rTSED THE SENATE. or Tot. T1lrr resolution A dortd r t to . Vf'u.-iliinKl.-Mi, Jan. 89. After a de ! Hf, oniivmt'.'d at all times and occa sionally acrimonious, which occupied the greater part of the week, the sen ate, thi afternoon, by a decisivo vote of 47 to 153, passed the Taller ooncnr rei.t resolution. The resolution is a practical reaffirmation of that of Stan- ley Matthews, passed in 1878. and u at . follown: - "That all the bonds of the United States, issued or authorized to be issued under the said acts of congress herein before recited, are payable, principal .... and interest, at the option of the gov eminent of the United States, in silver dollars of the coinage of the United States, containing 41 grains each of standard silver, and that to restore to its coinage such silver coins as a legal tender in payment of said bonds, prin cipal and interest, is not in violation of the pnblio faith nor in derogation of the rights of the pnblio creditors." All efforts to amend the resolution were voted down by majorities ranging from 5 to 29, Lodge's gold-standard substitute being defeated by the latter majority. The vote on the Lodge - amendment was: Ayes, 24; noes, 53. The events of the day leading up to the final vote were foil of interest and importance. It was a field day for the orators of the senate, not less than 25 senators embracing the opportunity to j apeak upon the subject under discus sion. The publio interest in the de bate was attested by the attendance in the galleries, which were crowded throughout the day, and that it was important was evidenced by the state ments of several of the speakers that the discussion was but the preliminary alignment of the great political parties for the contest of 1900. From 10 o'clock this morning until 7 this evening, the contest was con tinued. When voting was begun, it was evident that party lines were be ing broken on both Bides of the cham ber, but it was on the substitute offer ed by Lodge that the biggest break occurred. On the Republican side, Allison and Burrows did not answer to their names on that roll call and many Republican voted directly against it. Upon the final passage of the resolu tion, some Republicans who supported McKinley and the St. Louis platform in 1896, like Carter, Chandler, Clark, Pritcbard, Bhoup, Warren and Wol cott, voted for the resolution because, as Woloott announced, they did not believe the resolution committed those who supported it to the free and unlim ited ooinage of silver. , WEEKLY MARKET LETTER. The bill to pay the book publishing company of the Methodist Episcopal church, South, $388,006 for damages sustained by that corporation during the war, after encountering an' "obstin ate filibuster, which staved off a vote on two'previous private bill days, was piloted to its passage in the house to day by Cooper, who was in charge of the measure. The friends of the measure proved themselves in an over whelming majority and the opposition today, finding it could hold out no longer, reluctantly yielded. The vote was 188-67. "rad Condition in tha landing Cities r the World. wheat traders hint week struggled with all kinds of foreign news, but the market remained iit the same old rut, only that it became narrower. Com mission men who have recently travel ed all through the West and Northwest say that speculation everywhere is light. The farmers have paid off their mortgages with the monev received from their crops, and the $200,000,000 extra that Leitor helped them to get by advancing grain values has brought about a readjustment of affair in the West. ' . During the early days of last week the foreign news was bearing, prices in Liverpool and on the continent declin ing steadily under the pressure of Ar gentine offerings. Friday there was a change in sentiment abroad, cables gen erally reporting reduced Argentine offerings and advanced prices. , . An estimate has been made that Argentina will only have 18,000,000 bushels to ship to the United Kingdom; 7,000,000 bushels of its surplus will go to Brazil, and the balance to other countries. This estimate does not make the sur plus over 25,000,000 bushels. Thei are other good estimates of 48,000,000 bushels. Should Argentina have 48,- uuv.uuu to export, it will make a ma terial difference in prices, provided the present crop prospects are everywhere maintained. In case it is only 35,000, 000 bushels there will be less wheat to come in contact with arrivals from California and depress the foreign mar kets. Speculators are looking to the foreign situation to lead the bull move ment. They want to see exports con tinue heavy, and the foreign buying good. The latter has not been up to expectations of late, but there is every prospect of its continuing good through out January. One drawback to active cash transactions at the seaboard is the steady advanoe in cash premiums over May. Speculators who are very friendly to the bull side take a different view of the situation. They are inclined to ignore the foreign conditions as the real leader, and are looking to the Northwest. They believe that stocks in millers' hands in Minnesota and the Dakotaa are the lightest in years. farmers' deliveries are small and coun try elevators looks are not over 5,000,000 bushels. Bulls have predicted a falling off in arrivals there since December 1 but the reduction has not been fully realized, the receipts exceeding last year's. GOLD BY THfc. TON. That's ilia Way TUey Speak r It ta Mammon City. In a persona! letter, received in Port land from u ill mm J. Jones, press cor- respondent in Dawson City, lie says. among other things: . - "The stories of the great yield of gold published in the United Slates have not been exaggerated in the least, The mind is unable to grasp the real situation, and appreciate the sights that are so common here to evory-day life. In Dawson City today, ready for ship ment, are between four and five tons of gold. Can you realise that such a thing is possible, 'or at all probable? Just consider, too, that all that is about one-third of the year's output. Men handle gold as you would a plug of tobacco. At the saloon bars, the stores, restaurants or other places of business, the mines throw up their saoks, and casually turn their backs, never stopping to see tney are ac corded proper weight. Would you think of handing your purse over to a Portland barkeeper and allowing him to take out the change? "In many of the cabins along tho gulches where I have visited I have seen shelves loaded down with all kinds of cans filled with gold. In one cabin on Eldorado creek there are five coal-oil cans full of the yellow motal, weighing nearly 1,200 pounds. The Canadians are exercising the laws leniently, and to the satisfaction I of the Americans, and generally speak ing, ine camp is orueny ana very quiet, considering tho vast amount of money in circulation, and the number of hard characters m the oountry." U laHLaa U UyWivil ill Jti VlUSjyU CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED IN ANY CLIMATE. AT LAST! i cue u Mi m I iinri MM M am LUHJI ftlVMMIWU IMM1 Vsm mil Remarkable Discovery of an . American IVIcclico-Chemist. ITS GREAT VALUE HUMANITY. TO .'aTN I T W3 A scene in The Slocuin Laboratory, New York: The Disooverer demonstrating to Medical Men and Students the Value and Wonderful Curative Powers of his New Discoveries. NOTE. All readors of this paper can have Three Free Bottles of the Doctor's New Discoveries, with complete directions, bv sending their full address to Dr. Slooum's Laboratory, 88 Pine street,' New York City. be THE CORONA WRECKED. Alaska-Bound Steamer Went Down Neu Month of Skeena River. Seattle, Wash., Jan. 29. A special to the Times from Victoria says that news has been received there that the steamship Corona, which left Seattle with 225 passengers January 20 for Southeastern Alaska ports, had been wrecked near Lewis island, at the . mouth of the Skeena river. Her pas sengers were all safely landed on Ken nedy island. Every pound of freight and baggage is lost. The Corona was a screw propeller, 220 feet long, 85 feet beam, and 9 feet 6 inches hold. She was built in Phila delphia in 1888, and has been running on the coast ever since. She is well known in Southern California, having been on the run there between San Francisco and Suan Diego for some years. She was a 15-knot boat, and was fitted with all the modern appli ances. , This was to have been the last trip of the Corona, as she was to have been transferred to the Southern California division on her return. i Particulars of the Wreck. Naoaimo, B. C, Jan. 29. The steamer Danube arrived at Departure bay late this evening, bringing down news of the wreck of the steamer Corona. The Corona struck a rock near the mouth of the Skeena river and 4 once commenced to sis k. Lifeboats were lowered, and the passengers were conveyed to the beach of Kennedy island. The steamer Al-Ki went to the rescue. She is now on the way south with the unfortunate goldseekers. The Corona struck the rock bow-on and is lying with her stern submerged. It is feared she will prove a total wreck, and the whole of her cargo will be lost. :' j It is also reported that .the Union Steamship Company's steamer Coquit lnm was wrecked on the Skeena river. Particulars of this wreck were not ob tained from the passengers of the Danube. Wrecked at Sealer's Cove. Montevideo, Jan 29. Information has been received that the British steamer Matura, bound from Welling ton for London, was wrecked at Sealer's cove, January 12. The captain, three of the passengers, the ship's doctor had 10 of the crew are at Sandy point, in the Straits of Magellan, where they ar rived in boats. The other boats which left the wrecked steamer With the re maining members of the crew and pas sengers are reported to be safe. Deed of aa Unknown Ahu.Ii. Houston, Tex., Jan. 29. Shortly be fore midnight Patrick J.-Gibson, a clerical employe of the Southern Pa cific, wan shot through the bead by an unknown assassin, ... Young Gibson had been with Miss Mary Burke, to whom he was engaged to be married, and started to take an i electric car to his home. Miss Burke j had just entered her residence when a shot rang out, and, alarmed, she ran out in time to see the form of a man disappearing in the darkness down a side street, Running toward the cor per sLo i,il over her lover's dead body. . , Portland Market. Wheat Walla Walla, 74 75c; Val ley and Bluestem, 7778c per busheL our Best grades, $3.75; graham f3.80; superfine, (2.25 per barrel. Oats Choice white, 85 36c; choice gray, 83 34c per bushel. Barley Feed barley, $1920; brew' ing, 120 per ton. Millstiffa Bran, (18 per ton; mid dlings, (22; shorts, (19. Hay Timothy, (12.50; clover, (10(311; California wheat, (10; do oat, (11; Oregon wild hay, (9(310 per ton. Eggs 18(g 20c per dozen. Butter Fancy creamery, 5560o; fair to good, 45 50c; dairy, 40 50c per roll. Cheese Oregon, 12 Jfc'o; Young America, 12'c; California, 910o per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, (2.75 8.00 per dozen; hens, (3.00 3. 50: geese, (5. 60 6.00; ducks, (4. 50 5. 00 per dozen; turkeys, live, 10 11c per pound. Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, 45 50c per sack; sweets, (1.752 per cental. unions uregon, (1.76(32.25 per saclc. Uops 4iBc per pound for new crop; 181)6 crop, 4 6c. Wool Valley, 1416c per pound; Eastern Oregon, 7g8c; mohair, 20 22o per pound. Mutton Gross, best bheep, wethers and ewes, (3.50; dressed mutton. 8c; spring lambs, 52c per pound Hogs Gross, choice heavy, (4.00; lightand feeders, (3.00 4. 00; dressed. (4.50 5. 00 per 100 pounds. Beef Gross, top steers, 12. 75 3. 00: cows, (2.50; dressed beef, 4U6c per pound. Veal Large, 45o; small, 6J 8c per pound. Seattle Market. Butter Fancy native creamery, brick. 80o; ranch, 16 18c. Cheese Native Washington, 13o; California, 9Jo. Eggs Fresh ranch, 20a Poultry Chickens, live, per pound, hens, 11c; spring chickens, (2.50 3 00; ducks, (4.00(85.00. Wheat Feed wheat, (22 per ton. Cain Choice, per ton, (1J)20. Corn Whole, (23; cracked, per ton, (23; feed meal, (23 per ton. Barley Rolled or ground, per ton, (22; whole, (22. Hay Puget sound, new, (11.00; Eastern Washington (1617; alfalfa, (13. Fresh Meats Choice dressed beef, steers, 7c; cows, 6s; mutton sheep, 8c; pork, 6c; veal, small, 7. Fresh Fish Halibut, 6 6c; salmon, 3c; salmon trout, 10c; flounders and sole, 84; ling cod, 4 5; rock cod, 5c; smelt, 24c. Fresh Fruit Apples, 4090o per box; pears, 25 75c per box; oranges navels, (2. 25(32.50 per box. per ton, timothy, San FrmoeUco Market. Wool Nevada 11 13c; Oregon, 13 14c; Northern 78o per pound, ; Hops 1218c per pound. Millstuffs Middlings, (2224; Cal ifornia bran, (18.5019.50 per ton. Onions New red. 7080c; do new silverskin, (2.252.50 percental. Eggs Store, 2022c; ranoh, 23 25c; Eastern, 15 19; duck, 16c per dozen. Cheese Fancy mild, new, llc; fair to good, 7 8c per pound.. Citrus Fruit Oranges, navels, $1.25(32.50; Mexican limes, (4.00 4.50; California lemons, choice, (2.25 (32.50; do common, 75c (3 $1.25 per box. Hay Wheat, (18.50 16; wheat and oat, (13.50 15; oat, (1118; best barley, (1313.50; alfalfa, (10.50 11.50; clover, (10.50 12. . Freeh Fruit Apples, 60o(1.85 per large box; grapes, 2640c; Isabella, 6075o; peaches, 80c$l; pears, 75o (1 per box; plums, 20 85c Butter Fancy creamery, 27c; do seconds, 2520o; fancy dairy. 25o; good to choice, 2834o per pound. foiatoes xew, in noxes, ocsn. Some otea on Alaska. There are two telephone lines tween Dyea and Lindemann. T. R. Needham has just started the Stiokeen Kiver Journal at Fort Wran- gel. ' ... The weather is so moderate at Ju neau that the people are not wearing overcoats. It is estimated that the carrying ca pacity of Portland and Puget sound steamers foots up 10,000 passengers per month. , The lumber famine continues at Dyea and Skagway, and prices rule (5 to (50. The dealers promise a supply in a few days. Good weather for build ing continues. Colonel E. O. Lamphere and M P, Gilbert, of Chicago, cuptialists, have purchased of a gang of Greek miners seven gold quartz claims in Southeastern Alaska for (120,000. a large torce or men and teams aro getting out and delivering piles for the Nowell wharf at Dyea. This wharf will probably be the first of the three wharves under construction to be com pleted. An ordinary si.ack if tliere were lumber to build it with in Skogway will rent for (50 to (60 a month. A squatter's right on a lot not far tro-s the central district brought an offer of (700 to a Portiander. It was refurjji. Archie Sheep and W. Stewart, of Dawson, presented to the famous Slim" Birch as a testimonial of re gard a nugget two inches in diametes It is worth (200. Slim s convict mini ber in San Quentin will lie engraved on it and it will adorn his neck, J. M. Fowler's townsite scheme at Lake Lindermann, by which he hoped to plat out all tbe aavilable land am tax everybody (2 who put a tent on it, has been knocked in the head by the Canadian government, which hus re served this particular land for the use of the publio to put up tents and store their goods there without charge. J, Kay, of San Francisco, who took a cargo ol lumber to biagway on the Noyo, says so great is the demand for lumber that they ean hardly wait until it is unloaded. Mr. Kav says that but small per cent of the hundreds of people arriving at Dyea and Skagway, intent on pushing on to Dawson, have any conception of the difficulties be fore them. He predicts that conges tion on the trails will be greater than last season. A company, of which J. J. McKay, the Yukon freighter and tbe man who made the quickest trip ever made from Dawson to Dyea during the winter, is tbe head, has been organized at Tacoma to run an express between that city and Dawson. The company will operate steamers on the lakes, and from the White Horse rapids to Dawson, using dog and horse trains in packing from Dyea. It is estimated that the trip from Tacoma to Dawson will be made in 18 days in tbe summer and 25 days in the winter. The company will at tempt to secure mail contracts. At present mail is scattered all along the trail, and McKay asserts that he is tbe only man who ever succeeded in rie- ivering mail on the Yukon during the winter. Collector of Customs J. W. Ivey is receiving a good deal of praiee for his vigorous policy in enforcing the laws regrading the liquor traffic. As long as the laws are in effect they will be enforced. His vigilance in seizing contraband stuff is attracting general attention. The liquor men are growl ing because he shipped away 20 tons of the stuff on tbe Elder. The new ad ministration is making warm times in the North, and, as a natural result, the collector is cordially disliked by the Juneau smuggling ring. About every party of miners now fit ting out for Alaska takes along a net or seine, which is set at night in some eddy through a hole in the ice, and sel dom fails to catch fish enough fur break fast After the ice is gone, there is no trouble in catohing fish in any stream flowing into the Yukon. A report has reached Portland that one Sullivan for merly a fisherman at Yaquina, who went to Alaska last spring, engaged in the fishing business at Dawson, an. I, with the limited plant at his command, made (7,000 last summer. He started to come out to procure a supply of fish ing gear, and was found beside the trail with his throat cut from ear to ear. ;. The oldest specimen of pure glass bearing a date, is the bead of a lion in a collection at the British museum. It bears the name of an Egyptian king of tno lltli dynasty. 11LACK AND BI.l'E. Black and blue colors are not subject to fushiiins this season .rior in any wason. They hold their own and will not wash out. They are pretty solid colors, and but for the misery of wearing them, might become fashionable. Some fncn take pride in wear- ik mem an omens ot tneir nroiessiou. its souiien do their scars. Hut brubea. black or blue, or hath, ought to have immediate attention, tor under tliem timv be a nerve hurt or muscle badly wrenrtied. A bluek and blue bruise is a bad thing, not onlv from its tender soreness but the contused hlnod i prevention of regular circulation. While core rpets like these will not wash out, there is something that will rub them out in no tim Hiid that is tt. Jacobs Oil. It is pM'iiliuriy adapted to their quick cure. A pennant can lie won only by hard knocks, with scar and bruises, bn't after the ball in over, if any remain, thin one cure is the best. Bruises come from con tusion in all avocations, and it is well to remember at all times just what will cure them the best. AN OWN LCTTCR TO MOTH EM. We r aiuertliig In the eourU our right to the exclusive use of the word " CASTOIUA," and " l'i 1VHKK B CAS t'OKIA," u our Trade Murk. It Dr. Sttnuel Pitcher, of Krsnnis, MuuchtuctU, was t he origtiutor of ' PITCHER'S C ABTOKIA, " the mine that h borne and doe now bear the e'lm(!e ilKimture of CHAS. K. P1.RTCHKR on every wrapper. This U tin origind " m'CHKR'S CASTOR1A " which hi been used la the homes of tbe mother of America for over thirty years. Look Carefully at the wrapper and see that It Is M kind you kav alnnyt bint Ml, and ha the signature of CHAS. It. FLKTCH8R on the wrapper. No one has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company of which Cbaa. H. Fletcher is President. Match , ityt. 8AMUKI, MTCHSK, M4 Germany has (30,000,000 In sold coin packed away in 1,000 iron chests in the fortress of Spandaou, This la intended for use ns an emergency fund in case of war. MEN IN THE PUBLIO EYE. Detectives detailed to look after pro fussiunal shoplifters, always look to see l if their suspects are wearing gloves. A I ' profesaional, it is declared, never works with gloves on. NEW CRAZY SECT IN CONNKCTICIT, A lot o( fsimtlos in the Mate recently tm mertted an old rheumatic woman bodily in the water lo "heal her" aa ihey said. Site nearly died In eonseience. How much better it would have been to have treated the floor old woman for her intlrmity with Hosietter's Rtomaeh Bittt-T., which nol ouly euresrhum tism, but prevents kidney complaint and rem edies dyspepsia, eonstiivstlon, liver trouble amJ nervous prostration, uive it a systematic trial In order to raise church funds, Georgia minister charged admission to an entertainment whore the contestants engaged in a ginger cake eating com petition. Portsmouth, N. H., liiuh school girls advertised an approachim school benefit by appearing on the streets as "sandwich mm," with placards hung about their nocks. The stomach of a dead man was re cently introduced in the probate court in Milwaukee, Wis., to show that the possessor was of unsound mind when he made his will. GIRLS IN STORES, offices, or factories, are peculiarly liable to female diseases, especially those who are constantly ou their feet. Often they are unable to perform their duties, their suffering is so intense. When the first 'J symptoms present meiiiMjivcs, Bucn as backache, pulns In groins, head- acho,dizzl-. ncsa, MX I T Btats of Ohio, Crrvor Toledo,! I.ccas Cor NT. t Krank j. Chrskv niakea oath that ha li the senior partner of the Hrm ol K. J. Cintusv 4 Co., wwiiia ousiwKss in nie i.iiv oi imeuo, uonniy and Slate aforesaid, and that the said Arm will pav the sum of ON'K HL'NDRKO ilOt.LA H tar eaeh. and every ease ot Catarrh that eannot be vureu uy tne use 01 hall s v;atarrh curs. I KANK, J. l l(E.EY. wnrn to before me and strimerlberi tn mv presence, Mis tin day of lxeeinbsr, A. D. MM. A. v. l,l.r..Sll.N, Notary luil!e. Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken Internally, and acts directly ou the blood and muoous surfaces of tho system. Heml for temttmonials, free. r. j. i. tir.Mit at i;u., Toledo, u. Hold or ilrmrulsts. 7,ie. Hull's r amily Pills are the best. A sweet potato, 25 inches in circum ference and nine inches in length has been raised by John Graham, of Abi lene, Kan. A fter betuft swindled by ah other, send us stamp for particulars of Klliu olomtms Treasure, ttis vim.y renewer or nuuily strength. MAHOM tllliMK'AlH), P. O. BoxTlT. i'lilladelphla, I'a. A new German paper strainer con sists of an endless chain of bars passed automatically and continuously through a receptacle, HOMI PRODUCTS AMD fl'lta FOOD. With the millions of Anna Gould Count Boniface de Castelhine Is still posing as the modem Tiberius. His latest act of magnificence is to purchase the Palnzza del la Simla in Vcronn, for tbe sake of the eleven ceilings in It painted by Tiepolo, These will dec orate his new palace in Paris, repro duction of the Grand Trinon. Paris regards the career of the little count with mingled awe and envy. . When will it end, or are the Gould millions really inexhaustible? John M. Langston, the colored law- yer.politioian and orator, hears with be coming dignity the many honors which have come to him during his eventful life. Ho does not look over 68 years of age. for several years be was law lecturer and dean of tbe Howard uni versity law department. In 1877 Pres ident II ayes sent him as minister to Hayti. Ho is the only colored man irginia ever sent to congress. As a scholar he ranks among the leaders; as nn orator he is the prince of the plat form. James 1 1. Eckels, who, within a few days, has retired fioin the office of con troilcr of the currency, evidently does not propose to hide his light tinder a bushel, because he is no longer a public official. He delivered an interesting1 address at Chicago the other night on the subject of "Public Leadership, wherein he strongly favored independ ence in politics and vigorous individual action, regardless of party politics and party lines. 9 All r.e,rn Nvrnn hlmIW hbiibIIw .v. light adored and ol heavy body. Is mad Irom glucose, '"feci Harden rti" It made from Stis-ar Cane and it strictly pure. It it for sale bv nrsm ass eroeers. in cans onlv. Manufae. ttired by the Pscine Coast Strut Co. All n- e "Ten Oariltn Dritm" have the manufte. lurur s name mnograpnea on every can. For luntt ami chest diseases. Plsn's Ours Is tbe best medicine we have used. Mrs. h. Northcott, W mdsor, Out,, Canada, ITEMS OF INTEREST. A mechanical device recently pat ented pastes paper labels on 100.000 tins in ten hours. A rabbit with two well developed horns was reoently shot in the fields of Chase county, Kansas. Infant schools began in New Lanark. Scotland, in 1816, in England not till 1818. A local South Shore train came into collision with a Grand Trunk local at St. Lambert, Bonrbon ' and killed. Four hundred years ago seven metals were known. there are 61, 80 of which been discovered within the present century. , If Chinese children do not obey their How Every Reader of This Paper May Obtain the New and Free Scientific Sys tem of Medicine CORRESPONDENCE-ADVICE AB SOLUTELY FREE AND PROFES SIONALLY CONFIDENTIAL. Workers In the wide, imeitplored Held of modern chemistry are dully nsloiintlliiK the world with new wonders, Professor and lnviiiuii vie lth each other In their com mctiduhlc efforts to lessen the lllsof hiiiiinti. Ilv, Yeeierdiiv It was l'nstenr and Koclt, ami lodnv II ia'HIoi'Util, with new disvnv. ery whu li Is the result of years of cnreltil study and rescitrvh. ' foremost amotiir the World's greatest I chemists stitndsT. A. tlueum,of New Vork fllv. His researches ami experiments, imtltmtlv enrrted tin for venrs. hava nnallv culminated in results which arc proving a lieneiieiH.1 to Immunity as the discoveries of uiivi'hoinlat.iincteot or modern, il issiluria which for yearn had been directed tnwurd the discovery of a vositive cum fur fun. sumption, were finally successful, and Al remit- his "now scientific system of medl. I'ltte" has. bv Its timely Use. twrnianeittlv cured thottsAttds of tiMiurmillv hielesa cases, nod itseeinsa tieeessury and human duty to bring such lacts to tne attention of ull invalids, The medical tirofesslon thrwitftiottl America and Kumpe are almost umimtottt iu tiie opinion that nearly all physical ail ments unturnlly tend to the Ketinrattun of consumption. The tttllhled tile In th snort, cuiii days ot winter mucu luster than in the long, hot days of summer. The Doctor has proved the dreaded dis ease to be rumble beyond a doubt. Iu any climate, and has on nle itt bis American anil Kuropeati laboratories thousands of letters of hearttelt gratitude from those benellted or cured In nit parts of the world. No mis bavins, or threatened with, any disease, should hesitate a day, but should write at once. Facts prove, tlmt the i)x tor has discovered a reliable and absolute cure for Consumption (Tuberculosis) and till bronchial, throat, lung ami chest troubles, stubborn coughs, eniurrhal affections, scrof ula, general ducline and weiiKiiess, loss of flesh, and nil wasting etimllthmi, and to demonstrate Its wonderful merits, be will send There Kree I lollies (nil different) of his New Discoveries, with full instructions, to sity render of this paper, riimply write toT. A. rdocum. M. 0., M I'lne iret, New York, KivinK full address. 1 here is no chnn?e lor corresiwiidenee. advice strictly professional and eonliden tint. , hnowinir. as we do. of the undoubted efficacy of The fjlocum System of Medicine, we ure every sufferer to"ttvke advantage of this most liberal projsmition. A system of medical treatment that will cure, catarrh, lung troubles and consumes tion Is certainly good for-and will cure any wasting disease that humanity is heir to. Please tell the Doctor, when wrltinir, thai you rcud his jicuerous oiler In our pajer. The city of Santa Fe, Now Mexico, is without rats, mice and cats, as the air is too rarellod for those animals. HISWPBiniHIl! t fsMVsM 1.T l oiw iwstjoyo Both the method and result" when Syrup of Figs ig taken; it is pleasant uu reiresninar wtne lastc, and acts gently yet promptly on tiit. Kidneys. Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, d lapels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is tbe omy remedy of its Kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, nromnt in unit local ai .. .. , . , , 'J . , . Canada, and August; "2 """"" "uul lf UV " James Coudry were effects, prepared only from the most I healthy and agreeable substances, its only j many excellent qualities commend it Now,40 "1 "d have made it the most have popular remedy known. byrupof Figs is for sale in 0 cent bottles by all leading drug- gists. Any reliable druggist wbo swelled feet, blues, etc., they should at once write Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass., stating symptoms. She will tell them exactly what to do. OnAcs B. biANSBUBT, Pratt, Kansas, ays:" I suffered from intense pains ia tne womb and ovaries, and the backache was dreadful. I had leucorrhroa in it? worst form. Thus I drotrired alonir. At last I wrote to Mrs. Pinkham for advice, Jlcr answer came promptly. I read carefully her letter, and con cluded to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound. After taking two bottles I felt much better ; but after using eU bottles I was cured." parents, and the latter whip them to ' may not have it on hand will pro- death, the law has no punishment for tiiuin, as obedience to parents is the cardinal virtue. W. T. Woodward, the Kentucky horsebreeder, is going about telling his friends that he has been cured of rheu matism by carrying old electrio light carbons in his pocket.. Two New York men have invented an electrical dental mallet for use in hardening tooth filling, the tool having a central bar, which strikes back and forth as theourrent is made and broken. cure it promptly for any one wbo wmnes to try ii. uo not accept any SUDHUlUtC. CALIFORNIA Fid SYRUP CO. SAM FHANOI800, CAL louMiui.M. new vox.t.r. Jov and sladness shine fnrlh In the eve nt I tbe nianty and it.rtms, t;onntlenee, selfHiieeia and love ot serlnr ernne with the return of na ture's visor. Kleutrlelty. the force of vitality, makes men great. It brimte back the lira of youth. It helps manhood. Dr. Snden'$ Electric Belt Is the chosen serins from which is drawn tha vital eneriy which In Own the veins of men ana nevetos inn nerve ana pnysteai powers. Tbe vigorous standard ol our race is Improved by it. Do you lh to read the story ol hew vital force Is renewetl by oleelrtellyf If so, eet Dr. Sanden'a heuk, "Three Classes ol Men," whl h will be sent elmely sealed, free from observa tion, upon reitiest. A book for the ladles, "Maid, Wife and Mother," can be had for the asking. SANDEN ELECTRIC BELT CO. S6S Wast Washington St., Portland, Or. rUtue mention t hi Paper. , IMStMNMMMttMMiaMI FOI1 14 CEflTS: WawlshtoiralRiiw,nienaatoas. J mim. una nsiiesnnsr . l3Jr Rsdl.h, ltti sfllsHt Kml Bsst, lt)a Imtisrpk Otienmltsf, 1ft. fIN,n Vlll.lttM Kl..o.(rkMlan. It, " brilliant Iriuwsr Swda, lie Werta SI.eO, fSr 14 Mts. Ahovs 10 pkts, worth l l, s lll bbII yjia Iris, totir lth our erast Plant and Heed Ostslosus uimn rsosiut of this nottoe sad Un Btistav Ws Invlts ymr trJ and I Money... f ...For You! Bleb Find In the Bohemia District. A miner came in from the Bohemia district Tuesday, bringing some of the richest samples of ore ever discovered in that or any other district In Uregon. He tunnelled 7b feet and struck a ledge 10 feet wide, a one-foot streak of which shows free gold that assays f30,000 to the ton. The remaining nine feet contains free-milling ore that assay f 500 to the ton. if you plant our new Vlneless punch s Yarn Fotutntt and iret on the market 6 si weeks before your !iel(lilors. Knrllest, s Largest, Wwcctcst und Most I'm- ductlve known.. Postpaid 3oct. per pound, by express, not prenatd, IScts, lead Wets, for lsrire catalogue of SO seed novelties with tesiimouisls from sll over the I nuiM, and lame siarilns natkage of our new homegrow n t'nitee which mmm only acts, a pound to raise and two crnn a year In tho smith. Simelal neleea to i Ainu who make 119 To KH A DAY svuiHg iius wunueriuiscea. Offered oa trial wltnour aipenae so any bonestiBsa. Not dollar t. b.paia 1st adtratte. Cure Effects of Brrors r Hieease. in Old or xounc Manhood s ana nl Rsstored. Ka to nlenri Btrenittliea Weatt,tJndve!oi)eii Portions of Body. Abaolutei unfalilnf Horn. Treatment. Ko O. O. t. or other soaema. A plain oner tr arm ot nigu stanutng. tniC Ilii.ilibllLUU.BUr'i'AbO.N.V .... Address, THE WESTESN NOVELTY SEED CO . BUCKXER, MO. j! n mtii Vfahfc AOlLHi. FAILS. Bert Cuusb Syrup. Ttt ootL Unw M. The combination of a lamp, bell and brake for cyclers' use has been patent ed, the bell being set in the back of the lamp in position to be struck by a clapper attached to the brake plunger. Schoolboys should beware of licking pens or blots with their tongues. Ac cording to Mr. Marpmann, of Leipsio, there are microbes in ink, and it may be dangerous to prick the skin with a pen. Saville Kent, a naturalist, has an owl, or "raorepork," as he calls it, which plays possum, stiffening itself out until it Buneara aa nart of the branch of tree in the naturalist's ' ti'f !i? S.'i?.f '.'rd'i: ""i1 "rouarh k nw yard. , enee book. DOWNINn, HOPKINS 4 Co.! Notwithstanding all the efforts of in-' lao.nMtSfw'a. m ventors.no one has been able to dis-' cover a substitute for leather. -For I M U.fH'ttP''' TESTHiNq!'lIw' shoes, beltln hnmoa. and a thn.. t JIWf,'J'i other uses, "there's nothing like .th."!, leather.". 1 The TREATMENT FOR WEAK MEN. TRIAL WITHOUT IXMNII. Tha famous A nellano and Kemsdlea of the Brie Medical Co. nowf or th first tits. I 4 M V I S i- P 1 9 5 I nnsr whan, ion nans try Sslisr's I lsi m nDi.ijatsiusainnsMl. sssilaros will nssr set slims eltli ..in. I'limtorsaH I. AO tsluaslansse. no.r , Jbus i, nun iks. co., u tsiiuB, wn. asMI la. (0 grow paying crops baeans. thsy'r. fresh and always Uw best. For sale everywhere. Bafuss substitutes. Htlok to Ferry's Seed) and prosper. 1898 Bead Annual free, M'rlte for It. D. at, FERRY A CO., Dstrotl, Mich. WHEAT Make money by succesf til speculation In Ohleago. Ws uuy buu sen wneat on mar gins. Fortunes hsvi hnan niiisii utgiiiniiig ny trsoinitiit fu tures. Wrlle for full particulars. Best of ref erence given. Several years' exuerleneeon tha YOUR LIVER Is It Wrong? Gut it RlL'ht. Keep It Kit-lit. Moure's Kevsaled Itemed y willdolt. Three doses will make you leel better. Get It from your druggist nr any wholesale drug house , or from Stewart ii Holmes Drug Co., Seattle. sued f,,r children testhlaf . It w.tliM tlx clilld, soft, i rwwiiwr aisrrnoea. lrsnty nvs annnal convention of the Brotherhood of Steam Shovel and Dredge Engineers, in session at Chi cago, passed resolutions favoring a 21 foot channel in the Chicago river and the construction of the Nicaragua canal by American capital. clilM.soft-S "llctttnl 1,4 vo earn a j DAH0 P" '"ig '"' loealing field or "liver JlULfiS01'"' hwt or hurled Iri'sniiri.s. M. Is llVUti yowi.ICB.Bos ml, iLmSlauioijo'l; "VfAP Or AI.SKKndorert by the Da. partment ol the Interior and to be tissd hy l" , SJWW'a" d"111."? 10 Alaska The best and Mi'1 HAirT, PuhVsnar: . 1L NrtBTwrow II mi K"-U-"H1 rk PhII rk II I If I f 1 ILLUSTRATED (59 " ' rREE - a Bucll a Lambcr-son I80IR0NTST Portland. Or, WHEN writing to adv.rtis.rs, mention tills paper. No, e, 'VS. pleart ) K