""TTfR OP !NT!!!T5TTO FARM ER AND HOUSEWIFE. How to Properly Car for the Farm Team Hedges Da Not Necelve 8uf flelcut Attention-Cob Coal for Eons Plant Need Lima. Care of the Team. A teamster, whose name Is Rollle Smith, says that one of his employers ' ' kopt three large teams, and gave or ders to trot them whenever a level or the road permitted. One time, being In id Up by sickness, the employer promised to give a suit of clothes when he got well to the driver who kept his learn In the best order. Smith, who Ix'lieved In walking large horses, re solved to win the suit It was six weeks before tiUS boss- was around. The first day of walking, the horses bav- lug been trotted so much, were not very ambitious, and their trip was not completed until long after the other boys were through and their teams put up. The next night Smith finished his rounds earlier. In ten days the team would do as much In a day on a walk aa either of the other two, which were Jogged af every opportunity, and began to gain wonderfully in flesh and appearance. The same quantity of grain was given as before, but be thinks he rubbed them a little more- be could not help it, they were so hand some. He also frequently allowed tbem after working to roll In the loam of a freshly-plowed field or garden, which they greatly enjoyed. Then they were cleaned, first with, a broom, then with a rice root brush, followed by uig cloth rarely or never with a cur rycomb. When the employer was able to visit the stable he did not know Smith's team could scarcely believe It belonged to him. After having all the horses hooked up to wagons and see- lug this team walk away from the oth ers, ne gave orders to "walk your horses," and took "Rollle' to a first- class place and told him to pick out the best suit In the store, for the lesson learned was worth It. Farm Journal. It j to convert sugar and starch In the feed into tat. Should this fact be con firmed by repeated tests, It may np9et some of the accepted theories about THE ALASKA RUSH. IV tarn Roads Preparing Igaore the Canadian Pad Bo. bain need rations. Indeed, some of the . Chicago, Dec, 13. Tha intelligent western feeders contenu roads have for soma time been figuring mat tney get oetter resuus Dy ieeaing earnestly on the business that is ex tt.ir cheap corn, grain or meal, with peoted to set in in the late winter and fodder a ration that is quite d. the early spring toward Alaska. They flclent In protelu or nitrogenous mat- ( have been doubtful whether the pur- ter, tnough ricn in rat tnaa tney oo chasers of transportation would wish when a well-balanced ration Is given. Now If a cow can convert starchy ele ments Into fat, as Jordan believes, why may she not Increase the per cent, of solids In hen milk, according aa ber food ia varied T The fact Is, we are be ginning to find out that processes going on in the "innards" of a cow are "fearfully and wonderfully made," and but little understood. Orange Judd Farmer. Bbearlng Hediea, Theie are comparatively few Ameri can farmers who take tbe pains requir ed to keep a hedge neatly trimmed and within reasonable bounds of growth. Most of the hedges we see have be come overgrown, and aa their tops spire upwards, the undergrowth that is re quired to make a compact hedge near the ground dies out, leaving gaps through which most of the smaller ani mals readily pass. When pruning Is done in this country it is most apt to be done in the spring or late in fall, when the buds are dormant This only makes matters worse, as the more vig orously the top is then pruned the greater will be the growth of the up per buds. The only pruning of hedges to effect proper growth must be done In July or August when the hedge Is in inn roliage. This checks growth greatly. But this is Just what is want ed. We have seen both Englishmen and Scotchmen doing this work on their own grounds, but never an Amer ican native born. The work comes Just when all American farmers are : busiest, with haying or grain harvest or when work among cultivated crops is most pressing. Long pruning shears are used, and the hedge is cut back so that an even cut will prune off some thing of this year's growth at the top ana on each side. But the hedge, though pretty when thus trimmed, is, If kept in condition, more expensive man any other kind of fence. Chemical Change in FimxI. Wben green material, such aa unripe corn. Is killed by frost the cells are rup tured and the aromatic oils escape very rapidly. The leaves become weak, dry quickly and drop off more easily than does corn cut at the same stage of ripe ness before frost. Then, too, corn that Is cut while green, 1 It be Immediately shocked, especially In large shocks, so that most of the stalks will be shaded, goes ou developing while In the shock; that Is to say, as long as there is abun dance of moisture in the plant the chemical changes which may go ou improve the quality of the food, and hence stalks cured In this way are rel ished by the animals better than are those which have been frosted..: It is believed we may say proved that the volatile oils of forage plants play an Important part In promoting digestion. The apple which grows on the topmost branch and Is properly barreled and ripened digests easily because It Is not only mature, but because it carries with It an appetising aroma, and in stinctively we get a double enjoyment from such an apple, by smelling it, and by eating it; while the apple grown In the shade on tbe lower branches and left In front of the grocery store for two or three weeks before it is used contains very little distinctive aroma, is unpalatable and hard to digest for two reasons it is not mature and It carries with It little volatile and aro matic oils. The Cultivator. to buy tickets through to Dwon City, or only to the porta on the coast, and today the roads took their first action hearing on tho question of Alaska rates. They have decided to get out their rata sheets showing the rates to Alaska and will ignore entirely the claims of tbe Canadian Pacific for the differential on the business. The rates of the Cans iliun Pacific will not be shown on the Sheet at all. . . In the days of the old Tmnsconti nental Association, the Canadian Pa r'.fic was allowed a differential of f 5 on Its Pttoillo coast business, and it claims the same now, but the roads of the old association, and those of the Western Passenger Association, after the pro mulgation of the supreme court deoi t ion regarding the formation of pools and associations, absolved them from all further obligations to allow the SinYrentiala of the Canadian Pacitic. The latter road has never seen the mat ter in that light and it will make a light that is very likely to demoralise die rates to Alaska, and North Pacifla oast ports. FIGHT ON THE BORDER. To Keep Sheep Properly. To keep sheep properly some atten tion should be given tbe breed that Is desired; that is, in Its selection. If tbe pasture la of the best kind the breed should be of the large-growing individ uals which reach heavy weights, and which are not expected to forage for their supply. If the herbage Is scanty the breed should, consist of more active Individuals. Tie Southdowns can be kept in larger flocks than the Oxfords, and they are capable of foraging more. coming nearer to tbe merino In that respect If heavy-fleece merinos are used the carcasses must not be expect ed to be large and of the best quality. It is now known that a heavy fleece of fine wool and a carcass of the best quality for mutton cannot be produced on tbe same sheep. l' three Mexican Ouarda and On Des perado Killed. Denver, Dec. 18. News is received f a desperate fight that occurred near ;he border of Ariiona and old Mexico, three guards of the Mexican service tml one desperado were killed, Tbe latter was Franco Phallard, one of IS luck Jack's gang, and an outlaw from Texas, whose two brothers were killed while members of Billy the Kid's gang. A lew days ago the border guards learned of a raid that was designed by Black Jack to loot a town across the river. A start was made from Leander Springs, and the guards had no diffl lulty in finding them. The two foroea met face to face at a turn in the road, rhere were eight outlaws against three officers, but the latter opened the at taok with orders of "hands up." Two of the outlaws turned their horses for the hills, but Phallard dismounted. and drawing bis Winchester, opened fire and killed the three officers before be fell with a wound in bis side which proved fatal. Phallard is the last of the Sam Basa gang of trainrobbers, who cleaned out Custer City many years ago. WEEKLY MARKET LETTER. HIS LAST HOPE GONE. Making Cob Coal for Hoc One who raises from 100 to 150 pigs should aim to save at least 200 bushels of corncobs for charcoal. Make a pit to a reel deep, 12 to 18 Inches In diameter at bottom, 44 to 5 feet on top. nave a sheet iron cover made large enough to cover the pit and pro ject six inches over the edge. Start a nre in the bottom with shavings and add by degrees a bushel of cobs, and iei. mem get well aglow. Then add three to four bushels more, and when well ou fire add more, and so on, until me ni is rounaing full. . If they burn i aster on one side than the other side lift the side that Is burning least with n pole. If you have an old iron rod long enough, lay it over the center of me note so as to keep the sheet iron from sagging. When all the cobs are well aglow, even blazing freely cover the hole with sheet Iron and seal the puges witn earth airtight and leave It until tbe next morning, when the char coal can be taken out, and If the Job Is well done there will be from nine to twelve bushels. Farm, Stock and Home. Crooked Moldboarde for Plows. An Ohio farmer In a communication to National Stockman writes: "The other day I was watching the effect of land roller In a field, part of which had been broken with a plow that bad a crooaea ruoiauoara and part with a plow having a straight moldboard. The ground was broken when dry and hard, but the crooked moldboard so crushed and ground tbe soil while turning It that the roller left it in quite a little better condition than that which was wedged over with a straight mold- board. The latter draws the easier, but It pulverizes less. The more crooked the moldboard tie more crushing the soli gets while being broken." Lime on Acid Bolt It appears to have been proved at the Rhode Island station that many plants need lime on acid soil. While a few are Injured by It, particularly if they are grown the same season that tbe lime Is applied, most of the plants usually grown In Rhode Island are either uninjured by liming or else bene fited In a greater or less degree. The great benefit from lime upon the farm of the experiment station having been established, further experiments were r-ouducted for tbe purpose of ascertain lug if the form or combination in which the lime Is applied to the soil has any thing to do with Its effectiveness. The various experiments conducted for this purpose have shown that lime, to be of the greatest possible use, must be ap plied to the land In the form of air or water slacked lime, or of calcium car bonate (carbonate of lime). When ap plied In the two first mentioned forms, most of the lime passes sooner or later In the soil into the form of carbonate f line. Experiment in Cow Feeding-. New facts about cow feeding have been learned by a remarkable experi ment conducted by Director Jordan at the New York station, the results of which, soon to be published, will make a sensation. Selecting a good Jersey cow and getting ber in proper shape for the test, he fed her for sixty days with prepared foods that contained practically no fat Everything that she consumed was weighed and analyzed, also the milk and all the excrement, f- ..d and liquid. The figures show that this cow gave in her milk forty pounds more fiit than she consumed, while she lidded thirty pounds to her weight and mis In a good, thrifty, feehy condi . at the close. This Inmates that His rua! force in the cow boa the abil- Orchard Kept In Grass. It Is possible by heavily mulching orchards, where grass Is allowed to grow, to keep the surface moist and loose, so that the grass does no Injury. But in such cases it will be found that the tree roots run near the surface where they naturally go to reach mois ture and light. This makes such or chards very liable to Injury by winter freezing. It Is better to cultivate the surface soil to the depth of three or four Inches, as that makes the best mulch, and also cuts off the tree roots near the surface. But a better plan is to train the head so low that tbe branches will come near the ground. This will cause the snow to lie as It falls, making further mulching unnec essary. Co-operative Hosi Killinc. . The farmers of Maine have circum vented the beef trust. They have or ganized 1,000 fresh pork and beef clubs In that State, each club composed of I ten members. The ten farmers belong ing to a club arrange for a succession of butcheries. That Is, a hog Is killed every so many days during the winter season and the fresh pork Is divided into ten parts, each family getting one part. This does not Include the bams and other portions of the animal, which are salted or pickled for future use. The arrangement amounts to a co-operative meat shop. The farmers lose nothing and they get fresh pork all the time. Des Moines Register. Neata Foot OU. Many farmers when they butcher a cow throw away the hoofs as worth less. They ought always to be used; to make neats foot oil. Put them In a kettle with plenty of water and boil until all the oil is extracted. A set of four feet will usually make a pint of the oil, which should be skimmed from the surface as it rises In boiling. Tbe California Supreme Court Decide Against riot-rant. San Francisco, Dec. 18. Late this afternoon the supreme court dispelled the last hope of V. II. T. Durrant, the murderer of Elanohe Lamont and Mm nie Williams, by disposing in a sum mary manner of his two appeals. ' In a written opinion, from tbe pen of Unei Justice Beatty, which is con enrred in by all but one of his col leagues, the court affirms the jndgtnen of Judge Bahrs, in remanding the pris oner to San Qncntin until the time set for his execution, but reverses that sen fencing Durrant to be hanged on Xovem ber 11, and remands the case to tbe superior court, with instructions to pro ceed according to law. As the remittur was ordered issued forthwith and the court holds that ex ecution can only be stayed now by the issuance of a certificate of probable cause, it only remains to resentence the condemned murderer, which will prob ably be done tomorrow. Justice Garoutte alone dissented from this opinion, maintaining that Dur rant's appeals should have been dis missed, as the time required by law for their perfection had been allowed to lapse. BRAVE PORTLAND GIRL, (Office of Downing, Honklnt A Co., Chicago Board ol Trad Brokers,, 7U-;i(i;riamber of Com. Biere. Building, fortland, Oregon. Tha interest in wheat has been any thing but keen outside the December deal, prioes holding comparatively nar row. Taking the May delivery, which is more nearly an index of market val- nos than is December, the undertone has been oue of comparative firmness, marked lute last week by the good ad vance and a subsequent period of uncertainty. The world's news affecting wheat values lias been on the whole favora ble to higher prices. Public stocks in tills country have not been increased as rapidly as for merly; while the world's shipment to Western Europe was liberal, they were made up in great part by clearance of flour from our own coasts, phenomen ally large and highly encouraging. It is believed the Australian crop will show only a small exportable surplus, there are recent reports of purchases on the Pacific coast for South Afrioa, and the Liverpool Corn News has pub lished lurther statements pointing to tha important shortage in Russia's sup. ply of breastiiffs and feedstuffs. The Argentine exportable surplus continues matter of uncertainty, and the trade is less interested than formerly, but of course will closely watoh the movement as soon as the new crop is ready, now a matter of only a few weeks. Receipts of spring wheat in the Northwest con tinue large, but It is the time of the year to expect such. The cash demand for wheat and flour is fairly good. the corn market has beeu a sluggish affair most of the time for a fortnight past, prices narrow, interest at a mini mum, the undertone one of easiness, increased receipts are expected now that farmers are practically through husking and shelling, and in the ah sence of an urgent shipping demand, e inside lug the large offerings, specu lative support is lacking. Exports are fair, but ought to be much greater, and a large visible supply acts something of a weight on values. It it worthy of note, however, that at exist ing low prices a good deal of corn in the aggregate is being shipped out of Chicago, with the close of lake navl gation liberal quantities will be pur chased by speculators, and stored in the hold of vessels at a low rate foi shipment next spring. The market has continued to hold close to tbe Si cent basis, with May hesitating be tween 39o and SOo. Low grades by sam pie Dlft25,c. Rescued a Woman From a Burnlna Victoria Lodging Houae. Victoria, B. C, Dec. 13. Through the courage and promptitude of Lily Baldwin, a Portland girl, a life was saved here under sensational circum stances, yesterday evening. There had been an explosion of gasoline in the oil tent factory of Tryon & Co., and the entire premises were soon blazing. On the upper floor was the American lodging-house, whose proprietress, Mrs. Fox, was ill in bed. In the confusion she was forgotten until the Portland girl, a lodger, remembered her. She ran upstairs and carried down tbe landlady, who by that time was uncon scious from suffocation. Both escaped with slight burns, although their dan ger was imminent. Itleh Strike in Montana. Butte, Mont, Dec. 13. - Reports from the Lowland mining district are that a rich strike of gold and silver quartz has been made in the Kuby mine, and that over a million dollars' worth of ore is in sight. Tbe owners are taking ont over $3,000 a day. The property was purchased last summer from Adolph Moudehauer, of Ban Fran cisco, for $1)0,000, the principal owner being M. E. Graves, a New York man. Portland Market. Wheat Walla Walla, 73c; Val Icy and Bluestem, 74 Joe per bushel. our Best grades, 4.25; graham, fa.ou; superfine, a.S5 per barrel. Oats Choice white, 81 35c; choice gray, 32 88c per bushel, Barley Feed barley, 1920; brew ing, f 30 per ton. Millstiffs Bran, 116.50 per ton; mid dlings, f31; shorts, f 16.60. Hay Timothy, 13.50 13; clover, 1011; California wheat, $10; do oat, $11; Oregon wild hay, $u10 per ton. Etfgs 1 8 25c per dozen Butter Fancy . creamery, 6055o; fair to good, 40 (3 45c; dairy, 80 40c per roil. . Cheese Oregon, 11 o Young America, California, 810o per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, ft. 76 2.50 per doezn; broilers, $2.00.60; geese, $5.60(30; ducks, $3.00(34.50 per dozen; turkeys, live, 10c per pound. Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, 35 40c per sack; sweets, $1.40 per cental. unions Oregon, new. red. 80c: yel low, 80o per cental. Hops 8 14c per pound for new orop; 1898 crop, 4 8o. Wool Valley, 14 16c per pound: Eastern Oregon, 7 18o; mohair, 20 22o per pound, - Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and ewes, $3.00; dressed mutton. 6o; sprin? lambs, 6c per pound. iiogs Uross, choice heavy. $4.00: light and feeders, $3.004. 00; dressed, f.ou(go.oo per 100 pounds. Beef Ureas, top steers, $2.75(3)3.00: cows, $3.25; dressed beef, 46c per pound. Veal Large, 45o; small. 6Ua 6o per pound. Seattle Market. Butter Fancy native brick, 28o; ranch, 16 18c. Cheese Native Washington. 12 Wo: California, 9 o. Eggs Fresh ranch, 8083c Poultry Chickens, live, per pound. hens, 10c; spring chickens, $2.S03 8 00; ducks, $3.60 8. 76. Wheat Feed wheat, $32 per ton. Oats Choice, per ton, $19(3,20. Corn Whole, $22; cracked, per ton. 22; feed meal, $32 per ton. Barley Rolled or ground, per ton. $22; whole, $23. Fresh Meats Choice dressed beef. steers, 6c; cows, 6o; mutton sheep, 7c; pork, 7c; veal, small, 7. Fresh Fish Halibut, 4(3 fie; salmon. 84c; salmon trout, 7 10o; flounders and sole, 84: ling cod, 45; rock cod. 6c; smelt, 2ic Fresh Fruit Apples, 60c$1.25 tier box; peaches, 78 80c; prunes, 85 10c; pears, 75c$l per box. Harvesting Clover Seed. The best way to harvest clover feed la io allow the clover to get fully ripe; then cut it with a self-rake reaper and throw It Into piles. If the clover Is heavy and partly green, cut it with the mower and cure It as you would bay. When dry, haul It Into the barn at once. If it is to be stacked, cover tbe stack with a canvas sheet The stack must not get wet Place to Keep Comb Honey. Editor Abbott of the Busy Bee, gives this advice: Keep your comb honey in a dry, warm place. Do not put it in the Ice chest or In the cellar. There is not a cellar In the United States that is so dry that it will not Injure tne flavor or comb honey If kept In It. Now York, Deo. 13. The largest life insurance policy ever issued has been written in this city, calling for $1,000, 000 insurance upon the life of Oeorga W, Vanderbilt. The policy is what is known as a 20-payment life contract, and provides for a premium of $35,000 a year. After Mr. Vanderbilt has paid that sum yearly for 20 years the pay ments cease and the principal becomes due at his death. The next largest policy ever written is said to have been , for 100,000 $500,000), entered into I by an English company, which insured mucn oi the risk in other concerns. The largest transaction of an American company, it ia said, took place a few years ago, when $500,000 of insurance was issued upon the lives of five mem bers of the same family. far put It in the garret, as it Is sure to be dry and warm there for some time. Saver Oaa ICxploniou in London. London, Dec. 13. An explosion of sewer gas, which tore up the street, shattered windows and damaged the house adjoining that of United States Better by j Ambassador Hay, caused much excite ment among the inhabitants of Carlton House terrace today. T Still th Oeeaa'a Wave. A schema to increase the efficiency of oil to still the waves of the ocean 1 a storm has. been thought out by Wll liam Guthrie, of Chicago. His notion is based on the argument tlmt if oil has pacifying effect when distributed on the water in the Immediate neighbor hood of the shin in trouble, Its effei would be magnified it the oil could ho applied at a distance all about the ship, thus creating a calm circle. In which the ship could ride In safety until tl storm had spent Its fury. Ilia proposi tion is to shoot saturated sponges or cot ton from a pneumtttio gun, that heir preferable to a powder gun, as there would be no danger of igniting the oil soaked sponge. Borne people Interested in shipping have been impressed with the idea and application is to be made to congress for an appropriation to test its efllcicnoy. Scientists tell us that every elemon neoflfwary to the support of man is eon tulned within limits of an rgg shell, In the best proportions and iu the most palatable form. The population of Dublin, Ireland has decreased within the last 40 years from 861,000 to 245,000. When a line ruby is found in Bur- mail a procession of elephants, grandees and soldiers escort it to the king's palace. The number of emigrants who left Hamburg In 1896 was 63,748, a dimin ution of 2,849 from the preceding year figures. It ht ex reoted that when the 1899 season opens there will bo a cog-wheel railway from Charauunix op the Mont envers. . KNOCKED OUT. It knocks out all calculations of attend ing to business In the right way fur a day when we wake up in the morning son and stiff. Tbe disappointment lies in going to bed all right and waking up all wrung, There is a short and sure wav out of It. (iu to twd after a good rub with St. Jacobs Oil and you wnke up nil right; sorenims and stifliie s all gone. Ha sure is thin, tlmt men much xtMed in rluiiiKeful weather keen a bottle of it on the mantel for use at night to nmKe sure oi going to work in gootl It . A copper pan, said to be the largest ever made from one piece of metal, has been turned out at Swansea, England. It is 12 feet four inches in diameter, three feet three inches deep, and weighs two tons. the rtiiiliT or hapfim kss. When the Declaration of Indeiwnilene a. wiled mau'a right to thU, It r-nun -iaicd an Iramc.nnl irnih. The blllom niffarer in t tha road to happiuew when hsbvKluaio lake Hue. tetlor't Hltu-r. the mint ettleaeloua reunlator ol the liver In ilnntui.ie. Kuually -tillable la It In clitlla ana fever, ctmMlpatlnii, nrapepale, rhenmait-m, kldm-y trouble and nprvouauuu. tie It regularly and dot at odd Interval-. If you look at the map you will find that the mountain chains of the Old World lie east and west, while those of the New World lie north and south. AN OH LETTER TO MOTHERS. We are aerlhit; In the eourta eurrlirbt to the eicitnive u-M! of the word "CAMTOK1A," and rllCHliK SCASiuKlA,"aauur liaile Mark. I, Pr. fiamuel Pitcher, of Hyatmla, ManMchuartta, waa the or igi uatar of " rcTC H UK'S CA S TOR I A, the Mme that ha borne aud due now bear the &c-aiuiileiguatureorCHA. U. FI.E tY'HKR on every wrapper. Thl U the original " PITCH KR'S CASTOR I A " which ban been used In the bouiee Of the mother of America for over thirty year. Look Carefully at the wrapper and see that It I M kind you havt alwayt teutkt, and baa tbe llgnature of CIIAS, H. FI.KTCHKR on the wrapper. No one has authority from me to my name except The Centaur Company of which Chaa. H, Fletcher ia President. Mart t, ifyf. 8AM UUI, PITCUftk, HJK ueninniin jaissnu, wno lives near Ballston Kpa., N. y., says he has voted for eighteen presidential candidates, not one of whom was elected. $2000- ri The contest ends December 31st. Sciiling's Best baking powder and iea are Jbecanse they are money-back. What is the minning woidf not SAFE, although &.hiUing't JBttt Inking powder and tea art safe. - Get ScMtiitf't Bnt baking powder or tea at your grocer; lake out the ticket (brown ticket in every package of linking powder f yellow ticket lit the tea); send a ticket witli each word to address below before December 31st. Until October ijlh (wo words allowed for every ticket; after thut only one word for every ticket. If only one person finds the word, that person gslt fiooo.oo; if severnl find it, I1000.00 will be equally divided among them. Every one sending a brown or yellow ticket will receive set of cardboard creeping babies at the end of the contest, Those sending three or more in one envelope will receive an 1S98 pocket calendar no advertising on it. These creeping bsbies and pocket calendars will he dim-rent horn the ouci offuied In the last contest. Better cut these rules out. MI Address: MONEY-BACK. SAN FRANCISCO. GBT THB t.RMUIWB AHTICf.BI 1 T pial r Walter Baker & Co.'s Breakfast COGOA Pure, Delicious. Nutritious. CoutM Lett than ONli CENT a enp. lie sure that tha packags beats our Trade Matk, Walter Baker & Co. Limited, (CataMMMs i7so) Dorchctter, Mas. H.vHr'Ttt' in every nine 01 railway there are seven feet four inches not covered by the rails, the space left for expansion, HO MB PKOIIl CTS AMU fVKK rOO, creamery, All Kaiflern 8vrtiD. noelierl. nitialiv light colored and of heavy body, li made from jflucone. "Tnt Vnntm lirim" It made irota BiiKur Cane and laatriclly pur, it la tor aate by rir.i-cia itrdcem, in cana only. Manulao turert by tin I'Ainrie Cunm Svacr Co. All een. unie "Tci 0fii Drius" have the manulao tiirvr name iitnograpned on every ean, Pino'a Cure for Consumption It the only M-tifrh medicine Used In my honae.!). (J, Albright, mi Rim burg, ra., Uec. 11, '03. Tr) Schilling's Beat tea and baking powder. . Diamonds have been discovered, in rare instances, in the meteoric stones which have fallen to the earth. "KlneMolnmon'aTmienre," only A nhrodfolecal Tnnli) known, imm iictlonary.) fA.un a box, S wk-- tr-atifin. aiaaon Chemical Co., P. O. Mux hi, t'liinwivnima, ra. . San Franeleco Market. Wool -Nevada 11 18c; Oregon, 13 14c; Northern 78o per pound. Hops l012c per pound. Millstnffs Middlings. 130(322; Cal ifornia bran, fl7.5018.00 per ton. Onions New red, 70880c; do new silverskin, $1.40 1.60 per cental. .ggs8tore, 2426c; ranoh, 82c; Eastern, 15 (20: duck. 20C25c uer dozen. : , .:-: . ' .- Cheese -Fancy mild, new. 13 Wo; fair to good, 7 8c per pound.. Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencias. 1.60(38.00; Mexican limes, $3,003 .00; California lemons, choice, $1.75 3.25; do common, 60cl per box. Hay Wheat, 13ai4.50; wheat and oat, $1118; oat, $1012; river bar ley, 788; best barley, $10013: alfalfa, $8 (g 9. 60; clover, $8 9. 60. Fresh Fruit Apples, 8585o per arge box; aranes, 5(386q; Isabella. 60 76c; peaches, B0c(g$l; pears, 7 So 1 per box; plums, 30 850. Butter Fancy oreamerv. 26 (8 37c: do seconds, 248Goi fancy dairy, 28 ,44c; good to choice, 19f22o per pound. i'otatocs New, in boxes, 88 80a A floral curiosity Is on exhibition in the Temple Gardens, Jjondon. It is a $3,000 orchid from Venezuela. It has white flower which in shape rescm hies a sea-gull with outspread wings. YOUNG WOMANIIGOi). Sweet young girls I How often they develop into worn, listless, and hopeless women because mother has not. im pressed upon them the lmportan - of attending' to physical development. -J$o woman Is exempt from physical weakness and periodical pain, bk and you ng girls just , budding lu- fij to woman- . hood should be guided physically as well as morally. If you know of any young lady who is sick and needs moth erly advice, ask her to ad dress Mrs. Pink ham at Iynn, Mass., and tell every detail of her symptoms, surroundings aud occu pation. Bhe will get advice from a source that, has no rival In experience of wo men's ills. Tell her to keep nothing back. Her story will be told to a w man, not to a man. She need not he: tute in stating details that she ma; not wliih to mention, but which are essential to a full understanding of her case, and If she la frank, help is certain to come I fTeGT 1 n l,i;ifi hrltlll Ail li:.t ikUA. limit ,uth syrup. Taatm OihhU Cm ! In lima. Hold bv rtnietflBts. r 1 " r 0 Hercules Special 2j actual horsepower) Price, only SI8S. "OOWER ...FOR... PROFIT Power that will save you money and make you money, HcrctilcH Engines are the cheapest power known, liurn Ga.iolloe or Distillate Oil; no smoke, fire, or dirt For pumplny, rumilng dairy or farm machinery, they have no equal. Automatic in action, perfectly safe and reliable. Send for illustrated catalog. Hercules Gas Engine Works Bay St., San Francisco, Cat. ti v.. ft 04000t04il Paraona Wha Ara Magaetlssd. Recent French experiments have do veloped the ooriotis and miexpected fact that oertain persons possess a magnetic polarity that is, they act as magnets, having north and south poles, Hooh a person, when completely undressed and placed near a sensitive galvanome ter, will, when turned on a vertical axis, cause deflection first in one dl reel ion and then in the opposite, just as s magnet would. All persons do not possess this polarity. 1'rofessor Mu rani, an Italian, npoti whom the experi ment was tried, exhibited this phenom enon, and it is was found that his breast corresponded to a north pole and bis back to a south pole. UKAVNESS CANNOT UK (IKKI Iiy liver 1 abniieatirma aa they cannni reach tho oiaeaMM portion oi the ear. Thre la only oue Way to cure diafnei, and that la by eountliii. tiouai rememr-a. Ur-aine-e In vatwd by an In-flmi-.l condition ol the mur-oua limn ol the KumachianTaiie, When thl tub la Infiaim-.l yon have a rumbling ouud or imivrfeot hear ing, and when It laetitlrely i-lwu-,1, deafiuM la ine reaun, ana am me innaininaiion can be takpn out and this tubu ratord to Ita normal coiidltloa, hearing wilt I destroyed forevorj oiiirvaneiioiu oi ten are c-aunea ny catarrh, whlt h ia nothing but so Inflamed Condition of thp inucoua atirfafreit. We will tfive One Httndrad Dollar for an rait of deaf iieaa, (canned by catarrh ) tlmt cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, Send forolr. eular; m?e, j r-J-1,11 K jet at el., Toledo, O. Bold by drngglfta, 76o. Hall's family Fills are the b.t. It is reported from Bombay. India. that Dr, Yersin has had much success with his antl plague serum, the only casts not amenable to treatment being inose where the disease is too far ad vanced. A fnt men's club has been instituted In Pans, with the novel aim of in creasing the weight of the members. the rules enjoining all the comrades to sleep, eat and drink as much as pos- sinie. In Illinois there is a big steel blunt wnere ui retinoi ingots. 111! lots arid plates are handled by huge electro-mag. """ iiioj n.u iwi weigning live tons and transport - it safely to any distance. A man well up In dog-lore, counsoia ntending purchasers of a ntmnv in l.o .1.- ... ... . ..... . . w me mouier 01 tne puppy choose them. In carrying thorn back to their bad. tho first the mother picks up will always t-n. it.a, L.i.l In the publication of the Brl.n Academy ol (Science, Profciwor gen has an article fn which he confirms the observation of Dr. Brandes that It is possible to make the X-ravs vialM- to the eye. The number of stars nlotnrod ,k. latest English and German graphic atlasses is about 88,000,000. Thfire are no rats, mice nr .. 1., Sanla Fe, N. M. The air rarifled lot them to exist. fl Free Book for (Ten For men who have waited their eleer and yoiiihlni energy, who alow, Itunld and wak. rot young tm'ti, niid,iie.agd and old mm who would like to be airiuia-rr. Dr. Mandi'ti offer Irtf. a book that la worth Si,taMl to any weak man. It ti-lla attd prove hv hundredN of raiHti intern how I) H.HAN iikm-h m.k thm: IiKI.T reatnrea the old enati, the vim, the vigor. 1 -all or tend for it. It la Htl-.K. jiy mall or at SANOEN ELECTRIC BELT CO. 8S Wean Waaliingtna St.. fortlaed, or, Plttm awMIea thit lptr. mm mi FOR At FN now h Keeton I -sal Manhood and - Perleet Davalopownt. This met work, plainly written by a hlfh n-dicar authority, ahowa how o.anly vli,,? removed. It la a modern work fur men wTm U IT.o'.J?"".'?1 '"'''"ftonceeor Inter e.cenaca. Interfering Vlth biln;,,.' """' lr IR AHMOI llrurv ha.h -lHWAUHoifTo will be mailed free, In plain, Krl. M.,i ,.:r" J!' "r '" Inquirer by tha Suffakl N V lJo,clfi7' f Nl"'"'r N,r' uunaio, N, v. N0C.O.U scheme; no deception! !, iiriT T"nra ATTAIN' IT," ou wrapper. Kodaks. $4 FROM WOOOABO, Clarke & Co. UP... PotmAND, Ob. Catalogue Fra. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGS FREE : Bucll Lambcrson IflO FRONT 5T Portland, Or. Make money by (uctmaful simulation In Chleagn. We buy and M, wheat on mar- Iff!,. 1...... . . mad. on a ,,,T b?g In Hg by trad lag "in Tf turea, Write for full iw.hi,i !. ChZ Ju?."- ""' e-tparlenneon the Uili-ego Hoard of Trade, and a thorough know- ledge l the btodno-.. Hed for our Itm ri tnr etiea book. DOWNING, HOI-KINS A Co Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Wash, WHEAT YOUR LIVER Moore!. Kevealed Ham.d . m .. will make y0n feel belttlr. Get , ,"1" your drugglat or any waoleaal. drug housT or iroat Stewart 4 Holme. DmCo g,attl. ' I a.w,p.K;w.?, ?X2'.Z'Ir "ll"'1"'" niMhing. Itf,il,. in.,iluil,Krt. TSRTHINq." nraer uuiuid e' allay, all ,n, mires w ir lorcitari'i Hi. hut of all 3 l-es wlml elli,aitil tl S Twenty nva eu a PAM Jl" "w,n an lonatlng flold or Sllvar AUli) m'ZJ.'Z'L'Z """led trnrea. M. II. ITOW IKK, Bui B7,MouUilngtUU,(JOMI, K. V. N. U, No. 01, 'ST. WHKN writing to ade.'rtis.rs, Disss m.ullou title i. ' """"