"::gon mist, DAVID DAVIS. ' ' S8tcr!pten li ales. r ewf on year J advaue,,,, II M - m avdvertlsrae rat "Mmada known npon application psetsessigssseBssasssaL.' " "i gga COLOMBIA COUNTY DIRECTORY. County Older. )v-m.. .....Joseph B. Dona, Rainier t : -.... . Jmisoa Weed, Vernoma J. N. Rice, ClatRliaiile ) nouiuror ......B.it, Wharton Kt. Helens or bctijll...,....,.J. u. wti, Bcamtonse ..Mftnin vtnue, uuim-y .W. N. Mfieerve. Italens Dr. A. P. Mciren. Raiuter urvttr..;, itAuraaar..'... I. ...... .P. A. Frakes, Scanpn. PoBmlntann J h. D. Fownou; Ulst ST. HELENS, tlFMS, fCB. IS. PRESS SPIRIT. flATSKAMK NOTES. Prosperity to holding oat wll. Hanna'a Sack mosf be lonnon. Eugsn. Register. Krerthliig I nloB party" in the Oregoa Dapaper. What be become of the pop fjlfst part j T Klsresta Republican. Win took another tarn apward ywter dy. It will keep the calamity howlers goasifnf what to say to farmer favor of (rw altar and free frad during th aprief jjpiga. Pendleton Republican. , Thji wll be an "pit year" for 1 bowea. In republicans of this state propose to weed tbetn oot with marked celerity, and this will naturally lead as to expect future benefit for the peopfe. Pendleton Itfpabll can. Thsre are unmistakable signs of a die. position on tbe part of Multnomah county's republican tactions to harmonise for the oootini campaign. When the republican have nothiuf to lose they can spell disoord with a big D, bat just a soon a their par ty's supremacy is threatened they begin to regard cohesion as a desirable thins;. Port land Telegram. Soot lots of wheat bar changed hand Ja The Dalles the past few days at 75 cents a batiks!. Tbia is th best price realised ainea the slump in wheat last December. Tiaaes-afoantaineer. And yet The Tirues Monataineer wa one of th Bryan papers that eop tended la 1888 that if McKinley was elected wheat would be worth but 23 cents per busheL Eugene Register. Oregon, Has many other states, b fall of repentent voters who two years ago aided Bryan la bis efforts to place the crown of thorn upon the American laborer. The laborers are now awaiting an opportunity to Jam that self-same crown of thorn down post Mr. Bryan' big bead until ho recog Biwae tfce fact that his persecutors are his farmer dupe. Their intelligence ha been IftWlted. Eagen Bagister. The were shipped from the Columbia rlvsr to Kuropa from July 1, 1887. to Feb ruary 1, 1883, 87 cargoes of breadstuff. tMi&K) bushel of wheat, valued at $7,101, 03. and 300,503 barrel of floor, valued at tmjSM. Iaclnding Oriental, African, and coastwise, the total shipments amounted to S ,321.808 bushels cf wheat and 673,638 bar. rels of Sour, having an segregate value el I3,4B09. Pendleton Tribune. Th republican club throughout the atata are repudiating one-man politics everywhere, and there seams to be a uni versal expression of opinion that way. Tb repttblicajs party is greater than anybedy. and everybody ha and should hava an sejant chance far its honors and no more; sew to be honored by it a man should stand sqnareir on is platform, without any equivocation, mental reserve tk-n, or secret Stasia of mind, whatever. Plaindealer. It Is an eloquent plea that tha Oregon popeerais pot forward for "a onion of fore." We may net agree on silver, runs th argument, but at least we can agree that tha elcee are desirable. Let us, then, waive nniieeeaeary scruples of belief, and make suited assault upon the public crib. These are powerful argument when applied la the right place. Bow reeponair fa) the nil est which this fusion seed is hopefully thrown will be apparent at the June harvest Cf ballot. Oregonian. A revtral of the demand for wool, the employment of more woolen mill hands wb become better patrons of the farmer. the greater call for horse a the need of tetnrelng prosperity require tbem, the higher price of wheat and other farm t plee, the oonssming capacity of the wasn earners who are employed in other lines of wdustry who have been given work in the last year ail are making the prospects for the farmer a much better than tbey were last year as the condition of th working- man and th business man are. Pittsburg Time,' TheOregonian of Tuesday welcome Sen ator Mitchell, Oregon' congressmen, Hon. C. W. Fulton, Hon. Sol Hirsch, and other, back Into the republican party, and says; "list us have a procession In the streets. Tb Oregoniao ia willing to march humbly at the tail of it." Thus we are constrained to give the Oregonian credit for at last hav ing located It position in the procession of republican. The bead of the procession of which Senator Mitchell, Oregon' dele gation, Hon. C. W. Fulton, Hon. Bol. Hirsch, and all other republican, follow ia McKinley and the Bt. Louis platform. We congratulate Mr. Scott on having found hi position lnth"procession,"and being will ing to take it Polk County Observer. The convention of Oregon republican dub by It harmonious action condemn those distarbera who have endeavored to array republican against republican on the money question. The convention, by its election end resolutions, declared that if a man aland on the St. touts platform as Interpreted by the republican administra tion, his republicanism cannot be properly questioned by anyone. The convention lifted it voice against factional atrife, and - in favor of united successful effort. Thee let us hear no more of silver republicans Mitchell republicans, or Blraon republicans. Maltnomab county ba her factional quar rels inspired by th desire to control the city government, but we should quaran tine the state against that quarrel, and re'uae to listen to any man who rises the wolf cry of factionalism la the outside con n tin, Mark every man, who accuse hi ne'shbor of secretly believing in anU-repub- liran doctrines, as disloyal to tbe party, The republican party is going to win next June. It is going to win with clean ticket, a4 it is going to win with tbe battle cry, "3'be best of noney for the best of people tad prottctton for our own," Exchange. A scow was In the latter part of the week for a load of shingles, J. H. Wilson, of Mist, was a passenger for Si, fMens Wnlneriy evening. 8. Llndgren and son, Charlie, were over from Mist Monday taking in the sight. Ouorg Badser was laid up three or four days at the Clatskanle hotel, but is out again. A larceny esse at the justice' court last Friday attracted some attention, and will jaerhapa aid the county's nuance just a Ed Elliott wa unfortunate enough to fall while at work about Mrs. Aldridfte'a new building, hurting his aria so ae to give him an enforced rest of a few day. The masquerade ball went off last Friday evening as advertised. Very little eeems to be said about it, from which inference is drawn that it, wa not more than a very moderate succexa. A number of the school children, with tb teachers and other, spent a pleasant evening in the upper room of the scliool hou.ie last Friday, where a social gathering took the place of the usual literary exercises. O. P. Cheldelin, of Crooked creek, near T I- w . n 1 -w K ... .J ...1 f.. Alaska. The fever is not confined to the young, but it seems as though it would be necessary to cool thin fever before many more get away from their homes. A man of Mr. Oheldeiin'a age ought to think well before taking such a step. Photoi camera t.,a. .I,.. ... i.. U.I lak,, !.(,, M .nil Bud was shrewd enough to gather in quite a number of young people to stand around and look aa though tliev wanted to buv something. What kind of a picture is the result has not eeveiopcd yet. ographer Rush was pointing his i into Bryant s store Tuesday even- As tbe steamer came in Monday morn ing and blew it whistle, the whistle of the shingle mill responded, when a variety of shrill greeting were exchanged to the aninseniont of many and alarm of a few who got oat lively to see it there was a fire anywhere. It was fit. Valentine's day.and the groom-intended wa on board the steamer. On 8aturdav evening Conyer' hall was filled to listen to a literary and musical Fro gram given by the scholars of Miss ones' ruoiu, assisted by their teacher and sirs, vrosoy. ioe exercirv were exceueui, and those that attracted most favorable comment were the impersonations of Mas ten Clyde Wendell and Enoch Blackford, on account of the yonthfuiness of tbe per former as weu as toe real excellence of tne performances. Prof. Fabrique furnished the thirsty with ice cream and "pop," and those who wished could buv eandv. while a minature poetotnee dispensed valentines to the persons addressed. Something over H0 wa the net result to the children's so ciety, which wilt probably go to buy a clock for the schoolroom. Another interesting event in our town has changed the relations of two yonng Deonle. and if life is spared it will give them an opportunity to decide on the truihful- nesa of tne quesuon oeoaieu in our scnooi literary societies, "Resolved, That there is more pleasure in pursuit than possession." Tke public wa not greatly shocked at bear ing tnat ueorge i. licnenor maa miss x.ucy Lovell were to be married Monday evening, became it has been a case where devotion to each other pointed that way, but the public was pleased to learn that the cere- monv was w oe periuriucu in itie enures and 'admittance was free. Dnring the day various ladies took flowers, evergeens, fancy lamps, tables, scarfs, carpets, rags, etc., into the churcb, and arranged theui with snch taste that the eflect was charming. The ceremony was announced for 8 p. m., and at that hour standlna room wa in demand. Promptly on the hour the doors were thrown wine open, me strains oi tne wea ding march on the organ, where Carrie Tkhenor presided, were heard, and tbe wedding procession entered, John Myers and Miss Mary Ticbenor preceding the bride and groom np tb broad aisle to the altar, where they separated to let 'he couple to be united come In between them. Rev. Shannon at once began with tbe ritualistic weddina service of the M. . church, and ail was quiet except bis own voice and the responses to Ui question " will won lane." etc, until the service was concluded and the couple introaucea a air. ana Mrs. Georm C. Ticbenor, when congratulations were in order, and about everyone present went forward to offer the couple congratu lations and good wishes nelore tbey retired (ram the building. At J. A. English's resi dence, wnere tne nappy couple went alter leaving tne ennrcn. a lew menus gainerea for an additional hour of social chat. Erery hndv knows Georre who has anything to do at the postofSce, and all nnite in wish ing him immense success in nis matrimon ial veniure. drama, entitled "Th Third Grover," or "Urover, the Third," w are not poaltiy wuioii at present writing. Mr. George Sltts, of Upper Rock creek, Whs dolus- some trading in Vernonla lust "ntunlsv. Hon, T. 3. Rrink and wife are visiting friends In Portland and Washington coun ty thin week. F. L. Wilson visited friends In Washing- con county on Tuesday, returning bouie uie next uay. Our ex-noitmaster returned to his place of business th first of the week looking as though be bad enjoyed nis trip. Albert Raker ha about com to th con clusion that lie don't want to rent his place as imu m uv uiu awuv time agu. , As Mr. Dow. sr.. was returning from Si Helens Wednesday he had the misfortune to break one of the wheel of hi wagon. Commissioner Peterson was looking after our bridge Thursday trying to ascertain the cheapest and best way to repair in same. Mrs. T. X. Mills moved her household goods from the hotel in this city to her ranch on tu road to r ittsuurg, tnursaay. i w. yt ... - - iAr KiinJ rt curs. 1 , . ,. . , t V-, vt uv ... w.v. an attack of la grippe, has so far recovered that she is now ante to opserve objects ia a tew inone oi ner lace, E. Shannahan passed through this city Thursday n route to the Hour mill at i'ltts- burg, returning later without his wagon, the miner oeing auseni, necessitating an other trip. HOCtVrON HAPPENINGS. Miss Bersha Collins I visiting with Mr, Sam Kelley, of this city. Rev. Martin Burllngame and daughter. May, v tailed fortlaad lussday. Ed Philhrook came no from Kulnler on a abort visit to ins parents, oaiuraay, re turning Suuday. Mr. Fnhrlham Garrlon started on Thurs day of last week lor 1 lie uaiie, wuer ne intends to remain several Week. Mr. Alex Emerson and wife spent sev eral days last week visiting the former's parents. Tbey returned to ursy s tuver, Wash., last Saturday. Wm. Pullen and family, of Soannoose, Milton creek. Mr. Pullen ia engaged iu hauling wood for tbe Hume company. Henrv Burnett has charge of the board ing house formerly conducted by R. B. Mason, on Milton creek, and those cutting wood for the Same company have a place to Doara. This place came near being the scene of a big lire on Tuesday evening of last week when Mr. George Perry closed his store as usual, leaving a lamp turned down in the back room. At about U o'clock Mr. E. E. Hazen and N. A. Perry were returning from St. Helen when they noticed a bright light and were not very long discovering tha cause. Thev broke in one of tbe win dow and entering found the Bra to be un der considerable aeadway, and a coal on can waa standing only a few feet away, and by prompt work they soon bad the blase extinguished. Tbey discovered that the lamp had been In some way upturned and the oil from the lamp caused the wall to catch, and if not discovered at the time it waa it might have caused a big conflagra tion and peritap tne tosa or me. Mr and Mrs. John Beaver and children and Mr. and Mrs. George Leonard, of Scap- poose, visited with the ladies' parents Here Ust Friday. That date was Mrs. John Lamberson'abirthdsy, and during I he even ing several friends came in to neip ceieoraie. Uaacing was Indulged in Until a late hour. when ail departed for their homes, declar ing the evening enjoyably spent and wish ing Mrs. Laniberson many happy returns ot tbe occasion. 1 nose presem were: nr. and Mrs. Ed Gillahan, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Leonard. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brons, Mr. and Mrs. John Beaver. Mr. and Mrs. Mel I' . . - nr. Up Wm KliM 11 .IIS JM. O. , 1 1 , xi. '.. , Mr. and Mrs. John Lamberson. Mr. and Mr. A. Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Jerry White, Cfaaa. Cox, Mathew White, Miaa Onal Cox. John Seager. N. A. Perry. Joe Harris, Lvman Pelero, Albert Leonard and INorman MaKay. BCAPPOOSB NEWS. Mr. L. 0. Baxter i quite rick at present. Valentine's-day passed without a mur murber. Soring Is near at haad or else some frog are mignuiy tooiea. Mr. Fred Adam ia petitioning for a road np Haymoad creea. Work ha begun oat the Scanpoose and Bald bill county roan. ScariDoose now ba three daily mail ex cnange vivo hi uaiua. Mis Ella Tom nkina I teaching a Clam in cue nousenoiu oi ssr. nannso, A. Holadav. of Monte Vista nursery, re port large aaie oi iruit tree tais season. Mrs. Gertrude Lynch I teaching a pri vate scnooi si ine resiuenc oi s a. l.j ucn. W. A. Pullen ha moved to Houlton. where be will do teaming for the flume compaay. Mr. F. Pavne has secured a large contract to furnish Han Francisco parties with his metallic paiat.. John Dobbin, stepson of P. A. Prake. I now running a Draaenian on uie roruaiid- Seattle passenger train. W. A. Purdv. of Portland, contemplate burning a large quantity of charcoal on bis laud norm oi ecappoose. Watts A Price shipped a carload of choice Hurbana noiaioe to rortiano last weex Tbey go to California by steamer for seed Mr. Fulkerson. of Monmouth, ha been engaged to teach the spring term in district Mo. 1. It is a wise step le engage teacners early, before tne ruan begin. Mr. and Mr. D. W. Price gave a very pretty card party and luncheon to their many friend on Feb. 2nd in honor of the tentn anniversary oi meir marriage. Mr. Geo. Grant, who recently sailed for Skagway, writes baca mat tne oatiooa mere is gloomy, and that prospective Elondikers had better remain at home for tbe present. Messrs. Neil Vandermost. Fred Soder- strom, and Jno. Callahan, jr., left on tb last trip of the uregon lor rori wrangle, Alaska. Tbe boys have a host of friends who wish tbem abuudaut success in the frozen north. VEBNONIA GLEANINGS. Some of th local prophet announce an early apring. Th weather tb past week ha been omewnai moisi. Albert Baker wa visiting friend above town inursoay last. Mrs. Redmond was doing some trading in this city inursoay. Fred Bergerson waa strolling the street of our town oaiuraay. E. Shannahan wa doing om trading in tbe city of Buxton lueedsy. W. D. Case, of Pittsburg, drove some beef cattle to bt. Helens Thursday, MlssVernonia Rheeley attended the ex. aminatlon for teachers at Forest Grove last week. Miss Myrtle Powell and Mattle Bellman attended th teacher' examination at tit. Helen. Our dramatic company is preparing to entertain tne pumic with anotner oeauutui Letter From Skagway. flcivponea. Or.. Feb. IS. 1808. Tiavtil Psi St. Helens Please nublish the letter I received from Gus Ostby. my neighbor, as I think it will be an enighten- ment to tnose wno want to go so osagway Yours, etc., Jons bcmsutx. Following I tb letter: -Sksswat. Jsn. 26. 1808. "Dear Friend John. 1 will lust drop VOU a few lines and let you know that I am liv ing. There 1 nothing here for anybody f bat na not gov lOl ot money, a nereis lota of work, but there are 60 men to every job. There are more men broke in this town man mere are m roruana, accuiuiug to six. It is not very cold here. There is some snow, but not mnch. It is raining todav. There is lots of excitement and hnnting going on every day. "Poor George; (Grant) one of his horses got sick on the boat and died when the steamer arrived here, but be may come out all right yet. He (Grant) is thinking of go ing over the pass in a few days. 'Hay sold Here lor iio per ton yester day. Beer is 25 cent a drink; so I don't unua. . "1 have had a little work, but not mnch Then are too many people bre. and every boat brings hundred more. "Sunderland is up on th trail packing with his oxen. "I will close for this time.' Tell tbe boys to stay at borne. Giv my regard to all, "Uus OsTBr. "Skagway, Alaska." Dreulfsilly 10 err eats. Geits: I wa dreadfully nervous, and for relief took your Karl' Clover Boot Tea, It quieted my nerve and itrengtbeaed my whole Nervous System. I was troubled with constipation, kidney and bowel troub le. Your tea soon cleansed my whole sy turn so thoroughly that I rapidly regained my health and strength. Mrs. 8. A. Sweet, Hartford, Con. Sold by Dr. Edwin Bos, XdLg3rOXlXL. 1W Fu ll alic bjutara m Dyspepsia cured. Sbllob's Vltalizer im mediately relieves sour stomach, coming- np-of-food distress, and la the great kidney and liyer remedy. Sold by Dr. E. Boss. OASTOniA. Asfis iinlls Stguius t MfpaV Be not deceived. A Congh, Hoarseness or Croup, are not to ba trifled with. dose in time of Shilob's Cur will say yon much trouble. Sold by Dr. Edwin Bos. Vn fae- siaills ttgurai: tr lies srr Ladles, take the best. If you are troub led with constipation, sallow akin, and tired feeling, take Karl' Clover Tea. It Is pleasant to take. Sold by Pr. Edwin Boss Cure that cough with 8hiloh ' Cure. The best Cough Cure. Relieve croup promptly, On million bottle (Old last year. 40 dotes for 25 cent. Sold by Dr. Edwin Boss. Karl' Clover Boot Tea Is a pleasant lax ative. Begulafes the bowels, purifies the blood. Clear th complexion. Easy to mane and pleasant to take. 25 cent. Sold by Dr. Edwin Bos. . If you are going to Klondike or even think ing about it, we invite you to call and inspect our immense stock. We have an entire floor, 100x75 feet, de- 1 voted exclusively to Klondike supplies, where you will find ! Blankets, Mackinaws, For Caps, Gloves, Underwear, 8hoes, Tents, Sweaters, Rubber Goods, Eto., Groceries and Provisions of all Kinds at Lowest Prices. We Pack and Deliver Everything ....FREE OF CHARCS... at the Wharf Either in Poitland, Tacoma or Seattle. OYER CLOTHING CO. I ; BEN SELLING, Manager. THIRD AND OAK STS. J Farm For Sale. 1 mnr nlwe of land, containing MO acres, for ale at a bargain. On the place Is a itood house, two Hortoa. H2xXl, well ftnl.hxt; a l'rn MjiW; three acres of orchard, boartng all kinds ot fruit; good garden; cut over DO tons of tame hay each year. One particularly good feature in Connection wun (ne yumcm l (lie www nihiii which ts esttmaled to b worth tooo. For further Information call ou K. B. Quick, St. Helens, or at this oBloe. Term easy. JOHN WINTERS MANUFAOTURKft Of Casks and Barrels ATKtN't OLD aTANO 8T. HELENS, OREGON. FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. STSAWtH Young America -VIA- WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Leave St. Helens Arrive at Portland. .. I o" PrtWland Arrive at St. Helens. . .. 6:80 A M ..10:00 A M .. 2:80 P M .. 6:00 F M sTAHB tS CEHT8. Will Carry Nothing but Passengers and Fast r4gut. JAMES Gf OD, Master. to travel lor responsible sstabl tatted hotw as Oregon. Salary S7W and eiueuMa. rpsitloa Krvausal itelerens. Eneloae self-addrsaaea unpad envelope. Tb Nattoaal, Star lasur- oee Bld(., Chicago. CASTORIA Tot Zoiuite and Children. ntt stalls tgsstani atr svsry vrawrsa Get Value Received EVERY TIME AT N. A. Perry's HOULTON, OREGON. WANTED FAITHFUL atlH OH WOlflK to traval for raiponsfblssitabUsbsd hoas la Orogon. Salary f(8Q and expenses. Poattlra enaanenr. Beferenc. SdoIom aelf-addrsund atampad envalnpe. Th Satlonal, Ma Isuhu ansa BUK-f unicefo. G. WCOLE . Notary PubUe E.E. QUICK Commissioner of Deeds for Washington. COLE & QUICK, PROPB1ETOE8 OF THORNFS Hanierical SysteiTitle AUstracts. Titles Examined and Perfected. Abstracts Furnished. Aasesimients Kxamlned. In anrance Written. Taxes Paid and Conveyancing. T, BELEHI, OBEOOl. nTAMTED-VAITHFOI. MKN OR WO VIM VV totravelforranponflblaestabllshedhouse as Oregon. Salary 780 and sxpsases. Poaltloa psmianent. Brfersnce. KncloM self-sddressed stem pad anvslope. Th National. Star Inm aiiav 0uig., umcago. -THE BANQUET . SALOON CL0NINGER&C00PEE, PE0PKIKT0B8. Wine and Liquor Card tables, pool table, billiard table and other devices for tbe entertainment of pat rons, where time can D pieasanur spent. FAMOUS FIRE LADDIE CIGARS Besides other popular brands, are kept constantly on hand to anpply the increased trad at this very popular saloon. THK FAMOUS CYRUS NOBLE WHISKY I KBIT AT Ha BANQUET. MONEY'S WORTH- CVIRV TIMI AT DOLMAN'S STORE. BT. MILINa, ORIOON. Mr. Dolman always keeps a fall stock of (ieneral Merehamlie, which he sells at prices that defy competition. Lumbers All kinds o( rooRh and dressed Lumber on short notice. Builders' Material Of the beat quality delivered to aoy point on tbe river at tbe Lowest Possible Price One-haif Cash and One-half in FARM PRODUCE. Address all order to X B. BORTHWICK, GOBLE, OREGON. PBOFES8IONAL. J. W. BAT W. B. DILLABD ATTORNEYS -AT-LAW Office next door to Conrthons. BT. HKLKN8, OttKGON. General Dracttce in court of Oregon or Waah Ingtou. Abstract made directly front county recurua. GEORGE A. HALL, ATTORNEY -AT -LAW, Collections, foreclosures, mechanics' Iclns, eto. wyuij prunucuung attorney, umoe with T. 1. Cleeton. St. IIslbns, Obkoow. Q. W. COLE, ATTOBNBY AND COUNBKLOB-AT LAW, BT. HELENS, OREGON. Title Atntmnt Book. SntMrr Puhlln. rrnnmla. Honor 01 uee mr vmnnmwn, ana ftrtexpei" lEMVVtl WIttajWi IUWUUWMVU WlbU UUlUVs jyK. EDWIK KOBH, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Bt. Helens, Oregon J-JR. H. E. CUFF, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Bt Helen, Oregon, jpB. J. Jt. HALL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Clatakanle, Columbia county, Or N. ME8ERVB, w. Surveyor and Civil Engineer DEtEMA, OHEGON Connty Surveyor. Land Surveying, Town Plattine and Kncinnerinir wnrk n.,!m o .. f iptly TTAWTKD FAITHPTJL MKH OS WnMKM TV tntravsl fur roajmnslblesaublislisd houae mvregon. naiary ivnu ana aiinnea. roaltlun permanant. HotHrenca. Unclose self sdilraMictd aiaaiii envaioiie, iu Aauuuai, eta Uisur DART & MUCKLE fiain Street, St. K&Mi, C.tson. Doaltrt emem MMCHHIDISt Choice Oroceries Always on hand. Flour, grain, and teed. Toliacco and algara, and smokers' arllt'lus, notion, eta. ...Hardware.., CROCKERY AND TINWARE. ...Dry Goods... - DART & MUCKLE Main Street, - - ; St. Helens, Orcgoa. 1 1S( "The Perldiis" C. W. KNOWLES, Manager. Mr. Knowlei was, for many yeart, pioprletor ol tbe 8k Charles , , hotel, end while there eatablislied a reputation ae a hotel man. He is now in a better position lo entertain hi friends than ever before, and will welcome all bt old patrons to hil new jkc of business, where can be found an op-to-date boUl. Cortrcr Fifth and Washington Strssts, Pcrt!:nl CLATSKANIE DRUG STORE I DR. J. E. HALL. Proprietor, Ha laxt reeolW a tarw aseertasMl - el Freek sstii (Ssr DrugaS and Chemicals Abo a new and select stool of tragi and patent wikdlelnea, fancy stationery, Mfceel twc and h,Kl auiillm iwrfuin.ry and tullet arUelsa, aud la hut ever ytalaa wniva I usually sent at a llrsvclaa drag store. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded AT THE - I CLATSKANIE DRUG STORE flUCKLE BROS MANUPAOTURERt Of Dimension Lnmlier, flonrlnf, Hn.tle, Sheath- In, casings, aim a oouiiui aioca oi every variety ot ROUGH and DRESSED LUMBER ALWAVe ON HAND AT THE OLD STAND, BT, HELXNS, OR WHITE COLLAR LINE f f ' r-j8-l'AVj.''''i ' -i THE COLUMBIA RIVER AND PDOET SOUND MAVIOATION CO. POETLAKD-ASTOEIA BOOTH Steamer Bailey Gatzert i.ju.fMi.i u,u.i auri.wi Leave rorlland dally (escHbanday)tl A, U. Landlnt Tslephon dock, Astoria. Leaves Astoria daily (except Sunday) 1 t. U. Oatsert Tickets flood on Steamer Thompson Steamer Tbuuipaon Tickets Good on Oatsert K. A. BEELET, Agt, U. B. SCOTT, Pr. O. R.& N. ..TOTMt.. , EAST. Glraa ttieebok of Two tasscstbats! Rsstss H.0HEAT.M KOETHERH B'y. -vlav SPOKANE MINNRAPOUU ST. PAUL and CHICAGO JEEOOL SHORT LIKEE'f. via DENVER SALT LAKE OMAHA sad KANSAS CITT Lew Mzi ts ill Esstsra tilz OfEAN TtMIe LEAVE PORTLAND KVKHlf FIVE DATS TO SAN FRANCISCO. STEAMERS Dinetbly fmva Portland to Toca bona an4 lion Im, via lb. Nenh.ia Paeln. staamahip Co. la eoaaeetlsa wits ta. U. k. A N. Com (..ay. DODWRLL, CARLILL A CO., General Agn! rtonh.ro f cti! a a Co. Portlaud, Oiscon. Por full Information call on orddrss W. H. HUKUlUBT, Oeneral Paenr Ag.ni, Portltnd, Orstoa STEAMER G. W. SHAVER r DELL SHAVER, Master. f t'ii l i-r"..' f"r v'i. Tk.-.ii s j jt x.t ' ujlc'ct.' i i roniana to uaisjiaiiiB 3 T,Aatroa Portlsnrl, foot of Wsshlnirton strmt, Tuesday, Thnradsy, and Sunday evenings at I irtyftCB o'clock. Heturnlnii leaves Clatxkaule, tide permitting, Monday, V wlnewlay, " Friday er.nlnm at i o'chick. Will w Oak Point abiul 1; tftvllaTiM; Maya.r ' Batnlers wt Kalama:t6; Ht. Helens :. Arriv In Portland 1;W a. m. Th company resetv tu. rbjbt I ohaoge time without notios. Shaver Transportation Company. - rAAAiAa,A,AA.A,A,A,AJ1AA,AAAdki . Two Newspapers Together. OREGON MIST - OREGONIAN j Only Two Dollars Per Year In Advance. ray ay ay TTVIFVyv V V V V WW V V ....STEAMER JOSEPH KELLOGG.... Leaves Kelno on Mondays, Wedneidsys and Fridays at t o'ulook a. m. O umi Pert- land Tnesd.yi wlay, wm el X Thursday, an r 8i 11 mays, at o'clock a. ss. Portland and Kelso Rests via Wi:!:r.:tt3 Slc-'sli '