OREGON MIST, yaiDAY, APRIL L North ben Pacific Impbovkmknti. The Improvement work on tht North rn Ptoiflo roadbed hat breo began (or the aoa, end will be puttied un til the dose of lb open leason next fall. Bteem thoveli ere at work at Jocko, on the Rocky mountain divis ion, new rail ere being laid between Spokane end Fesoo, end bridges ere being filled end ballasting done near Woappoo, on tne strewn ui line irom , Kelame to Portland. Tbe work of im uroTine the roadbed o( the Northern Paoifio ie that which wee started a ' year or two ego with the purpose of making tbe physical features of tbe line p-rinsnerit. The proposition to lower the trade of the road near Ureeo river, on the Pacific division, has not full been decided on. Shipwav at Luikto. There ie et last to be e ehipwey et Portlend, or in other words, e plaoe provided where vessels ere to be built end repaired, .end the plant Ie to be flrst clait in every respect, the emelter property et Linn ton having been purchased by en Eastern man for that purpose. , It is said plant capable ol taking care of els Urge vessels et one time ie to be put up et onoe et ooel of neerly 9200,000. Thie meene employment for e great many mechanics, who, mostly, will make LI on ton their home, end means for that town more, per heps, than ie Imagined. Mot only will benefit acorne to the town of Linnton but the commerce of the Columbia river be benefitted by eucb en enter ' prlee. It is hoped to have the plant completed in Use then three month, aud work bai already begun. Deckhaxd Dbowkbd. Henry Swan on, a deckbend on the eteamer Lur lioe, we drowned et Neer City, near Ooble, on Friday morning of laat week et IS; SO o'clock. The eteamer wee last et the dock, end the crew wee en gaged in putting off e cylinder weigh ing 800 pound. In tome manner, there wet e slip, end the heavy, cylin der end this deckhand went overboard. Swaoson rose to the surface once, end then dieappeared. Four minutes later the body wee recovered with grappling hooke, end en hour we epent fruit lessly in attempts et muecitaiion. There were no marks indicating tbet Swanson had been struck by the cylin der. The body was turned over to tbe coroner of Columbia county, Dr. k. P. McLaren, who held en inquest Friday. Swenson wee about 80 yeare old, end had no relativee In thie country. He bad been on the boat a week. - Important Surgical Opkratioh. F. P. Henrioi, ex-school director , of Montevilla, will shortly undergo the operation of cutting open tbe skull to relieve the pressure of e blood clot on the optic nerve. He ie now convinced that nothing short of such en opera tion cen restore hie eyesight, which hat been nearly destroyed. Mr. Hen rioi wat struck on the bead a heavy blow considerably over a year ego, end and he was taken to e hospital. For e time hit life wee despaired of, but his strong constitution enebled him to pull through. He seemed to recever hit health, but one half of hie eyesight wue dead, to that hit virion was very much confuted end lndittlout. It wss supposed that the trouble wee caused by the pressure of a riot in the brain, and that it would finally be absorbed, when Mr. Henrici't eyesight would be fully restored. But thie use not been tbe result, end his sight hae been so much impaired that he has been un able to do anything. The clot teemt to be pressing down on one-half of the optio nerve, end It is feared that it ie teo late to restore bit eight. Laroi Guns Arrivi The first of (he cerriagee for the battery of heavy rifled mortars, which ie to form a pert of tbe fortifications under erection et Fort Stevens, tor the defense of the mouth of the Columbia, wse trans ferred from care at Albioa the other day to e barge for tbipment to its des tination. It is in many pieces, at, ow ing to it great weight, It would be prac tically impossible to handle it or trans port it if set up. Tbe bene, or "racer," on which tbe huge mortar stands, weighs 14 tone. This it the beivieat piece. Tbe bate ring, which ie fur nished with cogt for changing the direotion of the piece, weighe eight tone. There are a number of other heavy piece, including a frame filled with great spiral springs, which ere to "take" the recoil of the mortar when fired. There are scores of pieces of ell ehapee and tiaet, the ntee of which ere known to only expert in gnnnery.end there ere also two shot truoke, a sort of iron etand on wheels, with tone fitted for holding the huge rifled shell, whioh form the ammunition used by these mortars. Tbe carriages for the remaining half doeen or more mortart which will form the battery are now etraog along the reilweyt on their way from tbe East, or awaiting ship ment. ' A Fbathkhal Visit, Last Saturday night about a doeen members of Avon lodge, K. of P., of thit city, went to Bainier to pay the lodge at that plaoe a fraternal visit and confer the rank work upon two candldatee. The work- . ing team from the lodge at thit plaoe, consisting of M. C. Gray, Frank Dow, James Bheldon, Dr. B. Boss, Dr. H. K. Cliff, Judaon Weed, W. A. Harris, W. B. Dillard, O. W. Blakesley. E. E. ' Quick, end David Davis, aooompanied by George Mayger, made an unevent ful journey on tbe Iralda, arriving at Kainler a few momente before lodge wee called. After the opening cere monies the lodge room was turned over to the visiting team, and the second rank was conferred upon Mr. J. P. Young with dispatch and vigor. Mr. " Swan Johnson being in waiting, wat then Knighted by a complete change of officers, Which kept the team busy until almost 11 o'clock, when Rain ier't member announced that supper wss in waiting at the City restaurant, which created a general stampede, and after arriving at the dirring hall e most elegant luncheon wat toon de voured. Bainier boys enjoy the repu tation of being the moat genial end aoolal fellow alone the river, end cer tainly they merit ell tbet ie eaid for them in this respect. About 1 o'clock a. m. tbe Telephone errlved, and the crowd took paaaage for home, ell feel ing welt repaid lor tneir visit. V fcOCAL NOTES. f Mrs. John (Junior Is reported li(b.tly in disposed. ' N. A, Ferry, of Houlton, was In Portland xuetaay. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon were in Portland Wednesday, March did not leave us so uproariously uproarious after all. Mr, I. II. Oopelaad, of Warren, was In town last Saturday, Clerk Weed and Surveyor Ueserve re turned last Friday from near Vernonla. Judge Doaa cam up from Balnisr last Wednesday to look after business matters. Mr. and Mrs. Dow earns down from Oak Island last Friday, and remained In town over Sunday, Mr, W. J. Dells, of Balaler, was In town a dar or two this week looking after busi ness natters. ' Bring your neighbor aloeg with yon to the primaries tomorrow. vry republi can should be on bsnd. . Louts Fitsgerald eame over from Ver nonla Tussday to visit relatives and look after minor business matters. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Muckls, of Bainier, eame op Saturday afternoon to visit rela tives, reinsmlng over Sunday, Mr. and Mr. O. A. Hall returned last Sunday evening from Portland, where they bad visited for e day er two. Ml Stone, of Marysyllls, !., I In tb elty visiting Mr. and Mr. George Mayger. Mis Stoa I Mr. Mayger' cousin. Mr. 8. Kesmusen eame down from Ore gon City Wednesday afternoon to visit ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. John GUmore, We neglected to state laat week tbat tbe beaotife! rugs mads by Mr. Dean, of Bain ier, are on exhibition at Harris' store. Bev. 0. B. Philbrook will preaob next Sunday et Deer Island, at 11 a. m.; Colum bia City, S p. as. j St, Hsleas, 7 : 80 p. m. Mr. Jacob Georg, who Is employed In Muckle's logging csrop on tb Cowsemen, spent Saturday la town visiting relatives and friend. These day and nights are frosty end cold lo the average person, but from ell ap pearance the politicians er finding tbe weather quite tropical. Your attention Is particularly directed to an article In another column this wtek. beaded "Prosperous Morrow County." Read It. Twill de you good. Letter of administration were Issned oa Wednesday by Judge Doan, appointing Henry L. Col Tin administrator of the estate of Thomas S. Colvln, deceased. Mr. W. D. Connsll, of Deer Island, and Mr. M. A. Swiger and daughter and Mia Amy Easton, of Kslse, were visiting la St. Helens and Houlton Wednesday. OleSundby end Bohert George started last Monday for California, thinking of lo cating about Red Bluffs. Tbe former has been in California for tbe past two year. Mis Mary Oonyers cam down from Oregon City laat Friday, remaining in town over Sunday, end continuing on to Clats- kani Sunday evening to visit her parent. Mr. Charles Muekle, who ha been very sick for tb past ten day or two weeks, is greatly improved, and it Is now but a mat ter of few days when be will be able to be around again. There will be e meeting of the eltieen of St Helen et tb oourthous this (Friday) evening to nominate a city ticket to be voted for next Monday evening. A large attend ance Is expected. Ed Watts is reported to be rapidly recov ering from the wound be received In bis right leg three weeks ego. When he will be sble to leave tbe hospital, though, we are unable to say. Messrs. Too. Clonlngerand George Bam- aey, of BcappooM, were la town Tuesday interviewing .the sheriff la regard to taxes, paying newspaper subscriptions, end at tending to other business affaire. Brother Enoch Blackford, of tbe Clats- kaoie Chief, waa In town Tuesday circulat ing among tbe politicians. He eame up particularly to assist Joseph Dixon In mak ing final proof on bis homestead. It is now positively stated that the Asto ria railroad will be completed in time to take tbe delegate to the state convention on tbe Ht. It is expected that the last spike wiU be driven oa April 5th. On tb fourth peg of our paper this week wilt be found the platform of tbe populist party, adopted at the lata three-beaded convention In Portland, together with a full list at. th nominees for state and district officers. Francis Parker, of Pittsburg, last Satnr- day made final proof on bl homestead en try No. 6859, for tb H of ie! and eft of awK and wX of MX of section 25, township S, north of range 4 west, with Slgel Wilkin son and John Vanblaricom as witnesses. Mr. D. J. Switser came up from Clatska- ul Wednesday night. Mr. Swltssr ha been employed for some time potting In a water syatem there, end bl trip optb river t for tb purpose of procuring more material, such a hydrant, eto. Th Oregon Wood Company is selling a grsat deal f wood at present, es are also other dealer et this place. With wood selling et $2 00 per eord there is quite a beat margin realised. Still wood to as low now as it will svar be along tbe Columbia. Delegates and others expecting to attend th county convention at Clatskanl next Wednesday will probably desire to go in the most convenient manner. The steamer Shaver will be at St. Helens about 7 o'clock Tussday evening, and will take the greatest number of those going. Mr. 0. F. Blyth, o( Portland, was In town Tuesday. Mr. Blyth has a great deal of money Inveeted in Columbia county war rants, and naturally feels a keen Interest In the welfare of the county. After spending a day in town he continued on to Clatskanle In the evening to look after interests there. In all newspaper reports regarding dis trict nominations at the late state populist convention, the office of dlstriot attor ney for this (O(tb) district is reported as unfilled. The report is erroneous. Mr. George Noland, of Astoria, is tb nominee for tbat office, and Mr. W. D. Han, of Hlllsboro, tb nominee for dlstriot judge. Mr. John Vanblaricom, who has rsslded in Hillsboro for tome time, wasintown last Saturday. John says his family baa been sick almost constantly all winter, there be ing six of his children down with typhoid- pneumonia at one time. His oldest son, hs snys, he expects never to recover, as he has been in bed for fourteen weeks. M. K. Espey has a patent window screen whioh we believe to b the acme of perfec tion. They are a simply-conslruoted affair, working on tbe same principle as a window sash, both upper and lower, and undoubt edly , will give universal satisfaction where used. Mr. Espey will furnish a lew of these etll per window, and all who want them will do well to speak immediately. Sample et tola oliloe. , VEItNOMA ULKANINGB. S. J, Mowe went to Forest Grove Satur day. John Smith was promenading our street Monday. John Dalla was a visitor in our city on Monday. Mr. Malmsten, sr., ha moved on hi property In our city. , ' Han Chrlstiansoa went to Buxton for a losd of flour Monday. Mrs, Armstrong spent several day visit ing friends in onr city this week. - Win. Hess left for Portland Tussday for a toad of merchandise for bis father's store. F. L. Wilson has gone to Westport, where be bas secured work for tbe coating sum mer. , 1 . Judson Weed eame over from Houlton laat week to visit friends and attend to busi ness here. Geo. Bacon, of Hlllabere, passed through town last week ea rout to Lower NebaUm buying eattl. . Vernon Mows returned from Clatskanle Wednesday, where be bad been working fore few days. There wa a social dance given et tbe resldeaoe of Mr.' Kd Tbroop, on Upper Bock creek, Saturday evening. John Ed hoi in returned from Westport Friday, where he be been engaged t work in MoGreogor's camp, and will return about Aprils. ' Tom Anderson, who resides above town oa the Nehalem river, bas been catching a great many salmon. Tom Is an excellent fisherman. last Saturday Hans Christ! anson brought a load of blacksmith tool to onr city for Mr. Malmsten, sr., which ware recently purchased from Tom Anderson. Che. Armstrong bas moved bl family t his father-in-law's, 8. D. Sheeley, for the coming luinmer, and has gone to work et Elliott's camp, at Marshland. - We are Informed tbat Torn Anderson bas purchased the Mountain Spinner from it former owner, E. G. Shannahan, and here after she will ply on tbe upper river. We hear that Mies Vernonla Sheeley bas been engaged to teach the school in the Wilkinson district tbe coming term, which oommence about tb middle of April. Our worthy county surveyor, Will M (nerve, wa seen on our streets Sunday. He cam over to survey a county road, and also, surveyed some land for Mr. Weed while here. We are Informed Mis Ida Wilson has been engaged to teach a nine-month's term of school at Elsie, Clatsop county. Mlas Wilson holds a atate diploma. We wish hsr laocea. Bev. F. M. Fisher preached an excellent farewell sermon to e large and appreciative audience at Beaver scbootbouse last Sun day, aud at this place in the evening. Ber. Fisher soon departs for tbe annual confer ence of tbe Evangelical Assoclstion, end we, as his friends, wiah him returned to our mission. ., ' ... CliATSKANIE NOTES. City election next Monday, Ike Bumgardner bat gone to work a tin at Colvia'i camp. Miss Laura Nichols is down from Port land visiting ber sister, Mrs. Van, and other friends hare. The city father hav decided to construct a dam for a reservoir for water instead of an additional tank. Miss Mary Conyers eame tu by steamer from Oregon City Monday morning to visit her parent, Mr. end Mr. W. H. Conyers. Republican primaries are to be held In tbe city ball on Saturday to select five dele gates to the county convention to be held ber next Wednesday. John English took advantage of a little atop at the Tichenor shingls-mlll to visit his parent at Deer island last week. He re turned Monday morning. J. H, Basing wa In town Monday look ing considerably bleached from a recent Ill ness. He waa hunting some man to take his place at the ahinglo-mill nntil be get tronger. We learn that W. H. Colvln is quite sick at Marshland. Ho waa In town Baturday, but took suddenly ill on hi return, and later hla disease seems to be typhoid-malar ial fever. . ,, The golden (t) spike can be aeen in th store of Z. Bryant A Son this week. It Is not certain that thla particular spike will be used on the railroad, but It make quite a display In th window, at least Andrew Doyle, who left us a year or more ago for tb Southern Oregon mining dls triot, is back egain to try bl energies In logging. It seems a more certain invest ment. The construction trains from the Astoria and Goble ends of tbe new railroad are Bear ing each other. Each can be seen a on gets down on the point below Palm's mill. The crews of each will soon exchange greet ings, near the steel bridge, across the river below town. . . S. 0. Tichenor hss sold hi farm near this plaoe to Marshall Shearer, of Deep creek, who expects soon to become e resident of our precinct. It is e good place, and can be made a profitable one for cultivation. Steve will assist In th sawmill this season, and decide later on his future. Married. On Tuesday evening, at the resilience of her father, Miss Cora, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Blackford, and Frank J. Kraft were united in marriage by Justice J. E. Hall In the presence of the family and a few relatives. Mre. Kraft is one ot our Royal 1M nr. hi S, II Hi stbeolutiiiy rurw welt-known and blghly-esteemed young ladle, and her many friend wish ber all th happiness tbat matrlmoify can bring. L. Saldern la down from th elty this week. We have not learned whether be has decided upon a field for future opera tions or not. It will be necessary for him to transfer from bis present locstion.tbeugb some One logs are yet put In from his log ging csmp on Fall creek. We are In hopes Mr. Saldern may find it expedient to go up the Clatskanle river with bis logging rail road. He bas th matter under considera tion. The city council held a meeting Monday evening to check up account a little and ascertain the progress and prospects of pipe laying for oar waterworks. Tb street are quite thoroughly ditched at present, and this week will see tbe main pipe all laid. It 1 gratifying to tb council, s well our oltltens. to see th wlllingn" manifested to do th digging, pipe-laying, and such work as Is neceary,and talc tb "promise to pay" of tb city in pavment for such labor was not volunteered. Our people believe In the city owning and controlling Its own water system, and a considerable amount of volunteer labor bas been given to get th ditches dug and th pipe laid. Krats bell bas been the scene of some musical exercises the past week. A couple of tbe railroad engineers are quit skilled Serformers oa mandolin and guitar. Dr. noder, tbe detit, is a violinist and all round musician, Silas Sbrouds, George Conyers, and Bay Sullivan are at boras with their brass instruments, and when a piano accompaniment is needed Miss Myr tle Jones can be relied upon for that. When these performers gather in tbe ball, where there is a piano, it is not surprising that people passing, stop to listen, or gaihar in. If tbey have time. Krats. himself, enjoys it, and is taking piano lessons, a well as keeping hi voice lo tun for th benefit of bis customers, Spain and America. Those who are basiy te criticise Presi dent McKinley because he does not rush war with Spain to an immediate Issue, should remember tbat there are facts and conditions known to tbe president with which the country at large is not. nor can be, acquainted. It is easy to remember with what violert criticism President Lin coln wa assailed because be did not do all things at once, and yet history shows how far-seeing and wise were bis acts. President McKinley cau be trusted to do everything tbat is best for tbe nation, and to do it in good time. He is a patriot without one drop of cowardly blood, and when the iron is hot he will strike the blow. It hss been made perfectly clear to Spain that nothing lose than a close of the war and tbe Independence of tbe island will suf fice as an adequate settlement. It is now for Spain to accept or reject these tenders. There is no doubt that Spain, after all her bravado, is weaking. as ber bone for foreign intervention proved vain, and theorists will be resetted m two or mre any. Mre. A. Inveen, residing at 720 Henry St., Alton, 111., Buffered with eciatic rheumatism for over eight month. Sbe doctored for it nearly the whole of thie time, using various remediee recommended by friends, and was treated by the physician, but re ceived no relief. She then need one and a half bottle of Chamberlain' Pain Balm, which effected a oomplete cure. Thi i published at her requeet, t the want othera limilarly afflicted to know what oared her. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for eale by Dr. E. Boss. Two yean ago B. J. Warren, drug gist at Pleasant Brook, N. Y., bought a (mall supply of Chamberlain' Cough Remedy. II turn up tbe result a follows: "At that time the goods were unknown in this section ; today Cham berlain's Cough Bemedy ie a house hold word." It ie the same in hundreds of communities. Wherever the good qualities of Chemberlaio's Cough Bem edy become known the people will have nothing else. For sale by Dr. . Boss. American are the most inventive people on earth. To them have been issued nearly 600,000 patents, or more than one-third of all too patents issued in the world. JHo discovery of modern years has been of greater benefit to mankind than Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Bemedy, or has done more to relieve pain and Buffer ing. J. W. Vaughn, of Oakton, Ky., says: "I have used Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Bemedy in my family for several years, and find it to be the best medicine I ever used for cramps in tbe stomach and bowels. For aale by Dr. Edwin Bos. BUK9I. Bomst. At Yankton, on Monday, March 21, 1896, to tb wife of Dudley Bonny, a on. DENTIST Dr. Sigh era Dr. Held TOL BK IN ST. HEXEN8 EVERY MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, AND THURSDAY OF EACH WEEK v Prepared to do - "; ALL KINDS OF DENTAL WORK FULL SET TEETH 7 M to 110 00 FILLING , SO upwsrtls gouj crowns.. tsee to s&oo We are here to stay. - Call sad see ns snd be ooa- vlnoed tbat w msan easiness, au wor guar anteed. Office Next Doer to Rosa' Drugstore 8T. HELENS, 5 ! ! : OREGON FOB A Connty Republican ConYention A republican convention for th oounty of Columbia, state of Oregon, is called to meet at Cltttsltanie. Oregon, on Wednesday, April H, 1898, st 10 o'clock A. M , for the purpose of nominating candidates for the county offices of said Columbia county, and to elect six (6) delegates to the state convention, and to transsctany other busi ness tbat may come before the convention. The convention will conilst of thirty-five (36) delegates, apportioned among the sev eral precinct as follows : Apiary . . . .1 Auburn.. .....3 Beaver Falls. . . .2 Clalskanie 5 Deer Island... 3 Marshland . . . ...1 Nohalem.. Oak Point. Kuinier ... Soappoose . Sliermau . . Union. . .. ....3 ...3 ....4 .. .3 ...2 ....5 The same being onedelrgate-at-larg from esch precinct and one delegate for every twenty-fonr(2) votes ami on.-for the major fraotion of twenty-four (24) votes oast tor Supreme ) uritte Uoburt b. iSeun at tbe une election in ' -' The connty central committee recom mends that tbe primurios in the several precincts be held at 'lie uiuul voting place in said precinta on Baturday, April 2. l&W at 1 o'clock P. M., and that tha delegates attend tbe convention in person. By order of the committee, W.M.PERRY. D A V I D. D AVIS. necretnry. Uhairman. Dreadfully Nervoauh OiirTs: I wa dreadfullv nervoa, nd for relief took your Karl's Clover Root Tea. It quieted my nerves and strengthened my whole Nervous System. I was troubled with con.tipuiioti, kiJi.oy u..J buwcl troub le. Your tea soon clesnsed my whole sys tem so thoroughly that I rapidly regained my health and strenirtb. Mrs. S. A. Bweet. Hartford, Con. Hold by Dr. Edwin Boss. Karl's Clover Boot Tea is a pleasant lax ative. Begulates the bowels, purities the blood. Clears the complexion. Easy to mass and pleaant to take. 25 cents. Hold by Dr. Edwin Boss. Cure that cough with gbilob's Cnre. The best Cough Cur. Believes oroup promptly. On million bottles sold last year. 40 doses tor 26 oral. Bold by Dr. Edwin Boss. Dyspepsia cored. Shiloh's Vitaliser Im mediately relieves (our itemacb, coming-op-of-focd distress, and is the great kidney and liver remedy. Bold by Dr. E, Bo. Be not deceived. A Couch, Hoarseness or Croup, er not to be trilled with. A dos in time of Bhilob's Cure will save you much trouble. Bold by Dr. Edwin Boss. ttdles, take th best. If you srs troub led with constipation, (allow skin, and a tired feeling, talc Karl's Clover Tea. It is pleasant to tak. Bold by Dr. Edwin Bos. City Treasurer Notice. All warrant of the elty of Bt. Helena, Oregon, endorsed "Mot paid for want of funds.'' prior to Nov. 12th 1896. are now payabl upon presentation to me, aud will not bear interest after this date. W. B. Dillard, City Treasurer. Dated, Bt. Helen, Oregon, March 21st. 1K88 Notice of Precinct Primaries. Kotloe l hereby given that on Baturday. April 3, 1M, at f oTclock in tbe afternoon, th republican primaries for Union pre cinct, Columbia oounty. Oregon, will be held in the courthouse, In the city of bt. Helens, for th purpos of alecting five (5) delegates to the connty convention to be held at Clatskanle, on Wednesday, April 6, 1818, and lo transact such other business aa may come before the meeting. D. DAVIS, Precinct Committeman. NOTICE rOH PUBLICATION. Lamd Orric at OaaooM City, Oa., February 19, M98. NOTICE If) HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler bas Sled notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of hla claim, and that uid proof will be made be fore the County Clerk or Columbia County at St. Helens, Oregon, on April 2nd, Ids, vis: KurCS D. BLAKELY, Homestesd Entry No. (MS, for the east H of southeast section Hi, township north, range 5 wwt, and lot4 and noutheiwt Y o! south weW of section 30, township i north, range 4 west. He names the following witnesses loprore his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: W. C. Elchraao, of Keasey, Or egon, sud loho Campbell, George R. Fitzgerald, and Lewis FiUgeraid, ot vernonla, Oregon, ttfal CHA8. B. MOOREB. Resiater. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lako Orrics at Oasoow Citt, Oa.. March l!Hh, IBM. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore tbe Register and Receiver at Oregon City, Oregon, en llay 2nd, lius, vis: EMERY BICKNELL, Homestead Entry, No. 10.SI7, for the eastU of northeast , and north H of southeast X of sec tion , township S north, ran are 8 west. He names tbe following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cnltivatiou of said land, viz: Willian. L. Brown, Frederick H. Nfenstedt, of Apiary, Oregon. Lewis F. Ban ser. of Hudson, Oregon, and James L. Butts, of Apiary, Oregon. mi5a CHA8. B. MOORE8, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lamb Orrica at Oaaoon City, Oa., February W, 1895. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the County Cterk of Colombia County at St. Helens, Oregon, on April 2nd, 1898, via:- . GOTFBED BERGERSEN, Homestead Entry No. 8788, for the southwest of section 28, township 4 north, range & west. He names the following witnesses to prove fats continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: John Bmlth, i. P. Sheeley, and Herman Oonma, of Veraonia, Oregon, and J. R. Thomas, ot Buxton, Oregon. VJmX - . CH AS. B. MOO RES, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud Orrics at Oaxeo City, Oa., February 18, 189S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of bis intention to make fiual proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made he fore the County Clerk ot Columbia County at St Helens, Oregon, on April 2nd, IftM, vis: FREDERICK W. FLUHRER, Homestead Entry No. 4S9, for the east M of northwest M and east of southwest H ot seo tion 21, township north, range 4 west He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous rasldence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: Oliver Wilson, James Hill, Wil liam McDonald, and N. B. Peterson, all of Mist, Oregon, ttbm CHAS. B. MOORE8, Register. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Ca&t of the Btats of Oregon, tor Columbia County. T. A. Sluda, Plaintiff, vs. Paulina Siuda, Defend ant. To Paulina 8tnda, th above-named Defendant IN THE NAME of the Stale of Oregon: Yon are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit by TneatiayTMay 10th, 1898. whioh Is the first day of the neat term of said court follow ing the expiration of the time prescribed in the order for the publication ot this summons, and If yon fall so to answer for want thereof, the Slalntiff will apply to the court for the relief emended In the complaint to-wlt: for a decree dissolving the bo lids ot matrimony now and heretofore existing between plaintiff and de fendant; for the costs and dfsbnrsements of this suit; and for such other and further relief as may be eqnitsble. Tbls summons is published bv order of the Hon. T. A. McBride, Judge of the above-entitled Court, made this 18th day of March, 1SH8. C. J. McDouoai W. A. M. Jon us. Attorneys fcw Plaintiff. - SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of th Stat of Oregon, for Columbia County. George Kane, Plaintiff, vs. A. J. Alley and Jesse Alley, Defendants. To A. J. Alley aud Jesse Alley, Defendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled action by the 10th day ot May, 189S, It being the first day of the term of said Coart next following tbe expira tion ot the puolicaUon of this summons, and If you fall to answer the complaint the plaintiff will cause your default to be entered, and apply to the court for the relief demanded la the complaint, to-wit: for a judgment essinet the defendant, A. J, Alley for Ihe sum of 131.75, with interest at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from the 23d day of October, 1894, together with 1150.00 attorney's fees and costs, and that a de cree be made against both of yon foreclosing all interest which yon had on the 23d day of Octo ber, 1894, the date of the mortgage given by de fendant, A. J. Alley, to plaintiff, on the prem ises daecribed, or have since acquired in or to the of the NKU (otherwise described as lot No. i) and the SK of the NK!4 and the NK of UieBEK of section No. 4, township No. S, north of range No. 8, west of the Willamette meridian, in Columbia county, Oregon, con taining 120 acres of land, and ordering said f itemises sold according to law, and applying he proceeds therot to the payment of said judg ment This summons Is published by order of th Honorable Judge of this Court, mad oa th 19th day of March, 1888. DILLARD A DAY, m35m Attorneys for Plaintiff, Farm For Sale, A (rood piece of land, mntftinit. g 160 acres, lor sale at a twrgniu. On the pi wee t jrood hous, two stories, &Jx32, well finished; a bru 64x64: three aere ot orchard, bArinK nil kinds of fruit; good Rarden ; out over 80 tout ot tame hay each year. One particularly good feature in connection with the pltM is the cedar timber! which is eatiiualod to be worth 40UO. For further information eall on E. E. Quick St Helens, or at this offloe. Terms easy. WAHTFlV-FAlTMFtTL MBJT OH WOMB to travel for responsible established house tn Oreiron, Salary $7 aud excuse? Position Mrmaueut. Keference. Knelose elf-add?tMed stamped en v si op. XUe iSaUonal, 6ta ittsur auce Bldg., Chicago. tTANTRnw-FAlTRFUL MRM OH WOMItf T to travel for reouolble estabUshed house in uretroa. binry 91m ann excuses, rouuoo permaueut. Ktxurenoe. Knclose seif sddtewei aU.viuid envelope. The Nattoaal, buur a auj jsiuf toictt. )lS(f' JsJSS' ejjpsjjsjise Li - u I hSHSMfWW- " - .s . i.t I JLVcsetablePrenarationfor As similating theroodandBetf ula tjrd theStomartis andBowela of m..1 mv-..-.-'..' Yiess and Itest.Cota! ns ndtter Opwm.Morptiina not Mineral. Lot Narcotic , Vsptas SmJ" 4!mMi s'mrrsss S niifml tils I A perfect Remedy forConslip tion. Sour Stotich,Diairhoea, arid LOSS Of SLEEK TacSimiW Signature ot TTEW "YOT?K. exact copy err mi ppti. l HARRIS' CASH GROCERY ITtelns always on staple ana lancy For Your Drorisions. farm and domst-tic fro its in season, fine tea and coffees, tobacco and cigars. A tine line of confectionery aio la ftock, and various other specitiltiea. CORNER COWLITZ AND MAIN SJREEf. ST, HELENS, OR. ST. HELENSMEAT MARKET A!l Kinds of Fresh Heats, Hams, Bacon and Lsril Meats by Wholesale ' At Special Rates. MAIN 8TEPET. : ST. HELENS Or. EDWIN ROSS, Proprietor. Patent Medicines, PERFUMES AND Prescriptions... Carefully and Accur ately Compounded.... DAY OR. NIGHT. . . .Ci jQcir3. . . . sra- - iWir iff- A - M - Tft - Jt COLUMBIA COUNTY LANDS For On hundred an4 twenty acres, l4 miles from county seat; 40 acres la cultivation; 1 roils irom sc html house; oa Columbia river; price (uW 00 per aore. Timber elalm; eOacres; estimated sts.000, 000 feet of tltnbrr; aeoessable to logging stream; price SwX) W. Umber elalm; 160 acres; orer 8,000.000 feet ; price SMOtt. One hundred and twenty acres; gnod or chard; 30 acres good swale laud; all land Is leval; I mile from sohoolhouse; mile from railroad station; 1 mile from tidewater; good enane lot eordwood. COLE & Main Street, L XX ' 'WW ir U GO rrtREtiT noiiEis t--Auu causpucks rao It T. il it- F'' laws .rss- &4 3,"-.; THATTHE FAC-SIMILE SICNATURli OF IS ON THE wrapper! of rsmsY1 BOTTTF. OIF i Wist Ctsteria is ytrt la -s!s settles enly. Il I net soli la bulk, Dsa't allow anyone te soil m aaTthiss sits a the Isa ss wsmla thi it I is "jest as goes" ai "will asswer awry ot pan." r 80 tiat 70 pi O-A-8-T-O-i-I-a. 90s Asfss- Hails stftttsrsi er VKavsyssw, SWst,) sstfiSjasf j 71 id i hand all kinds of groceries ana t rodt.ee. tropkal Groceries. James M. Sheldon, ST. HELENS. OREGON. r ITV ai4 mf-Wg"1t-"W PHARMACY . j 1 V nnn Fancy Toilet Articles. FANCY STATION CRY. Complete Line of. -....Druggists' Sundries School Books.. ; ancL. School Supplies - si j. i.. w . Sale By.... Ten acres on Miltoo creek, V! mile from school; a-room house, barn, oiitHouses, eto.; btasII orchard; 8 acres in cultivation; price SMI 00, One bnndred and twenty aeres of timber land in tp 4 n, r west; price touo 00. Six hundred and forty seres of timber land tp 4 n, s west; price $2 do per acre. Eighty eerofij Similes from county seat; all level and timber slashed; mile from schoolhouse; on county mad; wtll sell In 10 or tf-aore tracts; price 120 00 per aura; part cash aud balance on time. - QUICK, St. Helens, Oregon ' KIXII5K2 -I SO XYttl ARB THf. ... 7irr? . mJJ tt.-s-r. -" 1