ill Jl Sw JL. DAVID DAVIS. Subscription Kt. One oopv one year In ailvaiieti. .11 00 cne copy sU months..... W UmikU coj'S - . II Advertising rales mada Itnown upon application COLUMBIA COUNTY UIRKCTOKV. Uaiiniy UKIcera, JuiV'O Clerk lirilf Traiwurer . . . ., ...Jownh B. lnan. Rainier .i,,.Juui(m Woeti, Yeriuuna J. N. Ktce. Cl1sknuia M. Wharton St. Unions ......J. O. Watts. 8chwoso ,tmt. of 8clioola Aajwiumr. ....... (Surveyor...,,,., Coroner Commissioners . , , Martin White, linim-y w. M. hmitv. Helena ....Dt. A. P. Moisten. Rainivr ...... ..P. A. JWriikeM, HoarlMKe N. u, I'eternon, Mist 8T.BKLEXSI, OHIiUUM, ItOV. 80. Th republican party hat always been a party of tbs people, desiring their success and, working Tor us pro motion. All of its legislation hot bran directed to the promotion ol industrial Activity nd it bit always pointed with pride to increamce wealth and advanc ing the greatest achievement of its legislative and administrative ability, It hopes for better things and always works to build up and not to tear down ami demoralize. Boms yeara since an effort was made to stock Oregon stream with Carp, and the attempt proved highly satis factory. Indiana streams were stocked with the fish, and this is thj plaint of ft paper from that state : "No monu pient will ever be erected to the man who suggested that the Indian streams be stocked with carp, but a vot of thanks and a medal are await ing tha person that can suggest how the streams can be rid of them." A. POLL of tha United States senate bows that nearly two-thirds of its members are unqualifiedly in favor of the ratification of the treaty with the Hawaiian islands providing for annex ation. By Christmas the picturesque and fruitful isles of the Kanakas will be under the dominion of Uncle Bam, nd the stars and stripes will float proudly under tbs tropical sky, never again to be hauled down by any "para mount" personal representative of a president. Thb advance in the price of char ters, owing to scarcity of shipping on the Pacific coast, is estimated at ten cents a bushel on the Oregon wheat crop. In other words, with plenty of shipping, and the sharp competition of last year, farmers would receive ten cents a bushel more for their wheat. The opening ot the Nicaragua canal would not only supply the competi tion, but the great reduction of sailing distance wonld enable ships to carry at much lower figures than ever before. Nirr to the construction of the Nicaragua canal, there is nothing which would be so fortunate for the Pacifia coast at this time as the devel opment of Alaska. The gold discov eries will probably attract such a horde of people within the next two or three years, that its period of normal devel opment will be hastened by perhaps half century. Like California, in the days of forty-nine, the eyes of the whole world have been drawn by the seductive glitter of gold in Alaska's direction. THAKKSomua of 1897 has come nd gone, and we firmly believe the people of this state came nearer being able to return thanks with a gracious pint than has been the case for sev eral years. The people are in a more prosperous oondition, wish brighter prospects lor lue future, wrought by many acceptable changes, and they returned thanks with much emotion, probably, in thousands of cases. The day was observed in every household in our city, and the expression was freely given that we bad many things to be thankful for. Keunions of sep arated families brought cheer to many hearts and gladdened the homes that had long seen gloom. Id fact our whole Union rejoiced. THB Boston Herald calls attention to the important fact that the stock of gold now in the United States is the largest ever held here. On November 1, according to lbs treasury estimate, the amount of gold, coin and bullion hi the country was $712,660,417. The Herald points out that tbis broke the record, the largest previous showing at the beginning of a month being that of November 1, 1888, which was (711,705,050. This is an encouraging circumstance. In the treasury, as well as elsewhere, the stock of gold is rising. The treasury fund has gone above the 1154,000,000 mark, and the drift is steadily upward. These are facts which should be kept before the country. They are bull factors of great consequence. Teachers of district schools in this county should encourage their pupils in every possible way. One most ef fective manner is to sen J to the local paper a report of the oondition of yonr school and the standing of the pupils each month. Too often this import ant part of the teacher's duty is over looked, a fact which school directors should inquire into. Tbis doty should be one of the requirements by" the school board when hiring a teacher, because it encourages the, pupil and he or she will make a greater ef fort to be noticed as among the best in the school. There is no one, prob ably, who does not like a favorable mention in the newspaper, and cer tainly that may be expected to exist to a greater degree among the younger of us. The comity papers, each and all, perhaps, wonld gladly publish, tha school reports, which have a double effect. They not only encourage the pupil bat they encourage the parent, and with the latter inspire them to greater effort in assisting their little ones that they may be noticed as among the brightest. In fact, all the way through, the whole community receives a benefit. It will create greater interest in many ways and inspire our people with a sense of the greatest de mnd of the day tetter school facili ties and a greater degree of education, iuiluelml uud otherwise. COLUMBIA COUNTY'S HEEDS. Muoh may be Said in regard to the resources of Columbia couiity, and all that U said may be true, but there is muoh work to bo done before we can boast too sroally of our superioritv. Our resources are of inestimable value, but wo must develop them. As an ag ricultural dititrtat Columbia county has no superior iti the state, and would rank eveu higher were our farms in a higher state of cultivation, which will rapidly follow the improvement of the times aud an increased domtuid for our lumber and shingles, the ningni tude of which scatcely has a limit. Eventually we will be classed among the greatest producers ia the state of the products of the farm, but at pre eut there is another possession of ours which must claim a pari our attention until wo have created a market fur our lumber and shingles, which we firmly heliove will be witnessed in the next iwo years, and then we can claim the commercial importance which is our due. The summary statement of Assessor W bite, which was published in this paper on the 8th of last month, showed a total acreage of non-tillable land of 840,721 acres against 12,161 acres of tillab! land. From this state ment you will readily perceive what there is for us to do. You will see that there are about 30 acres of non-tillable land to one of tillable land wiihiu our county. Our commercial import ance lies not so much in our agricul tural possibilities as it does in the cre ation of a market for our timber. Per baps Columbia, Clatsop aud Tillamook counties contain one-third of the piue and cedar timber of our stale. Hence it is readily to be seen that in order fur us to prosper in a degree to place our importance where it belongs we must have a market for uur timber. The fact is becoming more apparent each year that on; possessions are de serving of more than a passing notice, and within another two or three years Columbia county will reap a beautiful reward for her long years of waiting. Once another demand for our timber is created then will a quickened pulsa tion exist within the heart of our in dustries, and this done we will be the borne of more activity than any county in the state. In this connection it is to be said too. that progress must be made in our farming sections, for once our other industries receivean impetus then will there be a greater and stead ier demand for our farm products. By all means, however, do cot destroy the valuable traiber you possess, aud by all means do not deter the improve ment of your farm. ' Both these Bug gestions go band in band, because there is scarcely a one-hundred and- aixty-acre tract of partly improved land in the county that does not con tain from one to fifty acres of slashed timber, and this is where the improve ment should be made. Save your tim ber, but put your other land in a prime st,ue of cultivation, and then you will be ready to meet the two great coming demands. , DIVERSIFY TBS TRAINING. Some time since a miscellaneous ar ticle appeared in these columns in re gard to industrial education. The writer fully demonstrated the fact that more attention should be given the different parts of industrial training in the schoolroom, which, since the idea is receiving some attention by prominent educators, we may branch out and offer new fields in which to train the children. One of the im portant features of industrial training in the schoolroom, in our opinion, is the teaching of belter methods of road building. This is an absorbing question in Columbia county, all classes and professions being inter ested it it. With all respect for the general policy of our educational in stitutions, it is proper to say that much is taught which has not the practical value of soms other branches which are taught at present only in the rough school of experience. It is a very nice thing for a young lady to understand music and painting, it is even desirable that she be able to speak several languages, so long as English is one of them, but when that young lady finds herself the wife of a common, everyday, human man, and the mother of several healthy children she may regret that it is impossible to swap culture for crackers. To trans late Latin into English is good if the translator can also translate flour into bread. If but one of the accomplish ments is to be had the choice should be easily made. A person may be rich (in money) but riches "make pin ions for themselves to fly."' The only wealth which neither time nor fate ran chang is that which is stored away in the form of practical knowledge. We are glad to notice that mnch is being done in the way of teaching the rudiments of road building in the ehools of Eastern states. "The New Sotnh," too, is beginning to know that roads are an important fact jr in the development of any section, and our state and county have been wrestling with the question for many years, without any very great degree of suc cess, we are sorry to say. True, tim bered countries like Northwestern Or egon, where such quantities of precip itation maintain the greater part of the year, make good roads difficult thing to keep up. But we believe tbe lime is not far distant when our peo plo will unite on some practical meth od, and its successful execution will be the result. Hoad building is fully equal in importance to anything now taught in schools, and infinitely more important than much that is given greater prominence. A Kentucky paper which has for a long time been trying to save the democratic party, "all by itself," has given up the fight since the party took tip the salvation business the other day. The editorial which an nounces the abandonment of the enterprise is a curiosity in circnmlocii' tion, and a fine specimen of trying to "come down," while maintaining the appearance of stilt roosting high. Properly translated it would read about this way: "We have done our best, but we fear that notwithstanding our splendid efforts everything is going to the devil; but we feel it a duty to get back in the band wagon and go to the devil with the old party, and all its sins, provided we are given dilettante considcration'and are allowed to return to a seat al the first table. Of course we think this much ought to bo accorded to ua for old time sake; but tbe. fact is we have to no along if . we only net the scraps. We're out of meat. ' A NATURAI lUl-UOCK. St. HELitNs, Nv. U. ( To thf E-ltlor.)-In Rood old Missouri lanenaue. I have leen "henrii tell" a yriat deal nhout drydoek builuixg through tliu columns ot your paper. So tar, it lisaveiidcti up in "pow wow." Now, if the people of Portland are rea'ly anxious for a drydock, not a floating dock, and will win J a dwlt nation down to this plaeo, I will tnk pain to show llitm one already made; hewn out of the solid rock! by nature U U la rite .enough for the vessel afloat. Hard by is plenty of iron oro aud timber to repair and build boat. A Unit f 15.000 will open a passage way Into it, mid secure It. The location uf tun place (or a drydock spcnk for Itself. C. H. 1'IUOOTT. Tbe abova article appeared In tlieOresoii iau of Saturday hist, and the auigeMlnn ttestion carries with it muoh merit. The it Mr. Pipgott refers to K perhaps, the eanon through which Mows "NiKKer" creek, and no mora natural place for a drydock exists, perhaps, on the Pa-iflo coast. The lengiii ot tins canning a tin ut too yard, ana Into it flo-rs a sufficient amount of water to float anv veel. bv tha nrocer rueunit being provided to retain It. Once into the aperture, the Rates couid be opened and the vessel left dry upon the dock, with every thing at hand to work with and an abund ance of room. Tli sufrjestlon on Mr. Pig lott's part is a good one, and mints more than mere talk if the chamber of commerce of the state metropolis really is looking for a favorable site for such a requisite to uur commerce. Kindly Remembered. Last Sunday afternoon Mrs. M. 0. Gray who had been quite sick for several day?, was called on by a host of young friends, who brought beautiful boquets and pre- swniea mem as an expression 01 svmpmnv. Flowers und happy fuces tilled the room in deliance of eVtr,vtliiiiK pert lining to gloom or sadness, and as each presented the token, which conveyed what words could not, It sent toy to the heart and brouuht forth word of deep gratitude. Although the flowers may fade and lose their fragrance, the time of their coming and the message uiey do re win uever be torgotten. Ons Intkbbstid, CliATSKAME NOTES. J. I. Johnson is spending some time with ins sou, uuea, at -xenaietn nay. Hp v. Shannon and Frank Elliott were taking lu the sights at Portland this week. The egg supply is not equal to the demand in town this week preparing for Thanks giving. W. E. Oonyers Is In Portland this week as a member of the grand jury iu Unittd diavvn vircuib vwurb. K. Hankinsand familv left Wednssdav evening of last week for Vale, In .Malheur county, lor toe winter. Ed Eliott brought a small cargoof turkeys to town luesoay morning to supply the de mand for Thanksgiving. 3. M. Larkins, formerly a resident of this locality, now of Castle Kock, Wash., was acre visiting menus receuuy. George Dixon, of Cowliti countv. Wash . has been spending a few days with his par ents ana menus in this vicinity. A. McGillvery has moved to town and established himself and wife in the McOon- neu property, which he recently purchased. The way goods are being packed at Page's store looks as though he was really going to icitYv wjw ii tw jobrii vregou, as men- muiicu iKSb wees. O- J. Bryant shipped twenty-five boxes of choice apples Monday. His orchards uavr yieiueu nim a very generous quantity uu variety 01 iruu tilts year. E. Hughes moved his family Into the uuuse ua iue oinuon property, now owned by W. Elliott, who proposes to make var ious repairs, and put the house into more uaunauie suaue. Uenrv Kratz was rennrtfr! alr-k nn Mnn. day, but was on duty egaiii the next day "weak as a cat." Uenrv ia ton huv thru uays hi my asiae tor mutes, and was for tunate lu gettiug out so soou. Tbe steamer Shaver omitted its usual call on our town Monday to go over to beaver oriuge ana toaa cedar lumber from the Amity mill. Tbe smaller steamer Janiea B. Stevens looked after the passengers and took them to meet the Shaver at the mouth of Clatskanie. fin, nn.,1.,, Tl 1 - t- seen in his best suit last Monday, with grip- iu nunu, ueaueu lor me boat, ilis wife is in Portland vlsitine her d&utrutor and .grandchildren, and Mr. Clark, who ery seiuom goes away irom home, thought the grandchildrea would like to ten lum. also. B, M. Bialer. of Portland, who has heen spending most of the past summer at Bry ant & Co.'s shimcls mill, in which he ia interested, leftlaat Friday for home, having shut down the mill for the season, lie re ported several inches of snow on the ground that day, and was surprised to find none at Uatskauie, about six miles distant. People passing Merrill's hall last Batur uay utieruoon wondered what the yoane: ladies could be doing to keep up so much la .ghiug and rustling around. Their lively movements made the building shake, while their racket well, it was indescribaule, but seemed to be entirely good natured and jolly. It was learned sines that a game of basket ball was in progress at that time by the young ladies' athletic club, and it lias also been told confidentially to a few that some of tbe lovely creatures were so stiff tbey could scarcely walk for a day or two afterward. They enjoyed the game and went at it too vigorous tor the first time. On Tuesday evening the 0. I. I. society, composed ot the pupils of the intermediate department of our school, under charge of 41 is. Myrtle Jones, held what they called a 'pie social" at Kraft's hall. A literary and musical entertainment was followed by the distribution of a piece of pie to each one in tbe audience, ihe entertainment was hastily prepared and as a result some of the performers were not very well up on their parts, but a very pleasant evening was spent and most of the exercises were good, Miss Jones, herself, giving a piano selection which convinced the audience that she could play as weli as sing, and the songs by the scholars were well rendered. The ball was well tilled and the generous applause testititd the appreciation of the VERNO.MA GLEANINGS. TJ. C. Adams commenced school at Pitts burg last Monday, The high water of Friday did some dam age to bridges and fences. Attorneys Hall and Timmons attended the justice court here Saturday. Omar fihannahan came over from St, Helens Saturday to remain this winter. Dow Keasey returned to his father's home Sunday, after an extended absence. Phineas Peck went to St. Helens Fridav after a load of goods for the PUtbburg Mill vom pa uy. Pet Parker and Clinrlcv Solomon raid this valley a visit last Friday, returning to Aouiton nuiiuay. Cad Keasey was visiting friendi here the latter part 01 last week, ae will soon re turn to Ht. Louis. We are informed that Otto Malmsten ex- pe;ts his parents to arrive here soon lo re main in luturo. Two persons are reported lost on the Tip per Nehnlem. At la-t reports they were still niiMdng, and quiteacrowdis searchiug the woods for them. urinn jweinnger, n':rompnniea ry J. I. Hheeley and K. ii. ishaiinahun, paid the county seat a visit Ihe latter part of last wnnlr fli0 fffiniri.p muLtiim ilnnl n,,ii.r i,r...n his homestead. Be not deceived. A Couih, Hoarseness or Croup, are not to be ti!(l-d with. A dose In time of Shiloh's Cure will save you much trouble. Bold by Dr. Edwin Koss. V v v tf. iwwW V VV j Free Excursion ! TO PORTLAND In order to enable our numerous friends and customers to pay ... i !.. ... WEMxr ofrtRHl milk tlu nntiriilv US a Vitus aim exniiuuq our nu y NEW STOCK we have concluded to give them au opportunity J of doing so FlvEE OF COST. I Our Plan is This: EL Evenone visiting our store from Colum- i Ua Countv who makes a purchase of us j amounting to $10 a cow of this add of his or her steamer fare to Portland j ana rvuvini rej unuvi uy To assure those who are not acquainted with our bouse, w beg leave lo s.ty that we have but ONE PRICE f And that is the lowest. All our goods are marked in plain figures. Our stookls ENTIRELY NEW and has beeu care fully selcoted by our Mr. Beu Selling, and we sell only at T0PU LAIt PRICES. Moyer Clothing Co., BEN SELLING, Manager. .atat i tfit f TT OASTOXIIA. T&t ns- ll ami slumr 61 vtsjriai Cure that cough with trhiluu'a Cure. Tbe best Cough Cure. Relieves oroup promptly. One millioa bottles sold last year. 40 doses for 25 cents. Bold by Dr. Edwin Boss. Dreadfully Nervous. Gknts: I was dreadfully nervous, and for relief took your Karl's Clover Root Tea, It quieted ray nerves and strengthened my hola Nervous System. I was troubled with constipation, kidney and bowel troub le. Your tea soon cleansed my whole sys torn so thoroughly that I rapidly regained my health and strength. Mrs. S. A. Bwcet, Hartford, Con. Hold by Dr. Edwin Ross. OASTOniA. fees wy m , s-c's II 9 w t Cure Billons Colic. I suffered for weeks with colic and pains in my stomach caused by biliousness, and had to take medicine all the while until I used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di arrhoea Remedy, which cured me. I have since recommended it to a good many peo ple. Mas, F. Butler, Fairhaven. Conn. Parsons who are subject to bilious colic can ward off the attacks by taking this remedy as soon as tbs first symptoms ap pear, gold by Dr. Edwiu Ros. "The worst cold I ever had in my life was cured by ChRmberlain's Cough Remedy," writes W. H. Norton, of Sutler Creek, Cal. "This cold left me with a cough, and I was expectorating all the time. The remedy cured me, and I want all my friends when tioub- led with a cough or cold to use it, for it will do them good." Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross. CASTORIA For Inf&ats and Children. Tit he al al la ' km awry sfgutan WAHTED FAITHFCI, MBS OR WOMIH to traval for responsible establlahad hnuaa In Oregon. Salary 7.0 and exieoaes. Position permanent. Reference. Enclose salf addraised stamped envelope. The National, Bur luaur aneeBldg., Chicago. SSISSWHSW1WVSS WVWWWSW SVSSSSWISW E. E. QUICK 0. WOLE Commissions.- ot . Njtary Public , Deeds for Wash ington COLE & QUICK, PB0FB1ET0KS OF THORNE'S Numerical SysteiJUe Abstracts. Titles Examined end Perfected. Abstracts Furniahed. Aaaeuiueuis Kxamlned. In surance Wrltteu, Taxes Paid and Convey ancing. )T. HELENS, OBEOOH, a a a,a,i.imAfcaAMtfMiimytl TTTANTED FAITHFUL MEN OR WOMEW i . .v m.,ci,ui rcm,uiioiB fKiauuanea nouse InOKKon. Salary I7S0 and expeuwi. Poaltloa permanent. Keferenee. Encloie self-addraed stamped envelope. The National, Star lusuf ance Bldg., Chicago. -THE BANQUET SALOON CLONINGER & COOPER, PBOMilETOBS, Wine and Liquor Card tables, pool tabic, billiard table and other devices for the entertainment of pat rons, wnere tune can tie pleasantly spent, , FAMOUS FIRE LADDIE CIGARS Hesides other popular brands, are kept constantly on hand to supply the Increased trade at tnis very popular saloon, THE FAMOUS 4 CYRUS NOBLE WHISKY I KEPT AT HE BANQUET, or over and presenting jj will Have the amount THIRD AND OAK STS. aSr TjSj, A JSk ilm ,SV ,4 .i i Your Money's Worth Every Time 4 At afiisjsii Dolman's Store. . . . All kinds of rough and dressed Lumber on short notice. Builders' Material Of the best quality delivered lo any point on the river at the Lowest Possible Price One-half Cash and One-half In FARM PRODUCE. Address all orders to H. B. BORTHWICK, GOBLE, OREGON. Get Value Received EVERY TIME AT N. A. Perry's, L HOULTON, OREGON. f PROFESSIONAL. J. W, DAT W. B. DILLABD ATTORNEYS -AT-LAW Office next door to Cnnrthouse, ST. HELENS, OHEUON, General Draetfre in eonrta of Orea-on or Weill. lriKtou. Abstracts mule directly front county records. GEORGE A. HALL, ATTORNEY -AT -LAW. Collections, foreclosures, mechanics" ietns, etc epuvy pronticuiiiiK attorney, umce with X. J. cleeton. 8T. HELEN8, i Oregon. G. W. COLE, ATTORNEY and ooonbelob-at-law, ST. HELENS, OREGON. Title Atwtract Books, Notary Pnblte, Commis sioner of Deeila for Walilnton, and an exper ienced collector in connection with office. JJB. EDWIN ROBS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. St. Helens, Oregon JTR. H. R. CLIFF, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 8t. Helens, Oregon, JQB. 1. K. HALh, , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Clatskanie, Columbia county, Or, yy n. merervz, Surveyor and Civil Engineer DELKNA, OREGON. Countv Siirvcvor. Land Sttrvevinir. Town Platting mid Engineering work promptly eAccuteu. WANTED FAITHFUL MEN OR WOMEN to travm for raiiifonilbleeatatillahad houae in Oregon. Salary 7H0 and eipennwi. l'oiltioa peruialietit. Reference. Enclose aalf-addiawiad aLHiue'i euTuiufto, iui ftuiouM, bum anaur 4iee lildn., Chicago, Lumber -IS THE PLACE TO GET- Choice ST, HELENS, OREGON, Complete Line of Clothing SHELF HARDWARE AND NOTIONS. Flour, Feed, Hay and Grain. ftT H E LENSJVI All Kinds of Fresh Meats, MmU by Wholes Al special Kr MAIN BTRHI0T, t I Clatskanie Drug; Store New and Select Stock. Patent Medicines and Droit's Notions. Stationery, School Book Prescriptions Carcfnlly Componnded THE MIST AND OREGONiAN TWO TOGETHER ONE YEAR, ONLY TWO DOLLARS t , t "J . '. V. "V . '-IT' i - ' WHITE COLLAR LINE Columbia Iliver and Paget Sound Navigation Co. PORTLAND-ASTORIA ROUTE. Steamer Bailey Gatzert Landlne Font of Alder Street. Portland. Leaves Portland dally (except Sunday) at 7 A. U. Landing Tftlpnhnne dock. Astoria. Leaves Anuria dally (except fcuuday) 7 P. M. Oataert Tickets flood on Steamer Thompson Steamer Tbompaon Tickets (food on Untiert E. A. 8F.ELEY, Agt. C. O. BCOTT, Pres. RUCKLE BROS. KASWACTUSIUS OF Dimension Lumber, Flooring, Rustto. Bheftt)iln(r. Casings, and a complete stock of eyety variety o( Rough and Dressed Lumber ALWAYS OK HAND. AT THE OLD STAND, ST. HELENS OREGON PORTLAND AND CLATSKANIE fl V l STEAMER a. W. SHAVER, DeU Shaver, Master, Commencing April IS, 1890, will leave Portland, foot of Washington street. Tuesday Thursday and Htindiiy evenings at 4 o'clock. eturnln-I.eaves C'latskanla. (tide Pf" nutting), Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings at 6 o'oloclc, Will puss Oak Point about 7; Htulla 7:1(5; MyKer7;2fl; Rulnler 8:20; Kalama B.lft; Bt. Helens to :80. Arrive In Portland 1:80 A. M. The company reserves the rlirlit to oliango time without notice. HAVER THAISSPOHTATION CJO.1I I' A If V. THE JOSEPH KELLOGG & ja;. i4ml STR U - OSHSFjr -FOR PORTLANC- Leavcs KelHO Mondays, Wednesdays, and Friday at 6 o'clock a. m. I.eavcs Tuotiday, Thursday and Satuiduy ut 0 o'uluck h. m. Portland Groceries EAT MARKET Hams, Bacon and Lard James H. Sheldon, BT. HKLKN8, OIIKOOK. DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor. t O.Ra&N. TO TUB 3E3 -A. 17 OlVIt THC OHOIOC OP TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES GREAT NORTHERN BY. VIA SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS ST, PAUL AKD CHICAGO OHE&ON SHORT LINE. VIA DENVER SALT LAKE OMAHA AKD KANSAS CITY Low Rates to all Eastern Cities, OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DAYS FOR San Francisco Steamers tnootlily from Portland to Yokohoina and Hong Konk, via tbs Northern Tacifio Steamship Co, In ooiw ueciion with 0, It. find N. For full Information call on or adilresi W. H. HtiBLBUKT, Gen, I'ass. Agent, . . Portland, On. - ZiLweJl COMPANY'S RIVER STEAMER - I KlE3L-.I.OC3-C3-