The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, January 07, 1898, Image 4

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    , i . i ! AN I
t AH.
o!i U nr mnl (tie l'1.nn
' i ii'f Great Strike in
i J tilititul CbuaiiMof
A ClironuloitUal Table.
'T!,ir j. -.a' 1M7 has been, It might he wiiil
atoior a enmmoiiNlnee since il com
n;i'iiiTiiiciH, I lint fa. ho' events of over
v ?n iiji'iijcr moment nave taken place, but
there lias been no dearth of important
occurrences. The war between Turkey
unci Greece, die struggle for freedom In
t.YJni, the costly nd long-drawn-out
strike in the Ohio aud I'ennsyhmila coal
li.- (ts, the change of national sdtuinistra
lion, the enactment of tht Diugley tariff
low, the disastrous spring floods In the
Mississippi valley and autumn Ares In the
Ycst ami Northwest, and the epidemic of
yellow fever in the Southern .State are
clearly not mntter of small Importance
In the history of the world. The year has
)" cu kii unusual one from the fact that
but few men of really great reputation
have pnssed from the stage of their earth
ly Midi-si their number can be computed
upon the fingers of the two hands.
The most important events of the year
are roc orded below In the order of their
1 Thirteen miners perish at Pachuc.
M.-xlen KmreiiivlT lilali temneraturo and
btvy rains In Northwest I'lngrM Inaug
urated (Governor of Michigan.
W. A. Hammond, wrecker of Illinois
National Bunk, commits suicide. .. .Fatal
storm In Houlbwest.., Nashville, Tenn., ass
t-oii,.n tire West and Northwert del-
I'ged ly rslns. -
it-Simv ami frost succeed rain.
4 Furious blliisard In the West Got.
rVolleld Inaugurated at Madison, Wis. ...
Three St. Paul banks fall.
IV-Oov. Altgeld pardons 19 criminals St.
Ktiiulxlaus paraonage at Bay t:ity, Mich.,
sacked hy warring church factions Four
children die by lire near Westneld, Wls.i
three near Babenck, Wis.
Illinois legislature meets. .. .Seven fr
snllne nnns perish by are at Convent of Our
Unly of Lake St. Johna, Roberval, Quebec.
11 Tanner Inaugurated Governor of 1111
noia with much pomp and ceremony....
Mount InaoirnratMt (lovernor of Indiana
wltb very sltnple style. ... House kills l'a
clilc funding bill American-British arbi
tration treatv signed.
12 Five children drown, skating, at 8t.
I-onis. . . .Four die la powder explosion at
Klutninkfn, Pa.' ' -j
m -Five killed in a Pottsvllle, Pa., coal
aim ft.
Hi Was. E. Mason chosen Senator from
Illinois. .. .Three negroes lynched In Louts
liiun. 21 Nine sailors drown off Long Island.
an Fourteen below sero at Chicago; 700
poor families aided; relief measures adopted
over entire cltv J2.500.OO0 tire at Phila
delphia. .K&n.OOO fire at Chicago.
2T 'ontfuued cold weather In Northwest.
IW l.yinan J. Gage of Chicago accepts
treasury portfolio.
81 Family of seven die by Are In Hobo
ken. N. 1 Cruiser Brooklyn on the rocks.
2 Pennsylvania State eapltol burned; loss
SI. .. .Venezuelan tresty signed.
H Admiral Bonce's squadron In a storm off
Hampton Koads; three seamen swept away,
several Injured 200,UOO railroad shop
' tiro at Prlnceon, lud.
Ift Bradley-Martin ball at Sew York costs
f:'rtio.ouo. .. .Phenomenal drop tn price of
steel rails.
13 Aid. O'Malley acquitted of murder at
('Indigo Death of J. Uandolph Tucker at
Lexington, Vs.. and Gen. J. O. Shelby at
Ad ri;i n. Mo.; both noted Confederates.
11 Ireeks iHtmhard Canea, island of
Crete, nailer Turkish rule.
15 Appeal of Jos. It, Dnnlop, convicted of
Improper use of malls at Chicago, to Supreme
Court f.-ills.
13 Millionaire Dnestrow hanged at Union.
Mo., for wife murder; Peter Schmidt and
rtoui Foster hanged at Clayton, Mo.... Tn-k f..e t 4Ja .
17 Powers of Kurope protest against ac
tion of Jreece.
lft Two thousand Moslems slain in Crete
. by Greeks lilg shortage of State officials
discovered in Nebraska. .
21 Canea bombarded by the powers..,.
Bnby girl at the UarrisonsV
22 ftenernl observation of Washington's
birthday. ...Floods In Ohio Valley.
iiJV Powers decide Greece must evacuate
4- JlcKlnley Inaugurated. .. .Six killed at
Boston by gas explosion.
5 Kxtemdve floods In Mississippi Valley,
and lu Olilo, Kentucky and ludlana...,
Greece dertes the powers.
Foundering of steamer VIHe de St. Na
m're ofT Can!lna; 65 lives lost.
0 Tremendous rainfall In central States.
10 Six killed in a wreck near Princeton,
12 Bllzsard sweeps the Northwest $M0,-
000 wholesale grocery fire at Chicago.
15 1,500,0)0 Are at 8t Louis. .. .Floods In
; Mississippi Va'.ley make thousands of ne
.groes homeless.
1 17 Fltislmmons whips Corbett at Canon
City. Nev. ...78 lives lost by foonderiug of
, French steamer off Carolina.
21 Powets blockade Cretan ports to Greek
22 Cyclone kills right and Injures 23 school
children at Arlington, tia. ; family of five
killed in- Henry County, Ala.
iiS Heavy fall of slushy snow in North
wst. 30 Forty-five killed by a cyclone at Chand
ler. O. T.
IH House passes Dingley tariff bill....
Powers bombard Cretans.
Carter H. Harrison elected Mayor of
Chicago hy TS.oou plurality Alarming
Hnods In Mississippi Valley.
81.000,iOO tire at Knoxville, Tenn; 17
P'ople killed.
It-Know storm in central Htates.
iu Daniel W. Voorhees. former IT. 8. Sen
ator rrom inoiana, otes at Wasfilngton.
15 Klots In Indianapolis over 3-cent car
fare ),0fl0 Are at New Orleans.
17 W'ar between Turkey and Greece.
18 Fierce windstorm in Chicago; tl.'KI.OOU
' itre. ,-
20 Desperate lighting In the Levant....
Flrt execution by electricity In Ohio.
23 Ogman Pasha assumes command of
Turkish troopa, which have met severe re
verses. if Turks capture Larlssa Vast floods
1ft llsonrI and Mississippi Vallevs.
2 Hundreds of families at 'ottnmwa,
Iowa, sud Qulucy, 111., homeless by tiootls.
27 Dedlcntlon of Grant's tomb at New
York. .. .$2,000,000 Are at Newport News, Va.
28 Greeks at Athens riotous because of
army reverses. .. .Flood at South Guthrie,
O. T.. kills over 70.
20 Itslll heads new cabinet of Greece,..,
Wild gnle with loss of life and vessels oa
Lcke Michigan.
iill i reeks win a big battle. Seven ne
groes lynched by a mob of negroes In Texas.
MAY. '
1 Snow at Chicago.
2 $4,000,000 Ore at Pittsburg, Pa.
4 Oue hundred die by tire In a Parisian
7 Brutal murder of the Harris family,
near Waukesha. Wis., by Wm. Pouch.
It Slx'ecn die by Are on Mallory Line
steamship Leona, on Sandy Hcok.... Greece
asks Intervention of powers.
14 8now at Chicago,
1H Caar Intervenes to Stop war In the
HI .Severe earthquake shock In Clncln
tiatl and southeast. .. .Five of a picnic par
ly killed on Long Island.' .
2 tfpHUlsh cabinet resigns. : :
R 'I wo of a moii of lynchers killed at
Lrbana, Ohio, and nlue wounded, by militia
.under, command of Slierlff McLeso.
7 Hix killed In a wreck near Hudson, Wis.
0tMt,mru tire at Cnrlluvllle. Ill Death
cf Alvaii (Jiark, famous lens-muker, at Cam
LriilKi', .Mass.
II Wife murderer '. French hanged at
Itin-kford, 111.
12-Mnyor Uielmrda killed at Bunker Hill, 1
III.. I.y Kilitor Hetlley.
I.I Atlenipl to kHI President Faure by aj
i nns uiJiiiU-iurow
;!ii-ide uf Harney Barnnto at sea.
riiiporfltmx of OS In Chicago: 40 pros-
il i t
i I. i.s 1'
v i r u awf il bt t.
rniuiren at Llnfiiln,
liiv Vestern luoallties.
'is ce;iM,raiKu cuoi-
sas kills three; hall
i. Iiai
t t (
fed Ivi
1 t I
i-n ki-il In n wnvk st Mts.wcirl
ah iliMrt.ts report many fatalities
HI 111-
itltumnce of femi'nl h,-:ii . . ,
n ,i ui-lke.
.!-.-.i nf
S A fill heat In t'lili-iign kills
sU and
. , . Hnmv-
rro;oi-fito. so; i;; die at rim-iitHatt
6-tlil'Hl lu
lorado. .. .lt-llitte at UulULIi does
4 llt'Ht and CaialHIes continue east of Mis-
sNfijil! Valh-y; tliiitMicrstorm at miilnSli
reitt vcH t;tiiciiffo, artcr elirlit lmve ine
0 'IVu killed by cyclone at Lovvry, Minn
. .. .Nine killed by bolter exploalmi at HariS'
vine, tenn. .. .t'nai mtnera strike become
general In the Kast.
7 Continuance of estwrne heat snd con
sequent faiHtltiea Setnite pasnes tariff 1111,
....Six klllcil at Bay City, Mich., hy sweet
car pimiuiog into an open draw.
8 Chl.-iijfo and Alton frelglit house burns
at i -men ki I iimi ::.Hi.oot, .. .neat ami deal
roll Increases. .. .Death of Seuator Harris
of Tenneasee.
lo l)r,) of 8S degrees tn temperature at
viui'Hiro: cnanite genera!.
12 Death of Millionaire Columbus R, Cnni-
mings or tjiiicaura.
15 Negro lynched for assault and murder
at West point, Tenn. ., .Illinois and Indiana
cowl miners go out.
17 News of fabulous gold finds In Alsska.
IP Tariff bill passes the House. .. .Snow
storm in ctucaao.
22 Logan monument unveiled at Chlcsao.
2;t Four killed by explosion of naphtha on
steamer at Bridgeport, Conn 1,000,00tt
grape sugar factory tire at Peoria. HI.
24 New tariff law enacted; Congress ad
journs Cloudburst at Boston.
SO Seven killed by cyclone at San Jose,
ft Elevator lire at Chicago kills four fire
men, uurts a more, aud does xaUu.Ouu dam-
tt Assassination of Premier Canovas of
15 Orlesnlsl Prince Henri seriously
wounded by Italian Couut of Turin In a duel
at rarta.
10 Great boom In wheat Cold wave at
17 Snowstorm in South Dakota. .. .Wheat
touches Pe at Culcaito,
1 Unknown man killed by farmers near
Chicago, for assault Four killed by glu
cose tactory explosion at Davenport, Iowa.
21 neat reaches the dollar price In sev
eral cities and occasions rreat excitement
2.1 Three hundred Sepoys massacred by
Arriuis iu inoia.
2rt President of Uruguay assassinated.
2 News of a great tidal wave In Janun.
SO Steamer Portlaud arrives at Seattle
witn Alaskan treasure.
31 Yellow fevei breaks out at Ocean
springs. Miss.
2 Crops reported greatly damaged by long
continues arougut.
7 Railroad collision near Emnorla. Kan.
several killed Lake St Clair yacht cap-
stxeu, urowniug six.
Sir-Terrible head-end collision near New
castle. Colo., kills 30 people and mangles
uianj otiiers.
10 Twenty-two striking coal miners near
uiilmer, ra., shot dead by deputy sheriffs;
many oiuers wounaeu. -
11 Miners convention st. Columbus set
tles the great coal atrike.
13 Tidal wave along the Texas coast took
many lives and did great damage to prop
15 Five alleged burglars taken from jail
oy a mob at Versailles, lnd.. and lynched.
16 Anarchist assaults President Dlaa of
Mexico; death of the assaulter at the
hands of a mob.
20 Outbreak of yellow fever In New Or
21 President Ratchford of the United
Mine workers declares the coal strike ended.
20 Nine men kllied in a bloody riot at
Glrardvllle, Pa. ...Mrs. John Becker and
five children slaughtered near Carroll, Iowa.
....Kauwav noui-up at Moornead, Minn.
20 f 1,000,000 dre in Washington. D. 0.
Fall of Aacarraga ministry In Spain.
SO Resignation of the Ball! ministry In
1 Five bandits held up a train In Indian
Territory. .. .Thirty persons hurt In railway
acciaent at nieiiiuro. ainss.
3 Death of Gen. Neal Dow.
4 Sagasta mlulstry assumes control in
Spain Austin. Pa., almost entirely de
stroyed by nre.
5 Connecticut votes an educational teat
for voters. .
6 Alton train held np near Kansas City,
Mo.. . . . l uousanus or lives lost and much
property destroyed by a typhoon In the Phil
ippine Islands. .. .117.000 Dre at Chicago
stoek yams.... iarge nre in Detroit. .. .Six
ir!a lmeu toecAtti at 1'lanktnton, Is. l. ...
Disastrous fire at Medora, ill.
7 Two prisoners roasted In Opelika, Ala.,
S Gen. Weyler recalled from Cuba
Death of ex-Seuator J i'herson of New
12 Bandits rob a train near Austin. Tex
as Death at Detroit of ex-Senator Chas.
w. Jones of r lorlda. .-.
14 Four people killed In a railway acci
dent at Sllttsvllle, Ont.
15 Four persona killed and many Injured
by caving In of a theater roof in Cincin
16 Steamer Triton sunk In Caribbean Sea
ana loo lives lost.
17 Windsor, N. 8., fire-swept and 3,000
people icn nomeiess. .. .weatn or Chas. A.
Dana of the New York Sun.
10 Death of Geo. M. Pullman of Chicago.
zi-jury iu I'ueigert murder case In Chi
cago disagreed.
24 Twenty lives lost In New York Cen-
tral accident at Garrisons, N. y Bank
wrecked at Blatrshurg, Iowa.
27 Wabash Kaiiroad offices In St Louis
29 Henry George, single-tax advocate,
died of apoplexy at New lurk.
1 Sale of the Union Pacific Railroad.
3 Thirteen Bremen Injured by a gasoline
explosion at a lire In Philadelphia. .. .Klec
tiun day: New York elected Van Wyck
(Tammany) Mayor; Ohio, Pennsylvania.
Iowa and Massachusetts went Republican;
Maryland, Nebraska, New York, Kentucky
and Virginia Democratic; Colorado was car
ried by silver men, and In South Dakota Re
publicans and Democrats won over Populists.
4 Chesapeake and Ohio train wreck at
Charlottesville, Va., In which four people
are kHIed and many Injured. .. .Five men
badly bnrned by molten Iron In Milwaukee,
and two die from their Injuries.
0 Train robbery nesr Grants, N. M.. ...
Fourteen lives lost by the sinking of the
steamer Idaho on Lake Erie.
11 Yellow fever quarantine declared off
In New Orleans. .. .Thieves steal 14,O00 In
money and Jewelry from a Silver Creek, N
Y.. bank.
12 r0,000 8re at Fostorla, Ohio.
18 Three Indians lyuched by a mob at
Wllliamsport, N. D..
17 Three people Injured In a railway
wreck near Cleveland. Ohio. .. .Panic In a
Cfnclnnntl school caused the Injury of fonr
children Kosel, Kan., sinks Into the
prairie In a night.
1 Three millers killed In railway wreck
at Coal Bluff, Did Great Are In London,
England; loss 25.oy0.000.
20 Masked negro, attempting to hold np
s Kansas City street car, shot conductor aud
21- Flre at Merhourne, Australia, In which
"5,000,000 of mercantile property was de
stroyed Two motormen killed In a collis
ion In Baltimore, Md Fire at La Grange,
Ohio. In which J2S.000 worth of property
was destroyed.
23 F. A. Novak found guilty of murder
at Vinton, Iowa.
25 Capt. Lovering found guilty by court
martial at Fort Sheridan. Chicago. '
2-Heslgnutlon of the Bsdenl ministry In
Austria ...Three men asphyxiated in the
Brand I Trunk tunnel at Port Huron, Mich.
dO-New cabinet formed In Austria....
Eleven persons kllied In a railway accident
at Warsaw,-Poland. ...Martin Thorn con
victed of the murder of Wm. Guldensuppe at
New York.
I Thirty-seven miners killed In Hotnburg.
Bavaria, by explosion of re damp. ., .Furi
ous riots at Prague, Bohemia.
4 Three men kllied and several persons
Injured In a collision of trolley cars near
Detroit, Mich. .
5 Resignation of the Italian ministry.
6 Congress convenes In regular session at
Washington. .
II Two men killed In railway collision at
Oakland, Cut Haytlan cabinet resigned.
13 New Haytlan ministry formed.
14 Resignation of Chilian cabinet..,.
Budlnl cabinet reconstituted In Italv.
10 Three men killed In C. B. "l. wreck
at Clinton, lnd.. ..Death of Alphonsa Dau
det, noted French author. ,. .William Ter
rlmi, Ene'llah actor, assssslnuted in London.
. Uatiltc.-ltlon of neace treatv between
Greece and Turkey. ., .New Chilian cabinet
17-Six lives hist In Are at Ottawa. Ont
Three p."rscn perish In an fUK,ota) flre at
Grand Forks, Dak,
18 ro weather In Chlcneo. .. .Death of
lion. Washington Heslng, of Chicago.
2'1-Flve train wrecks at Castle Rock,
Colo., two person killed; at Pontine, 111.,
Ave pcri-ons Injured; m ar Benson, Arts,, one
man killcl; near fiinton, Ala., four men
kiliiV, at St.. Louis, one man killed and two
21 Suclde of Mls Leila Herbert at Wash
ington. 1. C .Three skaters drowned st
Tounwanda, N v.. ,, .Three skaters drowned
at Gardner, iiais.
V A'
The Goverur.ieiit of the Culled Slates
own in the city of Washington 1,0110,1X10
volumes of literature. Of these about one
half,' or 78T.715, are iu the congreeshinal
library. The remainder are acnttercd
through the various executive depart
ment. The daily number of readers Itx
the congressional library averages 8,321),
About 700 persons, including the mem
bers of both houses and high officials of
the Government, are entitled to draw
bonks and take them away from the build
ing, anil the average number loaned out
in such a way is 1.44(1. It la a favorable
commentary upon the honesty and care-of
our public men that during a period of
thirty years the number of book lost or
not returned was only five In thousand.
. Large numbers of petitions, supported
by many signatures and ouiform lu their
phraseology, are being presented to the
House of Representatives. They ask the
passage of a series of law to protect the
morals of the public. For example, to
prohibit gambling in stocks, produce, rac
ing pool and other form of speculation
by telegraph, to prohibit the transmission
of stock quotations for speculative pur
poses, and the transmission in the mails
of newspaper containing pictures or de
scriptions of priie fights, to prohibit the
exhibition of kinetoseope reproductions of
prise fight and other brutalizing specta
cles, and to prohibit the transportation
from State to State of materials for such
The ladies of the cabinet are decidedly
put out by the edict that forbade their
New Year's reception and the dinner
that were to precede and follow. ' They
do not see any occasion for it. The Pres
ident did not nsk or even suggest a sus
pension of social affairs. He told the
members of -his cabinet he should close the
White House for thirty day, although he
did not think it was necessary for them
to follow his example, but without con
sulting their wives, they agreed to do so.
The husbands have since had an unhappy
time, and the Washington social world
has offered thi-iu no sympathy.
The opposition to the ratification of the
Ilavcuiinti treaty has simmered down al
most entirely to the sugar trust, the Louis
iana planters and the beet-root sugar
manufacturers. There are a few Senators
who oppose the treaty on principle, a
they believe it inexpedient for the United
States to assume the responsibility of gov
erning any detached territory, and several
on the Democratic side have joined the
opposition because they regard annexa
tion as a Republican measure.
Chairtnnn Loud of the House Commit
tee on PoBtofflees has been working during
the recess on the report of the committee
on the Loud bill, and hns practically com
pleted it. He believes that the measure
will effect a saving of at least $10,0110,000
unminlly, and will wipe out the enormous
deficit that confronts the IVtsoffloe De
portment every year. Mr. I-oud believe
the bill is much stronger this session than
lust, and, while not absolutely confident,
think it will finally curry.
The agents of the Cuban junta in
Washington justify the assassination of
Col. Kuis as necessary to intimidate the
cowardly and corrupt men in their ranks
who are likely to be allured into making
term with the Spanish authorities either
through fear or briliery. They say that
hereafter no Spanish agent will dare ap
proach an tusorgeut camp, and that it will
be dangerous for any stranger to do so.
The distressing death of Miss Leila Her
bert has caused a shock to her many
friends and acquaintances in Washing
ton. She was a young woman of beau
tiful character, gentle, amiable and gen
erous, and was generally beloved and nd-
inired. Those who knew her best believe
that her suicide was due to fear that she
might be a permanent cripple.
The jenslon certificate of the Rev. L.
J. Keith of Vincennes, lnd., will be can
celed, because the holder has Informed
the bureau that he does not consider him-
self longer entitled to a pension, his dis
ability having disappeared, and has asked
that his name be dropped from the rolls.
There is only one other such case on rec
Secretary Wilson is greatly interested
in legislation for the establishment of
postal savings banks because he believe
they arc necessary to the prosperity of
the former. It is sometimes an all day'
job, he say, for a fanner to go to the
town where the nearest bank la situated,
while there is a postofflce in every village.
The copyright department is a most in
portant brunch of the Government, and
indicates an enormous increase in literary
and musical composition and in designs
which nre susceptible to copyright In
1870 the number of copyrights granted
whs 5.021; in 1880, 20,080; in 1SSW, 42.-
758; in INHi, 72,470.
The recent report of the Comptroller of
the Currency show that the saving
hank of the United States are mostly
confined to the northeastern section of the
country. Nearly 80 per cent of the num
ber of banks and amount of deposit i
represented by New York and New Eg
land. The committee appointed by the Society
of the Army of the Tennessee to ecure
the erection of ft monument to Gen.
George B. McCiellau at Washington bag
eld it first meeting and elected Adjt
Geu. Kuggle chairman.
Ink erasers are not allowed iu either the
War or the Navy Department except un
der the direction of a chief of bureau, and
no one is allowed to erase an entry in any
official record book without explanation
ud expreso permission.
m m m ' c .
Dr. Pheldon Jackson, the Alaska ex
port, sny that there is so much gold in
Alaska that larson who go there ten
years hence will have as good a chance a
those who go next spring.
Postmaster General Gnry und Secre
tary Gage have promised to assist in lay
ing the comer stone of the new postofilee
building In Chicago on the 4th of next
July. : ., . v
There is a very favorable outlook for
the passage of the bankruptcy bill, and
even the opiwneuts of the measure con
cede tlieir conviction that It will pass both
houses. '
The sale of postage stump for the last
quarter of the year 18U7 was the larg st
lu the history of the country,
IOee of Pownlmt. !! Co., CMfc-to
h srd of '!' B'ic Hrofcers 71 -" 1 H'hsmWr ot v otn-
Juoica building, J'oKWml, Ontou.) ,
Tli tntda hits tsillon into a way of
Uiiiikini? that tlio bitr receinl of tli
pitfct week will clean up tho surplus
wheat .that i liuWo Uv como out at
present prieea. Most of tlii wheat is
contract, when it is all in tho bull
think Unit they will control the. situa
tion. ' :,; '. '-:
Iu tho Northwest the olutm la mmle
that 80 per cent of tha crop bus boon
marketed, and that country elovator
itock ate very light compared with
previous year. Every one Is looking
for a sharp fulling off in receipt after
the first of the year; also for higher
prices, whilu the situation on all aide
is admittedly bullish the world over,
tha prices have not responded to what
the hull think the position of stock
to estimate requirement justitles.
They have fixed the standard of Tallies
in their own minds, aud because they
ara not realiied they feel disappointed.
Most of them are too much inclined to
lose sight of (he fact that the prioe of
wheat has reached a point where sub
stitutions of other a'tioles out greatly
into the consumption, and that the
speculator are more solicitous a to
tho prioe and the probable snppliea
than tho consumers.
The outlook for supplies from Ar
gentine is uncertain, the probability
being that tha exportable surplus will
not exceed 30,000,000 butthels. Trad
ers lose sight of the faot that Argen
tine is a large country, and that unfa
vorablo conditions will hardly exist
over the entire territory.
Harvesting is now in progress, and
the rains might reduce the exportable
surplus. There will be little wheat to
ship from Australia, but India's pros
pects are evidently good, judging from
the free offerings in Liverpool for Sep.
tember. The American visible supply
this week showed a larger increase than
expected, being 1,051,000 bushels mora
than last week, and now totals 88,616,
000 bushels, as compared with 64,443,
000 bushels at tha same time last year.
Portland Market,
Wheat Walla Walla, 757Cc; Val
ley and Bluestem, 7 7 78c per busheL
Four Best grades, f4.25; graham,
$3.40; superfine, $3,25 per barrel.
Oats Choice white, 86S6ci choice
gray, 83 34u per bushel.
Barley Feed barley, 1030; brew
ing, $30 per ton. r,
' MillBtiffd Bran, f IT per ton; mid
dlings, $31; shorts, $18.
Hay Timothy, $13.601; clover,
$1011; California wheat, $10; do
oat, $11; Oregon wild hay, $910 per
ton. . .
Eggs 18 (3 85c per dozen. '
Butter Fancy ; creamery, 85(9 60o;
fair to good, 45 (4 50c; dairy, 40 50c
per roll.
Cheese Oregon, lljo; Toung
America, lSc; California, B10o
per pound. ,;
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $1.75
3.25 per dozen; broilers, $3.003.50;
geese,' $5.60(36.60; ducks, $4.00(35.00
per dozen; turkeys, live, 80c per
pound.. - .-';; ' ..-':;'
Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, 35 45c
per sack; sweets, $1.40 per cental.
Onions Oregon, new, red, 90c; yel
low, 0o per cental.
xlops 6gl4o per pound for new
crop; 1896 crop, 4(dj6o.
Wool Valley, 1416o per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 712o; mohair, 20
22o per pound.
Mutton Gross, best aheap, wethers
and ewes, $3.60; dressed mutton,
6Ko; spring lambs, 6e per pound.
Hoga Gross, choice heavy, $4.00;
light and feeders, $3. 00 4. 00; dressed,
$4. 50 5. 00 per 100 pounds.
Beef Orosa, top steers, $2.75(33.00;
cows, $2.60; dressed beef, i 8c per
Veal Large, 4 6o; small,
60 per pound. ' .
Seattle Market.
Butter Fancy native creamery!
brick, 28c; ranch, 16 18c.
Cheese Native Washington, 12so;
California, 9 Mo. ,
Eggs Fresh ranch, 28c,
Poultry Chickens, live, per pound,
hens, 10c; spring chickens, $2.50
8 00; ducks, $3.603.75.
" Wheat Feed wheat, $33 per ton.
Oats Choice, per ton, $19 20.
Corn Whole, $22; cracked, per ton,
$32; feed meal, $33 per ton.
Barley Rolled or ground, per ton,
$23; whole, $23.
Fresh Meats Choice dressed beef,
steers, 6c; cows, 6a; mutton sheep,
7c; pork, 6c; veal, small, 7.
Fresh Fish Halibut, 66c; salmon,
8c; salmon trout, 710o; flounders
and sole, 84; ling cod, 4 g 5; rock cod,
6c; smelt, 2.!-44c
Fresh Fruit Apples,60o$l. 25 per
box; peaches, 75 80c; prunes, 8540o;
pears, i75c$l per box.
- Ban Francisco Market
Wool Nevada 11 18c; Oregon, 13
14c; Northern 78o per pound.
Hops 1014c per pound.
Millstuffs Middlings, $2028; Cal
ifornia bran, $17.00 18.00 per ton.
Onions Jiew red. 7080c; do new
gilverskin, $2.00(33.25 per cental.
Eggs Store, 2428c; ranch, 80
84c; Eastern, 1630; duok, 2025o per
Citrus Frnit Oranges, navels,
$1.503.00; Mexican limes, $2.00
8.00; California lemons, choice, $1.50
3.00; do common, 50c $I. 26 per box.
CheeseFancy mild, new, 13 Wc; fair
to good, 7 8c per pound..
Hay Wheat, 1 2 1 4; wheat and
oat, $U14; oat, $1013; river bar
ley, $78; best barley, $10 13;
al f al f a, $8, 50 10; clover, $8. 60 1 0.
Fresh Fruit Apples, 25c$1.25 per
large box; grapes, 3550o; Isabella,
6075c; peaches, 6Qp$l; pears, 76o
$1 per box; plums, 3035c.
Butter Fancy , creamery, 88c;
do seconds, 8H87o; fancy dairy,82e;
good to choice, 8081o per pound.
Potatoes New, in boxes, 88 860.
MrGladstone will -shortly celebrate
his 88th birthday, The "grand old
kman" was both in Liverpool December
29, 1S09, and as things look now, he
bids fair to wehoino the dawn of the
20th century. If he survives till next
year he can participate In tho centenary
celebration of the Irish rebellion. As
he comes of a sturdy race, the chances
an that he will live even beyond hi
BOtli birthday.
Annual Meeting to Me Hold tn Portland
,l,!vm.i-y 11, and 13, "
The arrangement for the meeting of
tho Northwestern Fruilnroworn' Asso
ciation, for tho statu of Oregon, Idaho,
vvasiimgton ami jbmisii ouuiioi,
which will ho hold in Porltand, January
11, 18 and 13, 1S0H, are well umhir
The committees upon whom the sno
cess of this moeting depends are:
Executive committee Uuull Lam
bei'Bon. chairman; Henry 15. Dosoh
gecrt'tarv-trensnrer; Jl. M. Williamson
U M. Spiegel, 4 Alfred Tucker and
Frank laie.
Transportation A. II. Dover, H. U
Lewis and T. D. Hotievrmul,
Finance L. M. Siiioaul, Edward
Hughes, David M. Dunne, J, II. Hazel
tine and Mark Levy.
Exhibit F. H. PaRet, John A, Bell
W. F. Carroll, Mark Levy, M. L. Har
vev. and . one from each comity and
fruit district within the territory cov
ered by the association.
Arrangements O. V. Coper, H. M
Williamson, Frank Lee, E. C. Hasten
and Alfred Tucker.
Chairman Bnoll Lainberson and Sec
retarv Henry E. Dosuh of the executive
committee, wilLaot as ex-oRloio mem
bers of the suh-comuuttees.
Tne meetings heretofore held by
this association at Wulta Walla and
North Yakima were very suoowsful
being not alone profitable to those at
tending the meetings, but beneficial to
the entire fruit interests. Representa
tive men from far and near were pre
ent to discuss the various phases of the
growing industry. ,
The foregoing committees are fully
alive to the situation and are now na
tively at work to make it surpass any of
the prior meetings held. Already
many letters have been received by the
chairman and secretary from various
cities within the limits of tho associa
tion, as well as fiom other states, from
St. Paul, Omaha and Chicago, asking
about reduced transportation rates.
The transportation companies with
the nsual courtesy extended tn this as
sociution, have made the rate on the
Northern Pacific. Great Northern, and
Union Pacific lines, one and one-fifth
fare; and on the Southern Paoiilo line
one ana one-third fare lor the rouml
trip. The apparent difference of rates
is caused hy the Southern Pacific s low
er tariff rate, it being only four cents
per mile as against a nve-cont per mile
rate of the other companies. They have
also expressed a willingness to trans
port all legitimate exhibit of frntts,
both fresh and evaporated, trees, eto-
frea of charge. Such exhibits should
bo carefully labeled, packed and shipped
to Buell Lainberson, 180 Front street,
Portland, on or before January 6.
The programme, which is now being
arranged and will be published later,
will cover all the qustions pertaining to
the fruit interests, notably the ship
ping of fresh fruits to Eastern markets
at a profit to the grower. This will
be thoroughly discussed, esKvhilly the
charge by refrigerator car communes,
which must be adjusted on a live-aml-
let-live basis.
Cray's Harbor Lumber Shipment
That the Gray's harbor country bus
enjoyed a fair degree of prosperity dur
ing the year 1897 is shown hy the for
eigi lumber shipments as compared
with those of 1890, the increase being
nearly 800 per cent. In 1896, only 11
vessels with lumber sailed from that
harbor for foreign ports, the aggregate
amount of lumber being 8,400,000 loet,
while during the present year 33 ves
sels cleared from Gray's harbor, carry
ing 10,649,000 feet of lumber, valued
at $110,000.
Of the 23 vessels clearing for foreign
ports from Gray's harbor during the
present year, 16 of them loaded at tho
mills in Aberdeen 14 at the West &
Slade mill, with cargoes amounting in
the aggregate to 5 328, feet, and two
at Wilson Bros. & Co.'s mill, whose
cargoes aggregated 975,000. The E.
K.Wood mill at Hoqiiiam, shipped four
cargoes foreign, 3,783,000 feet, and
the Northwestern Lumber Company
two cargoes, aggregating 1,600,000 feet
Most of this lumber went to Mexi
can ports, although Honolulu received
several cargoes, while Africa, New
Caledonia, Australia, and Fern eaol
received one cargo. At the present
time the mills have orders for foreign
cargoes of Inmber, and the owners an
ticipate that the 1898 foreign trade
will greatly exceed that of 1897.
North wast Notes.
The presiding elders of the Methodist
Episcopal church, comprising all the
elders in the Paoiflo Northwest, will
hold a convention in Spokane on the
11th, 12th and 13th or January, 1898.
Bishop Cranston, of Portland, will
preside. .
A logger at Seaside, Or., says that
he proposes to put in 9,000,000 feet of
logs before the end of the freshet season
next year. . The timber will be taken
from the Scotlian, Bracker, Eherman,
Gearhart and Starr places, near Holi
day Park.
Hops in Yakima seem to he a drug
on the market, notwithstanding high
quotations elsewhere. , Local buyers
say that choice grades can easily find
sale at 13 cents, hut they maintain
that only one or two choice lots remain
in the valley, and that the best of the
poorer qualities left are not worth
more than from 0 to 10 cents.
B. M. Pulse, of 8uver, Benton ooun
ty. Or., sold his hop orop, 8,865
pounds, last week. Three-fourths of
it went for 9 cents, ind the remain
dor for S cents a poind. John Patter
son, of the same neighborhood, has
shipped, on consignment, about 10,000
pounds, receiving a cash advance of
1 cents for best, and 0 cents per
pound for second quulity. George
Koth, of Sover, has sold shout 13,000
pounds at 12 cents, Mr. Pulse has
begun the cultivation of bis nine-acre
yardfor next year.
Heavy rains and heavy breaker on
the beach recently caused landslides on
the beach below Empire, Or. A num-
er of bluffs and rocks oaved in. As
much as 10 acres of fine land, includ
ing house and barn and other property,
belonging to Charles Hanson, and the
prominent rocks known as the ".Seven
Devils," disappeared.
Not much was done at the meeting
of fisheries tnon in Taconia recently.
The attendance from but of town vol
untary delegates to the Florida "con
gress will he submitted to the governor
for appointment as representative for
Washington, '
' JtKVKW TOO I'W. ' '
Agiiiust the probability or possibility of
ml ham e or accident we van never be too
sure, Hut if w shottld stop to .consider
how (treat Is tli clmtice of sudden death,
we would l made too timid and unhappy.
C,,.tirm l needed tint to lis fonlharilv, and
precaution to know what la hesttortn wiien
1111 uct iilont happen. (ne day this lnl;r
two men were walking, and one said;
"We're too timid in treading on slippery
phues, 1 trend liruily and never ilnnk
about them, and so escape a fall."
he too sure," said the oilier, "it l that that
tliiinvB vou oil and nmkes the fall tlie
hinder. Just then they cams upon a place
roverulwith I bin snow, where kuis had
1-MMi sliding. The drat speaker slipped, and
nunc down with hl foot turned, ami badly
sprained Ills ankle. He was a cripple nil
clinches until a short time ago, having used
niaiiv things without benent, I'p to that
linie'he bad not used 8t, Jacobs Oil, which,
when used, cured him completely, so t hai
he walks as usual There ( if probability
1 l,l i',,p tlm rent of tile BcaMl'll lit- Will Walk
inutiously. viitlnhe precaution of having
this givut remedy ready lor ue.
Value uf the- ItrllUli Navy.
It is Interesting to note that the capi
tal value of the British navy at the
present time exceeds i'O 4,000,000. The
first cost of the fleet which led to the
downfall of Nnwleon was but tlO,
000,000. The fleet then comprised be
tween 480 and 4U0 lighting Vessels.
California claims the largest boy in
the world of his age. His name is
John Bardin. He la 15 years old, six
feet five inches tall, and weighs 930
Deti.ii the wnrnlnns of that who have been
on itivupnl, aud predict suffering In th Klon.
dike region, II .oumtidn of adventiiroui Ameri
cans ate wending their way Ihlilierward. All
til flicniKtimi.d lie provided ailh that medicinal
safcaiisrd. Itusieurr's Stomach Bluer-, wh en
uai-itsaiiil lu.urtches Ids HNtcni and prevent
nisiar a, rlicinratlm, klrim-y Irouhle, tcH:de
reieidvlng liver complaint, ttysprpaut and
tHUisllptttlon. ;
It is estimated that Australia con
tains nearly 7,000 species of plant not
found elsewhere.
We are asserting in the courts onr right to the
cxcluaive ne at tne word " CAttTOttiAV' and
1'11'CHKK'SCAS I'OKIA," a our I tails Mark,
t. Dr. Samuel Pitcher, of tlyannls, Massachusetts,
w.iatheorigluularof "I'lt'Cl'lKK'SCASroHlA,"
the same that has borne aud does now bear th
tac slmlle signature ofCHA. It, I'l.urcilHK on
every wrapper. This is tha original " PITCH UK' A
C VaTORIA" which has keen used In the home
Of the mothers of America for over thirl,- years.
Look Carefully at tha wrapper and see that it Is
tht kind ,ws kuv afrcart Ausga, aud has tha
signature af CIIAH. H. FI.KTCHU oa th
wrapper. NO one has authority from me to us
my name except Tha Ceiitaar Company of which
Chas. II. Fletcher is President.
Hatch ), J-V. 8AM mil, PITCUiUt, U.D.
The laregst parish in London in point
of area is Lewishnm, which ha 6,778
acres; and the largest population is
Islington, which has now 830,000 in
habitants. After tiring sw Imllert hy nit ot tiers, send as stamp
frr nrtinil.irs el" Kins Molyttinlt's Treasure, the
ON I.Y rem-wcr ef manly Ntrenxtte. MAMIl.N
I ll-:.MIc Al, CO., V. l. HOI 7JT, I'lilbuMplna. I'm.
The teaching of mnsio is becoming
mote general every year in the public
schools of this country.
Two bottles of 1'lsn's Cur lor Consump
tion cured tne of a bad lung trouble. Mrs.
J. Nichols,' Princeton, lnd.. Mar, 2(1, IHtt.
The distance of the earth from the
sun is about 8,000,000 miles less iu
December than it is June.
en free
Portland, Or,
Is it Wrong?
fict it Kiiht.
Keep it K gliL
Moore's narrated Itemsdy wllldo It, Three
doses will male you leel belter, l II from
your druggist or any wholesale drug home, or
from Stewart llnlmot Prug Co., Seattle.
Men whonuTir from t'.io sgscts of dlMaae, or sr.
work, irort7, from ua follies of youth or tb ex-
oeiiea of nionUood, fiom unnatural drains, wask.
nui orl icltof dovelopmcnt of any or;.-an, fsllanof
vital foraint, unntness for B arrluro, ell ttxb men
shonld "oome to tin fountain hnut " for a sciwitltla
method of marrollon power to vttnll7S, develop, re.
toro, on-l nustaln. Ws will msll wtlbenl ebarse
la n plain sealed envelope rampblet that
Tells It All. Jortblnt sent nnaatsd. Koum.
sura.uod'Moptlon, Address
H ill
JO i
1 h A
Herctiha Special
2i acttial horsepower)
rnce, only SIS3.
Patent Medicines
mt Cut Rates...
Wholesale and Itetail Druggists, Portland,
rods sis;
rig sicl Im-atlns rinM or Kllver
t nr It-irn-'l iri'i,.iir,u t
t. It. Bo as7, Muutltlnatun. Uouu"
t Li:j
, But (
.it; u Vvtuiii All ttii AitS.
Kiafh Uynip, (ifKjit-
Hum, h -'d hv rln "...,.
4 .
''f t-..rr.i!;;t
or"', tli''.is
... s
Plight to
be told
Just where s
the danger
lies, for
whote fu
ture may
tipou that
ed(?o and how to ovcrcotno thedungers)
Uint threaten tlnsin.
Thera is no need of our dosoi'lhinjf
the exporloncca of aiioh womon here
they ire too well known hy those who.
have aufferedl but wo will Improa
upon every one thnt these are the
nover-falling symptom of aerioue
womb trouble, aud union relieved at
once a life will be forfeited.'
Lydia 11 Plnkhom's Vefrata-lilo Com
pound never fall to relieve the dis
tressing troubles ulxive referred to( lb
has hold the faltlt of the women of
America for twenty year.
It gives tone to tho womb, atrenjrtli
ens tho muacloa, bantuhe backache
end relieve nil pains incident to
women' dtaeaae. All DruggUU SuU
It and recommend it.
Htt 1 r On 10, frrv or Toi.sno, 1
1,1 I AS I'OCKTI, i
Fsk J. I'lifNuv niakaseatli that h Is lh
seiiliir partnerol Hie rtrmot r. J. 'Mgitv4 t'o.,
doing business tn tit t'iiy ot Toledo, l!oiiuy
sn I state ahtrcmild, sn-1 that lbs ld Hrm will
luiv tne auni ol OSK ill'MlKKII IMil.l.AIIH lor
each snd etery caw ol 1'tbh thst . anont I
cured by the uw ol Hall's rTssn cm a
Hworn to liefuro me and suliscribed la inv
prcM-m-.a, this tlth day ol Uemlr, A. P. IS".
JsgiLj notary I'uhllo.
iTioTs Catarrh Care Is Islen Internslly, and
sctn dir.'otlv 011 the IiIoimI and mucmt-. stirlai'i
ol the tcin. Head fnr twtimoiiiais. Ires,
C J. CllkNKY A !'() Toledo, 0,
. gold bv druggists, 7.1,
'.Hall's r'amlly Pills are th b.
Aii international congress I being r
runucd in Paris for the discussion ot
means of preventing fire at theater
and other place of ptihlio resort.
The Bible wa written by degree
during period of 1,000 years. It wa
anciently called "The Books," but
for the past 700 year th "Bible."
iiomk i-itom ct ani rtuit roan.
All KsKtern Syrup, so-callsd, nsntlly very
llyiht coioivd and ol beavy budy, Is msde troto
Blnctme, "7Vn Wartfs Itrnm'' is nisil Irtint
Sugar Cane and Is strictly pur. It ts lor sale
hv llrht-ulsks vrtawrs, m cans only, klanaiao.
tiirwl by the Pctrtc Unas at M' (10. Ailn.
nine iT-'tt O'm-dra irlnj" hava th viaunlao
Hirer's narua llthograpbad oa svary can.
Frog subsist on insects, and are
themselves devoured hy a variety ot
other animals.
Weak Kidneys, Inmbagn, RheiimatUta
and Sciatica Are Cured by
A airon- enrrent ' .' It cn b
of e.mtrl.-liy Is lett lstcd by a new
by ibeweaiereverv ZJi pataut rnlsior
moment ibis belt i it H1 so as to make It a
vntlisUxly. 2ii .jit strong or as mild
viJ&ff you waul It.
ttronveys slesdy, mothln enrrent of elen.
trlcllv Into the weakened inins'lts, giving them
ahealtbr nerve power, whh'h revives thsm.
It make, them slronir. It Is curing hundreds
rrrrv iiitinib.
hiHik shout it tree, by mall, or at th offlca.
Add ria.
53 rnltitiKiun HI, l-nrtlMHil, 4r.
I'ltuM incniUtH thit fttpnt. -
uiiiyuj iribswyj
Ask tb dealsr for them. Band fur
rtatsve ecio tssum
ana getan mat a goou awl f "
tn Ijl, 0 f, ,
1. nm co.,1 ;
Lola of women, sn
and se'hlun ulUr mm
Out habit uf hto
sadly upon women's I
tlnUcate rgauiza- A
t r v
'A . iiMi', 7
. 1 1 id-
'v, Tb best .
f . '? V seeds grown ant J S
' - ywl-arry . ThbtV
, r aMjs sown ar Ferry,
rVh best seeds known are t
rry . It pay to plBut"V
Power that will save you money am
make you money. Hercules Etiiine
are the cheapest power known. Dura
Gasoline or Distillate Oil; no smoke,
fire, or dirt. For pumping, running
dairy or farm machinery, they have no
equal. Automatic la action, perfectly
safe and reliable.
Seud fur Illustrated catalog.
Hercules Gas
Engine Works
Bay St., San Francisco, Cul.
....T..TV vfftmntft?f
111" H T Malts money bv siienosful
tall I Inclilcago. W
I 11 I buy and sell whest on msr.
slim. li',irtiii,a l,u l,n
msde on s small beginning hv irtilinsin lu
tores, w rim fur full tisrtieulura. i..jh ot mi
erenee given. Hevers! years' ax iiarleiice on tb
(.lilcaxn Board ol Trade, and a morons n know,
ledge of thsbuslnen. Rend for our tme refer.
ytiea book. UOWNiNu, HiiPKINS tio., '
('hlcnso Hoard of Trail Kn,kt. umnm In
Portland, Oregmi and H'sttle, Wanh,
t v irvffVV
..ti alwtiT 3
n'Ui j 1 . taifU- 4
.'.-lic. -f t;.i it 4
ffis? VttHU ft J
1. m kt..fl -
CMILDftlr N tlltii
WM. W ih!. 1.1 1 w H H' Hi'i 111B1 riv fe 1
UiUtlJ rff,-itiJllri t4'.!l(ln. itMH,tt.,f.
.tilt OlR a-Ullli., MllltV- llll Ti.iill
li'-. i-'-Ni-li l.-riiUinliii
hiHik tt)-l,rl!...lnfil.
tiuta, iftt':-
1 N. v. Ss, 1:,
. .
ion tttii pmpnr.