-F OREGON MIST. t'rltlsjy, J one 8, !. fard & Fmhy town, - Cull ftt the. photograph lent tad lee Hit piaiuroti. KV. 0. K. rhlibrook will preoh t jscsppooiw mui eunuy morning and evening. Mri. Ellorjon and doehtor. Alloa, i i miiiiiiu! muium aim enter oi jar. J. II. Hholdun, are hi tli city, sntl will remain Kimi Hon. 3, L. Austin will add rem tha ettisen of Dear Maud and vicinity at tha Doer Inland achoolhouaa Saturday craning, June iu, Ford & Embody, from La Center, Waili., ara iu St. Huleus with their tint photograph outfit, and are pre pared to do all kind of photograph worn in ma nnen eiyie, uive tuem a call. It hg!na to look now ai though Cervera would hardly get an opportun ity to "bombard Wall street." Qreat consternation muit prevail down at tha populiat rooat, ilard luck ; dead liar J luok. Tba Sunday School Association ol Columbia county will convene in thin city on Wednesday evening, June IS, t 8 p. m., continuing over Thursday. l)elugalea will plaaaa remember, Pro gramme will be mailed about the first ol the week. Mr. P. Ketohum, of Pike City, OuU ys: "During oiy brother lata sick ness from sciatio rheumatism, Cham barlaiu'i Pain linloi was the only rem edy that gave him any relief." Many others have testified to the prompt re lief from which this liniment ail'orda. For sale by Dr. Edwin Ross, druggist. Tha young ladies of Hoaltoo are thl week engaged In a laudable un dertaking, tttat of raising funda with which to purchase a flag for tha school Louse. This (Friday) evening they will give an ioe cream, coffee and cake social at that place, and me tha pro ceed to purchase tha flag. All good citisena ahonld encourage them by their presence and patronage. Re freshments will ooat you but 10 ceals. Everybody invited. Tha bouse of Joseph Coulter, of Vernouia, and Ita entire content, save trunk and tewing maohine, waa to tally detlroyad by Ore on Wednesday of last week. Further facta have not been learned by as, more than that Mia. Coulter waa frightfully burned . about tbt fact and band in saving what littl waa rescued. Tha lost i a awver blow to Mr. Coulter, being an elderly gentleman, neither able phys ically or financially to aiand it. I waa aariotwly afflicted with a cough for evml year, and last fall had ft more stvert cough than ever before. I have used many rtmediea without receiving much relief, and being rc Ornmentkd to try bottle of Chamber lain' Cough Remedy, by a friend, who, knowing me to be a po r widow, gave it to me, I fried It, and with tbt moat gratifying result. The Hrtt bot tle relieved ue very much, and the second buttle haa absolutely oured me. I have not had aa good health fur twenty years. Respectfully, Has. Maiy A. BiUBD.Clareinore, Arkauaaa. tlold by Dr. Edwin Rosa, druggist. Bad management keep more people In poor ciroumatanoea than any other one cause. To be successful one must look aliad and plan ahead so that when a favorable opportunity presents itself ha ia ready to take advantage of It. A little forethought will also aave much expense and valuable time. A nrudent and careful man will keop a bottle of Chamberlrtin't Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in tba house, the ahiftleva Mlow will wait until neceasily compels It and then ruin bia best horse going: for a doctor and havt big doctor bill to pay, betide; one pays out 85 cents, the other la out a hundred dollars, and then wonders ' why his neighbor la getting richer while he ia getting poorer. For sale by Dr. Edwin Rosa, druggist. ' 'PATIUOTI8M" KAN RAMPANT. Here ia a sample of the olasa of pto " tile the irovornment hua to deal with at home while it ia engaged ia ft ter rible war in tha defense of humanity, of houor, of decency and of integrity : "Vsrhonu, May 31, n mvtH. Era.. St. Helena: I wish to aend you a atatemant that VanDykt made here Saturday, 23, at the Kp blowout. He aaid'if it hadn't been for the money nower behind kicking Mo- Kinloy we wouldn't have had ihia un flixllv war. or unholy war. If MoKin- iv hail had his wav the Maine and soldiers would have been paid for in dollars and cenla jual the same aa so many dead hogs.' "A. ewonu. firm need not BO to Bpain to flud Hn.niah evinnalhiser. They art plen tifully distributed in our very midst, and a time advanoe their presence ; IwntftntitMa mors nalnfiillv ohviona. We itulinva that tha loval people of this slate and county will aeu to it on tha day of election that this element does not assume oontrolof our affaire. We bad no idea nntil within tha paat few days that our country' safety waa so threatened. . President McKiuley, in the honorable discharge of hia highest and most aacred duliea could expect wonderful assistance from auch peo ple. Only a few week ago thia same element were cursing the exeoutive because he did not hasteu, unprepared, into a war, and now that he ia doing - hia full duty no abuse ia strong tuough for them to utter. " EDUCATIONAL MEETING. Teacher and friend of the publio schools are invited to lake part in an dunatlnnal meeting to be held at goappoost on Saturday, June 11. The session will open at 9 a. m. and oonolude wilh a splendid programme In the evening. Th AHundanea of neighboring: teach en ia urged, and they are requested to come prepared to aid in making the meeting a success. .'",'. . Prof. Ackerman, of Portland, will be present and deliver an address in tne evening. The publio is cordially in vited to take part in the meetings, lw.l district officers. SUPT. J. U. Wa i'JO, Com. Mas. Mildrkd watth, A, N. FULICEBSO Mlht advocated bombardmect of Wall street haa played it part well. It bs liewn where people atand a regard good, (aft, secure government. Tbr fa ce!h!n ghvl In Urt hg to way publio opinion by tha use of anarchistic statemtnt, such a have oeen made oy the populist press of cvuaiy. J. N. Blct hat never yet made the statement, publicly or otherwise, that a us wert re-eieoted it wa hi Inten tion to run that office another two year for the alary and pay hi own deputy. Will Meatrvt ha to publicly pledged himself. Look out fur pro positions to trade rote on election day, Tha fusionists will sacrifice everrthlna and evervbodv on their tiokot for the cucooss of on man the sheriff. They havt inti mated that their scheme I this, so be on'your guard, republican. Fusionists-for-office are now openly acknowledging their dufeat. A prom inent populist waa hr1 to remark on the street here Wednesday evening that "our only show ia to get five or six republican votes in each preoinct for Rica." Yon won't get them. R. S. Hattan was heard to remark to his superior. J. N. Ric. Tuesday evening, as the Dixon was leaving this city, that "Moulton had just aa well be pulled down. He (land no show." This i only ent Indication. Wait till Monday, when you will come down with a dull, sickening thud. J. N. Rica haa never yat aaid that he condemned tha cowardly attack of tha New against our government's safety. Dos Mr. Rice aupposa the1 people of Columbia county will vote for the txistenot auch aheetT Rice i tba bone, sinew and blood of the Co lumbia county Mews. When Rice is dont tht New ia done, Why didn't Fay, tbt big populist gun from Seattle, speak here Wednes day eight? He eame btrt and round thera waa not enough enthusiasm to inaurt crowd of ten, to he loft an tbt next boat. Tbat'a a sample of populiat enthusiasm ia Columbia county, and show bow tba tide ia running. Jnat a weak or two before the popu list convention ia this county was bold most o( the space in tha new waa used to show that wherever a fusion be tween the doiiioorala and populists had been entered into the pops invar iably got tht worst of it. Now the whole combination is ia bed together again. Anything, 0 Lord, for office. Those who attended tbt populist convention la this city this spring will remember bow honest one old fellow waa when ht arose and aaid In regard to tha report ef the conference com mittee, whan it waa feared there would be bitch, and no fusion effected, re marking : "Mr. Chairman .'Thera is ona thing we can agree on, and that ia we want tht ornoe. It teem to us to be very low and degrading In any man to roam about tha county looking for people to sign slanderous articles, aa did the editor of the News, when ht went to Beaver valley last week and got a fellow to sign a lot of alush, which ia so com pletely refuted that there is not a per son in the eoonty who does not con demn him for hia cowardly acta, Wa suppose tht New man la be moaning tbt bottling up ol tha Span ish fleet in Santiago harbor, because there is littte chance now of Sanford' bosom friend, Cerera, having an op portunity to "drop a etray shell into Wall street." It must be discoursing, George, for you aa well aa the others whom tht government is watching, Ed Watt, after remaining In the hospital in Portland for over eleven weeks, returned home last Saturday. Ed ia alad to set home, even thoujrh heiaa cripple, and by taking good cart of himself he expects to ba able to go to work again in four or nve months. Hia leg ia about one inoli ahtrter than it wa. and with tba ax oeption of being quilt thin, ht looks quite natural. Candidatea on tha fution-for-ofnoe ticket bavt not yet stated to tha pub lio whether they approve or disapprove tht theory of bombarding Wall street, a advocated by the Columbia County Newa. That paper ba used so much tpaca lately in trying to convloe the publio that Wall street should be bom barded bv tha Spanish, that wa art now in a'atudy aa to wuotber every body i convinced or not. There ia unusual silence on the subject from certain quarter. W. H. Kyser, of Hudson, who ha charged W. N. Meserve of appropriate lug $5 from the school funds of dis trict No. 33, looked well to the faot that the records wert not obtainable before ha made tha aocusation. An Investigation will ahow that tht 15 waa voted to Mr. Meserve by tha board of dirctore for hia services for two year. Kyer knew the record were burned, and took advantage of the faot. Mr. Meserve ha been twice xlnniAd la office in this county and ha kept tvtry promise he ever maae, and will doo again. Tha newa man suvi if it were neces sary be could show that the advantage waa IB favor oi toe union uuu,uo.r. when it cornea to paying taxes in the county. He is a malicious uar, auu he knowa tt. . a. natiaa ana m editor of thia paper weut over the tax roll together, and figure mat appeareu in thia naoer two weeks ago were given to ua bv Mr. Hattan. J N. Rice does nnt. nav one cent of taxes in this county, but acoording to tut news Rice is one of the heaviest tax payers In the onuntv. Sanford lied; he ma, lioiously lied, and we dare him to print tha comparative amounts of tax paid by all the candidates, WILL THEY ANSWER. Tha nsonleof the loasr part of thsoounty would ilk to know If the oandldat on the damo-DOD-frM'tllver ticket In Columbia county approve of tbs language and senti ment expressed in the little anarchist sheet published in St. Helens In tb Issue of Msy 6th, 181)8, aa follows: 'Now that tbs war is actually on, if a stray shell from a Spanish waihip should reach Wall itreet, it would bs amoianltion We'hivit 1 . N. Bice, espec'1'?- and all the candidates on said ticket to publish their answer to th foregoing question. Clata kaute correspondent in Rainier Kevlew. FAILED TO ANBWEK. The New, In a long drawn-out arti cle last week made s feeble attempt to answer a few questions propounded to J, N, Rice by this patier week before last, but completely failed to satisfac torily explain any of them. It did ac knowledge tliousb, that Mr. Rica had repeatedly asked assistance from the county in carrying on the aftairs of the sheriffs office, after promising to do all tha work for the $1500 salary. It i very likely that the New will attempt to disprove everything this week, when It know it will be too late to corner them in their denial. In it explanation of tht question tht Newa would like to excuse Mr. Rica on tha grounds that there had been some extra work to do, but we want to again ask if Mr. Rice did not promise to do all the work for the sal ary f Wt were fair In the matter, aad asked Mr, Rice the questions in ample lime for him to have denied every one of them had they not been true. Aa to charging $3 for making a sher iff's deed, the News ears that Mr. Rice informs it that he has made but a few siaca he has been in office, and in many casta he has paid the full amount for legal advice and notary work on said deeds. It seems t" us that the work of making: a sheriff's deed would bt very simple, a tbt form is printed in blank, and all that Is necessary Is for tha sheriff to properly describe the land and aee that dates ara properly entered, and if he cannot do that with out the aid of an attorney it aeems h ia quite unfit to perform any of the dutiea without an attorney to watch blm. If the purchaser ia so particu lar in thia respect let tha txpente bt bornt by tht purchaser. Tha News evaded tht question of whether or not Mr. Rice, if re-elected, Intended to pay hia own deputy hire. It citad an utterance of Candidate Jarred West, wherein Mr. West aaid if ha wert elected bt would see that neither sheriff or clerk got more than the statutory salary, but Mr. Rica haa not aid before or since tba last popu list convention that ha would pay bis own deputy. If bt intend to do to why does ha not ma at mt matter known to the public through tha press of tht county as baa Mr. Meserve. Wa wish only to be fair in thia mat ter, and since the populist havt made so much noise about reducing expen ses of tht county, we want Mr. Rice taatatt fairly and cquareiy wfcatne intends to do. WHAT Fit Alt KB 8 AID. The republican party did not tell J. N. Rica two years ago that ht had to run tht sherifTa office for the aalary. It waa Mr. Rice's own proposition, and after he taw that ha bad undertaken a big job, and tried repeatedly to aeourt assistance from the county, it was on the oocasion of one of those appeals that Commissioner Frakes, iu a jok ing manner, said to Rict that it waa hia (Rice's) fault that bt bad to pay hi out deputy. Mr. Frakes told Mr. Rict that be would have to atay with lit proportion; be wonld get no as sistance on tba deputy salary from the eountv buard. Here ia a statement from Commis sioner Frakea wbicb will explain tbt matter fully t SoAprooB, May 23, "97. "Editor Mist: Ia answar to an articla in the News in regard to offer ing Rico bis deputy hire, I will say that if I aver told J. N. Rice it was hia own fault for paying hit deputy it waa some time when he (Rice) was Irving to lobby a bill through the court for some extra work in the sher iff's office, and state that he waa de serving of sympathy because be had to pay bit own deputy. "P. A.-Fb AXES. Mr. Frakea, if re-elected, will tea to it that every man who promises to run an office for a certain figure will bt held atriotly to the promise. FHOM NKHALKM. "Vmkohia, May 30, "98. "Doe Mr. Rice wish to seek hia elec tion bv allowing hi methpiece, San ford' Newa, to criminally slander the character of Mr. JieserveT we pre diet that the voter will render a ver. diet June 6th. that will be more con vincing than mere word, that they do not approve of uch cowardly attack upon tba good name oi our surveyor. "B. r. UAU.ABU. "A Nlsaer tn tbt Fence." Us. Unmm ihli atrlks th voters: Mr. William Blackford, of, Mayger, ststed be fore the meeting at Detena Sunday that J. K Ri.. ..1,1 in him before the convention n.ni.,in.iiff t.t ha niiulri notnarwould not run the onics oi sheriff again for th aalnry.' " .... "There has besn some kind of sn under standing between Mr. Kice and the leading nrintiiiwia in viva mm avsaiini atttva v dwusv ort other than the salary. It may b that if their coimnUsloner is eifeiea luey wouiu liars a malority in the court, and allow him deputy fees." ClaUkani Chief. There certainly Is sometmng in wis state ment because Mr. Kic bas navar denied It, neither bas he sver publicly or any other way stated that be would run tbs sheriffs office another term for the statutory sat ary and pay bis own deputy. We do know that Kic bas repeatedly said that be could not or would not do tt again. DruilnllT Ntrvsai. fi imm . T dreadfully nervous, and far Miiai tnnlr vmir Karl's Clover Root Tea. It quieted my nerves ana sirungiimoBM u.j i. K.mnni Hvntmu. I was troubled with constipation, kidney and bowel troub le. Your tea soon oieanseu my wnw oy tern so thorouKhly that 1 rapidly regained hclth and streneth. Mrs. 8. A. sweet. Hartford, Con. Bold by Dr. Edwin Boss. Royal nakM ta leoa para, waolssoai aad tfsUeieae. W.J A.bulktvMt sm.,i eivm. mwr,rs on., Mrwvnm, POPULIST MEETING. Mamhu.xo, Oregon, May 22, Editor Mist: I want to send yoo a few popullut pointers l(t us by Mr. Tlmnions, o! fat. ilelens. To begin with, they tihat Is Kaitt him (T.'!rr","'", with Kice, and there were not pop enonph out to introduce their spuaker, so blierilf Rice tackled a coiinle of our etaunchest republi can with the aimlogy that there was no on there to Introduce their man. but he could not get the boyto come u that "by a JURtul. iiut fortunately tnere was a airay pop eame along and fUed the introduction uiatter up, and then we got the following: That the hard time could be overcome by iiuiuhig money to thssnionnt of tftO.OO per capita; that Mark Hums had besn con victed of bribery; that MoKinley. on ac count of the t MX).0(X),000 Spanish bonds, bsd sent bis meaaage or declaration (t do not remember which he used) to Bpain 4 days before be sent it to coiifcreM, for Spaaiiib consideration; that in 1)6. 80 per cent of tb people owned their b3me j that In 18H5 but 27 per cent owned their borne on ac count of misrule, robbery, and monooiy; that in Mexico (for b bad been tnere) tliey paid their labor double what America does; (why don't he go bsck, then'); that Mr. Kay shot Mr. iiolrman en direct advice trma ili.lrtot attnrn.il' office, but Said bt always had fair treatment at the hands of the present district iudge so much for the judge. Kva-WiTMKSs. BACHBhOH FliATB. The present rainfall bas done aa fncalcu- ItMa mount nf rood in this section. Ciops of all kinds ar thriving well. Charles Clark and family are at home amniii, after a three- or four-weeks' visit in Warren ana vicinity. Miss Ruth Kegels is quite sick this week. anied by his family, was on bis rauch last bunday. Messrs. HaNer sad Early have Just com pleted grubbing a piece of land for late po tatoes. fiord wood lcfiTM this olace for St. Helens t tha rata of about DO cords per week when tha toads are drv enough for hauling. The flnrtia comnanv are not taking the oppor tunity of securing s good quantity andqual- tv of wood which will soon be on tne ha arret in St. Helen, after lb road are in good condition. We wonder if newspapers ar published ta educate our people in good common sense or ilana. If in slang, th News sorely ought to be able to educate a large number after tne coming election. I that they have go dressed in tatters and rags, and cannot naruiy ao wet nnaer jacmuiey auminmixa tion. If such people as that would go to work, instead of going around over tbecoun try preaching op populism, they could go as well dressed aa anybody under McKinley, Cleveland, or limy tsryan aamiuisiraiion, When von hear a man saving that the eovernment Is not carried on in sight, you can constdor he Is a populist office-seeker who would like tu run the government s nuance in bis pockets. Rev. M. Burllngame, pastor of the M. E. church at Rainier, Oregon, wilt preach in tht CouEreeational church at that place next Sunday at 11 a. m. and o p. m. Every candidate on tha populiat ticket haa said by their ailenct that they heartily endorse the anarchy and treason advocated by their puppetSan ford. They rather like it ; it'a in keep ing with the other principles they ad' vocate. This ennntrv has aenilt-edeed credit that enables It to maintain an expenaiv war in toe lace oi tue nnirienaiy continent ot an- rope. This oremt has come under tne gow staadsrd and net ander the silver staudard. Tb prices of everything that Oregon pro duces, except goto iteir, nave increasea under the void itandard. free Silver can claim no credit for this, for we have no free silver. Here is actual experience. Free silver cannot possibly make oar credit stronger. It might impair it. It cannot Dossiblv inormue onr Druses. A mistaks about this question would not only hurt re publicans but it would hurt populists and democrata as well. Therefore it ia the part of prudence to run no chances, and while credit is good and prices up to lat things alone. It will be time enough to try free silver when we bare wbiuped Spain, ana don't need our eredit as we ao now. jDIKU. SEXTO. At Kaiuier, Uregon, at 8 p m. on Sunday, May 2aih, 1SU8, Kate M. Sexton, wife of M. Sexton, aged 32 year, 5 month, and 19 day. Deceased waa a euffursr of that moat dreuded disease consumption, and left a husband and five children, besides a number of relatives and friends, to mourn her untimely demise. The funeral services were conducted at the residence by Rev. M. Burlingamo, and ibe body wa interred in tht Rainier cemetery. 9UHU1I.1I. Diitold-Mortoh. At tht residence of tbt bridti'a parents, near Rainier, Oregon, on June 1st, 1898, Mi Port . Morton and Mr. Will S. Dippold, Rot. M. Burlingtmt offic iating. for coiistirmtion take Karl's Clover Koot Tea, the ureal blood purifier. Cures head ache, nervousness, eruptions on th face, and makes the head clear as bell. Hold by Dr. Kdwm Koss. ' OA0VOXIXA. Bssrstib yaylht tot Yo h kmn BiggM Ih Kiud Yon Hat Hum i Blgsstsit f Catarrh Cured. A clear head and sweet breath secured with Bhiloh's Catarrh lern eiiy, sold on a guarantee. Kasal injector free, bold by Dt. jtawm koss. OASSUOTIIA. Stint Tra Kind Yon Haw iways Boagfrt Bhiloh's Consumption Cure cures where others fail, It is tbe leading oougb. cure, snd no home should be without it. Pleas ant to take and goes right to th spot. Sold bj Dr. JMwiu Koss. OAOTOTIIA. What Dr. A. E. Salter tuys. Burru, N. Y. Gents: From my per sonal knowledge, gained in observing the effect of your Shiloh's Cure in oases ofd- vanced ConatimpUon, I sm prepared to say it is the most remarkable Remedy that has aver been broneht to my attention. It has certainly saved many front Consumption. Bold by Ut. Miwin ttosa. , CASTORIA lot Infants Mid Children. Ha Ihi Ys-J K2a Afep E:rf Bear tht eignfttturt of Cure that cough with 8hiloh's Cur. The best Couitli Cure. Relieves croup promptly. One million bottles sold last year. 40 doses for 25 ocuts. Bold by Dr. Edwin Ross. H ESIOIUAIj bxehcibes. DiiKs Islasd, Oregon, May 81, 1888. A combined memorial and Bug-raising exercloe wan given at this place on Decora tion fray bv the Deer Inland school, aited by Miss Itaie Wetle and s- ho.il of Caanan auwei. tlit!t vrai !r"--i b" only memorial exercises, bot both districts becoming enthusiastic in regard to a flag, decided to buy one far ea:h of the schools and have a nag-rawing oi t,n uwr u.s school flag as a part of ourexerenwa. W nil this slso recitations ana songs pertaining to the Bpautah war war added to tha pro . ' ...1.1 1. lt,nrnMI ranime. we wore smraiw 7 " V. tt. Dlllard. of bt. Helens, who made, at the beginning of th flag-raining exercises, an excellent address, which will never be forgotten by bis appreciative audience. Also Mr. Diilard kindly elneed our memorial exercises with remarks to the children and patrons of the school. His sddresaes. so (nil ot patriotism ana inuwiwui 01 highest type, will long be remembered by tha neoni of this tommnnity. Wot only do the teachers and pupils join us in thank ing Mr. Dillard for tbe favor snown bs, dui we feel safe In saying the whole comm unity loin us. We also render thanks to Hon. v. U. espies, 01 uoiuinoia vivy, w m. .mu um.rk. t tha elo.it of ear programme. and the flag-pole which he donated to tiie Deer Island school. Also do we thank the patron ot our school who sssisted in the decorations snd music. And w roost heartily thsnk those who helped iu raising fun,!, ft.r onr flara. Th following is a Hit of those who eon- trthntod to the Deer Inland nag: A. A, Merrill, C. English and son, Susie ana ions Merrill, C. I.. Olson, tieo. ursgg, B J. Barnes. L. Merrill, Harry fcnyari. J as. (iaittens, B. C. Hoadley, Uura Morrill, Mabel Herri II. liertna Merrill, imsin mr .ill W W IMurl UJ.rr.n 1 If (nrlP. Waltr J. binder', Walter B Oeorge, K. fceffert. 8. W. Esrlv. C. A. Merrill, Herman ocurain, i. M. I'ayne. The teacher and puptu oi veer isiana school wish further to thank Mr. Chas. Kmrlkh. ir.. for his kind eltort tn so sue. cesnfuily presenting ear flag subscription list to the people. The following U tbe programme oi tne flar.raiamar and memorial exercises: KlHK-raising song and salute. ......Schools l(,li,i -Htara and Stripes" , t Ilessie Glendy P.ll.Hon"T)i. Fias ia Passine Bv". . . xrana uors 8ong-"OurFlsg" Bcbools Racltatlan "Remember tbs Maine Laura Merrill Recitation "Oregon" Haxel Gore Recitation "An Ode to Don".rjeiuerayne Becittio-"Our Boys in Blue".....,... Mabel Merrill Song" Battle Cry of Freedom" . . . . 8c hools Bong "-scalier tne r iower, wu Essay "IMscoreuon vkw - jo. m.riui Kacitalion -Tha lllue and tbe Gray". . .HelUe Payne Recitation "Decoration Day" ... Elmer Olson Dialogue "Memorial Day," by the Deer inland acxtooi. unaracicra: dsmwwiwi- dye, Columbia; Walter George, father Time; May Knyart, May; Robert OlsonS anrl Atnar memlMra ol scnooi. r lowers. Recitation "Somebody 'a Darling" ..... . , loa uiinj Recitation "Our Heroes".... Iona Merrill Song "Memorial." Recitation" United at Iit" . . May Knyart limitation "Decoration Day". .. ...... Laura Merrill Recitation" Drummer Boy"......... . Myrtle Fowler, of Peris, Oregon Radiation "Our Valiant Dead" Willi Bompsrdner Recitation "Drafted". . . . Bessie Oleudy Recitation "The Dying Soldier" ........ nina Annrese Hesitation "You Put no Flowers on My Papa's Grave .....Miss Litiio Wetle Requiem song. Recitation "Th Two Mysteries Nellie Payne Memorial acrostic, by Ada Payne, Mabel Merrill, Edna Olson. Flora Estyart. Ines Olson, Libbi Fowler. lone Merrill, Bertha Merrill. Jennie Piuckney, Guy 8wsger, Klnora Payne. Recitation "Decoration Day". Anna Olson Recitation "A Bjby's Grave" . Mabel Merrill Song "Hall th Glory of Freedom's Glad Light." Becitation "Memorial Day" , Winnie Andreas Recitation "Scatter tb Bloom" Uelii Pinckney Dialogue "Columbia." Closing song Marching song: "Tramp, Tramp, the Boy ara Marching." Karl's Clover Root Tea. tor consumption it's tbe beat and if after using it you don't say so, return the package and get your money, hha dj it. eoin wj TREASURER'S NOTICE. Coomyy Tasasoasa's Omen, Kt Hii.imb. Or.. Mar S. M98. OTICB 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT ALL unpaid County Warrant ol Columbia Connly, Oresron, which have been presented and endorsed: "Not Paid tor Want ol Funds,' prior to Nor. 1, 1H!6, will ba paid upon presen tation at this office. Interest will not be allowed after tills date. s, a. kbakhis, Bi6jS Treasurer of Columbia County, Oregon. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Ljlkd Owes ar Ossoojt Crrr, Oa.. Mav 7th. 189(1, k-rOTIftS IS HKRRBY GIVEN THAT THB IN followlng-nauied settler haa filed notice of his lnteution to make Snal proof In aupportof hia claim, and that said Drool will do maae Be fore the County Clerk of Columbia county, at bt. Ueleua, Oregon, on Jim 'loin, vm, mi BKRNHAKD MATHISBON, Rmtatwul Entrr. No. 10.668. for the northeast of southeast 'A of section 11, south 14 of soutta- linn 17 tnurnnhln7 north. TAtiSti 4 We.t. He names the followtna wiiueases to prore nis continuous residence upon ami cultivation of saKl land, vis: K. is. t nipman, u. ay verso n and Jesse B. Jonas, ot Qitlnry, Oregon, and . r. Buyder, of ciauKanie, Oregon. . 13) CUAo. B. UeRUter. NOTICE fOR PUBLICATION. Lakh Orric At Oasoon Crrr, Oa., MavlE. ISM. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THK followini-namiid settler has Died notice of hia Intention to mate final proof in upiort of his claim, and that sold proot will tie maae -(,,r the Conntv Clerk of Coltmbta County at at. ttelens, Oregon, on June mn, jtstn, via; EMMONS HUKLL, ' tTnmMteaA Entry No. lO.udS. for the southeast U. of section 11, township S north, range I west. Be naaies the follo wing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and anltivation of said land. Vis: William n. jtiumKaraner ana Michael Fresh, of Deer Island, Oietron, and Wal tar B. Duel) and Harry R. ClitT, of lit. Helens, Oregon, m'ioit cuAg. a. hookch, ttguter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud Orncs at Oscooa Crrr, On.. N OTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler haa Died notice of his Intention to make final proof in aupportof his claim, and that said proof will be nixie be fore the county clerk ut uoramon county at ov. Helens, uregon, ou juusxo, lews, viai FKANK 80H1ESKI, Homestead Entry No. WHS, for the west H of northeast !- aud east ii ot northwest H of see tlnn 27. tnwnshiD 5 north, ranee S west. He uaroea the followihg witnesses to prove hlsoontlnuoua rsaideoue upon, anu cuiu?.tin of said land, vis: JftnaU olniek, T. A. otnda, Stephen Lamps and William K.arth, all of Vat- lev, Oregon m'aojM CBAfl. B. M00BKS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lams Orric ai Oaaooii city, 0., May 12. im. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has Bled notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the oonnty clerk of Columbia county, at ot. Hslens,Oregou.ouJuue'itita,iwi, vis: , WILLIAM KARTH, Hair of CAROUNK KARTH, docessed. Homestead Entry No. SUM, for the wait H ol northeast H of section llt, lownanip norm, He names the following witnesses to prove his oontinuous residence upon, and cultivation of said laud, vis: iKimtx Slntck, T. A. Simla, Stephen Lamps and WUfonl Miller, all ol V ai- m&iSiregOB CHAS. R MOORK8, Register. Notice ol Final Settlement. N OTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT j. V. Lankin, as administrator of the estate ot John Keller, deceased, has mco hi. final account, and that June ftth, 1HS8, .1 s o'clock d. m. bas been by tbs County Court of Columbia county, Orepm, ap pointed as tbe time for hearing objections thereto and tbe settlement therror. I. V. LAN iCl, Administrator pf th stste of John KeMer, deceased. wtga AW O A sag J. I LmmM j I 0 iViU I sM m atfffh. V. ATCrr.TVn W THE COURTS OUR, EICHf TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF TIMS' WORD "CASTORIA," AKB "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," A3 OUR. TRADEMARK I, Da SAMUEL PITCH ER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, ( vas the originator ef "CASTORIA,' the sama that has borne and does now hear nr 1 m evcrH the foe-simile, signature cfJJMcil wrapper. This is the original "CASTORIA" which has IccA used it the liomes of the ITothen of America for over thirty ycarsi LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it m the hind you have always taught on tha 1 and has the signature of CJfdcZt! wrap- per. No one has cxdlioritg from me to use my name except I The Centaur Company, cf which Clias. II. Fletcher is President i V ' T Bo ITet Bo' BocciirecL . ' Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting1 f a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you j (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in- i gredients of which even "TJ19 Kind You Hayo Always Bonr DEAF.3 THE 0 jK4.frT Insist on Having Tho Kind That IToTer Bailed Yen. y v 'ajyay V-V VV W W HARRIS' CASH GROCERY I Xeeps always on hand all kinds of I ; siapie aad fisney groceries and ; - i provisions, farm pro-duce, tropical For YOUr : and domwtic frulu in seaa.Ni. Hue (jrOCSrieS. i teaaand eoileea. tobaeoandciKara. zzzzszzzzzzzzz ' A fine line of uonfectionery aio in i stock, and rariouaotberapacisities. CORNER COWLITZ AND MAIN STREET. ST. HELENS, OR. 2 BLstJatJSu1UBiaua9Kataa i aA r.;intirsra!Jij ST. HELENS PHARMACY Dr. EDWIN ROSS, Proprietor. f WtMWtl 1 I 1 I I f aasi ji, t WWWW. 1 Patent Medicines, PKRFUMCS AND Prescriptions.. Carefully and Accur ately Compounded.... DAY OR NIGHT. Cignrs. Id war i ww wnr tt- A " t,Mim sw DART & naJa Street, DtoJtn in. 6EKSZU MERCHANDISE III DART & nr cii. a ST. HELENSMEAT MARKET Meat by Wholes!) At Special Rates. MAIN BTRFET, TIUCKLE BROS MANUrAOTURERS OF Dimenninn Lumber, Flooring, Rustle, Pheath inv, tKalnsj. aud a combine alouk of every variety u( T a"Vvt v jvnrnrn ip'"-"t ALWAYS ON HAND AT TttK OLD 8TAKD, ST. HELENS, Ott f-Mas mm" i .'-;'; is U M if, L j Ma j, k iWa ne does not know, SIGATUr OF 1 f W V1 V1 V "V JVrV,Wtl V 'WW'e9Q " i Fancy Toilet Articles. FANCY STATIONERY. Complete Line of. fU&lUeJslil. Jl School Books. and.. School Supplies mm ia.ala a, an iar mi m m stir j&mbj MUCKL ' i St. HeieM, Oregoa. Choice Q recede Always en hand. Flonr, grain, and feed. Tobacco and cigars, and smokers' articles, itotiona, eta Barawarc in CROCKERY AND TINWARE. ...Dry Goods... Inclndlrifr Keneral aftmrtmenft of cloth Inif, fiirEiliiiri.ti?t tiiddrtwagtXMifl. Aiw ft Uu iin ul buuw aud juiotts. UCKLE St. Kelciis, Oregon. sM ' - James If. ShL ST. HELENS, OREGON. ncnta fK,sa V Vt Jtb L. DEC ST. HEIXM, t - ST.,1 . . t..i,ri A, 1 i