OJtliflON - MIST. KKIDAY, JANUARY 7. I HHICNTMl, TO OOOD OOVKHNMRNT. AhlKiimh .letion is oigli unto suvon niontln in tits futurw, there are luv.-tal aiiranl for county and date offlee grooming Uietneelvnt for th covetnii ioition. Tim iuipnrtanca of - this in(!tion ohoulil ctauoe every rfifmblioiin to be on the alurt, and work for the won of his tiariy. The oulv wv in insula the pimple good govern man t, is 10 ewai a republican administration irom top to bottom. m: J "Too Lath. Tha town of j'ttiiiu oat a woolen mill that bo recently received to many order tliitt i na Men found necessary to run the unit utty ami nignc, and to atld 40 em loy to hi force. The owner of th mill ft year ko offered to morn It to Th Dalle for ft reasonable considera tion; Hinco it i duiiiR ucb thriving uutiiinta w 011 tea what wa lott by refuting the oflur, nd will prohably wot i aucn anotner cnance tup by, Timet' MounUineer. Tua QovguHOE in at It, Oorernor Lord It (aid to be tiKuritig on retionv ination, nd io making combination to that end, remarkt the Ccrvalli littette. It It alto laid that he hti made ft tradf with Benton republi an for Bullion county ttjjpport, At if dorc -nitn could be found In Benton eotiiaM foMiie or tilverite, Mitchell or atill-l i choll, Orwaonlan or anti Ore gon iJ jwho would favor or "ttand in" on aii (irade made with Lord. Benton coumy people have memorial and good ene. A Lath Virnioh. In the beginning Hod oreated the heaven and earth. Inea he made the editor, liberal pfttronlter, and prompt-paying tub onberi.ftud it wat good. Then neit day ft MinneeuU blittarJ et in, and lie created a man who didn't take hi home paper, and another who didn't heliove in advertising, and He rented. Then the devil got Into the moulding room and created the follow who take tne editar paper lor aeveral yeara, man fail to pay lor it, and tend bit wile around to have hi paper ttopped, Thon the devil retted, but the editor Latti't had any rest inco. . Indication! is Umatilla. The in' -dicalion ia that Umatilla county will have another enormou crop next year. All farmer of authority ooite in the declaration that the weather of the lt few week ha been exactly like the weather of a year ago, when nature laid the foundation for the great crop or 1BU7. II tint prove true and another niammeth yield be obtained there will be no limit t' the tide of prosperity that will wtnp over that locality. The production thia year, including the proceed from the ale of ttock and other product of the farm, amounted to a per capita wealth f 300,or about 41S0O to every fnan in the county. Doubt tli it amount, and next year ' there would not be a tingle mortgage on Umatilla real eiUto, and evvry resident would be free from all future financial trouble. Everything it fair ly on the road to the realisation of tht hope. ..: LOOUINO AND LlTMDKft COMTaACT. P. 0. McFarlane A Son, of Vancouver, were recently awarded a contract for furnishing 1,000,000 feet of piling for the Stella Raft Company, and will commence work on tba contract in a few day. It it their intention to fill the contract, tf possible, entirely with Clark county, Wash., timber, tbe greater part of which wilt be obtained in the big body of timber near Lake river, controlled by the Lake River Lumber and Logging Company. Tbe logging railroad owned by that com pany will be extended and put into tirit-claM condition for trantporling th timber to Lake river, where it will be rafted. A big loguing camp will be established on the Lake river com pany road in few day. A large force of men 1 now being hired and tbe neceatary camp equipment teourod by the contractor. Enough timber will be furnished under the contract to fill two of the big Stella raft. - That's am Eaby One. "Some of the mathematical problem they give to children in tohool nowaday make me tired," remarked a Stockton citizen the other day, "repecially when I try to work them. Now what oe i there in aiking a child how old a man i if he I half a old a hi brother, who would have been the eame age a hi inter if he hadn't died before they got iiim in long pantf Do you tee any aente in thalT That' a cample. Here' another! A yard of carpet coatt 5 cp tit more than a tack of coal, and your parlor it balf a big again at your bedroom, but not quite at big it your dinning room, how much will it coat to have your parlor carpeted, allowing border at $3 per yard, half at wide a your youngest on i old, and how much will you have loft after buy. in$ your wife what the want for Christmas? That' an easy one, though. You multiply by two, add it to five, divide by niue, ubtract nit, and drop dead when you get the bill." Dixon Launched. The iteamer (Sarah Dixon, which ha been on the way at Johnson A OUou't thipyard, in South Portland, for the last two month, wa launched lt Thursday afternoon, and 1 now tied up at the company' dock at the foot of Wash ington (treet. While on the way the ateamer wta given a complete over hauling, and her hull and cabin re painted. A complete system of elootrio lighting bat been installed, Including elootrio headlight, the current being anpplied by a 150 eandlu-power dy namo. The Dixon ia one of the larg est and finest appointed steamer on the river, and in tpood ha but few glials. She ha always been a fav orite with the trawling publio on whatever route the hut run. For the present the will not go into commia ftion, but will be hold by her owners, the Shaver Transportation Company, to go on the Clatskmnie route should an accident bufall the steamer O. W. Hhaver, w!)i'h it regularly on that run. Captain 3. W. Shaver, manager of the company, itate that with tlio opening of spring tlio Dixon may bo put on either the Astoria or The JDuiUm route, but a yet nothing tlelUnite lias been anttled as to the future route for tlio boat. Tribune. i.'tv. Mr. Smith will promih at Kalii Uir nijjit K(iiiny,moriiiiig and evening. Mr. I), J, Hwiii.r, of this city, lis Fnrsr . ... 1,,..,, M..n..n f.nn projmity, John Vox was Wednesday appointed collector of custom at Astoria by the president. Tlio county treasurer ha a notice in this iiwue calling for warrant en domed prior to May 14, 1 895. Jhediioee given In this citv Inst Friday night. was liberally patronized ana all report a pleasant time. Buy your tickeit for the entertain mont at Ron' drug ttnre and liarrit1 uaiiti uroeery. Admission ia cent Dr. Eos ha the agency in thi city for the Portlund Daily Tribune. He will receiva your ubcription. Call at the drug itore. Evangelitt F, D. Gregory will com mence revival wrvloe under th au tpice of the M. E. uhurcli on nt-xt Kunday evening, at Warreu. Patent to land in Columbia county bava recently been received at the Oregon City land ofllca for Alonzo L Monical and Nils Krickson, at (hit oounty. Communion tervice will bs held at the Congregational church next Sun day at 11 a. m.; also tervire in the evening at 7 : 30. Everybody cordially inviieu. u. n, rHiLnaooE, paiior. next week w will tend out state ment to our itibicribers and hope mey wiu.retpond freely and auiuklv We have carried you for a year or more ana nop that one ttatement will utuce. - Thut far the present winter weather ha been extremely mild, althoosh a great amount of rain ha fallen. There 1 an old faying in Oregon, however that if yon do not wear your overcoat in January you will wear it March. Circuit court convened In tlita eitv weaoeaaay morning in adjourned set turn. Several case are el for trial, and the etion will last nntil Monday at leest. After finithing here, Judee nicnriue win 1101a an adjourned term in uiacicania county. Dr. Cliff, assisted by Dr. Una, am putated the thumb of the right hand of old lady Joy, of Boappoose, last luesaxy. xtie member bad given airs, joy mucn trouble from 'can crous growth, and the ha treated it unsuccessfully for a long time. By all mean do not fail to attend the entertainment thi (Friday) even mg as tne opera-noute. The rro- gramme it made up of entertaining feature in the greatest degree, and the participant have-a reputation in rortland as being tbe beat in llmtoity We are informed the contract hat been let to an Idaho parly to carry the mail from Houlton to Vernonia fur an amount tome thins; lest than f'JOO per year. Tin contract call for a daily service between these pUcet.and require two men aud lour horses to perform the work. Sheriff Eica arrived down from Port land Wedneiday with George Upton, dui nit trial will not be had thia term. The oourt set Wednesday, th Uth day of May, which will be tha tecond day of the next regular term of circuit court, for the trial Memr. O. W Cole and W. F. Tim mont will appear or tne aeienaant. - The wood flume it rapidly aPDrnarh In it deatination on the river front. ana perhaps will be completed by the nd of the week. ' Progret has been somewhat retarded on aocount of the extreme elevation the flume will have at point patting around th bluff at the oortlt of th city. However, when completed it will be lubitanttal. A ease wa eat for hearing in Justice Clark'a oourt for Wednesday evening, wherein F. Kammayer, ft resident of th German settlement near Seap poose, was beld to answer for slight infraction. Tbe justice did not appear, and the attorneys agreed to fix Mr. Karomayer'a bond at f 100 to appear when it was the court's pleasure to noiu tne examination. The writer last Monday wa asked to vitit the upper story of the building occupied in Portland by the Moyer Clothing Cn. and inspect their stock of Klondike clothing. There we found the entire npper story crowded full of every article of heavy olothiug, fitonly for such a climate sa that of Alaska. The stock is complete iu every detail, and the managers ar always willing to show the goods. The regular January term of county court was convened bore . Wednesday morning by Judge Doan. Matters re quiring the attention of the court are numerous, always, at tha January term, and many preliminaries have to be gona through before the board cun settle down to hard labor. It bus been the policy of the present board to dit patch matter, and no doubt the great volume of bnainea before them will be disposed in time to declare an ad journment on Saturday. Person! who are troubled with indi gestion will be Interested in the exper ience of Win. 11. Penn, chief clerk in the railway mail service at Dos Moines, Iowa, who writes : "It gives me pleas ure to testify to the merit of Cham berlain'i Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For two years I have suf fered from indigestion, and am subject to frequent severe attacks of pain in the alomach and bowels. One or two dose of this remedy never fail to give perfect relief. Price 25 and SO ca nts ; sold by Dr. Edwin Him. Latt Thursday the Portland Duly' Tribune camo out under new manage- mem, a company, of which Charles) Meserve is tuumigcr, having purchased j it. It is tha iuteutioQ to enlarge and ) otherwise improve the paper, making it a medium through which tiie people j of the state can get all the stat news, and through which political utluirt in the state will be reviewed in an inv partial milliner. If tne Tribune fur- j niahes a complete state news service, I which no doubt- it will, wo believe it will fust jjiiiu popularity in tlio sthto, 1 and if iis (imilinus with uinie political matters are fair it will cortainly make I many friends (or itrndf. We bespeak I for iheTribtiue a good, healthy support. ' Martin Iluvidon, of Vernonia, Wat in town Monday aud Tuesday of this Week looking after interests which ho ouiini.It.-ia vitiU.'in reaurd to city aov- rnmonttii piijirs of Vernonia, Mr. Davison, it will bo remembered, was a Candidate for the l(iulattir on the populist ticket in 181)1, but for wn of vote did not reuch the goal, lie lint been contidDred at all timet by the people 01 uoiumbia county at a popu list, but in conversation with a Mist reporter during his vit here, remarked that if "the gang" (something we know nothing about) tinted tha ticket In the next popnliat convention he would tee to It that the ticket did not receive tha individual support of the party. Mr. Davison's remark brought to our comprehension new departures in pop ulist politics. We were always of the ooinion tliat populist were ruled by the wish of the majority, but it teems that slates are slated and tickets tick eted with them n i said to be the cane with other political parties. Mr. Dav ison declare he will wage "war to the teeth" in the populist camp if "the gang" railroad the ticket thi year, anil from ms conversation would im gioe he lint quite a following. At all eventt the action at the next populist convention will be looked upon with some degree or interest by populists. The semi annual Installation of of ficer! of Avon lodge. Knights of Pyth ias of thin city, wa held Tuesday evening. The ceremoniee were public so far as members' families were -con cerned, and a large crowd wat present. After these ceremonies of tha Knightt were concluded the lodge was declared at eaBe, and member of Ava Temple Katnoone outer took" poslettion and held their semi-annual installation. During this interim of perhaps an hour, three or four enthusiastic Knights busied tbemtelvee preparing a lunch, which they, unbeknown to tha sisters, qnietly carried to the ante room, and, when tbe proper time came, proceeded to serve sandwiches and coffee. This interesting feature of tbe eveoing'saotertainmout required about an uourf time, after which, speeches were mads by retinae and incoming officers of the two orders, and many good things wore said. It was, indeed. after 12 o'clock when the ceremonies were brought to a close, and even then ail were loth to quit the lodge-room, and a they did so all expressed great satisfaction and declared the eveuing pleasantly and profitably spent. LastTnursdsy the men employed in constructing the new wood flume were obliged to blow off a point of rock in order to level the flume, which was just in tba roar of the residence of J. II. Decker, in the west part of town. and it was only through the greatest fortune that serious damage wat not don when the blast wat discharged. i.very precaution was taken by the workmen to prevent the chattered fragments from escsping snd flyiog, but una pieoe of rock found its way through the heap of. logs and brush and flew straight for the window of tba kiicben of Mr. Decker's house, in which were members of tbe family preparing the noon meal. The window was wrecked, glass flying in every direction in the house, filling the un covered kettles on the stove with fine glass. No blame ia attached to the workmen, and all agree that fortune favored them insofar as no serious damage was done. Last Saturday night an entertain ment waa given at Houlton for the purpose of purchasing a dictionary for the school. Tha programme rendered was made up of songs, . recitations and readings, and all present sesmed to thoroughly enjoy each number. With the conclusion of the programe it was announced that oysters and cake and coffee would be served in the upper story of the schoolhonse, aud pretty near eyerbodv availed themselves of the opportunity to get something to eat. We are not advised aa to the amount of money received, but in all probability tutlioient amount was taken in to purchase the book, and holder. On New-Year' Day a man named John Shelton, working on the Astoria railroad near IUinier, was instantly killed by the dischargeof a blutt. The man was working near tha blasting crew, and when everything waa in readiness for the fusea to be lighted the usual alarm waa given, but Shel ton did not take warning after the second notice. He was buried beneath four feet of rock and dirt, and when extricated wa dead. The coroner' jury exhonerated the foreman and all other employed , there at the time, of any blame Whatever. The progressive ladies of West field. Ind., issued a "Woman's Edition" of tha Westtield News, bearing dale of April 3, 1896. The paper is filled with matter of interest to women, and we notice the following from a correspond ent, which the editor printed, realis- ng that it treat upon a matter of vital importance to their sex : "Tbe best remedy for croup, colds and bronchitis that I have been able to riud i Cham berlain' Cough Kemedy. For family use it ha no equal. I gladly recom mend it. Twsnty rive and fifty cent bottles for sale by Dr. Edwin Koss. Republican Club Notice. Notice It hereby given to th members of int ueaver rans nepuoucsn liuo mat then will ba a meeting of that chili at the Delona ball on Sunday, January Id, 1898, at '2 o'clock p. tit., for th purpose of elect ing delegates to the gtate Republican Club convention, and to transact other import ant buninesi. By order of the president. I. h. MOKOAN St y. Royal makes tne toed pure, wholesome aa delleteas. i.Vioik'.v - a. f.,-1UrV 1 -.' I ' e J CI.ATS.KAMH KOTra. J. 0. Hrysuit went up tollaiiileron abrinf bnsinoH trip tins i. , JV. o. oiynlit in Itsomoif ulist ty.R- ... at i'orUttiiii auU ht, Ut-icu Una C'.-K. Mr. and Mrs. (Tnrrnll anl family left for Unit home at Vuni liuok M jtuluy tvMiiluf Will ' I j 11 1 i 1 U- r am Will Hyersore (ft-Uinj out piling near town for list tlong the raii- roaa. Miss Louisa Burr hnitbfcnsTieii'lIng a few days at bom away from liuruulios in l'01-f- lanu. Mint Myrtle Jones relumed from Port land Holiday morning to resume lr Hcbuol amiss. , Monday morning saw tbt publio school scholars on ttiair way to school lor aaotber Oeorat Freeman 1' rcttlnr nvsrlilsatturk 01 pneumonia veiy nicely ana icl toon toue on ouiy agma, . Tliode fllackfonl Is selling tha Mori.lng 1 riumie nnu iieiiTeniia 10 suo-crioors. ht seems to be tutetiog wib tucoursging suc cess. ; . . ... ... ... Mr. I. Baumitardiierand family returned Wednesday morning from a viit to Camlr Koclc. Her mother, Mrs, block, returned who uer. , Frank Van and I). W. Proaman. of Fish. bowk, were over last week mainly to see now ueorre r reenian was seiuus alonz bavin heard of hi Illness. Ed Puns and family left for Vale. In Mal heur county, on JioiidHV evenimr. W are sorry to lose the family from our midst. but Hop they may find a better fleid for worn In their new location. It Is renorted their business starts out witb au encourag ing outlook. The road supervisor of district No. 13 mane complaint lielore J amice Hall last week against Albert Hawkins, of Kib-t, for refusal to do mad work. AlWt ant wind of the proceedings and left thceoiinty pretty suddenly. The justice gave judgement aanlntt him for 118. oriiuurisoaiuniitln the county jail for nln days. A healthy youn man takes a queer view of hi duty to his friends and country when bt would skip out rather tban do two days' road work, uui oe uas uu cuoice 111 ice matter. . Our wonhv townswsman. Mrs. Mutlle Dixon, who occasionally inits frienrt. . the Washington tide of the river, surprised as last week by coming homt with a hus band. Wll is now Mrs. Knlincr Inft m. ceived congratulations from Tisr many friends, who winb Matlla and br husband all tht prosperity they art capable of en- loving. Mr. Keating is a railroad man, and leu Jionuav eveniuc lor his work tha N P. It. K , leaving ilia wife for tha nrMant wnu nor fiareuu, nr. ana Mrs. Murray. New year't Dar wot verr armronrtntuli celebrated by a number of aur eitizena in laying an eight-foot walk from the schooi- Duuuing to th street In front, and tbare connect with the walk about tha Hatton property. Hcbool Director English got around tht evening previous and invited those he could see to assist ia getting the walk made before school began, and thought New-year's Uay would be an appropriate time. In response to tha rineinr of tha schoolheil next morning about a dozen of ourcitixent turned out with shovels for grading, or sawa for cutting, and by doing vigorous and steady work bad tha tidewaik completed by about 1 o'clock. The teachers and scholars Bud it a great Improvement, and utilize it in marching off the scbool K rounds in good order. Uessrs. Knclish and Harlow prepared tome new blackboard space during vacation in tbt bigb-school room, to tne gratitude of the proflt-ssor and pupils. There are not maav brltr man for tohool director than John English, and he ought to bt retained In thtt ollica. On of the spiciest entertainments rircn n our town for laanv a dav waa furnished by th young ladles athleli dub fcaturdar evening in the new Bhuver warehoase, and wat witnessoi by a crowd that taxed tbe capacity o! taa building. Bak-d hay had neen tioroa in mt warehouse, and was taken advantage of to make seats In rea-ular ampiUitiitr style, so that all could see the arena where tba exercises .were to lake Clace. Twelve young lailie in uniform, alf tht number trimmed in while and tha other half In red, contributed tbe entertain ment forth evenimr; not ail of it, how ever, for Mrj. Crosby't piano recitals, and Bilas Bbotird with bis cornet, supplied pleat ing interludes to the programme. The latter played with Misses Annie English on the violin and Carrie Tichenor n the piano. These musicians are always popular with a Ciatskanit audience, and would gladly be heard oftener. About twenty minutes were taken 11 u bv a march and wand drill execated in niagnilicieiit atyla and with a precision mat was remarkable. Following this an exhibition of Indian cluba waseiven bv five of the ladies that for s-raoa amfalrill j would be difficult to excell. boon after this began tbt real interest and excitement ot the evening when tbe young ladies got into position for the basket-ball contest. Miss Carrie Tichenor acted as referee and U. S. Bryant kept time. When (he signal was given and the ball loaned the scramble be gan, and with it cheers, shouts, college yells, trumpet toots, and from the audience encouraidngwunls to the Whites or Kedsas the speaker dictated had t be given load to be beard at ail, and lly were freely given. The girla played for all they were worth, and made the game about an even one. Only one goal was made during tbe game, to be placed to the credit of the Eeds, About forty minutes' time waa consumed, including short intervals of rest, and at tht close of the game the champions of each sida kept up their cheer in recognition of the splendid playing. An admittance fee of 15 cents was charged, snd w understand ever H0 waa taken in at the door. Tbe andienee generally were decorated with red or white ribbons or flowers, and the decora lions in number Boomed to be about equally distributed. " Should bs Popular. -They have introduced hugging societies in Idaho to swell church treasuries!, with the following scale of price t Girl under sixteen, 12 cent for a hug of two min utes, or 10 cents for a short squeeze; from sixteen to twenty years, 60 cent ; school marma, 40 cents; anoiliur man't wile, fl; widows, according to looks, from 9 cent to $3; old maids. 3 cent a piece or two for 5 cents, and no limit of time. Treacher are not chart-ad. Editors pay io advertisement, but are not allowed to participate until every body ele is through. COa. HOr' .'5. to - I lf -., m xk i 1 1 ;0 aw V ' I FAHOUG TREASURER'S NOTICE. " Couwry TKKrtKii omen, I T. ItKi K-iH (It; , J V. M'l'l. OTK'R IM HMSMiV (,'iVf.M 'i j i A T ALT. uu, .-nd i...,it;v Wnmmui of ..r--.-.' nd t-iidonu.d: "Not I'oM for Want .-if K r.rlor 10 toi.v 14, iH'i.v wijf Ik. .iil ii;."ii ? tin (t 11 11I tmxolltcw, luti-ff ;l wilt rit m- uihnvid BlKir Uil !!. K. M. WHA H I j.m Triiiuiiirurof Coimnoia County. Orwn N OT IC E f6 BJP&B L I C AT IO N . Lijiu Ornca at Oaaooir City, Oa., Jiirnnrv Mh. lmts TOTtf-B IS HKRKBY OIVK.M TIIT'1IIR foliowtliff'liuiunil netui'r hits tllc-d iloticu nf IliB Illtl-litlOli III 1IIHK6 flltrtl VTiMtt in sulH-irto; his ctidm.ftHit that suld prind wltl be ihh4 Imj fore tint HiflU;r arid Kneel vor M Ortigou City, wokuu, ou rsoriinry laio, wjn, wiz; AI.KXANDKU GOU8LAY, Homestesd entry Ho. ira, for the northeast of slbm 20, townslilp 3 norlh, miine 2 west. Jl nam tbe foilowtmr wftriBsHs 10 prove his Miiitlntioii reidi-nr upon and eiiltlv.tlim of caul luna, viz: llc-ury Fottr. Chm-lts M. ouuv. HK-pheu (jainiffl, sua Jiuuea A. UowtfuLock, all of pill ChAS. B. MOORES, Rorlter, NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. Lad Orrtcx ai Osrooa Ciry, Oa., s lremtM3r lrd, 11107. VTOTIfB 18 HKRKBY lilVKN' THAT THK 1 V folloMrlng-naiimd settler bss fllwi nolloe of his tntentiou 10 niuke fliiMl proof In support of nisciHiin, snq mm saia nroot win oe insoe oe fore lli Uimntv t.'lrk of (Colombia Conntv. at m. ueiens, uretrou, on r eoriiary 14m, i&m, vis VMAX OUNECKI, Homestaarl Knlrr No. IW!i3. for tha southeast of suollou 'ti, township b north, ranne 8 west. He OAtiies tbe following witnesses t prove his ooritlinious resldiilMie linon.snil (-uUlvalion 01 aata lano, ns: miaoipn Kima, iiruafKsin tek, Josaph Hobieskl, and ritepheu Lauipka, all 01 vauey, urejjron. aim utt Aa, . mihikkm, Ketrisier. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lad Ornc at Onroos Oitv, Oa.. ln-ernhar Zlrd. 1W7. VrOTTCE IS HRRKBY fllVKN THAT THE il foliowlnir-named sattlr has AltHl notir. at bis Intention to make dual proof In support of nis claim, ano inn saia prooi will oe maoe De- St, Helena, Uregno, oa Fehruary Hth, lusm, 111 loreine uoumv uiera ni coiuinriia uonniv. ai A!TON OUNECKI, Homesteail Entrr No. S2. for the north h4 of ouinweni 4, aiiu souuieasc 01 aoiitnwei4 of srttou tl, and northeast of southeast 01 eetlon 21, township 5 north, raniee t west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence uoon ami cultivation of sain laud, viz: Budolph Karth, Ignals Snilck, josepn nooiesici, sua eiepnea uunpni, an 01 d:Uf4 CHA3. B. MOORE?, Betrfster. v niter vreaou. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT XTOTTCB IS HEREBY GIVES THAT I. THE il midersiffned administrator of the estate or jonn A. Atmna, oeceaseo, bare rjleo in the ortlce of the elerk of the county court of the state of Oregon for Columbia county my diiiu account ot my aamimstrallon upon sal a estate, totrel her with mr uctitlon for final due trlbutfon of tbe residue thereof, and that tha saia couuiy court nas made an order appoinnn o'clock p. m,, and tbe courtroom of said county court at the county courthouse in St. Helens, in said county and state, as the time and place for tne nearing 01 nam mauera, at whicn time ana place any person interested in said estate may apiflHu: suu Hie wniwu oioecuons roereio. I.. J. MKMKKVK. Administrator of the estate of John A. Atkins. aeceasea. . cioj7 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT -vverr-ip va tr f t t-n r ...itl'W mtm ii ll nndersigned executrix of the Last Will aud Testament of Jacob Beuach, deceased, have filed In the office of the Clerk of tbe County Court of the State ot Oregon, for Columbia County, my final account, together with my petition for final distribution of the residue ot saia estate, and that said County Court of said County and Biate, has appointed January 14. IwM, at 2 o'clock P. M.. and the Court-room of said County Court st the County Court house in St. Helens, in said County and Ktate, as the lime and place lor the settlement of aaid final account and hearing aalit petition for final distribution: at which time and olace anv person Interested may appear snd tiie theirj objections tnereto. maki heuisju, Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Jacob jteuacn, deceased. diuj? NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE I? HEREBY (HVES THAT I, THE undereiened administrator of the estate of Peter mith, deceased, havettled in the othce of the Clerk ad the Countr Oourt of tbe fitwte ol Oregon, for Columbia County, my fiaal account ot my administration upon tne estate 01 said deceased, together with my petition for final disu-ibution of the residue of aaid estate, and that tbe Hon. County Court of said Count? and State has appointed Thursday, the srd day of February, at 'i o'clock p. m., and the court room of said Countv Court. In the Citv of Ht Helens, said County and State, as the time and place for the settlement of. said ac count and the bearing of said petition tor final distribution, at which time aud place any iter son Interested in aaid estate may appear and Die wnuen oujecuons mereui. Sated Decern bor U, 1897. SAMUEL KINDER, Administrator of the estate of Peter Bmtth. deceased. d2ljil CITATION. . In the County Court of the State of Oregon for umimnia i4uuiy. In the matter of the estate) of I Citation to heir. Prank M. Meeker, deeeaeed.l Smith, Willie Smith, Lillle Smith, an'd Somantha Smith, heirs at law 01 Franx h. Keener, de ceased, end to all other persons interested, and helrsof said deceased unknown, if any there be lli the name of the State of Oregon, you, and each of yen, are hereby commanded to be and appear before the Hon. County Court of the Slate of Orecon, In and for the County of Co lumbia, at the Courthouse In St. Helens, in said County and Stale, on Friday, the Hth day of January, 1898, at 3 o'clock p. m. of aaid day, it being the regular January term of mid Court, to show cause, if any exist, why au order of sale of ail the real property belonging to said estate should not be made as prayed for in the petition on file in said Court, said real property being descrilied as follows, to-wlt: An undivided one fourth interest lu and to tbe southwest quarter of the northeast quarter and the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section one, township 2 north, range 2 west of the Willamette Merldiau, iu Multnomah County, Btaie of Ore gon, and containing ia the w hole tract SO acres of land. In testimony whereof I, Jndson Weed, Clerk of the County Court atorasald, do hereunto act mv band and Affix the seal ot said court at my ofnve in the City of St. Helens, State of Oregon, Uiia Si'u day of December, A. D. 1BU7. County Court ) Columbia County t State of Oregon. JUD80N WEED. County Clerk. dlT J14 A Cure ter Lavs Bavclt. "My daughter, when recovering from an attack of fever, waa a great sutterer from pain in the back and hips," writes Louden tjrornr. of bardis, Ky. "After using quite a number of remedies without any benefit she tried or.e bottle of C'lianiherlain's I'am Balm, and tt has given enure relief." Cham berlain'a Pain Balm is also a certnin cure for rheumatism. Bold by Pr. Kdwin Ross. .Clearance Sale! Rsdaictlcns Leak at This: 22 m Suits and Overcoats down to ,X1T (XI Ik 00 " ' " ' 13 &o li 00 " n so we " " " aw a so suits now a 00. Doys Clothing RedaccJ Klonclilio Glotiiing THE RIQHT K1Nr AT Ri-IHT rBIOC 3. a a J v 1 AND, CI. i:,Tr.3., f V r. . r X,tgct"iUericparatii'iirorA3-slmilaiiiigileloodandScula-lii' slseSiaaiada andlkwcls of ness fM fiestContiilns nciUsrr OtwEi,MorpS4ln0 voiYAuziaL IOT liAliCOTlC. jUx.swvm e 0'-- zmtit - . lisnlwMtAaV tut? t tm0l Apcrff Remedy forConstipa lion. Sour Slomach.Diarrhotvj VWira,Corrvuibibris,F8VT;ri5h guess and Loss or &X22 TacSiinila Signature of TTEW "YDT1K. r. tXACTCOPVPr" WRAPFTB. HARRIS' CASH GROCERY Keorw olwajra no hand 1! kinds of jj: '.''' '.'sizrsnr"' r.'!,v,1,. :: ' tio and fancy ffrocris and ; r,......., . r xr provltsloo, fann proIuc, tropical 1 1 ; rOT YOUr : d domestic fruits In aenmn, tine ; vStQCGTlQSm 1 teas and enffees, tobacco and cf anvn, - A tine line of confectionery ain iu , " ; ftueM, Aiul TiftiivuaotiapeclaliiiMi. twt1tataVtritwawi CORNER COWLITZ AND MAIN aUsVt). lie":PerlcMsf9 1 C. W. Mr. Knowlos was, for many year, pioprietor of llie St. Charles hotel, and while there established a reputation as a hotel man. He is now in a better poai'ion to entertain his frieudu than ever befnre, and will welcome all hi olrl patrons tn hia rmvr ijinr-o of bueiuens, where can be founil aa up-to-date hotel. Corner Fifth snd ST. HELENS Dr. EDWIN ROSS, Prf rietor x I at a t v stv s str e, a. m .a i m . x. Patent Medicines, Fancy Toilet Articles. PERFIAJJES ANO FANCY STATIONERY. Prescriptions... Carefully and Accur ately Compounded..- DAY OR NIGHT. fcjfctK..W ,HB.Wf'i MM ma aafan Mfar. jt ir-as, t ' Vttsout J f ' t tWWaTMtlliM At). CsUKcM 't r0 S3 VO 50 TMf V ARM TH" c"v yv itfiicmrira AtfMtUfrrri!, usrner Si Hi si w wwawji srfi..ei.Qlt,i.LTi,.lL OU1EN1AL HOTEL A. H. BLAKESLEY, Proprietor. Hoard by Day, Week or Mc " AT BUA-ONAI11.B R.ttH. The table Is supplied with the best the market ull.jriK. I" erwhtnif eit'ini. A t ri ot v rt -ronare Is solK-itert. 8T. lliil.i.NH, O1 .cwn TTTAN'TFr- V to tw AVUJ-IHir-lKCT V 1 l t. in nrf'iu. K permiuM-lit. 1- "ts--- 1eS i il :FAC-SIMILE ' OF- : is ow'.nm WRAPPED . . OF. ETSSI ; -rfl EOTTXtE OU VliW .kW itA twa i I Castor) Is Bit rp in en-s!ss tnttist 0"1t- Tt '.I airt sold ia talk. Coat allow aoyoisa to se'1 t anyUiiTg tits on trs pita ox rrotu us tV,t it It "Just as good" and "will answer tt pur rese. sr Be that yoa gat & A -8-1-0 E-I-A. i j Tbtfta. I SI ttMtS .-y . SI 4 STREET. ST, HELENS, OR. 3 KN0WLE5, Mar.sscr. VasMnstsa Struts, h:Zt PHARMACY Complete Lins cf... rifftfl(f'jfo' CnvtrTr-rJir? sasauillUUVd WtUs'stUvlt School Books... and..- School Supplies 1 TXkii Atorsa A V v5 S JT n iuinwMwiil5l :3Vi roa Fo.tTL.'-ro, r TT r ' v -1; s ft V '.LI. Fine t-.