfred and Lulu, Mrs. J. If. Decker and daughter, Maude, Measra. a tries Dart, John (ill more, and Allan Kobinson were passengers for Portland oa the Young America Tuesday morn ing. Senator MoBrids and E. 0. Giltuer re expected to arrive here the early Mart of next week. The senator sys tie is anxious to enjoy the refreshing nd invigorating atmosphere of the Bunker Ilill region, and will probably continue to that resort immediately upon his arrival here. Avon lodge No, 62 Knights of Pyth ias, of this city, insulted the following officers Tuesday evening to serve for the ensuing semi-annual term: E. E. Quick, O. 0. 5 Frank Dow, V. 0. ; M. O. Gray.M. of W.; D. J. Switzer, M. of K.j Dr. Edwin Bos, M. of F.j Chas. W. Blakesley, K.of It. & 8.; Dr. II. K. Cliff, M. at A. j G. D. Gilson, I, G. This paper wants good, lively cor respondent st eaoh postofflco in the county. We will furnish stationery aod stamps for this purpose. If you Witt take into consideration the value of weekly news letters from your local ity, Uiiiee who are interested in the de velopment of your respective sections of the county will respond to our re quest. . Mr. H. West, of Scappoose, this week Eioked the fruit from one hundred lack Republican cherry tree. He is drying the fruit, which he expects to dispose of at good prices. Mr. West probably has the largeat cherry orchard in (he county, as wail as a Urge prune orchard, and the benefit he derivea each year proves that fruit-raising is lucrative business in this section. It is fortunate that Columbia county baa no more murder trials in the cir cuit court than it has beeo called upon to prosecute in the past, and it Is also matter for consolation that terms of court are held no oftener than they are. The May term of circuit court cost about $1600, witness fees being $733 25 and jurors' fees being $090 60, besidos the bailiffs' fees. Of this amount the Upton murder trial cost about $650. Mr. Thomas Cooper last Friday morning took charge of the Oriental hotel in this city, and in future will conduct that popular hostlery, Mr. Cooper baa a wide acquaintance in this eounty, and is aooordingly popu lar, hence the business under his man agement will be profitable to bint aad conducted to the entire satisfaction of the'publio. Bee the advertisement of this popular hotel elsewhere ia this issue. , ; '','...- '.. The farmers in Columbia county bave almost finished hayiug and are rejoicing over the magnifioent orop. When the new grasses are introduced and more silos are used there will be no section of Oregon, or the northwest coast tor that matter, that can com pare with Columbia county in dairy products. Fine grasses make richer butter fata. This county baa already a reputation for good butter and cheese, but the old timers will be surprised in a few years as the results obtained by dentine methods. Parsons troubled with diarroea will be interested in the experience of Mr. W. M. Bush, clerk of Hotel Dorrance, Frovidenoe, B. L He says: "For several years I have been almost a constant sufferer from diarrhoea, the frequent attacks almost prostrating me and rendering me unfit for my duties at this hold. About two years ago a traveling salesman kindly gave me a small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Much to my surprise and delight its Affpnta were Jm mediate. Whenever 1 felt symptons of the disease I would fnrtifv mvaelf asaiost the attack with a few doses of this valuable remedy. The result has been very satisfactory and almost oomplete relief from the affliction." For sale by Dr. E. noes. Borne rural editor fathers the tollqw Ing: "Man that is born of woman is small potatoes and few in a hill In infancy he is full of colic and catnip tea, and in old age he is full of cuss words and whisky. In his youth his mother taketb blm across tier knee and sweetens his life with her slipper, and when he is a man grown the sher iff pursueth him through the alleys all the days of his life. He spreadetb like a bay tree. Hegelteth Into oflioe and bis friends cling about him like flies to a sugar barrel : he swelleth with vanity. Ue cutteth ice for a time but is hewn down at the next convention and is oast into the aalt box aad his name Is Dennis. Out of office and out of friends he soon goeth busted, and be lieth dowa in the oow pasture beside the still waters of the brook. He goeth to sleep. His neighbor's goat oheweth the shirt from bis back. He dieth out ot the world and goetn where it is warm enough without clothes, and the last end of that min'i life is worse than the first." The large lumber raft recently taken from the Columbia river to San Fran cisco can be said to have arrived (here in safety, although about a half mil' lion feet of lumber was lost on account of encountering severe seas and exces sive gales. Other raft of the same charaoter are now building in Port land, and another attempt-will be made to land them safoly in San Fran cisco, which can probably be accom plished with better success later in the summer when butter weather usually prevails. The success of this under taking means much for the lumber business of this part of the coast, a transportation, then becomes only a minor consideration In the matter, when heretofore it has been the major factor and one of the moat prominent obstacles to that important industry. Bev. B. J. Hoadley, A. M of Port land University, will preach here in the M. E. church aext Sunday even ing. Good music The run of salmon was reported much Improved this week at Astoria, and all the boats delivered fair catches al-tbe canneries. The traps and seines, also, at the mouth of the river are said to be doing well. The river is falling rapidly, and the seinors who were obliged to suspend work daring the freshet have commenced seining. A great many of them have done little np to the present owing to the fact that they are fishing on low grounds. However, the best ot the season Is from now till Augnst 10, and those seiners yet look forward to a more than average season. Rev. J. S. McCombs.of Oregon City, will hold services in Scappoose next Sunday morniug end Rev. Philbrook will occupy the pulpit in the evening. A much larger pack of salmon is ex pected this year then last, although the coldstorage enterprise Inaugurated at Astoria this season has drawn a good many flan from the caaneries, 80 carloads of frosen salmon having been shipped to Eastern points so Tar, by the Trescott Coldstorage A Packing Company, of Astoria. Last year the salmon pack amounted to 425,000 oases. This year there have been some 225,000 cases packed already, and the season will not close until August 10, nearly a month yet. Our baby has been continually troubled with colio and cholera in fantum since his birth, and all that we could do for him did not seem to give more than temporary relief, until we tried Chamberlain'a Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Since giving that remedy he has not been troubled. We want to give you this testimonial as an evidence of our gratitude, not that you need it to advertise your meritor ious remedy G. M. Law, Keokuk, Iowa, For sale by Dr. E, Boss. B. W. Talluiao, an old resident of this slate, was In town yesterday. Mr. Tollman is 82 years of age and is as active as many men who are 80 years his junior. Bev. B. J. Hoadley will preaoh In Houllon next Sunday morning and in Warren in the afternoon at 3 o'clock. This will be the last quarterly meeting ol the year. Tom Trullinger, of Astoria, was here for a few hours Wednesday ., taking the train for home in the evening. County Treasurer Boas has a call in this paper for warrants endorsed prior to March 1st, 1806. Mrs. Jensen has been visiting bar sister, Mrs. G. G. Mayger, here this week. Mra. H. B. Cliff visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dow this week at Oak island. Mrs. T. C. Watts, of Reuben, visited in this city a day or two this week. Mr. Geo. Moeok, of Rainier, was in town Monday afternoon. C. W. Mayger and wife are visiting relatives here this week. Clroatt Ooart. The following proceedings were bad at so adjourned term of circuit court hsle In this city ob July 7 and 8th: H Nixon, reoivtr of Portland BavluK Dank, v W 8 Bunyon et el; default and deoree. James Mnckle et al vs Colombia Banking Co. and W 1 Delta; judgmeut In favor of plaintuT. Jamea Kennedy vs H B Bortbwlek; de murrer overruled and defendant given ten days to answer. M L Pipes vs H J snd Anna Lynch ; Judg ment on verdlot. In matter ot assignment of Arrys A Elst nsri order for assignee 10 Mil all notes and book aocounta. Bute of Oregon vs W H Mangrove; order of dismissal. State ot Oreon vs Ernest Johnson; order of dismissal, Wm. Melllnger vs V A Zlllgitt: deer quitting titl to certain lands near Vernon la. Joseph Silver vs Wm 0 Lee; decree in faier of plaintiff. 8 Bahlervs Geo Relphwein; default and judgment. Real Estate Transfers. John Atkins to Frank Brown et at, part of sex o seo 90, tp o n, ra west; au oo. W B Ballsy and wife to Geo F Moeck, BtW of nwU of o 20, tp7 n. r J west; t5So. 0 W Cel and wife to 8 A Miles, of seo 8o, tp 4 n, r 2 west; Slfioo. Nellie and Arthur Field to Astoria A Co lumbia River Railroad Vo., land in lot 2, tp 8n. rawest; fftoo. Klsv and Km ma George to Israel 8. and George G. Gregg, aore in Deer Island; ri.rl Mnvirrr. O. W. Msveer. Mar? it. Mayger, G. G. Mayger, Mary B. Mayger. Minnie Mayger, and Eva Mayger to Astoria and Columbia River Railroad Co., land in lot a. to 8 n. r 9 went; tioo. J J and Jessie McQianis snd Maggie ana Altx McAyesl to Astoria Columbia Klver Railroad Co.. land In lot 2, tp 8 n, r i west; $6oo. t v pi. .Wlfr in Convert as Mcureme, sW ,f BW and wX of nwtf of swX of seo 22, tp 8 n. rSwest; 1827 6o. D J Bwltser and wife to Lyman Merrui, lot 2. bill 6. Peer Inland ; llo. D J and Ellsa Bwltser to Israel and Geo D Gragg, lota t, 2, 8, blk 4, Deer Islaud ; $3o. J N. Rloe, sheriff, to O. F. Lindgren, sK of nwK and X of swtf ot sec 18, tp 6 n, r l west; sheriff's deed. Susls R Shattuck to Maggie A Wicker, ham and Letitla F, Bteveua, part of D, A. ClonlngerD LU; II. The A P Hotaling Co. toRothcblld Bros., the strand in boat of lot I, blk 8, Columbia City; 1. ' Fredrlok and Sopha Kammeier to Fred trlnk OQ1) Kammier, of seX of see 16, tp So, r 2 west; taoo. United States to Alexander Houston, the wH of seo 34, tp 8 n, r 6 west; patent. United States to Joseph 8 White, eM of nwW and iw of nwMj of sec 25, and sotf of uex of seo 2W, t S n, r 8 west patent. NORTHWEST RESOURCES Viil be (mow at Sine Vresoai In dustrial Exposition. Tbat Dragon, Washington and Idaho ars entitled to be rated as among the most pro ductive and resourceful states In the Union will be abundantly proven by this season's magnlHoent crops. Tbs world wants svldence of all this, and It will do the world good, and do good to the whole Northwest and all Its people. 'fbsas people are the ones to furnisb the svldence, and they can do tills by taking an active Interest in the Oregon Industrial Exposition, to be held in Portland Septem ber 22ad to October 22nd, tm The success of the exposition is already assured; enterprising men of affaire are at its bead, and the various committees are at work in a way tbat guarantees the best ex position ever held In the Northwest, Gold, silver and bronse medals and di plomas will be awarded for tbs best exhib its, snd tbs farmers and producers will be doing good work for themselves snd the whole North Paciflo ooastwork that will result in bringing here people and wealth and development. It is intended to bavs on exhibition a sample of every variety of grain and graas tbat grows la the Nortu- west. wltb full particulars as to its growth, yield, etc., wblcb Information will bein stroctlvs and valuable to all. The exposi tion management will take to Portland free of charge all exhibits; shipping tags and fuli (artioulars will be sent npon request to the secretary of the Industrial Exposi tion, Portland. The exposition Is going to be a great at traction, and one of Its many attractive features will be a first-class band, rendering better music than baa beau beard In Port land since Literati's engagement seven or sight years ago. ' BCAPPOOSB NEWS. George Fox ia sngsged In Watts A Price's store. Rev. Myers preached at Scappoose hut Sunday. Mias Dslav Ewlng has returned to Iter home at Mayger. D. K. Freeman bae begua the eoastrne- tion of a large cow barn. F. Vandermost baa gone te Donglaa in the Tread well mine. H. West is nicking and drying the cher ries from bis large orchard. Misa Maranerite Loagaora spent a few days visiting friends here last week. Whoonine couch. In a mild form, has gained a hold npon our yonng folks. The water bas fallen sufficiently to allow the dairymen to move back on the river. Mra. D. A. Holadav. of Denver. Colorado. is spending a month wltb her relatives here. Mrs. Will T. Watts closed bersnring term Of school In district No. 9 last Friday alter- nooa with a splendid programme. Miss Aimaa Johnaon cumulated the prescribed course, and was graduated la due form. The acbool in No. 8 ia of high order, and much praise is doe Mra. Wstts for ber painstaking in Homing mis scnoot up to tbs present high standard of excellence. Amtiiatln aimiAS were held at the close of Mr. Fulkerson's school In district No, 1. Tbs exercisee were in Watts & II ,- 1.. II 1 . 1 .. U ft.-A ftun a . 1 1 1 1 w Aju- i run i mi i wum.. h w--w.u..t uw- orated for the occasion. Miss Daisy Ewlng, the graduate, took for her subject ''The Idle and Influence of Francis . Wiilard," and handled the subject in a very entertaining way. los exercises inrougnoui ware oi high order, and reflect much credit upon the teacher and school. TERM ON I A VARIETIES. Mr. Woods, of Psbbie creek, was In town bvit Sunday. The farmers of this vicinity are busily engaged in baying. Mra. Leu Peck and two sons are visiting al the residence of Mr. P. feck. Mrs. Psck resides In Portiaud. Rer. Smith Dreacbed to a large congrega tion in the church last Sunday afternoon. Rev. Fisher preached in the evening. Mra. Nettia Keasev and her daughter came la from Portland last week. Mrs, Keasev intends to rusticate Here lor soms time. yii, Rn& Adams is vlaltlna ber arand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Adams, who reams east oi town, miam iwm wutrauaiu in all summer. ; 8Tral of our voone oeonle have been trtuig their luck fishing lately and report good results. The trout ere very plentiful ttits time ot year. The Varnsala eamnmeetina will Com mence on the evening of August 22nd and bold oyer one Sunday. This is a very much shorter time than bas usually been allowed for our campmeetlng, consequently every one should attend at the beginning of the meeting la order that toe same amount ot work auay be accomplished. BACHELOR FLATS. Vsn Early waa in Llnnton one day last weea. .. H 0 Howard pasted through this place last week. Marshal Stem spent a tew days ot last weea in roruana. John Morris sold a fine mare to a Mr. Walker last weak. P. Webber will spend the harvest season In the Willamette valley. Maadamea Bailev and Webber, of Yank ton, were the guests of Mrs. Pope Sunday. Messrs. Baker snd Morris SDent a few days In tbs Busker Hill country hut week. A number of our neonle assembled to gether on the Fourth, and all report a good time. ; , Rvervona la busv having at Dresent. The orop ia exceedingly large owing to the late rains. . Messrs. Mason and Rowlev and families were the guests of Mr. 6 term and wife last suaaay. Miss Downing, of Warren, was visiting friends and relatives In the Flats a portion of last week. E. Lumen started tor Eastern Oregon last week where he iatends spending the harvest season. Hi. R. Quick and family and W. B. Buell and family, of St. Helens, were in the Flata berry picking Sunday, and harvested a large quantity. Rcjrai aaakea tb food pora, waelesoass aad dsUrtats. rye -sr.- Vila aiwtaivt g-eltt - anwit bm" iwws ft., iJY2IIltiwaeBa, SUPERIOR COAb DEPOSITS. lJUle Q4akMftV Sit Cit- so? and Colombia. E. 0. Norton, a well-known cltitea of As toria, is In the city visiting relatives. Clat sop and Columbia conn Uea, he thinks, will soon come to the front as a coal mining re gion, In eddittan to being a great salmon and lumber produoer. Dr. August Kinney and a party of coal experts from St. Paul are prospecting every portion of the county for coalbeds. They And excellent indica tions of a superior quality of coal near Knappaand In the neighborhood of Bogby's Hols and Columbia City, all adjacent to tbs line of the Astoria A Columbia River Railroad. Telegram. ' DIK.O. WixvsamHQ. At ber home near Valley postolHce. on Saturday, July 9, 1888, wile of J. B. Wilverding. TREASUREfTS NOTICE. Covbtt TasAsncaa's Orncs, St. Hm-swe, 0 , JulyS, 1S0S. NOTICE 18 HKKKBV (ilVBN THAT AIX unpaid County Warrants ol Colombia County, Oregon, wliich have been reeiitl and endorsexl: "Not VM lor Want oi Funrt," prior to March 1, two. will be paid upon preca ution at thla office. Interest will not be allowed after this dale. EDWIN ROHH, j17)1S Treasurer of Columbia County, Oregon. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior, United Stales Land Ofltae. OtK'X Cl'y, Oregon, Jnne M, M. ABOFFIClliST CONTE'lrA KFIUAVIT HA V lug been tiled In tbla ofikie by George P. Hmlth, eontvatant, agaliut homestead entry No. tun. made June 11, lKWi, for nn'A of section 11, towuahlp 4 north, range 4 went, by Constjftnt Braioieinan, eonteitee, In which it Is alloved that: tbe said Constant llruRicenien haa totally abandoned theaame, aald parties are hereby notilled to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on August la. IK'.is, before tbe BexlsUir and Re ceiver at the Unltal Htatas land bfllne In Oregon Olty, Oreicon. The said contestant having. In a proper affidavit, filed June 27, im. set forth lacta which show that alter due dilllgeuce, per sonal service of this notice cannot be nutde. It Is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper Tublf cation. JttaM WM. QALIXJWAY, Beeelrer. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud Orncs At Oaaaoa Citt, Ob., June 22, 180& NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler haa filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his olaini. and that said proof will be made be fore the eounty clerk ot Columbia eounty at Bt Helens, Oregon, on August 6, law). Tlx: GKOBOE H. BITTS. Homestead Entry No. sras, for the lots and and southeast U of northwest X of section A, township 4 north, range 6 west. He names tbe following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon, and cultivation of aaid laud, vis: Thomas Petlijohn, of Verno nla, Oregon, and Edwin 1 hroop, William lere bery and August Schulllplt, of Keaney, Oregon. Jl-aS CHAH. is. koOKKS, BegLster. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, Laud Ornci at Oaaoo Crry, Oa., Jnne 11th, 189. NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVBN THAT THE following-named settler haa Died notice of his Intention to make dial proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the County Jodftte of Columbia Countv. at i. Helens, Oregon, on July Z3rd, IMS, vis: HARRY B. MK8ERVE, Homestead Entry No. 9940 for the nw of seo tion H7, townstilp? north, range S west. He names the following witneases to prove hiaeontinuous residence upon, aud cultivation of aald land, vis: O. K. Wonderly. O. W. Rich ardson, and A. K. Horgan, of Deiena, Oregon, end J. H. Hendrionon, of Dent, Oregon. JunlS-jll CHAD. B. MOORftii, Register. Final Settlement. In the County Court ot Columbia County, State of Oregon. in we matter or me estate oi liorens Hohnert, deceased. NOTICK Id HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned, Oewrge P. Moeck,ad ministrator with the will annexed of said es tate, has filed bis final report therein as such administrator, and that Saturday, the Kith day of July, lm, at 10 o'clock A. M., bas been appointed by tbe eaid Court for the bearing of objections to the said final ac count and the settlement thereof, and it baa been ordered by the aaid Court that the heirs, creditors and other persons interested In tbe said estate, shall, on or before the said date appointed for such bearing of final accoont and settlement, file their ob jections thereto, or to any particular items of said account, specifying the particulars to such objections. GEO. P. MOKCK, Administrator with tbe will annexed. Dated at St. Helens, Oregon, this 16th day of June, 1898. j!7jl5 SUMMONS. Ia the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon for Columbia county, H. Varwig, jr., plaintiff ) vs. 1 Annie Miller and I William M. Miller, defendants. J To Annie Miller and William M. Miller, defendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint tiled against yon In the above-entitled euit, on or before the ft rat day of the next term of laid Court, following the six weeks publication of this summons, towit: by the first Tuesday af ter the second Monday in October. I8U3. And if you fail so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded id tbe complaint herein filed, towit: For judgiaeot and de cree ot Court against you and in faror of plaintiff for 400.00, with Interest due thereon amounting to 170.0ft, and for $30.00 as attorneys feee end cost and disburse ments of suit, and for the usual decree of Court that the mortgage set forth in the complaint be foreclosed and that the mort- fsged premises therein described as follows : he northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section 14, in township 6, north of range S west ot Willamette Meridian, containing forty seres of land in Columbia county, Oregon, be sold as upon elocution by the sheriff of Columbia county, Oregon, to satisfy auob Judgmeut, attorneys' fees and costs, and for such other and further relief aa is demanded in the complaint. This summons is published by order of Hon. Thomas MoBride, judge of the alio Ve en tit led Court, made in open Court this May 24. im. K. MEN DEN HALL aud A. R. MENDKNHALl,, junl0-jly22 Attorneys for plaintiff. Administrator's Sale of Real Estate. "NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT X lu pursuance ot an order of tbe County Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia County, made and entered In the matter of the estate of Edward Wibster, deceased, on the 7tli dav of June, 1898, the undersigned executrix of the last will and testament of Edward Webster, deceased, will sell at pub lio auction to the highent bidder for cash, gold coin of the United States, and subject to confirmation by said County Court, on Monday , the first day of August. A. D. 1808, at 10 o'clock a. ra., at the front door of the county courthouse, in aaid county and state, all the right, title, interest and estate of the aaid Edward Webster at the time of his death, and all tbe right, title and inter est that the aaid estate bas, by operation of law, or otherwise acquired, otbsr than, or in addition to that of the said Edward Webster st the time of his death, in and to all those certain lota, pieces or parcels of real estate situate, lying and being in Co lumbia County, Btate of Oregon, and par ticularly described as follows to-wit: The southwest quarter of section twenty-five (26), in township five (5) north of range five ( 5), west of the Willamette meridian ; also lot alvht fRt in block eurht (81 and Intone (1 j in block seventeen (17) and the west half of lot five (5) in block No. two (2), all situate In the town of Vernonia, In Colum bia county, Btate of Oregon, as laid down npon the official map or pi of said town on file In the oilice ot the clerk of said cenntv and state, together with all improve- ments tnereon. jerms ana cuuaiuom oi sale: Cash, gold twin of tbe United Htato; ten per cent of the purchase money to be paid to the said executrix on the day of sale, balance thereof on confirmation of sale by said County Court. KiBBCCA. WEBSTER, Executrix of the lst will and testament of Edward Webster, deceased. jlj29 "Your name is fipainl" has laked tbe place of ''your Dame is mud 1" Dewey is liable to be arrested for playing the shell game at Mao:la, It Is now about time that Blanco was letting Undo 6am bave Anna. Why is Camera fleeing through the SuexT Because he is afraid of sly maneuvers. A stranded correspondent at Key West wired borne: "Cubee or not Cubee; that Is the Key west Ian." If Sampson bad Blanco's jawbone he would have slain a thousand Span iards at Santiago long ago. The public libraries all over tbe United States are about to b closed. Why f Because there is danger of the magazines exploding. A Chinaman went to a store to buy a shirt, and tried one on. "Fits you, Iee," said the clerk. "DooyT" re sponded the celestial. I am a great patriot, and now that the president has called for volunteers I will be among the first to march to the dock to see the boys off. I have just received a dispatch from McKinlcy saying that Havana will be bombarded, and that they will send seven war vessels to Morrow today. The Sixty-ninth regiment (known as tbe Irish regiment) have refused to go to Cuba. Is that soT Yes they are afraid of catching the yellow fever, which would make tbem all orange men. A gentleman io Portland said he did not approve of the way the Oregon in terfered with the English punctuation. "How is that?" he was asked. "Be cause she brought a Colon to a full stop." I don't approve of the publication of the plans ol our warships. It gives tbe enemy an unfair advantage. Tbe plana of onr submarine boat Holland were published, showing how she can go under water aud remain there, and what ia tbe consequence? The Span iards now have thirteen warships at the bottom of Manila bay. Cure tbat cough with Sbiloh's Cure. Tbe best Cough Cure. Believes croup promptly. One million bottles sold last year. 40 doses for 25 cents. Sold by Dr. Edwin Boss. Karl's Clover Root Tea, for consumption it's the best and if after using it you don't say so, return the package and get your money. Sold by Dr. dwin Rosa. Get Value Received EVERY TIME AT N. A. Perry's HOULTON, OREGON. STAR -j- SALOON If. W. BLAK GSliEY, Pre. FINEWNESI&DUGUQRS. The Famous J. H. CUTTER, V AON0UA and HONEY DKW Wbiakey always oa hand CELEBRATED EOF GOLD BEEH A large stock of DOMESTIC and KKY WKBT Clgara of tbe best grade always on hand. Between the two hotels. Mattrn St. - - Helena. Ore. HUNT HARDWARE CO. FOaSTI.A.MO, OBECON. NORTHEAST OBN'R SECOND & VOBRISON ....Carries a Complete Stock of.... Heating -:- Stoves 211 RANGES. All Kinds of Cooking Utensils. Fruit Jan and ENAMKLED FllfJIT FAN a. Remem ber and call when In Uie eliy If in need of anything in the frult-eannlug line. Kartae, : tears, : Crccksry And Everything in that Line of Goods. CHERRY SEEDERS, APPLE PEKLKBS. ETC. ( ' NORTHEAST CORN'B BSCOND A MORRISON Ra9mrahr th place BANQUET SALOON 0L0NINGER& COOPER, PHOFRIJBTOB3. Wine and Eqiior Card tables, pool table, billiard table and other devices for the entertainment of pat rons, where time can be pleasantly, spent. - - Besides ether populsr brands, are kept constantly on band to supply the increased trade at this vexy popular saloon. TH FAMOUS . CYRUS NOBLE WHISKV f IS KEPT AT TUB BANQUET. j. WHITE COLLAR LINE THE COLOMBIA, EIVKH AND PUQET SOUND NAVIGATION CO. roEmss-Asiosit eooie. Str. BAILEY GATZERT tending Foot of AMer Street, Portlsnd. Leaves Portland daily (except Sunday) at 7 A, M. LanSIng Telephone dock, Astoria. Leaves Astoria daily (except Saud&j) 7 P. M. Oatsert Tickets flood on Bteamer Thompson Steamer Thoapaan 'titsaew uooa on uauwit, V. B. SCOTT. Pres. -a. v... r XegctablePrcparatlortforAs gliriiatlfij tteToodflndiietf ula- IVomotEs'Dl1?stlonjCIieeTfuS ness end ncst.Contalns ncVAvr Optuui.Morptsine sor limziaL KotMahcotic. w imrttmmttXttmt Tutmtvrm. A oaf eel Remedy forCons!!pa- tion. Sour SlonMcrt.Diarrhoca, VVorms .Convulsions ,r evensiv ttess andLOSS OF SlF. Toe Simile Signature of KEW "VOTJK. tXACT COPT Or VHAPPtB. Innnwfisi . -r yyyyyyyyyyyyysyyaiysia HARRiS' CASH GROCERY Keeri atlwayg on band all fclnds of m i im, . : -..m..-...,, ; tapte and fancy groceriea aad ', " r provisions, frm produce, tmpicai . For YOUr : and dome&tie fraiu in mtrnn, fin ; CfOCefJCS, , , ,t ;-, - ' t3 and cotfeeft, taoarco and eigarsj. .- ... , . " " " ; A line line of conXeetionery iw in ; stock, and Tariousoibsar teclaiUe& J CORNER COWLITZ AND MAIN STREET. ST. HELENS, OR. lsafcAsfViar-sll-aTtja1ais1liia ith&&Jtbufa&,&ri!tJtkjtkJtk,ifotkdti'k1i ST. HELENS Dr. EDWIN ROSS, Proprietor. DRUGS Patent Medicines, PERFUMES AND Prescriptions... Carefully and Accur ately Compounded.... DAY OR NIGHT. ....Cigars... tmm -fit r"t ir r- " r. DART & V riala Street, Choice Groceries Always on hand. Flonr, rrain. and fed. Tobacco and cigars, and aiuofcers' alicit uouona, eta. ...narduaFu... -MERCHANDISE I CROCKERY AND TINWARE. ...Dry Goods... Inclndinsr t (rfinpral Mwnrttnettl of clofhlnff, AimHbings, aud dress gtxxla. A.itso a tine line oi booiu and 8ii.wi.. DART & Main Street, - SOME RARE -FARMING LANDS- One hnndred and twenty acres, XH miloa from count? sent: 40 acres la enUivftlion; 1 mile from acfaooihoaae; on Columbia river; niU orcliani Hacrua m cutuvu.uu. price sjiw 0t per acre. sjn-ouy. One hundred and twenty noras: rood or- Ftbty vmfl f m mi chard; 80 acteB await laud; all land It U lovoi and kimoec ra level; 1 mile from schooihouse; miie bs1umj1Jioij; on to(Hnv hs; ft ui a from railroad station; 1 mHa twl t4t.waUr; orja-itj u t 1 -jm inr good chance tor oordwocd. ctma and biiiao ou uiuu. : -TIMBER LAN DC- Timber olaim; SSaeresi ematlat4),- One anil twcrT in ' ( 000 foot of tl!ttii; aiaable to luttbtug lam iu 4 . r i y. ii. - . stream; prim )(). Hij hnn1rol z -i t -? r , . T1mbernleim;lliQaors;oTer?.000.00litMt; lai.il tp 4 u, r i v i ... ,x pries ,') 00. For farther inrorrtlon c ill c i cr f ' 1 Mala Street," - - ft. S' " Th I-?"T1 Yn P"! I east teeaf . I viul Bears tlio Sitiatnro Jt;' it W The You Have jAlvayc Douglit. Twi erirrjtMfl, eeMNHr. flrwvon eirv. PHARMACY ft t s m Fancy Toilet Articles. FANCY STATIONERY. Complete JLine of. DfflMftfftj' (?-r.''r',n School Books and.... School Supplies UfO . 8 MUCKL St. Helens, Oregon. MUCKLE - St. Helena Oregon. BARQAI NS Ten acren on Milloo creek, scliool: 8-room hmiHcs tmrri. ot 4 tnV ft from ra I 1