The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, May 13, 1898, Image 3

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Friday. Hay 19, iH.
1,00 li Al OKM H?.,
Fred Ilondarioa wai op ttvia Gobi
last Friday.
O. G. Mayger in Portland Mon
day afternoon.
Robe. McKay, of Soappoo, was la
town Wednesday.
Thoi. Cloningtr cam down from
ficappoose Saturday.
g.'O, Bohoosofer has beea ia our
Uy lino lad Friday,
Alno Merrill, of Deer Island, wit
in town last Saturday.
liaao Butuiftrcloor, of Der Island,
was in Portland Monday,
J5tjwln Merrill, of Deer Island, wai
In our oily Saturday last
H. 0. Lambtraon, of Soappoo, was
on our itrwiU lt Friday.
Andrew Rubert attended to business
matter In Portland Monday,
W. II. Dolman was attending to
buainee in Portland Monday.
Georg nod William Brian hare fold
out tlieir businesa in Tillamook,
Frank Tompkins, of Bceppooaa, w
In doing buaiuta in our oily laat JFri-
iy. .
Mrs, J. B. Beegle earn down from
Hillsbora Wednesday and riaiied a day
or two in tbl city.
Bar. Van Waior will bold eenrioe
in th Episcopal church In tbla oity
paxt Wednesday evening.
Mra. J. WY Day returned w'edns.
day aveaing front Lebanon, whara aha
i.lted for about two wk.
Mr. and lira. Howard, of Oregon
City, war visiting Mi. and Mr. Oil
mora a day or twa tbla week.
By. 0. E. Pbilbrook will praach at
Dm Island aaxt Sunday at 11 o'clock,
and in Bt. Helena in tba avaning at
Barry Eharman, who, for about a
year, haa been employed in Mr. Dot
nian'a atom, ia now at work in Stan
wood's logging camp,
Mra. S. E. Davison, of Chicago, ar
rived at Reuben last Saturday, where
aba will remain during the summer,
the guest of Mr, and Mra. T. C. Watt.
The bowlinf alley was opened to the
public laat Friday evening, and the
iciiemeot baa been at fever heat all
the time since. There haa not been
more than an hour during the day and
early evening every day since that the
alleys have not been "red hot."
I have been a auffarer from ebronio
diarrhoea ever ainca the war and have
used all kinds of medicines for it. At
laat I found one remedy that haa been
a success as a cure, and that ia Cham
berlain's Colic, Cbolera and Diarrhoea
remedy.?. . Okihham, Gaar'a Mills,
La. For sale by Dr. Edwin Boas.
Mr. C. II. Piggott, who bas been at
Sheep Camp, near Skagway, Alaska,
for aeveral months, returned home Ian
Saturday night. Mr. Piggott ia not
well pleased with the conditions eb
taining in that country, and says re
port of wealth and possibilities of
making money are greatly overdrawn.
Capt. Good, of the Young America,
ia contemplating reconstructing hit
boat, and to remodeling it that the
ateamer will be able to make the time
between St. Helena and Portland in
nearly an hours' time leas. St. Belens
people are ansioua that the boat leave
this city an hour later than her pres
ent schedule, in which event they
would be better able to patroniae it.
The Columbia County Sunday School
Convention will meet at St. Helens on
June 10 and 16. (Wednesday at 8 p.
m, and Thursday at 9 a. m. and 1 p.
m.) Each suuday school ia entitled to
two delegate with superintendent and
aetor. Everybody cordially invited.
1 era Wert who expect to be present
will please notify M. 0. Gray by June
10tb, 0. E. PaaBROOE, president.
Quite a large number of persons
name down from University Park last
Friday and entertained our people for
a couple of hours in a manner highly
tatiafactory to all who attended. The
enlertaiument waa strictly Musical
aud literary, and waa given for the
benefit of the resident Methodist min
ister, Mr. G. G. Haley. The music
and singing waa of the highest order,
and those present duly enjoyed it.
Pater Lanirheardt hai found abetter
thing right here at home than ninety
nine in a hundred will find in Alaska.
He baa been prospecting; a coal find
On the Foley for the past few weeks,
and more work he does the better it
get, until the vein ahowa forty-five
inch of solid coal. He haa arranged
a. sal at a srood round sum to respon-
aible bartiea at toon as he can make a
. . ... ITL. I
ehowing oi a iour-iot vein. i iui
Ity ia equal, If not superior, to any coal
aver found on the Pacific coast. Ns
baler Republican.
1 sari accident ocourred last Mon
day afternoon at the water tank just
below Columbia City, when a gravel
train stopped there to fill the locomo
tive's tank. The conduotor, James
MoGuire, was discovered to be under
tba forewheels of the locomotive. He
waa extricated from the perilous posi
tion, and the train was hurriedly taken
to Goble, bearing its unfortunate con
ductor. Signal whistles were blown
for a physician at Kalama. The de
tails in the matter have been impossi
ble to obtain, further than what has
been staled. The arm was amputated
near the shoulder, and at last reports
the uufortuoate man was resting easy.
Many old aoldiert now feel the ef
fecta of the bard aervloe they endured
during the war. Mr. George S. A
deraou, of Botsvllle, York county ,
Tenn., who taw the hardest kind of
eervice at the front, is now frequently
troubled with rheumatism. "I had a
anvnr alfeclr lately." he SaVS, "and
procured a bottle of Chamberlain's
Pain Balm. It did ao much good that
1 wniiM lib to know What VOU WOllltl
charge ma for one diwen bottles." Mr.
Anderson wanted It DOtn lormsown
use and for his friands and neighbors,
as every family should have a bottle
of it in their home, aot only for rheu
matism, but lame baokt apraia, swell
inga, cute, bruise and buroa, for which
it ia unequalled. For tale by Dr. Ed
win Rota.:' ' ,,
Mr, and Mrs. J. Berber and daugh.
ter. Mrs. James Dsrt, L. Meeker and
wife of Houlton, Gus Wikmrom, Hn.
Cox and Mrs. Dunn ef Houlten, were
id iWiaiid last Tuesday. ;
A practical Juke waa played in this
city yesterday morning.- There is a
certaia boarding bouse in town whose
proprietor afford the usual accommo
dations in the way of shoe-polishing,
etc. By mistake or otherwise there
wat placed the wrong kind of black
ing at the disposal of the oustomers, so
we are inclined to think thata mixture
of (he two kinds of polishing material
ia a symbol representing the character
Of the fusion ticket. The two elements
are the same color, but they don't mix
Teachers examination it in session
here this week with Supt. Watts, Mrs.
Alma Bergle, and Mr. I. II. Copeland
at the board of examiners. The fol
lowing teachers are in attendance:
Misses Teresa MoNeal, Goble; Grace
Moectt, Bainieri Nnlli M. Charlton,
8t. Helen ; Lulu eorge, St. Helens ;
May Burlingame, Houlton; Bessie
Glendye, Dear Island ; Vernooia Shee
ley. Vernenia; Messrt. Edgar Colvin,
Marshland W. A. Hall, Clalskanie;
Robt, Boalt, Mayger; Freeman 0. Fike
Goble: Lester . Bailey, Yankton.
St. Helens il livelier this week than
it bat been during; a term of circuit
eourt for tome time. Court wat con
vened at tba usual hour on Tuesday
morning, tba Jury roll called, the grand
jury drawn and charged, and it at once
entered upon the dieonarge of its
duties. Minor matter were looked
after until Wednesday morning, when
Geo. Upton arrived down from Port
land, and the work of getting a jury to
try the case wa begun. Much inter
est is manifest in this oase, and people
from all psrtt of the enunty are in
town to watch its progress. The at
torney for the defeuaa, Messr. Cole
and Timmont, are exercising their
powers in behalf of their client, while
Prosecuting Attorney Cleeton enters
pen (he work of prosecution witn
treat interest and energy. The entire
day Wendesday was devoted to secur
ing a jury, and on Thursday morning
the taking of testimony was begun.
The trial will occupy the court' atten
tion the remainder of the week.
Last Sunday a number of friends of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dow chartered the
popular little ateamer Young America
and about 9 o'clock started on a visit
to Oak inland, which place wat reached
after an uneventful jonrney of about
ao hour and a quarter't duration, by
going up Gilbert river and across Stur
geon lake. Mr. Dow was advised of
the coming of the friends, and every
thing was in readiness for their enter
tainment and pleaaure. Ice-cream
f reeaera and otbar neceeearies for mak
ing ice cream were taken along, and
upon arrival a number of gallon of
cream were froten, and the crowd re
paired to the pleasant altsule of some
friendly oaks and partook of a genu
ine picnic dinner. The remainder of
the day was pleasantly spent in atroll
inc over the beautiful farm, and in
other ways of amusement, until 4:30,
when the steamer sounded the alarm
that it was time to start on the home
ward journey. Th' city wa reached
about 6 o'clock, and all who attended
were only sorry that the time lor re
maining on the island was of such brief
duration. Mr. and Mr. Dow proved
themselves royal entertainers, and the
visitor are thankful to them for the
many courtesies.
Houlton, Oregon, May 8, 1898.
One of the jolliest crowds that ever
gathered together met at the residence
of Mr. and Mra. Elijah Burnett, in the
little city of 'Houlton, Saturday even
ing in honor of Mrs. Flora jriorey, wno
toek her departure Sunday for Soap
poo, where sb will reside the re
remainder of the "twa. The
evening we very pleasantly spent,
singing, music, and dancing being the
main feature. Musio was furnished
for danoitiff by tb well-known Kuieh-
ton Bros. At a little past 12 the guest
(I must say reluctantly) bid their fair
hostess good-night, and retired to their
respective homes, all agreeing that it
waa on of the most brilliant entertain-1
menu given in thia place. Those pres
ent were: Mr. and Mra. Elijah Bar
nett, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Knighton,
Fred Franlt, Jeae Hendricks, jr.,
Frank Hurt, Geo. Kelley, jr., Burt and
Fred Kelley, Geo. Kala, Joe Sobietki,
Earnest McCauley, B. Crous, Charles
MoCauley, Frank and Bud Smith of
La Center, Fred Brlggt, Sig, Hardia,
and Aaron Knighton, Biel Burnett,
Charles and Jamea Cox, J. White,
Cleave Harnett, Roy Flory, Earl L.
Knighton, Flossy Cox, Mra. Jas. Cox,
Mia. Florey, Miss Edith Florey, Pollie
Barnett, Grace Kelley, Opal Cox, Mat
tie Luhmau, Maggie Luhman, and
Mra. Florey look her departure on
the N. P. train today (Sunday) for
Scappoose, where ehe will make her
home with her cousin, Mre. Henry
White. A large crowd of young folke
gathered at the depot to bid ber good
bye. Mra. Florey is only recsntly from
the East, but in the abort slay she ho
mad here the haa gaiued (by her
pleasant ways) a boat of friends, who
all regret teeing her leave, but join
in wishing her a good time and a
t needy return.
A Joint Discussion,
Hon. C. H. Dodd, ot Portland, whe had
been billed te speak at this plao Wednes
day evening, arrived on ths noon train, aad
la ths evening di-llvertid aa able address on
the political Issues to a larje audience.
Mr. Stephen Howard, of Minnesota, repre
senting the funion side of the question, was
in townsnda joint discussion was arranged,
by giving Mr. Howard forty fivs minutes to
open, Mr. Dodd an hour and a quarter to
make his Addrew, and Mr. Howard thirty
minutes to reply. In consideration of the
hurt that Mr. Dodd bad first been billed for
tl.l. oltv. Mr. Howard was thankful to that
gnnlleman tor agreeing to a Joint discussion,
but we say frond an unprejudiced stand
point that M rv Howard In no wise was equal
to his opponent. Mr. Dodd is a logical and
nnnolnnlnff arausr. and the manner in
which be handled his subject shows thst
tl,a matter has ben given the tf eepesi stuay
for many months. The fact remnltu that
Mr. Howard fell far short of. what was ex
r,.tl of him la tli way of replying to Mr.
Podd. On Tussday night Mr. Dodd spoke
to a large and appreciative audience at
Soappoose. ,
The Following; Coaee are Docketed
, fo tba May Term.
Matter of assignment of Columbia
City Lumber Company; Emrnona A
Emmons for assign.
Matter of assignment of Link k
Blake; P G Branoon for assignee.
Augu Forbes vs Sisters of Charity;
C J MoDougsll and W A M Jones for
plaitiff ; M J Munday for defendant.
Joseph Silver vt Win E Lee; WJ
Bice for plaintiff; Dillard & Cole for
Michael Pierter vs Wm Mellinger
and F A Zillgitt; Dillard A Cole for
plaintiff,' Allen A Cleeton for defend
ant, . . ,
Honeyman, Dellart A Company v
Bailie Rio; AO Em won for plaintiff.
Anna C Gunderaon vs John Gunder
son; Dillard A Col for plaintiff.
Wm Mellinger v F A Zillgitt; Dil
lard A Cole for plaintiff; Allen A
Cleeton lor defendaut.
0 J Richardson et al v Francis D
Henrioi; C J McDougall and W A M
Jones for plaintiff ; Scott, Boise A Stout
for defendant.
Matter of assignment of D Blanch
ard ; M Both, assignee.
J A Kemp vt L B Joaet; Davit A
Graham for plaintiff.
Matttr of assignment of Pag A
Warren ; L B Sabin for plaintiff.
Matter of assignment of Anry A
Kistner ; J B Doan, assignee.
Mary W Newsome vs A AC B R
Company; V C Bellinger and A
Sveck for plaintiff.
Burt West vs M Eva West; J C
Morelsnd for plaintiff; H E McGinn
and G W Cole for defendant.
E B Fosv Wm Kuauzler; Barin
A Ward for plaintiff.
James Muckle et al vs Columbia
Banking Company; Peter H Ward for
plaintiff; A L Fruzier and S T Jeff
rey for defendant.
Geo Kan vs A J Alley; Dillard A
Day for plaintiff.
Geo F Moeck v J C Epperly et al ;
G W Cole and A B Mendenhall for
plaintiff; Davit A Graham aud Amet
A Rice for defendant.
J D Partridge v Mary Amtden et
al; B T Piatt for plaintiff; James
Gleasoa for defendant.
B Z Joy vt county court of Colum
bia county and Judson Weed, clerk;
Dillard A Day for plaintiff,
Bicbard Nixon, aa receiver ot Port
land Savings Bank, vt W S Kariyoo
and Jamet Steel; Dolpb, Mallory A
Simon for plaintiffs.
FASiudavs Paulina Siuda; C J
McDougall aad W A M Jonet for
J H Middleton et al t Dorotha
Wetmore; V K Strade and J U Mid
dleton for plaintiff; Dell Stuart for
M Davison vs City of Vernonia ; W
F TiromoBB for plaintiff; Dillard A
Day for defendant.
Kelso Slate Bank vt Wm Symont;
T P Fik for plaiuiiff.
W J Deitt vt Columbia Banking
Company et al ; A L Frazier aod S T
Jeffreys for plaintiff; G E Davi and
G G Am for defendant.
Matilda K Schulier v John A
Schnla; W FTinimon for plaintiff.
H Vsrwig, jr, vs Anna Miller and
W M Miller; E aud A B Meadenhall
for plaintiff.
Ida Adam vt U 0 Adam; E D
Timmt for plaintiff.
John Conwy vt Nathan Nichol et
al: A L Fraxier for plaintiff.
John Carlson v L Saldren et al;
Amet A Bice for plaiutiff.
T T Burkhart vt W A Mnsgrove et
al ; E. B Seabrook for plaintiff.
A F Hildreth and Dean Blanohard
vt Felix Debast and G A Lane; Dil
lard A Cole for plaiutiff.
C Wanty v Dean Biancbard ; Al
len A Cleeton for plaintiff.
Foster Broa va Allen Bros ; W T
Fen ton and J P Link for plaintiff.
S C Spencer va John Conway ; Davis
ft Graham for plaintm ; A JU crazier
for defendant.
M L Pioee va H J Lynob et al ; Dil
lard A Day for plaintiff; John Ditch-
burn for defendant.
B B Foster vs Adaline Beed ; Q W
Cole and Dillard A Day for plaintiff;
W F Timmons for defendant.
James Wallace vs J M Nickerson et
al: Mitchell, Taaner A Mitchell for
A A C B E Company n J T Mor
ten et al : Fulton Bros for plaintiff.
A 4 U B Company vt James nio-
Gregor ; Fulton Broa for plaintitt.
A A C R B Company vs W W El
liolt: Fulton Bros tor plaintiff.
Samuel Elmore vt lao Aim;
Harrison Allen for plaintiff.
R Z Jov v Columbia county; JUti
lard A Dav for plaintiff; T J Cleeton
for defendant.
Eureka A Epicure Packing Uom
nanv v B G Davey : Fulton Bro for
plaintiff; G W Col for defendant.
Maurice W JNortnrup nnu oiui
line W N Barrett tor plaintiff.
H 0 lmbron noli uenoonover;
a W nilo for nlaintiff.
J J Bowen vs J M Leaven et ai u
S G Marouam for plaintiff; G W Cole
and Dillard A Hay lor aeteaaan.
Mr. Motter's Adilree.
Ho. Frank Motter, of Portland, ddiv-
ered a political address to a fair-slaed aud
ience at the courthouse la this city last
Baturdnv evenlua. Mr. Motter spoka for
over sn hoar on the prominent Ifsues, and
his arsument was strong and convincing.
He directed bis remarks particularly to tne
falllcies of popooratlc doctrine, and com.
nlstely exploded everyona of their pet
schemes. It requires little argument now'
adnys to set populists oa the run, and Mr,
Mutter seoceeded admirably lu nis enori.
Whooping Cough.
I had a little boy
who was nearly dead
flTim alii attack of W
mhoonlug couru. iy
dided Chamberlain s
n.i.i,hnn rfflommemiec
CourIi Remedy. I did not think that any
medicine would help him, but alter givine:
him a lew doses oi that remedy I noticed
an improvement, ana one boiih umru i
entirely. It is the best cough medicine I
ever had In the house. J. I,. Mooaa, South .
Burgettstown, Pa. For sale by Dr. lloss-S
Drcadrully Nerveaa. I
GKT:-I was dread fully nervous, snd t
for relief took your Karl's Clover Root l ea. i
It quieted rov nerves and strengthened my I
whole Mervous System. I was troubled:
wilh constipation, kidney and bowel troub
le. Your te soon cleansed my whole ys I
tem so thoroughly thst I rapidly regained
... h.ahh ami atrensth. Mrs. 8. A. bwect.
Hartford, Con. Bold by Dr. Jidwiu Rosa. J
Prooeedlnga of May Term of County
Conrt tn Foil.
Be it remembered al a regular ten of
the county court of th state of Oregon, for
Columbia county, begun and beld at St.
Helens, on May 4th, 1808. far the transac
tion Of county business, wben were present
Hon. J. B. Doan, eaunty judge; P. A.
Frskes sad N. D. Peterson, com mias loners;
Judsoa Weed, clerk; J. JS. Bice, sheriff.
Dae proclaintllan being given the follow
ing proceedings were bad i
Ordered that 110 be retained Matuua
Schulier lor rebate of probate fees.
Petition grauted P. H. Adams for county
road, and 0. D. Garrison, Dan Freeman,
and Grant Lynch appoiuted viewers, and
W. H, Meserve, sarveyor, to meet at the
residence ot Guttav Lange on May 18, 1893.
Ordered that petition of R. F. Graham
for remission of casts and penalty oa tax
sale of 18SM be granted on payment ot orig
inal tax and cost of advertising.
Viewers' report on Coulter road read and
petition for damage Died. W. D. Case, A.
H. Powell, and Andrew Elliott appointed
appraisers to meet at Vsrnoula, June 18th,
Matter of P. M. Tucker for rebate ef tax.
Ordered that II poll-tax tor 181)7 be remitted.
Matter of remission of costs and penalty
on sale of lead belonging to 0. B. Btubbs.
It appearing that sn error oceured In the
sssessment, it is ordered that the costs ssa
peaalty be remitted on receipt of original
tax. .
Viewer' report on U. F. Hazen road
received and road erdered opened.
Ordered that ta sale certificate No. 65
be assigned to J, 0. Corey on payment of
I78.M. '
Viewers' report on Girt road accepted and
road ordered opened.
Petition of 8. Neuman for damages on
road denied.
Matter of collection of taxes for 1807.
Ordered that the sheriff close tb poll June
10. 1898, and make return at the July term
et court
Account ef clerk, sheriff, and treasurer
exarolaed, found correct apd approved.
A N Clark. J. P. fees state vs M anion $ S 95
A knhinson. constable, same 16 35
Cbarle Blaaketer, witness, sam. .. 3 10
Tern Krickeon, same 8 10
A Reeves, same o
Mrs Kricaeen, same 81
0 C Jaquish, same . ......... 8 10
John Molln, same. 8 10
H Woodhasa, same 8 10
C Hoven.sem 8 10
O A Hall, deputy district attorney.. , 6 00
T M Tucker, rebate of poll tax 1 00
A P McLaren, coroner a fees
A Xt M.I,ha tmlilinffinaiimton th
bodv of ewanson ....., v
J T.Jnnee. itiror. urns.. 1 00
W M Kirgs, aarne ;
W H Wixruer, same 1 00
8 H Kistner, same 100
W 3 PHIZ, same , V7
Alex Scbmlrer. same w
Jas T Oray, witness, same ......... 1 oo
O H blulper. same ... ?
V li'tor Degerstedt, same. i "
w A noerwn. same a
boar o! Jonn Doe... iu oo
Ed Oore, juror, same 1,00
Olios Blakesley.sam.. .'.,.,. 1 00
(i (i Mnyger, same... 100
1 Nheldnn. some 100
K Blakeeley, same a w
L Decker, some a 00
Bert Whitnev. witnese. same 1
Knaene Blok'esley. same 1 50
Geo A Hall, same 1 0
H Rflliff. aarne I 60
I Mhi.lrlnn halllinar bodv to CCUIS-
' a cn
A linhinann. anhiienaiuB? Wltnoaoe
n,l fur 0U
M K Ebv. niakine coffin , 8 00
Hlakeelev. euardizio' bodV
and oif King gravo...,
. .. ,
neri tt niviiev v vi
A N f'Urk. J' P fees Stat V Tract
nttite 8 15
A Kobinwin. constable, same B 90
Jacob Bkusy, witness, sauia 8 50
William Skuzy, same M
Fred Adams, same 8 SO
Geo Vollins, same. : . . , . 8 50
Fred Moer. same ..-
Wm Whit name 8 10
Wm Watts, sum 8 10
G A Hell, denntv district attorney. . i 60
A K (Mark oiimtnittioa insane Da-
W H Olann. aiitnMa aama . 1 SO
John Johnson. same 160
Uapfid White aaina AOU
G A Hall, deontv district attorney.. 6 00
t,-... kJ , , ..... InbrnrAtAF UF UHS
Mm n P ribeldelin. keeoina Hanson
chi dren. w w
Martin White. eeuate oeseeoor. . ... . HO 76
W T Gardner, for Boys and Girls Aid
10 00
1 93
M C Gray, telegraphing for witnesses
h 1. Pecaer. Boarding prisoners.
Mier Frank, spikes fer road dis-
tiW.a . . ...........
4 80
10 00
12 00
85 76
Geo W Lane, support of the Bittner
Heury county cbarg
N D Jnhneon. same ..'
Rtfla Vanhlaricom. some
10 00
Bt Helens ladne No 117, 1 0 0 F, bur
ial lot for pauper. . . .
9 00
T,,rt..,n Wnd. noalae-a for countv
officers .. ... ... ... v
Ok(iom Mist, sutlonery and print
W J Deitz. supplies for Jordan
85 50
6 00
10 00
4 00
G A Hall, deputy district attorney,
exammine two insane patieats....
News Pub Co. stationery . .
H O Howard, lumber lor K i ro a. .
H O Howard, lumber for RDNo2..
H 0 Howard, lumber for jail ....
Mrs G A Sonford, boardiag prisoner
W H Dolman, clothing for prisoner.
Muckle Bros, lumber lor jail
A H Sheffield, support county charge
y B Rose, taking county eaarg t
hospital ...
F Vivian, taking insane patient to
8t Helens
G F Undxren, supplies for Domeyer
Dart Muckle, supplies forMcUoy..
G F Undgren, noils for K D No 12..
H R Cliff, holding autopsy on body
of suicide and examining insane
SB 58
6 12
2 30
61 SS
1 60
2 41
20 00
17 00
1 50
.6 50
10 00
4 40
15 00
4 40
Dart & Muckle. noils for jail
W A Harris, 10 gallons oil for court
house St Helens light A Water Co, water
rent . . .
J G Watts, school superintendent . .
J N Rice, pestoge - . .
T 0 Watts, supplies for Broomstickl
K Ro, examining Insane patient. . .
E Ross, medicine for county charge.
R Seseemo, bridge work isBOMo
18 ... ... .,,..........,
E K Jones, lumber for jail.... .....
K O Blackford, stationery
1 80
8 00
140 00
15 00
1 40
5 00
1 00
S 60
40 80
6 76
Royal SBOke th toad para.
Wholesome aad
'if. L
fK. '' J aff
rfWa. nf il
aUsuiUtt.) m
mm enwrwe eo.. wwv
Hoeeyman, Dellart A Co, nail for
Wm Fruitier, boarding Upton;
IB 20
84 W
17 63
2 60
11 86
8 00
18 11
20 00
4 60
8 00
1 00
1 40
8 76
8 00
9 25
88 41
10 00
14 00
24 40
2 00
2 00
1 fl, nftatmr
J i) McKay, witness, state vs John-
en ...
. B Hslnes, constable, taking tn-
mmnm nntieilt to Ht Helens
B V McKay, interring dd body.,.
W lXJaee, lumber for RDNoli-...
M K Kpy, work on jail
W H Wagner, ooaruing joraon. ....
u A 7IllwlU. Irnim f,,r hrlrire .......
K tllneir Co. freiirliton lumber for tall
1 Q i'lank, hauling lumber from tb
dock to jail .
Jobn V Dallas, clothing for Mrs Mc-
Andrew King, Irons for jail ...
A H Blakesley, hoarding prisoners. .
John Prinaie. supplies for Bastlick..
Lae Broe, lumber for R D No 12 ..
O l (lilson, supportofcountycharge
I' A rrakes. county couiimsaiuijor..
n U rewwu. ,,. ... ........ ....
0 A Girt.ehainrnen on Girt road....
Joseph Copeland, viewer on Hazen
roan . .
f rwm Hall, sam
M W lirown. marker on Girt road..
2 00
2 00
4 00
8 8alsr, rlewer on Haten road
Un Aderoe, viewer an uouuer roan
ii X Bennett, chalomad oil Hazen
Wm Wood, viewer oa Coulter road.
4 00
W N Meere. county surveyor. ...
42 70
4 00
4 00
4 00
4 00
OW Mellinger, viewer en Coulter
Clide filewart, marker oa Girt road.
Otto Malmsteu, marker on Coulter
rosa .,,.....,.........,"..".
Alfred Schneider, marker on Coulter
road -
P E Malrasten, chalnmsn on Coulter
rood . .
N 8 Hiewart, chuiatnsn en Olrt road
ti F Ludwig, cbainman on Hazen
W N Meserve, establishing govern
ment corners.
4 00
4 08
27 00
James Galliea, viewer oa Girt rood . .
Jsrred Wilson, sam
J K 8 (e wart, same
6 60
4 GO
4 60
kt Hki.kmii. Or.. Mar. 18M.
unpaid County Warranto of Columbia
ana eiiuurweu; riui ibiu ii v. - .
prior lo Nor. 1, 181.5, will be pld upon presen
tation at this office, Interert will not be allowed
anr mm uttte. n. a.
ni6j.H Treasurer oi couimuia uouuij.uj.
Notice) of Final Settlement.
IN J. V. Lankin, as adusiui.trotor of th
eetateot John Keller, aeeea-wu, n ui-u
nia final inmniL and that June 6th. 1898.
at 2 o'clock p. ns. has been by the Oounty
Court of Columbia county, Oregon, ap
pointed as the time for hearing objections
lliereioana we settlement iuri.
Administrator of the estate of John Keller,
deceased. mj
Notice to Creditor.
the nndereifned has, by the County
Court of the Ktata of Oregon, for Columbia
County, been duly appointed administrator
of the estate of John Elmore, deceased,
and that all persons having claims aamt
tne estate oi sam aeceaseu wo u.icj v
Hiied and reonired to nresent tbe some.
duly verilied and with proper vouchers, to
the unuersigneu, at me oiuko oi
Quick, in Ht. Helens, Oregon, within si
months from the date of this notice.
listed at St. Helens, Oregoa, apm vs. , intra.
E. K. UU1CK.
Administrtor of thesetateof Jehn Elmore,
deceased. anit.
Loud Orrici at Oaoo Citt, Ok..
May 7th, IS
foliowin(r-name.lltler haa Died notice nf
his Intention to make lioal proof in support of
his elaim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the County Clerk of Colombia county, at
St. Uelens, Oregon, on June 'ib, IK, f Is:
Homestead Entry. No. 10,, for the nqrtheart
M ot southeast bi of section U, soutn H ot soutn
went M and northwest U oi southwest 14
oi southwest '4. oi ee-
tlon 1 township 7 north,
He uames th following wltnf to prove his
rftntfA A Want.
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said laud, vis: R. X. fcnipuian. H. Syveraon
ij Jesae B. Jones, ot qutocy, uregon, aj.u m.
t. Snyder, of CUf ksnie, Oreiron.
ml3jl7 CHA. B, MUOR88, Beitlster.
In the Circuit Court of the Stats of Oregon, for
Columbia County. . . .
T. A. Sluda, PlaintliT, vs. Paulino Biuda, Defend
To Psultna 8lniia, the above-named Defendant
Ta mi NAHa oi tne stare oi vreKuu; iu
am h.nh, r.., n tAannMran.1 aaswetthe
complaint filed against yon In the above entitled
suit by Tuesday, May loth, IIW8, which Is the
drat day oi the next term oi sasa conn iouow-
ine the ejtpiratlon ui the time preeonoea in me
order for the publicatioa of this summons, and
if you fail so to answer lor want tnereoi, ie
plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief
demanded in the complaint, to-wit: for a decree
dissolving the bonds of matrimony now and
heretofore existing between plaintiff and de
fendant! tor the costs and disbursements of this
suit; and for such other aud furt ier relief as
may be equltble. This summons is published
bv order of the Hon. T. A. McBride, Judge of the
abovi-entltled Court, made this lath day of
Maroh, ltaa. . .
C. J, McDovoal, W. A. iff. Jowls,
m2Sm Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the Stat of Oregon, for
Columbia County.
George Kane, Plaintiff, vs.
. A. J. Alley and Jesse
Alley, Defendants.
To A. J. Alley and Jess Alley, Defendants.
yon and each of you are hereby required to
appear and answer the complaint filed against
you In the above entitled action by the 10th
dayot Mav, it being the first day of the
trm nf Mid Crturt next fnllowtnir the expira
tion of the publication of this summons, aud if
you fail to answer the complaint th plaintiff
win cause your oeiauu w im ein.twi,uw.i
to the oourt lot the relief demanded la the
complaint, to-wlt: for a judgment asainst ths
defendants. J. Alley for the sum of at.Hi.76, with
Interest at the role of 10 per oent per annum
from tbe 28d day of October, MM, together with
1150.00 attorney's fees and costs, and that a de
cree be made against both of yon foreclosing all
IntMrAHt which vnu had on the 23d dav of Octo
ber, 18W, the date ol the mortgage given by de
fendaut, A. J. Alley, to plaintiff, on the prem
IsosdMcrlbed, or have since acquired In or to
theSWUol the NKW (otherwise described as
lot No. 2) and the BK! of the N KX and the ttliX
of the SbW of section No. 4, township No. 6,
north of range No. S. west of the Willamette
meridian, in Columbia county, Oregon, con
taining 120 acres ol land, and ordering said
premises sold according to law, and applying
the proceed!) therol to the payment of said judg
ment. ...
Thin Alimynnns la hllhtlshed bv Order Of the
Honorable Judge of this Court, mode on the
lUlb day of March, 1898. .
mMmS Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the County Court of the State of Oregon for
coiumoi county.
In the matter of the Estate) ,
of IMward Wehster, de- Citation to Heirs.
To Mary I.. McPherson, Dora L Throop, Hat
tic E. Webaler, Edwin R. Webster, heirs at-law
ol Edwrd Webster, deoeased, Rebecca Webater,
surviving widow of deceased, aud devisee under
the last will of deceased, and to all other heirs
and devisees unkuown. lfaiiy such there be, and
to all other persons interested In the real estate
belonging to the estate oi saia ueoeaseu, greeuus ;
J. mm: Yon antl each ol you are nefeoy
commanded to be and appear before the Kon
nrahin countv Court oi the State of Oregon, In
house. In St. Helens. In said Couuly and State.
on Mnnrfav. the HUlh dav of MaT. IHWt. at
2 o'clocit p. m. of said day, it being the regular
May term of said County court, to snow cause,
,1 ,n, exist. hv an order of sale of all the real
property belonging to said etaie should not ne
maile, aa proved for in the petition on rile In
sold oourt; the real estate described In said pe
tition, being as follows, to wit:
The souihwest quarter of section No. twenty,
a rr,l in tnwnshiii live. (61 north of range flv-
CM west of the Willamette nierhiian. Also lot
No elL'htin hloea eiirht. and lot one lu blocs
seventeou: and too west half of lot No. rive, (..)
In block No. two, (2) all in the town of Verno
nia, In Columbia county, State of Oregon, as laid
down upon the official plat of said town on hie
in the oflice of the olerk of said County oud
in testimony whereof, I Judson Weed, clerk of
the County court ol the suueoi urcgon, ior i.u
lnmhintvnntv. do hereunto set mv hand and
aitu the seal 61 said court, at my office in the
Oltv of St. Helens, Columbia County, iu tbe Mate
oi Oregon, this aith oay ot April, a. i.. ra.
lrT"i County Clerk w Clerk of the
1 ojai ( county Court of Coliuuhia County
- Sui of Oregon.
ii27 By W. A. HARRIS, Deputy.
f Ps Vam a 0 pans
AIM Ul-tzro .Us. S
: io iyiw i ncrco..
7. Da SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts,
was ths originator of "CASTORIA," the same thati
has lorne and does now hear nf sf"jT,my,' m everV j
the fae-simile signature of yw wrapper. I
This is the original "CASTORIA" which has been used in ;
the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years,
LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it
the kind you have always taught ty- 071 thQ
and has the signature of OCtyffld&Jtte wrap
per. No one has authority from me to use my name except
The Centaur Company, of which Chas. IL Fletcher is President, i
Do Not Bo Deceived.
Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting
a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you
(because he make3 a few more pennies on it), the in
gredients of which even he does not know.
"The Kind Ton Have Always Bonglit"1
Insist ca Having
The Kind That Fever Failed Yon.
fww. iwewnwywy.nwtfen' ....
Keeps always on hand all kinds of .
i, stable and fancy groceries and : .
"" wt "" Tl proTtsioos, tam produce, tropical f-
For Your ; ami dnmww iruiu in mmmwh, tine ; (jrocertes
; . teas and cofitwi, tobacco n ciaars.
; A line llneof coBlectlonerr also in
stock, and various other specialties.
Lv..... r...-..: ....
All Kinds cf Fresh f'ssls, Hams, Bacon end Lard
Meats by Wholesale
At special KAiea.
9ji garajsngrjijc ajansisnsjansjr ayauaim
Dr. EDWIN ROSS, Proprietor.
Patent Medicines,
Carefully and Accur
ately Compounded-..
... .Cicur s
jBw l irT Jla.r JOr M.M
One hundred ond twenty acres, IH mile;
from couutv seat: 40 acre. In cultivation: 1
mile from seboolhouse; on Columbia river;
prtoe 20 M) per acre.
Timber claim: 80aores; estimated at 4.000,
000 feel of timhor; accessible to logging
atreami price SfiOO 00.
Tlmberelaimi 160oeres: over 8,000.000 (eet;
One hundred and twenty acres: (rood or
chard; SO acres good swale laud; all land is
level; 1 mile from sehoolhouse; mile
from railroad station; 1 mile from tidewater;
good ohauoa lor cordwood.
Main Street, - - St. Helens, Oregon
r sua y
, h t :V;txtT.Yo.ICljC?f8!S?.
. v.. . . . err.
M M VltfwatMiasi,'vWl-vJ
at fsswa frrsa. 1
ft I .
. I lal
James H. Sheldon,
Fancy Toilet Articles.
Complete Line cf.
School Books.
School Supplies
Sale By...
Ten acres on Milton creek, Mt mile from
school; 8-room house, barn, oulhouiws, etc.;
small orcnard; 8 acres iu cultivation; prtoe
One hundred and twenty acres of timber
land iu tp 4 n, r 2 west; price Soou 00.
81 hnndred and forty acres of timber
land tp 4 n, r 2 west ; price Si oO per acre.
Eirtty acres, S! mtles from county seat;
all level aud timber slanhe'l; miie from
schoolhouiw; on county rivft; will sell in 10-or20-acre
tnui; price $'0 00 par acre; part
cash and baiMuue ou time.
4svmin ny njo. ay ngrsgajy