OKEGONailST. M I 9 L'tKlty SltlBAlf ffaOKNINO DAVID DAVIS. Bub.ttrlpiton Btwk Owe copy one year In advance.............. copy nix uioutui... t,,ui eopir... ...... -t 99 : "8 Advertising tut -ib) known upon application COLOMBIA CODNTY DIKECTORY. Ctualf Ollioen, , Joseph B. Doan, Rainier jnflffe ......oiwpn iPlB.k ., .....Judjon Weed.Vsriiome Sheriff , ....J. N- Ktoe, Clatskanle Treasurer... K. St. Wharton HI. Helens Supt. ot Schools J. O. Watte, Sesppooee Mart n White. Uuincy Surveyor!... ......,..!....W. N. Mesarve, Delena Coroner ....Dr. A. P. McLaren. Rainier , , t p. A. Frames, 8cnpoje torn inlwl oners j ' jj, d, i-eteroou, Mist T. HELENS. ORKCJOH, APKIL 14. County RepnWican TICKET. ror Representative DR. J. K. HALL For County Clerk- J. O. WATT8 tor County Bheriff-W. K. MK3ERVE For Commissioner T. A. FRAKIQS For Treasurer DR. EDWIN BOSS For School Sup't.- I. H. COPBLAHD For Assessor - MARTIN WHITE For Surveyor GEORGE HAYES for Coroner-- DR. A. P, McLAREN PRECINCT TICKET For Justice of the Peace R- COX For Constable- L. L. DECKER i i irinririi i i A CHAHGE Or PQUCK When the farmers of the country top to compare their condition at tbe close of a year' trial ot republican ad ministration and protective poncj wim that of the year immediately preced ing it under democratic administration and frM-trade oolicT they must reach the conclusion that it is not a case of bappen-eo, bat that just to long ae me government is under democratic free- trade control, business win uo r-.ated. factories closed, men out of em' rtlovment. waees reduced, and farm nrodncts low in orice sad flow of sal. Under the three years' operations of the Wilson tariff the business of the country became terribly depressed; thousands of men were out of employ ment; prices of all products sold at sod below cost of production. What ia tbe difference at the present timet Merely that the policy of the govern ment has been changed; that the low tariff measure has been stricken from thestatnta books and a law placed thereon which protects American in dustry and gives employment to Amer ican workmen, ana at me same hujc tiroduces revenue to meet the expenses of tbe government. Tbe effect of this ehanee has been, in a single year, that vast amounts of money have been put into circulation: that more men are amine wares : and men are earning more wagjs with which to buy ; aud prices of farm products of all sorts have risen, notwithstanding the large crops of the year. Tbe statistics of the agricultural department show that the cereal crop of the United States for 1897 were worth $130,000,000 more than in the preceding year, and that tbe values of farm animals horses, cows, sheep, bogs, etc. bsve increased in the rear something like $235,000,- 000, tbe increase in values being dis tributed through every state and terri tory. This is not merely chance this great rise ia prices of practically every article of farm reduction ; aor can it be successfully charged to "shortage broad f it is the result oi change oi policy. These are two things the slate con vention now in session at Astoria can do which will be highly satisfactory to Columbia county people. First be the Domination of Hon. T. T. Geer for governor, and second, the noinina tion of Hon. Frank A. Moore for as sociate justice) of the state supreme court. Tbe former gentleman we be lieve to be the strongest man for that Boaition the psrty has, and if nomi nated bis election is an assured fact, His nomination would not only be 'source of emtio cation to republicans of this county, but the party through out the entire state are clamoring for Mr. Geer's nomination. Tbe latter ecntlernan. Mr. Moore has made an able justice, and hit nomination for that place again is as eagerly demand ed in this county as is tbe nomination for governor ot Mr. Geer. . Mr. Moore, like Mr. Geer, needs no recommenda tion, and for that position we believe him to be tbe strongest man in the tote. If one is to base their judgment on current events, Oregon, and especially the Columbia river section, will be lively country for tbe next few years. It is a source of much gratification to read of the increasing demand for tim ber lands, for in this respect Korth western Oregon cannot be beaten in the United States, and few sections equal it in point of quantity and qual ity of timber. Many thousand acres have already changed hands this year, and buyers are now scouring the country. Columbia county republicans this year have a ticket tbey can work and vote for with perfect confidence and assurance that if it is elected the differ ent persons will perform the duties of their respective offices in a manner creditable to themselves, with bonor to the party and safety to tbsir con stituency. Its personnel is above re proach, and the whole ticket is an ex ceptionally strong one. COMMUNICATKD, Dknvss, ApnIS, 1898. Editor Omtooir Mian I suppose yoa have had quite a rush from Oreon to the Kloiw dike tills spring. I see by the Denver papers that it is somewhat over with. Nut such good reports from there as last fall, I sup pose Is the cause. I (to not suppose you realise to what extent mining is developing this state. 1 thought a few remarks from nieon my personal observation to print in your paper might be ot interest to your readers. Two years ago last August 1 spent three weeks in Cripple Creek district. I went from Denver to Colorado Springs by team; then over the mountains to the ruining dis trict. I only wish some ol the people of Columbia county could Just see that moun tain road. It takes S to S hours to reach the first level spot on tbe first hill; it is one steady grade. The road bed Is 40 to 80 feet wide, and not a rock of any sise ia allowed to remain lu the road, as there are men stationed to travel over the same and keep it In repair. Tbe first mine that came in sight was tbe Victor, oa tbs northeast side of what is known as Bull hill. From there to Victor was over two miles, where is situated the famous Independence aud Portland group of mines. 4s I aava been in tbe hoisting house of the Indepeudeacs mine it might be of interest to describe it: Tbey bsve six boilers, each ol them being as large as the ones la tbe 81, Helens sawmill, which fur nish tbs power to run J air-compressor machines, 2 engines fur hoisting the cages. tbs pump that keep the mines dry; also the electric power that lights the main workings of the mine. Connected with the mine are all necessary tbope to keep tbe machinery and drills in repair; also ore bins. The output of the mine Is claimed to be about $00,000 per month, but it is claimed that Stratton, the owner, could, if be saw at, produce $1,000,000 per mouth. I will now go back to show the difference betweea the territory between the Victor and Independence mine over two years ago and the way I found it last fall. There was not a shipping mine: no bosses, only a few mining shafts' houses, but tbe ground was well dug up with prospect holes. Today there is tbs town of Goldfield with 800 to 1000 peoplo; Independence, 500 to 000; Alt man. ths highest town in the United States, (10,750 feet, nearly 1000 feet higher than Mt St. Helens, still there is timber growing on the north side of ths hill) with from S00 to 1000 population; there is also a place called Hull City: in fact it is slmost a continuous town from Victor to Altmau, I could not begin to tell you the shipping mines in that territory now, but since my arrival last fall there has been a number ol new ones added to the shippers, sad more being found every day. The output of gold la now over 000.000 in that ona district. Boulder county, west of Denver, has a new camp started by tbe name of Eldora which is claimed by some will be s second Cripple Creek. Last week tbey struck a lead tbat carried gold 1100 to the pound. and two other leads that want $50 to the pound. There has been hundredsof people going there for tbs past S months. There will be a great rush to the Urend Encamp ment, Wyoming; La Salle mountains, this state; White Horn mountains, Duray, Idaho Springs, Gilpin county, and in fact every part of tbe stale, as soon as tbe snows stop. It is looked forward by business mining men to be tbe greatest mining year the state ever witnessed. There has been found a tin mine within 20 miles of Denver 60 feet in width; also uranium, bismith, cobalt, and asbestos, in paving quantities. Some of the above min erals are more valuable than gold. I am fullv satisfied that anyone wishing to follow mining for a living could take the amount it takes to go to Alaska and stand just as good a chance to make a raise pros pecting in tills state, and take no chances of losing thrii lives. If I had known s few years ago about mining as I do now, I would have bid farewell to Oregon and spent my life in these mountains. I expect to make a trip to some part of this state tbe coming summer. It is auto remarkable to see the inventions for saving gold from tbe different kinds of rock. I saw a new invention a few days ago in operation tbat they claim gets $14 in gold out of Cherry creek, where the best assayeis only get about $2. I also heard yesterday of a new invention that is claimed to save floating gold. If it should prove a success, there is no telling how valuable those sand bars on Lewis river might be come. I intend to keep posted on tbe suc cess or tailors of ths same, as I am inter- interested in the weltare ol my own stata. Yours, 8. H. Tsioa, Address 2037, Lincoln Avs. r'OR THE SAtiAHY. William N. Meaerve, tbe nominee for sheriff on tht republican tloket, was in town Thursday morning on his way to KehaUtr valley to do some surveying. He was seen by tbe editor of this paper, and wheX asked what he proposed to do In regard to run ning the sheriff's u flics for tbe salary pro vided by law, it elected, said : While there was no resolution to that effect adopted by ths convention which honored tua with the nomination, it bad been my intention ever since I became a candidate fur the plana, if nominated and elected, to accept the office for ths salary and pay By drputy, II elected to the office I guarantee as economical adminis tration of its attain as it is possible to ren- der." tanas has been bulled long go, and treat barges ot wood are belngseutupirom Lake river sod Scappoose, DM tuis supply u ... limited, and it may not be a great many years before Portlsud will be sending tar out Into tbs country for fuel. Telegram. . w Dreadfully Nervens. r ,. r ..... iluailfullv nervous, and for relief took your Karl's Clover Root Tea. It quieted my nerves ana sireiigmr-i . ..I...I. H,nii9 rirntem. I was troubled with constipation, kidney and bowel troub le. Your lea soon eiesn ;j -j-lem o thoroughly thai I rapidly regained inv health and strength. Mrs. S. A. Sweet. Hartford, Con. ooiu oy ir. r-uwui nun. HOCLTOS HAPPENINGS. Mrs. Hall was In Portland Monday. Mrs. J as. Cox visited In Portland Monday. P. G. Baker, of Portland, spent Sunday in this piece. Mr. snd Mrs. Martin While returned home Tuesday. The farmers around here are busy put ting in their crops. . Mrs. J. Weed and children returned boms from Philomath last week. Ths Advents are holding revival meetings In N. A. Perry's hall this week. James Braddock has gone to Scappoose U finish up his contract getting out white fir. . Mrs. Llsxls Kelso, who has been quits ill for some time, is able to walk around, sad her many friends hops for her a speedy re covery.. David Henshaw has commenced his spring housecleanlng. by painting the out side of his house. N. A. Perry took a trip to Portland Mon day to secure material for his usw residence which be is about to erect. Hooltou will be well represented st the mask ball Friday evening by the prepara tion that is being made by our young people. BACHELOR FLATS. A number of our people attended the re publican primary in St. Helens. D. H. Pops spent s few days of last, week lu Portland and ap-river points on business. School commenced Monday, the 4th Inst with Miss Burllngame, of Houlton, teacher. , . Mrs. Sheffield, of Seattle, ia visiting with her sons, William and Frank, ol this place, for a few weeks. William Sheffield and brother have been hauling hay from the Freeman place, west of Warren, the past few days. John Lundgrin, of ths firm of Brown, Young, Lundgrin A Hammel, of Portland, was in this place Thursday last. E. F. Ridley, who has been working in the Wikstrom A Day logging camp for some time, returned home Saturday. In the kiddle Flats there has been some big improvements this winter and spring in ths tone of fencing, clearing land, etc. Squire Early went down the river sines ths other writing, where he intends to spend the summer working in a logging camp. Dave Early and father arrived at Van Early's Monday of last week from Nehalsm, Mr. Early returned heme Tneaday, but Dave will work in this neighborhood for s while. It is reported tbe new flume company wishes to purchase all ths wood obtainable in the woods.. Soma of the choppers say tbey can have it if they pay $1.13 per cord, and not for leas. Oriental Hotel L. L. DICKER, WINt", ST. HELENS. I ! t OBEUUH. v Rrervthlns In connection with the houne is strictly first oltuis. Aboiit Iwomy wii nmiu . Attn wnn iBitt n hi ilia, aiiaa -.,.....- i times with Uie best the market atlorilt. OA0TOXIXA. Us TSI vttneaj Tkshe Urnils stfsttaie Varl'a Driver Root Tra is B uleBSIIIlt lax alive. lt.'Kuluttu tbs bowels, ptirliifs tnit blood. Clears the complexion. Easy lei inaae and pleasant to take. K cents, ooiu bv Dr. K.lain Ross. tsss erf VMs, OASTOHIA, T fu ll alii etfu si Cm that rouith wiih Shiloh'a Cure. The hnt (Jnnirh Cure. Relieves cioud promptly tine million bottles sold lat year. 40 rinses for 25 cents. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross, mienala cured. Shiloh'S Vitaliier 111! mediately relieves sour steraacn, c-ionng- un-of-food distress, snd ts the great sianey and UVr remedy. Bum oy ur. r.. nuss, OASTOXIXA. fto fu ll at ! tsuiars, si lass enrr vntysa CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE. Notice Is herehv given that alt warrants it.. :;..., Ht. Helen. Oiccon. iiressnted and endorsed' Not PsMfor Went of Funds' up to December 1st, 1. will be paid upon uresentntion to me. Interest will not be allowed after this dels. Apr.. M. Itm Treasurer of the City of St. Helens, Oregon NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lamb Orrtca At Oaxson Citv. Oa.. March 191 h. XTOTtCB 18 HKREBt GIVEN THAT TUB 1 11 f..r.rin.nmi.,l attlr hu fllad notice Ul hi. IntAotinn tn make final nroof In sunvortof his claim, and tbat saio proor win ee uiaav ne- lore tne Register ana Receiver ai uregou vur, Oregon, en May una, 1MB, vis: IMERY BILKNELU Homestead Entry. No. 10.M7. lor the eaatX of northeast H. and north S ol soutneut 5 or ,i.,n -l irritttRhfn S north, ranee S weal. Ha names the followine wUnetHe u Pmee hi continuous residence upon ami cultivation ot mid laud, via: wnnair. J.. Brown, rreoeri H. Nienntedt, of Apiary, Oregon, lwls K. Ban ier. of Hudson, Oregon, aud Jaiuus L. Hutu, of Aptarv, Oregon. mkteS CHAS. B. MOORBS, Register. Be not deceived. A Cough Hoarseness or Cmun. are not to be trin u with. dose in time of Sb.loh's Cure w I save you much trouble. Sold by Dr. Kdw a Boss. f lilies, take the best. If TOO sis tronb- hvi with ennslinatinn. sallow skill and a tired feeling, take Karl's Clover Tea, It is pleasant to take. Sold by Dr. Edwin R0.1S, CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. bkiis stir . vtasss. MOODY FOR CONGRESS. The second congressional district conven tion held at Astoria Wednesday, nominated Malcolm A. Moody, ef The Dalles, for con gress by acclamation. Some trouble was at first had as to which of the Multnomah delegations should be seated, when it was finally agreed tbat the differences should be settled by delegates ootsideof Multnomah county, the ballot showing 47 In favor and 83 against seating what is termed the regular delegates from Multnomah county. Upon this decision Smith, of Wasco, in a few well-chosen and brilliant words, nom inated Malcolm A. Moody, for congress, when later tbs rules were suspended snd Mr. Moody nominated by acclamation. OTHER ITEMS. According to reports in yesterday's paper. T. T. Geer will be nominated for governor by acclamation. Chief Justice Frank A. Moore is said to bays no opposition for renoroinaiion, and it is expected he will bo nominated by ac clamation.. Both Thos. A. McBride, for judge, and Thos. J. Cleecan, for district attorney, were renominated Thursday forenoon. VEKNONIA GLEANINGS. Fine April showers. Borne of our citizens have tbe Spanish fever. Charles Armstrong started for Eastern Oirgoa last Sunday to secure employment. Georea Rica arrived in Tuesday with load of merchandise for F. A. Ziilgitt. He was accompanied ty nis wile. Wni. M. Wilson went to Forest Grove on Tuesdav. returning Thursday, accompan ied by bis son. Will, and daughter Dessa, who hare been attending school st rnil- omath. Mrs. Sarah Armstrong left on Tuesday for a short visit with her son, A. D. Alleo, at Forest Grove. Messrs. U. M. Beegbly and C. W. Mel- linger left Tuesday for Clatekauie to attend the republican convention. Albert and John Baker left this week for Scappoose, where tbey have a job of work putting in timber for the paper mills. Van Early was in from Scapooose visiting friends and relatives this week. Frank Malmnten bade adien to kindred and friends Friday for an extended visit to the ISast. A. Marebion has purchased a state right to sell the patent gate of Frank D. Baker, and expect! to start for California and begin bis work soon. We sre informed that another thunder storm is about to break our citizens. be declared. over the heads of We hope tbat peace will soou INTERVENTION AT ONCE. v Just a straight ballot on election day nu swapping -and the republican ticket is safe. Swapping is unneces sary, for every man on the ticket is sure of election. UiruEftB all signs fail Hon.T.T. Geer wiii be nominated for governor at ths Iiands of the convention now in session at Astoria. . . ' Wasbivsto, April 13. The house of representatives today, after one of tbe most exciting and memorable days in its history, by a vote of 322 to 19, adopted a resolution which nine-tenths of Its members believe makes war with Spain Inevitable. It is a fact which was grimly commented upon to day by members as tbey spoke ot tbe future. that every war in which tbe United States has engaged began in April, and that today was ths anniversary of tbe fsllof FortSunt ter, which aroused the patriotic fever of tbe North and made the four years' civil strife a certainty. . The resolution adopted directs ths presi dent to intervene at once in Cuba, to restore peace and secure to tbe people of tbe island "a stable, independent government of their own," and authorises bim to use tbe srmy snd navy to sxecnte tbe purpose of the resolution. . Miss Ida Wilson left Tuesday for Elsie, where she has bt-eu engaged to teach a term of school. Miss Emma Haines, of West Portland. has been engaged to leach the coming term of school in district No. 14. Juhn Edholm left Tuesday for Westrort. where he has been engaged to work in Mo ureoger s camp tne coming season. Mrs. A. Shannahan and daughter. Merle, left Friday to visit friends near Buxton for a lew days. The reonblicsns in this neck o' tbe woods are well uleased with the ticket the republi cans placed in ths field, and will eadearor to elect the same. Rev. F. M. Fisher, our pastor for the past year, left Wednesday for Salem to attend the annual conference of the Evangelical association. We sincerely hops tbat be may be returned to this work tbs ensuing yar. . About Logs and Cord wood. 'The lumber trsds in Portland is at the present time in a better condition than it has been for many years during tbs months of Februsry and March." This was ssid by the manager of one of ths mills. There is s great deal of trouble in securing logs of the correct length and size necessary to tbs filling of orders, snd tbs loggers bsve ths control of tbe market as never before. Tbs tonsge facilities this season hsvs been very scarce owing to tbe fact that tbs Klondike trade has pressed Into service all tbs steam schooners available, baring left but a few of tbs sailing craft to do the car rying trade for tbe coast and foreign ports. Thus it is almost Impossible for tbe mill companies to' secure water transportation of any kind. ' Tbs railway trade has been very good thus fsr, snd a great many cars sre sent out dally by all the mills. The outlook for Portland's future supply of wood is not very bright Just st present. All the wood which wss withia hauling die- DO YOU 9 KNOW THE NEWS I You can have it all for Per.... R A n Per..., uuu Msitli In The Evening Telegram, of Portland, Oregon. It is the largest evsnlug news paper published tn Oregon; It contains ail the news of tht state and of the na tion. Try It for a month. A sample copy will be mailed to you free. Address THE TELEGRAM, Portland, Oregon. DENTIST DART & MUCKLE flaln Street, St. Helena, Oregon. -a."-. money's Worth- CVEHV TIMI AT DOLMAN'S STORE. T. HELENS, OftEOON. Mr. Dolman always keeps a lull stock" of tieneral MrrchaiiillM, which be sells at prices that defy cuuipstltiou. i-l-Sr d we i) i e v"i rriri 1 1 i'iti 1 1 i i Choice Groceries Always on hand. Flotir. grain, siiiUeed. Tobscso and tilgam, and smokers' ailleM, iiuUuiis. slo. ...Hardware... ....MERCHANDISE tm CROCKERY AND TINWARE. ...Drv Goods... . At , Including a general assortment of clothing, furnishings, anddreu giMxls. Also a ilus line of boots aud shoes. .nnnnfirinnnrinnririri'n'innriiiiii.rirmi.iiiiriiinrri'inririri.lHiririnniiiirirr"----" DART & MUCKLE Main Street, St. Helens, Oregon. 33eK?SSS?yS! 1 Bl J OrR.&N. ' "'"'""....TO THE.... EAST. Gives the choice of Two Transcontinental Routes ...GREJlTu, NORTHERN R'y. -via 8POKA.NB MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL and CHICAGO ...OREGON., SHORT LINE R'y. via i DENVER SALT LAKE OMAHA aad 1 KANSAS CITY nonWKM.. CARUIX A CO.. General Agents Northern Pacific 8. 8. Co. rorriaua. uregon. - Get Value Received EVERY TIME AT N. A. Perry's HOULTON, OREGON. -VIA- WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Dr. Sigh era or Dr. Re!d WILL BE IN 8T. HELKNB EVERY MONDAY, TDEHDAY, WEDNESDAY, AND THUKSBAY OF EACH WEKK Prepared to do - ALL KINDS OF DENTAL WORK FULL SET TEETH.... PILLING GOLD CKOWN8 ..17 M to 110 00 60 upwards ..3 60 to $6 00 We are here to stay. Call snd see ns snd be coa vlnced that we uisan business. AU work guar anteed. Office Next Doer te goes' Drugstore 8T. HELENS, 8 1!: OEEOON IIW,WWVIW WWlWWWf E. E. QUICK I G. W. COLE I Commissioner of I . Notary Public . Deeds for Wash- I tngton. ...... I COLE & QUICK, PROPRIETORS Or THORNFS Numerical Sijteijitle Attracts. Titles Examined and Perfected. Abstracts Furnished. Awesnments Kxamlned. In surance Written. Taxes Paid and Conveyancing. T. HELENS, OBEGON, TXT A If TV D FAITH gUL MEN Ol WOMEN TV totravelforrMponslbleesUbllsfcedhouse Si Oregon. Salary S7M and expenses. Position eermauaat. Relereuefe Xnoloae seii-addfaMftd Stamped envelope. Tbe MaUottai, SUr Insur ance Bids., Chicago. WANTED PAITHFOX MEN OR WOMEN to travsl (or ra.ponslbla established house In Oregon. Salary 7M) and expanses. Positioa permanent. Kalarenee. Knclnee self-addressed tamnl envelope. The National, Stat lasur- aaoe auig ., vuwago. WTT ANTED FAITH fXJL MEN OB WOMEN Vv to trav.l for responsible established bouas la Oregon. Salary wiw ana expenses, rosuiun Mrmanent. Beferenoe. Enoloss self sddreued stamped envelope. Tbe National, Star Jasur aace bldg., Cbioago. Leave St. Helens Arrive at Portland... Leave Portland Arrive at Bt. Helens. . 8 ..V) k M .10:00 A M . 2:30 P M ,. 6:00 F M I-A HE f CENT . Will Carry Nothing bnt Passengers and Fast FnigliU JAMES Of OD, Master. PROFESSIONAL. J. W. DAY Inaiou. recoras. a Collections, foreclosures, mechanics' lelns, etc. Deputy prosecuting sitnrney. umce with T. J. Cieeton. St. Helens, Obeoon, G. W. COLE, ATTORNEY AND CODN8ELOB-AT-LAW, ST. HELENS, OBEGON, Title Abstract Books, Notary Public, Commis sioner of Deeds (or Washington, and ansxper- leuueo eoueoior in connection wun ooice. JB. H. B. CLIFF, PHYSICIAN AND SUEQEON. 8L Helens, Oregon. 1) 1 liw ;I :.vi lfiifi43 C. W. KNOWLES, Manager. sf . Mr. KrtowVs wns, fur many yesrs, jiroprlrlnr of (tie St. Charlm hotel, and while tlier establishm! a reputation as a hotel man. He is now in a better position to enUrtaln hi frieuds thun ever Iwfure, snd will welcome all his old patrons to hi now lWe of busiiif, where can bo found an ap-lo-tUle hotel. wttssan &tamev. Oregon, Geo. VV. Elder CITY Of TOPEKA LEA VI P0RTLAN EVERY FIVE DAYS FOB ALASKA POINTS. OnstN RTKAMEHS LEAVE PORTLAND EVhttY MVE DAYS FOR SAN FRANCISCO. STEAMERS monthly from Portland to Ynso-1 home aud Hong Kong, In connection with I the O. M. B. vompany. For full Information rail on or address W. H. 1IUKLUUKT. General Passengw Agent, - Portland, Oregon Corner Fifth and Washington Streets, Portland. sill ,1.,., ssBwaasaassssp , ."J nil .. i ! 'aysa) IATSKANIE DRUG'S 10Kb DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor, Has last received a large UMttaseat . el Fresh aad Pare Drugs and Chem icals Also s new aad select stock ot dnigs snd patent medicines, fancy stationery, sehool hoc as aad school supplies, perfumery and u.ll.t article aud In fact e.rjlhlus which Is usually kept at a nrst-claaa drug store. Prescriptions Carefully Coraponmlcd AT THE- CLATSKANIE DRUG STORE -THK BANQUET SALOON 0L0NINGEK& COOPER, rnoPKiBToKs. Wine and Liquor . blllinrd table and I other devices for the enterininim-nt of pet rous, where time can be nleauiuiIV siicui. Card tables, pool tnbl- FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. -STEAMER Young America FAMOUS FIRE LADDIE CIGARS Besides other popular brands, are kept constantly on band to supply ths Incroated trade at this very popular saloon. y THE FAMOUS CYRU5 NOBLE WHISKY IS KEPT AT THS BANQUET. JOHN WINTERS MANUFACTURER OF Casks and Barrels ATKIN S 0L.O STAND 8T. HELENS. OREGON. flUCKLE BROS MANUFACTURERS OF Dlmenalon Lninbar, Flooring. KiMIe, Hheath Inv, 1'a.lnxa, aud a vowplut slots, of avery variety ol ROUGH and DRESSED LUMBER ALWAYS ON HAND AT TIIK Ol.l) STAND, 8T, UEI.ENS, OB WHITE COLLAR LINE ii --'-' THE COLUMBIA KSVEB AND Pl'GET SOUND NAVIGATION CO. w . POBTLiKD-ASXORU BOOTH Stealer Bailey Gatzert Landing Foot of Alder Htreet, Portland. Leases Portlaud dally (except Sunday) at 7 A. M, Landing Telephone dock, AMorla. Leaves Astoria dally (except Sunday) 7 P, M. Gstsert Tickets Good oa Steamer Thompson Steamer Thompson Tickets Good on Uau.it E. A. MKELEY, Agt. V. B. SCOTT, Pres.' IV. B. DILLABD SHUarfr St Pet ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Office next door to Courthouse, ST. HELENS, OREGON. General practice In eonrts of Oregon or Wash- AU.I STEAMER G. W. SHAVER CELL SHAVER, Master. Wtrscta made directly from county GEORGE A. HALL, ATTORNEY - AT- LAW. S 9 an"! ,11 The Only Direct Eoute ...FROM,.. Portland to Clatskanie T sqvaq Portland, foot of Washington street, Tuesday. Thursday, and Snnday evenings st ; IJCttVt'a o'clock. Returning leaves C'laUkanle, tkle permitting, Monday, Wednesday, , FrKlay evenings at 4 o'clock. Will pas. Oak Point about 7; Stella 7: 18; 'llitlK 1-eaves utaivaanie, mie permming, moht, prniw- .j, - Wlil xmdm Oak Pnlnt about 7: Stella7.16: Mavaer 7:'M Rainier ! Kalama:13: St. llolem ao. Arrive in Portland 1:30 a. m. The cowfceu resetves ths right te change Urn. without notice. Shaver Transportation company. r .as Two Newspapers Together, J-JE, EDW1H ROSS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. St. Helens, Oregon OREGON MIST-0REG0NIAN Only Two Dollars Per Year In Advance. TVT'Wy JW V "WW V syyaayagiyajryysyl J-B. 1. X. HALL, PHXBiniAN AND BURGEON. Clatskanie, Columbia oounty, Or. ....STEAMER JOSEPH KELLOGG.... WANTEDFAITHFUL MEN OH WOMllf to travel for n-.ponslbte established house MOrsgoa. Salary f7W and expanses. Positioa permanent. Heference. Knolose s.lf-addrMsd stamped snvtfop. Hie Mationat, Star lasus enee Su!g Chimga, w. H. MK8KBVE, Leaves Kelra on Mondays, Surveyor and Civil Engineer sajSSeTa- DELENA, OREGON. Coonty Surveyor. Land Burvevlne. Town Platting and Kngineerliig work promptly T.n-nwil, L . vwr'rsr-r"-,B i . .lJMiaW Leave. Port land Tuetdsy. Thursday, ana Saturdays, at s o'clock a. Portland and Kelso Routs via Willamette Slcugh.....