GEN. GRANT'S GRANDSON. 1 Rbdb35ig REAL BROWNIES IN AMERICA. "Will Eater Wee Point to Train a Soldier for Uncle Sam. Through the appointment of Presl dout MeKlnley Ulysses S. Graut, son of Col. Fred Graut and grandson of the famous Union General and Chief Kxwutlveof the United States, will en ter West Tolut Before his death, la 1 Gen. Grant framed a petition, directed to the President of the United States, asking for this favor, and later Gen. Sherman, as a matter of courtesy, Indorsed It Young Ulysses, now In big glxieenth year, will not be of age to enter West Tolut until Juno, 1800. Before enter ing the famous institution he will de vote a good deal of the Intervening time- to scientific study In Columbia College. . . . ; He Is now a sturdy lad and measures 5 feet and 11 Inches In height, with a quite certain prospect of reaching be yon J six feet when he puts on the uni form of a West Point cadet He Is now two inches taller than his father and four Inches taller than his famous grandfather. His other bodily meas urements are la good proportion to his stature, and he gives every promise of developing a physique far above the ordinary. He tuts proven himself the possessor of more than nsual mental abilities of a boy of his age, la very studious, stands high In his class In the New York school which he attends, nud shows marked proficiency, partic ularly In acquiring languages. He n.TSSF.8 B. GRANT III. uimiifciited an early fondness for the military by joining the cadet corps of Troop A. National Guards, when but 12 years old. - ODDITIES OF A WEALTHY MAN. Queer Things Which Marked the Life of George H. Hopper. . George H. Hopper, who died on bis Elmwood estate, near Cleveland, Ohio, began life as a tinner, and made him self Immensely rich through a contract for furnishing tin cans to the Standard Oil Company. About ten years ago Mr. Hopper purchased Elmwood farm, near Cleveland, and started In to lead the life of a gentleman farmer. Many amusing stories are told of him In this connection. He decided to turn It into a stock farm. The first thing he did was to purchase Bell Boy, a stallion, 'for $51,000. Six months later Bell Boy and the stables were burned. Mr. Hop per became disgusted with the Idea of raising stock and gave it up. He was seized with the Idea at one time that It was the proper thing for a 'gentleman of elegant leisure to own a yacht. He had one built, and christened It Florence, In honor of his eldest daughter. When the yacht was com pleted It was found to be too big to enter the creek at the farm, and, there being no natural harbor at the place, it had to be kept at Ashtabula, twelve miles distant Hopper hated the yacht 'from the day It was built It was launched without ballast, and as It struck the water a big wave hit K, and It capsized and went to the bottom, with the crew on board. The yacht was raised, but Hopper never again put bis foot npon It Hopper's whole career as a farmer was an amusing failure. He owned a beautiful orchard of peach trees, and a ,f rlend one day remarked that be would come down in the peach season and partake of some. "Do," said Hopper, "do," grasping him by the hand warmly, "but let us know when you are coming, so we can get some peaches from Geneva." ; Hoper was of a nervous, restless dis position, and had lived such a busy life that it was ngony for him to be Win Therefore he employed men to build t stone wall around his park, not that the wall was at all necessary, but that It gave him something to superintend. - (Quaker Hats. There has beeu told in various work (the persecution to which, In common- .wealth tlu t s, Oi?orgt! Fox. the founder fit th Kix'h ty of Friends, and bis fel low Quakers were subjected becnuse of tiii'ir refusal to remove their hats u. ! a ill v W UNCLE SAM" NOW, TllLN, ALTOOCTIIL SLNCir or . I , tMkn as lka4M, Usl of 14 . . : "Sit. . , - In the presence of the civil magistrate; but the blame for this would seem to have lain upon the local justices rather than the central power. Cromwell per ceived that It was easier for stupid or zealous magistrates to send Quakers to prison for this refusal than to get them out again, for Fox and his friends had almost to be Implored to leave the Jails into which they considered them selves to have been unjustly thrust It was this continual persecution of the Quakers, In the west of England particularly, that at length moved the council to emphatically Interfere on j tneir benair. in ixovemoer. ivot, a remonstrance, signed by five Friends, was presented to the council, specially complaining of the persecutions at Ex eter; and Henry Lawrence, the presi dent of the council, at once forwarded a letter to the justices of the peace, not only In Devon, but other counties, dealing with the matter. Notes and Queries. liavth for Thieve In Alaska. Borne weeks ago a Yukon outfit that had been packed from Dyea to Sheep Camp by a party on the way to the in terior of the Klondike country was stolen. A "committee" of miners such being the ominous term by which that sort of gathering is designated In the new country tracked the thieves to the summit of Cbllkoot Pass, where the lost property was recovered. Later the 'committee captured two men and brought them back to camp for trial. They gave the names of William Wel lington and Edward Hanson. - Three of the "committee favored lynching Wellington and Hanson, but they finally consented to a compromise on sixty Ins he for each of the two cap tives. This was accordingly undertaken. Wellington had been "formally" sen tenced and was under an escort to the hut where he had been confined, when suddenly be slipped from the arms that held him and bounded away and killed himself. ' When, through the Intervention of a physician in the crowd, the whipping of Hanson was Interrupted at the sev ARMY AND NAVY COMMANDERS WHO WILL INVADE CUBA. fJRl&.aW.PPrrtR riO(HLB oi O "JilwrJ&i MOT enteenth of the sixty lashes be was sen tenced to receive, he was given his clothes and a square meal, and then, with placards bearing the Inscription, "Thief,- pose him along," tied to his back and breast was escorted by committee of miners down the snow covered road to Dyea, Warned Gould of the Coat. real Gore, now clerk at the Audito rium Annex, was room clerk at the Grand Pacific for several years. He tells a- story In connection with Jay Gould's first visit to Chicago. Mr. Gould bad registered at the Grand Pa cific, and was standing In the lobby with his hands in his coat pockets, look ing like a countryman In town. The little millionaire approached J. P. Vidal, who was clerk at the house, and modestly asked him what would be the beet way for him to go to Lincoln Park. VldaL not knowing who Gould was, gave him the necessary instruction as to street cars, etc. Gould heard him through and then said: "But could I not go in a carriage?" "Yes, you can; but It Is ft little ex pensive," said VldaL "Well, as this Is my first visit I think I will try to stand the expense." "All right but to whom shall I charge the carriage?" asked the clerk. "To Jay Gould," came the quiet an swer. Vldul almost fell to the floor, but Gould got the carriage. Chicago Times-Herald. Berlin Libraries. The Berlin libraries all told contain more than 2,000,000 volumes. The Roy al library, of course, Is In the lead with more than 1,000,000, and growing at the rate of 20,000 per annum; the university now has 100,000 volumes; that of the statistical bureau 140,000; the War Academy has 90,000 volumes; that of the general staff 70,000; of the Court of Chambers 73,000; that of the Technical High School, 60,000. There are also a number of smaller ones. ; Gypatf in England. There are nearly 85,000 gypsies England. In TAMPA Or 3 Explorer Sullivan Finds Tribe Pigmies on Orinoco Kiver. Eben J. Sullivan, a South American, explorer, claims to have discovered ft race of living brownies near the bead waters of the Orinoco River In the wllda of Surinam. In describing his find. Mr. Sullivan says: - "The queer child people are about four feet In height Their skin from head to foot . Is a brilliant reddish brown, translucent In effect Their legs are like plpeetems, scarcely the stse ot a child's arm, while their arms are ridiculously small and thin, and their stomachs are big, out of all proportion to the body, and distended back as well ss front Their faces are fiat and flabby like those of Palmer Cox's brownies. "I think they number 10,000 to 18, 000. They are nomadic, moving over thousands of square miles. It was pure ly by accident that I came upon some of their roving bands. A traveler might have to search for months In the sains region In order to find any of them. All those that I saw were It different parts of Surinam, "In measuring these little folk I found none over four feet and eight inches, and the women were much shorter. They use the style of headdress so com mon among African tribes that of shaping many designs by mixing mud wRh thetr hair; both men and women do this. Clothing In their village Is worn only by adults, and then seldom more than a cloth over the lolna. But they bedeck themselves with many brass and copper ornaments. They have tribal marks that sometimes cover the entire body and head. These are made by slit In the skin. "They rive in little houses called mas ougos, of mud or woven dried grass, entered by crawling on the hands and knees. I went Into one and It seemed like a child's playhouse. There were queer little Images, Idols, fetich gods set up all about They represented ani mals mostly and there were many ngly specimens of clay pottery. There were little fetich doctors In clay and many other things of the sort suggesting most depraved, superstitious ideas. They are, I believe, all pagans, though some of them seem to have an Idea of a su preme spirit of power. INSPIRED THE 8IX HUNDRED. lingie that Bounded the Chars "Into the Jawa of Death." Here Is the bugle that sounded the "gallop" and the "charge" that sent heroes to death at Balaklava. After the famous battle. or sacrifice the regiment wanted to present to the trumpeter a silver duplicate of bis BUGLE AKD KOTK. trumpet, but he preferred the old one. On It was inscribed; "Presented by the Colonel of the Seventeenth Lancers to Trumpet Major Joy, on which the Balaklava charge was sounded, Oct 25 1854." " Joy died In 1803, and now the fa mous bugle Is to be sold at auction in London. It's a Heroic Wooing. ' The native states of Central India still abound with Khonds, and It Is Interest ing to see that "wife capturing" is still In vogue among those who represent the first inhabitants of this land. The father In quest of wife to bis son. or the young man himself, hunts a deer or some game and starts with a pot ot toddy to the other party, and in the course of the day he manages to settle for a wife, and then there Is feasting and drinking, In the course of which terms are settled. The young man Is to serve the girl's father for a fixed number of months, assist blm In clearing the Jungle and In cultivation, hunting game for food, and In gathering honey. After this period, on a certain day, the young man has to try to carry off bis bride, and then follows a hunt after the man and a ound.,thrashing. If the man Is able to withstand the blows and survive the ordeal then his prize Is given to bim, of if the man Is able to escape uncaught to the precincts of his village custom forbids further pursuit and the trium phant man. has the prize. Madras Times. The middle aisle of a church Is often used as a bridal path. y hate y irec 3t?lillf:t U'h.t tlnra It nmilf At tlDStl itl tllil morning a nlh. "'t Kt M'stsd, nv- oh, simple, null, Iiiiki' It. tlmt the hliKid la Door. Mub- pf t-minnt ha elnxtlo and utiMUK. nnrvva ctmiiot bo tittily, einrgy and v!k " not he fult wlien tli blooii is imi'i I. without iinurlitliliiK power. Howl's Savsnpuvllla Impart to tlir Wood , the. qtiatitliut It liu'-ki wlieu t' w inn ing troublm you. It niukw tlis bloo'l -l.-I, mini full iifvttilUtV. It cure lHllg languor and enullontwi all foul taint from tin blood, thu guarding Kltit future daiiKisr from fevers, mnlnrln, and other urluun lllmw. lit sura to get Hood' Carsa & parilla Amvrlr' (Ircotcjl Mrd'elne. 1t six lr IV rreiwruu ouly by C. I. llw'f Co.,UiwU. M. H,,l'o DIH e "'"i ""' 10 Ink, T lort- !IS. CrnttihM, A Kansas City dealer In orotch.ii said: "Cratahes sre staple attloles with us, and we sell on an averase ten pairs per week, or 40 pairs a month. This, of course, would make 480 pairs In the course ol year. This, mind yon, does not inulude the orutohei we sell at wholesale, il is s conservauve Utement to say that altogether we sell 1,500 pairs ol crutches annually, ami onr firm Is only one of several in the city that handle them. The total sales of crutches annually In Kansas City would be haul to estimate, but I would say that 8,000 pairs would not be far trnm ihfl Axnnt nniuhur." KailRllt City Times, This Great Country. We make our own Cuban cigars. We manufacture better news from foreign lands than Is to be found there. We raise our own European winos and mineral waters. The finest French sardine In the world oome from Maine. The choicest and most expensive of Dresden china Is grown In New Jersey, AVa rloi'lum war in more nloCeS in ft minute than some other countries can declare in three houis and a half. We don't want the earth. We are it. Htinahl Troth. ' Directions in every package of Sehil linefs Best tea. Follow them no matter what tea you use. ta Mnt Wear a Hrau Collar. They bad an excellent way of chock ing excessive drinking In Manitoba. When a man had been twice or thrioe convicted of drunkennoss he wsa sen tenced to wear a brass collar, which marked him out among his fellows as a person to whom no publioan could with impunity serve liquor. . The draatio measure often proved a cure. On the authorities being satislled that the branded Individual had served a sufficiently long teim of probation he was nncollared and endowed with the liberty of drinks. London Telegraph. AN OPEN UTTIR TO MOTHtB. We are uwrtlnf In th court onr rirM to the exclusive ou or the word -CAnTOMA." ua 1-1 TCil UK'S CAb tOKl A," a our Tiulc Mark. I, Dr. Samuel Pitcher, of Hyaonla, Mawacliiiaetta, woi theorlglnator of" WTCHUU'aCAS TOR1A," the tame that hai borne and doe bow bear the 6k lull alvnatiire of ClIAL H. 1'I.KTVHKlt on every wrapper. ThU la the original" PITCHBK'8 CASTOR 1 A " which has been turd In the home of the mother of America for over thirty yean. k Carefully at the arVapper and arc that it is M kind you tevt alwayt tnugkl, and ha the signature of CHAS. H. PI.KTCMKU os the wrapper. Vo on ha authority from mm to aae my name except The Centaur Company of wbicb Chaa. H. Fletcher la Frealdent March t, 1S97. SAMUai, PITCUKJSt, UX Ctrl Ahmd of the Borae. An Indiana inventor has patented wauon in which the forward wheels are tihi'uJ o( the horse, with a portion of the wagon box cat under to make room for the horse; the steering being done by a lever running from the driver's tout to the forward truck. Till ALUMH FOOT-EABB. A powder to be shaken into the shoes. A t till wauon your feut feel swollen, ncr voiib, nnd hot, ami get tired eaaily. If you hnve smarting fift or ti-lit shoes, try Allen's Foot-Kane, It coots the feet and makes walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating feet, blisters and callous spot. Relieves corns ant) bunions of all pain and gives rest ami comfort Ten thounnnd ti-s-iidioiiihI of cures. Try it . Hold by all dniKKists and shoe stores for If: Kent hv mini for 2Ac in stamps. Trial packniie F'KKK. Address Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Hoy, New York. Black rot, the dangerous enemy of grapes, has been treated successfully by sprinkling .the green grapes with calcium carbide. M. G. Kodier, a frenchman, is the discoverer ol this remedy. ' -' ROM! PttOnVCTS AND FtlBI fOOD. All Eautern Hyrnp, so-called, usually very light colored and of heavy body, Is made from ffiucoae. "7'ta Uartten Oript" I miole from btiKftr Can and la strictly pure. It I lor sale by flnit-clans grocers, in cans only. Maniilao tured by the Pn-inc Coast Bmur Co. Ail en uin "Tea ftm-rtrn ritif" have the manufac turer's name lithographed on every can. The tobacco raised in Belooohistan is exceedingly strong and cannot be smoked by any but the most vigorous white man. From the 140 pounds ot gas tar ex tracted in coking a ton of coal, over 8,000 distinct shade of aniline dye are made. ' ' ' CITt Permanently Cured. Ko tar nervonsne rile after lint day's us of Dr. Kline's Ureal Nerve Uestorer. Bend for jTKttK S4.CO trial bottle and tretl. UR. B. U, aUXKJi, Ltd., WD Arch street) Pulladtlpiila, Pa. , If we moved our legs proportionately as last as an ant, it is claimed ws could travel nearly S00 mile an hour. Flso's Cure for Consumption has been a family uieilioine with us since Wift r J. K. Mutiisoti, iVM 421 Ave., Chicago, III. Just as a lotter was being read in Farmington, Me., household from a daughter in California announcing her good health and well being, a tele gram came announcing her death. i 1 liimt mt Ad. li.Jt itS. I i Beat i;u:.h Bmi). Txlos (IoimL Cs I I In Itrim. H-Mil br rtri.arl.l. f . m w!Helnian The order for 100 steel w ,?fnt!y given bf th I'ennttylvanla Kuilrtmd "'ompany to Si"n Proawd Btl Company ol Pmttburg is a BtKid trutlon of tho faot that the steel cur is no longer sn experiment but n swept Htrpeiof rnllwav yollli"! stoek, says the Knglneorlng News. It Is a noticea ble (not, however, that largo pti.pat tlon ol tho steel oars oomttrtieted are designed to carry heavier loads than cars ol timber construction. Tho new Pennsylvania oars, lor example. 1 are to cany 110,000 pounds ol ore, or 104,000 pounds ool. Their tlend weight will be 87,000 pounds ai A thei lungth will be lia hwt. The oomititltm ol tho steel car with the wooden cars of ordi nary capauity will not be apparent probably for some tlrmn but that It will oome eventually tlialuoreasingoewt ol timber and the decreasing cool of steel construction make vory certain. Tleserter Return. A curious war item domes from Fort Logan, Colo. On the morning ot April 110 s number ot desorteri from the Seventh infantry speared at the fort and surrendered. They mid they had heard the rumors of waf and were anxious to participate. Col. llonhatn ordered them to the guardhouse, but it is unilumooU that we stern uiu vrarrio. will bu lenient and give the prodigals an opportunity to fight. TfTal UICATH ...Lu. 11 1 tr.aii tttst nrtinnrtltm ot dPthn from wiAlftf i kvi tn iiumhllt www w eonvinoed that It eatmes maladies ol a txtat character, and bft"te dn.'ruu nervous proe tratlun. This malady i eradican'd aud iire- ventea ny Mienwr niwini.. ii .....v.-. "..- aio cur i.iiliusi,eonsilpatlon, rheumaliua and dyspepsia. rot Children' I'lelure. 1 r.,..iiL,v,,i.un Ima iliMlunnd a neat mounting fur children' plottires con- .lu.t.. a narrllwmrrl frame wllkh pia.niH . ..... BtipporU a swing, ta whlh the picture t ..t ..I tUc nitM ruitnU nut friilli tllA IS LUMWlls sjasvj 4 " arws " print and mounted on "'noi which Is then areaseu to rupresent " uu. too KKWtiti) aioo. The reader of this paper lll he tf"& Mru that there is at leant on dreaded dlwan I iM Mianrn HH Dora auie ."," P'i taee., aud that iseaianh. HaU'sl atarra Cur Inutility. Catarrh belits aouusUtulloiwldia. ease, rmiulrns a r-onstlluilooal treaunout. Hall's ( alarm t;ure is waen iniernauy, m .-una dir.wtly upon the blood and mucoin snrtaics otthe sysiem. thereby entrtiylni lb founda tion Of lb Olwa, ana kivw me, StretKttl by bulldlus up lb constitution and j . 1 .... 1 ... ... Ik A,A,.im 1 1 . m,...I Tli nrfl. prlvioH bare 0 much faith In It eur!iir powers, that thpy offer One Hundred l)ollr I !7 . !... I. I, 1:111. .u iuL.tli III llkl of testimonials. Address t. jTcilKMKY eV CO, Toledo, 0. Bold bydrotnlstt.760. . lUU'sVamily Pill are the beat. Th quaint little chimney sweep add to the ploturesquoness ot diaries- ton, N. 0 where they ate stll in con stant demand to clean chimneys ot the soot from tho soft pine wood so largely in use. di T' If - 1 swm ) Both tho method and reunite when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and act fcntly yet promptly on.the K idncya, Liver and llowels, cleanse the uys torn effectually, dixped colds, head aches aud fevers and cures baltitna constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of ita kind ever pro duced, plcaaing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, jpromjjit in ita action and truly beneficial in Its effects, prepared only from the moat healthy and agreeable substance, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 60 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FI0 SYRUP CO. $AH HAKItOO. 0L 10WSVIU, t tw Y0Ht.ll.- JWx -a .... UN f 1 ids m mi e... 43.7s, Bent e. ... j f'ttj(,i1il-,i vchloafo,Ilt. 4 i$ Hit Uf if .'-ft X .. I -t n Hercules Special (2)4 actual horsepower) Price only $185. 1 y to J xtttx A tturu tTirobhlr-jT pfdu., aoeoj.,paB4 tfiy a Sense of trmlM-tirA ar-d heat low down l the aids, wMh. an nrraulonal thootlntf pain, hidii'itlrs ln.lniuinatlun. The regiun of lnli show sume swell luff. ' This lathe brat sl-isjo of ovaritis, Inllammatiou of tho ovary. If the Kiof. of your house Usali, my alstor, you havq It fixed lit omiej why not pay the f same resmnst to 5 your own body t WriU to Jits. PlnUhara, Lvnn, Mans., and toUltor all your symptoms. lleroxii ox perl- la Ife ting- S Oil 00 treutlntf Ilia ... Is greater "w-..-,- than any other living pertion. The fol-lowing-from Mus. Anni CVmris, Tlcon- deruga. N. Y., is proof of what we sayi " i1 or nine years 1 suttnroa with fe male weakness in Its worst form, I was In bed nearly a year with conges tion of the ovaries, I also suffered With falling of the womb, wu very weak, tired ail the timo, nod such head- achea as to make me almost wild. Wo alno troubled with leucorrhaoa, and was bloaU'd ao badly that some thought I had dropsy. X have taken several bot tles of Lydlu VI, I'lukham' Vegetable Compound, and several ot her lllo4 Purifier, nd am eompleteiy cured. It Is a wonder to all that I (rut well." . OLEVE!i.AFJP COTTAGE COLORS Eat Reputation. Bt Paint for Dealer or Consumer. Color Cuds &rot Frts. EbsSlaci Oil I Paint Eft. k, PORTLAND, OKtOON. Good Health r lh work Ins capital of tiuuiMilly. lie wliO ioees llil IS wret'Sed mlwt leynarbeiih Onlineymi, your am bah. -i, vigur, vtteilty waalius away ? Wnea ethers fall eun sult . DOCTOR RATOJFFE, Tnt the speedy, aafa and nrmannt cure of all Nervous. t hrenle ao SpeeUt ..s. even in their mt aggravated 6rnA T 'm le no man In the wjrld wtia has ennd o m frnianeat eurealnbrth aten and Women of rimuiv whh-s othee uiiyslrnM f wknnwlmised eUlllty had slvea on aa nuneiene as III I emlM-ut eiwi-Hllnt. TiKKVOl In Hll 11 V and all ileattendlne SllniBnof VOL ft-1. ll(ii -Air.l and OI.O 1 K.N. Theewrui efrWte r nwtee-ed e Improp erly Ireateit eanee, n.usli!X ilritlr, areahnnes fif btdf and ttraln, SIbkIiimw, nllle memury, tak if eni-rirv ai.4 iViA-lwrnw, launs In laoK, lulu anil ktdiirva, end manf Mher tll.lreelna syniiitema, ntfttttn on fJif stiinr. tmm'tm or enlyn.enl of IttK lr Hatc'liife eaa curt, wu, a matter &u or tliet hu fllrl. WttK HEX, 11 metnres Inst vtn and VI talitr to VMk meiw Orsans f the t"ea fcVNn wwltsnea tll(uni(. di-eaee, uverwiira, ,nMtiir IriOlrreilniMeri reat .r-.t lofiill power, Mrmtn n4 vutui ttiruusti rm own ewMwHiful as lefii of tri ni"nt. ... VAflH KIV. bvlre),9welllif and teo- Oern.-.. nf U !(.. I trel1 with nillelllllssiKXX-a, ,!'. f'f At, lleKKa, li.niiimtl-.n, ChersM. am. alih-h If nii-4 vt imrrJiperlr treamlj trk Sw n la syetvoi, uaiuw kktuer ana blft.l!r iH(-a. !. . . IllaKh.M trOMtcrt. Prompt a4s. nerial atieiun kiven tm.l UiKlKnaor ailments. W HI t K If run are aware of ane trmiMe. I0 Htrr HKI.aV. lallon ir.k-lUiy. Ifyoe eannl mil, write Itim, III ve'itaiile tMMik frve li all .unVrera. O.VUl.TTIO?l HIKK aniieiiaa. Deallal atuAee or lir letter. . C. M. RATCLIFFE. T W a. (CtTflE, MM WHEAT; Make r"mev by nooslul ftw.ula1 -11 id Clileaao. e buy iit ii wneat uu mar ellia. PDfttlneH hava be.ta snait on a small b)'stnnliia by trsHnin lu- turea. wrtteioriuu narui-iara nest ol rei ere nee given, several year perleiiee on live CliionKO Hoard l Trade, an.! thormish know leos of the b"lne. Seuit lr our Irea re(e en re bonk. DOwfifNa, ItofKlNS Co., Chleaao liner o of Trale Brokers, U Sices la rortlaaa, Oregon B4 avatlle, weak. YOUR LIVE Is it Wrong? Get It Right Keep it Right. Havre's Havealed Uetuedy wllldolt Tort dose will nak yon let! batter. Oat It Iron your drnjrrtet or any wholesale druf house, of wont Stewart a Holme pros Co., Seattle BAG NEEDLES Plain or wltK Cutter. Tkenest neeille In the mar ket, linen by all wk aawrrs, Jrur sale bf all eu era! a,erjbanais sturea, or by WIM riNCK OO., . S3 Market sureet, Baa rraaelsoo, Cel. DAnO rrtn I'""!'" at "ver til till ..V..,. . .. U. , Ore. met nt nunea ireaeiiren. e.. 1 yoWa.KH.Ilos KI!,Houltilnlon,Cluiul. w. r. m. 0. Me. S, 'SS. w I1KN wvltlna to advertiser please SWSlle ""IS paper. Hie Bcactifsl Life of Frances fc.Will3rd Written by Anna A. Oordoa, for t year her primite see-4 nrtsry M mint Intlmat friend. Oflicial memorial volume) ndorsed by th W. C. T. U. J Popular essx or tna century. i..i. - u. mm. VtMiiiifutlv llluetntted, irlv son Morocco, j.7jj im t "W"""- postpaid on reeiit of prk. not neeesssryi most liberal terms: rre.Ut itlven; freinliti ukiiinv tltl.lin.ik. Kmiertencv ' paid; cireolar and terma free, write for outnt to-oay, ra MOMARCH BOOK COMPANY, Dt. 30 .-a- S.K. If.ttt sUaia. bUbImisI. taikauiaV. Ualla. Philadelphia, f. Oakland, Cel. AiHress nearest oflle. .,.....1 "O0WER .FOR.. PROFIT Power that will eave you money and make you money. Hercules Engines are the cheapest power known. Burn Gasoline or Distillate Oil; no smoke, fire, or dirt For pumping, running dairy or farm machinery, they have no equaL Automatic la action, perfectly safe and reliable. Scad for illustrated catalog. Hercules Qas Engine Works Bay SL, San Francisco, Cal, mmvvvUvvvvvtvtvv