The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, May 06, 1898, Image 3

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Friday, May fl, Mm,
Jfsvisrt l)jJTTi:R.--Nevr in th hit
lory of iblt valley woru crop propotl
brighter .hurt at thl tlmo. There will
be n bundnnce of nverythlng. The
lute front! injured in ft minor (IcRree
low of the eurliur Vnrlotlim of ponohe,
but there re enough tuft far ell pur
pose. All kind of cereal are looking
well, mid Indication; ere Bond for ft
riindorntMly high price. Thie immediate
nortlon of Umatilla county may well
congratulate Itwlf over ite proi'orou(
oonditlnn end bright proepeoti for tbe
future. Milton Bugle. .
No FRom-KM1. A well-known poll
tlalan on returning home from Koe
burg some time eiuee, where he had
been to hear Towne peak, mot hie wife
at the front door with the remark;
"Marie, there' no pro" but before
he could get any further with hit
declaration, atie hit him with the roll
Jug pin and knocked him through the
window, laying: "Uf course there
in t any properity. A lot of you loaf
ing politician! couldn't me it if there
waa.'' "Marie," he laid ariiing to bin
feet. "I intended to lay that there wm
no prospect of my being nominated for
therm on the lotion ticket to long ai
there are to many hungry democrat!
to bo provided for. Plaindealer.
MitLf Vbky Bu.V. O. F. Peltibooe,
Minneapoln lumberman, it on the
ooatt looking over the lumbering in
dustry of the Northweet. He find
moat of tlx nillU, both in Oregon and
on the Sound, working on full time,
and marketing their output at fail ai
it leavei the law. lie thinki Oregon
fir ia clearer and make longer lumber
than that of Minnesota, but it le not
aurh One grain at the Norway piae of
the Upper Ifiiaixeippi valley. The
average length of aawlogt in hii itate
ia 16 feet, while out here it ie 32, the
treee being to much longer here. Tbe
l'acirio ooait mltla are not, however,
prepared to handle large quantities of
(umber to rapidly ae there.
Boo to Bsivmr. The Western
Faoking Company'! abattoir and can
nery at Llnnton, which baa been cloeed
down during the winter, will probably
reeume operation! by the firet of neit
month. The ratigne are becoming
crowded with wild bronchos feeding
en the young grate, and tbe boraei will
aeon be in fine condition for tbe
slaughtering. Last year 0000 horses
were oanned and shipped to Europe.
All borate brought to the abattoir are
not killed, however. The best and
moat gentle one are selected for local
use, and a good number are shipped
to the. East where they at this time of
h year will find a ready market. The
wildest and least adapted for any other
uaa than canned meat are killed.
Man, Pooa MAHh-The following
was written by a woman, and it ia evi
dent that ber opinion of the "lord of
creation" ia not over exalted ! "Man
is a tworlcgged animal that chews to
bacco ad walka on tbe forked end.
Most men were born, we never heard
of but one that wasn't, and he was
made ol mod Jtit for a sample. Man's
life ii full of disappointments and eob
pipes. He goes forth In the morning
and leaves his wife the wood to chop,
and returns in the evening with bis
can Is rinoed and raises oain about
Lard times. lie has the grip on read
working days, and walks 20 miles to a
circus. He will chase a jaok-rabbil
f ur miles through the snow, and then
borrow a horse to ride half a mile to
tbe posloffloe."
Bio Mill Lkahko. A transsction of
considerable importance to the lumber
induatrv of Vancouver and surround
ing couutry was the leasing of the big
sawmill at that place, formerly owned
by the Michigan Lumber Company, to
t n. .i : I.
1. i. IHnnwioa. a UV MUM wnm nw."
abnnt ten vears ago at a cost of about
$76,000. It has a capacity of about
7F..O00 feet ol lumber oer day. For a
number of vears after its construction
ft did a large business, but the slump
in the lumber market four or five years
ago compelled it, like many others, to
abut down, since which time it bss le
mained idle. Two years sgo the Mich
igan Lumber Company went out of
Axiatance and the property passed into
th hands of the mortgagees. Tbe
mill wilt furnish employment for from
25 to 60 bands.
Tn Much Abubkd Editob Edl
tm ar the first to hear of gross in
desoretions of men and women, things
tin fit tnr nutilication. intrigues, olan-
iatiii meetings, night buggy ridel.
young girls gone astray, flirtations with
married women, amours of married
fact all neighborhood scandal
Editors generally know all the naughty
rinlniri In community, no matter how
secret. If one-half they hear was pub
lished, divorce suits would follow In
inmi eases, social ostracism in others
shotguns and gore, desolate homes,
Imnriaonment. lynching, shame, hu
militttlon. and misery, The editor
loams much of the shnme and hypoa
rioy of life, and it is a wonder be be
lieves in anything on the earth or the
hereafter. People who abuse the editor
tbe loudest sometime I owe their stand
ing in society to his forbearance.
By reason of a number oi river steam
boat men having gone norlh to the
Yoknn and Stickeen rivers, several
changos kave been made on the Will
amette and Columbia rivsr boats.
Capt. W. K. Lurkiiis, late pilot oo the
Telephone, and who for 11 years bus
been in the employ of the White Collar
Line, has taken clmrge of the Lurlinf,
in place of Cant. Ji. Gray,. who Is to
be master on a boat run by the Can
adian Paoiflo Railway Co. on thoBtiok
ten river. Andrew Johnson goes as
pilot on the Telephone. The vaoancy
on the steamer Dalles City, caused by
the rcsignition of CPt. Wm. Johnson,
who is going to the Stickeen river, will
be filled by dipt. Henry Coe. The
steamer Sarah Dixon, in oommand of
riunt. .Tn Allen, haa been Dluced Oil
the Portland-Dalles route m pluoe of
th IWnlalor. which is laid up for re
pairs. Capt. Joe Turner is muster of
ih T. J. Potior, instead of Capt. Ed.
Sullivan, promoted to assistant super
intendent of. water . lines of the O. R,
& N. Co. John-Anderson, for a num
Vol. nf rear mata'bn the R R. Thorn p-
on. is nilot on the Potter. Kalania
Commissioner'! court wai In session
(bit week.
t '
' The Upton murder trial li tut for
May lUh.
Admission only 25 cents to the en
tertainment tonight,
The county treasurer lias a call for
warrants in this Issue, It may interest
Rev. O. E. Phllbrook will preaoh st
ncsppoosa next Dunuay morning and
Mr. Charles Gablo expects to have
the bowling alley ready for use by Sat
urday night.
Forty-six building! in the business
portion of Northport, Wash., were
doitioyed by tire Monday night.
Another large vein of coal has been
discovered at the month of the Nuha
lent. The vein ii laid to be 45 inches
wide. .
The regular may terra of circuit
court for thin county will convene here
next Tuesday. The session promises
to be an interesting one.
Do not fail to attend the entertain
ment tonight (Friday) at the opere
bouae In this city. A splendid musical
and literary programme will be rend
ered. Tbe Astoria and Columbia River
railroad will open to traillo about the
18th of this mouth. The work of bal
lasting is being prosecuted with much
The announcement of Hon. C. H.
Dodd's plaoei and time of speaking in
this county next week appears in an
other column. Mr. LHaiU is a logical
Circuit court closed at Oregon City
Wednesday and Judge McBride went
to Astoria to bold an adjourned term
there for two days before opening court
bare next Tuesday.
The aunsbine of tbe past week is
making ita presence felt on growing
vegetation and muddy roads, at well
as malting the mow and causing the
river to rise.. A very high water is not
predicted for ..
The revised game law of this state
makes it not only legal, but an act of
charity to kill the feilowa who borrow
their neighbors paper ana then curse
the editor. The season for this "game"
is opea the eutireyear.
One of our exchanges beads a de-
partmeuti "Letter f rom Hell. Just
why a oewspaper man tfiouiu smite
up a correspondence wuu nis aeuu-
quenl subscribers after they are dead,
it is diUlcult to comprehend.
The Mayger Company on Tuesday
closed a couiraot with the Astoria &
Columbia River Railroad Company
for 5000 corda of wood two foot to
be delivered on the line, for which the
railroad company ia to pay 12.50 per
cord. '
At tiie annual conference of the
Evangelical Association, held at 8a
lera, and which meeting adjourned on
Monday, Rev. I. M. ii.hor waa ap
pointed to the Nchaloin charge and
Rev. A. E. Myers sent to the Uoullou
A beautiful seloclion of hati and
bonnets of latest styles will be open in
St. Helens, uommenciug May Kith,
18D8, for the ensuing week at Mrs. W.
B. Buell'i residence, nearly opposite
the schoolbuuse. Stylish trimming a
It la not too early to begin prepara
tions for the fitting observance of Memo
rial Day. More particular aud impres
sive would be such a demonstration this
year than for many yearsnd theday'a
proper observance suouia oe prepareu
for at once.
A Missouri editor eaya be stepped
into the store of a business man who
did not advertise, and was surprised to
find him buey. The storekeeper bad
tbe itch and a Waterbury watch, and
when he waa not scratching himself
he was winding his watch.
Th Mist sugEesla that a good way
to resist the spread of contagion iu tbe
present insiauce ii to clean up the
pack yard and dispose of all dead and
decaying matter. This is a precaution
that ia not amiss at any time, and at
this time should be especially looked
after by tbe health officer.
There will undoubtedly be as large
a crop of fruit of all kinds this year as
there waa tbe previous season. Cherry
treea in this vioinity are full of young
fruit, as are plum and other varieties,
and the outlook for another bountiful
harvest of fruit and cereals is most en
couraging throughout the state.
Hoa. Charles H. Dodd, of, Portland,
will tpeak on the poliiioal isuuea to
the people of Columbia county at the
following places: Boappooso, Tuesday,
May 10,8 p. m.; St. Heleus, Wednes
day, May 11, 8 p. m.; Clatskenie,
Thursday, May 12,8 p. m.j Mist, Fri
day, May 13, 8 p. m.; Rainier, Salur-
! day, May 14,8 p. m.
Mr. Filbj, who is cutting wood for
the Oregon Wood Co., at their camp
on Milton creea, ro wim h'"
severe accident last Saturday. He
slipped on a piece of bark, falling anu
sinking the left arm on the teeth ol a
crossed t saw, four of the teeth enter
ing tbe musole portion of the arm,
severely lacerating it.
Two vears ago R. J. Warren, a drug
gist at Pleasant Brook, N. Y., bought
a small supply of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. Ho sums up the result as
follows: "At that time the good were
unknown in this section ; today Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy is house
hold word." It is the same In hundreds
of communities. Wherever the good
qualities of Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy heoome known the people will have
nothing eUo. For sale by Dr. E.Ross.
Mrs. A. Invecn, residing at 720
Henry St., Alton, 111., suffered with
soiatio rheumatism for over eight
months. She doctored for it nearly
the whole of this time, UBing various
remedies recommended by friends, and
was treated by the physicians, but re
ceived no relief. She then used one
and a half bottles of Chamberlain'
Pain Balm, which effected a complete
cure. This is published at her request,
as she wants others similarly afllioted
to know what cured her. The 25 and
50 cent sizes for sale by Dr. E. Rosa.
, American! are the moit inventive
people on earth. To them have been
issued nearly 600,000 patents, or more
than one-third of all the patents issued
la the world. No discovery of mortem
years has been of greater benefit to
mankind than Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera aud Diarrha Remedy, or has
(lone more to relieve pain aud Buffer
ing. J. W. Vaughn, of Oakton, Ky.,
says: "I have utmd Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhrca Remedy
in my family for several years, aud
find it to bo the best medicine I ever
used for cramps in the stomach and
bowels. For sale by Dr. Edwin Ross.
County Assessor While narrowly
escaped being suffocated in (he large
vault in the clerk's office Wednes
dny afternoon. He had gone into the
vault to put away his hooks, the other
oflicuri having attended to that duty.
The clerk, asking if everything was in
the vault, and being assured in the
affirmative, cloeed and bolted the doors.
Mr. White thought the act to be a
joke, but did accidently give an alarm,
which fortunately was heard from tbe
outside. The vault was unlocked and
Mr. White stepped out. He would
have suffocated had be remained there
all night.
A new rope has been put in the flag
pole at the eourthouse, and old glory,
will wava again. '
W. K. Ticlirnor tas been dlimltignp some
old water l fur a lynteni of iii own.
Mr. Will Barr. after nrxinilhig a f ew days
In Portland on a Tiit to ber daughter, re
turned Moildsy morning.
Mitt Mvrtle Jones returned on Monday
morning and began ber work a toucher al
tbe liarr acliool district, neat tcwu.
Mrs Cora WbeeUr and child spent a few
days with her parents, Mr. anil Mrs. Z.
Bryant, returning to fortlaud Monday
tvvniug of this week. ,
The whUtl of the locomotive and tight
of the train at I bey pass give ths town a
light metropolitan appearance, which the
cituen appreciate.
Ik Bumxardner has moved bis family
Slid huumhoid effects to Marshland, ex-
oectlng employment at Uolvlu logging
camp for the season.
Kdsar Colvln wa up the first of the week
wlih a wavon and team from Marahland.
l'fie road around tbe hill to that place in re
ported quit paasabl now. ,
A. F. Myers ts having a platform walk
placed in front of bia building this week
Ibal will prove a convenience to th many
periou wbo visit ti tor.
8. C, Ttchenor. the new school clerk, was
distributing tbe achool apportionment tiiui
week lo Iboae liicKy enough to nolo acuooi
warrant against this Uiatrict.
W. M. Dobbin, who left Quiney Ibree or
four year ago, lias returned with a wife
and household effect, anil u moving into a
building on tua IiaUiea Imgle place.
Sheriff Kica made us a visit tbe latter part
of tbe week, decorating this section with an
occasional eieciion notice and serving notice
onjuror lor the coming term of court.
L. Saldern ha been down for a few days,
and rumor is revived that he ts looking lor
an available route Uii tbe Cialskanie to tap
urn of the excellent timber growing tber.
L. V. Marwtll has moved into the Mr.
Marrill building, recently occupied by B. C.
i icbenor. A brick flue has been put in tbe
house, and th slight damage by tiie ha
beeu thoroughly repaiicd.
John Peterson was over from Mist last
Friday doing some trading in town. He
was congratulated on bis inamntfe. but says
he know nothing about it; tbutheisnot
the man, ilia statement is believed.
An alarm of fir was sounded at the
sblngle-mill last Saturday noun, soon after
th men loft for dinner. Tbe roof caught
tire, but it wa easily and promptly extin
guished before many pcopf gut there to
The railroad company la having a station
house, a residence, and other buildings
erected at Ciatskanie station. It is some
little distance from town far enough to
escape any danger or auooyaiice from spark
or smoke.
Mr. Shearer came down to tbe steamer
Monday to meet and take charge of some
liv freight In tbe shape of a aiuail dog that
l,d hj aant b a friend to her little boy.
The dog wilt not be much of an animal to
depend on lor awuiie. out uaa room hi grow
W. H. King and family, of Uptrar Clats
kauie, were in town Saturday with the wag
on anil team OI muies. uue ui uia ij,ui
uuirrail faca. which he reported was
caused by tbe mule running off aud pitch
ing the boy out of the wagon. No serious
harm was dou.
v. n Tfehanor took a coudIs of men with
him last week to drive shingle bolts, and It
looks ss thongb there were enuugn ooiu
DOOIlieU BDOUl Wm Willi lui " BwawM ......
l l.o mill lias been silent a day or two to
somewhat reorganise tbe force of employees,
owing to some changes naviug oeea niau.
r..niahla Haines wa called to takt an
insane woman from near Wood' landing
to the county seat for examination a to her
..iiv last Friday. Us doe not exactly
seek aucb duties, and performed this one
ratber reluctantly, but satisfactorily, as be
does all the official duties pertaining to his
oflice. He will undoubtedly be re-elected
constable for auoiner term.
Ths council held a meeting last week to
figure up the expenses of the new water
system anu learn tne unanciai uonumuii ui
the city. A detailed report will appear next
week. In the meantime tbe city officials
nm.irratiilata themselves and th oitiseu
on the . completion of so good a water sup
ply for th city, and th citixan on weir
part testified i heir satisfaction at tbe polls
recently by retaining the present officials
in omce ior anoiner term.
Aaron Kslley was lu Portland Tuesday,
Oracle Kslley la qoite sick with tonallltis.
Kiel Barnett went to Portland Tuesday.
The little child of William Pullsu to vry
Mis. J. II. Urle visited In Warren Mon
P. G. Baker, of Portland, was in town
Mrs. 0. B. Phllbrook was a pasenger for
Portland Tuesday.
Mrs. David Henshaw, of Koulton, wa
visiting in Portland 1 uesday.
Humrlng Mny-basknts i qnilo an evening
sport with our young people. w
K. TS. Haen returned from Uosmopolis
Wash., Thursday ol last wee.
Mrs. Henry Barnettis visiting with her
daughter In Bcappoose this week.
Mrs. F. M. Flory and daughter, Edith,
returned from Scappooso mommy.
Messrs. David Henshaw, sr.. and N. A.
Perry went out to Milton creek Wednesday
flsbing. v
p.. B Mason and, family returned Tues
day from a visit to Silverton, in Marlon
Hev. and Mrs. Burlingam returned horn
Tuesday from the Evangelical conference
at Salem.
Mrs. 0. I. Husen, of Houlton, fell from
the wood flume last Friday, and although
sustaining oo fiactnred bones, received
quite a sovere shaking up, and is coniined
to her room.
Onr road supervisor, Mr. R. Bailey, U
doing a good piece of work this year, and
should have the help of all who have taxes
fo pay, instead of making excuses and try
ing to get ont of it, for those same parties
will be the first to complain about bad roads,
Mr. 0. A. Hall was In Portland Saturday,
Chat. Breedlov was In Portland Tnaday.
JtiHira Dosn cam op from Rainier last
W. W. Blakeslsy was in th metropolis
Mrs. A. J, Hubert, sr., wa In Portland
J. H. Bheldoa went to Eureka Tuesday
on business.
Assessor Whit wa doing som office
work this week. ,
Mr. O. P. Moeck, of Kalnler, wa in onr
city lust Friday.
James M tickle was in Portland on busi
ness last Saturday.
J. B. Clonlnger aad Thos. Cooper were In
Portland last week.
Ed. Webster, of Upper Rock creek, wa
In town last Friday.
Attorney Mendsuhal, of Portland, wa in
our city Wednesday.
Mr. M. C. Gray was a passenger for Port
laud Wednesday afternoon.
Geo, Mayger wa attending lo business
In Portland i'uesday afternoon.
Attorney O. A. Brodle, of Portland, wa
In town on busiues Tuesday.
Martin Davison, of Vernonia, wa on Our
streets a day or two ttii week.
Th young daughter of Mr. and Mr. W.
E. Stevens, at Warren, is quit sick.
Mr. and Mrs. I. O. Wlkstrom wer in
Portland last Saturday aud Sunday.
Mis Dora Perry wa a passenger for
Portland on tbe early boat Tuesday.
Spencer B. Roe, of Vernonia, wa on
our street Tuesday aud Wednesday.
Coroner McLaren came up from Rainier
Wednesday and remameu over ntgus.
Mr. and Mr. W. H. Dolman wr pas
senger for Portland Tuesday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Merrill, of Deer
Island, were in Portland last Saturday.
Mr. I. H. Copeland wa down from War
ren Xuesday looking alter Business roaneis.
Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Maveer went to Kaln
ler Saturday evening and remained over
Mr. James Qulnn, of Quinn's landing,
was looking alter business matters ber on
Mist Grace Miles spent last Sunday at
borne, returning to Portland on Monday
Mr. and Mrs. E. Bt. McKay and children
wer in town several days the forepart of
tbe week.
Miss Emma Wagner, of Rainier, visited
wlih Mrs. G. G. Mayger ouo or two day
tbi week.
Rchool Superintendent Watt wa In town
Wednesday looking alter matters connected
with bia office.
8lg Wilkinson came over from Vernonia
Wednesday, accompanied by bis sister,
Mrs. K. U. Joseph.
inhn Dart and Chas. Conner cam down
from Portland Wednesday, where they had
been lor several day.
Attorney R. P. Graham cam down from
Portland Wednesday on his wheel, return
ing ou th afternoon boau
Mr. V. A. Bennett, of Pittsbnrg. came
over from that placa Monday and oontin-
oed on to Portland luesaay. -
Mr S Raiser and his brother-in-law. Mr.
Morri.on. of Bachelor Flat, wer attending
to busiues matters in Portland Saturday.
Surveyor Mew rye came up from Delena
Tuesday morning and attended to road
matter now penaing net ore uie wumj
fjuils Bmilton. while at work ia Stan-
wood's camp last Monday, had tb misfor
tune to have hi right foot severely crushed
by a log.
Commissioner Phil Frakes arrived in
town Tuesday evening on tbe Young Amer
ica, and on Wednesday took up hi duties
ia the court room.
Mr. Charles Muckle, who ha been con
fined to his room for about (even weeks
witb plennxy, is able to be up sgain, ana
was on the street Wednesday.
Commissioner Peterson cam down from
Portland Tuesday on tbe Bbayer. and waa
uresent tb next morning to assist in con
ducting th commissioner court.
Mrs. Hiilt-omb. after visiting ber daugh
ter, Mrs. W. B Dillard, in this city for sev
eral day, returned horn to Portland Tues
day, aooompaniea oy Mrs. uuiaru,
Mrs. I. H. Sheldon, after remaining in
Portland several days, came home Monday
evening, but relumed 10 mat city nvii
day. Tbe condition of her sister is no belter.
Dr. J. K. Hall came up from Clatskanie
Tuesday and assisted Drs. Ross and Cliff,
otber member of ths pension examining
board, in making a numoer oi examina
tions. Constahl Rnhlnaon and Mrs. G. A. Hall
tnnk Mm. Metterson. of Beaver valley, to
th asvlum at Salem last Saturday. She
wa committed from the Justice court for
this precinct.
Mr. Columbna Weed, who has spent aev
aril months visitinB liia brother and fam-
ilv mt Hmilton. started on Monday far th
Willamette valley, where be expects to lo
cate if a deairauie piaoe can oe iouuu.
Henry Larsen, who has been at Bay
Center. Wash., for oyer a year, cam up
irni than Tnesdav nmnt on a onet visit.
Henry y time are lively In that vicinity,
plenty ot wort ana spot cbbu ior same.
Ed. Stanwood was in town Wednesday
afternoon. Ed says he haa about a half
a million feet of logs in the big jam in Mil
ton oreek, but the logs are being slowly
worked out, and wiu soon oe in uaa water.
Mr. Isaao Bnmgardner, of Dew Island,
In nnr nitv Tuesday on busiues. Mr
Bumgardncr. although past the prim of
lifA is anthusiastic in the welfare and suoccss
of onr oountry in the present strugttl with
Spain, anu wouio g to tne ironi at a mo
ment's nutic that the flag needed his ser
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Borem and Mrs.
Lydia Shintatfer, of Radcliffe, Iowa, were
here week before last visiting at the tome
Mr. and Mrs. James Meeker. After re
maining here for 10 days they went to Cas
tle Bock to visit relatives, alter wnicn tney
intonri tn visit Salem. Purtland. and Sail
Francisco. They will return to Iowa about
the nrst ol Jiinen jars, naunan ommaucr.
of Portland, was also here at the same time.
Will MusgroTe, formerly of this countv
n. ..r ,,..n.1,-.n t4illiA,n nountv. was in
town an houror two Wednesday. Will says
,.r..,. ro,uu.ta in Eastern Oreuon are solen-
did, and hundreds of thousands of dollar
going into that country the past year far
wheat, wool, beef, and mutton will . be al
most doubled tbis year. Mr. Musgrore also
Royal the taod pun,
wkolesea and dsllclesic.
awt'?t im stW
u ...:.
aVaolutly Fur
nvsi -nwws .. wwvwst.
fated that nearly every farmer in that ac
tion of the stale is now fre from debt, be
ing enabled to discharge hi obligations
solely from the high price of wheat, beef,
and wool, which bas prevailed for th past
Jack Wellington, who hm in thfl
employ of Brinit Bros, for some time, leu
last nuay ior romano, wiifi uw win
i..ih.n Mr Wsliinirton has nadcon-
IdeMble experience at ns, haying served
In both the English and American nayies.
Tillamook Headlight.
Dreadfully Nerr.
Gkhts : I was dreadfully nervous, and
for relief took your Karl's Clover Hoot lea.
It quieted my nerves and strengthened my
whole Nervous System. I was troubled
with constipation, kidney and bowel troub
le. Your tea soon cleansed my whole sysi
torn o thoroughly that I rapidly regained
my health and strength. M s. B. A. Sweet.
Hartford, Con. Sold by Dr. Edwin Kosh.
Political Speaking
Will addreta the people of Columbia
county on the political issues at the
following places and on the following
dates : Scappoose, Tuesday, May 10 ;
8t. Helens, Wednesday, May 11 ; Clats
kanie, Thursday, May 12; Miat, Fri
day, May 13 ; Bainier, Saturday, May
14, at each place al 8 p. m.
Courtt Taassnaaa's Omca,
Uvi.hmk. fin.. May . 1BSH.
unuaM County Warrants of Columbia
cminiv. Oreuon. which have been prwienieo
and endorsed: "Not Paid tor Wsnt of Funds,'
u i iuua win hA nittrl noon nreiwtl'
Uiloo at this office. Interest will not be allowed
after this date. t.n nniuB,
n,6i3 Treasurer of itolumbia County, Oregon.
School Warrant Call.
ll m-.rrant, nf school district No. 2, tn
Columbia county. Oregon, numbered 138,
m, 140, 111, 142. 143, 144. 145, 148 and 14,
,l,!,.. h.,7. h.n nresented and endorsed
"Not Paid for Want of Funds," will be
;. nnn t.raan tation to me. in 8t. Hel
ens. Oregon. Interest will not be allowed
after April 29, ly8. QUICK, Clerk.
Notice of Final Settlement.
11 J. V. Lankin, as adminUtrator of the
estate ol John Keller, deceaed, has filed
his final account, and that June 6tii. W
at 2 o'clock p. nt. has been by the County
Court of Columbia county. Oregon, ap
pointed as tbe tiro for hearing objection
thereto aud the settlement thereof.
Administrator of tbe estate of John Keller,
deceased. n,ul3
Teachers' Examination.
l tor th purpos oi uiaamg iu
nation w an iwn. w-v
, ... t,.a j. k n .,r thf
seiYes as cuiot.B. ,o, v - -
cbools of tbis county, the county chool
. ..... . . , , a nnh.
SUpennienuenv umrcui ni" mww k""
lie examination at 8t. Helens. Orrgqn,
Wednendaj , May Htb, I8W1, beginning at
1 o'clock p. iu. Dated this 2bth day of
April, iaS8, Scappoose, Oregon.
County School' Snperintendent.
Notice to Creditors.
Ihe undersigned has, by the County
Court of the State of Oregon, for Columbia
County, been dulv appointed administrator
of the estate of John Elmore, deceased,
and that all persons having claims against
tne estate oi saiu ut-uwwi ww.u,
toil and rnnirpd to nreseni the same.
duly ycrified. and with proper Toucher, to
tbe nndersigne-1, at the office of Cola
Quick, in St. Helens, Oregon, within six
nionths iroin tne uaie oi mis uonon.
listed at Bt, Helens, Oregon, apn ysp, tew.
Admlnistrtor of the estate of John Elmore,
deceased. tcemzt.
In the Circuit Conrt of Uie State of Oregon, for
,.-.,. r'nimtv
T. A. Siuds, Plauitiff, vs. Paalina Sluda, Defend-
To Paulina Siuda, Uie above-named Defendant.
IN THE NAMKol tne Biaie oi re?"ii. iy
m hTAt.v nwinlrad in sniwuir and answer the
complaint filed aralnst you iu the above en titlad
suit by Tuesday, May 10th, Ifsta. which Is the
arst oay oi tne nexi term oi "i"";"
th. n-ri.f rallmi nf til A time DreSOliliea ID tDS
order for the publication of this summons, and
U yOU lftli SO tO SUSWer ior want tuaiw., ...c
i,liotlff will apply to the oourt for the relief
rieman.ted in the complaint, to-wlt: for a decree
dissolving the bonds of matrimony now ajid
heretolore existiug between plaintiff and de
fendant; for the costs and disbursements of this
suit; and for such other aud further relief as
may be equitable. This summons is publish
by order of the Hon. T. A. McBride, lodge of the
above-entitled Court, made this lath day of
March, laH. - .
C. J, McDoCOil, W. A. M. Jowks,
m25mS Attorneys for PlaintJrr.
In the Circuit Court of the Stata of Oregon, for
Columbia txmuty.
George Kane, PlaiutlA.
', vs. A. J. Alley and Jesse
Altnv. Defendants.
To A. J. Alley and Jesse Alley, Defendants.
N THIS NAM a UF tun 1A i n. UP uowwwi
ni anrt mh nf vou sra berebv required to
appear and answer the complaint filed against
ou in tne aoove euuuru aunou uw
lay o? May, lt!, It being the first day of the
term of said Court neat following tne expira
tion of the puulioation of this summons, and If
you fall to answer the complaint the plaintiff
win cause vour oeiauu w hcuuwiw, n.K",
A .ni.rt tnr th. ralif dmnandeo la the
complaint, to-wlt: for a judgment sealm ths
defendant, A. J. Alley tor the sum of M.11.7&, with
interest at tne rate oi iu per oem pvrauuum
from the 23d day of October, 1884, toethr with
1160.00 attorney's fees and costs, and that a de
oree be made against both of you foreclosing all
Interest which von had on the 23d day of Octo
ber, 189J, the date of the mortgage given by de
fendant, A. J. Alley, to plaintiff, on the prem
ises dMcrlbed, or nave sinoe acquired In or to
the NWji of the NK (otherwise described as
lot No. 2) and theSEM of the N and the tEi
of theSKW of section No. 4, township No. 8,
north of range No. S, west ot the Willsraette
meridian, in Columbia county, Oreuon, con
,uini.. jn awa nt land, ana ofilerine said
premises sold according to law, and applying
me prooeeus www ... uiv ...ui, . v. ,
This summons Is powtsnea nyoroor oi wis
Honorable Judxe of thia Conrt, made on th
m!m8 Attorneys tor Plaintiff.
In the County Court of tbe Stat of Oregon for
Columbia ujuniy.
of Kdward Webster, de- Citation to Heir.
ii. ti.a ni.TUTni ma n.HaH,a
tvi, T. UPhArson. Tinra T. ThrooD. Hat-
tie K. Webster, Edwin B. Webster, Bclrs-at-lsw
nt irwap.i v'ohtar. daased. Rebecca Webster,
surviving widow oi aeceaseu, ana uevi moot
the last will ol deceased, and to all other heirs
and ik'vtsees unknown, ii any such there be, and
to all other persons lmeresiea in me rem
belonging to the otate of said deceased, greeting;
gon: You aod each of yon are hereby
commanded to be and appear before the Hon
orable County Court of the State of Oregon, in
aud (or the Countv of Columbia, at the Court
house, in St. Helens. In said County and State,
on Monday, the 3Mh day ol May. at
2 o'clock p. m. of said day. It being the regular
May term of Bald County Court, to show cause.
If any exist, why an order of sale of all the
property belonging to said ettate should not be
made, as proved for In the petition on tile in
said court; the real estate described in said pe
tition, being ae follows, to wit;
The south wet quarter of section No, twenty-
fflve, (25) in township live, (6) north of rantte ne
No, einht In block eluht, and lot one in block
seventeen: and tho went half of lot No. five, (..)
In block No. two, ('2) all tn the town of Verno
nia, in Columbia county. State ol Oregon, as laid
ri,.u,n nnnn the nntaial lhlt of said town on lite
in the omce ot the clerk, of said Couuty and
In testimony whereof, I Judson Weed, clerk of
the county t;ourt ot tne ovaie oi vregu, ior vu
lmMa ry.nntv. do hereunto set mv hand and
anlx the seal 6( said Court, at my oflieo iu ths
Ciiv oi St. Helens. Columbia County, in tbe Stale
of Oregon, this Uh day of April, A. D. tftW.
. JllllHON WE15i.
!,, I County Clerk and Clerk of the
i j countv Court of Columbia County
- '-' State ol Oregon.
m27 By W. A, HARRIS, Pepntr,
AVegeiaUe Preparationlbr As
siinilatlrtg tltcFoodflndRf'gula
ling UttStamaxiiaaialijcwcb cf
ness and Itest.Contains nclSier
Opntm.Morpliiiu? cor ILneraL
JiIU SJtl -jhuM
Jh tmmt
Arjcrfectnemedy for CortsSna
tion. Sour Stonmh.DiiOThoea,
andLoss OF SLEEP.
facsimile Signature of
Kep alwar on bnd all klml of
tApie and fancy grocoTim attd
provisions, farm produce, iroplewl
itnd rtomefttie fru.ts in 8twtonN line
teas aod coffee, tohatico and citrarB.
A flno line of eonfeciinnery a!;o Iu
stock, Aad variuus otber specialties.
For Your
rriDMCo rnAl IT7 IKin MAIN
j. V.V...SW
ASI Kinds cf Fresh f'sats,
Meats by Wholesale
At Special Raits.
rajsrsgrsge sa-jBrsggTsg j0rSIFgF
Dr. EDWIN ROSS, Proprietor.
Patent Medicines, Fancy Toilet Articles.
Carefully and Accur
ately Compounded....
rffc ww aVsi mw r f'
r Trr -ifiTi if - ' - - ' - . - a.. -
One hundred and twenty acres, 1 miles
from comity seat; 40 acres In cultivation; 1
mile from schoolhouse; on Columbia river;
price ttu CO per acre.
Tl mber claim; 80 aeres; estimated at 4.000,
000 feet of timber; accessable to logging
stream; price C00 00.
Timber claim; 160 acrea; over 8,000.000 feet;
prictSUOOB. . ,
One hundred and twenty acres; good or
chard; 80 acres good swale laud; all land is
level; 1 mile from schoolhouse; mile
from railroad station; 1 mile from tidewater;
good chance ior eordwood.
Main Street, - . -
.-Yd'tlirWRFNT fnooiu
I, "
.-I I ?
it-w jrHi. "reran"
it ltiA,lAi !Lt'
i 4 mi L
Si's?-' in i ,1
Tb ItrJ Ycj II::
Bear3 tho
,iJ SJ W aaii.b
ywe epmM eowwuwv. iii err..
rfln ppfl MTfJ
James tl. SheL
W "Mf yip lgT8'1Vri
Complete Line of.
School Books...
School Supplies
" "
.mf' - aft. A A A AA AA Aa1f
Sale By....
Ten acres cn Mil too creek, M mile front
school: 8-rcom house, bam. outhouses, etc.;
small orchard; II acres In cultivation; price
One hundred and twenrv acres of timber
land lu tp 4 n, 1 2 west; price looo OO.
Blx hundred and forty acres of llmbor
land tp 4 d, if west; price i M per acre.
Eighty aeres, Wtf miles from county seat;
all level and timber slashed; 14 mile from
schoolhouse; on countv roiwi; will sell iu 10-orSO-acre
traoto; price faooa per acre; part
cash aud balance on time.
5t' Helens, Oregon
staa AUk C.lbgsl
ajwii w-' v o
KM m fjv 1? '-
JJ You lave
Always Bough!.
in - J i