s t OIIEGON MIST. FRIDAY, JANUARY 14. Ed. (i.ira war up from Oliflua 1m. Jutnes Muoklo whs hom from the Coweeri.no Utt ittuk. lion. Norm no Morrill, of Cliitsltiuiis), wm la town Saturday, Mr. John Dibblne, of IUiulor, wus in town Tuoaduy wfturnaun on business. Mn. W. 1). Council, of Peer Inland, ieut Sunday la tlili city will) frltmdk Juilga Doart will ba in St. Huleni today to utioiid to tome probnte ttlHltori. ' Itev, rhilbronk will prench At Soup poona next Sunday, morning und ytning. Mr. Chri Klclnrdnon, of Porllnud, kh Attending to legal business hre Bnturday. Mr. and Mrt. X. A. Turry, of Houl ton, and Dr. Rom were in Portland Wdoetdy itfuirnoon. George O. Jaquiah, of Rouben, was in town Wednesday aftatuoou attend' trial in the Justice court. Elsewhere in this i(aa will be found Hat of the new road mperviion ap pointed by the court for 1808. W. D. Oonnell, Obi. Morrill, Ed BnniM, and Alvin Murril, of Dtit )xl And, will go to Hkagway about the 20th of tbe present month, no we un deraUnd. Judge McRrido and District Attor ney Uleeton Ml for Oregon City on Monday aftoruoon, wbere an adjourned term of court waa held, beginning Wednesday. We print thia wmk the name of the juilKca and olurk of election, ap pointed by the court, for the two en suing year. The polling-plaoea in each precinct are alio named. Chaa. Meerm epent Monday in thia lty and on Tueaday went to KaUier, from where he expected to continue to hie father'! home at Delena, where he intended to remain a week or more, Prof. A. E. Breace, profeaaor of math matica at Portland University, will ieoturo to the reading circle in thia city thia Friday evening on the "Size. Distance, aud Velocity of the Ueuvenly ilodioa." Assessor White ia now in hie Office again preparing for thia year'a aaaere meut work, lie and hia wife have pent moat of the winter at their place fin Beaver, but are now again reaidiug at Iloulton. Mitt Willie Caplea, nf Columbia City, will leave in a ahort time for Wiaconaio, where the will join her brother, Br Byron Caplea, who ia U operate a aaoi tarium at the famona aummer reaort of Waukeaha, that atate. The regular January terra of county court adjourned Monday evening, the hoard having completed ila long lial if dutiea. The Mist will furnish ita readers with a complete report of the proceedings in ite next fsaue, Mr. Henderson Orchard, well known liere. waa in town Tuesday onbuaineaa. Mr. Orchiird will aail on the Elder. thia trio, for 8kway, where be will take op the water system business with other gentlemen, and put in a plant to supply the city ol BKagway, At the reaueat of five members of the McKinley Republican Club, of this city, the aeoreiary haa called a meet inir of that club for Wednesday even ing, January lth, at the cuurthouse, for the purpoae of electing delegate! to tbe state league meeting. A hoard of immigration In Columbia countv miaht do much good in tne wmv of brinsins neotde into our coun ty. If our resources were a little bolter advertiaed and our advantage! laid bo Inm HHiOprn neoole. in a truthful man' nr. no doubt the result, would be highly satisfactory to us. Re. Plowman will preach at War ren, Sunday, January 16, at 11 o'clock a. m., and at XanKton n tne evening; on Sunday, the zutn, M Mayger, con tinuing the lorvlcea over the following fiunday, when he will preach at the Sanborn aoboolbouia at 2 : 30 in the afteraoon. All are cordially invited. Meaara. Cole & Quick, of thia city, received on Tueaday a letter from a gentleman in Iowa who aaya he want! to come to Columbia county. He has twenty familiei who are anxioui, also, to locate here with him. Hia letter asked for information regsrdiug our resources, and price! of laud and farm produce. A teacher in a public achool not many miles from Wilton, having In atruoted a pupil to purchaie a gram mar, received a note thus worded from the child's mother! "ido not desire for Lulu ahull engage in grammar aa i prefer her engage in youseful studios and can learn her how toapoke and rite properly myself. 1 bae went through two grammars myself and can't fay as they did ma no good, i prefer her en gage in german and drawing and vokal music on the piano. The following clipping waa taken from a Wawatosa. Wis., paper of reo "Dr. Bvron M. Canle! has eeoured property at Waukesha of which will uke nossecaion Jan. 1. in which he will establish a Sanitarium at the famous summer resort. The building i. & anxious brick structure, located . on College Avenue, and will bo re . mml ..II ml and nandsomely furnished Dr. Caples has had long experience in conducting a Sanitarium, and has been making a special study of nervous di aeasea in Europe, during his late travels." Calumbia ounty ia now reaping good result! from Iti eflorts to collect delinquent tax in the pant. When the county ha! iccured a linn upon the land, it bai been -demonstrated that that lien works to complete satis faction, ao far as the county ia con cerned.. During the receut term of county court, over $700 were collected on land redemptions.wliiob the county held as security for taxes. Out of this amount the county made a profit of over $200, accruing from costs and interests, the latter averaging 25 per cent. The good results of this will be to force payment of tuxes, because the county has demonstrated its Intention ' to proceed In tbe proper manner in the premises. - Fmimm Comfmcticd. L"t Friday the wood flume was completed, having reached its destination on the VY Hi st rom dock In this city. A trial waa given it on Saturday to tost its merits and good qualities, and it was pio nnunced a complete success by those interested, Several thousand oonls of wood ia out wailing to be (turned, and when everything ia in readiness on the wharf, it will be brought here and offered for sale. Thb Mist has several times commented upon the good re sults of this enterprise, and we believe that In no Instance have we been over seslous. Its presence will prove a direct benefit to our town and sur rounding country, and the efforts of its promoters should receive the hearty encouragement of all our people. The flume is a success, and that is all that la necessary to aay. A Mimiwa Man.- An anxlona father, George W, Parr, (he hotel keeper at Near City, near Goble, came to Port land last evening, looking fur his son, Charles Jackson Farr, sged 80 years, who has not been heard tram since last Thursday. The older Farr left a description of his son at police head quarters, with the BUti'Dient that he haa sent the missing man to tne city to collect a little more than $400, and of the collection of which he bad no doubt. "I don't believe any harm Kas befallen him," said Mr. Farr, "unless he lost the money st gambling, For once he gets sealed at a gambling table he sticks there. Ann may be lie's gone to Alaska, vvune l neea tne money he colleotea to pay bills, yel neither I nor bis mother would say anything about tbe matter if he would come home." Wednesday's Telegram. Friday Evbhinq's Entkrtainmiwt. On Friday evening of last week the people of this place and Iloulton were treated to an excellent musical and literary entertainment by persons from University Park and Portland. The entertainment was given in the inter est of the Methodist church of this oity, and was under the management of Rev. Mr. Haley, the pastor. The entertainers arrived ..on the Young America, and were escorted to the lower hall of the Masonic building:, where supper was in waiting for them. About 8 o'clock, the large hall being oomfortably filled, the announcement was made that the programme wouiu begin with a vocal solo by Mr. Qeorge Hoadluy, A piano solo by Miss Hat field was well received, as was a piano solo by Prof, gchnauffer, and a recita tion by Miss Vincent. Mr. Fraak Mutter was tbe life of the entertain ment, outside of the orchestra. In his songs and comic recitations he was first-class, and in his impersonations of people, representing quite all nation alities, he showed liimseii to be an orator of ability, and that at all times he was complete master of the art. He appeared several limes, and on each occasion brought forth hearty applause from an appreciative audience. He rendered each difficult part without error. The orchestra, composed of nearly a dosen boys, are musicians of promise, and the rendering of many selections was received with much praise. Ia fact the entire programme was well rendered, and the entertain ment heartily appreciated. The total receipts were $23 85. "What's the matter with Hannaf" Mr. C. II. Figgolt left yesterday for Skagway. Attorney Canlenbein, of Portland, was in Ihe'oity yesterday. "It hardly seems right," said the Cornfed Philosopher, "yet it ia un doubtedly true that many a young woman is willing to trust her heart with a young man that no butcher will trust with a pound of liver." A great many ot Columbia couuty's people are preparing to go to Alaska this spring, many of them expecting to eo to Dawson City. Several will Hart during this month, and a great number will go in February. A man by the name of Damn, some where in the state of Washington, got married lately 10 a yonng lady in Portland named Smith. The two fam ilies tent a conjoint telegram of con- eratnlations as follow! : "Accept con gratulation! of the whole Damn-Smith family. The iurv in the case of the United States vs. Julian A. upping ana uao, Watson, iu Multnomah county, in dicted on two counts for conspiring to break into the Portland posioillce, for the purpoae of committing larceny, and for conspiring to steal letters and packages from the registry depart ment, at 10:30 Wednesday morning returned a verdict finding JSpping guilty as charged in the second count, and Watson not guilty at ail, Persons who are troubled with iudi geation will be interested in the exper ience of Wm. H. Penn, chief clerk in the railway mail service at Dea Moines, Iowa, who writes! "It gives me pleas' ure to testify to the merits of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Bamedv. For two veara 1 have suf fered from indigestion, and am subjeot to frequent severe attacks of paiu in the stomach and bowelav. One or two doses of this remedy never fails to giv perfect relief. Price 25 and 60 cents ; sold by Dr. Edwin Ross. A case in Justice Clark's court in this citv Wednesday afternoon, wlier in John Mamon- waa the dolendunt. anawerine to a charge of assault with intent to kill, the complaining witness bairn Julie JJeriievor. Alter proceed Ing in the premises but a short time the defendant was aisclixrgea ana ine costs assessed to complainant, where- nnon the court ordeied Constable Kon- inson to proceed to Ouble, where the principals reside, and attach suincieu' of oomplainant's property lo pay costs. The progressive ladies of West field, Ind.r issued a "Woman's Edition" nf the West field News, hearing date of April 8. 1800. The paper ia rillid with matter of interest to women, and we notice the following from a correspond ent, which the editors printed, roalii- ing that it treat! upon a matter ot vital i lniiioi tance to i their sex: "ine nen remedy fur croup, colds end bronchitis that I have bt"n Hole to una is uimnf br,rlnin' Coujfli ltitmedy. For fmiiily use it has no eqnttl. I gladly rocoin mnnd it. Twenty five and fifty cent bwUlo for sialo by lJr, Edwin Koss. OLAISKAiVlIB NOTK8. Ji, A, Hell, of Mist, was ttoa In our city Tuesday morning. John and Will Bsrr returned Friday from a fw tiny' vMl to Hmt f"rarwlni, Mine E'lna Maultnn. of Mlit, Is snother addition to the enrollment this week, A stiries of rlffflii meetings are beina held in the cnureti each evening this week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morrill re'iirned on Monday morning from a riant 'f tns river. Mrs. Ilunn and daughter, nf Nelmlom, are spending a few days in tewn, stopping at the lilvwvlew. II Is reported that Miss Ines Ivey Bad Mr. Brown were married In or near Port land tha first of the week. Finn Hutter Is driving team a few days for Harry Hyvewon, who is trying to get himself uured of rheumatism. A. E, Thomas earne over Monday from the valley with bis daughter. Mabel, and left her a few davs for medical treatment, She has been a nulterer from rheumatism. Anson Orwlg, ol tbe lllvervlew hotel, has found It ucaitary to hats additional stnble ruoro to accommodate the traveling public, and tha nwessarv addition has Just been completed. The honsa vacated br Ed Papte and fam- llv was not empty vury lonst, a family by tlie name ol .Mayer having moved in to Ink alvanlK of the excellent school facilities atfurdt'd by our city. A frM of men from Brown's caran are en)?a(.'l in tilling up tbe railroad grade to the bridg below the Maozantlio mill. The around I brown up by the dredfrer seems to have sottled and scattered to a sttprislng extent, Juhnnio Pnnham and Matthew Campbell have formed a syndicate to supply the town th wood and bar for iui. xiiey wora at tt outside school hours Willi an energy that, will bring success If they bava the gift of continuance. A wav la said to have been temporarily provided for getting a horse around the slide at Palm's mill where a portion of the county road went down to the railroad track about a month ago. Tbe road baa been impassible until recently. Lincoln Meaerve's ntw house has tenants already, some of the family ot C. B. Kisher having taken possession to go to school. The bouse ia in a very unfinished condition, oerminly in nit ahaie to ba occupied, but tbe young people are taking chances in order to go to school. Tha vnune ladles of tha basket-bsil club were gettlng their ulcturca taken recently, taxing oo'U loe pnouigrapu 10 mriu and the patience of the operator, who la a sedate gentleman and does not tike much levity mixed with bunineas. and a crowd of twelve girls that can all keep perfectly sober for five minutes does aot seem to be found about Clatskanie, . BCAFFOOSE NEWS. Miss Dalav Kwinc is visiting with Mr. aad Mrs. J. U. WatU). . Commissioner Peterson spent Sunday with Cioiuoiissioner brakes. W. T. WRtti was looking after business In tit. Helens oo Wednesday. v tr ulraw la malilnvreadv faran earlv start to the Klondike gold fields. Mrs. P. B. Stephens has been sick the past week, but is now getting better. Miss Mildred Boyle, of Portland, spent a few days ttds week visiting friends here. Messrs. Geo. W. Grant and Gust Ostbye leave this weak on the Klder for Hkagway. Mrs. Ed Wickersbam. of Llnnton, was visiting relatives here the early part of tbe week. Bupervisor Clonlnger has been doing aeme heavy work on tba hill near Mrs. Bhat- tuck s place. Rtvanl nf our agriculturists visited tbe Statu Horticultural Society meeting in Port land this week. A nelitioa for a change In theSnatb Scap- pooae creek road has brought fortb a strong remonstrance iram interested parties. Mr. Italdwtn. a business man from Iewa. Is six-ndinga mouth with Mr. and Mrs, 11. Jf. Whitney, tne laiter oeing ins suter. Jamea Grant had tha misfortune to bave tbe ends maxhed off the lingers of his right band In the Johnson A llurgdorfer saw mill. The Injuries, though painful, will not necessitate tbe amputation of tba members. HOCLTON HAPPENINGS. E. E, Hnzen and mother were visitors to Portland Wednesday. Mrs. Ollle Perry la visiting Auntie Perry and other relatives here this week. The little son of C II. Perry Is very low with an attack of pneumonia. Mr. Runert Harrison, of Vancouver, is visiting Ids brother. Alfred, thia week. Mr. and Mra. Fred Henderson, of Uotiie, were In our city Tuesday aud Wednesday visiting relatives. The wood flume from this place to St. Helens is completed, and they havealready run several corus ot wooa. it worsen very well. Punting seems to be the enjoyment of the dnv with our young people, as several are seen every day with a gun and well. tilled game bag. Tha little dauehter of Mr. and Mra. W. Rhnlia waa nmta badlv hurt bv bavinc one of her finger nails torn off in the clothes- wringer tbe other day. Rev. Burlineame is holding a series of meetings at this place. Kveryone seema lo be enjoying the services, as they are well attended every evening. L. Bolton, who isemnloved In Htanwood s logging csmp. was quite badly hurt by fall ing and striking bis side on a knot. Phys ician reports nothing serious. RAINIER. Mike Ellis Is having an addition built to bis store. Mr. Joe Doughty, of the Health Q0J.ce, Is on the sick list. Mr. Cyrus Filbresth, of Spokane, Is visit ing relatives in this city. Dr. A. P. McLaren and Frank Pomeroy attended the dance at Kalaiue New-year s Eve. , Mr. John Dlbbleo, who had the misfoi tune to cut his (oot sometime ago, is aoie 10 be around again. Mr. George Wagner, ( Mayger, had the misfortune to run a knot through his hand a short tune since. Mra k. NT Gnhenn. nf Washington state, Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mra. Wag ner of tbe City restaurant. Dr. A. P. McLaren and Miss Emma Wag ner spent New-year's Day at the home of Mr. ana Mrs. ueo. mayger, mi dtaygur. ttOUN. Timmoms. In this citv. on Thursday, Jan 18, 18D8, to the wife of W. F. Tiiutuons, a son. .i-j "' J-1 ".ii .-iaate Royal uakaa the food purs, wholcauiae and dslldoaur. mm - - 1 w ,0V4J I f r lis? iff : 1i li tlalL U aUlk4lUU!)f ttt awi iwkiwo eowora no.. afwyrK, VfiHNOSIA GLEAX1NG3. Albert linker was visiting tip tha river on lhursduy. . Mr. Pres Ballard was ylsitlng up tba river Wednesday. - Farmers all bny during tha fine weather rebuilding their fences. Rev. F. M. Fl-lmr returned from his down-river trip Waunesday. llm tthfliitiAhaii nansed thronab this city bunday an rout for I'lttsburg. Mr. Reuben eossemsn made a flying trip to ibe outside world, returning Friday. Mi. ti. Wllann. of Miiinlne:. was visit ing the family of U. Besseman tha Arst of the week. Mrs; T. B. Densltw is nursing a very sore hand nowadays, caused from two felons on her lingers. : Miss Vernon la Bheelev waa visiting her sister, Mra. Charles Armstrong, Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mra. Malmaten were visiting the families of Keasev and Pack Wednesday and Thursday. Albert Baker Is trvlng to rent bis ranch to some good reliable farmer, as be wishea to try working anoer a ooss ior a Mn llhort Wood went to Forest Grave Tuesday to bave soma troublesome teeth extracted, returning to oar noma muej. Mr. Win. Wilson, sr.. Dald this city a visit (Saturday to secure the help of the cooper to rebuild a large barrel iu wmcn to acaio bis mammoth porker. T.M Thursday as Mr. L. W. Vandyke waa felling ions trees he had tbe misfor tune to let the aa strike bis knee, which in flicted a bad cat, causing Van to quit work for a few daya. Our n.mnllst brethren called a club meet ing for 1 o'clock Saturday, but lo and be Iioia wnen inai. lime came, mu i tim man called the house lo order, there were only three persons present, except bis boaor. . GOBLKi. Grace Burnett has gone to Portland to attend school. Ren Tavlnr. nf dnrvallis. la visiting his brother, Wm. Taylor. Mra. Archibald left last week to loin her husband ia California. Mrs. M. O. Mason, who has been sick for the past two weeks, is reported some better. Tha Gable Glee Club met Friday evening al H. M. Fowlers, and proved themselves able to render correctly soma very aiuicuu su osle. ' Rails continue to arrive for the Astoria & Columbia Eiver K. K. About two miles of track haa been laid from this end, and a large force of men are now busy at work on tbe bridge across tbe mouth of Danby lake. Our cental merchant. H. M. Fowler, baa purchased an elegant piano. Thia makes four pianos and eight organs to be found within half a mile of tbe poatoliice. What town wilb a population of one hundred and fifty can best this? Ike Link has purchased tbe stock of gen eral merchandise belonging to hia brother, Dick Link, of Neer Citv, and has moved it to his store-baildiug in Goble. He bas built a warehouse back of bis atore, wbicb will enable him to keep a good stock on band, and expects to begin business in a few daya. COUNT ELECTION BOARDS. At tha Jannarv term of conntr coort the follow ina-named Demons were appointed judges and clerks of election for two years, tbe tirst-named judge being tbe chairman 01 tne ooaru, anu me cieraa as uauieu, uni and second reBtectively : ADBURR. ' Judges RSesseman, E W Keasey, K H Mitchell. Clerks T H North, L. W Vandyke. Foiling place Bchoolhouse, Vernonia. UNION. JudtMM-C N Gable. W J Fu tier ton, Jaa Muckle, jr. litems t i a auioro. u n xsiaaeaiey. Folling-ulaoa Courthouse. NEHAbESf. Judges-0 Wilson. A E Thomas, D W Freeman. Clerks Henry .Moulton. uasper Liioei. Folliug-place Merrill's hall, Mist. MARSHLAND. Jndces-W W Elliott. Jas Wallace, Lin coln Wood. Clerks A s Urahain, Walter Col y In. Polling-place School bouse. SHKRMAN. Judges C L Olsen. Ferry Usher, Edwin Merrill. Clerks N I'inckney, Jas Ualtens. Polling-place Usher scbuolbouse. RCAPFOUSK. Judges-A D Uoladay. J F West. E H Lynch. Clerks Qnstave Lange, J U Johnson. Polling-place Lamberson 's hall. RAINIER. Judges John Debtee, B F Burns, 0 F Moeek. Clerks W M Perry W A Wood. Polling-place Town hall. DKKR ISLAND. Judges-T C Watts, O 0 Fowler, R R Foster. Clerks Ceo W Makinsler, bam. Henry Wood- Polling-place Foster's hall, Beubea. GLATSKANIX. Judges W H Conyera, Frank Merrill, E S Bryant. Clerks Silvo Graham, W K Tichenor. Polling-place Town ball. OAK POINT. Judges G W Barnes, D M Ewing, John Hendricks, Clerks A J Smith, Arthur Crocker. Polling-place John Quigley's bouse. APIARY. Judges W C King, J McOrath. James Kelby. Clerks F O Marks, Frank Miller. Polling-place W 8 Brown's bouse. BRAVER FALLS. Judges John Boats, O W Richardson, John Nelson. Clerks VV H Kyser, A J Qiiigley. Polling-place Meaerve's hall. Clearance 1 )K 1 k ! tf i Mi Big SU SO Butts is 00 " in oo io oo " - THE FAflOUS Clothing; Hons COR. MORRISON AND 2ND. STRS. Sew Road. Snporvlsora. Tha following-named persons were ap pointed road supervisors for tba year 1"-J8 by th county court of this county, at tbe regular January lerni: Dim, nam a. eosTorric. , . Bcappoose . .Ot'ttfH,0 . . . W arre St. Jlelens Deer lalanrt .W. O. Pomeroy. . . .tieorge Huuisey , ...M. O.'ilBzcn ... .. J. B. Godfrey... ...James Uailens . ...Fred Henderson , .Goble Rainior .. W. M. Perry R. N. Lovelace Rainier It. If. King ...Mayger 10.... K. I). Wood ... Clatskanie 11 , , . K. B. Elliott Marhlaod 12 ...John Boiler Mii 13 ...K. B. McNeuley .- --Mint 14., Wm, Pringle. Pittaburg 15.,.. J. K. Broua...... Vernouia I3....J. 8. Mow . ...Vernonia 17. ...Win. llolsapple Helens 18 .C. W. Melhnger.. ...Vernonia 19.. .,8. G. Schoonover.... Vernonia !,,. C. C. Mover. Pen" n. . i . U Wood .Marshland 22:., .R. H. Bailey.,.. , ...Houitoii 23.,..Wm. Miller Vallel 'IA ...i.C. llcOralh., .... Gohle 25....B. P. Morton ...Rainier 28., ..T. O. Johnson ...........feer tsianu 27 ., Oliver Johnson. .......... .Bcappoose ..W. Kesimeua ....Ht. Helens 2. , . . A. Schniitlin Braunaport 80 ...Thoe. Aaderson.,.. . ..... Vernonia 31.,.. John G. Pringle.. .Vernonia 82., ,.0. Burrie . . ....Mist A Care for Unu Back. r dmichter a hen recovering from an attack of fever, was a great sufferer from pain in the oaca ana nips, writes uiuuru - . . , 1 i .. L' A ftu. iitclntf nlllt a number of remedies without any benetit she tried one oouieoi uisnneTuio mm Balm, aad ll has given entire relief." Cham harlRin's Pain Rulm is alK a certain cure for rheumatism. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross. TREASURERS NOTICE. CoowiT Taaisnaaa's Ovfic, Sr. H si.s, Oa. , Jaw. S, MM. . XTOTICB 18 HEREBY OIVBS THAT ALL rw j J y . i ;.. ..A. s fni it tn iA n A. 1 UlllltlU " in nausea a County, Oregon, which hve been preruei anu enunnHtu; itud jrnij iui wsui w -aa.J,, prior to May 14, IK1L will be paid upon promn- fir thia dale. K. M. WHARTON, J7( Treaanrer of Columbia County. Oregon. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LiH Ornca at Oaaooa Citt, Oa,, January 5th, 1D98. TOTir-B 18 HKKEBY GIVKN THAT THE 1.1 fouowiug-uainea sewier ntta wieo dIS inienwon lo maae nnai piwi " "ucr"'-' bis claim, aad that said proof will be made be- lore IJJ iv.. k 1 " 1 "wu' v..i. Oregon, on February 1Mb, lh'M. viz: .I VTivriVtt tfJAlTRT.AV. Homestead Bntry Wo. HOSJ, for the northeast Ji ol section 20, township 8 north, range 2 west. He names tbe following witnesaes to prorehis continuous residence nyvu aim winmiw said land, viz; Henry Potter. Charles B. Huffy, t. ,. .. 1 f n i . .i mA Jmtnam A (InmttnlncK. all of jr0"' rStAB. B. MOORE8, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LAUD Orrtca at Onaooa Ciry. Oa., December 2Srd,lS97. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVES THAT THE following-named settler has Bled notice of his Intention to make Dual proof In support of bia claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the County Clerk of Columbia County, at 8. Helens, Oregon, ou February 14th, 11S98, via: FELIX GLINBCKI, Homestead Kntry No. 893S, for the southeast of section tt, townxhip 6 uortb, range s west. He names the following witnesses te prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, vis: Rudolph Karth. Ignats Sin tek, Joseph Sobleeki, and Stephen Lauipaa, all of Valler. Oregon. dSlfl CHAa B. MOORKH, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LAOOrMCATOEaOOHClTT.OB.. December 23rd, WOT. iTnTTCt IB WRRRBV (ilVKN THAT THE IN foliewlng-named settler bas filed notice of his intention to make linal proof in support ol his claim, ana taat saia prooi wm oe mae ue forethe County Clerk of Columbia County, at St. Helens. Oregon, on February Hih, USDs, vis: ATON QLINECKI, Homestead Entry No. 8981 for the north M pf outhwest M, and noutheast of southwest X of section 22, and northeast of southeast of section 31, township 6 north, ranue 8 west. U. namoa thA fnll.iwlllff wHlieBSOB to DroVe his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: Rudolph Kartb, Ignau Sintek, Joseph Sobieskt, aud Stephen Lampka, all of V B ilCy vIvkOiI ms CHA8. B. MO0RE3, Register. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT I, THE mrioraiiniiul administrator of the estate of Peter Bmlth, deceased, have filed in the oliice nt Oik cirk of the Countv Court of the Stale of Oregon, for Columbia County, my fiaa.1 account ol my aumimsirauoa upou wib , deceasea, togetaer wnn my piiou mi hubi disirlbutlon of the residue of said estate, and that tbe Hon. County Court of said County and hi-hia haa aniNifiited Thursday, the 8rd day of February, 18), at 2 o'clock p. m and the court room of said County Court, In the City of St. Helens, said County and State, as the time and place for the settlement of said ac count and the hearing ot said petition for final distribution, at which time and place any per son interested In said estate may appearand file written objections tnereio. Dated December M, 1897. . SAMUEL KINDER. Administrator of the estate of Peter Smith deceased. . omi'ai CITATION. In the County flour of the State ot Oregon for voiuiuuia. vuuu,j, In the matter of the estate of Citation to heirs. rMnbU MMk.tr rf.(nwil 1 Tn w A. UMkar. Anna Smith. Anderson Smith, Willie Smith. Lillie Smith .and Sainautha guiun, neirs at iaw 01 rnw. . -.j. , ... ceaacd, and to all other persons Interested, and heirs ot said deceased unkuown, if auy there be. In the name of the State of Oregon, you, and .u,h nf vnti. u hftruhv oommaiiaea to oe aim appear before the Hon. County Court of the Sl.ite of OrcRon. In and for the County of Co lumbia, at the Courthouse iu St. Helens, In said n,l u.atA nn ITHnv. tha 14lh daV of January, MUH, at 2 o'clock p. iu. of said day, it beinn the regular January term of said Court, to show oause, if any exist, why an order of sale of all the real properly belonging to said estate should not be made as prayed for In the petition on tile in said Court, said real property being described as follows, to-wit: An undivided one fourth Interest in and to the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter and the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section one, township 2 north, range 2 west of the W iUamette Meridian. In Multnomah County, State of Ore gon, and coutaiuiug la the whole tract SO acres Vn testimony whereof I, Judson Weed, Clerk otthe County Court aioresaid, do hereunto set mv hand and albx the seal of said court at my olAce tn the Citv of 8t. Helens. State of Oregon, this Dlh day of December, A. D. 1SU7. Count) J Columbli 4 State of County Court ) JUDSON WEED, County Clerk. dl7-JH mbia County j r i I OreKon. I Reductions Lcclt at This: and Overcoats down to.. " " " " " " " .. " .".. : . " " . aa 50 SUITS NOW M 00, Salel s I it o m 18 w g 11 so fo 8Wl Boys Clothing Reduced Klondike Clothing RIGHT KINO AT RI3HT PRICES PORTLAND, OR el I. " ':.:.,- ' ' '' AfegetablelVparationfor As similating ttsci'occlanflRccii!a. fjjv tiue Stomachs and Bowels of 4 si RrjilTOtesttgcsUonXlIicetfuf Tims arvd Best jContalns ndttirr Opruffl.MarpUiiJ iiorMitteiaL XiOTNABOOTIC. Octa OUlltrSAM!XLE'JV2S3. yanalJWate f - (ja-riTT-SilWls f A pecfecf Remedy for Cons Hpav tion. Sour Stotnach.Diairhoca, Worms XiwuisionsJevBrisiv OS5S and LOSS OF SaZEB TacSunile Signature of TTEW YORK. EXACT COPT OT VBAPPEB. I HARRIS' CASH GROCERY 2 Keeoa alwavaon staple and fancy For Your provisions, larm pro.liie, brupiv-.aa and dom.stie fruits in season, tine teas and colfeee, tobacco and elixirs. A rtne line of confectionery aio ia atock, and varlousoiber specialties. padmco rnufi IT7 iMnuilMCTRPrT RT HPI FIMS. 5R fc ev-aa.,tfcjfc.rt, 1."'' AJ- Aaft. A A, A A isla A -sftr -V 1 sfk alV afW a. 44TMliPerkIes C. W. Mr. Knowlea was, for many yeara, proprietor ol tlie St. Charles lintel, and wbile there established a reputation as a hotel man. He is now in a better poaiiion to entertain hia friends than ever before, and will welcome all hia old patrons to his new place of business, where can be found an op-to-date hotel. Comer Fifth ajnrar ararv VfF VWHT yVV-S7Vy ajryJtayVi)J ST. HELENS PHARMACY Dr. EDWIN ROSS, Proprietor. DRUGS it Patent Medicines, PERFUMES AND Prescriptions... Carefully and Accur ately Compounded.... DAY OR .NIGHT. ClilHrS.ae. rTfflwyfa-. J. Ja. J. VAthout Birrtwrrrr Moti -j fnon tzjo 1 'nimn fff. mr -, Wwcnesren 4 ORIENTAL HOTEL A. H. BLAKK3I.EY, Proprietor. Board by Day, Week or Month AT REASONABLE RATES. Tha table 1s supplied with the beat the market affords. Everything clean. A simro ot yr- r pat rouave Is solicited. ST. HKL&Nfl. O' ON WjlXTFrj-FAtTHFI.iT, WltM OS WOVTrN to trar.l tor rrniKmithle r.taJ-.uhr'.i hmxm i nn.n Wft.li.v S,Hii and RjLsmusea. f'ttUlun ii.mi.r,! envaiopo. Ilia Aloi.al, B Jjur taot JMdf.. (Uitoa-KO. m '"sl"'S' - .sw' iirf rwf I 1 m 1 I i 1 FAC-SIMILE CICNATU, OF- is on ma WRAPPER OF ITVIST j BOTTIiE OI 1 onn",onnn Oastsrla Is put a; ia eaa-alss tHttlea aaly. It Is aot said ia bulk. JJoa't allow aayna ta etll C9 ' , fn aaTtaiag alas ea tae ua or promise mat it ; j is "Jast ea good" aad "will answer every par - pose," -Seathat jroaget O-A-S-I-O-Sfrl-iu jlHsfsa. m nn hand all kinds groceries and Ln,l V Groceries. KNOWLES, Manager. and Washington Streets, Fcrtlsnl Fancy Toilet Articles. FANCY STATIONERY. Complete Line of... Druggists' S ?rri' School Books. and.... School Supplies a J.-ifaJ.t fc Mi-Hi. aiM Wm JiK four mm Ukihs Aujno s. Raws, At-k CAI.I&ERS SO TH6YARK TH? AMMvrmioH. use o by FOR PORTLAND, DA5LY, -UTEAMEB Yah nil In A"! lit;! JL V iiJU Al -VIA- WILLAMETTG LCUH Leave St. Helena...,.- ft-M A Arrive al, l-'tn'tltmtl, . . Is.u'f-i & Lomvo l'ovliaod 2-'0 I Arrive ut ol. il,.k".is t;.' j i ; it. Will Carry jri! i i i i j