The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, March 04, 1898, Image 3

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Dr. Rom visited Woodland Monday
D. J. flwltzor was In Portland on
business Wednesday.
Deputy Clerk llarrla went over to
tail ranch near Vernonia yesterday,
James Quliin, of Quinn'i landing
was in our city met Tuesday,
Master Dohih Ilooghkirk, of Rainier,
visited In till city a few day tbit
The regular March term of county
court will be oonveued in this city next
Interest in the creamery proposition
!i growing, Give it your moral aup-
jxirt, at luait.
The advent of March wai like
lamb ; iu departure may be like that
ol a Kansas cyclone.
Spinal meningitis li causing the
death of many pnople at Skagway,
Seventeen have died there already,
In another column of tbii paper will
be found llie call for county repub
lican convention, issued by the central
Mr. WalU and Mri. Bailey and
Mesars. George Mayger, Will Mi lee, I.
RU ii wood and other were passenger
for 1'ortlaiid Wedneiday.
The political leaaon ) fairly on, and
candidate! are, ai uiual, plentiful. All
of courts, cannot be favored. Many
re called, but law art cuosao.
Mr. 8. S. Way, who ha been em'
ployed in the Muckl logging camp
on llie Ooweemttn for come time, w
In toe city ft fuw day tbi week.
The oaie of the date of Oregon v.
Ro, charged with incest, tried in the
jutlioe court Tuesday, reiulted Id the
defendant being held to tbe grand jury.
Rev. Mr. fhllbrook will preach at
Deer Island Sunday at 11 o'clock, at
Columbia City at 3 o'clock in the after
noon and In tbi city at 7 :M in the
The populists of thl county are to
be the first In the Held with tbair
ticket thie year. Perhapa they realise
the expediency f voting early, late,
aad often.
John 8chntitke, of Sosppoose.went
to BrookQeld last Saturday night to
look after aome affair connected with
the fishing business there for the com
ing lummer. s
The first robin are being wen In
different part of the country and the
nak ttoriea are beginning to crawl
into the rural paper. That 1 to ay
spring i approaching.
Marriage lioenie were iaiued by the
county clerk Wednesday to J. II. Car
nahan and Bertha Timony, and Sam
uel Sonneland and Maud Wilson, all
of Rainier, thi county.
Ataeaaor wait expect to be gin the
18U8 assessment next week. He i at
preient preparing hi blank and at
tending to minor mattera preparatory
to hi lummer' labor.
Mr. and Mr. J. R. Beegle relumed
to thi oily Wednesday from Oregon
City, where Mr. Beegle bad been em
ployed on the Enterprise line dispos
Ing of hi intercut here.
County politic i progressing. Let
the primarie exprei the will of the
people, and the convention harmonize
on candidate, and victory next June
i assured the republican.
The ateady advance in the price of
awing and the increaaed demand for
labor in that branch of induatry are
exploding Bryaniitio argument in Or
egon' lumbering difttriot.
Talk of an extra session of the legio
lalure ia being indulged in again, but
if there is any likelihood of tbo out
come being a fruitless a tbe but one,
it hod better remain uncalled.
On or two member of Avon lodge
K. of P. prepared a surprise for the
members last Tuesday evening. A
tew friends were invited in, and a
pleasant evening wa the result.
The Knights and Ladies of the Mao
cabees, of Rainier, have posters out
announcing a grand ball for March
18th. The management assure a
splendid time to all who attend.
Sea the advertisement in thi issue
of the Oriental hotel. Thi popular
hotel i fast gaining greater popular
ity under Mr. Decker's management
and we cheerfully recommend it to
tbe public
At a meeting of the county demo
cratic central committee held in tbi
city last Saturday It wa decided to
hold the demooratla primarie on
March 19th and the convention on
March 22nd.
Tha last scene of th final act of the
legislative fiasco in Salem a year ago
ended in Washington Monday when
the senate refused to offer Mr. Corbett
a ceat. The next legislature will prob
ably organise.
Notice are posted calling tbe regu
lar annoal school meeting for this dis
trict next Monday at 7 : 30 p. m at
which time a clerk and one director
are to be elected. Mr. Jacob George
is the retiring director.
Six-bit wheat and 10-cent wool, loo,
are playing their part well in burying
the foolhardy populistio theory that
silver must predominate. Election
retnrn in June will prove the truth
fulness of thi statement.
Rryanite dielike to read of the man
ner in which the gold reserve ia stead
ily advaooing to the $200,000,000 mark.
Tbe ory will probably be rained again
to put tha Dingley law off the statutes ;
it's earning money too fast.
Mr. E. A. Blackmore, for everal
year freight olerk nn the Lurline, hna
been transferred to -the steamer Mac
cot, on which boat he will serve a
purser. Mr. Otto Kulper, who ha
beso freight clerk on tbe latter team
er, has been put in charge ef that work
on th Lurline.
A. Kansas editor, writing of ft cy
clone, said it turned ft well inside out,
a cellar upside down, moved a town
ship line, blew all the stave out of a
whiskoy barrel and left uothing but
the bungbole, changed the day of the
week, blew hair off a baldbeaded man
blew mortgage off farms, blew tbe
oraoks out of fence, and took all the
wind out of a politician.
Because IT. W, Corbett could not
sneak Into the senate on an illegal ap
pointment the Oregonian Is spitting
it venom at Senator MoBride. 1 b
Insult Is resented by all Columbia
county people.
The prevailing silence in the popu
list camp may be taken a an Indica
tion that the agricultural mind I rap
Idly turning to thought of baiter
things than trying to pay mortgages
wnn line taia about guiuouge ana
other similar Insect.
If Columbia county would be placed
In a position to meet the great demand
for1 lumber and shingles, and share
her quota of the good times, some at
tention must be paid to the improve
ment of our highways, (live us plana
road, give u any kind of roads, but
give us good road.
The farmer who will smile next fall
la uot th one who stand on street
corner thi year talking populism and
fusion It is the one who i attending
to bis crops and preparing to bave
something to sell to help feed tbe
Klondiker and supply the irarkots ol
the world generally.
Messrs. Frank Bishop, Mike Mc
Donald, and Wm. Link, of Goble, will
leave on the next steamer tor Skag
war. They have their outfit purchased,
including 1000 pounds of provisions,
and intend going through to Dawson
City, in which locality they expeot to
remain at least a year.
Wednesday afternoon at 6 o'clock
Mr. O. H. Piggott gave a dinner to
her Sunday school class of ten little
girls. After dinner a couple of hours
wa (pent In tinging and playing
games, after which thou present took
their leave, thanking Mr, riggott lor
bsr interest and kindness.
Hon. II. W. Corbett wa Monday
denied admission to tbe senate a a
senator from Oregon on the appoint
ment by the gov-rnor, by the decisive
vote of 50 to 19. Speeches were made
against the admission of Corbett by
Baoon ((ia.) and Burrows (Mich.) and
in favor of hi admission by Morgan
A politician I a little human bee,
who often makes honey from journal
istic generosity, then bides it in his
narrow cell of base ingratitude.
Union Bcout. There is a whole ser
mon In thi little paragraph. How
many who have been in the newspaper
business can testify. Polk County Ob
Mr. J. S. Millard, of Bachelor Flat.
bas a few sacks of Maul' Early Thor
oughbred potatoes for sale. This is a
good yielder, fully as early as the
Early Rose, and possesses other qual
ities which make it a desirable potato
to grow for profit. Price f I w per
bunhel. For particular address J. 8.
Millard, St. Helens, Or.
On the morning of Feb. 20, 1895, 1
wa tick with rheumatism, and lay in
bed until May Slat, wben I got a bot
tle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The
first application of it relieved me al
most entirely from the pain, and the
second afforded complete relief. In a
short time I wa able to be up and
about again. A.T. Moreaux, Luverne,
Minn. . Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross.
At the meeting of thcouuty repub
lican central committee held in this
city last Tuesday it wa decided to
hold tbe next county convention In
Clatskanie on Wednesday, April 6th.
Tbe Clatskanie people will put up a
iree dinner to lb delegates, and have
secured a reduced transportation rale
on the steamer for those attending the
convention. That city will undoubt
edly do itself credit in her effort to
entertain the visitors.
It is, or should be, the highest aim
bf every merchant to please hi cus
tomer; and that the wide-awake drug
firm of Meyer St, Ethleman, Sterling,
III., i doing so, it proven by tbe fol
lowing from Mr. Eehleman: "In my
sixteen years' experience in the drug
business I have never seen or sold or
tried a medicine that gave aa good sat
isfaction as Chamberlain's Colic, Chol
era and Diarrhoea Remedy. Sold by
Dr. Edwin Ross.
I desire to attest to the merits of
Chamberlain' Cough Remedy a one
of the most valuable and efficient
preparation on the market. It broke
an exceedingly dangerous cough for
m in 24 hours, and io gratitude there
for, I desire to inform you that I will
uever be without it, and you should
feel proud of the high esteem in which
your Remedies are held by people in
general. It is the one remedy among
ten thousand. Success to it. O. R.
Downey, Editor Democrat, .Albion,
Ind. for sale by Dr. Edwin Ros.
Nineteen and one-half miles of track
are yet to be laid on the grade of the
A. t C. R. R. Superintendent Mo
Guire who ha been at the front for a
few day past, returned yesterday, and
state that before tbe expiration of a
month Astoria and Portland will be
connected by bands of steel. By Sat
urday next the track-layer will reach
Westport, being within three miles of
that place at present. A large force
of men' is engaged at each end, while
a third force has been put to work
laying tie midway between tbe com
pleted portions of the road. Astoria
The meeting of oitliens called last
Saturday to take aotion in regard to a
creamery, resulted in some valuable
information being imparted by Mr.
MoAdam, aad active steps taken to
seoure, if possible, a creamery for this
oily. A temporary organization was
effected, with Mr.' R. Cox chairman
and David Davis secretary, A com
mittee of four wa appointed to ascer
tain the amount of assistance to be
looked lor from tbe farmer and other
interested persons, and another meet
ing was agreed upon for Saturday
ext to hear the committee report, at
which time Mr. McAdam will again
be preseut. Tbe estimated cost, of a
first-class creamery plant was placed
at $3500, and if the report of the com
mittee is favorable, immediate steps
may be taken to seoure the enterprise.
Let the citizen attend the meeting
0. K. Elliott wss a passenger for St. Hsl
sns Monday evening.
E. C. Blackford wsslnBt.HlnsTnsdy
to aiiena hi meeting oi ins county repuu
llosu central outiuulUs.
. T . 1 - .1... .1 tt i . If... -
I. M kl. .......... .. iV .... ;..,(
left for Portland, Intsndlng to go to Alaska.
Mrs. A. F. Mvsrs left Monday for Line-
vine, iowa, l i visit ner aged parents rema
in tliers. Will accompanied her as far as
Mm. J. V. Wnndell and inn. Civil war
la Portland early this week wltb lira. Win
ter, wua leave lor home across the river in
Dr. Hall was In Bt. Helens Tuetdav at
tending tbe meeting of the board of exam
iners (or pension. The board now meela
but otios per month tbe tlrat Tuesday.
The manv frle nda of Mrs. W. T. Watte.
known among us as Miss Mildred Bovle.
desire to extend their congratulations, and
wish ner a nappy ana prosperous nieln her
married relation.
D. Dixon, sr.. was In toon last week Inak-
in for a bouse and lot. He ruports him
self desirous of becoming a resident of town
to enjoy Its advantages for his wife and
himself la their declining years.
The publio school scholars and teachers
took time lent Tuesday to set out and lake
a look at "old glory" as it floated In the
breeie from tbe flag atari' over the school
building. Washington's birthday was uot
Bud Brvant has bees to th eltv latelv.
snd a large addition to Iheir stock of goods
has followed birn Oil bis return. Jit is
proving himself onaof our wide-awake mer
chants. Harry Blackford bas joined the
force of eraplejes la tbe store, and a boy
mora wide-awake and eclWe than Harry is
bsrd to rind.
A force of man has been doing excellent
work in digging a ditch for tbe new water
Dip. Ho far. it is ail volunteer labor and
hows that our people are willing to aid th
city council in their enort to provide
good and sufficient water system without
having to put it in the bands of some cor
porate water eompany.
Will Chandler has had an off time recent
ly. H lint a good horse over a week ago.
and sine that time in hauling piling baa
suoiner uorso tan wiim una in eucu a way
as to bruise bis leg quite seriously, aad lay
him up aeveral days. A boil on th back of
bis neck. will. It is bopea. complete bla mis
fortune for this time aud start him on the
road to prosperity again.
A verv unfortunate accident happened
Lloyd, tbe eldest son of Hev. Uhannon, last
weea. An arrow mm ai ranaota ov a dov
companion struck biro In tbe eye. penetrat
ing the eye-null, mulcting sum a wound ss
makes the loss of the eve very probable.
Th boy's father took bhu to Portland and
left bin at the Portland hospital, but he re
ceives very little encouragement about any
very satisfactory Improvement so tar as
sight Is concerned.
Addison Barr. ir.. was In Portland last
week to look after a shipment of 0O0 sack
of potatoes sent up by steamer Shaver.
Barrs hay shipped In all 1100 sacks of po
tatoes this winter trout tneir larma up
tha Clatskanie, which have found a ready
market on account of their excellent qual
ity. Several boxes ol a due applea aa one
could wish to see wore in llie warerourn last
week awaiting shipment. These items are
worthy of not aa a pointer for producers.
O. K. Elliott was in Portland recently at
tending the wedding or Mr. watts and Miss
Hevle, Oscar reluctantly witneasa one af
ter another of our good young ladies taking
to themselves companions for life until be
begins to think he is left to enjoy single
blessedness. He bought himself a new sad
dle, however, while iu tb city, declaring
that a bacueior aiust navs aonieining to
make life enduralile. and be can now feel a
pride in owning a splendid hare and saddle.
Tbe members of the high school recently
ordered a aew encyclopedia issued by Fuak
A Wan nails ia 87 volumes. Tbe books
reached town last wek. and the professor
and scholars are greatly pleased to find it
so complete ana up-to-date, it will b a
valuable addition to the school library as
an educator and authority on any matter
that is likely to preseot itself. A assail ad
vanra payment, aad the balance on easy
terms, make its possession more easily se
Tb renabllcan club, at a meetlns? last
Saturday evening held in th city hall,
paased a resolution earnestly requesun tne
members of tbe county committee at their
session Tuesday of this week to select Clats
kanie aa th place of holding th republi
can county convention this year. A com
mittee of two, our precinol member and
Dr. Hall, was appointed to mak known
tbls request to tbe comadttee atita session,
snd urae th selection with all tbe elo
quence and persuasion they could com-
Oeorsre Keltv was thrown from his horse
Mondav evenlnff of laat week, and broke
bis leg below the knee. He was assisted to
tbe dwelling house of Mr. and Mrs. W. 8.
Miller, where bis injuries were attended to
by Dr. Hall, who nsd been summond.
Later in th day Charlie Conyers hitched
to a sled, aod, getting Kelty aboard, bad
him hauled home, out on th bill toward
lit.piu s mill. He was comfortable at last
accounts. Berne of his friends in town, be-
iievina hiiu to be in close circumstances.
sent up supplies to the amount of about
1J0, wblcb will be appreciated by the family
during th enforced reat of tbe man of th
Posted notices Inform thecobllo that vot
ers of district No. 6 will meet in Conyers' hall
at 2 p. ni. next Monday to elect one school
director for 3 years, one director for one
vear, and on olerk for on year. Mr. K.
C. Blackford tendered bis resignation as
director at the last meeting for causes best
known to himself, beuoe the election of bis
successor for one year becomes necessary.
Mr. Blackford took quit an Interest in
aohool matters, and bis resignation was a
matter of surprise. Mr. Knglih ia tbe re
tiring director, and. If he can be Induced to
serve another term, ought to b re-elected,
as he has been very active iu advancing
school interest in our community and
makes an excellent school director.
Weekly Excursion In Through. Car
to the Bast.
Another through tourist ear to th East
has been arranged to run out of Portland,
pving lour eacn week. Hereafter tne car
eavlna Monday will run through without
change to Kansas City and Chicago, ever
tbeU. R. N.. Orexon Short Line. Kio
Grand Western, Denver A liio U ramie,
Missouri Pacific, and Chicago t Alton
That car has just been arranged for, and
the one previously scheduled for Monday
has been changed to Thursday, It runs
through to St. Louis, via th Missouri I'a
oiflo line. The car leaving Portland Tass
el ay goes through to Boston, and is pro
moted hv the Chicago, Kock Island S
Pacific. Wednesday's car runs to St. Joseph,
Kansas City, and St. Louis, over the Bur
lington. Aii these special lb rough cars are
reciving a gratifying patronage. Consult
0. R. A N . agent before buying tickets to
th East.
Royal soak th toot par.
k 0t&M m m
eJiioiutiy Pure
PWflH. BMftlKI PfWrWH flti WW VWBs
Chss Bergsrson visited Jshn Edholm oa
A. Marohlon visited frlsnds above town
A. Shannahan left Inr Forest urova on
Miss Wilson visited ai A. Johnson's Sat
urday and Sunday,
Mra. A. Hhanaehen and dsnchter. Merle.
visnau at i. spencer s Saturday.
Tb masauerade ball on Tuesday evening
was a grand success, 26 numbers being soltf
I. R. Dallas and wife, of Upper Kehalem
were visitors at J. P. Sheeley's on Thursday,
Vernon Howe nassed throuirb town en
route for Pittsburg to a grand ball Friday
Onrtla TTeas. aceomnanled bv his brother.
Quelo, returned to bis work at Aurora last
Ed Stephens, after vlsltlna friends nsr
Vernoma for aeveral davs. returned to bis
noma at Buxton Tuesday,
Chas Armstrong and 3. P. Sheelev passed
through town en reute for Pittsburg wltb
a luur-uorse ioaa oi wneai rnuay.
Mrs. 1. Bnencer and dauchter. Berth
left for th letter's ranch on East fork
Thursday, returning last of th week.
Charles Armstrong returned horn Tues
day from Oregon City, where be went to
mak final proof on his homestead above
John Parker ratnrned heasa from tfllls-
boro Tueedav. where be has been tbe nasi few
week helping car for the sick of John Van-
oiaricomt fatuity .
On Mondav our worthy ooatmastar. C. 8
McNiitt, having obtained permission ef
Uncle Ham. saw fit to move the Dostofflce
from V. A. ZillsriU'a store-buildlnar to the
ua drugstore funding, previously occupied
by Dr. C. H.Newth, en the corner of Second
and Maple streets, where be waits on tbe
punilo witb smiling lace.
Mr. and Mra. A. Johnson invited a host
ot their friends to attend a rac caroet tack
mg at their bom on Tuesday to celebrate
George Washington's lU6tb anniversary.
At 2 o'clock tbe frieada were invited into
the dining room, where a sumptuous din
ner awaited them. Each returned to their
hum in tb evening, at tor enjoying a very
puwaani anj,
Vary beautiful weather thl week.
B. F. Pop wa Yankton visitor Batur-
uay. ;
8. Balser was In St. Helens and Honlton
on day last week.
B. P. Pop pnrchased another milch cow
aionuay oi enemeid tiros.
S. Balser and wlf wer tbe guest of B.
F. Pop and wife Sunday.
8. SMser purchased a fin milch cow last
weea oi ueorge 1 nomas, ol Houitoii.
E. E. Quick and Walter Buell, of Bt. Hel
ens, wer guests at B. F. Pope's Sunday.
George Cos has goo to th metropolis,
wnere ue auucipatea spending ia summer.
F. Webber Is canvassing this school dis
trict to ascertain th total number of schol
ars of school age.
Sheffield Bros, went to Warren Sunday
for tb purpose of gathering op tbair cattle
w oring io wis piece.
Charles Clark has been suffering with a
very paintui tenon recently, pat Is soin-
Mrs. Sterms. of this plaoe. who has been
spending th winter in Portland, returned
awns since last writing.
Van Early, of tbls place, went to Ynk.
ton last week tp commence work in Abro-
nosn arouse K boa's camp.
Jly the way milch cows are oominc Into
this neighborhood, we believe a creamery
in St. Helens would be a grand thing, both
wr uv city sou oouuirj.
Every voter of tbls school district should
remember that Monday, th 7th bast., is tbe
nay eel lor electing a director and olerk.
w ny not re-elect me old ne 7 f
Squire Early, who has been sawing wood
for S. Salser thie winter, went to Nebalem
on day last week where be will spend a
few days and then return with some horses
of Mr. Salaer's that have bsea In that coun
try to winter.
Mrs. Lesley Bailey visited Portland on
Mr. Fred Henderson, ot Goble. wo In
town i uesuay.
Mrs." Elizabeth Perrv ia anandin a fasr
uajra in roruana.
Rev. Burlinaama went to ScaDnonaa on
iuesaay to noio semes.
i If--!- U7-... O J' n. w KNpnM, la Turn
ing her sister, Mrs. M. A. Perry,
A Ions enirine bound north met with an
accident to some of it machinery, which
In the Circuit Court of th Stat of Oregon for
Columbia County.
The Astoria and Columbia River Railroad Com
pany, plaiuuir,
James McGregor, defendant
to ine aoove-namea jemea aicuregor, de
You are hereby notified and reaulred to hi
pear and answer the Complalut of the above
named plaintltf la the above-entitled action, la
the aboveutilled Court, on or before the first
day of the next reaular term of the said Court,
namely, on or oeiore me ma any oi way, new;
and you will take notice that if you fai so to
pear and answer, for want taereoi tne Dlalntitr
will am).
ll apply to the Court for the relief demanded
in tbe Complaint and for a judgment atiiist
you for want of an answer; the relief demanded
in the Complaint being a judgment condemning
aud appropriating to useot the plaintiff for rail
road purposes and for the purpose of takiug
material therefrom to be used iu constructing
and maintaining the embankment of plaintiff's
railroad, the following-described tract of real
estate, eltua'ed in Columbia County, ia the
State of Oregon, to-wit: Beginning at the point
of interhection of the West boundary line of
plalntltrs right ot way as neremaiter described,
with tha South line of Section 85. in Townshln
number 7, North ot Range number 2, West ef
the Willamette Meridian, at a point 128.5 feet
wee ot the eoutneasc corner oi said sectioo Ud;
thence West along the South line of said Section
36 a distance of l?v6 feet; thence North 20 de
grees 10 minutes West, a dlttance of till feet;
thence North degrees 20 minutes East, a dis
tance of 98 A feet, to the Westerly boundary line
of said right of way; thence in a Southerly
direction along said Westerly boundary Hue of
said right of way to the place ot beginning, con
taining 1.4 acres. Also the following tract or
parcel of said section 35, lying East ana adiaeent
to eaid line of right of way described as follows,
to-wit; Beginning at the Southeast corner of
Section 86, thence North along the Eset bound
ary Hue of said Section a distance of 824 feet;
thence North 48 degrees 47 minutes West, a dis
tance of StO feet; thenoe South 48 degrees 30
minutes West, a distance of 76.4 feet, to the East
erly boundary line of the right of way aforesaid;
thence in a Southerly direction along the East
erly boundary line of the said right of way afore
said to the South line of said Section 86; thence
East 20.8 feet, more or less, to the plaoe of begin
ning, containing 1.4 acres.- Also the following
tract or parcel of land situated in Lot numbered
8 Iu said Section 86, insaid Townshipand Range
aforesaid, to-wlt: Heginuing at the Southwest
Corner of said Section 8fl; thence North along
the West line ot said section 260 feet; theuee
South 4A deureea East, a distsnce of 363.5 feet, to
the South line of said Section 88; thence West
along the South line of said Section W, a distance
of 2:0 feet to the place of beginning, containing
72-100 acres. The said "right of way" is a strip
ot land owned by plaintiff, 100 feet wide, and
extends across the East half of the Southeast
quarter of Section 35, and hot 8 of Saotiou 86, in
mid Township and Range, and the oenter line
of said right of way Is the following: Beginning
at a point In the South line of Sectiuu 85, in
Townohlp and Range aforesaid, a distance of
74.7 feet West of the Southeast corner of said
Section 86; thenoe along a three-decree curve
to the left to a tangent at aald potut. which
bears North 22 degrees, 86 minutes West, through
stoSalaugle of 12 degrees, 84 minutes, and a
distance of 418.8 feet to the end of said three
degrpe curve to the left; thonce along a tangent
to laid last-mentioned curve to the left, bearing
North 86 degrees, 9 minutes Went, aoroea the
Southeast miartcr of the Southeast quarter of
Section 86 aforesaid.
You will also take notice that by order of the
above-entitled Court, made on the 16th day of
Junuarv, 189H, tnts Summons Is served ny publi
cation thereof for six oonseoullve weeks In Tks
121-moS Attorneys for Ilaintift.
caused a delay of about two boor for re
pairs at tnis ptac 1 uesday .
Oaptsln 'Watson, of th Salvation Army,
is vuunag Mrs. u. Hi. i'bilbrook.
Mrs. David Henshaw and Mrs. J. H. Url
wer visitor to Portland Monday.
Miss Maud Decker spent Sunday in Hout-
ma visiting miss Annie Bnrllncame.
B. E. Haxen bas gone to th state of
Washington, where be has received smploy-
Mr. Albert Henshaw left Monday for
Ksstsrn Oregon, where It is understood b
ass a positiou la a furniture store.
Mr. and Mrs. Kltson, whs have been
here with their daughter, Mrs. K. B. Mason
nay returned, to tkelr borne near mivertun
On account of sickness, Mr. and Mrs. 0.
I. Hazen came hlrk from 1'nrtland Wrirlitv
Mrs. Hazen baa been conbnrd to her bed
ever since her return, and Mr. II. is trying
to tame several pets be Is carrying on bis
ioii urm.
Senator Patterson Bella Oat.
Hon. O. W. Patterson, state senator for
Washlnton, Columbia, and Tillamook coun
ties, after 12 years of active business In
Hillshoro, baa sold bis furniture and under
taking establishment. Tbe senator will not
leave lllllsboro. although his fajnllv ia in
Accident to at Millmaa.
Clatskabix, Or., March 2.-8. 0. Tich-
enor, of Ticheoor Bros., met with a sever
and naltiful accident faaterdav. Ha eras
working with a cutoff aaw In tb sbinglo
niiii. wuen nis nana slipped and cam in
contact with tb saw, entirely severing the
luuez ungar iroro nis ngnt nana.
Convicted of Kmbexxlement.
AsToaiA. Or., March 2. The jury in tbe
ess against W. Q. Howell, tb ex-deputy
oonnty treasurer, indicted with B. h. Wsrd.
x-traeorer, for embezzlement of comity
funds, tonigbt rendered a verdict of guiltv,
as charged. At Ward's first trial tha jury
uuegreeu, jie win o re-inea Marco s.
CoPsrrrTaxAicBiB'sOrncs. "
B. U at - - . , -K IA tmtsa
1.1 nnoald Countv Warrant of Cnlnmhia.
ixramy, uregon, wmcn nave been presented
and endorsed: "Not Fald for Want ol Funds,"
prior to June , 1K96, will be paid upon presen
tation at this office. Interest will not be allowed
after this date. E. M. WHARTON,
fllmll Treasurer of Columbia County, Oregon.
Laud Gnrtca at Ooneoie Cm, Oa.,
1.'. . V ... 1.1 1 uu
il followlnff-named settler has filed notice of
his IntenUon to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that aald proof will be made be
fore the CouillV Clerk of Columhia Countv ai
ot. nvwtu, uiesvu, vb A Til au, jew, tu:
Homestead Enlrv No. OSes, for tha east U nf
range 6 west, and lot 4 and eontheaal of south
west H of section 80, township 6 north, range 4
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, viz: W. C. Elchmaa, of Keasey, Or
egon, and John Campbell, George E. Fitsgerald,
aou Lewia euageraiu, ai vernoma, uregon.
t24al CHAS. B. MOOKKS, Register.
Laud Opticb at OaneoR Citt, On.,
Fel.niarv IX mH
followlne-named settler has fllerf notice of
his Intention to make tlnal proof In anppnrtof
his claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the Countv Clerk of Columbia Countv at
aw aenui, uterus, va Apru ma, uwt, viz;
Homestead Entrv No. 8785. for the sonthwest
wi acion zn, townsnip e norm, range a west.
He names tbe following witnesses to Drove his
eoutfnuotu residence upon and cultivation of
saia tana, viz: jonn wmitn, J. r, Hbeeiey, ana
nennaa inunu, ot veraouia, uregon, aaa j. u.
, nomas, w. suxum, uregon.
f25al CHAS. 11. MOOBEB. Begister.
La wd Omci at Oaaooa Citt, On.,
Febrnarv 18. lfS.
fttllowinar-nained settler haa fllMt nntlna of
his intention to make tlnal proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be marie be
fore the Countv Clerk of Columbia Countv at
ok xxBiena, vregon, ou April .nu, tnjis, vis :
Homestead Entry No. 0459, for the eut H of
uunuweai 4 sua east oc suutnwesi 01 sec
Uon 21. townshin 6 north, rwnae 4 west.
He names the following witnesses to prove Ms
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, vis: Oliver Wilson, James Hill, Wil
liam Hi-isonaju. ana n. n. r-eier&nn. an or Milt
Oregon, ft&al CHAS. B. MOOKKti, Register.
Laud Opfics at Oaaons Ciry, On.,
followina-named settler has ftlAd notice nf
his intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be mads be
fore the County Clerk ot Columhia County, at
o. jaeusuo, uregun, on asarco ana, xa, via:
Homestead Entrv No. 986. for the east U of
wuiiivhh 7.4, aim wew u MimueaaK t at s
uon towusnio s north, ranee 4 wait.
He oamea tha following witnAaa ta rtrftva
msoominuoua resilience upon, ana cultivation
Peanion. John Vanblaracom audC. R. Solomon,
nm26 CHA& B. 1IOOREH, Register.
an 01 jruiBDura. ureaon.
Laud Orncn at Ouooh Citt, On..
IT. '. JiL
i.1 foliowlna-named settler hsa fllad notloe of
his intention to make nasi proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made be-
Oregon, en iiarch 21st, 1BM8, viz:
loro tue nesrisier ana neceivar at unwni uitv.
Homestead Entrv. No. 9039. for tha west M of
KKiiawm v ana soumweii v4 01 nortnwesl4
and lot 4 of section 4, township I north, range 4
He name the following witnesses to nrove his
continuous residence upon aud cultivation of
sate taua. viz.- j. t. Lucas, uavid u uonnen,
O. E. Leisy, Chris Van Beak, all ot Buzton. Or.
fllmls CHAa. B. MOORES, Register.
Lahd Omen at Obzoom Citt, On ,
Jamiarv lgflH.
following-named settler bas filed notice of
his Intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that aald nroof will ha mad ha.
fore th county olerk of Columbia county, at St.
neieus, uregoo, on ssarco iota, uwa, viz:
Homestead Entrv No. 9420. for tha arrathaaatW
of northwest hi, southwest li of northeast V4,
northweut i of southeast W and northeast i nf
southwest !i of seotion e, township 4 north.
raiEgv a vol.
li e names the following witnesses to nrove hla
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of
said laud, viz: John Edholm, Frank L. Wilson,
Gust Hult. and Clemens Muller, all of Vernonia,
vreguu. . iuiu uuos, a. jsuunbB, Keguter
La ho Orrtca at Oazoow Citt, On.,
Jamiarv !av
following-named settler has filed nntlea nf
his intention to make final proof in support of
his olaini, and that said proof will be made be
fore tne county cterz 01 uotunnna county at Ut.
Helena, Oregon, on March 15, 1898, viz:
Homestead Entrv No. HMS. for the lot L nf aae.
Uon 6, township 4 north, range 4 west.
He names the followihg witnesses to prove
his continuous naiden:e upon, and eultivalion
of said land, viz: Frank 1, Wilson, Charles
Peterson, William M. Wilson and A. Shannahan,
all of Vernonia, Oregon.
Mini! CBA8. B. MOORE8, Register.
Laud Orrtca at Oanootr Citt, On.,
J.niiB,, iROA
following-named settler has flleri nnttoA nf
his intention to make final proof in support of
his olaim. and that said proof will be made be
fore the Roister and Receiver, at ftraarnn rHtv.
Oregon, on March 15. 1KW, viz:
Homestead Entry No. 10,817, for th northeast
ot section 24, township 4 north, range S west.
He uames tbe following witnesses to prove
his continuonaresidenoe upon, and cultivation
of said land, vis: John M. Christiansen, of
Portland, Oregon, Petor Olsen, of Soapnoose,
Oregon, John F. Miller, of Oregon City, Oregou,
Giistav H. tliercks, of Bcappooso. Oregon.
JUsinil CHAS. B. M00R1S3, Register.
JLregetable?reparatbn for As
similating theroodandRcqula
ting theS ionkuhs and Dowels of
tvess and HestXoatains neither
Ormim,Marptiinf sot ISssetaL
Not Nabo otic
Ace y u a-swaznitnia.
- JiJuu,SJ
nimif tanMe
Hit torimMtSiSmt .
- fMnnJW.
1" "nh-tk fuflF
lawsjxaai tttnm
A pcrfeef Remedy forConstlp
tion. Sour Stomach.Diairhoea,
Worais fonvulsionsjevcrishr
oess and Loss OF SLEEK
ItaSinvla Signature ot
1 .
) yog
Keent aUwnyi on band all kinds of
. . . .'i . ! itapie and fancy groceries and ; , ,
r f pTOvUlona, farm prtxiVHJ, troploftl "
rOf YOlir ! nd domestic .raits in season, Una ; QrOCCriCS
f-rr ' "d co fleet, tobacco ami ctnr. - ....
f A Una lino ol oonwtionery also In ' '
LBttjck, and various other apecfaitiei.
sfrtOM If O frirt IT" A kirt lis)..' rt-r-r. s---'a- a r a s tv a m e-a
ll Kinds of Fresh Meats, Hams. Eassa ni lai
Mcat by Wholesalo
At special Kate.
Dr. EDWIN ROSS, Proprietor.
Patent Medicines,
Carefully and Accur
ately Compounded....
For Sale By
One hundred and twenty acra, 1 miles
from county seat- 40 acres In culilvation; I
mile from schoolhouw; on Columbia fiver;
price 20 00 per acre.
Timber claim; ftOaeres; estimated at 4.000,
000 fet of timber; acoeaaable to logging
etreain; price f64JO 00,
Tlmberclalia; 160 acre; oyer 8,000.000 feet;
price $50000, ,
One hnndred and- twenty aoret; good or
ehard; 90 acres (rood nwale land; all land Is
level; 1 mile from Khoolhouse; mile
from railroad station ;1 mile from tid water;
good chance lor cordvrood.
Main Street,
T'L'k'A sJl
, a i . .- aAvwtv
I J m
irrcRFnr Mowels
rwi mjvou inn aa tk
. or WEBJ
Castart Is net in sns-cti kettles snly. It
; is not tola In bilk. Don't alio azvoia te asll
: yes asytaiag alz an th plea nroaus that it
1 is "just a rood" and "will answer every my. ,
pus." tr Be tha 7tn got O-A-S-T-O-JH-A,
James H. Sheldon,
1 D
Fancy Toilet Articles.
Complete Line of..
Druggists' Sandrie;
School Books.,
School Supplies
a.rfhr A AlAAlAAAAA jffc
Ten acres on Milton nreek, H mile from
school: ft-room house, barn, outttouatre, etc.;
small orchard; 3 acres in cuhivaiion; prlca
One hnndred and twenty a?res of timber
land in tp 4 n, r 2 west; price fouo 00.
81 x hundred and forty aeres of timber
land tp 4 n, r 2 went; price (2 50 per acre.
KJffhty acres, 8 miles from county seat;
all level and timoer (.lashed; U mile from
school house; on county road; will twll In 10
or 20-acre tracts; price $20 00 per acre; part
cash aad balance ou time.
St. Helens, Oregon
if-. ...'
YXiikM 4i
-- -. auv cauibkhS' j . .. ,