OltlXiOX MIST. DAVID DAVIS. SHMrlptla imi One copy ous r la adsiuic..... Due eopy fix ""' hf .... -Mao 60 .. tjiugie copy.. A drertiuug rat mad known upon appiloslion COLUMBIA COUNTY DIRECTORY. count w rricr.Rs. iiiitc- ....... Clerk...... Sheriff.. .,,..... Treasurer , BupLftf Schools.. Surveyor.......... ....Joseph B. I)on, Rainier u. ef sua, sr.. nemos J. N. Kii'o. Clatskanie K, Ross. N. Helens ...... I. it. CopetMid, Warren .Martin Whit. Qiitnav Weo. Haves, Mayirer Coroner... .lie. A. r. jHeuairn. nairner llaaUaii :.,.8...P. A. Fmkw. ftpp ..,...,,,.,ft. i. Jeiereou,eiiM BIT, II Emits, OKEC0H, JI'LY IS. AanertcA foe Americans. HIjonc May . It wave CVer th Home of the Free ad the Land of the Brave." Fbocmim the fact that Columbia county warrants are selling at 100 eeuts on the dollar, the Seat time in many years. This satisfactory condition of affairs has gradu ally come about since ISM, at which time county script sold as low as 70 cents on the dollar. It is not long, to be sure, that our script has been commanding its fall face value la the markets, but the fact is all that is necessary to satisfy the minds of thoie who here to dispose of this commodity. We wish to ask: What has caused this change? It cannot be said that it is the re sult of tricking politicians, because we hare only ttst emerged from a hard-fought cam paign, in which it was claimed that all evi dences of prosperity were fictitious, and ae soon as the struggle bad ended valua tions would decline and business relax as by a stroke of paralyaia.bat such is not the ease. This condition of affairs csnnet be aid to be the outgrowth of a cherished hope that polices antagonistic to those bow In force by a republican administration will soon predominate.because as time advances and the issues become better understood the policy of the present administration becomes more popular. Example: Ore gon election June 6th. There are many other philosophical reasons which the peo ple of the country are ready to admit and advance for a steady increase in valuations of many classes. Up to a few months ago the common class, to whom toe greater part of our county script was issued, calculated upon a 1 to 5 cent d isconnt on their paper, ad now that the full face value is received, who is benefitted f it is not the broker or the money lender. Persons dealing in money are now scouring the country in search of investments that will earn a fair rate of interest. Demands for loans have decreased, and as a result rates of interest have gone down accordingly. It waa freely claimed that the price of warrants would decline as sooa aa tax-paying time was passed, but the fact is the increase in the price of warrants has taken place since the greater part of our tax has been collected. Another feature in this connection which stands out prominent to our vision fa) the knowledge and belief of the people that the danger of the predominance of principles which would not be for the best interests of the county has ceased, coupled with the realization of the tact that the affairs of the county are being administered judic iously and wisely. All these conditions are extremely gratifying, and must be so acknowledged by all honest thinking people Moss encouraging crop prospects could not well be hoped for than axe reported at this time from every section of Oregon and Washington. The increased acreage and the splendid condition of crops insure an immense yiaia, ana certainly there ia ao excuse for not expecting a good price for wheat, hops, wool, etc., in the event of which all other lines of trade will prosper la accordance. It seems to us that there ia but one sola lion to the fact that ia our sister county of Tillamook there is so an oca land being taken up and proved ap on, as there is at the present time. For period of at least three yearn, yes, five 7 asm, a notice for publica tion of a timber land entry was a thing rare to be seen ia a newspaper in this section of Oregon, when for several years prior to that time such notices were published by the hundreds, and it was at that time that U ber land speculations were of such enor mous proportions, and lands of that char acter sold readily at good figure. Those persona who now atop to think of general business conditions obtaining at that time Will recall with much pleasure the fact that this section of Oregon witnessed no livelier times than when timber lands were being taken by hundreds of sections, and those who chose to sell received from $i to S3) per acre for their land. It was then that business was lively and money plentiful. and indications point strongly at present to a repetition of those days. In fact, for six montus or mora before the recent war declaration, Umber lands in Northwestern Oregon found readier market and better prices than had been known for a number of years before, and it really looks at pres ent that despite the war the immensely growing demand for onr timber and lumber will assert itself. There is no questioning the fact that the war bad a demoralising 4 effect upon our lumber interests, yet the confidence of the people in the government to carry the war to a speedy and successful termination assarts itself in this matter, and we see a steady revival of the roost Im portant industry in this section of our state. As an example of what is being dons along that line uf trade, in the Tillamook Head light oi the issue of July 7th there are fifty timber land notices, a circumstance which verifies our belief that Oregon timber lands are soon to find greater demand at increased privet, , ' Tax annual ststem?nt of theconuty clerk shoeing the financial condition of tie coun ty, which appears in this issue, is a satis factory use ia the way of continued reduc tion of indebtedness. The semiannual eisletnent issued on April 1st showed an Indebtedness of tOtl.OGO, while the present mis nbows .'4.- ., or a reduction since that tune of fS5,6i2.67. This reduction is by (hie entirely, of oourse. to th colU-cSion of tai on ttie My roll, which now eonWtns nearly f 10,000 Qf delinquencies, th greater part of which will be collected More Octo ber in. The statement shows, also, that warrants to the (mount of UH.12S 9T were Issued from July 1st, 1897, lo July 1st, 1SS, which amount taken lu conjunction ai aa tetiiuate for the year ending July lit, 1SW), with the present showin. would stive quit socurale estimate of wliat the indebt edncss will b cue year kenoe, or about what the reJuution ill have been la one year The debt is being reduced gradually and further and more rapid reduction now to be expected from the fact that the county oourt is vigorously nraeeediug with (he enforced eollectkm of all delinquent tax since and including the year 1SS7, which amount aggregates to July 1st, ISM, 5,- 032.33. THC KANILA SITUATION. At about the moment the sun sets on onr fleet at Havana it rises on our Seel near Manila, and both are not unlikely to be ia action simultaneously. " This Is a peculiar situation for a country so strongly adverse to engaginc in a toreian war. But we are in truth minding our own business, both at the shores of Cuba and of the Fliilippinea. War with a nation of widely distributed posaesvions like Spain necessarily means Bel J of action as broad as the world. The guns of the Oregon may soon he thunder ing off the coaM of Spain also, and there may be collisions ia the midatlanticor near the Canaries. All the enterprise of the American iwople will now be employed and their forceful qualities asserted Commodore Dewey's fleet was compelled to capture a port from Spain in the far Pacific or to bring his ships back to Baa Francisco for a base, leaving half the ocean closed to our commerce. His orders, therefore, were to capture or blockade the most important of Spain's ports near the caster coast of Asia. Oiving op access to the Western Pa cific is not to be thought of. Our fleet fought for a foothold, and not retreat to our Pacific harbors. 8000 miles troni the scene of Its present intrepid operations. Not long ago the London Spectator said that "A great maritime power holding the Philippines ought to be mistress in the far East; and which of them is it to be? Amer ica will be the owner of the ia lands, hut she will not want to keep them, thus giving hostage to all the maritime empires. the Asia this is true. The 8,000.000 or 10,- 000.000 population of the Philippines are largely Asiatic, and the task of governing them would not be accepted by this coun try. But if the islsnds fall into oar hands we shall retain a harbor there and have voice in their disposition. Japan is said to have ooce offered $300,000,000 for the Phil ippines. The London journal remarks that there will be fierce bidding for the group, and fierce jealousies excited among those who bid. Bat the United States alone is bearing the cost and other burdens of the war that is expected to wrest them from Spain, and no nation can undertake to shoulder us aside after the expenditure of oar blood and treasure. Great Britian, Kuasia. Germany, France, and Japaa are firmly seated on the eaatera coast of Asia, and look to the future for great commercial advantages ia that re gion, the most populons on earth, and the one most ia need of industrial development. The aggregate area of the islands is nearly doable that of Missouri, and their tropical fertility ia unsurpassed in the world. Sugar, tobacco, hemp, and fruits grow in great abundance, and the dera and for all products is ample. But Spanish influences and tax. ation have kept the natives miserably poor and ignorant. They have bad ao incentive to work, and progress of all kinds has been discouraged. The same causes of uuarreo tioa have long existed in the Philippines and Lube, labor has had neither reward nor respect, and official authority has been in the hands of officials who looted mer chants and peasants alike, making a com modity of justice, and standing ia the wsy of all real progress. Destiny has placed upon the United State the necessity of fighting the oppressor in the Philippines. Tax importance of an exhibit from Co lumbia county at the exposition which opens la Portland in September is of no or dinary magnitude. Onr resources should be exhibited, and thus brought to the atten tion of the people of other sections of this state at least. The Portland expositions arc yearly attended by a great many people from states other than Oregon, and we be lieve an exhibit therefrom Columbia county would be of some benefit to as. Our re sources have been talked of aad written about, to be sure, but the expneition of what we can raise and what our forests and mountains contain would be of far more practical advantage than all that might be written or said of it This matter is of su preme merit and should receive encourage ment. It is the opinion of the collector of inter nal revenue that a person whs buys couaty warrants for himself, simply as an invest ment, Is not a broker aad is not required to pay a broker's tax. If, however, ha buys for others, either in bis own name or in their names, he is a broker and must nay a yearly tax of HO. If he pays this tax he can. of course, bay for others, bat if they sell again they will become brokers, and must pay the lax. COL.NTY'H FINANCES. Annual Statement of the Clerk of Colombia Comnty. The annual statement of the financial condition of the county, which the county clerk is required to issue on July 1st, each year, is here given, and makes a very cred itable showing ss regards indebtedness: July I. A mount of warrants out standing .. .138 88 38 Amount oi warrants issue a from July 1, 18U7, to July 1, lfS 21 123 87 Total .100 W 33 Warrants paid doriiic rear ..... 825 004 GO uasu in nanas oi treasurer to pay warrants 10 63d 0a Total .435 613 87 ..100 008 33 ..09 642 67 Total Indebtedness Total paid to July 1st.. Balance July 1st $21 SOS 66 Total amount of unpaid faxes 29 032 03 frouilaA7 tol& BreadfaUT Hcrveae. Gram: I was dreadfully nervnns. anil for relief took your Karl's Clover Root Tea. It quieted my nerves and strengthened my arnote rterrous (system. JL was troubled with constipation, kidney and bowel troub le. Year tea soon cleansed my wholssys tern ao thoroughly that I rapid iy regained my health and strength. Urs. 8. A. hweet, Hartford, Con. bold by Dr. Edwin Boss. SbHob's Consumption Cure cures where others fsil. It is t!e leading cough cure, and no borne should be without it. jP iea ant to take and cues riirht to tiie siiot. Sold lit. fc.lwm Eoss. i COUNT COURT. liong Mat of Bills Allowed, at the liegwlnr July Term. A P McLaren, Inquest on boby of K Criwby ,......,. T Hoimiiaw, juror same ....... .. Wm flavens, same A A Henderson, same.... , l)A t'ruuse, same ... , Wm kiellinger, same . (1 L Bonny, same , V C Adams, witness, same A K Mrero, same Clove Mvllinger, same., T E Mills, same W D Case, appraiser oa Coulter road AH Powell. same A Kilintt. same IS 05 1 00 1 IW 1 00 1 On 1 00 1 00 1 AO 1 HO I 60 1 1st S 40 8 MO 76 1 00 Johti Pringle, notary work Q Lynch, viewer road survey 137..... D K Freeman, same..... O D Garrison, same . . N B Olaeu, witness insane esse of So phia Matson A N Clark, j p fees slate vs Simons. . , A Kobiuson, constable, same ... ... F A tinow, witness, same . H Kerrigan, same............ 0 Grimm, same..., J Jones, earns..... 1 Carliie, sumo H Mathers, same F Cleavsr, same , Gsbe Tnrnbajama. same .. G A Hsll, deputy district attorney. ,. A N Clark, j p fees, state vs Kay...., A Kobtnson constable, same....... 2 00 200 9 TO S .4) 1S7S 1 ftO 7 4 ISO 4 ao 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 AO 6 00 8 70 860 JOBOR8 POX MAY TSRat CIRCUIT COIIBT f.rne-t Kreuger. 4 20 Magnus Saxon. S 00 H J Waters .... t 00 Miles Hlieeriu.. 6 60 C F Lsngfeidt. . .11 00 H tieewmaa . . 10 00 M P liiood 10 00 AJOrwig... . 21 20 K Meeker. ...... 10 00 John Campbell 10 00 tieo Morrison. ..10 00 Charles Cooper 10 00 K A Lillkk 21 00 U K Knowlea...20 40 Uerm'rS hruitt.l5 40 N Merrill. 21 20 William Wood.. 18 80 Geo Pearson ..18 20 CO Loveren...21 60 H W Harnett.. 2 00 J Btiodfrey..... 2 00 M H McKay .. 4 00 hli Lunian ..... 100 R U Harnett... 2 00 Wni Mellinger. J P&hecley, .. John Jones .... P Peck Joe Kvsrsoi.... 2 00 M Davison 2 00 26 00 Frsnk Tracy. . 87 20 28 80 N Hleltiuan. . ..22 10 2ft 20 A H Matthews. t 40 2 00 A B Hainea....27 20 23 20 G Neuiuan 24 20 S B Hose E A Cu.hman.,.23 80 J Wilverding . 22 40 D W Whittia 21 00 Andrew Kimr .20 00 J BGodfray ... 2 00 Kli Lumen. ... 2 00 Ja:nes8heldoa..20 00 J Latnherson . 20 20 I W Freeman.. 29 80 T H Woodruff 25 60 A CUflirison.... 2 00 W P Tucker ... 2 00 0 W A Crouse. ... 2 00 A MoCauley.... 2 00 WITSF.S8B8 MAY TIRJi CIRCUIT COURT. KbMseniau 2 00 Will Palmer... 7 20 H I) Vs'blaricom 7 20 W W Alien ... 7 20 FredZellar 7 20 J la McGrath., 6 20 Minnie Lindsay. 4 40 Will Watts..... 8 60 itientek ........ 4 80 Wm Newell ...12 60 F Turnahao 11 W Jne Reed 8 20 Wm Myers. 10 00 J Uoheritv.. 12 00 C A Suow 12 00 Wm Hii key . lO 00 W K Confers. ..17 20 Albert Gee 12 00 M Daviaon 4 00 U blanch ard .. 8 60 G F Moeck. 0 60 Bertha Hansoa 8 00 J F Timony 60 A Cheidetia ... 2 00 BK Hhulta 10 00 EM Kice. .12 00 JsseeCoaktey..ll 60 Msry George... 2 00 Mrs Upton . .27 00 kl M Joaea 15 20 H J Mclntvie ..12 00 Grant Jones .. 16 20 8 K Butter 17 20 John Kmidirk 17 80 Geo V Moeck.... 2 00 ,W H Conyera..lS 20 R8 Payne 15 20 Geo Stattler . . 17 20 Wm Stattler -. 17 30 Job a Kelson .14 00 Peter Matron. . 15 00 A net la Matson 16 00 Henrv Timonen 15 00 Josevbi'e Krumlt) 00 WmNewell.... 10 60 H K Cliff 8 00 GeoMayger. ... 10 00 W W Biakealey 8 00 u a juuaa. n waa jottes x uu Geo Hayes . .. 15 80 David Upton. .29 00 S J Durhsru.... 12 00 James Adams . 7 20 James Morale .. 2 00 Chaa McCauley 2 00 Mm Mollinacer.. 8 20 Chas Kreedluve 8 00 John Campbell. 7 20 A Kcbinaon ... 2 00 A N Clark 2 00 C W Blskeatey 10 00 0 20 K DMrKay... 6 80 6 80 S A Miles 2 00 J Alexander ... D K Freeman... N H Malay .... 6 00 F E Armstrong 6 00 It Bessemau W WAliea.. ... KLM.lis ....... Esther Coulter.. Wm Mellinger-. 7 20 A Emmons .... 6 00 1 20 H Vaoblsricou T 20 T 20 M Davison ... 2 00 7 20 JobnCampbell. 2 00 120 WM Meserve. . 2 00 JUDGB8 AND CURK8 01" KLBCTION. Jsrr.es Muckle.. S 00 RCox S 00 U M Knishton.. 3 00 W B Buell S 00 O A Sanlord ... 3 00 John Dibblee. .. 3 00 O F Moeck ..... S 00 K P Burns..... 6 60 W M Perry 3 00 W A Wood ...3 00 W CKina 7 00 W L Brown.... S 00 J CKilbr 3 00 PO Marks .... 3 00 J M McGrath... 3 00 T C Wails 6 40 GCFowler SO RK Foster..... 3 00 Geo McKiuster.. 8 00 Geo Foster jr .. 8 00 C L Olson 4 60 C WEmeraoa.. 8 00 John King S Oft N Pinckney ... S 00 James Gaiteua.. 8 00 A U Hoiadsy.. 4 60 A 8tnniD SOI E H Lrnch ... 3 00 J C Johnson.... 3 00 Gustare Lange. 3 00 G W Barnes..... 0 60 D M Kwiog ... 8 00 C H Jones 3 00 W K Slaughter. 8 00 0 M Davidson... S 00 J W Boaies ... 8 20 John Nelson.... 3 00 Geo Kichardsoa 3 00 H A Quiaiey ... s 00 W H Kvser.... 3 00 W H Conyers...l0 30 E 8 Bryant ... 8 00 Frank Merrill... 3 00 W K Tichenor. 3 00 8Ure Graham... 3 00 James Wallace. 11 40 James Thorn. .. 8 00 Lincoln Wood . 8 00 W B Colvin 3 00 James Graham 3 00 A E Thomas.... S 40 D W Freeman. 3 00 Oliver Wilson... 3 00 Henry Moolton 8 On Casper Libel.... 3 00 R (Sense roan 8 20 asper W K Keasev ... 3 00 R H Mitchell.. 3 00 L W Vandyke .. 3 00 T H horth 3 00 J N Rice, making deeds 6 00 J n nice, serving subpoena ta Upton case 8 00 3 N Rice, same. 500 J N Kice. guards for Upton 16 00 I W Kice, postage 17 00 J N Rice, preparing polling place 2 00 A KoMiuou, serving snoneena la un ion ease 2 75 A Robinson, same II 60 A Robinson, serving subpoena oa J Alexander J 40 A Robinson, serving subpoena on Matsou it w T Cooper, boarding cow Dart i Muckle. nails for r d 4 25 00 6 30 2 25 S 62 300 7 00 J Daley work on Houlton bridge ... u rr uiars, same D Henshaw.same , LF Malmberg. lumber for r d 13 Fl'll M. , I J .A 33 25 Smith A T nomas, lumber for r d 13.. Lane Bros, same Clatskanie Lumber Co. lumber r d 0 11 00 18 60 24 78 Clatskanie Lumber Co, lumber r d 11 44 23 Burtlotfer a Jofansoo, lumber r d 27 42 51 It O Howard, lumber r d 4 26 17 H O Howard, lumber r d 22 10 83 O Wilson, road workdist 10 10 00 H B Borthwick, lumber r d 6. ........ 84 60 HO Howsrd, lumber rd 4 64 13 A M Tichenor, lumber r d 10 ........ 43 00 Chas Bureau. same... .... . 28 22 T J Kiippin. ssma 26 61 A rerry, naos lor r a 22 , go P J Popbani. holts for r d 10 3 60 Z Bryant, nails for same Ml Mayeer Co, freight on lumbar for r d0 6 75 T 1. f arter, wo'k on Clatskanie bridge 13 75 B D Tichenor, same 11 00 Bert Bryant, same , 7 00 Cbas Dots vert, same. 5 25 Joel Hill, same ., 8 08 a iicuenor, same...., 2 25 B Bryant, asms 1 60 F Mai mi hers, work on bridge rd 13.. 4 50 A Johnson, same 4 60 B Baker, same 4 60 K D Peterson, same 4 50 St Vincent hospital, board of P Koser 46 00 W J Deitx, supplies for Jordon 10 00 G W Lane, support of Bitner childr'n 10 00 S D Johnson, support of Green.. ... 88 10 John Fringe, goods for KMcCullough 0 40 t rie'gerson, supplies lor ucCuUougb 7 24 Eflie Vsnblarieoin support ... 10 00 alrsU ft beidelin, support of Han son children 12 00 H Huber, support of sister. . ; ....... 12 00 G F LiudKren. supplies for Domever. 12 10 N A Perrv, supplies Indian Isabella , 14 30 A H Sheffield, support of Headley. .. 20 00 rtoss, medicine lor itesniey z 60 H bhemeld. roods for Headier.... 6 25 John Prinsle, goods for A F-ast!irk. .. 7 80 uari s. jtuckie, supplies lor net 4f . . 10 00 W T Gardner, for Boys and Girls Aid Rneiet . . 1A fY! Wm Galloway, abstract of final proofs 2 66 &SOOM as 1st. stationery and printing 07 75 ews Pulilisbinz Co. stationery A 00 Glass A Prudbomaie.election supplies 10 OH GisVkS A Frudhoiume, blanks 1 60 Lewis A Drvden Co. record books..,. 27 60 lewis ft Drvdea Co, staUuWry 33 73 News Puhiisbing Co, piuiting court proceetlinits . 18 70 I rain Hudson Co. stationery........ 8 Irwin Hodson Co, records 49 Irwin Hnd'on Co. siaiionerv ,. 13 Jtidson Weed, freiplit on supplies.,,. 1 50 , M V Wstkins, board of witnesses 21 j L L Decker, board of jurors 7 60 j 15 0fi W 40 25 70 10 20 J- 10 60 v 0 -8 - W A Harris, supplies for courthouse 76 Martin White, vounlv assessor 156 00 J A Vsn, rebate of ihiII tax 1 C W Blakesler, work oniwiiimnl., II 26 w A Harris, tula eeof salary 40 J G Walts, nostsice and cants 30 -8 Joseph Hall, cleaning courthouse ... huVui Merrill, canvassing the vote, .. A N Clark, same. H C Lamberson, lint of hall ,. W J Kice. rebate or tees Dan J Moore, certified copies Dart A Muekle, supplies courthouse . W H Dolman, supplies for courthouse 4 20 20 2 60 10- 4 75 1 70 WAll NOTES, The third armistice ttrantml ISy the Aniericau nlliciala st SsntingodeCuba emled on Tliiirstluy at 13 o'clock, and if Ilia surremlor of that place was not made by that lime Sliulicr and the navy were ached ol ail to begin thaeeige. JL German man-of-war, (he Irene, interfered with matters at Snbig biy, Philippine islantls.but through the gen eralship of Dewey she was soun quieted and her insolence hastily rebuked. The capture of Qrande Mend and 600 8 nan- lards resulted from the fact that the German warship stepped ia where, she dtd not belong. Peace negotiations go steadily along, but on Spain's part too much is asked, and in all probability no agreement will he reached up to the time the third armistice ends. V Watson's eqnadroo has already started for Spain. It is made up of the beet veseols in the American navy. Order are issued lo ita commander to capture and destroy the Spanish dy ing squadron of Admiral Camara.whiob it now supposed lo be oa ils way to Spain, a A formidable army is to be aeut to Porto Kioo at once. a In case Santiago ia captured, Ha vana will not be molested until Com modore Watson return from Spain, a A number of case of yellow fever are reported among the American troop surrounding Santiago, and Gen eral Shafter say he would better lose a number of man in an eneagnmeat in capturing the town than have hi whole army subjected lo the fever scourge. Catarrh Cured. A clear head and sweet breath secured with Bhiiou's Catarrh lero edy, sold on a guarantee. Nasal injector free. Sold by Dr. Edwin Boss. Beanta yf faH fell tir" Ixgt Btgaaane r For constipation take Karl's Clover Root Tea, the great blood purifier. Cures head ache, nervousness, eruptions on the (ace, and makes the head dear a a bell. Bold by Dr. Edwin Rosa. OAflVOXtlA. lia tM YwNaWsrsssi lie lil TW Kr Kwm 8&g ef OABVORXA. Beanta 1m tow Ahwvi tegM CASTOR I A Tot Infanta and CMldrea. Ha Klcj Ysa H373 Ahrzje l:zgl Signature of PROFESSIONAL. J. W. DAT W. B. DILLABD ATTORNEYS -AT-LAW Office nest floor to Con rt home, 8T. UKLK.Sll, OlihMJ.N. General n met! re In courts of Oiwin or Wash tnittoii. Abstracts mt 'l diroclljr (rout county records. GEORGE A. HALL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Collections, foreclosures, mechanics letns, etc. aepur prrMieennnrr attorney. Ulrica with T. i. Cleeton. Bt. Helens, Orbqov. G. W. COLE, ATTORNEY AND COCS8E LOB-AT-LA. W, ST. HELENS, OEEQOJf. Title Ahrtrvt Book. Notanr Pub! to. Cant-mi- aionr oi Ve&iM for VtwthlntfUm, hjmI an exper IVIaVejPU WtMXWW Ja WUUWiUVHl WII41 UlaMk jya. EDWIN K08e, PHYSICIA5 AND SURGEON, St. Helens, Oregon j-jr. h. b. curt. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Bt. Helens, Oregon. jya. J. M. BALL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON., Clatskanla, Columbia county. Or. UAGH0LIA-. S ...SALOON G. A. BRINK, Prof. " and Cigar. PORTLAND, OREGON Ma 'rent Ctrast, Near Aider. Oeonre li alwsrt pleased to se his old Colombia eonniv (rlemls. Vrhau in the metropolis give nuo s calL Mrs G A Hsnford, board of prisoners K D Peterson, sounty commissioner. P A Proses, county cnmmMoner. , . W N Meserve, surveying .... W N Meserve, msMr'; m5a I'ytoa cae W N Meaerve, restoration of govern. meittcornera ,., J (1 Waits, teatbers examination ... Alma Heeirle. saute .... I 11 Copeland. setus -.'aa. 'MONEY'3 WORTH- tVBUy TIM AT DOLIIAH'S STORE. T. HELENS, OREOON. Mr. Dnlman alwara keeps a full stock of lieneml atervhaiiillse. which he sells at prices that defy ooiupeMUou. DENTIST J. A. REID ' Has Located In St Hsleas Permanently. writ.!. BKT TEETH 87 80 to 18 ot) Ml.l lSil HI hi II ill UULU HLUNU8 1 60 upwarua Croiri and Bri!i8 fort a Specialty 3.60 TO tte.00 CR TOOTH. Th work that I bare dona In this community for the past five mouths la my recount! audatiou. All work guaranteed satisfactory. Ofne Neat Door to Ross' Drugstore HELENS, I I ! ! OREGON ST. DIM. CO. Tims SCHBDDLES From Portland. Dsean Aasrv saoa Fast Mall Bp. m. Bait Lake, Denver, FV Worth, Onisrrs.Ksn asa citr. M. Iuta, Chloano and Bast. Fast Mail :a.m, Spokane (flyer 1p.m. Walla Walla. Bpnkane, Minneapolis, Hi. Paul, Piilniti, Mil waukee, Chkiago a Btsikane fiver 10:00 a. at. 8p.m. Oeaaw Staamshtp. All sailing dates sab- ct to ebaiiaa. ForKsn rTranclsro bail July a. , U, IT, II. So, A P-l 7 p. at. To Alaska KaUJulyl. ftp. as. 8 p. as. Ex-auuday tlaturday 10 p. nv OalumMa Rtvar Stasias sra. To Astoria and Wsy- huidtogs. EsJriu unOay WlllaasaM River. Oretroo City. Nswherf, 8aliMU A Way-land gs am. 4(o, m BxJiiuiuay Ex.Suiidar It. WUtamatsa and Vam- ao n. m. Tnes.Thor, hi'l Hon. Wed, aad Sat. Oreeoa City. Daytoa, and Way-Uniltuga, aadrrt. am. Wlllarswtla Rhrar. Portland to Corvallis and Way uuKtliigs. 4 JOB Tues- Thar. TuesTltur. ana sat. attdaal. Lv. Rlnarta 1:46 a. m. Uoa. Wad. aadPrl. Soak Shrar. Bl parte ta Lewlslon. Lv Lew'toa ItlLS. Bun., Tuaa. sua Thur. W. H. HURLBERT, General Fsssenger Agent, PORTLAND . . . . OREOON ses'KissnfS'sv,w,ssw n rv rvf v i E.E. QUICK Oommlsslonerot Deeds lor W ash ington. Ui If WliU , Notary PuMle. COLE & QUICK, PROPRIETORS OF THORNE'S KDicrlcal SystoaJitlB Altstracts. Titles Examined and Perfected. Ahntraets Fnrnlshed. Aruesmenls Ksamined. In auranoe WnUeu. Taxes raid and Voursy anclog. T. HErLESS, OBEfiOs. DO TOO KNOW THE NEWS J Ton can have It all for Per..., RAn Per.... Ecnli UUu Moitli In Th Evenlne Teletrrsm, of Portland, Oregon. It ia the Isrseu erenlus uews psfer pnbtlnhed In Oregon; it contains ail the news of the state and of the na tion. Try it for a month. A sample ooov will be mailed to you Ires. Address THE TELEQRAM, Portland, Oregon. FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. ',', -STEAMER- Young America -VIA- WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Leave St. Helens , 6:80 A M .10:00 A M . 2:80 P M ,. 8:00 P U Arriv at Portland. . . . Leave Portland .... Arrive at St. Helen... ring ts cents. Will Carry Nothing but Putsongers ana rest n igiit. . JAMES Of OD, Master. M, MKMCttVK, . Soneyor and Civil Engineer HELENA, OREGON. Conntv Surrevor. Land Rurrevlno Ta Platting and Engineering work proinnt.lv I siecuted. I fc.a rft, A. A. A A.Jfcilka9i.et.i gXAjlh! As1 4Uafkab O Qf.iX9SMkJtii-iMMM.M.itMW,w iw.srwue.w mm-w-m .., s ST. HELENS James 11. fill Kinds of Fresh Keats, .isms, Baccn, Urd Menu by Wholcsule At Special Kate. CLATSKANIE DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor, Ha fast receives) lars-s asstwtwMsit el Preeh aad Pur Drusrs and Also a new and select stock of drum and patent medletnea, faner tailonerv, anhnnl hnna. - aad rs'hnol supplies, perlumnr r ami Uiiist articles, aud lu iaet everythiua wliliiu is Usualljr keH at S utsHilas drug slurs. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded AT TUB CLATSKANIE Groceries and FLOUB, GEAIN. AND FEED. TOBACCO AND CIOARS, NOTIONS, ETC. T. C. WATTS' STORE, Reuben, - - ytmr -TNs First Teem Will Op- Tussday, spt. soth, 1 Ml!laik-lal "The Perkins" C. W. KNOWLES, Manager. Mr. Knnwlpi was, for many yaair, pioprictor t( the 8l. CliarU hotel, and wbllo there esiatilitttiod a repulation a a hotel man. He i now in a better position to entertain hie (riot than rrer before, anil will welcome all hi old patron to hi new iUc of business, where can be found an op-to-dat hotel. Corner Fifth and Washington Streets, Port'snl Two Newspapers Together. i I i- OREGON MIST Only Two Dollars Tcr Year In Advance. STEAMER G. DELL SHAVER, Master. TtPflVPSl p,rt,1,'. foot of Washlnaion street, Tuesday. Tlinrsdar, r.i.i.V..P'.''i'k-, .Kelurnlnie-Uaves Cltksnle. tWe iwrmUtlnn, FrMar eventflta at o'ebwk. Will ruu ().,. Holntsb.mi 1: ltXll.7:ia' 1 ebaus Urns without notice. ....STEAMER JOSEPH KELLOGG. Leaves Kelso on Mondays, Wednesdsys and Fridays at ft f so ciots a ta. .....Portlanil and Kelsa Routs via Willamstta Stoagfi THC . OEIEKTillA ..." MOTIl, -;. THOMAS C00PH, Kanagtr. 8T. HELENS, j . . OB EC ON. stn"71L"f..M.,ir,y'.,,.OB wlth'th bouse I. and well RiHrni0- ? tw,:nl ilie.l f"ir will's ru'i::Ei ' HEAT IIARKET- Sheldon, Prop. St. Helens, Orcjon DRUG STORE Chemicals DRUG STORE p Provisions - - Oregon .(EVENTEEKTQ ANNUAL SEUBlOlf- Oil OREGOli STATE KORZSAL SCHOOL j MONMOXTXH, OHIO. & ttrui AeaJtmh W FnhMhutl CM. W Well SOtllpfwd Trslnhur benartment il alas rradM, w ilk it u children. S kesolsr Normsl totrsa of thraa vssm. s-mIa. wliollv trolnsslonl. (lra.lusiif aismxilt.! IHkIi Kehrmls and Collefes ,V aitmllO.I dlroetlr In iri'feltli work K, 1 he IXidoms ol the Hfioiol u reeiwutsnl bjr law M hi 14K CKltriFIVAl'll leteMb, S The f raduole ol the riehool are la derm and ss .) teselters, M t-tttni r. spends-1 Tis yesr w rmrn si ai nnto ilflo oa m Hrautriui an ueattnmi loeaiioo. tiu sausiua, CatidoetiM, i!Hr,i (,.il dstsi;. o! tt work. enetriuiijr sent on sHiuwiiua , V! Adilraas: a. L.O.arttl;!.! free, g at. srs Jsrsis. wwas-aiarw e atewiST. 1 - dOREGONIAN t at I WVif'V'VV iti vnsinTVVi W. SHAVER The Only Direct Route Portland to Clatsfcanio end Sunday svsnlntn ' .Monday, Wstliiewlsr, a.,, .. Usluleri ,j, Ins oomiwiiy reseivcs the rls'a Shaver Transportation Company. .ftfs"" 8siiir.lys,al ilUCKLE BROS MANUFAOTUReitt OF Plmsnslon I.nmMr, Flnorlnr, Rustle, het' lint, casings, sod a eoiuulete sumiA oi "' VsrlBtyot ROUGH and DRESSED LUMBER ALWAYS ON HAND I. 8 AT TUR OL0 BTANO, BT. HKtKSS. OR