OREGON MIST. - CAVID DAVIS. KufeArrlpti.st Hate. Oi erv on. rw i advance...-.... II f 60 , V tlx muuUiit.... ferial wj.y. ...... .. Advertism rat ids known agon application COLUMBIA COUNTY DIRECTORY. Couuty Ol fleet Jn4?e ........Joseph B. Doan, Rainier Clvrk . Judson Weed, Vemoma tinrtiif J- N. Wee. Cletskanle Tnwurer ....E. X- Wharton (. Huleua S,!t. ol Buhooll J, O. Watte, Seapwioae Ammkw... Martin While, Qulney autv.yor... W. N. Meoerve, Patena loronar,.... Dr. A. P. McLaren. Rainier Coouatssloness ;;;,;;.,. d. Peterson, Mist ST. BELRKli BEOW, WAT ST. Stats Eeptllca Ticict For Governor T. T. GEER of Marion. For Supreme Judue - - F. A. MOOKE of Columbia. Fur Btata Seoretarf ...F. I. DUNBAR of Clatsop. For State Treasurer CHA8. S. MOO EE of Klamath. For State Printer W. H. LEEDS of Jackson. Attorney Gen., D. K. N. BLACKBURN of Lion. 8upt, Instruction ... J. AOKERMAN of Multnomah. CONGRESSIONAL. For Congress...... ...M. A. MOODY ol Wasco. Fifth Judicial District. Forjudge ..T. A. McBRIDB of Clackamas. For Dit. Attorney . . . T. J. CLE ETON of Colnnibi. Board Equalization W. A. SMITH of Clackamas. Columbia County. For Representative.. DR. J. E. HALL ForOocnty Clerk .J. G. WATTS For County Sheriff. .W. N. MB3ERVK For Commissioner... ..P. A. FRAKE8 For Treasurer DR. EDWIN ROSS For School Sop't.. I. H. COPBLAND For Assessor MARTIN WHITE For Surveyor. ..... .GEORGE HAYES For Coroner ....DR. A. P. McLAKKN prccinct neitrr. For Jntie of the Peace R. COX For Constable L. L. DECEER America for Americans. Iiong May i It wave O'er the Bone) of the Free ' ftad the Land of the Brave." Toe statements contained in tb Hew last week relative to the financial condition of the conaty are absolntaly false and mis leading, (molar as the resources applicable to the redaction of the indebtedness are concerned. While the table printed showed the indebtedness to be 160,000 on the Brat of April, no mention was made of the fact tba since that time there has been re ceived by Treasurer Wharton $24,787.35, with current taxes and land redemptions yet to come in this year, which amount will easily aggregate f 18,000 more to be deducted from tbe amount of the indebtedness, which will bring that amount down to quite near the 125000 indebtedness mark. Thus it will be aeen that the News purposely misrepre sents tba facts in the case by not deducting the resources. There is no reasonable ex cuse for such misleading statements, thus creating in the minds of the public a feellny of distrust and discontent. The financial affairs of the county are at present in a most encouraging condition, and if the voters will but exercise tlis same degree of caution, cars, and prudence that has characterized the official acts of Judge Doan and Commissioner Frakea, and re elect tba latter gentleman to the office to which he now aspires, Columbia county will forge ahead in a financial way at a rate which will almost relieve it from a burden of indebtedness by the time bis term of office will have expired. There is nothing bnt a dishonest spirit manifest in making such statements as those contained in that table, and demon strates clearly to the public that the News has no Interest in the welfare of the county, else there would hava been some mention made of the matter in a favorable sense. Caitoidatcs witbonta party is the predic ament the fusionista of Columbia county are in. True, there were two conventions held, bat for what purpose T A few in eith er tarty worked to scheme, and carried their point well, against the honest pro testations of many in each party. It is a Well known fact that a majority of demo crats have no use for a populist, and It is also a well known fact that the raak and file of populists have no use for the demo cratic party, but through the Intriguing of a few in either party the match was mad and the ceremonies of the wedding were conducted in two parts. The result is that all the candidates in opposition to the republican party ia this county have been nominated by petition. They have ho fi xed principle, no organisation. There never waa such a condition of affairs before exist ing ia this county. It has simply resolved itself dnwn to a contest between an old or ganised party and a conglomeration of place hunters. Candidates without a party, com pelled to run (or office on nominations made by petition is no party. They are re sponsible to no ene and hare no organisa tion to back them. The names will appear on the official ballot as democratic-peoples- union, further evidence of the match for of fice only. A very large par cent of the dem ocrats in Columbia county are not partici paling la the celebration of the nuptials. It Ii rennrtad that if Kirn? i elected gov ernor be will appoint Ohas. H. Fisher, edit tor of the Review, adjutant general of tbe O. K. G. This would be a very appropriate appointment, ss it would be hard to 'deter mine which has th greatest antipathy to the nsiioaal guard. Tmerk ai other waiter to b considered at this time equal ia importauc to war news, big rope, and high prices. It Will ml tlo to overlook the importance; of re publican victory in this state in the June election. The defeat or the republican party at this time would be inexplicable on any other grounds than that the people of this state had lost their heads. The farmers, sheep men, and cattlemen must tolly real ise what the republican party has aoooni pltsbed for them during the past few years, and indeed what it baa aooonipllshed for them at all times in the past whenever in possession of the executive and the law making power ef the land. Those who at tack the principle of protection as a mere abstract economic proposition are growing wonderfully less each succeeding year. The fact Is no one would care to make a cam paign any longer, preaching free trade as a blessing to the "poor man." A man who would now talk free trade to an intelligent audience would be looked upon as a sort of curiosity, and would be unable to hold for a minute the attention of an audience. As tii time approaches for the June elec tion it becomes more apparent every day that the county republican ticket wilt be elected by a handsome majority. There was never a stronger, cleaner, more compe tent list of candidates presented for the suf frages of Columbia connty than that put forward by the republicans at the last con vention. More than a manth has elapsed since the convention was held, and yet we have to hear the first word of fault or criti cism in regard to a single man on the ticket. They are, without exception, men of the highest standing and most unquestioned integrity among their fetlow-citisens. Tbe voters of Columbia connty know that their interests will be guarded with the most scapuloua care so long as they are in the hands of inch men, and they hare no de sire to take any chances present. Them ia a republican wave sweeping over the state of Oregon this year that will swep fiatism, repudiation and anarchy off the globe. Fanners are too busy just now arranging for the harvest of dollar bushels of wheat, handling and preparing for mar ket U cent wool; loggers too busy in an ef fort to get their logs to market, for which they can now get 4.S0 and $5.00 per thous and, to listen to the bowls and shriek of a party of repudiatianists and anti-govern ment agitator. This industrious dement remember too well the experience of the four years past, up to a year ago. Tee Dispatch has not been in harmony with the method which are to bring about a union of tbe free silver forces, because it believed and now doe think it, bad and dishonest politic. If the old democratic party has principles they are worth defend ing at all times. In time the better sense of the people would permanently adopt them. The desertion of principle for a tem porary victory is not going to make converts to the cause. We believe there is yet a democratic party .-Portland Dipatch(dem.) It is of paramount importance this year that Oregon should elect a sound money legislature. "Ai goes Oregon, so goes the nation," may be a fact as well as a sort of campaign catch-phrase. Such things do have a wonderful influence on election re sults, and in view of this it is well to make our election as strongly republican a pos sible in order that our brethren in the East may be embued with our Western spirit to conquer tbe erase ef nansra. a v . , a and a half aeo a nresidential elec tion took place in the country, in mis thm mm a fnnion for nresidential electors. There were two populists, one democrat, ana on repuoncan on me mm for Bryan. The democrat ana repuuiican ran even, ana toe aemocr. scraitneu wui nAnnltit, nH ran them about two hundred below tb old party men. How can popn- .. . ... n w 1 : -. lists trust mem now i uregon rupuus. Vonasin Colombia county should not forget the fact that our esteemed fellow cit izen Hon. Frank A. Moore, chief justice of the supreme court, is a candidate for io 1 action this year, and it should be our aim and pride to give him a large majority from this county. Mr. Moore has served tbe people faithfully, baa been an industrious and able judge, and bis retention in tbe high official capacity he now holds should be the pride of all Columbia county. &OMSBODY ha discovered that Admiral Dewey is a republican. It makes no differ ence whether he be a democrat or republi can, be is a loyal citizen and a valliant sol dier, and it will not be heard from his lips or learned from bis pen that Wall street should be bombarded. Nothing but a traitor and anarchist would entertain such contemptibly mean ideas, and Admiral Dewey Is neitner one. If the people are to give confidence to the promises made for reform, such men as Starr and his kind cannot be kept at the head of the party. The stream will never be purer than it source, and no one will even suspect that honest politics can come from such a channel. Tbe fusion move ment cannot carry Starr and Kilfeatuer any more than it can Young and U'ren. Port end Dispatch, (Dem.) Tbxbb are three kind of gold-bug in Umatilla county. Tbe first and most im portant of all is the wheat grower; then comes the sheep-raiser, and tbe man with a small bunch of cattle seem to be pretty well informed on tbe money question him self. The men who control these three in terests in Eastern Oregon are to this section what WaU street is to New York City, Republican. Do yon think for a moment that people are silly enough to vote a party out of pow. er that has been tbe direct mean of mak ing it possible for loggers to resume opera tion ia tbeir large camp, thus furnishing employment to hundred of men at wage not equaled in the last five years f Tbe lum ber interest of Columbia county are of too great magnitude to be tampered with by flatiits. A journal wbicb would attempt to incut- cat in the mind of the young generation a disloyal spirit should be condemned by toy al people and confiscated by the govern ment, Tbe insult might be overlooked if it came from a person who knew no better, but as it i tb spirit is too manifest and the person giving utterance to it stands con. demned in the community in which he re side. ': - The people of this county, and particu larly those of this vicinity of Rainier, will Vote (or W. N. Meserv for sheriff, almost to a man. Mr. Meserv is one of us; he is a 'taxpayer and always hss been; a gentle man and one of th very best boy in Co lumbia county, and pledge himself, if elected, to do the duties of th office for tb alary as fixed by law. Rainier Review, Thbh "Cyclone" Davts patriot from Texas I is tospsak In Oregon. Whenever a cyclone eotae it brings only devastation and rnln. When on is approsoMns; a ermn try tb people bide in their oellare to get out of the path of the worst kind of a de destroyer. People avoid cyclones as they would a pestilence or tbe devil, and they wilt avoid this on from Texas. Tat ambition of the individual 1 not all that is at stake in Oregon politics this year by all means. A great principle Is involved that mean more to tbe nation than the av erage voters comprehend. The Eagle ur ge all to consider calmly and dispassion ately thia question of voting and permit their conscience to determine the duty Of good ciUienehtp. Milton Eagle. Oos next secretary of state will be F, I. Dunbar, of Astoria. His home people rec ommend him as a competent and upright man. All voters can always know where to find Mr. Dunbar politically. He does not switch for an office, and would not be found on a fusion ticket after having been honored by his party. There is uo treach ery in him. As A war governor. King would be worse than a failure. When in the legislature he opposed sny measure for the support of the militia, and bis supporters beast of It, The same militia boys are now marching away to fight for their country. King can not be depended upon, and the people will see that he is not placed In the governor's chair. Wilis a man will preach anarchy and treason in an attempt to sway public opin ion in the hope of catching votes for a party who arc hi sympathisers, it seem to us that a fitting rebuke would be the "orna mental Ion of some handy tree" with bis disloyal carcass. Weils war is the great concern of us all at th present time, and may be for some time to come, we must remember our home duty and vote the republican ticket the party that lead n in war as well as In peace. Vote the republican ticket ftom top to bottom this year. Tsui is no more imnortant office in this county thsa that of county commissioner. Our whole financial condition rest upon the commissioners' court. This offios should not be tilled for the next four years by any other than the present incumbent, Mr. P. A. Frakes. iTALCOLTl A. nOODY. BKPDBLICAh KOmsTgg FOB COHORISg BECUHD DISTRICT. Wnw wouldn't the areat state of Oregon cut a pretty figure In the galaxy ef states, k ,! Ur Kins' aa her war governor. A man who has always denounced and vil- lified the national guard, would be a nice man lo have in the governor's otnee during war times. Tv vanr Invaltv and oatriotism is of tbe clean stuff, you will show It on election day by voting only Tor men wno win sustain our brave boys now in the field and against those who have denounced and derided them. u. 1 a Witti will be tbe next county clerk. Hi personal worth and popularity assures it. He Is a Columbia county born and raised yoang man, and tb host 01 friends he possesses will see that he is elect ed. Tbi Individuals who usually spend all their lire telling editor how they ought to run their naners. will now giv the editors a rest in order to tell the government how to fight the war. WniL you are remembering the Maine, do not forget to vote for a man who will help, with his ballot, to sustain the govern ment while it is remembering the Maine, JoixiaT. A. MeBaipa wlU be elected over bis opponent by a very large majority. His wide acquaintance in the district, his abil ity and fitness insure htm a large vote. Tb young men, and tha older one too, are out working for Will Meserve for sher. Iff. All the fee he collect will be turned over to County Treasurer Bos. A vote for Malcolm A. Moody 1 a vote for honest legislation and a support of the present administration in the war to free Cuba. - ' "" ' - ' ''' ; ' For a considerable time many newspaper spelled Manila with two II', but it seem now that Dewey must have knocked 1 out of it. Some of our fusion populist are already confessing that fusion is a failure and should not bava been indnlged in. Oregon Popu list. The campaign liar baa assumed his vo cation. Look out for him and treat him with tbe contempt all liar deserve. RaniMBKathatDr.J.E. Hall is an old soldier and will stay by the soldier boy In a time ef need. Vote for him. f fr-t is eoinln. out with Increasing dlattnotness that ther are many anarchists and Spanish sympathisers In our midst. There is not a saau on tue republican tiuk t wha ia not entitled to lour vote If you have the good of th county at heart. Tm Ntaann tha Hnanish fieet kent olf the grass one Sunday morning lately was be cause It was pretty vewey. EtkCt W. H. ld etate printer. The nanula will not turn down a true and tried official for a fusion colt. Vot tor men who stand by their princi ples, rather than men who have void them selves for office. It you want to vote with the majority this Ume Join the republican rank. FABHa Geer will get there with both feet and they are not email either. HE IS A THilTOH. Da ttt.t mr la nn tr a atrav shell from a Rnaniih warshln should reach Wall street It would be ammunition well pnt." Co lumbia County (Ur.)New(dmo-popuiiai. The above utterances are from a oonulist paper, bat we are glad to note that all the party is not of the same mind as the editor of the News. Wall street ha contributed more tor the success of the war with Spain than any other section nieu ss wen as MAim. Th time htks naasafi tnarrav class against class, and the sooner traitors like the New man are put out of the way tbe better far society and our government Kal so Journal. GRADUATING EXERCISES. Programme for tbe graduating exercise of the St. Helens publio school, on Friday evening, May 27th, 1898. 1. Violin solo. . . MIssBelrr O 17 . I u,ln Tka-Mf fc:..htt4ellftVl . 1Ul.sU fWVitssS iiuHf"""' g. Essay Miss Maud Watts 4. Recitation... Mim Beckie Mughain a M,.I.. Mixllun Milia 7! Recitation. M iss Urnce Dart 8. Essay....... Miss Nettle Ohsrlton & Solo Prof. Sclmautier 11. Eay Miss Uiiu Oeorge 11. uiasa anqresa rroi a, t. noami by Dr. H. It. CUff.' (director) 13. Violin solo llis lUirr The exercises will take place in tbe Con gregational church. : OASVOXlZA. Bean tb j9 'm m M mn m1 Bigassnj ef Karl's Clover Root Tea is a nleasfint lax ative. Regulates tbe bowels, purifies the blood. Clears the complexion. Easy to make and pleasant to take. 25 cents. Sold by vt. juiwin noss. OA0VOZIIA BesntW lln Kifd Ytm Hat Almvt Buigtt , Ilnkifri Yin Haw Always I Slgsatam ef Be not deceived. A Coutrh. Hoarseness or Croup, are not to be trinVa with. A dose in time of Bbiloh's Cure will save you much trouble. Hold by ir. taw n jmiss, OAf3POIlZA S,,,, th, j9 ni&a Yds Maw Umn Bosgjlt Tlw M Yon Navi Alt ftgaatax f t. Jf A.t.. t-U- IkM Tf vnrl . trMlK. I - J UU HBina.V.fn elealtnlaV altf.fi Afifl fa tired feeiinR, take Karl's ClOTer les. it Is pleasant to lave, boiu 07 it. uuwiu CASTOR I A Pot Xu&iiti and CMMren. Hi Vd Yea tm klmp Ecl. Be ar th Signature of DO YOU KM THE NEWS I You can have it all for Per. RAn Fer. M UUU Mil In Th Evening Telegram, of Portland, Oregon. It Is the Isruest evening news paper published in Oroon; It contains all the news ol th state and of the na tion. Try it for a month. A sample copy will be mailed to jrou free. Address THE TELEGRAM, Portland, Oregon. ' Oriental Hotel L, L. DECKER, MANAutN. 8T. HELENS, t ! OKEQON. ( sM.t,in in A,vnnwttnn with tha houfi 1l striotly flmtelsaa. About twenty well turuMied and well kept rooms. The tHble amlted at all Umes IU Ui best ins ni&raet iiurus. MONEY'S WORTH- tVIRY TIMIAT DOLUAH'S STORE. T. HBLCN8, ORtQON. Mr. Dolman always p) full stock of tienerul Mvnihandiae, wbloh he sulls al prices tbat defy competition.. O. R. & N ....TO THt,, EAST. Give the choice of Two Transcontinental Routes ...GREAT... ' ...OREGON... NORTHERN E'y. SHORT LINE R'y vta ' via SPOKANE DENVER MINNEAPOLIS 8ALT LAKJt ST. PAUL OMAHA and and CHICAGO KANSAS CITY H)ttn 9tnmre.M Oregon Ceo. W. Elder CITY OF TOPEKA LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY FIVE DAYS FOR ALASKA POINTS. fWVkH H'l'KiMKKR LEAVE PORTLAND fcVKKY FIVE DAYB FOR SAN FRANCISCO. STBAMKR8 monthly from Fortlann to Yosn hom and Home Kous, la eouusctlea with the u. It. N. Coiuyany. For full Information mil nn or address 1- II . MUKLIIUHT. Genera! Paawafet Ageut. - rortland, Oregon DODWKLL. CARMLL A CO.. General Agents Northern fuitde a. 8. Co. Portland, Oregon. Get Value Received EVERY TIME AT N. A. Perry's HOULTON, OREGON. FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. STEAMER Young America VIA WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Leave St. Helens 6:30 A M Arrive at Portland ...10:00 A M Leave Portland 2:80 P M Arrive at St. Helena 0:00 P M I-AHat 8 CEKT8. Will Carry Nothing, bnt Pamonge and Fast c rHgnt. JAMES Of DD, Master. PROFESSIONAL, J. W. SAY W. B. DILLAED ATTORNEYS -AT-LAW Office next door to Conrthnuse, BT. U BLEN8, OBCUON. neneral nranttre In courts of Orecmn or Wash inetou. Aostracts made directly iroin county reooros. GEORGE A. HALL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ,. X Collection, foreclosures, mechanics' Iclns, etc. IHJPUir proMWiiung awiriiey, uuiue with T. J. Cleeton. 8t. Helens, : i Oregon. Q. W. COLE, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOB ATLAW, ST, HELENS, OREGON.' Title AbntroRt Rooks, Notary Public, Commis sioner of Iieedi for Washington, and anexper- lencea collector id couimnuoh vua ouiva. JJR. EDWIM ROBB, PHYSICIAS AND SURGEON, St. Helens, Oregon J-JR. H. R, CLIFF, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. St. Helens, Oregon, J-R. I, I. HALL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Clatskaiiie, Columbia county, Or. yy E. MESERVE, Surveyor and Civil Engineer DELENA, OREGON. Conntv Survevor. Land Survevlna. Town Platting and Engineering work promptly euuuM, I DART & flnln Street, UlgiM'lJl Dtahr In,.,. GENERAL ....MERCHANDISE .. tnelndlns and dra DART & Main Street, - "TfllaO C. VV. KNOWLES, Manager. Mr. Knowlos was, for many years, pioprfator of the St. Chark ltntol, and while tliorii CHtublintiod a roptilatton a a hotel ntao. H i now In a butter position to enlttriiiiii bis friciitla llian tivnr bufnrt1, and will welcome all hi oUl patron to hi now yluco of busincsH, where oau be found an op-to-dulo hotul. Corner Fifth and Washington Streets, Portland. 5 '"'"'"I ' ""J" 1111111111 "l i1"''11".1 11 ''''awiassj CLAlSKANIE DRUG STORE DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor, Has fust received a fergs assertanat ul frmw ad Par Drugsand Chemicals Also a new and select mock of drum and pinl medicines, fancy stationery, school bonss and n-bmil iuille, perfiitnvry and tullul aitk'M, aud iu Iw4 everything whkh I usually k4 at a Hri-cl drug store. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded t AT TIIK CLATSKANIE STEAMER G. DELL SHAVER, Maeter. L " ' !.J -j1i,T,ynLsJ - j, ni w .,. TfiMidttff. Thitrsdav. snd Hiindur ei-enlns, si LeaTeS r Tel'x'i. R..lurnlim-UavaCi..l-ki.i. line w-mmHiimV. .l.,.l.. V.e.li...isy, u Frfdarev.nlnK.i..'clm-k wlllpa-a Oek P; Inl at-i.l 7; mi; 1 J: KalainaS:ir.: Ht. Helens v:UO. Arrive lu Portland I.W a. in. ciiaug tune wiinoui uuut-e. Shaver ST. HELENSMEAT MARKET - Ali Kinds of Fresh Meats, Harris Jacon andla Meats by Wholesale .. .. ft , . ' At Special Rates. James H. Sheldon MAIN 8TBFKT. : : BT. HEI,KN8. UltF.OON. -TUB BANQUET SALOON 0L0NINGE1U COOPER, FROPKIBTOU8. Wine and Liquor Card tables, pool Inble, billiard table ami other devices for tlie entertainment of put roni, where time can be pleasantly spi-nt, FAMOUS FIRE LADDIE CIGARS Beside other popular brands, are kept conxtantly on hand to supply the increaied trade at this very popular saloon. ) THK FAMOUS CYRU5 NOBLE WHLSKV IS KBIT AT THB BANQUET. mmfVtWWW rwyresreaji tmfVM E. E. QUICK G. WCOLE CAmmlmionnr of , Notary Public . Deeds for Wh ington. COLE & QUICK, PROPRIETORS OF THORNE'S Kamcrical SysleTitle Abstracts. Title Examined snd Petfected. Ab.triu'U FurnfHhed. AffseiHinnnts Kxamlned. in surance Written. Taxes Paid and tonvcy auulng. HT. IlfSCKKS, OBEGOlv. JOHN WINTERS MANUFACTURER OF Casks and Barrels ATKIN'S OLD STAND ST. HELENS. OREGON. MUCKLE St. Helens, Oregon. I Choice Qroceries Alwuy mi hnml. Flour, train, wt food. Totmooo fttu. t IMII BftllllflW, WIWI )' 11 ...Hardware... CROCKERY AND TINWARE. I ...Drv Goods... ' w RMieral assortment of elothlnat, litrnlilitnn, K nuiids. AIm a tine Uu of boots and auues. Kt MUCKLE . St. Helens, Oregon. I erkins" v i DRUG STORE 1 W. SHAVER The Only Dii-cet Konto ...FROM... Portland to Clatskauio . Transportation Company. TiUCKLE BROS MAMUFAOTUBEHI OF ltmnlon Lumber, Flnnrlnir, Kmtln, Hhesth Ins. Csslngs, and a complete stock of every variety ol ROUGH and DRESSED LUMBER ALWAYS ON HAND AT TH 3 OLD STAND, ST. HF.LKN8, OR DENTIST Dr. Slghers or Dr. Reid WILL BR IN HT, IIKI.KKR KVKRY MONDAV, TDKHDAV, WKIINKH11AY, AND THURrlOAV Or RACtl WKKK Prepared to do ALL KINDS OF DENTAL WORK FULL RRT TF.FTIT 17 Ml to 110 00 KII.I.INU H) upwards UOL1) CKOWNH Ill 60 lo ( U) We are here to stay. Call snd see us snd be eon vinoed that we uisiin builuess. All work guar anteed, Offloe Neat Door to Ross' Drugstore 8T, HELENS, til ! OREGON WHITE COLLAR LINE THE COLUMBIA RIVER AND l'UQET BOUND NAVIGATION CO, FORfLAND-ASTOBU ROUTE. Steamer TELEPHONE Landlne Knot of Alder Hlreet, Portland. Leaves Portland dally (exeoptBunday)at7 A, N, Lsndlns; Telephone dock, Antorls. Lesves Aiiorla dally (except Hunday) 7 r. Be. Telephone Tickets Qood on Steamer. Potter Mteamer Potter Tickets Good on Telephone U. B. SCOTT, Pres.