The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, January 28, 1898, Image 4

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F AND woUSewiFE,
Otic Farmer Whose Iiigmnitr Paved
Jim SitiBtle-The Pasture Being; Bn
ierei3l by Grain Feed Polnte on
Orspe Grafting, '
, - ' (.
A Cheap Horse-Power. '
The fall of ISH I cut (.odder covn for
ten cows by baud one month, and,
while resting and "getting wind,",, was
looking and studying. I took bard wood
boards, made -a wheel due feet In dl-
a meter, put a rim on each side and
bolted. I next got an old timber, one
foot square and Jong enough to staud
upright under scaffold on barn floor,
put the wheel on the upper end close
under seafTotd, morticed hole for sweep
and guide pole. I next made a wheel
nearly four feet in diameter, and one
foot long, bolting them together, went
to the blacksmith's and got an old bug
gy stub and boxing, and put the two
wheels upon center post at side of bars
door. Two pulleys fastened to main
beam (one with a weight attachment),
so the rope will run from the large,
nine-foot wheel under scaffold, through
pulleys, to the one-foot wheel on center
post, a belt from the four-foot wheel
down to the cutting box. I made
J-inch hardwood wheel, two Inches
thick, bored a hole In center for cutter
shaft, then sawed it In two in the ceo
ter, and sawed one inch off from one
side, bolted the wheel to the shaft
with bolt each side of the center, put
cap over burs with screws, and it
hasn't "budged" for three years. With
a good walking horse, this gives very
good motion; It has always been ready
for work. I put on a one-quarter-inch
cable chain this fall in place of the big
rope. The whole cost would hardly pay
interest on a power purchased. One
half day per week cuts plenty of stalks
for ten head of cattle. If this descrip
tion would help any one who Is getting
tired, of turning the cutter by hand,
all's well; It may last until I can decide
whether I need a steam or gasoline
power. Hoard's Dairyman.
Grain ve. Pasture.
It used to be common for farmers
who bad find pastures, especially on
r-nd that was annually overflowed, to
boast that they could fatten beeves
more cheaply on grass than on grain.
But that time bas passed. The pas-'
tore bas not been wholly superseded,
for the farmer who has good pasture
still baa the advantage, provided he
supplements pasture with grain.' In
spite of the fact that the pasture sup
plies foad without labor, while the corn
crop, if grown and harvested as it
should be, requires much labor, the
latter Is much the cheaper feed. There
is comparatively little beef now grown
which comes from pasture alone. Even
In the blue grass region of. Kentucky
Western grain is largely used to sup
plement the feed of stock which are
still fattened on pasture. There is
probtbly noirlcher grass in this world
than the Kentucky blue grass, which
Is, however, Identical with the June
grass in our Northern States. But for
"cheap nutrition, and especially , for
stock that is being fattened, It is no
match for Indian corn. The grain of a
good corn crop has more nutritive value
than tha grain of any of the smaller
grains. And there is besides a great
deal of nutritive value in the corn
stalks. This Is now appreciated tiy
Western farmers more than it ever bas
been before. It is the value of corn
stalks as feed that has done as much
as anything else to make corn super
sede pasture as a means for fattening
cattle. American Cultivator.
Grape Grafting.
An old Clinton vine stood at the cor-
1 ner of the.woodhouse which was so vig
orous that Its branches spread over
everything within reach, but bore no
fruit In April, 1890, I cut both
. branches off close to the ground and
, grafted a Delaware grape into one
and an Iona into the other. I used no
wax, simply wrapped carefully with
strings of cloth, pasted a little mud
over the wound and covered all with
earti- except the top buds of the grafts.
Those, grafts made a wonderful growth
the first season, owing to the far-reach-ins
roots of the Clinton vine. At close
of the first season the, Iona vine was
about eighteen feet long and the Dela
ware about twelve. This season, with
the vines one year old, the Delaware
branch bore twenty-four as fine bunch
es of Delaware grapes as I ever saw.
The bunches and berries were slightly
larger than the Delaware generally
grows, and so compact on the stems
that they could not be picked off easily
without beginning at the end of the
stem. " . - .J'
The Iona branch bore about forty
bunches of Iona grapes of the finest
quality. This is a quick way of get
ting a grapevine Into bearing. I tried
the same experiment on a wild grape
vine down in the pasture. It jrrew Junt
as vigorously, but an Inquisitive Jer
sey cow spoiled the experiment. Ag
riculturist , How to Irrigate.
A writer who has observed methods
In California, Arizona, Utah, Wyom
ing, Nebraska and other States bas
concluded (D that the best method is
the old and well known oue of gravita
tion, taking the water from streams
and conveying In ditches to the land
where It is to be used. Subirrigation,
whereit Is practicable, gives good re
sults. Where water Is raised by pump
ing with a lift of ten to forty feet a
water wheel or turbine connected with
a centrifugal pump is cheapest and
most satisfactory. Windmills for lift
ing water for the ordinary farmer's
garden or small truck farming are de
sirable, provided wooden tanks are
used or the soli Is such that a water
tight reservoir can be built ,Centrif
ugal pumps, water elevators or other
pumps when driven by steam or .gaso
line engines, horsepower or other ex
pensive methods are Impracticable,
lie tells In the American Agriculturist
that be does not regard any method
practicable for general farming except
where water flows direct from streams
In ditches at low cost. .
Belgian If area.
1 have been K'owlng them about a
jvnr, and llml ready sale for all I can
produce for breeding-stock at $1 a pair.
1 i;koJ a pair of them in a store in
Kuikli, sud, a a remilt, I had a large
number of visitors, and plenty of or
ders. The hares are a new thing In
this vicinity. As soon as I have a sur
plus I Intend to sell them for meat. A
pair of them will weigh ten or fifteen
pounds .., .:,,....,..,.. j, ......
I keep them In a pen of wire netting,
with a box house In oue corner. The
fence must be pretty high, as they will
jump almost as well as a chicken can
fly. They have given me but little
trouble In digging out, as I give them
plenty of room and move the coop
often. I breed them ouly in summer,
as bares born in 'winter are not likely
to live. Their food Is like that of other
rabbits, comprising grain and vegeta
bles and grass. When wanted for
meat, I kill them by knocking on the
bead and bleeding them. The meat Is
first-rate. The demand for breeding
boa been so good that I Intend to In
crease my stock as fast as posslble.
Massachusctts rioughman. .
Keeping Sweet Potatoes. V
I will tell bow we keep them until
late In the spring, loug after hot beds
are niat.e. We got sand from thQ river
and, dried it thoroughly in oven In
pans. The potatoes are carefully dug
and left until evening in the patch, are
then placed upstairs in a cool room anil
He until late iu November (covering
them up cool nights when danger of
freezing). We have two large barrels,
and a couple of inches of sand Is put
In the bottom and the potatoes careful
ly put In not to touch, the largest aud
best selected (no bruised ones). Two
inches or more Is left all around the
barrel to be filled with sand, then all
covered with sand two Inches, and a
layer of sand aud potatoes until bar
rels are full, covering with three Inches
of sand on top.
Those barrels set on the stairs floor
above the kitchen In a log bouse, .with
no floor above. In severe weather a
wagon sheet four-double or carpet 4
thrown over the barrels, reaching the
floor. They must be kept in a cool,
dry place, as too much heat or damp
ness rots them. We have kept them
this way for years. Epltomlst
Breeding Wild Oeeae.
It Is usually difficult to mate geese
that have been captured alive, for most
of them have already been mated and
will not take on a new love. But some
times young geese are secured, and if
these are placed with domestic geese
each one will select Its mate and re
main faithful during life. The cross
with wild geese Improves the size and
hardiness of the domestic goose. But
It has the disadvantage of perpetuating
some of the migratory tendencies of the
wild half of the cross. All geese will
respond to a flock of wild geese flying
overhead, and tbey doubtless bear
their cries much more quickly than do
persons. Often In spring or fan when
i-.- flock of geese is making a loud
squawking, if one looks up Into the
sky he will see a flock of wild geese fly
ing overhead. It is always' best to clip
one of the wings of all geese, especially
of those that have any wild blood In
them. Wild geese that have been cap
tured after attaining full growth are
especially liable to be led astray. They
are probably looking for the old mate
they had before they fell under mans
control. American Cultivator.
Llnseect ve. Cottonaeed Meal.
While fully grown animals with
strong digestive organs can eat cotton
seed meal, properly diluted with straw
or hay, without serious Injury, it is
doubtful whether It is advisable to
make this part of their ration. Unseed
meal can be purchased at about the
same price as cottonseed, meal, and has
equal nutritive value. The new proc
ess meal is' the kind generally used. It
is not so fattening as the old process
meal, because more of Its oil bas been
expressed. Flaxseed whole is very rich
feed, and if boiled so as to swell It out
all that hot water can do, It may be
given to cattle, sheep or horses with
safety. Only a very little should be
given at a time, as the oil in It makes
It very laxative, and a small amount
dally is better than more. There Is
nothing better for an animal's hair
than a little flaxseed dally. It will In
sure the shiny coat, which, In either
cow or horse, Is a sign of thrift Amer
ican Cultivator.
What Hungry Hoga Will Do.
The Agricultural upltomlst says:
"A bunch of hungry hogs will do a
good job turning and fining coarse
straw manure If some grain Is sown
upon It. Occasionally their rooting
propensities may be utilized In other
ways." A Maine farmer is said to re
move stumps by fencing them in, mak
ing boles under them with, a crowbar,
placing-grain In the boles and turning
bogs Into the enclosure. In rooting
among the roots the hogs are said to
root the stumps out by the roots.
Poultry Notes. '
Grit must be sharp.
Feed before you water. '
Do not feed glass for grit
Feed a mash the year round. V
Good food is positive economy.
Clean out the feed troughs dally.
Oyster shells are too soft for grit
Never throw soft feed on the ground.
Do not feed corn during not weather.
Bound pebbles will not answer foi
grit . -
Half starve your bens and they won't
In feeding grain In the runs, broad
cast It .
Millet seed Is a great egg-producing
grain. ........
Bone dust Is valuable for growing
chicks, ' .. .
Always feed the mash 'crumbly, not
sloppy. . .
Do not allow the mash to sour In the
Charred corn Is good for Indigestion
fn fowls.
The noon meal Is not necessary dur
ing summer.
Beans are excellent feed, being big')-
nitrogenous. "
A quart of feed'for twelve hens Is a
good measurement
No breeder ever gets old enough lo
know everything.
Milk can be fed In any form sweet,
sour or buttermilk.
Barley is much used in Europe and is
valuable as a variety. , .
(Sorghum and broom corn seeds are
excellent for a variety. .... ,
Deelaloa of Arbitrator In the Case ef
yioe-Cnniul Kellett.
San Franoisco, Jan. 84. A special
press correspondent at Bangkok writes
as follows, under date of November 15,
"The long-a waited and much debated
decision of the arbitrators in the mat
ter of the assault upon 12. V. Kellett,
United States vice-consul, by Siamese
soldiers . at Chi nggai November 18,
1806, was published yostt-nltty in the
Gazette for the first time, ami this
morning an English translation was
posted in the Amerioau locution.
Shortly after the announcement of the
assault, John Barrett, United States
minister resident and consul-general,
opened negotiations by demanding an
investigation by a mixed commission
which Siara promptly refused. The ar
rival of the gunboat Alacbiaa in Feb
ruary, 1897, however, opened the eyes
of the . Siamese and hastened negotia
tions, for when Minister Barrett pro
posed to call the commission, a hoard of
arbitration was appointed. The Ma-
oiling then left the river, and tha board
of arbitration, composed of Mr. Barrett
and Mr. Orts, who represented the
Siamese government, soon proceeded
to investigate the matter, sitting both
at Bangkok and Cliienggni. Altera
90 days' session, the commission agreed
upon a decision without an umpire,
and the result is a decided victory-- for
Mr. Barrett While the commission
decided that the conduct of the officers
who committed the assault was to a
certain extent excusable, from the ex
citement resulting from the unusual
and imprudent steps taken by Kellett
in releasing his servant from the cus
tody of the authorities, after lie bad
been arrested, it was agreed that the
Siamese government should apologise
aud punish the offenders. The officers
in command of the troops are to be
publicly reprimanded and degraded in
rank, while the men are to be deprived
of pay for three months. -
Kansas City Judge Sustains the Reeisloa
of m tower Court
Kansas City, Jan. 34. In the crim
inal court todav 'Judge Wofford sus
tained the decision of the police eourt
fining Mrs. A. J. Baird, one, of the
leading Christian Scientists of this
city, $50 and coats, for failing to report
a case of diphtheria. The patient, a
child, had died under . Mrs. Bnird's
treatment Mrs. Baird was arraigned
in the police court last Thursday,
After examining witnesses today, Jndge
Wofford upheld the sentence of the
lower court, and took occasion to de
nonnoe the system of Christian science.
1 think, said he, a most serions
wrong has been done in the death of
the child. I do not think the penalty
is sufficient. If this woman 'is going
to be turned loose on this community,
I am going to let a higher court do it.
I would fine her f 1,000 if I had the
power to do so, under this ordinance."
Mrs. Baird will appeal the case.
The Bank of Ooldendala Voluntarily
Closes Ita Door.
Ooldendale, Wash., Jan. 84. The
Bank of Goldendale went ont of busi
ness today, and posted conspicuously
on the front door the following notice to
"The management of this institu
tion, having decided to retire from the
banking business, hereby gives notice
to all local depositors to call at the
side door and withdraw their deposits
in full and without delay."
The First National bank was started
about 10 years ago, and in 1896 went
into voluntary liquidation and was suc
ceeded by the Bank of Ooldendale.
The retiring of the present bank leaves
Klickitat county without a bank, which
is regretted by many business men.
Bryan Was a WHiieea.
Jacksonville, 111., Jan. 34. William
Jennings- Bryan had made his appear
ance as a witness in the Draper murder
trial. Upon Bryan's entrance the au
dience became excited, and it was with
great difficulty that order was main
tained. The presence of two presi
dential candidates of the last cam
paign, General Palmer and Bryan, was
too much for the spectators. Bryan
testified that he was in the same office
with Draper for four years, and that
he knew his reputation for honesty and
integrity to be good. On cross-examination,
the witness admitted that Draper
had a violent temper, which was easily
Warlike Preparation-.
London, Jan. 24. There has been
made a responsible statement that the
government has decided to add 7,000
men to the navy, and that the first-
class . battleship Hannibal, now at
Portsmouth, is to be put into commis
sion at once. There it no official con
firmation in either case.
China Promise gHtisfaetlon.
Berlin, Jan. 24. The German mis
sionary, llomeyer, ot the -Nam .long
station, who was recently robbed and
wounded near a place called Lang Then,
has returned to Nam Jnng. He is out
of danger. The Chinese authorities
Have taken measures to protect tns
missionary station, and have promised
Prleata Killed and Wounded.
Corfu, Island of Corfu, Greece, Jan.
24. At the Catholic church this even
ing, during vespers, a young man' at
tacked the priests. One, Father Ern
est Laitoux, was killed, another was
mortally wounded, and two others in
jured. . ' . ,
DervUhee Kepulaed.
Cairo, Jan. 24. The dervishes mad
raid yesterday north of Atliara.
They were repulsed with the loss ol
five killed.
. Bold Jail Delivery. . '
Biloam Springs, Ark, Jan. 24. At
Ben ton vi lie last night a dozen prisoners
gained their liberty' Among them was
the notorious Dick Brandt, the supposed
trainrobber, burglar, horsethief and
murderer, wanted in Texas and Indian
territory. The prisoners battered down j
the prison doors. Brandt stole a horse
and made for Indian territory. Officers
are in pursuit. ,
Kice wine has been in use in Japan
forover 2,000 years. Next to. graps
wine, it is the oldest alcoholid beveiags
known. 1
frle renditions In the Loading Cities
ot tha World. .
The wheat traders are at sea and are
watching three iMntfs otosriy, as thoy
have a directly opposite bearing on fu
ture prices. One is the Argentina
prospects. The others, the cash de
mand and Loiter's position on the cash
wheat that he holds. From the ,.newi
Saturday from Argentine, London and
Paris, the prospects are that there will
be a good exportable surplus in that
country. A direct cable from Knsario
to parties in the trade here from one oi
the best posted men on the Argentine
situation estimated the exportable sur
plus at 46,000,000 bushels, or about
two months' supplies for the leading
commuting countries of Europe.
number of characters have beeu made
in .London to load wheat in Argentine
and freights have advanced sharply,
Arrangements have been made to ship.
7,500,000 in gold from London to Ar,
gentine; also $350,000 from Franco-
The Argentine wheat will be available
in the latter part of March, as it takes
about six weeks for freight steamers to
make the trip. Argentine offerings in
European markets had a depressing
effect, European buyers using it as
club to break prices in this country.
On the weak spots they bought liber
ally, export purchases for the week ag
gregating nearly 3,000,000 bushels. So
long as the Argentine prospeots remain
good, it will be used as the bearish fao
tor. St. Louis traders in close touch
with the foreign situation have been
selling May and July on a liberal
scale. The latter is about lOo under
May. Were they to start to cover the
difference might be reduced, as no one
but the bears have been selling the new
crop futures. The situation in regard
to supplies in Europe and afloat is not
strikingly bullish, stocks January
being 71,630,000 bushels, or 7,685,000
bushels less than last year, which is
about one week's supplies. The in
crease during December was 1,120,000
bnshels, while for the same month, in
1896 the decrease was 10,000,000
bnshels. In the United States and
Canada the stocks, compiled by the
Daily Trade Bulletin, aggregate 85,
389,000 bushels. The decrease in De
cern Der was only 620,000 bnahela, a
striking contrast with the reduction of
7,713,000 bushels in December,. 1896.
The net increase in the world s avail
able supply during December was 494,-
000 bushels', while for tha same time in
1 896 there was a reduction of 17,713,
000 bushels. The world's available it
157,000,000 bushels, as compared with
184,618,00 bnshels January 1, 1896.
Portland Market.
Wheat Walla Walla, 70c; Val
ley and Bluestem, 73 73c per bushel.
Four Beat grades, 3.75; graham,
13.80; superfine, $3.35 per barrel.
Oats Choice white, 85 86c; ohoics
gray, 83 34c per bushel.
Barley Feed barley, f!920; brew
ing, 1 30 per ton.
Millstiffs Bran, (18 per ton; mid
dlings, (33; shorts, (19.
Hay Timothy, (13.50; clover,
(10311; California wheat, (10; dc
oat, til; Oregon wild hay, (9(8 10 pei
Eggs 15 18c per dozen.
Butter-r-Fancy creamery, 5660o;
fair to good, 45 50c: dairy, 4050c
per roll.
Cheese Oregon, 12Jc; Young
America, 12)gc; California, 910c
per pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, (3.75
8.00 per dozen; broilers, (2.00 3. 60;
geese, (5.606.00: diwks, (4.5O5.O0
per dozen; turkeys, live, 10llc poi
Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, 45 65c
per sack; sweets, (1.35 per cental.
Onions Oregon, (1.75 3. 00 pet
sack. ... . .
Hops 6(3 16a per pound for new
crop; 1898 crop, 4 a Bo, -
Wool Valley, 14 16c per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 78o; mohair. SO
32o per pound.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers
and ewes, (3.60; dressed mutton.
6o; spring lambs, 6)40 per pound.
Hogs Gross, choice heavy, (4.00;
light and feeders, (3.004.00; dressed,
(4.505.00 per 100 pounds.
Beef Gross, top steers, (3. 75 3. 00;
cows, (3.60; dressed beef, 4)6c pei
Veal Large, 45c; small, 6
00 per pound. ' ;
Seattle Market.
Butter Fancy native creamery,
brick, SOo; ranch," 16 18c.
-Cheese Native Washington. 18o:
California, v)43.
Eb'gs Fresh ranch, 23c.
Poultry .Chickens, live, per pound
hens, 10c; spring chickens, (3.60
3 00; ducks, (3.508.75.
Wheat Feed wheat, (23 per ton.
Oats Choice, per ton, (1920.
Corn Whole, (23; cracked, per ton.
(23; leed meal, f 23 per ton.
tinrley Kolied or ground, per ton.
f22; whole, 22.
Fresh Meats Choice dressed beef.
steers, 6c; cows, 6c; mutton sheep,
8c; pork, oc; veal, small, 7.
Fresh FibIi Halibut, 66c; salmon.
8c; salmon . trout, 10c; flonnden
and sole, 84; ling cod, 45; rock cod,
oe; smelt, 3W4c
jrresn x rmi -apples, 4U($yuo pei
dox; pears, zo(876c per box; oranges
navels, (2.25 2. 50 per box.
Ban Franolaeo Market.
Wool Nevada 11 18c; Oreeon. 12
14c; Northern 7 80 per pound.
Hops 124 16c per pound.
Mi llstnffs Middlings, (23 24; Cal
ifornia bran, (18.6019.50 per ton.
Onions New red, 7080c; do new
silverskin, (2.352.50 percental.
Eggs Store, 20 22c; ranch, 23
23c; Eastern, 1519; duck, 16c pel
Cheese Fancy mild, new, ilJtfo; fair
to good, 7 8c per pound, .
Citrus Fruit Oranges, navels,
(1.252.60; Mexican limes, (4.00
4.50; California lemons, choice, (3.26
3.50; do common, 75c(l. 25 per box.-
Hay Wheat, (13.50 16; wheat and
oat, (18.6015; oat, (1113; best
barley, (1313.60; alfalfa, (10.50
11.50; clover, (10.50 12. .
Fresh Fruit Apples, 60o(1.86 per
large box; grapes, 2540o; Isabella,
8075c; peaches, 60o(l; pears, 76o-
1 per box; plums, 2085o.
cutter ancy creamery, 27c; do
Butter Fancy
seconds, 2526o; fancy dairy, 25c;
a00! choice, 28 24o per pound.
rotatoes riew, in boxes, 46c S(l.
We Must Take Hawaii or I-rate It to
Soma other Nation.
But why, some are aki tig, is It nones-
onrv to annex Hawaii ooli-iulit to this
oountryj Why not leave it as it is, an
independent nation, With which we
have favorable treaties, and In whose
harbors our commerce can have all de
sired facilities without the grave re
sponsibilities of actual ownership?
This country and Hawaii havobeon get
ting on together woll for thrce-quiw-tors
of a centtirv; why disturb (hone rula
tions? Why not leave things as -thoy
The answer supplies itself, promptly
and convincingly, says the New York
Tribune. . Wo cannot leave things as
they are, because they tvlll not stay al
they are. Even now they are not as
they have been. Five years ago the
old Hawaiian government broke down.
It ha l become utterly corrupt, and col
lapsed through its own rottenness.
The islands were saved from savage
anarchy only by the prompt - action of
a handful ot. fiien, mostly of United
States origin, who organised a provi
sional government and appealed to the
United .States for help in the form of
annexation. The help being denied,
they undertook tha desperate task of
maintaining the government they had
founded, in the face of overwhelming
odds of foes both without and within.
Thus far they have managed to hold
their ground; but it is perfectly evi
dent they cannot do "so permanently.
There must be a radical change in
affairs, and it must come soon. VVhut
is that change to he?
Certainly there can be no restoration
of the old monarchy, with its corrup
tion and oppression and its chopping
machine, which her majesty was so
eager (o apply to the necks of all who
differed from her views of policy.
Neither can the islands be given up to
the masses of the kanakas. However
traceable these may be anil however
well they may make progress toward
civilization under proper guidance, they
are manifestly unfit for eelf-gnverii-
ment There can bs no more ghastly
mockery than to inveigh against tha
half-breed" 'republics of South and
Central America, ant) the negro repub
lics ot another such in Cuba, and at tha
same time to favor the creation ot the
kanaka republia' in the Sandwich
islands. No. To keep these islands
fit for use as a port ot call for Pacific
commerce, to say nothing of protecting
the capital already invested there and
developing the resources of one of the
most productive regions on the face of
the globe, it is absolutely necesiary
that some outside power should exercisa
authority there.
well, then, why should not the vari
ous powers that are interested in Pacific
commerce, and, therefore, in the right
administration of Hawaiian affairs,
unite in exercising snftioient moral and
material influence upon the inlands to
insure a just and stable government
and to keep -them forever neutral, it
not independent? Why, that would
mean exactly such an entangling alli
ance as it is the traditional policy ot
this country to avoid. We have already
specifically refused to make snch an
arrangement with Great Britain and
France over these very islands, as well
as over Cuba. We were peistiaded to
make such an arrangement with Great
Kntain ami Germany over Bumon, and
have got little from it but vexation ot
spirit. There can be no serious con
sideration of repeating that experiment
in the case of Hawaii, where, Instead
of being in a triple league, we should
have to be in. a partnership of at least
five. W hy, it would beas well to seek
entrance into the droib nnd at onceand
have done. with It
Then, as a final resort, why not es
tablish a protectorate over the islands?
That would keep all other nations from
nterfering with them, and would give
the Hawaiian government, the moral
support of the United Btates, which
ought to insure its stability. Why
not try that? It is curious to hear such
proposition as this made by those
who doubt the constitutionality of an
nexing the islands. If thertt is no
warrant for annexation, there is as
suredly none, either in tha constitution
or elsewhere, for a proteotorato. Suuh
an arrangement would be absolutely
foreign to the spirit and . practice of
this government always excepting the
case of Samoa, which may be taken as
a "horrible example" to warn us
against its repetition. Bo far as merely
moral protectorate or "sphere of in
fluence" is conoerned, that has been
exercised over Hawaii for the last 75
years, and has now reached the em) of
its usefulness. This country has been
warning all others to keep their hands
off tho islands, as they are desired to
come under the proprietorship of the
United States. The time has now
come either to fulfill that destiny or to
abandon it The government of Ha
waiithe only government there is in
the islands, the one which all the
world recognizes as legal declares
that it does .not want that system to
continue longer. It wants the United
States either to annex the islands itself
or relinquish all claim to them,
as at least three -others are ready and
anxious to do so.
That, then, is the case in a nutshell.
This country must either take tberu or
leave them alone. It can no longer
play the part of the dog in the manger.
Hawaii means to be annexed to soma
other nation. It offers itself first to
this one. If this one does not take it,
and take it now, it will offer itself to
another,' which will take it, and thus
gain an advantage over us in the com
merce of the Pacific, which we oan
never hope to overcome. The choice
is now before the Washington govern
ment It must be made at once, and
forever. "
A case has been brought in Spokane
to test the law passed by the lust Wash
ington legislature requiring children to
attend school.
The annual output of oysters on
Puget sound, according to tha report of
Fish Commissioner Little, Maa lr,000
sacks, valued at 140,000. ' '
John B. Cleland has been appointed
by Governor Lord ludire of the Fourth
judicial district of Oregon, to succeed
h. B. Stearns, who has resigned. '
A committee has been appointed by
Baker's bay fishermen to ascertain from
the cannerymen what price will ba
paid for fish this season. .
Itafting on the Nenskah river, in
Chehalis connty, has about dosed for
the season, as most of tha logs cut buv
already gone- down to tidewater. -
At every motion of his body or limbs he
aid "Gee-whin." If hs raised his arm or
crooked hit elbow, or when hs got up or sat
down or bent over; If he bent his knee or
turned his head, he Mtld "Oee-whls." !
whli was his way of expressing vexation
and trouble, and he had his peek of it.
Thousands do as he had dons and have
bushels of It. lie simply did very foolish
thing. Ho took oft bin coat at the wrong
time and In the wrong place. The time
was when he was overheated and the place
just where a cold draft struck him. He
woke in the morning with soreness and
stillness from head to foot, if he had be
thought him of the right thing to do, as
most men do, he would have (rotten a bot
tle of Bt. Jacobs Oil and rubbed it over bis
body. Use it on going to bed and you'll
wake up, open your eves and say, ''Uee
whtst" the soreness and stillness are gone.
Kcpreseutativea of the Methodist
church are in session at Washington
tor the purpose of effecting a union of
the M. K. olniroh North and South.
Dispatches from Washington stste that there
are annul l t liiipon"' oeveloimnla In tlia
Jiieaiieso Inthroitlo with tlKtffovrriiuion! ol the
Hawaiian Inlands. Howerar this msy bf, pr
lain it It thst the disturbance ol the atumsi-h
caused by simple Itidlaenilmi will dtivrlop into
chronic itvtii'(ila aniens ehecknisied at the
tiart. Tho lliitstoiiiaelilelsHsltier's8iom
ach Hitters, which, promptly . recti tins saittrlo
I rouble and dniM away with frrcautarli)- of ih
bowots and liver.
1 Germany's proportion of suicides is
larger than that of any other European
oountry. ' '
A fter bring swindled by nil otbftn. Nrnd tiRfltamp
ftr imrticulani or King CMMummint rreatur.
tiNl.Y Toiifwir of manly nirwigih. MawiN
I IU.MK Al, tit)., P. O. Hi J, l'hdaUelphla, r
A captive bee striving to escape has
been made to record as many as 16,600
wing strokes per minute.
an opcn ixrren. to mothcrs.
We are asserting In th courti our right to the
excltiMive u ol the worn
CAVrortiA," and
f ncauKBCAsroaiA,'
as our'f tade Maik.
I, Dr. Bantu! pitcher, ofllyannlt, Mauachusrtts,
was the orlglustor of " rrTCHKR'8 CAS I'ORIA,"
the same that lias borne and does now bear t lie
Ikc-simllc signature of CHAS. II. l' rcilKB o
every wrapper. This ia the original " riTCMUR'H
CAsTURIA" which has been used In the homes
of the mothers of America for over thirty yfara.
Look Carefully at the wranper and see that it la
Ut kii y ' tlna vi 4o, and has the
signature of C1IAS. H. r-l.KTCHUa on the
wrapper. No one ha authority from me Urua
my name except The Centaur Company of which
Chas. II. Fletcher Is fretklint,
March t, jiff. BAM U lit. PITCHKR, UJX
110 Mic FitrtnucTS) ani ruiti rooo.
All Eastern Syrup, so-called, usually very
light colored and el heavy body, Is msde from
eiucose. "7rn fforcfrA IMor' Is made from
Sugar Cane and Is strictly pure. Jl Is tor ale
bv nrm-ciawi iirocers, in cans amy. usnuise.
tiired b Hie Pacini' CoT Svaus t;o. All gi.n.
nine "7 (,'nnlra Ifrhm" hae the meuuiao
lurer's name lithographed on every eau.
Stats or Ohio, I'itv or Toi seo,
Frank J. t'lirssy makes oath that he Is the
senior partner nf the Itrin of r. J. i'hsksy & Co.,
doing huftiueM In the city of Toledo, t'uunty
and mate alorerinid, an.i that the said Arm wtll
pay tin- nun of ONI! IIHNPHKI) DOLLARS (or
each and oery eae of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by the uie of II all's Catarrh Cess.
Sworn to before me and subscribed In my
pretence, this Sib day of December, A. D. 1HS6.
' - W.fil.KAHON.
j seal I Notary I'nbllo.
HnTl'it Catarrh fur Is taken Internally, and
acts dirtH-ily on the Mood and mucous surfaces
of the system, Head for temtmonlals, tree.
K. J. ( H KN1SV A CO., Tol.-do, O.
Sold by drtiKglt, 7.'.
, Hall's raiully Pills are the best.
T'l.xo's Cure for Consumption has been a
family medicine with us sun lwi.1 J. K.
Madison, iiUjiMAl Ave,, Chicago. 111.
EUtabllatted 1780.
Baker's v
celebrated for more &
than a century as a rj
delicious, nutritious,
and flesh -forming
beverage, .has our y
well-known ? 5
Yellow Label g
on the front of every
package, and eur
trade-mark, lielle
Chocolmiere,"on the
j MAoa only ar
& nr A T Tea Vk A rcn e t . A
q naLicit oaacn at t,u. i.iu. r
5 Dorchester, Mass.
(IF ill 1HFS
Alee seat trleuY to II1
"in. A world-wide repntatloa fcaefc ; of
thSofVerT Every obstacle to happy Rsarrled
Amoved" tM .1 rjk&ES
Jnd tone given to every portion ot Ue bod.
ilurelmpoMlblet age no barrier.
Mo a O. D.eoheme. .
Hercules Special
f2)fj octnal horsepower)
Price, onlv Stag.
bum;, tVtitHE A.i tLS fn;i.
Bent I oufc'h Byrup, Timu 6xk1, Ui
in tim. Hold bv tmjjfvt
mm mm.
i Jo 1
iff y)
Stop! Women,
And oonnldur thud lu a.Ui-aiU.rf !',
l'lnklium you are ooufkllnjf your private
IU to a woman a woman whoso ex
perlenoe In treating woman's diseases
U greater than that of any living phy
lolan, maloor fomale.
You can talk freely to a woman when
It is revolting- to relate your private
troubles to a nmu besides, m nia.11 doe
not understand, simply because he is a
man, ;' ' . 4'
Womon suffering- from any form of
female weakncssurclnvltadtopromptly
communicate with Mrs. Plukhatn, at
Xynn, Masa. All letters ar re
ceived, opened, read, and answered by
women only.. A woman oan freely
talk of her private illness to a woman.
Thus has been established tho eternal
confidence between Mrs. Flnkhara and
tha women of America which has never
been broken. Out of the vast volume
of experience which she hits to draw
from, it is more than possible that alio
boa gained the very knowledge; that
will help your oaae, She asks nothing
In return except your good wtll, and
her advice has' relieved thousands.
Burely any woman, rich or poor, la very
foolish if she does not tuko advantage
ol this generous oiler of aasistunoa.
26, 30, 838 140. IBO, 60.
Better and cheaper tliau ever, W rile for el rctilHrs,
CutAliigs and lint of Rrimiirt-tiAHd wlie!. Live itsi's
warned. Hi:n T. MUltlUM, Cycle Co,, I'oriimid.
f'om m'iwh i" aay-sl,i,"'e ri
f j , ' "i seeds grown are
1 The beat seeds known are
"Perry's. It pays to plant'
UlllWUtl WWWUtl
Ask the dealer for them. Hen, tor
rtasiv'a agto annual
I aud get all Hint's good eudfP"
cew the latest auu
a the best.
f0, M. FSRKVAC0..V ,?,
Meft.gtc!l. jr,.
" - ne-NOTH THt KfASSH.
Weak Kidneys, Lumbago, Rhew
mat Ism and Sciatica Art
Cured by Dr. Sandsn'a
Electric Belt.
It Conveys a steselr. snoihlns eurrsnt of elee.
trtcity Into the weakened mux-Ice, giving them
a healthy nerve pnwor wnlch revives thctn. II
makes them Strom. It la ciirlna hundreds
every month.
Rook about It tree, by mall, or at the office.
Address ,
S Weal Washington St., Pnrtlaud, Or.
, i... PUnn tunftoR Ml Paptr.
I It Wrong?
Oct It Right,
Kccpit KiiliL
Moore's ttevealed Ketnedy will do It Three
doses will make you feet belter. Clot It horn
your drnggUt or any wholesale drug house, or
from Stewart A Holmes Drug Co., Seattle.
Portland. Or.
, Make money by succesf til
speculation In (.'hieagoVie
buy and sell wheat on mar
Ins. Fortunes have been
mads on a small beginning hy trailing In fu
tures. Write lor full particulars, ll"t of rut
erenee given. Several rears1 experlnuueon the
('hieavo Mosrd of 't rade, and a thorough know
ledge ol the bUHlni-in. Send (or our free rofer
mee book." .DtlWNINU, HOPKINS A Co.,
Chlesito Board ot Trade Brokers, OHIoos In
Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Wash.
18 J
Mm. WiN-ifirl Hooi UHNi Hvuvr rdioultf atwan
Ltfctts th ffiimi), Allay. Alt pnln, cruiw wH"t rollr.Hitil It 4
the irifgi nimtvlv for dtnirtuNa, Twwity fl iwuu ftf
bottle. It iatth tWHitof alt. .J
AelLAst. AaAfg. kM
bwu mr ootid mi ieiiu(r. mnnntm hiv riinu.Mt
fiftfl LAME
Mgjfc BACK..
onowti ifr.
Power tbat will save you- money and
make you money. Hercules Engines
are the cheapest power known. Burn
Gasoline or Distillate Oil; no Btnoke,
Gre, or dirt For pumping, running
dairy or farm .machinery, tbey have no -equal.
Automatic In action, perfectly
safe and reliable.
Send fur Illustrated catalog. '
Hercules Qas
Engine Works
St., San Francisco, Cal.
trsrtn and lneatlne rlnld or Slllvee
Ore. Inn or hurled lreurns, M. I.
OH1.EH, Bax lU7,BuulhliJKtOU,Cllill,
N. I. J. U.
No. 5, 'as.
Y"EN wrl,lg to advertiser, ile
Iff SRtlS
stlun this paper.