Oil EG ON MIST. .-BY- ..... DAVID DAVIS. Itnbacrlptlan ISte. One wpy one yew in luiviire. Sign tin tM.py six moutha.t...imMtM.-..tM.. . 60 sVdvertlnnf ret -vnad known upon application COLOMBIA COUNTY DIUBUTOBY. County orticon, iudire., Clerk..,,,,,, Sheriff ,.,,.Joeph B. Drain, Rainier ...... Juukou Weed, Vernoni , J. X. Ut-e, Olatskanle ,..K. M. Wharton tit. Helen I rmu rvtr .....,.,. Supt-of School... J. Q. V, alts, Bcappoue .......Martin White, Qnlncy A"?,.,,.,,., Surveyor Coroner Commissioner I w. N. Meeerve, Neieua ..Dr. A. P. Mr-Urvn. Rainier P. A. Krakes, Scatipnjae , N. D. Peterson, Mist Helens. OBEUOS, JVttB 10. Amortua far American. "Lone May It wave O'er th Houia of the ee and the Idtad of tbe Brave." Ttg S8W CQMTEST OF tSS3. Tli campaign is orer and we are highly pleated with tbe result, se the defeat of Mr. Meserve, whom we labored earnestly and boaestly to elect. bat failed. Tlisro bae been some unpleasant Jtiings aaid by as, bat not by desire, only from necessity. It had been our purpose not to indulge in personalities in the campaign just ended ; neither did we desire to say but kind and friendly things of the candidate on tbe opposition ticket, bet there had been so much abuse heaped upon as and the cso.did.ttes oa the ticket we were supporting that wo jelt and believed it to be but simple justice to ourselves and our friends to buckle on our armoi and defend out rights. We wish to apologise to our many friends in Columbia county who have bourne with ns during the campaign, and pat np with so much politics instead of more news, but we beleive we were but doing the part of Justice in devoting so much time and space to tbe matter, from the fact that we considered tbe issues of great im porUnce, insofar as there were ques tions at iea-ite which merited strong nnd hearty defense. We were either to support Mr. McKinley in his ad' ministration of public sflatrs, or repu diate his acts, and the result of Moo day's' election has demonstrated con clusively that the people hate not only endorsed the policy of the admin istration, but that policy has beeu sanctioned by more than two to one as compared with the vote of Novenj ber,183& Our newly-elected governor, Hon. T. T. Geer, is a man who can be de pended upon to not only administer the affairs of state in a legitimate and straightforward manner, but he can be depended upon to do his full duty as a war governor. The entire repub lican ticket is elected at majorities ranging from 3000 to 10,000, and not only is this the case, but two congress men sre elected who can be depended upon to set in perfect accord with the Ideas and wishes of President McKin ley and the perpetuity of the gold standard. Oregon, it will be remembered, has within the last year, produced and sold "about 18,000,000 bushels of wheat at prices Dot equalled for the past five years, and not only has this been the ease, but nearly every product of the slate, including cattle, wool, sheep, and other products, has doubled in quantity and price, and as a result of these enormous yields and high prices the hue and cry of hard times and low prices has been exploded. It has been condemned in terms not soon to be forgotten by the people of tbe stale. The parties in opposition to tbe re publican party in this state realized that unless a union of forces could be entered into there would be no possi ble chance of defeating tbe republican party, and to this end their labors were earnestly centered. Their plans failed completely, and tbe result is s just re- buks to all attempts at fusion. We do net condemn any man. It is but tbe ideas he may have advanced. Because we differ from bim as regards politics we have no legitimate right to say he is a bsd man. If We can per suade a man to vote our sentiments, all well and good ; if we cannot, then w humbly submit to the will of tbe majority. We are not so narrow as to sy because an opposing parly has suc ceeded in carrying its idess to a sue 0 ceas that the country is entirely ruined. We may believe that the policy of that party it not the best for the country, hut ws do net believe it the part of common judgement to say that be cause (hose policies bave been adopted the country has beeu eternally runiued. Such talk is foolishness, There is too much combined interest ia our coun try, our home, and our welfare as a nation of people, to see our interests absolutely trodden under foot, Amer icans are too rendy to change their ideas and vote the dictates of their own conscience to permit the idea to pre vail that that party, which ever it may be, will entirely end absolutely rulu tho country. The most striking illustration of this fact is seen when we remember how readily tbe people of tbe United States voted a change of policy after four year's trial of free trade. It worked a hardship upon tbe American people, and there is a spirit of too much in dependence about tbem to long sub mit to or permit a policy to exist wbisb is not to their best interest, and in the campaign of 1896 our people rose up by hundreds of thousands and said there must be a change. We are individually the guardians of our country's best interests. We all love our country dearly, and will defund it with our life's blood, if nec essary. That spirit is characteristic of the Yankee nation, and with tbe same spirit in view the people of the slate of Oregon on Mouday walked to tbe ballot box and there said that the policy of our country, as outlined and adopted by the present republican ad ministration, should be maintained. As to Columbia county, we are highly pleased with the result. Of course, one man on the ticket was de feated, but it was tbe will of tbe people and their word ia law. We congratu late Mr. Rice upon his success, and hope be will do bis full duty, aud merit the confidence reposed in him by tbe people who know bim best. It was not that Mr. Meserve is a bad man that he was defeated, neither was it on account of his unpopularity. Both the gentlemen in the contest were very popular, but Mr. Bice had served the people of Columbia connty one term as sheriff, snd the people of tbe county have endorsed the manner in which he conducted the offioe. Mr. Walla' popularity and the con fidence reposed in him by the people, and his integrity, made his success possible. On the clerk, as was the esse with the sheriff, the combination was solid, and Mr. Henderson developed great strength. Tbe issues helped on tbe legislative ticket. Dr. Hall was a comparative stranger in this part of the couuty.and it was a good showiog on the part of the republicans to elect the represen tative. Dr. Ros, for treasurer, should certainly be proud of his vote, because his opponent is a man of character, ability, and standing. Mr. Frakes re ceived a vote that should certainly make him feel that he had conducted tbe affairs of the county in such a manner as to merit tbe approval of voters in all parties. It is apparent that tbe people of Columbia county knew when tbey had the right man in the commissioner's office, and tbey in tended to keep him there. As to tbe assessor, we have but the kindliest feeling for Mr. Moullon, but Martin White, without exception, is the best assessor this county ever bad,, and bis majority of 200 shows bis pop ularity and ability. Mr. Copeland, al though a stranger in politics in this county, made a splendid race, and be will, without doubt, prove bis ability to conduct the superintendent's office in a businesslike manner. Dr. Mc Laren, too, for coroner, made a splen did showing, and will continue to make a good coroner. We bave not intentionally neglected to mention tbe large vote of Judge Moore, Judge lit Bride, and Mr. Clee ton. Tbe former certainly was de serving of a large vote because of the ability be has displayed in the con duct of bis office. The same may be said of Judge McBride, and as to Mr. Cleeton, against whom there was an enormous opposition, it is to be said that he did exceptionally well. He carried every county in this district, even tbat of bis opponent, Clatsop county, and ia the district bis majority is 650. Bepubiicans throughout tbe county are highly gratified and express the same feeliog. It has shown that tbe people yet have faith in tbe ability of the republican party to administer the a flairs of stats in a proper and satis factory manner. As a sample of what faith the peo ple of this state have in the gold stand ard, tbe next legislature will be forty majority on joint ballot. And there ia something else, too, for republicans of this state to take into consideration, which is the fuel that since the legis lature is so overwhelmingly republi can the people will expect some good, sound leii'ulallon. Should there bo a iWira on the part of any republican for a repetition of the famous holdup of two years ago, someone will have to suffer, and there Is no one to bear the brunt but republicans. If there cannot bo some safe, sound legislation enacted now there never will be, and it is hoped that all thai is expected may be realised. Now that the campaign in Oregon is over, tbe stteutioo of the people will be directed first to the pursuit of their ordinary vocations, particularly in the farming sections, where great interest ia manifest. There to every likelihood of the price of wheat and other farm products remaining stiff this year, and special attention will be giveu the matter by farmers. The one important tiling with the Ameri can people is the great war now being fought, and that matter will absorb publio attention. It is a matter in which all are intensely interested. Wk are not making the statement with a malicious heart, but because past and present events will prove what we say, that populism thri tes on poverty. The change of governmental policy inaugurated six years ago brought about a condition of affairs which came near placing Oregon in the populist column, but another change took place which, with the re sult of Monday's election, shows that populism thrived in this stale during tbe four-years' trial of free trjde. The campaign is over, and more time will now be devoted to business matters by us. We owe an apology to our readers for neglect! ns; the first duty of a newspaper that of giving tbe news. We will now, after due time, continue to run a newspaper in the interest of the people of the county, and make a special effort to furnish all the county news. nALCOLXl A. flOODY, ' 'it ' k WBwi'My II I, j M Mm F. I. DUNBAR, Secretary of State-Elect. GEER FOR GOVERNOR Tho State Republican Ticket Has a Biff Plurality. Moody and Tongne are Elected to Conirreae by Iiarge Pluralities ticgtalatnre 40 IUtpublloan. Moody's majority ovor Donaldson In the second congressional district is 6527, with several more oouutios to hoar from. Tongas leads Veatoh in tho first dis trict with 2176, and two more coun ties to hear from. deer's majority ia growing larger, and now stands at 0227. Dunbar, for secretary of state bas a majority of about 7000. Ackerman leads Lyman by 6179. 8imon is elected senator in Mult nomah county by about COO majority, while Cake, for oounty judge, Is abend of North up about 700. Mason, for mayor of Portland, hat a plurality of 2640. F. A. Moore is elected to the su preme bench by a large majority. AFTEIt ELECTION. BY GEORGE MORRISON. We pops are badly beaten, Oh, my 1 it makes me sick! They've elected Hall and Cleeton, And we've no show to kick, I voted the union ticket straight, My concience it ia clear; 1 did not kiss a candidate, Nor sell my vote for beer. I'm one of the pops that's on the square And I do not care a cuss ; I wont stomp round and beat the air, Nor kick up a vulgar fuss. I'd been right glad if we'd beat, And swiped the whole of the cheese; B it we itf od no show and bad to retreat Which makes me fairly sneeze. Now that they've got the battle won, I'm willing to abiJe the suo By the law of the land that's under Where our early patriots died. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud Orrics at Ousom City. Oa.. Mar 7th, lslfc. XTOT1CE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-Darned settler baa nl lotlce at his Intention to make flual proof la aupport of bis claim, and that said proof will be mad be fore the County Clerk of Columhfe ouuaty, at bi. nciens, uregon, on une KKn, ioub, iu; BERKHABD MATHIESON, Homestead Entry, No. 10,66ft, for the northmat H oi southeast v. ot section u. aoutn H ot south west and northwest W of aoutbweaf of Mo tion 12, township 7 north, range t weal. He names the following witnesses to prove hi continuous residence upon and cultivation of mia laua, via: c. . mpaian, it. nyveraon and Jesse B. Jonea, of Qtitncy, Oregon, and E. r. enyuer, or ciauKiime, uregin. inUJ C11A8. H. MOUKKH, Register. Congressman-Elect. "MONEY'S WORTH I VI ft V TIM AT DOLMAN'S STORE. ST, HELINS, ORBOON. Mr. Dolman lwr keepe lull etnek ot lieiiantl Nervltaiulliie, whlrh he tolls at friuea tbat tlely ooiuvotltivu, O. R.&N. ..TO THI,. EAST. Gives the choice of Two Transcontinental Routes HI GREAT NORTHEEH E'y. via BPOKANH MINNEAPOLIS ST. s-AUL and CHICAOO ...OREGON... SHORT LINE R'J. via DENVER SALT LAKE OMAHA and KANSAS CITY Oregon, Ceo. W. Elder CITY OF TOPEKA LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY FIVE DAYS FOB ALASKA POINTS. OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND KVfcKV tlVB DAYS FOB SAN FRANCISCO. STEAMERS monthly from Portland to Yoko homa and Honit Kong, lu CuuuocUou With we u. it. f. iciapauy. For full Information cull nn or address W. H. HUKLUUltr. Geusral Passenger Ageut, Portland, Oregon DOPWEI.L. CARLIIX A CO.. General Agcnta Northern Puclno 0. 8. Co, Portland, Oregon, Get Value Received EVERY TIME AT N. A. Perry's HOULTON. OREGON. FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. STEAMER Young America WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Leave Hi. Helens 6:30 A M Arrive at Portland... ... 10:00 A M Le Portland , ,. 2.80 P M Arrive at fit. Helens 0:U0 V U PARE IS CENTS. Will Carry Nothing bat Passengers and Fast F light. JAMES CK OD, Master. WHITE COLLAR LINE Hi' J THIS COLUMBIA BIVKR AND FU0KT BOUND NAVIGATION CO. FOETUHU-ASTOaiA ROUTE. Steamer TELEPHONE Hiiioiii. 111U.V1 nKicrmrsui, rimisnu. Leave Portland dally (except Sunday) at 7 A, M Landing Telephone dock, Astoria. Leaves Astoria dally (except Suuday) 7 P. M, Telephone Tickets Good nn Steamer Potter Steamer Potter Tickets Good oa Teleplioue U. B. SCOTT. Pre. -THE BANQUET SALOON OLONINGER&COOPEB, PHOPBIETOHB. Wine and Liquor ther devices for the entertainment of pat rons, where time ca be pleasantly spent. FAMOUS FIRE LADDIE CIGARS - conNtAiitlv on band to supply the' increased s,ituS sv tuisj ycrjf pupuutr MHltJOa. mz FAMOUS CYRUS NOBLE WHISKY IS IEPT AT THg BANQUET, JOHN WINTERS MANUFACTURER Of Casks and Barrels ATKIN'S OLD STAND 8T. HELENS. OREGON. CLATSKANIE DR. .1. E. HALL, Proprietor, Has lust received s larirs assortment naa s prt si.. ramlvad ft5 . Prasb i --n C .i b i b if 'vsa iiiiLi M JBUfc r . .. Also a new and seloot atoek of .trims snd patent me.llclnoa, fanny stationery, sohnn! hm), .mim".wl lu lmy Sfrjiliitig wUlshls M usually 0t at a llrsUlaaa drug store. . Prescriptions Carefully Compounded i AT 1 CLATSKANIE "The Perkins" C. W. KN0WLE5, Manager. Mr. Knowles w, for runny years, proprietor of tlis 8t. Charto, hot), and whlls there tstublishml a reputation as a hotel mart, lie is now In a better posh ion to entertain liis friends than tr before, snd will weleoms oil his old patrons to his new jilitce of business, whers can bs found an up-to-date hotel. Corner Fifth mi Washington Streets, Portland. irtafaaafrafSafcefortAaTeiafs .Two Newspapers Together. OREGON M 1ST i Only Two Dollars Tor Year lu Advance. STEAMER G. DELL BHAVEXl, Master. T Pnrtlanrl. font of Wa.hlnntiin street. Tuesday, Thtir'lay. snAAnmlavevenlnnaiS Jjl IHt Jl o'cltK'k. Keturnlns lavi-atnl.aiil. ml neriiilliln, Momlav, Wwlnexlay, at4 frtilay evanlnip. at i o'ekirk. Will aM(MS I'oint aUiut 7: oirllaj.l.'n Manvr IK; Haluivr h:0 KalamaS IA: it. Helenas :1a). Arrive lu 1'orllau.l obase uuie wuiiout oouce. COLUMBIA COUNTY LANDS ....ForSalc By.... One hnndred and twenty acres, l' miles from county seat; 40 acre In cultivation: I mils from schunihouse; oa C'uluiutila river; prloe Suits) per acre, Ttrnber claim ; Mac rest ert'malod at 4.000.. 000 Iwl of llrnU'r: eceessable to loaning stream; prim to) oe. Tl mher claim i IW acres; over 8,000.000 feet i price ma W. One hnndred and twenty acres; Rood or chard; SO acres xuod swale laud; all land la lurel; 1 mile from actionllioiiMi; mile from railroad station; 1 mile from tidewater; good chance lot eordwood. COLE & Main Street, - jlf y v w v v v syysysysy ....STEAMER JOSEPH KELLOGG.... Leaves Kelso nn Monday, Wednesday and Krl.lays at o'clock a. m. 'Vir?'--rr"y':' li r'li'lr'ia.i ,1,. "Tl. ' J ' ", ' ..Portland and Kelso Route via Willamette Slough..... TWVWWVV,.,,,(. B.E. QDICI G. W.JX)LE , Notary Public . Commissioner of beeds for Vash- IligUJU. COLE & QUICK, PBOPK1ET0R8 OP THORNFS Namerical SystomTitlB Abstracts. Title Examined and Perfected. Abstract Furnished. Assessments Kxamlned. In surance Written. Taxe Paid aud C'ouvoy- ST, HELENS, OBEOOK. ...... - -rnoivnnr.ftiftnnnnflrir rtnnn ri DOYOD KNOW THE NEWS I You can have It all for Per.;..-R An Per. MiiUUU In The Evening Tolerrram, of Portland, .I??1'. .h I 1rH' evening news paper pulillshsd In Oregon) It oTmtaln all the new of the state and of the na- THE TELEGRAM, Portland, Oregon. DRUG STORE a larirs assortment W and Purs M iiArtiirfilc ; I 1 Kr mama c a u " ' THE M DRUG STORE M fhafliaftaffcafWalaliaftarsalValafhi i OREGON IAN ar t W. SHAVER The Only Direct Itouta .rrOM.M Tortliind to Oatskanio 1 JUa. m iss voniav ntMivee uie (igui t Shaver Transportation Company. Ten "rea nn Ml Hon crocs, H mile from sehwl; -rootn ho...e, barn. mithiMiMs, ttc.t small orcttanlj Saurea lu eulttvaUou; price swoua , One hundred snd twenty sen of timber laud lu lp u, ( 1 woat; price tm 00. Sin hundred and forty acre of timber laud tp i D, r i west; price -i U ier acre, Kfrfhty mm. SMbI1m from eottnty seal; ail level ami utnoer aiaantHi; U mile frtim will Mill In 10- M-n.toinot.ae; on county roatr; wiu hii iu iv u or ai acre tracu; price tJUO per sore; part f oaan aim oajauv ou Muie, QUICK, - St. Helens, Oregon I s)1.1 V v v v y ,yiyijny ytl Leave Port land Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at i o'clock a, m. PROFESSIONAL. J. W, BAY W. D. DILLABD ATTORNEYS -AT-LAW Office next door lo Courthouse, ST. UELKNli, OUIiUClN. Oeneral praetlKe In eourta of Oregon or Wash Inxtoii. Abstract wade directly front couuty record. GEORGE A. HALL, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. Collection, foreolomire, mechanln' leln, etc. Deputy pmsucutluii ttruey. Ollloe with T. i. Utwton. St. Helens, t ! Obeook. G, W. COLE, ATTORNEY ASD COUN8KLOR-ATLAW, ST. HELENS, OREGON. Title Abstract Hooks, NoUry Piihlto, Commis sioner of boeris for Wastitnuton, and an exper ienced oolloutor In eonueotlon with offloe. jyt EDWIN ROSS, niYSICIAN AND SURGEON. St. Helens, Oregon QR, H. K. CUFF, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 8t. Helens, Oregon. JJtt. J. E. HALL, PHYSIDIAN AND SURGEON. ClaUkttiile, Columbia county, Of.