OREGON MIST. !? s: I VI HI UUOAJt MOKNIMO -BT- DAVIO DAVIS. Subscription BMH. One cop? one yew In advance. u m fine cvtpy ix luuutua.. Single cuiy.... . . so . e Advertlning rat "wnad. knows upon application COLUMBIA COUNTY DIRKCTORV, ... ' ntr Olfleer. Jndiro Olurk , Hlxirlir. Treasurer Bunt, of School. Aaauaaor..... Surveyor Coroner Commissioners j ,.. Joseph B. Don, Rainier ....Jiuinon Weed, Vernonis J. N. Rice, Clatskanle ,E. M. Wharton. Bt. Helen. .....J O. Wain, 8oanpoose Martin White, Qntnoy W. N. Mwerve, Belens Dr. A. P. McLaren. Rainier O A WmlraM QniiIM.iM ,"."1..'.N. D. Peterson, Mlt ST. UELEf, OREGON BAI SO. State Republican Ticket For Governor T. T. GEER ol Marion. For Supreme Jodire .. F. A. MOORE of Columbia. For Suta Secretary ...F. I. DUNBAR of Olataop. For 8 late Treararer CH A& 8. MOORB of Klamath. For State Printer W. H. LEEDS of Jackson. Attorney Gen., D. K. N. BIACKBURN of Linn. Supt, Instruction.... J. ACKERMAN of Multnomah. CONGRESSIONAL. For Congress M. A. MOODY of Wasco. Fifth Judicial District. Forjudge T. A. HcBRIDE of Clackamas. For Dist. Attorney . . T. J. CLEETON of Columbia. Board Equalization ...W. A. SMITH of Clackamas. Columbia County. For Represent tire .DR. J. K. HALL For County Clerk J. O. WATTS fe-or County Sheriff. .W. N. MESERVB For Commissioner . . ..P. A. FBAKES For Treasurer DR. EDWIN ROSS For School Bnp't,... I. H. COPELAND For Assessor MARTIN WHITE For Surveyor GEORGE HAYES For Coroner .... .DR. A. P. McLAREN PRECINCT TICKCT. For Justice of the Peace R. COX For Constable L. L. DECKER umimiiiMiiiiiiurn i i i i i rriiir America for Americana. "Ijong; May It ware O'er the Home of the Free and (he Ijand of the Brave." MOOOrS HONORABLE RECORD. gome of the demagogic, democratic papers are trying to humbug and prej udice careless voter by loudly pro claiming hint to be a banker, and as serting that bis bank "busted. Tbese same fellows are daily seen cheek by jowl with the alleged "detested" bank ers of their own towns, without whose s saints rice they would lose their own paste pots and scissors. People who have at least a little bit of sens sre not fooled by soy such nonsense. It is true that Mr. Moody is a banker of The Dalles, and that his bank tempor arily suspended, but it afterward paid dollar for dollar. Is the Hon. C. M. Donaldson's financial record as good? "Comparisons are odious," hut we challenge the democratic press to fight it out on the line of the financial rec ords of the two candidates. During the panic of the last demo cratic administration, when a 110,000 farm could not be sold for f 500 in money, Mr. Moody's bank held largely in the paper of farmers wham Ibey had accommodated with loans. His bank saw the hard times coming and could easily have saved itself by sell ing the property of its debtors at ruin ous sacrifice to them. Other banks did this and weathered the storm, but it was the action of the captain throw ing overboard his passengers to save bis ship. Mr. Moody would not and did not do it. He said to them : "I will stay with you to my last dollar, and my bank will share your misfor tunes, win or lose." The result was the bank was compelled to suspend, but the farmers who saved their little homes by the most generous, noble hearted and disinterested actions of Mr. Moody, will unanimously support him for congress, regardless of party affiliations. Appeals to anarchistic prejudice against "bankers" will fail to produce desired results in the face of such noble acts as those. Pendleton Republican. Wi have been requested to print the amount of tag paid by the various candidates for county offices, and in order to have the matter absolutely correct we have made a careful exam ination of the tax roll, now in the hands of the sheriff, and find the fol lowing foots to exist: The amount of tax paid by Dr. J. E. Hall is 921.66; by Mr. Fullerton, 116.81 ; by Mr. 3. G. Watts, f30.M J by Mr. H. Henderson, 116.60; by W. N. Meserve, 126.97; by J. N. Rice, nothing; by P. A. F rakes, 1141.68; by Jared West, 1 18.67; by Dr. Edwin Boss, $10.17 ; by W. B. Dil lard, $30.24. I. H. Copeland is on the tax roll for $112.67, but just recently sold his property, thus he paid no tax this year, yet the fact remains that Mr. Copeland has paid that amount of tax in the county for many years, while the amount charged to Vf. A. Wood on the tax roll is only $5.32, yet Mr. Wood is directly responsible for the payment of 122.94. Martin White pays $28.78; H. Moulton pays $8.38; George Hayes, $16.07 ; Edwin Merrill, $54.85; B. P. Morton, $13.21; Dr. A. P. McLaren is not on the tax rolL The total amount of tax paid by the republican candidates is $276.27; by the fusion candidates $180.70. JUST M fEW TO ANSWER, The opposition to Mr. Wm. Meserve, candidate for sheriff on the republican ticket, sre putting great stress upon the report that Mr. Meterv charged ?5 for services as dork ol school dis trict No. 33 in the year 1890. Mr. Meserve was elected clerk of that dis trict that year, and he served faith fully. He emphatically states that he did not promise to do the work for nothing, before his election, but at the annual settlement of the district's af fairs Mr. Meserve asked $5 for his ser vices, an the amount bad repeatedly been allowed. At that parlioular time Mr. Meserve says the reports were unprepared, the census bad not been taken, and be labored unceasingly un til he had the district's affairs in good shape; and so long as it had been cus tomary to allow the clerk $5 for such services, be believed tnmseii juauy en titled to the fee. For this fee of $5, which the pop press is endeavoring to make a mount ain out of, Mr. Meserve served two years, for one year's service, less thsn Mr. Rice chsrges for making one tax deed, tbs proceeds from wbion Mr, Rice appropriates to his own use. But se Ions ss argument is placed Id the form of questions, we wish to ask J. N. Rice and his mouthpiece if he did not pledge himself before the election two years sgo to perform the duties of sheriff for the salary and pay his own deputy. Will Mr. Rice sxplain to ths people why it is that if he made such a prom ise he did not keep that pledge and oat out cf his own pocket the ex penses incurred in recapturing those two boys who escaped from the county jail on the 2nd of October, 1896, in stead of sending a bill into the county court for their recapture of $14, when the boys were no further away from St. Helens than GobleT Will Mr. Rice explain why he charged the county $7 for taking Geo. Upton to Portland, in the face of the fact that he had pledged the people of Columbia county to perform all the duties of the sheriffs office for the statutory salary? Will J. N. Rice explain how it cost hiru S7 to take George Upton to for! land, when he (Rice) rides on one of those much despised annual passesT Does Mr. Rice call such "conduct keeDinc his promises to the people! Will Mr. Rice, sheriff of Columbia county, explain to the people bow it is that be feels such a keen interest iu the welfare of the taxpayer iusofar as reduction of expenses in tue way oi reduced taxation is concerned, when be (Rice) is not on the tax-roll of Co lumbia county, and does not pay oue cent of tax to this conntyr Will Mr. Rice explain why be did not pav Ed Carlson, as he promised be would, for serving as keeper of cer tain loss under attachment, in the case of Fiak Johnson, when he (Bice) was Maseie's deputy! Will Mr. Rice explain why he so violently bsndled a defenseless woman in a certain borne in this county dur ing the month of October, I897T Why does Mr. Rice change his mind so quickly about convention time. when before the meeting oi tne con vention he repeatedly stated to differ ent persons that the sheriffs office could not be ran for the salary and oav the deputy out of that salary T Why does Mr. Rice not (tick to the text and come out openly and say now, as be has repeatedly said, that be would not accept the office another term for the salary and pay bis own depotvi Does it not look upon the face of it ss though Mr. Rice bad been drubbed and beaten into a thing which he feels is doing himself and family a wrong T Why does Sheriff Eice charge $3 for making s sheriff's deed, and put the three dollars down in bis pocket, when be had promised - to perform all the duties of the sheriffs office for the statutory salary? This duty is only one of the duties of the sheriff as pre scribed by the statutes, and yet Mr. Rice, in open violation of his pledge, performs that prescribed duty, takes the money and keeps ltT Do our people believe Mr. Rice is running the sheriffs oBice for the sal ary alonef Mr. Rice has at different times stated that he could not or would not run the sheriff's office for the salary and pay bis own deputy if re-elected T . So far ss we can find out Mr. Rice has never pledged himself to perform the duties of tbe sheriffs office for the salary, if again elected. If be baa let him openly make tbe statement through the press as has Mr. Meserve. We believe the facts in tbe ease to be that it is th hope of Mr. Rice and other populists that Jared West be elected commissioner, in which event Mr. Rice could then, through a popu list majority on the county board, have tbe salary of his deputy paid by the county. Will Mr. Rice have bis mouthpiece, the News, deny that the editor of that paper stated to Judson Weed that it was a burning shame that Mr. R. H flatten was compelled to work for the paltry amount allowed him by Sheriff Rice, and on that amount be com pelled to educate, clothe, and feed a family? Will Mr. Rice, who is the sole exist ence of the Hews, permit that paper to openly advocate anarchy and treason T Were it aot for Mr. Rice's support that paper receives it would cease to exist in less than two months. If you see s fellow especially inter ested in fusion in your neighborhood, keep him in mind. Just sit down and think why be is taking such an active part in destroying the people's party. 8es if you can't figure out that the same cbap "Will be directly benefited by this destruction. Maybe its an office in sight, or a promise of a deputyship. Perhaps it means that some of bis fellow-wreckers have promised him s pull two years from now. Maybe be is s sort of ambitious cuss and wants to be with what he has been ld to believe is the biggest crowd. Whenever you see populists working teeth and toe nails for the destruction of the party you can just bet he has found an extra inducement, says the Oregon Populist, a middle-of-the-road paper. Over 60 populist papers in Kansas are reported to have dropped Mr. Bry an's name for president. The phen omenon of the Platte has run his course, and will be forgotten by 1900. If good times and prosperity have any meaning In politics, what reason have tbe people of Oregon to bang on by the eyelids to free silver or to talk fusion-for-offioe? In tbs Chicago mar ket wheat was qnoted at about $1 the last week in April, at $1.25 a few days ago; today it Is $1.70 a bushel. What that means to Oregon and Washington a blind man can see. There ought not to be a populist left alive in all the Inland Empire. They should all have died th natural death that comes from innocuous desuetude, and while ths mortal man survives to enjoy life hugely on geueral principles, the pop ulist that was in him should be rele gated to realms of forgotten deprav ity. There ia a project ahead for the Paciflo Norihwest that has no room in ita perspective for any remnant of the dark ages that created populism. Eastern Oregon oorrspondeut to tbe Sunday Oregouian. Tbi News says "to know Mr. H. R. Kinoaid is to trust and admire him." How is it that th News has beoome so reconciled to Mr. Kincaid, when, as it heretofore has claimed to be so true to populist theory a straight-middle-of-the-road advocate and Mr. Kiacaid bad to be sued and re-sued before he would place the populist ticket on the official ballot? Mr. Kin caid realised what it meant for him if the ticket was filed and placed on the ballot, and the News has acknowledged ita sacrifice of principle that it so earn estly advocated in the start off of the campaign, and proved to the public that it is in favor of anything that will put a conglomeration of isms in power. It becomes more apparent each day that the whole combine is a slraight-fusion-for-offlce. When it oomes to reducing expen ses of offioes we wish our readers to bear in mind that the office of district attorney was never so cheaply main tained ss it has been under tbe able management of Mr. T. J. Cleeton. Tbe criminal account in ths circuit court for Columbia county the two years Mr. Cleeton has been in that of fice, or up to April 30, 1898, amounts to $678.58. For the two years pre ceding tbat time the criminal account in the circuit court for this county amounted to $2,946.52, or a saving to the county of $2,267.94. These figures are taken from the records. Jared P. West will lake Phil F rakes' place as county commissioner after next June. He will uot offer an officer his deputy's salary when said officer has pledged himself to run the office for the salary alone. News. How is it that if Mr. Rice pledged himself to run the sheriff's office for the salary and nothing more, that he has repeat edly asked assistance from the county. and on different occasions received it? Does it look as if he were honest or sincere in his promises? The people of tbe Uuited States are today in better condition to supply the money necessary for war than on any former occasion. Tbe n.oney in cir culation in ths United States today is more than ever before. It has in creased $246,333,445 in the twenty-four months since the Chicago convention took tbe ground that money of the country could not increase materially withou free coinage of silver, and stands today at "high'-water mark." Ms. Hrndersox doss not say he will perform tbe duties ol county clerk for the statutory salary, but says, if elect ed, he will perforin those duties for tbe constitutional salary. The constitu tional salary may meaa $3,000 annual ly, but the statutory salary reads and means $1,800 per year. Mr. Watts has pledged himself to perform tbe duties of the office for tbe statutory salary. To look at tbe fusion ticket as it is printed on would not know .there were democratic csndidales for pre cinct omces in this (Uaion) precinct. Mr. A. N. Clark snd Mr. John Scott are the regular nominees of the dem ocrallo convention for the offices of justice of tbe peace and constable, re spectively, and Ibey wish the fact to be remembered. Where are tbe men in St. Helens who lost their patience with President McKinley for his conservatism and were so anxious for war? Have they asked to be taken to tbe front? Come out, gentlemen, and tbe least you can do is to hoist tbe American flag over your door. Memeniber there is a dif ference between patriotism and politi cal jobbery. How ia it that tbe News does not keep its promise to print ths county court proceedings free of charge? A bill is sent to the county court regu larly for printing the proceedings. The bill is not allowed, however, because it was tbe agreement when the News was designated the official paper that the proceedings should not be charged for. Contrary to reports, Mr. Malcolm Moody, candidate for congress in the second district on tbe republican ticket, did heartily support Mr. Ellis two years ago. Mr. Moody was a can didate befere tbe convention for Mr. Ellis' place, but was defeated, and like a man he openly declared his inteo tion of supporting Mr. Ellis, and be did so earnestly and ardently. Tub people of this county will come far from voting for an element tbat re peatedly advocate anarchy. "Loyalty is the first painciple of good govern ment, and on the 6th of June our vot ers will attend to that matter by first relieving the county from the sole source of existence of an anarchistic sheet. v Ir you want to vote for a msn of the common people, vote for Farmer Geer; if you want to vote for a corporation lawyer, vote for Willie King. "Down with corporations snd professional men as our standard bearers; support the laboring classes." "Consistency, thon art a jewel!." Every day that passes indicates that ths republican state and county ticket is growing in favor with tbs people. It is the only ticket that stands for prin ciple aud reform. VnMlliBM .!......& ...... rl ll. .f Ilia flrranit inrv in thin imu roirnrU reduction of county indebtedness. leAAn Copeland. th next school superintendent, is a man of special qualifications as regards educational matters. He has much aotual exper ience as a teacher, and will fill that important office with credit to liiiuaelf and honor to the party that slooted him. Thi efforts of the "union party" to make out that "union" exists is some thing funny. Dictatorship may suit "silver republicans," but dotnocrats and populists cannot see the point to tbe bird beiug propelled by a tan feather. T vnn lisva a arliltnf internal 111 the financial affairs of your county you can but feel gratified at the magnifi cent showing as examined into and reported by the late grand jury. W reier you to it in auoiner coiuiuu ui this issue. Judos McBridb, of Clatsop county, passed up Monday night on tbe Tele phone. Judge Mc Bride is a candidate foi re-lection, and his personal worth and popularity almost insures his re election. Cathlamet Giiiette. Wb Km nfillttnw nf th lata nrAal. ' ' -p -- ir dontial candidate, William Jennings Bryan, tbese days. It is a bad time for oratory of the Bryan sort, and ths theories of which be advocates. Wel come, Mad-tin Whits has made the best assessor Columbia county ever had, and the people know it aud appreciate it, and Mr. White will be the next assessor, too. In th eyes of loyal people an ut terance of disloyalty at this time in particular, cannot be excused. Tbe re is no apology that can pacify their in dignation. Ir it is your desire to continue the reduction of the county's indebted ness you will vote for P. A. Frakes and the rest of the republican ticket. There is not a man on the republi can ticket in Columbia county that does not merit the unqualified support of every citiien of the county. Ths gold reserve has gone beyond the $180,000,000 line and is still rising. Little baa been heard lately about the cowardice of gold in a crisis. Wa have sent oat a "feeler" or two this week. After we get warmed up there may be more questions to be auswered. N Fusion in Union precinct does not work out well. Why are not tbe dem ocratic precinct noraiuess on the reg ular fusion ticket? Ths party of protection will carry on tbe war to the honor of our people America for Americans; it is home and native land. Ths rumor that Commodore Dewey had been bottled up at Manilla lacked th important element of corkage. If tbe Nicaragua canal were in ex istence the Oregon would bav been with Sampson weeks ago. The state campaign ia on, and tbe republican banner floats with all the sssurance of victory. The efforts of desperation in a cam paign are oft times not so smusiug as degrading. A vote lor T. T. Geer is a vote for honest money and honest state gov ernment. It is said that 90 per cent of the Oregon soldier boys are republicans. The Asiatic part of the Spanish squadron is no longer in the swim. All the Spanish sympathizers don't ; u.iM tua niV,.H Ir our luck continues the coming Fourth of July will be a ripper. The Upton trial cost this county a Utile more tban $ooo. Tub flames of war will consume the free-silver rubbish. oAsrroniA. Beanta Hi Hind Ym Haw Hhwrt BcogM igTissm of Catarrh Cured. A clear bead and sweet breath secured with Shlloh's Catarrh lem ely, sold on a guarantee. Nasal injector iree. Bold Dy Dr. nuwin koss. OASVOnXA. Beats tbs 9 ai IM Haw Hmjt , j lb tod Yw Haw Ahvavg Bifastai r For constipation take Karl's Clover R ot Tea, the great Mood purifier. Cures bei d ache, nervousness, eruptions on thefae, and makes the head clear as a bell. B Id by Dr. Edwin Koss, OA0TOAZA. Bsantfce yt I" Yw Haw Alwayii BcggM Bignatsi . ef CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. Tbs Kind You Kara Always Bought Bears the Signature of D0Y00 r KNOW THE NEWS ! Yon can have it all for Per.... HA. Per.. in The Even In; Telegram, of Portland, Oregon. It la (he Urgent evening iiewa paimr publlnhea In Oregon; It contains all tbe news of ths state and of the na tion. Try It lor a month. A aample copy will be mailed to you free. Addrens THE TELEGRAM, Portland, Oregon. Oriental Hotel L. L. DECKER, Manaoer. ST. HELENS, t I OREGON. w .li . UHu.im.'wtth .ha IiaHi. im strictly flrat olaaa. About twenty wtll fiirnlhed and well kept rooms, The UUIa aiimmtxl at all times with the bant the niarkot airunla. MONEY'S WORTH- IVIBY TIM! AT DOLMAN'S STORE. T. HELENS, ORIOON, Mr. Dolman always keens a full stock ot Uenernl Mrrclmuolat, whloh he sails at urlcvs that duly ooutuatluou. O. R.&N. TO THE.... B A ST. Gives the eholes of Two Transcontinental Routes H.6BEAT.U ...OREGON... NQRTHERH R'y. SHORT USE R'y. via 8POKANB MINNEAPOLIS BT. PAUL and CHICAQO ?la DENVER SALT LAKE OMAHA and KANSAS CITY ats 0timtts Oregon, Geo. W. Elder CITY OF TOPEKA LEAVB PORTLAND XVKRY PIVB DAYS FOR ALASKA POINTS. OCF.AN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVtKV HVE DAYS FOR SAN FRANCISCO. OTEAMKRS monthly from Portland to Yoko- o noma ana Hons soiii, in eouueeuon wiin iniux-en. iximiianr. For full Information eall on or address W. H. HUKLUUKT. General Passeugr Agent, Portland, Oregon DODWBLL. CARULL A CO.. General Agenta Northern I'nclno & B. Co. Portland, Oiogon. Get Value Received CVCRY TIME AT N. A. Perry's HOULTON, OREGON. FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. -STEAMER- Young America WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Leave Bt. Helons 8:S0 A M Arrive at Portland 10:00 A M Leave Portland 2:30 P M Arrive atit. Helens 6:00 P M PARE tS CEfl'l S. Will Carry Nothing bat Passengers and Fast Freight. JAMES Gf OD, Master. PB0FES8I0NAL. I. W. DAY W. B. DILLARD ATTORNEYS -AT-LAW Office next door to Conrthouse, ST. UKLKNB. ORKUON. Oeneral nraatlce in eourta of Oreffnn or Waah InifUm. AUtracta made directly from county revorua. GEORGE A. HALL, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. Collections, foreclosures, mechanics' letnt, etc isepuiy pruMjuuiiug attorney, uiuoe with T. J. Cleeton. St. Helens, Or book. G. W. COLE, ATTORNEY AND C0UN8ELOR-AT-LAW, ST. HELENS, OREGON. Title Abstract Books, Notary Public Commls .lotier of Deeds for Washington, snd an exper ienced eouector in connection wiin omoe. J-JR. EDWIN R08B, PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. St. Helens, Oregon J-JR. B. R. CLIFF, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, 8L Helens, Oregon. QR. J. B. BALL, PHYSIOIAN AND SURGEON. Clatskauie, Columbia county, Or. N. M KSERVB, Surveyor and dyil Engineer DELENA, OREGON. County Surveyor. Land Surveying, Town Platting and Engineering work promptly executed. rffiJetiaStJQSearS! DART & ruin Street, l jhu ju-uunuuwur. J. J.uv u-juiiu n i "i r " " " , Choice Groceries Always on hand. Plotir, t. snd feed. Tobacco snd sisals, aud smokers artluiss, Bottoms, ale. ...Hardware... MERCHANDISE CROCKERY AND TINWARE. " - -'-- ' ...Dry "Goods... Including a general assnrtment nfemthlng, ninvUhlnn, aud dreaa goods. Aiwa One ilue of boots aud shoes. DART & Main Street, "The Perkins" C. W. KNOWLES, Manager. Mr. Knowtns was, for many years, ptoprletor of the St. Charles hotel, and while there established a reputation as a hotel man. Ha is now in a better position to entertain bis friends than sver before, and will welcome all his old patrons to bis new place of business, where can be found an up-to-date hotel. Corner Fifth and Washington Streets, Portland. CLATSKANIE DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor, Has ksst reedves el Press Drugs and Also a new and select stock of drug, snd naten! medicines, fancy stationery, school nones ami ai-iioui aupii, uenumery aim unlet eruviM, ano in uwi .very tiling WOMB la yst usually keol at a Srat-elaas drug atore. and si-houl auipll, perfumery aud toilet article., and usually keul at a Srat-elaas drug atore. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded - -AT THE " ' CLATSKANIE DRUG STORE STEAMER G. DELL SHAVElS Master. iJrSBrHegf ' yK ' 1" A-j. sfil T ,.a Portland, foot of Washington Mreet, Tneeday. Thnrwlay, snd Sunday er.elng. SI J liCttvCS o'clock. Returning lva ClaLkanle. tide permitting, Monday, Wedinmiay, and Friday evanlnga at 4 o'clock. Will pane Oak Point annul T: BicllaTilo; Mayg.r J:: Rainier S:ai KkIsids :Uh; rlt. Helena :sa Arrive Iu Portland I SO , m. The cowoany reserves tbe rlgbl la obenge time without notice. Shaver Transportation Company. ST. HELENSMEAT MARKET All Kinds of Fresh Heats, Hams, Bacon and lard Meats by Wholesale At Special Rates. MAIN BTRTOHT, -THE BANQUET SALOON 0L0NINGEIU COOPER, PROPRIETORS. Wine and Liquor Card tables, pool table, billiard table and other devices for the entertainment of pat rons, where time can tie pleasantly spent. FAMOUS FIRE LADDIE CIGARS - Besides other popular brands, are kept constantly on hand to supply the increased trad, at this very popular saloon. THS FAMOUS CYRUS NOBLE WHISKY IS KEPT AT TUB BANQUET. E.E. QUICK Commlaloner of Deeds for Wash, lugton G. WvCOLE , Notary Publio . COLE & QUICK, PROPRIETORS OF THORNFS Numerical SystemTiUe Abstracts. Title. Examined snd Perfected. Abntracta Fumlahed. AsnosKmenls Kxanitned. In surance Written. Taxes Paid and Convey ancing. ST. HELENS, OBEGON. JOHN WINTERS MANUFACTURER OP Casks and Barrels ATKIN'S OLD STAND 8T. HELENS, OREGON. MUCXLE St. Helens, Oregon. MUCKLE St Helens, Oregon. DRUG STORE i i a tarn end pare Chemicals i a W. SHAVER The Only Direct Route ...FROM. Portland to Clatskanie V. James li. Sheldon, BT. IIKIjKNS. OBBOOS. flUCKLE BROS MANUPAOTURCRI OP Dimension Liimlier, Flooring, Ruatle, Shoeth. Ins, Coalnga, snd a complete .took of every variety of ROUGH and DRESSED LUMBER ALWAYS ON HAND AT THE OLD STAND, 8T. HELENS, OR DENTIST Dr. Sigh era Dr. Reld WILL UK IN NT. HELEN F.VKRY MONDAY. TUKHDAY, WKDNKHIlAY, AND THURHDAY OF EACH WKKK Prepared to do ALL KINDS OF DENTAL WORK PULL HUT TEETH 7 M to $10 00 FIM.INn 50 upwards OOLD CROWNS MM to to (JO We are here to stay. Call tnd see ua and be con vinced that we mean business. All work guar anteed. Offlee Neat Door to Ross' Dru gator. BT. HELENS, II 1 t. OREGON WHITE COLLAR LINE THE COLUMBIA RIVER AND PU0ET BOUND NAVIGATION CO. POETLAKD-iSTORIA ROUTE. Steamer TELEPHONE Landing Foot of Alder Htroet, Portland. Leave. Portland daily (axoeptaundey)al7 A, M. Landing Telephone dock, Aaloria. Leaves Astoria dally (except Sunday) T P. Telephone Tickets Good on Steamer Potter Steamer Potter Tlokets flood on Telephone E. A. BEELKY, Agt. V. B. SCOTT, Pfei.