The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, January 28, 1898, Image 3

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Itoy. Mi". Powtll did not conduct ser
vices hers luat Weduesday, but wilt be
on baud uuil Wednesday svenlug.
If you cn ssy a good word for your
town, say It lilts ft prince, ll you art
full of bill nd disposed to My some
thing mean, keep your mouth shut,
La Granda will litm her bset sugar
aotury, and It will be fliilalwd in time
to In mile next year's bettt crop. Throe
thousand Ave hundred aerosol Grande
Jimide toil will be punted in busts.
The Oregon, ailing laat Sunday
night tor Bkagway, carried several Co
lumbia oounly people who go to Alaska
to sock their forlutiHS. Many oiliers
from thia and the aurrouuding vlcin
itiss are toon to go.
Mr. and Mra. 0. 8. Emeraou, Mr.
and Mr. Jai. Muokle and daughter,
Mra. V. II, Jonna and aon, Mra. J. H.
Drle and dghter, Mra. Proper, R.
Cox, I. U. Wikitmm, 8. A. Miles, Geo.
Case, Capt. Jas. Cox, and Al liobinaao
were paaaungera from thia place for
1'ortland Monday.
One heart no complaint from farm-
era three timet. They are contented
and cheerful and hopeful. They tay
we are having ideal grain weather, and
think the prospects look brighter than
A year ago. With SO-cent wheat and
good crop, 1808 will be even a better
year in this oounly than 1807 bat
been. Pendleton Tribune. -
In all probability 0. J. Curtit, of the
Astoria Herald, knew whit he was
about when ha wrote the following:
"What the band played. When Wil
liam Jennings Bryan landed in the
Oily of Mexico the band played : 'Un
Tienipo Caliente En El Puebla V !)
Todas Los liasl' Translated into
plain, very-day English that means
tbia s Thre'llbeabotUmelutbeoldiown
Oommeaclng the first of next month
steamer will leave for Alaska evory
five days. The Elder, which sailed
. last Saturday, was compelled to reject
" A large ainouot of freight. The prob
abilities are that every steamer will be
crowded during the next tix months
Steamers leave Seattle every day and
are unable to accommodata the pas
aengert who doaira to go. Over' 400
people have left Aatoria already, and
about 300 mora will go during the
next 30 days.
The senatorial oontest in Maryland
ended on Tuesday by the legislature
of that atale electing Judge Lewis E.
MoComas to the United Slates senate.
Me Wat elected on the first ballot of
tbe day, it being the tenth ballot,
liowever. Mr. MoComaa sqoceedsa
democrat, A. P. Gorman, who has
eenred tbe people of Maryland long
enough. One by one the solid deme
eratio atatet are Joining company with
'the republicaaa, making, in all, we be
lieve, fourteen republican senators
from heretofore democratic states).
A goat ate up the entire funda of
Ottawa county, Mich., tbe other day.
Tbe treasurer kept tbe county money
in greenbacks in a kettle under his
house, and a goat got onto the com
bination and waa only detected when
' he wae endeavoring to maatioate the
Vltl Ksehanira. What fools tha
mortals bnl Why don't the taxpay
ers of that county petition the govern-
m.nt Ln rlttMarat that arnat fecr&l tsmrler
for tbe amount swallowed. Lane
county fuaionista ''would never be
caught napping in such a dilemma.
The progressive ladies of Westfield,
Ind., issued a "Woman's Edition" of
the Westfield News, bearing date of
April 3, 1890. The paper it filled with
matter of interest to women, and we
notice the following fromaoorreepoad
a nt, which tbe editors printed, realis
ing that it treats upon a matter of vital
importance to their sex: "Tbe best
remedy for croup, colds and bronchitis
that I have been able to find is Cham
berlain's Cough ltemsdy. For family
use it has no equal. I gladly recom
mend it. Twenty-five and fifty cent
bottles for sale by Dr. Edwin Boat.
Monday witnessed the advent of
t. : l J ! . I : f . t. .l
me rauruau inw avaim.r, uv tuik vi
tracklaylng being completed aafaras
l3eiti's store, from Ike Goble end, and
perhaps by this time the railroad at
Rainier it an old and established thing.
The bell of the locomotive drawing the
construction train rang out peal after
peal of warning and heralded the news
from one end of the town to the other
that the real waa to be realised. Work
from the Astoria end is to be pushed,
and it is expected the two orewt will
.meet somewhere in tbe vicinity of
' Mayger.
The year 1898 began on Saturday,
and will end on Saturday. Lincoln's
birthday will fall on 8atnrday, and
Washington'! birthday on Tuesday,
Decoration day and Fourth of July on
Monday, and Christmas on Sunday.
First Sunday in Leal, February -27;
Palm Sunday, April 3 ; Easter Sunday,
Apnt 10. The Jewish year, 5669, will
begin at tuoset of Friday, September
16. Oo July 4, the 123d year of Amer
ican independence will begin. The
four seasons will begin on these days
1898: Spring, March 20; summer,
June 21; autumn, September 22;
winter. December 21.
In another column will be found an
article on the construction and prob
able coat of a silo. This subject it re
ceiving no little consideration by
farmers ia different parts of Columbia
county, especially is this the case at
Soappoose. Many silos are already in
existence there, and their ownera are
highly pleaied at the results Obtained.
Time Is not far distant when a nlo
will be one of the necessary acquisi
tions to every well-managed farm in
this county. The faot has been dem
onstrated that a lares number of dairy
oattle can be kept better and far
cheaper by the use of ensilage than
any other food that is used. The coat
OI oonavruuMuii vi v
email DroDortions that it renders them
of great benefit, in a fiiiaucial way, to
tbe dairy farm, in mis sense, anu vu
faot of feed being 'suppled by them at
euob nominal oost, makes them again
an indispensable adiunot. It is eall'
mated that ensilage can be placed in
the silo it a oost not to exceed $2 per
ton. aaida from cost of producing, and
the merits of the ensilage are said to
be another groat feature in Us benau,
Mist Maude Watts it very tick at
uur iiuraa in mis city. .
Mr. II. B. Bur tb wick, of Goble, was
on our streets lust Saturday. .
Mr. fl W f .,,. . . a i...
last iu Portland with bis family.
Mr. and Mrs. James II, Sheldon
were in the metropolis Wednesday.
Commissioner Frakes was looking
after county matters here Tuesday.
Numerous persons from Goble and
vicinity were in town last Saturday,
Juries Dnati wan nn frnm 1?ulnl
Tuesday looking after oounty matters.
Rev. Phllhroolr will nnunk .1 0...r.2
noose next ttuudav. morn i no- urwlavon.
The lieht fall of Snnw tha Ar.t nf tl.a
week waa not unexpected by any
Dr. Rosa ia aniwtlno
brother to arrive hare from Iowa In a
few days.
Mrs. D. 3: Bwitzer is aiifTv.rlnr in.
tensely from rheumatism, which at
tacked her last Sunday.
Messrs. Jqhn Dolan, R. O. ITazeo,
Wm. Cooper, and James Beeele. of
Warren, were in town Tuesday.
Judge Blanchard. of Rainier, was In
this oily an hour or two Wednesday
afternoon on hia way to Portland.
Wm. Connell. of Dear Inland, waa
in town last Saturday, and on Sunday
night sailed on the Oregon for Skag-
Kfowtnn Perrv. nf Ilnnltnn. vatnrnaut
last Fridav from a brief visit to A bar.
doen, in Washington, where he went
on business.
Judge McBrlde was a patsenrer
down on the Telephone Wednesday
for Astoria, where lie will remain a
short time with hit family.
Mr. and Mra. Jamoa Muckle and
Mrs. R. Cox and Mrs. Jacob George
attended the Vanduyn-Grovea nup
tials in Portland Wednesday.
Latest faces of type, lowest prices,
and unexcelled workmanship are the
combined qualifications of this office
to turn out job priuliug in all lines.
David Dunn, of Portland, was, on
Tuesday, appointed by President If e-
Kiuley to the oflioe ol collector of
internal revenue for the district of
Oregon. '
In another column will be teen
a notice of teachers' examination,
hlcb will be hold in tbia city on
Wednesday, February. 9lb, beginning
at 1 o'clock.
Henry Milot, of Montana, a nephew
of H. A. Miles, nf this city, was in this
city two or three hours Wednesday
on his way to California to attend
Dr. Raid, a dentist from Portland,
waa in town a day or two thia week.
Dr. Reid will return to this city in a
day or two prepared to do all kinds of
dental work.
Messrs. R. Cox and C. S. Emmeraon,
jurors in the United States court at
t'ertland, spent Saturday and Sunday
with their families, returning to Port
land Monday.
A man bat beon In jail here all week
charted with irrand larceny. We un
derstand that he was arrested at the
instance of Captain Jim Shaver for
stealing thirty stick of piling in the
vicinity of Msyger.
" District Attorney Cleeton may visit
California at once where hia wife has
been for some time hoping to improve
ber health, wbioh, we understsnd is
not improving in as satisfactory degree
at waa hoped for.
Justice Clark's time waa occupied
laat Saturday hearing an assault ease,
the principals being Lawrence Archi
bald, prosecuting witness, and Thomas
feoples defendant Tbe case wss tried
before a jury, who acquitted the de
fendant. Mr. A. L. Clark, the newly-appointed
postmaster at Rainier, has reoeived his
commission, and is buay arranging
new quarters for bis office. An ade
quate set of boxes will be put in, and
Rainier's office will be fitted up in
metropolitan style.
The tax levy for the year 1897 for
Columbia oounty waa fixed last Tues
day by Judge Doan and Commissioner
Frakes as follows : mate, y o-iv mills ;
school. 6.5-10 mills ; soldiers' and sail
ors' indigent fund, 1-10 mill; oounty,
17.9-10 mills, total being 5.7 mills.
Another increase in the price of
lumber will go into effect on Monday.
Rough will be raised from ?7 ou to VJ
per thousand, and a proportionate
raise made in an otner closes or. lum
ber, says the Attoria Newt of January
22nd. -
Tha Nnrtharn Paniflo train that
leavet Portland daily at 5 - o'clock in
tbe afternoon, carries do mail for
nninta along the line in Oregon. It
takes through mail to the Sound and
mail for two or three points in Wash
ington. ,
There Is a good deal of sickness in
our town just now especially among
the younger people, wnen Jupiter
Pluvius visits us witb copious showers
there is less sickness, and when the
weather is of the nature that has
maintained for tome time, complaint!
are many anu mating.
Thomas Muokle, who has Been work
ing on the Upper Willamette steamers
for several months, returned to this
olty last Saturday. Just as soon ss he
recovers from an injury sustained
while at his work, Tom intends going
to Skagway, and, perhaps, from tbere
to. Dawson City.
Prlntinor nfflna laneus re la neculiar
The editor said to the foreman : "Billy,
nut. Honrtre waaningion on ine ganey
and finish the murder you commenced
yesterday. Bel up ine ruins oi er
oules and distribute smallpox'. Lock
up Jeff Davis; slide Ben Butler iu the and leave the ui alone until
after dinner. Put the ladies' form to
press and tell the devil to go to work
on Deacon Fogg's article on eternal
St. Helena, it can truthfully be said,
posseaaes many advantages for a cream
ery, and we believe that should tbere
be an effort put forth by our business
men such an enterprise could be se
cured. Parties in the East are contem
plating coming West to engage in tbe
creamery buainess, and if a small vflort
were made their location at this place
could be secured. The benefit to the
town of such a concern nesd not be
oommented upon, but a few facts in
regard to the advantages the place
oll'ars are not out of place. For In
stance, the location can be said to be
unequalled, as it is the practical cen
tral shipping point for the country
lying below on the Columbia, above
en the Columbia, along Willamette
slough, and for all the country back
of ii. It is a point at which could
profitably center all the produce in this
line for many miles around it. Daily
steamers touch here from tbe dairying
sections in every direction, and trans
portation rates are so cheap that milk
and cream could be shipped here at
nominal oost. Such an enterprise
would stimulate the dairying industry,
ss it would afford market fur all the
milk of the surrounding country, and
the benefit would be direct and lasting.
Our farmers and dairymen would re
ceive the money for their produce here
at home, and as a natural consequence
the greater part of It would be spent
here. Let our business men consider
this matter witb a little seriousness,
and we believe tbe result would be tbe
establishment of a creamery in our
town. : .
Last Saturday night, at the home of
Mr. and Mra. Jacob Rrous, at Rainier,
was celebrated the tenth anniversary
of the wedding of tbia popular couple
in such a manner as to make tbe oc
casion one not soon to be forgotten by
those whose good fortune it was to at
tend. Mr. and Mra. Brous are well
and most favorably known to Colum
bia county people, and tbe faot of their
announcing their intention to cele
brate their "tin" wedding was all that
was necessary to insure a good time,
which, from reports, waa certainly the
result. Those who attended were : Mr.
and Mra. J. Brous, Capt. and Mra. C.
I. Hooghkirk, Mr. and Mrs. A. L.
Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Scbumason, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Johnson, Mr. and
Mrs. Zimmerer, Mrs. W. A. Wood, Mrs.
M. Sbeorin, Mrs. Both, Mrs. J. Silver,
and Mr. 8. D. Dennis. After an even
ing pleasantly spent the company dis
persed, wishing their host and hostess
many happy returns of the occasion.
A paper to be Arst-class, must nec
essarily receive first-class patronage.
Ia every town there are people who
are "glad to see the paper get along"
and "lend their moral support" to the
editor, but "moral" support don't pay
for paper, ink, or typo's stipend. First-
class patronage consists in a man pay-
log bis subscription in advance. There
are people who come in and subscribe
to help the paper along, who fail to
think that unless tbey pay in advance
they are aakiog you to lend them to
much in cssh. There is food for re
flection in these lines, j
Persons who are troubled with indi
gestion will be interested In the exper
ience of Win. II. Penn, chief clerk in
the railway mail service at Des Moines,
Iowa, who writes : - "It gives me pleas
ure to testify to tbe merits of Chsm
berlain't Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. For two years I have euf
fered from indigestion, and am subject
to frequent severe attacks of pain in
the stomach and bowels. .One or two
doses of this remedy never fails to giye
pertect relief. Price 25 and 50 cents;
sold by Dr. Edwin Ross.
Prof. Hoadley, of University Park,
delivered a lecture in this city last
Friday evening on the life and career
of Sbakespesre, before the reading oir
ole, at tbe home of Mr. and Mra. W.
B. Dillard. About thirty-five persons
were present, and all spoke in highest
terms of tbe professor at a Shakes
pearean. The lectures wbioh have
been delivered here this winter by tbe
faculty of Portland University have
been productive of much good, and
tha people of our city thoroughly en
joy them.
Mist Lulu George enterlaiued a
number of ber young friends Wednes
day evening at her parent's home in
this city. Games were indulged in
until quite lata in the evening, when
luncheon waa served. Those present
were: Lulu George, Maud Decker,
Grace Dart, Lottie Cooper, Pearl Deok
er, Nellie Cooper, Flora George, Ada
George, Lottie Hall, Anna George, May
Whitney, Fred Watkina, Eugene Miles,
Robert George, Percy George, Tom
Muckle, Alfred George, Mabel Way.
A Portland firm, The Hale & Kern
Contraot Co., has secured the contract
of building the jetty at Gray's Harbor,
the contraot price being 770,000. Tbe
rock to be used will be taken from
Fisher's landing, on the Columbia,
and a force of 180 men will be put
on tbere at once. An additional 100
men will be employed at the jetty.
Al Sundby unfortunately met witb
a severe accident last Tuesday even
ing wbioh resulted in a badly sprained
wrist and the wrist joint of the right
arm being thrown out of place. He
was lerked out ol a sleigh, falling
backward and striking on tbe icy side
walk. He was fortunate to escape with
no broken bones.
President McKinley will, in all prob
ability, visit Portland during the com
ing summer; also Spokane, Seattle,
and Tacoma, aud tha journey ou
through California. 11 will probably
be accompanied on his western tour
by Mrs. MoKinlsy and nieces, and
Secretaries Gage, Alger, Bliss, and
Mr. Joslyn, of the Aatoria railroad,
was in town Tuesday conferring with
Judge Doan and CommiaaionerFrakee
in regard to some county road matters,
wherein tbe railroad oompany desired
to make a few changes, only tempor
arily, however, in order to enable them
to gain access to some gravel pit along
tbe line.,
Tha nnnilitinn of Mr. A. H. Blakes-
lev, who was stricken with paralysis
last week, is practically unchanged,
although he can now reoognize mem
bers of the family aud friends who oall
on him.
Voters of school distriot No. 2 should
not forget- the special meeting next
Monday, the 31st, at 7 : 30 p. m.
Once mors the earth is covered with beau
tiful snow.
8. B. Hoe ft actfne s city "raven rer fht
winter, and he Is doing a grand and goed
Samuel Moors passed throneh this city
en route for fltlnburg with a griat ol corn
Our worthy postmaster, O. 8. McNiitt,
haa been yuits sick for some days but is last
Improving. '
Our stock of news will be somewhat lim
ited thia wank, as ye sarlbe has been- buay
doing nothing.
Prof. U. O. Adam and John Kerr, of
Pittsburg, fnnililied the muslo for tha bull
Friday evening.
On account of a severe cold, Prof. J. K.
Dow waa unable to teacb his class in sing
ing Wednesday eveuing.
We are Informed hy reliable parties that
t. K. Dow expects eoon to visit his old borne
fn Linn county on business.
Omar Bhannahan and alias Myrtle Pow
ell, of Pittsburg, were seen promenading
lite atresia oi our town last riuay evening.
Hare Van la gettlnej rid of aome of bla
surplus flesh, bat he ia far from well, nut
even able to turn himself in bed.
The drama waa well rendered, giving evi
dence that we bave good material te work
upon nere as wen as eiaewnere. iome
sgaln, boys. -
The orotraoted meetings held in this city
are fairly well attended. Kiv. V. M. Fiaber
ia working hard to save the unsaved iu this
part of ths moral vineyard.
Daring ths absence of her husband lion-
day , Mrs. J. P. gherley bad the misfortune
to cut a very severe gash in ber left band,
near lbs thumb, while splitting wood.
The social dance which was held in this
city laat Friday evening after theentertain-
inem was a success, quiia a large crowd
)arUcipaUag ia the pleasures of tbe eveo-g-
We hone oar chairman of the republican
club haa not let hia temper get the better of
Dim, aa aid our orotner popimst, ana reiuse
to appoint a date for a meeting in the near
future. We must make bay while tbs sun
On Tueaday moralag the ladies of the
Beaver olass of the Evangelical association
met, notwithstanding the inclemency ol the
wealber. to Discs the new caroet. prepared
by then, upon tbe floor of the parsonage
oeiors me arrival oi jsaaer ecupp.
Oa Fridav evenin another of onr old
pioneera pasaed over the river into tbe great
beyond quite anddenly. Tbia time it waa
Uncle Kiley Adams. It seems from all ac
counts that he waa sitting in bis aria chair
by ma nresine wnen, without a moment a
notice, tbe Good Master said "Itlsfinlshed:
come home." Tbe deceased waa an early
settler in this valley, and has nadergone s
great many hardships snd privations to se
cure a borne. He leaves a large family of
Srown men and women to mourn his
Mra. J. H. Urie was a visiter to Portland
Tbs family of J. Mitchell have moved to
Oapt. Jas. Cox was a passenger to Port
land Monday.
Mr. James BrsddockisennEedin afettine
out while fir for the pulp niiil.
Master Walter Campbell is visiting his
slater, Mra. Woodard, at Brower.
Mr. J. Laniberson, Jr., and Msster Bsy
Flory returned from bcappoose bunday.
Mr. C. B. Emerson returned to Portland
Monday, accompanied by Mrs. Emerson.
Ail members ef Assembly No. 80, United
Artisans, remember Monday evening is
lodge night.
Mr. B. Bowles returned from Eastern
Oregon aad spent Hunday and Monday
with friends in tbia place.
The Rev. N. Slmpp passed through onr
city ana iook tne train Monaay lor rort
land on hia return from Kebalem where be
baa been holding quarterly meetings.
Mr. and Mrs. John Laniberson were pas
sengera an the Kellogg for Sauvie'a bland
laat Friday, Mr. L. went for the purpose
oi naving tne pleasure oi a quck nuai.
Mr. K, R. Bird Is quite sick. -
. Two inches of snow fell here Monday.
Wm. Anderson is drying potatoes in his
fruit dryer for Klondike trade.
W. T. Watts is having the finishing
touoass put on bis new dwelling.
Rev. M. Burllngame preached here Sat
urday evening and bunuty morning.
Mr. B. Matthews will take charge of tha
section work relinquished by Mr. Seder-
Mr. snd Mrs. W. B. Dlllsrd, of St. Eel
ens, made a trip to Scappoose laat Monday
la their caller.
Ths new train pnt on by the Northern
Pacitio makes travel a little more conven
ient at tbia place.
Wm. Freeman is reported to be Quite low
with consumption at tbe home of his
roomer in rorusna.
Fred Bederstrom. for a lows time section
foremen here, haa resignad aud is prepar
ing tor a trip to tne norm.
These are republican times and peo
ple are getting along swimmingly.
Would it not be wise for all good
republicana to stand by the party to
stand united, and thus keep things
swimming. Haven't we bad enough
popooratio theory to last ua several
years yetT ;
DRLgQATBS to Statu Lbagob. T.
B. Reed Republican Club, of Houlton,
held an euthusiaitio meeting Monday
evening to choose delegates to attend
the State League convention at Port
land. Resolutions were unanimously
adopted endorsing McKmley's admin
istration; reaffiiming fidelity to the St.
Louis platform, and ' demanding of
delegates to slate and district conveu
lions to place in nomination only men
who are unequivocally pledged te the
gold standard plank of the St. Louis
platform. The following delegates
were elected to the State League con
vention: J. B. Godfrey, A. B. Little,
and Judson Weed. The officers elected
were : President, Judson Weed ; vice
president, Martin White; secretary, J,
B. Godfrey.; treasurer, L. Meeker.
Royal make tbe food pure,
a is -Absolutely
sfwsi bakmm sowers en., tmwvnfK.
Died, at Clatskanle.
Clatskamis, Jan. 29. Addison, son of
Daniel Bice, died of pneumonia at 4 a. m.
today, aged 12 years, Bis mother died a
year previous of ths sauis dioease, De
ceased was a bright boy, and had been liv
ing with his grandmother, Mrs. O.J. Bry
ant, this winter in order to attend school
In town,
Vasouva-OKOVsa. At Portlnnd, Oregon,
Wednesday, January la, 181)8, Mr. Frank
Vanduyn and Miss Josephine Groves.
Ht. Hki.sks. Oh., Jan. , urn.
unpaid County Warrants of Columbia
mty, Oregon, whleh bave been presented
and endorsed: "Not rald for Wsut of Funds,"
prior to May U, 1KD5, will be psld upon preneii
tatfon at this office. Interest will not lie allowed
afler this date. K. M. WHARTON,
J7I4 Treasurer of Columbia County, Oregon.
Orrici or School Scraai mtrn prht,
HCAfPoosa, ureKon, January a, laws.
the DUrnoseof making: an examination of
all Demons who mar offer themselves as candi
date lor teachers of the schools of this eonnty.
i county sohool superintendent thereof will
hold a public examination otnt. Helens, Oregon,
befrlnnlug atone o'clock p. m., Wednesday, Feb
ruary Sill, IMS. 1. O. WATTtf,
voumv ocnooi uperimenneni.
Dated thia 2Mb dar ol Januarr. at goappnose.
Oregon. j's-f4
Laud orrica at Oaaooa Citt, 0.,
" January 28, loos.
following-named settler has filed notice of
his Intention to make final proof In support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the Reister aud Receiver, at Oreaoa City,
Oregon, on March lb, Um, vis:
Homestead Entry No. 10,517, for the northeast H
of section 24, township 4 north, ranae S vess.
He names tha following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence unon. and cultivation
of said land, via: John M. Christiansen, of
Portland, Oregon, Peter Olsen, of Hcapieose,
Oregon, John F. Miller, of Oregon City, Oregon.
Oustav 11. fcUercke, oi Bcappoose, Oregon.
J'JtaiU . CUAM. U. MOUREB, Register.
La Omcs at Oaioon Citt, Oa., .
January 5th, 1898.
followlnv-named settler has Aled notice of
his Intention to make final proof In support of
his claim, and that said proof will be mode be
fore the Register and Receiver at Oregon City,
Oregon, on February 19th, IfcWt, vis:
Homestead Rntry No. Mtt2, for the northeast M
of section 20, township S north, range 2 west
He names the following wltneates to prove his
continuous residence upon and culUvation of
said land, viz: Henry Potter, Charles B. Duffy,
Stephen Haines, and James A. Gowenlock, aU oi
Bcappoose, Oregon.
CuAS. B. MOORE8, Register,
Laud Orrica at Obioon Crry, Oa.,
December 28rd, 1897.
following-named settler has filed notice of
his Intention to moke final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the County Clerk ot Columbia County, at
at. Helens, Oregon, on February 14th, im, via:
Homestead Entry No. 8933, for tbe southeast ,
of section 22, township 6 north, range S west.
He names the following witneKses te prove
his continuous residence upon, and cultivation
of said land, via: Rudolph Karth, Ignats Siu
tek, Joseph Sobleskl, and Stephen Lamplta, all
of Valley, Oregon.
dSlft CHAR. B. MOOREH, Register.
Laud Orrica at Osiooh Citt, Oa..
December 23rd, 1897.
following-named settler baa filed notice of
his intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the County Clerk of Columbia County, at
St. Helena, Oregen, on February 14th, via:
Homestead Entry No. 90S2. lor the north M of
southwest, and southeast of southwest W
of section 22, and nortbeast of southeast of
section 21, towushlp 6 north, range 8 west.
He names tbe following witnesses to prove bis
continuous residence upon and cultivation ot
said laud, vis: Rudolph Karth, Ignats nintek,
Joseph Sobleskl, aud Stephen Lampka, aU of
Valley, Oregon.
d8H4 CHA8. B. MOORE9, Register.
undersigned administrator of tbe estate
of Peter Smith, deceased, have filed in tbe office
of the Clerk of the County Court of tbe atate of
Oregon, for Columbia County, my deal account
of my administration upon the estate of said
deceased, together with my petition for final
distribution of the residue of said estate, and
that the Hon. County Court of said County aud
State haa appointed Thursday, tbe 8rd day of
February, 1898. at 2 o'clock p. m.. and the court
room ot said county Court, in tbe City of St.
Helens, aald County and State, aa the time
and place for the settlement of said ac
count and the hearing of said petition for final
distribution, at which time and place auy per
son interested in said estate may appearand
file written objections thereto.
Dated December 24, 1897.
Administrator of the estate ol Peter Smith,
deceased. ifllyU
In tbe Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon for
Columbia County.
Tbe Astoria and Columbia River Railroad Com
pany, plaintiff,
James McOregor, defendant
To the above-named Jain as McGregor, de
You ara herabv notified and reoulred to ap
pear and auswer ihe Complaint of the above-
named plaint! tr In tbe above-entitled action, in
the above-entitled Court, ou or before the first
day of the next regular term of the said Court,
namely, on or before the 11th day of May, 1898;
and you will take notice that if you fall so to
appearand answer, for want thereof the plaintiff
will apply to the Court for the relief demauded
in the Complaint and for a Judgment against
you for want of an answer; the relief demanded
Iu the Complaint being a Judgmeut oondemniug
and appropriating to use of the plaintiff for rail
road purposes and for the purpose ot takiug
material therefrom to be used In constructing
and maintaining the embankment of plaintiffs
railroad, the following-described tract of real
estate, situaed In Columbia County, in the
State of Oregon, to-wit: Beginning at tbe point
of intcrhection of the West boundary line of
plslntifTs right of way as hereinafter described,
with the South line of Section 85, in Township
number 7, North of Range number 2, West of
the Willamette Meridian, at a point 12S.5 feet
West of the Southeast corner of said Section 85;
thence West along the South line of said Section
86 a distance of 171 6 feet; thence North 20 de
grees 10 minutes West, a distance of 419 feet;
thenoe North 48 degrees 20 minutes East, a dis
tance of 98.4 feet, to the Westerly boundary line
of said right of way; thence in a Southerly
direction along said Westerly boundary line of
said right of way to the place of beginning, con
taining 1.4 acres. Also the following tract or
parcel of said section 35, lying East and adjtioent
to said line of riitht of way described as follows,
to-wit: beginning at the Southeast corner of
Section 85, thence North along the East bound
ary line of said Section a distance of 824 feet;
thence North 48 degrees 47 minutes West, a dis
tance of SAO feet; thence South 48 degrees 20
minutes West, a distance ot 75.4 feet, to the East
erly boundary line of the right of way aforesaid;
thence in a Southerly direction along the East
erly boundary line of the said right of way afore
said to the South line of said Section 85; thence
East 20.8 feet, mora or less, to the plaoe of begin
niug. containing 1.4 acres. Also the following
tract or parcel of land situated in Lot numbered
3 In said Section 38, in said Townshlpand Range
aforesaid, to-wit: Beglnniug at the Southwest
corner of said Section 86; thence North along
the West lin of said section 250 feet; thence
South 4o deirrees East, a distant of 8118.5 feet, to
the South line of said Section 36; thence West
along the South line of said Section 86, a distance
of 2.ri0 feet to the plaoe of beginning, containing
72-lou acres. The said "right of way" is a strip
ot land owned by plaintiff, 100 feet wide, and
extends across the East half of the Southeast
quarter of Section 85, and Lot 8 of Section 88, in
said Township aud Range, and the center line
of said right of way is the following: Beginnlug
at a poiut in the South line ot. Section 85, in
Township and Range aforesaid, a distance of
74.7 feet West of the Southeast corner of said
Section 35; thence along a three-degree curve
to the left to a tangent at said point, which
bears North 22 degrees, 85 minutes West, through
s total angle of 12 degrees, 84 minutes, and a
distance ot 418.8 feet to the end of said three
degree curve to the left; thence along- a tangent
to ssid last-mentioned curve to the left, bearing
North 85 degrees, 9 minutes West, across the
Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of
Seotion 85 aforesaid.
You will also take notice that by ord.v o the
above-entitled Court, made on the 15th day of
January, 1898, tills Summons Is served oy publi
cation thereof for six conseoutlve weeks I:. Thb
Oaaooa mist. fulton mhos.
J21-ino4 Attorneys for Plalntift.
AVcfietable Preparation for As
similating tterocdandReguta
tlrjg tfaeStnnvirh.i andBovvels of
Ticas and Rest.ContaIns ndUter
Opwm,Morptinf vatlSnesaL
Kot NAHC otic.
Awafecf Remedv for Comud-
tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Vvorms o avulsions Jeverishr
nes and Loss or SLEEK
Ik Sural Signature of
mm mili'iijiiw
Kwpi alwancn
staple and fancy Kroorle and
provision, farm produce, tropical
and domestic fnilui in Heamn, fine
teas and coffee, totmeco and cigars.
For Your
A nn nne oi confectionery aino Id
tock, and rarioui other apeoi&ltiea.
tom rro rmnt IT7 auh ki a
"The Perkins"
C. W. KNOWLES, Manager.
Mr. Knowles was, for many years, proprietor of Ihe St. Charles
( hotel, and while tbere established a reputation as a hotel man.
He is now in a better position to entertain his friends than ever
before, and will welcome all his old patrons to his new place of
business, where can be found an op-to-date hotel.
Corner Fifth
Dr. EDWIN ROSS, Proprietor.
DRUGS !prr
Sj yiaOy layssgievaaejs asryarvayv
. Patent Medicines,
Carefully and Accur
ately Compounded....
Qc To
I St
irrzRtTrtT tnoocLS
r rnooen
. 8Te
fKQty gg T
Miners shunters
SS. 1 it
"mSm nn T
253 Morrison St., Near Third, Portland, Or.
OhlMren'a Bchool Ptioos from efl cents upwards.
Misses' ' " '!. 1 00 "
Bovs' .in "
Youths' " " " 1 26 "
All the Latest Styles in Footwear at Lowest Prices.
-' A
Marks Sh e Company
11 J
' OF
Oaaterfa fa pat sp ia sas-slss tsttlas only. It
Is set soli la balk. Boat allow anyone te sell
yoa anything else ea tha plsa ex promise that it
is "Just as good" and "vill awwat every paw
peas." tiat jn got 0-A-S-I-O-E-I-A.
Risfu- -:. jf . - - 4
m ' wttypsr.
hand ill kind of
im ot-d t rr oi" upi 1-tvi r rn 11
AvA AvJeV,at. AswlsV AAA
and Washington Streets, Pcrtlad.
Fancy Toilet Articles.
Complete Line of...
.....Dniggists Snndries
School Books...
School Supplies
s.aisi s si aha alsi bA itai w -fhi s- inwaj
PonY -
tXKim Ammo a
-itt- au.caubi8
" i (ft-'
. j - i. -
.e.v.-u.' "
Ladies' Boltd Durable Shoes from fl SO upwards.
Ladies Drossv Stylish " " I 75 "
Men's Solid Workliil " " 1 SO '
Mbu'8 Dressy StyllsU " in "