The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, April 22, 1898, Image 2

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t.u EvEitir kiay (HOHNiriG
Subscription Hate.
One copy one year in ndVftl)(t.m.M...
ooy sis uioulb........MMMH.w-M
Si tig t ciiy-....-. ........., s. ....
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Advertising rr "nade Unown npou application
Ciinmr OlMcere.
In-Vs , ...Joseph B. Doan. Rainier
Cirk Jiid.on Wwd,Vrnnia
m.riir J- N. Hka. Clatskanie
IroMuirer .B. M. Wharton St. Helens
Bum. i Schools J Walts. Scappooae
km Martin lite. Uulucy
Surveyor.......... W.N. Meserve, lleua
Coroner.. Dr. A. P. McLaren, Rainier
' , . I P, A. Fraiteii, Scvt jee
Conimimionori I;;;;-- N D Peterson. Mint
State Republican Ticket
For Governor ..." T. T. GEER
of Marion.
For Supreme Jodpe . P. A. MOOEE
ot Columbia.
For State Secretarv . . .F. I. DUNBAR
uf Clatsop.
For State Treasurer CH AS. S. 11 00 KB
uf Klamath.
For State Printer ... . . .W. H. LEEP9
ol Jackson.
Attorney Gen., D. K. N. BLACKBCEU
of Linn.
8hpt. Instruction J. AOKERMAN
of Multnomah.
For Congress...... ...1
. of Wasco
Fifth Judicial District.
Forjudge T. A. McBKIDE
of Clackamas.
For Pist. Attornev . T. J. CLEETOX
of Columbia.
Board Equalisation W. A. SMITH
of Clackamas.
Columbia County.
For Representative .DR. J. E. HALL
For Coanty Clerk J. O. WATT8
tor County Sheriff. .W. S. ME3ERVE
For Commissioner P. A. FRAKES
For Treasurer DR. EDWIN ROSS
For School Sup'fc... I. H. COPEI.ASD
For Aseor.......MARTIS WHITE
For Surveyor .... .GEORGE HAYES
For Coroner DR. A. P. McLAKEN
For Justice of the Peace.... ...R. COX
For Constable L. L. DECKER
It certainly ought to be a source of great
Satisfaction to the people of this county to
note with what rapid strides the county is
being relieved from a bunlen of Indebted
ness. The semi-annual statement of the
financial condition of the county appearing
in these columns two weeks ago, shows that
jUie affairs of the county are in a very satis
fac'ory shape.
The outstanding warrants with accrued
Interest amount to (19,000; state tax, $4,753;
county school tax, 17,472, the total liabil
ities being a Utile over 160.000, but to offset
tills amount there are resources which are
ore to be realized to such an extent as to
reduce the indebtedness to a sum not half
(0 large as the statement showed the liabil
ities at that time, since when the amount
has been reduced several thousand dollars,
and the resources yet to be depended upon
are of the moat substantial character.
.For instance the state tax. amounting to
$4,755, has been paid; the amount of school
tax, which is $7,472. will be collected ; $3,996
In hands of treasurer, applicable to payment
of county warrants; current taxes, aggre
gating $24,319, the greater part of which
will be collected before the October state
ment will be made; and other resources
that can be relied upon will reduce the lia
bilities te less than $20,000.
There is another factor to be taken Into
consideration which has so far proven
source of revenue to the county, and which,
In future, will play a more important part
In this particular. This Is the different par
eels of lands held by the county by liens for
taxes, which aggregate $3,591. Of this
mount it is safe to say it will all be col
lected with a high rate of interest; besides
delinqaeat taxes from 1887 to 1890, amount
ing to$.9t604, which will be a sousce of some
revenue, but which all cannot, or perhaps
Will not be collected, only a small per cent
of it, but all tbat u collected will be so much
"Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty ."
The present court is altogether responsible
for this most encouraging and satisfactory
condition of county affairs. Betrencbment
lias been the constant watchword, and their
careful business tact, their watchful inter
est in affairs has brought about this splen
did condition. Mr. Frakes. with fonr years'
experience in county affairs, with Judge
Doan and Mr. Peterson as close allies in
this laudable undertaking, are deserving of
great credit. Ano'ber two years will see
the entire debt of the county wiped out if
the people of the county will act with the
same degree of good judgment and re-elect
Phillip Frakes commissioner, as has char
, scterized that gentleman's offieiai acta. The
county at present is in excellent financial
condition, due entirely to the careful watch
fulness of the present board.
Thi nomination of T. T, Geer for the
gubernatorial chair -by the republican state
convention means that be will be the next
governor of Oregon. Mr. Geer is not a pol
itician as tbat term is employed nowaday.
He is a thinker of high order; a worker of
unusual energy, and a man against whose
personal character not a word can be said.
His popularity with the people has been
demonstrated repeatedly by his election to
the legislature for successive terms, his
election as speaker of tbat body, and the
fact tbat among the republican electors at
the last presidential election he palled the
largest vote of any on the ticket. When
Mr. Geer shall assume the duties of gov
ernor, tbe people may be sure he will give
an administration of which tbe state shall
feel proud. He will not be controlled by
political motives, a statement which can
not be said concerning tbe present Incum
bent of this office.
Mb. J. G. Waits, of Scappoose, the can
didate for county clerk on the republican
ticket, has signified bis Intention, If elected,
of running the office for the statutory sal
ary, la a recent letter received from Mr.
Watts he stated that since he first became
a candidate for the place it bad ben his In
tention to do the work as cheaply for the
county, if elect i, M it is possible for it to
Is do
We point with pardonable pi tde to the
personnel of tlie state republican ticket
nominated at Astoria last week. Upon
that ucet are some of the best men in the
republican party in Ibis slate. It waa with
commendable deliberation tbat the conven
tion acted so judiciously in its selection ot
men, and as a result the strongest ticket
nominated in Ibis state for many years has
been put before the jieorlc. In the selec
tion of goverra-- alone, means lor to bal
ance of the ticket an Increased vote over
what it would have otherwise been. M r. T.
T. Geer, as waa said of him by Mr. Tonne,
of Marion comity, who made the nominat
ing speech , Is a man who for 30 years has
worked faithfully for the Interests ot the
republican party; whose name is a house
hold treasure in every section of Oregon.
He is a native son of Oregon, being born in
Marion county 47 vears ago. Since Joe ba
came a voter his constant effort has been In
behalf of the republican party, and It was
due largely to the untiring ettorts of Mr.
Geer thai Oregon was saved to the party in
November of 1S98. Mr. Geer is of the people
and front the people, being a farmer, yet a
Dractical and judicious business man in all
his dealings. If our opponents are looking
for a man to place in public trust they ran
consistently support Mr. Geer, tor he be
longs to the common people. Mr. Geer
will lead the republican party on to victory
in t3, and Columbia county, on account
of his nomination, wlil show its apprecia
tion of Mr. Geer and bis sterling character
by giving him and the entire ticket a hand
some majority. ,
We, a people and party, are duly grate
ful to the convention, too, for the renom-
ination of Hon. Frank A. Moore for asso
ciate justice of the supreme court, and as a
token of esteem and confidence in which
that gentleman U held by the people of this
county, the vote will be proportionately In
creased. Judge Moore resided here for
many years, and his ability as a lawyer has
few if any equals within our state. We
predict for Judge Moore a large vote
throughout the entire county.
As to Frank I. Dunbar, the nominee for
secretary of state, we can honestly say from
a long personal acquaintance with the gen
tleman, that he is a yonng man of sterling
worth, exemplary to the extent of the word's
meaning, and it elected to the honorable
position to which he aspires the people Of
the state of Oregon will never have cause to
regret the confidence in him bestowed. As
an example of his worth and the confidence
he commands from the people ot bis own
county we cite the fact that he has served
as county clerk of Clatsop county for eigli
successive years, and could easily enough
had anything in the way of public favor iu
that county be might have asked for. Co
lumbia county will do her share, it may be
depended, in giving Mr. Dunbar a hand'
some majority.
Of state treasurer, Mr. Cbas. 8. Moore,
of Klamath, on account of not having
personal acquaintance with htm, we are
unable to speak so flatteringly, but coming
as he did with the entire Southern Oregon
delegation as his recommendation by those
who know him best, his ability and fatness
certainly cannot be questioned.
In fact the entire ticket is highly satlafac
torv to all republicans, and its election is
predicted by a handsome majority.
Thi state convention acted very wi-ely
in renominating Mr. T. J. Cleeton for
another term as prosecuting attorney ol
the fifth judicial district. Mr. Cleeton, dur
ing the present term of hisofflce, has proven
bis ability to conduct the office in no un
certain terms. Hi official acts in this
county command the hearty approval of all
tbe voters because of his fixed determine
tioo to judiciously administer every detail
in connection with his official duties. Not
only is this the case, but as an attorney de
siring to bring every and each offender of
tha criminal code to speedy justice, be has
demonstrated bis aHtity in no unmistaka
ble way. In Clackamas county the same
feeling exists as dees in this county. H
has given entire satisfaction to the people
there, and in consideration of the effl .-iency
of that gentleman the people want him. Iu
oureister'county of Washington there exists
the same kindly feeling toward Mr. Cleeton.
and the people there are eager that he
should be retained. He has exercised hi
powers for bringing hasty justice to those
who have offended the statutes, at tbe same
time exercising the utmost care that ex
penses be reduced to the minimum, com
mensurate, of course, to saecessfully carry
ing out each function of bis important
office. The earn may be said of Clatsop
county, where Mr. Cleeton, through the ex
ercise of commendable judgment and
knowledge, baa administered bis affairs in
the most judicious manner. Tbe people of
tbe enure district are demanding Mr. Clee
ton' re-election, and their wishes will cer
tainly be regarded. .
J coon Thomas A. McBkidx. judge of the
fifth judicial district, was last week nom
inated to succeed himself in that import
ant office. Mr. Mc Bride has conducted the
affairs of his office in such a manner a to
command the hearty approval of the entire
public. Rare baa it been, indeed, that
Judge McBride has bad bis decision re
versed by the supreme court, and more
rare heve been tbe times Ibat bis decisions
in matters of local moment bare been
naught but just and discreet. His large
acquaintance throughout the district over
which be presides enables him to act and
judge with absolnta correctness. He has
proven himself a just judge In all matters
coming before bim, and has conducted tbe
large volume of business in tbe most judic
ious manner, looking always to saving ex
pense to tbe several counties where it was
possible to do so. His earnestness and
honestnees in the discharge of his official
affairs have won for him the kindliest feel
ing from parties interested on either side,
and it is a common saying that all matters
hare been justly judged by him. No act of
the state convention gave more general sat
isfaction to the voters of Columbia county
than the renomination ot Mr, McBride to
the office which be now so creditably fills.
His popularity elicits the same feeling from
the people in Clackamas county, in Wash
ington county, and in Clatsop county, and
We believe when the votes are counted it
will be found tbat Judge McBride has been
elected to succeed himself by a handsome
Jdst so sure as the sun climbs to tbe
zenith and sink again to the shades of the
western horison on the 6tb of June, just so
sure will T. T. Geer be elected governor of
Oregon. Farmer Geer will also be Governor
Gear- ' ' ''
The Colombia county republican ticket
this year is an exceptionally strong one
from top to bottom. There is not a man on
the ticket who is not worthy the support of
the people of the county.
It is not the purpose of this paper to give
a hlocraphical sketch of all the candidate
for olBc in tha county, because w could
not do so and tell the truth and escape the
possibility of being indicted on a Charge of
libel. These remark are nqt directed en
tirely to the candidates on the fusion ticket.'
We shall have te be content, therefore, with
briefly referring to such candidates as strike
car notion of being worthy ot notice, and
at the same time not being thin-skinned.
There are good men among the candidates
good republicans, good democrats, good
populists, and good fellows generally. Some
have lived In this county many years; some
have held office, served the people well and
faithfully, and will be elected. There have
been twenty-six candidates nominated for
office In this county, and there fan only be
thirteen elected ,and the probability is that it
will be a clean swep
cause they have been nominated by a party
whose principles by a great majority ot men
have become a deep conviction, not a theory.
W have no wish to adopt the conditions of
other nations. The protective system meets
our wants. Other partiea do not dare to
refer to it on the streets er in their plat
form, county or state. Yet experience has
demonstrated that for us. and tor the pres
ent and future, it meets our wants, our con
ditions, promotes the national design, and
ill work out our destiny better than any
other. Out of it com.s the greatest gain to
the people, the greatest comfort to Lli
masses, the widest encouragement for man
!y aspirations, with the largest rewards,
dignifying end elevation our cltiaensblp,
upon which tbe safety and purity and per
manency of cur pa'itUal systems depend.
And what think you, reader, of a party
that now adopts a state platform without
one word ot praise or condemnation for a
protective ,ysteui T Pendleton Republican.
As am evidence of the satisfaction with
the state ticket nominate ! at Astoria last
week, Columbia county will give it as large
a majority as it gave McKinley.
Tbe nominee for congress In this (second)
congressional district, Mr. Malcolm A.
Moody, of The Dalles, is a mu whom every
republican In this district can consistently
support, and a mau whom the gold standard
element of the democratic party ran also
vote for, feeling and knowing their confi
dence in bim will never be abused. Mr.
Moody, as representative in congress, wilt
not only and fearlessly represent tbe senti
ments ot bis constituency bnt he will per
form his public duties to his tellow-citisena
of every shade of political opinion. If
elected be wilt be found a staunch defender
of the public's interests, and a republican
tt-ue to principle.
New-comers Pouring; In.
Every train is bringing new people to
Portland now, and all good hotels are doing
a brisk business. Fully SO per cent ot the
new-comers say they beard of Portland and
tbe Pacific Northwest through the columns
of the New Year's Oregonian, and thus their
eyes were opened to tbe rich resources of
this section, and thev are here to verify tne
published statements. They will find tbat
half has not been told.
Among the callers for information at the
Chamber of Commtrce yesterday wae a
party of six from Arkansas, wno have sold
their farm there and want to buy fairly
well-improved farm in Western Oregon.
They will carefully go over th Willamette
valley and select places near each other,
and tbey will find that one year of life in
Oregon is as good a a dozen in old Arkan
, Missouri also furnished Oregon a few new
settlers yesterday, and they have started up
tbe valley to select government land in tbe
Santiam region, where they will doubtless
find something to suit them.
Four business men who came to Portland
yesterday are seeking location in nediuo
sized towns, where they can embark in the
grocery and furniture business, which lines
thev have been in at St. Paul and Omaha
They propose to either buy out store now
running or start new ones.
Portland and Oregon and tbe Northwest
extends the glad hand to these new-comers
snd invites them to take off their coats and
do their share toward developing tbe coun
try and share in the reward of the workers,
Are Ton on the Jury?
Following is a list of those drawn by tbe
county clerk Wednesday to serve as jury
men during tbe May term of circuit court
to convene in this on Tuesday, May 10th:
D W Freeman Fishbawk
Norman Merrill .ClaUkanie
John Lamberson, 8r Houlton
F A Cuthman , Ooble
A B Haines Clatskanie
H J Waters St Helens
J P Sheeley Vornonia
OF Langfeldt. , Clatskanie
Thomas Woodruff ..Rainier
Ernest Kruger Scappoose
George Pearson..,.. .............. Pittsburg
AH Matthews .....Pittsburg
C F Kaowle Mist
Phineas Peck.... Vernonia
CO Lovegren Clatskanie
J H Sheldon... ..St Helens
David Wbittig. ............ ...Mist
John W Jones .. Mist
Herman Scbmitt Carico
DA Liliicb. ..Quincy
Andrew King St Helens
8 B Rose .. Vernonia
AJ Orwig Mist
MiiesSheeirn Rainier
J B Wilverding .Valley
Henry Stehman Goble
John Nelson , H udson
Gotlieb Newman Scappoose
Wm Wood ...Vernonia
Frank Tracy. Vernor.ia
Magnuitfaxon St Helens
In answer to a letter sent front thl city
a few day since to Mr. J. U. Watts, of
Scappoose, asking what he would expect in
the way of assistance from tbe county in
running tbs clerk's office, if be were elected.
the following reply was received:
"ScAPFooea, April 18, 1898.
"If elected to tbe office of county clerk I
agree to do th esual work of that office
and furnish my own depot y.for the statu
tory salary.
"For extra work I shall expect adequate
compensation at tbe discretion of the county
commissioner' court.
'Very respectfully, J. G. Watts."
Catarrh Cured, A clear head and sweet
breath secured with Shiloh's Catarrh rem
edy, sold on a guarantee. Nasal injector
free. Bold by Dr. Edwin Ros.
nsnahUnu Nominee are nen o
Character and Public Standing.
DC J. K. Ball, of Clatskanie, the nominee
. ,::-.'-:r-"''" ;:::::, ,.M,h
ror tne legisiaturw, w a MiMw. m.w.'i-'v i
and breadth, a close, convincing reaioner. J
and a practical man ; not a tneonst, ou. .
inanof action. Dr. Hall I lor the nrat
..... .... i. t !Vi.,.i,i
tune pus osiom -r r
county lor tueir murage, um -
signify that he Is new In republicanism or
In the service of bis country. ervto
his country manfully when It waa threat
ened to be overthrown, marching and bat
tling in the common ranks, and If elected
to the legislature can be depended upon to
manifest the same Interest, and wore as
earnestly iu the cause of good government
as he did during the years of ISul to
when he carried his musket and fought lor
the preservation of the Union which we to-
a are eulovlng as freemen. Dr. Hall ha
considerable property interests in Colum
bia county, nd can be depeuded upon to
act with commendable prudence in guard
ing the county's Interests.
Th nomination ot Mr.J Q Watts.of 6ca
noose, tor county clerk, is another iustai e
where confidence has been pr-uwrly placed.
Mr. Watt ha served the people of this
count v forstvt ral yrarrin a position of trust
which called forth a display of his quo lilies
and bines. Iu tbeottlce which he now holds,
as superintendent of schools, ha has iiiant-
rst a snirit of fairness to ail. and at (he
same Urn- discharged his duties with much
vigor. Ho is a young man of sterling qual
ities, a substantial ciliaea, and a thorough
business man, which should argue strongly
in his favor as fit person with whom to
intrust th responsible duty of guarding
our county affairs against the many pitfall
which lie on every hand. He has been suc
cessful In bis own business adventure, and
certainly can be depended upon, If elected
clerk, to conduct the affairs of that Import
ant office with tbe same degree of business
tact which has characterized the cairylng
on of his own large mercantile estabisbment.
Mr. W. N. Meserve, the nominee for sher
iff, is a prosperous young business man of
Beaver Fall precinct, where he has resided
since coming to Oregon about 18 years ago.
He is a keen observer and is thoroughly
identified with the interests of the county.
He needs no recommendation to the people
of Columbia county, because tbe position
he has occupied for the past four years,
county surveyor, has brought him in con
tact with nearly every per-on in tbe county,
and in every instance he has proven him
self thoroughly competent to discharge the
duties of bis most important office in a man
ner highly satisfactory to all concerned. He
has considerable property interests within
tha county, and la thoroughly identified
iih and interested In its welfare. II
elected to the high ofbee lo which be as
pires bis constant aim will be to administer
judiciously and honestly iu affairs.
In the convention' choice ot Phillip A,
Frakes, by acclamation, for county com
missioner, it acted with commendable judg
ment. Mr. Frakes has served In that most
important position for four years, and it Is
greatly due to his untiring effort that tbe
county today is straightening out it finan
cial affair In euch a satisfactory manner
Mr. Frakes has such an incite Into the
county's business now, that his re-lrcllnn
would mean much forth common welfare,
and demonstrate conclusively that his
course of retrenchment is approved by all
interested persons. His position is not an
enviable one. He has cares and kicks, but
with commendable judgement be bas gon
quietly along, striving to do his tull duty
aod show partiality to none. If re-elected
be may be depended noon to pursue tbe
same straightforward, progressive course
that has marked hi bearing during the
four years he ha served Columbia county
a commissioner,
'The convention' cheice of Mr. White to
again serve the people of tbe county in that
important work a assessor Is a manifesta
tion ot their belief that he has striven at all
times to do but his duty and simple justice.
Th office to which Mr. White now aspire
is by no means and enviable one. In bis
eftort to treat all alike he has made some
enemies people who think their neighbor
ha been favored and themselves imposed
apoa but such is not tbe case. W hon
estly believe Mr. White has exercised good
judgement and a spirit ot fairness in his
assessment of Columbia county property,
and if be ha been seemingly unjust he did
it with a desire to place all on an equal foot
ing. One thing can be said in Mr. White's
favor: he let very little taxable property
escape bis notice, and bis assessment of ft
is an argument strongly in bis favor. If
our people wish tbe work of the assessor's
office done with accuracy, dispatch and
cbeapness they will deposit their ballot on
election day for none other lhan the pres
ent assessor, Mr. Martin White.
Mr. I. H. Copeland, tbe nominee for
school superintendent, is a young man ot
great promise. He is a native son of Colum
bia county, a perfect gentleman, a thorough
educator, and a man eminently qualified to
faithfully and intelligently administer tbe
affairs of that most important office. Mr.
Copeland ha a thorough educaiion, pos
sessing diplomas from several state institu
tions of learning, and his fitness fer the
V.IIUU, m-JutDIIVU-u, A a, a. ' M I.,,, we
elected there is not a doubt, as expressions
in this part of tbe comity are that the con
vention acted most wisely in bi selection.
As to tbe nominee for treasurer little needs
be aid. Everybody know Dr. Edwin Ress.
His fitness for the place cannot be ques
tioned, and if elected Columbia county'
exchequer will be guarded as carefully as
though It were the personal possession of
the candidate. No better selection could
have been made.
Dr. McLaren, of Rainier, the nominee for
coroner, ha so faithfully and honorably
discharged the duties of bi importrint posi
tion that, as Till Mist predicted some time
since, hi renoniiiiatlon would be by accla
mation, and the manner in which delegate
from first one precinct then another raised
to second the nominations of both Dr. Mc
Laren and Dr. Koss would indicate that
their constituent had absolutely demanded
tbe nomination of both these gentlemen,
Mr. Geo. Hayes, th nominee for sur
veyor, i a stranger to ns, but he has been
highly recommended as a man thoroughly
qualified In every detail to perform the
duties ot the office with accuracy and baste.
Hi nomination cam to him a but spon
taneous demand, and we cheerfully recom
mend bfta a he na been recommended to
Taking tha ticket all In all Tn Mist has
naught bat congratulations to otter tbe peo
ple of Columbia county In having a clean,
straightlorward ticket to offer the people.
Tbey are all gentlemen who will be guided
by honest motives to serve th people faithfully.
Oriental Hotel
L. L.
rt. helens. t t : okeuujn
. Mnnc.,.l(,n wUh the house Is
nciiv first olaaa. About twenty well ""''!
.,i vkn kmii rooms. The table supplied at ail
- - - ., bo,t th, m,kei artouls.
Mr. Dolman always keeps a lull stock
ol General Merchandise, which he sells
at prices ttiat duly compotltlou.
O. R. & N
....TO THE,,,,
Otve th choice ot
'. . . -via- '
! "
...Ocean &ttmr..
Oregon, Ceo. W. Elder
t-iTEAMER mnnthlv from Porllana to ToKO-
O botna and liouii Kouk, iu couuectton with
tue u. K. n. ijomtjuny.
For full Information call on or address
General Passenger Agent, - Portland, Oregon
General Anema Northern Paellle 8. 8. Co.
Portland, Oieiron.
Get Value Received
N. A. Perry's
Young America
Leave St. Helen...........
Arrive at Portland
Leave Portland
Arrive at St. Helen
6:80 A M
10:00 A M
, :S0 P M
. 6:00 P M
Carry Kothing but Passenger
and Fast Knight.
JAMES G( 0D, Master.
Office nevt floor to Conrthouse, '
leneral nraotlce In conrts of Oreiron or Wash-
(nifton. Abstract made directly from county
Collections, foreclosures, mechanics' lelns, etc.
uepuiy prosecuting auorney. umce
with T. i. Cleetou.
St. Helens,
;- Okbcjoic.
itarv Pu
sloner of Iiee't. for Waahlnifton, and anesper-
lenceo eoiiecwr iu oonneciiou wiui omca.
s. '
St. Helens, Oregon
j-jr. a. b. oury,
St. Helena, Oregon.
J-jR. J. K. HALL,
Clatskanie, Columbia county, Or.
Surveyor and Civil Engineer
County Surveyor. Land Surveying, Town
Platting and Engineering work promptly
f dart &
rutin Street,
Always on " '
' Csosr '
Including a
and Mom
Main Street, -
"The Perkins
C. V. KNOWLES, Manager.
Mr. KnowV was, for many yr-sr. yrorrktor of (lie 8l. Charles
lintel, anil while thew wtabliaho.1 a r.'ptil.ttlim hotel man.
He is now lit bettor position to 'nt'rilii hi trieud than er
bffure, and will wt'lcom all his !! patron to hi: now pUs of
tusiucss, where can be ftmnd an uti-to iltito Iwlol.
Corner Fifth and Washington Streets, Pcrtlani.
DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor,
Ha ust received a lartrt asset tsatsrt
l t rcsh and Pure
Dru s:s"Snd Chemicals
Also a new and select stock of driiirs and patent medlolne.,
and school supidlea, perfumery and lullot ankles, ul
usually kept at a tlnrt-cUuw tlruii store.
'Prescriptions Carefully Conipouiidetl
PRoraiKTuBB. '
Wine and Liquor
Card tables, pool table, billiard table and
other devices for the entertainment of pat
rons, where time can be pleasantly spi-nl.
fleddes ether popular brands, are kepi
constantly on hand to supply the increased
trade at thin vary popular saloon,
manufacturer or
Casks and Barrels
ATKIN'S old stand
Tinvoa Port1""'', font of Washlnnton streHi Tnesilayt Thursday, nd Stindav evenings at
iy, , o ciock. neriirnniK Leaves (;iit.amjie, linn imrmttunK, .Mommy, weunesowr.
Frliiay evnlnm at .so'ejoek. will pas 0k Puintiih- nil; HtellaV 1,'; Mnyger 7:0; Kainivra.wi
KalamaO.jfi; St. Helens U:M). Arrive In t'ortlua U;Uo a. m, The company reserve the riKlitie
cnunge time wuuouv nuueo.
jeVsrw V sSk jtfc jeVjUlA Jkiftutk iflk wV wVjIm stfc yrV q?k A sfk sflajtV A AtJa
-. -Two Newspapers Together, .
r T -ry - Tk T r Tfim rr-irMn a . T F
Only Two Dollars Per Year In Advance.
Leaves Kelso
on Mondays,
snd Fridays at
6 o'clock a. m.
r-"C sr.".
IV 1 Kir
Portland and Kelso Route via Willamette Slciigh
Helens, Oregon.
Choice Groceries
Flour, grain. Sim leeo, Toneceo anil
, ' . , -,,i., nut oils. lo.
...Drv Goods...
general assortment nf eln'hln, furnishing,
ol lwoW "a
' St. Helens, Oregon.
fanrr stationery, school bnni
I iu fact .vBljthllia which Is
PlinetKliin Lumber, Hoorlnt, Ri"l. sthewils.
Ins, Iiik, and a euiupiut. stuck ol twy
Variety ol
. a.. r 1"
Steamer Bailey Gatzert
Srl .1 Uf.Mi.1 Portland.
I.-eai I uriutiid dally (r.xijit rtun.l) 7 A. M.
Landtag Telephone dok, Astoria.
Leaves Aaloria dally (except Sunday) 7
P, M.
(i-itrert Tickets Good on Steamer Thomfi"
Bleaaicr Thompson Tickets tiourt on ttsrt
E, A. SEKLEY. Agt. 0. B. BCOTT, Pres.
The Only Direct Route
Portland to Clatskanio
keturlllinr Leave Chit.ltlile. tidii imrinininu. Monday. Wednesday, snd
Htella? l.'; Mayger :; Kalniers wi
Shaver Transportation Company.
Leaves Port
land TiiadTj
Thursday, aod
HiUiirdaya, t
o clock a.
t , S 1 aL
-!- . .,.."-" -J.