OREGON -MIST nxtKo ctert rntoAV ntonniRQ OAVIO DAVIS. SHbacrlpWon Hlfc One ("ory one year la advaiiu.,, t)n coy si iuoutos........ Single ooiy.......-.. Ml Advertising rtes made know npon application COLOMBIA COUNTY DIRECTORY. Comiir meer, ........ ...Joseph B. Doao, Rainier Judsnn Weed, Vsrnonie Judsre. ....... Clark.. ....... aiiprltr. ...... TriiTr.... ,V."..K. M-. Wharton, 8t. Helens Bill, of tfehoola. ....... .. J- v. waus, nuamwMraw M.rtln While UlllnAV AmAwtf purveyor....... Curojtor. ....... Commissioners W. N. Meserve, Deleu ,...I)r. A. P. McLaren. Rainier P, A. FrakM, Kcappojee H. D. Peterson, Mist UtELElISs OBEUOII, ROT. i. . JUST A WORD. With this isrius this paper paste into the hands and nolo ownership of the undersigned, Mr. J. R. Beegle, re tirinf. the change taking place last Monday. la the future aa in the past, we will endeavor to give our reader the best rmner our limited circum atances will permit of, and in o doing we ask the assistance of all interested in the existence of a local paper. Po litically we have little to say at this ..... . 1. 1 ! .l .... a in connection are known by every resi dent in this county, and we will not waver from what we houeetly believe. It ie our intention to run a clean, pro gressive psper in the interest of Co? lumbia county our home and to that end we will be found lending our effort. The people of this county have treated us. with creat consid eration in many respects, for all of which we are truly grately, and in the future we hope to merit tbe same friendly treatment we have received in the past. With these few words we disappear at the door of our sanctum and cheerfully take up the task of fur nishing you a good local paper. Yours very sincerely, David Datis. From certain quarters we hear ap -peals for harmony in the republican ranks of Oregon. Serious looking gen tlemen are solemnly singing tnat aoie- ful, peaceful hymn, "bow sweet is unity." Aud they don't know hew tunny they are. '1 lie republican party in Oreeon" la doin very well, thank yoa. It is only those who are out of harmony with the party that are so loudly clamoring for harmony. "Tbe regiment is out of step with me," cries the limping soldier, but his complaint is unheeded, and thoae who bear him only smile. The republican party of Oregon is not worrying about har mony. The party is too big to miss tuneless com plainer, or to be worried by them. . . COCNTT COURT. Proceedings of the November Term of County Comrt In Full. Be it remembered that at a regular terat of lh coaniy eoarv or ids ate u& vimwu. lor the county of Columbia, befrna and held at th court room of said court in the city of 8t. Helens, on Wednesday, Nov. 3, 1897, that being Wednesday after the first Mon- . r . . l 1 . 1 i fi.ul oay in esia mourn buu . un uu j law lor holding a reguUr term of said conrt, hm were n resent Hon. J. B. Doaa, judge: F. A. Frskes and N. D. Peterson, commis- sioners; Jodson Weed, clerk; t. XI. nice, ehrifT. Due proclamation being mad tbe follow ing proceedings were had: In tbe matur of th application of Chris tian Johnson to become a citizen of the United States. 1). V. Tedtord and Vf . tx. Kin siinMMM. Ordered admitted. Matter of petition of Neil O'Hare for license to sell spirituous, vinous, and malt liquors in Oak Point precinct. Ordered that license be granted. Matter of application of W. H. King to purchase the wM of block No. Sin the town of Rainier. Ordered that a deed be executed to W. H. King on receipt ot S40.71. Matter of petition of . P. Weatand others for a county road. Petition granted, and George Ramsey, A. D. Boiaday jr., and George Grant appointed viewers, and W. N. Meserve, surveyor, to meet at Watts A Price's store on Nov. 16, 1887. Matter of petition of T. J. Everman and thni for a ennnty road. Petition aran ted. and Jesse Hay, O. B. Wonderly, and Walt-r rurrow appoinieu newe, ,uu . Meserve, surveyor, to meet at the residence f M IT Hfrfuin nn Den. 6th. 18h7. Matter o petition of 0. A. Brodie for per mission to cress county road with a wood flume. Petition granted; petitioner te cover said flnme for a distance of 30 feet above and 20 feet below tbe road bed and to make the necessary grade at least 16 feet wide. Matter of petition of C. L. Parker to have asaignea to mm cernncate oi iu hw u. Iftl Petition granted. Matter of drawing warrants to pay for building bridge across the east fork of the Nehalem river. Ordered that the clerk draw warrants on the order of N. D. Peterson. Matter of annointment of road supervisor for road district No. 11. E. B. Elliot ap pointed. Matter of cost bill in coroner's laqnest on body of McDonobn. Cost bill corrected ana ordered paid. Matter of cost bill in case of Fred Scheno insane. Cost bill corrected and ordered paid. Matter of cost hill in state vs. H. Van. blaricom. Cost bill corrected and ordered paid. Matter of cost bill in state vs. Hannah Mills. Cost bill corrected end ordered paid. Matter of Justice peace fees in state vs. Neil O'Hare. Cost bill disallowed. Matter of assignment of certificate of tax sale JSo. UsV Ordered assigned to . n. Peterson. Matter of cost bill la state vs. C. Young. Cost bill ordered paid. Matter of amplication of Israel Spencer, commander of John Bucber Post No. 70. Q. A. R., funds to defray funeral expenses or Abel Heed, an indigent soldier, uraereo that a warrant for S42 be drawn on th fund for relief indigent of soldiers and sailors and tbeir widows and ebildren. Matter f cost bill in state vs. Nels A. Bell. Cost bill corrected and ordered paid. In the matter of remission of tax on ac count of errors of assessor. List filed by the sherifl and ordered remitted. Matter of cost bill in Stat vs. Al. Lee. Cost bill disallowed. Matter of cost bill In state vs. Milton Len- Bart. Coat bill corrected and ordered paid. Matter of Ux levy for 1SSJ7. Continaed till Januarv term. ,. Matter of viewers report on C. 8tump road. Keport read second time and petition of R. Z. Joy for damages filed. L. Meeker, Joseph Copeland, and Albert Wikstrom appointed appraisers of damage to meet on Nov. 20th, 117. Matter of cancellation of certificate of tax sale No. 317. It appearing that said sale wss irregular it is eraered cancelled. Matter of sneclal school and road tax on land bought by the county for delinquent taxes for tbe years 18W3, Itm, If'.), ordered that warrants be drawn In favor of tbe set' ernl school clerks and road supervisors. Matter ot sheriff's return on delinquent tux roll. Return approved and sale ordered confirmed. Matter of application of John Schinltka to become a citizen of the United States. Ordered admitted. Matter of executing deed for land sold for fleliniiM-nt taxes for the year 1894. Ordered that Bliorilf exeoute deed on demand of purchasers. ii utter of appraisers' report of damages on IttldnUU road. Continued for th term. The fonowlntr Nils were examined and ordered paid. JCRO&S, CIRCUIT COURT, OOTOBK TISM. J H K'well. ......... ...,.$ 660 0 W Richardson 6 60 J M Payne..,.. 6 HO Bert Better , 18 20 WJ Fullerton. .. 6 SO B M Llnd 12 40 0 B Fisher .,, 12 HO R8 Pavne IS 40 J J Braitn 10 20 Albert Adams 1 40 Jesse Hendricks... 8 20 W B Colvin 14 00 BDTlohenor.. 13 20 M Etnmoas ,. It 00 V M Heeeltlev U 20 W K Vanvolkenberg IS 80 0 W Moshr ; 8 60 8 falser 8 80 J A Wlkstroiu.. ........ 8 90 J W Charlton ... 8 00 Walter Brothers , 19 20 Max Berg 13 00 JohnCramer 18 40 ROHasen ... 13 00 Andrew Parker 17 20 Alouso Merrill IS 40 L Magueusena. 18 40 . wiTvcsaKS, ciactiit conar. Hsnry Wuodbam... $ 0 J H Mason. 4 40 MaexieSager.... 4 40 R M Bond 6 60 BandfordBntta....,..,., 4 40 Jay Archibsld. .,..;... 600 Chi Leavens 4 40 Reub Foster , 7 60 H Glenn 7 60 FBarno 13 20 T M Denslow., 8 00 RH Mitchell..... ...... ....., 7 60 J L Yonng 8 00 A Bhanriahan 7 60 WmWood... 60 E Bhannahan 7 40 CHNewth 28 00 Bessie Wilson 8 00 Margaret Sieger..... 8 00 Maurice Keaa. 8 00 Henri Smith 8 SO Mtscuxaicaoc. I H HtifTralra. witness, coroner's In quest ......$ 180 James Kennedy, juror, same 1 00 Olvde Davis, same 1 00 CH Howe, same....... 100 0 D Wolf, same 1 00 Chm Anderson, aama....... ' 100 James Alexander, sara 1 00 A P Mcl-aren. coroner 13 00 m Alexander, makina bos for coffin 00 James Kennedy, sardine body S 00 A P McLaren, axamininff insane patient A P McLaren, medicine for county cbarne 1 60 A V McLaren hnldine? inauest on body of Holstrom 11 90 W MPerry. juror, sama.... ........ 1 00 J R Caldwell, same 1 00 D A Adams, same 1 00 J L Jones, same 100 W H Dryden. same 1 00 Al Kurti, same 1 00 H P Bush, witness, sam 1 60 Ana Easton. same 160 Harry Anrys, same : 1 50 John McKae.same ., 1 60 n A A Hams, w&tchlni nod v and dia 6 00 AL Kurta. watching body 8 00 T A Richardson, finding body 8 00 A L Kurfx. same 1 00 W Vt Drvrlen. hanllnr bodvtocem- terv S 00 W M Rigg assisting In banal 1 25 Louis Brant, same 1 23 K of P trustees, eemetry lot 6 00 A X Clark, instice neace fees in case of Schepp, insane .' 8 85 A Robinson, constable same 3 80 fM Hnll. Henntv diatrict atiornev. same 8 00 A HI ;lark. Instlce neaoa teas, state vs Vsnblaricora 8 SO A Robinson, constable, same 20 65 HansCbristensen,witoess,same.... 6 70 Mrs J P 8heele7, same 6 70 Joshoua Rom, sam 6 70 J P Sheelev. same 6 70 Effle Vanbiarieom, sama... 6 70 Jamea McKav. tnror.sem 1 00 WaahinEton Muckl. sam. 100 Jewia Hendricks, same... 100 JoseDh Hall, same 1 00 Aaron Kelley, sama 100 John Winters, same 1 00 A Hall, denutv district attorney. same.... 6 00 A M riMrlr. Instlce naaca fees, state vs Mills 00 A Robinson, constable, sam 14 66 Kffie Vanbiarieom, witness, sam. . . 1 60 J P Sheely, same 160 Mrs J P Sbeeley. same 1 60 John Campbell, same 160 Tom Anderson, same 180 Hans Cbristenson, same 1 60 Joshua Rose, same 1 60 (ieo A Hall, denutv district attorney. same 8 00 A N Clark, luatlca oeaca fees, state vsLenbart 7 60 A Robinson, constable, asms 18 83 J L Peterson, witness, sam 6 10 Wilmot Timoney, asm 6 10 C W Mosber, sam..., 5 10 Jas Timoney. same 6 10 Geo A Hall, deputy district attorney, same 6 00 Felix DeBast, justice peace fees.stat vs Young 6 25 C B Sntton, constable, same 9 70 J K Hall, justice peace fees, state vs Bell..... !77. 4 95 Henry Liggett, constable, same 4 30 Frakik Malmberg, witness, same.... 8 10 A Scbedvine, sam 8 10 A Bandine, same 8 10 W H Con vers, attorney, same 6 00 Judson Weed, freight on vault fix tures 8 80 W N Meserve, connty surveyor. ... 14 00 W N Meserve, county surveyor. .... 19 60 W A Harris, five gallons oil 90 John Burdahl, building bridge in road district No 28 16 00 Judson Weed, postage for connty officers 20 00 0 D Garrison, viewer on Stump road 2 00 Andrew Anderson, same 2 00 E H Lynch, same 8 00 John Winters, sawing wood for courthouse 10 00 Martin Mathers, hauling lumber for read district No 17 60 00 H Huber, snpport of county charge 12 00 Birthat Hansen, sam 10 00 Em Vanbiarieom, sam 10 00 W X Gardner, superintendent Boys and Girls Aid Society 10 00 GW Lane.aupnott of Bilnet children 16 00 Good Samaritan hospital, care of Pat McCann 29 00 J K Gill, stationery 1 66 0 W Clark, work on courthouse 2 00 J C Moreland, clerk' fees la Meeker case 12 06 Wm Frazer, boarding prisoners 12 00 Joseph Hall, cleaning water closet. . 6 00 Eperly & McDonald, lumber for road district No, 26 27 00 Lewis & Dryden, stationery 1 06 W Ransaw, building bridge in road district No. 17. 28 28 J N Rice, making tax deed to Colum bia county S 00 UW Blakealey , .work in assessor's office 91 26 B P Morton, hauling lumber for road district No 25 10 60 Honey man, DeHart A Glenn, spikes for road district No 7 4 00 J N Rice, serving witness in Benton county 2 00 Martin White, county assessor...... 100 50 J N Rice, postage 16 00 J N Rice, taking prisoner to Portland 1 60 Glass A Paudhomme, stationery 10 bO J N Rice, serving witness in Mult nomah connty 8 00 Mayger Co, nails and iron rods for road district No 17 18 64 A M Tichenor, lumber for read dis trict No 10 112 81 John Fringe, supplies for county charge 10 00 John l'lingle, same.... 6 75 T 0 Watts, same 1785 Ole Paulson, work on bridge in road district No IS 8 76 A H Sheffield, support of county charge 20 00 G F Lirdgren, spikes for road dis trict No 13 ...... 1 90 Dart & M tickle, supplies for county charge ,.. 10 25 R S Hatton, putting wood in shed. . 2 60 (i Lindgren, supplies for county charge , 8 10 Merer & Frank, snikes for road dis trict Nol .'. 2 60 Johnson ft Bcrcrerdoffer, lumber for road district No 2S 85 68 K Ross,' examining insane patient.. 6 00 E Ross, niedicm for county cbarg 60 Rainier Review, stationery ,, T 60 Wra Pohl, burrvinat pauper 82 60 Chas Peterson, taking care of county ciiarge w A A Johnson, support of Joe Green Sfl 6ft A II Hlnkesley, boarding prisoners 13 44 Albert Wood, taking prisoner to St, Helena 12 00 Oregon Mist, printing 83 75 News Pub Co, printing tax list 114 10 Kpertv & MeLonald, plank for road district No 7 S3 00 Israel Speneer.soldiei'e'ludigentfund 42 00 J J Kelley, rebate f tax 8 W S H Try un, asms 2 70 a K Hudson, asm 3 6i CliATSKANllS NOTES. Mrs. Wm. Bnrr Is spending little time at Ball's, out on the riyvr. K. 0. Blackford spent a few days up th river last week, report says, ou official business. Sam Tedford Is acting deputy road super visor, and trying to uu som wora on uie Nehalem road. Henry Liggett left town last week to try his fortunes In Eastern Oregon, probably about Baker City, Adam Barr shipped out an fin a lot ot apples last week as on would wish to handle or use, iner were w uuxoa m shipment. A rather unsightly looking bsrn on a corner lot on front street has been torn down and given place to a fouudtttion for a dwelling house whkh K. ti. Harlow is build ing for Dr. Hall. Enos Hanklns tins caught th moving fever, and is going to spend ibe wiuter witn his brother in Malheur county. Enos is a familiar figure, and tils straw hat will be missed as uiuc as niniseu. A. M. Tichenor proposes to try California climate this winter, and took his departure last Friday evening lor that purpose. Uncut went uh.nir as far as Portland, leav ing Steve in charge of government affairs uutu Monday eveumg. Wallace Edmrton has rone to Eastern Oregon to try the effects of a change of climate. Walley haa been an invalid re ceatlv and feel impelled to change his surroundings in hopes of physical improve-' mem. mat ma uupva uiaj nimmuu the wisb of bis friends. W. A. Edgerlon returned from Astoria, Oreeon. last week, and thinks be has found off in Malheur county a fine business loca tion. He will probably move there iu the near future, accompanied by Ed. Page and family, with the stock of goods now in the postotnee ouiiaing. rtewuino jr irvua bye yet. remembering that "There's many a slip," etc Winnie damrhtar of J. I). Nelson. Who has been at the hospital at Portland for so rue time, wss brought back to die a few days ago, and breathed ber last at tbe Home hotel before getting to her father's. She wus a sufferer for years from soms stomach trouble, thought to be cancerous in char acter, thoogh only about 16 years old at the tun ji ner ueatn. At tba council meeting Tuesday evening of last week, A. M. Tichenor was granted leave of absence instead of being allowed to tender bis resignation as mayor, and A. a. Haines was selected to officiate aa acting mayor during his absence. Th council are still wraatUos with the water problem with a fair prospect of success lu the near future. Tt Is nerhana not too let to mention tbe social held at Kratx ball Saturday evening a week ago. It was one of tbe most enjoy able affairs of the kind given lor som time. Mrs. Crosbv. aa a performer on th violin, and Miss Myrtle Jones, as a vocalist, sus tained their reputation ana couiriDuiaa largely to the evenings enjoyment Annie Eniriiah was nresent with ber violin and played two selections which were well re ceived, in sauilion to ine musical iraiurve, a few recitations were introduced and some exercises that kept the crowd busy with pen and pencil for half an hour. Refresh ments were served to strengthen th audi ence after their mental effort. After this it was a go-as-you-please until about 11:30, when tbe last of the crowd left for home. There was a net financial result from an admission fee amounting to nearlr $13.00 whicb was given the resident pastor, Mr. Shannon. A man's benevolent intention sometimes Jet him into trouble. Dan Dixon keeps two ogs, oh fortunately, and last Friday morn ing before daylight they got to fighting. In the interest of peace, Dan jumped out of bed, and, without waiting the formality of robing himself, proceeded to settle th dis pute outside. Such was his bast to accom plish his bensvolent purpose that be stepped out regardless of consequences, until all of a sudden the rest of the family heard such a yell from Daniel as to make thsm think the dogs were chewing him up. His wife arrived tn the scene first, and discovering bis cans of anguish, got bold of an old bandl and drew two teeth of a rasty iron garden rake out of his foot that be bad unluckily stepped en. His father and mother were both alarmed and hastened to the scene, but were unable .to do more than express sympathy and assist in getting Dsn into the bouse. The doctor was called and tbe foot made as comfortable as possi ble, but Dsn has suffered a great deal of pain since. Moral: Never keep two dogs; they do not pay th trouble and expens, and they do sometimes fight. VEBNOS1A GLEANINGS. Peace has been partially restored in this vicinity. Al McDonald waspromenadingooratreet Wednesday. , Thomas North was doing our town the first of tbe week. Ed Throop was doing some trading in onr town this week. Thomas Tucker was Clatskani visitor the first ot the week. Mrs. 8. E. Sbannahas was th guest of Mrs. I. Spencer Sunday. Good time to discuss the cans and effect ot our present prosperity. Rev. Fisher visited the lower river this week, filling his appointments. Guv Mills and Win Mellinger returned to their respective home Monday. Wm. Wilson sr. nassed through town Thursday en route for Pittsburg. George Pearson wss in town Friday aud Saturday doing constable business. Grandma Adams, who lives below town. has been quite ill, but U slowly improving. Wm. Palmer ir. returned to the narentlal roof Monday, after being absent all sum mer. - Rnencer Rosa nald the eonntv seat a fly ing visit Wednesday of last week on bus iness. Dr. Hall, of Clatskanle. paid this vicinity a visit tbe first of the week oa professional business. All !.. bIia Mliah .almnn . H , a wa their annetitoH anneAMfid by aimnlv axertlne themselves a little. The school children of this place have been enjoying a frolio with Mat Johnson's pet deer this week. Wm. KelUnger jr. returned Thursday from St. Helens. Will reports th road in a horrible condition. The stream in this neck o' the woods have been on their dignity this week, caused by the heavy full of rain. Mrs. E. E. Nlckerson lias been engaged to superintend tbe culinary department of the Pittsburg Mill Company. Arthur Johnson cams in Sunday from Marshland, wbere he had been employed all summer in a logging camp. . Miss Mary Denslow left Monday to visit ner oncie at enterprise, ati expects to at tend souoot at mat place this winter. Wm. Hess left Wednesday of last week for Portland from which place he will bring a load ot groceries tor uis tamer store. Unt ie Johnny Kerns is quite sick with a large tumor in his side, its has been ailing anoui live weens, out. never secured medical aid until Monday, Prof. J. E. Dow has concluded to do his part in trying to keep the citizens of this town alive this winter by oreanizinr a sink ing class, lie and a few of his pupib) met TO PORTLAN DkssV- In order to enable our numerous friend and customers to pay us a visit and examine our NEW STORE with its entirely NEW STOCK we have concluded to give them an opportunity of doing so FKEE Of COST. I vui nan is 77" . V.', -tifCV yUlltf t.'l-dt-f't'fXi, ttf: on o 1 1 vttv wv.v,. - bia County ivho makes a purchase of us amounting to $10 or over and presenting a copy of this add will have the amoun t of his or her steamer fare to Portland and return refunded by us. To assure those who are not acquainted with our house, we beg leave to my that w have but E ONE PRICE And that i the lowest. AH our good are marked in plain figures. Our (took ie ENTIRELY NEW and haa been care fully selected by our Mr. Beu Selling, and we soil only r.t POPU LAR PRICES. Moyer Clothing Co., BEN SELLING, Manager. ! jjxii.v uxjxjxm.ijj iu.Uiiit.gti, LaV THE MIST AND OREGON IAN TWO TOGETHER ONE YEAR. ONLY TWO DOLLARS at his town house last Friday evening, and we are iaforcied tbey spent a few hours very pleasantly and profitable. They meet hereafter on Wednesday evening of each waek. Still the good work goes on. Cattle buy ers are still scouring this valley in search of beef and stock cattle. Still the po pot-rats howl hard times and no market for what they produce. , The nnna f ry hard time and high taxes. They can never expect anything better wben they are continually stirring up mess, and calling upon tbe connty to settls these disgraceful affairs. Cad Keasey's smiling face is again seen In these diezinza. He savs ha expects to divide his time this winter between this valley and Portland, but the latter plaoe wui receive to largest snare. If the county court don't do something to qnell these riots in this precinct we would advise som good man to write op a peti tion, and get thoe that would to sign it, nelitionin the arovernor to station a small squad of his militia at this place to preset v order. We notice In th News a very large trntb from tbe correspondent from this place. We ar glad w are not addicted to stretch ing the trntb like our brother, but w (op pose he has been drinking lately of th waters of Kock creek. W ar uot in it a little bit. DIED. SBiHTarraa. At Kelso. Wash., an Friday, .liov. 12, 1807, Pbillip BBintatfSr, of par alysis, sged 72 years. nth. slauls its atgauuSi m Stop that cough I Take warning. It may lead to consumption. A 25e bottle of Sbilob's cure may save your life. Bold by Dr. Edwin Ross. OABTORXA. nsfss- ? stalls 14 CASTORIA For Infants and Children. tasfs. Jf SlBilS VOV ,J MSI vstv 44 WaHTED FAITHFUL MEN OB WOMKN to traral for rasoonslbla established hoesa In Oregon. Salary 9780 and expenses. Postnon permanent. Reference. Enohae eelf-aadraaaed tampad envelope. Th national, Star insur ance Bldf ., Chicago. Get Value Received EVERY TIME AT N. A. Perry's, HOULTON, OREGON. njnsjn WANTED FAITHFUL If EH OR WOMBW to travel for responsible established house to Oresoa. Halsry 70 and expanses. PoslUoa permanent. Reference. Enclose sel (-addressed stamped envelope. Th national, Mar Inauf aas Bldf ., Chicago. -THE BANQUET SALOON CLONINGER & COOPER, PROPRIETORS. Wine and Liquor Card tables, pool table, billiard table and other devices for th entertainment of pat- ruua, wuero time van im pieaaanviy epem. FAMOUS FIRE LADDIE CIGARS Besides other popnlar brands, are kept constantly on nana to supply tne increased trade at this very popular saloon, y THE FAM0U8 CYRUS NOBLE WHISKY 1 KEPT AT Hg BANQUET. Excursion I tin? t,4-n--a -Pn-ni fnlll T Tuinn iun mir ctc iiiuivnuw unn uitii SYour IfnTiflv'c VJwth JuAVUUJ u u vi iu Every Time ! i i i Dolman's Store. . . . sy ay sy ay ay ay ua ay ay sag Lumber All kinds of rough and dressed Lumber on short notice. Builders' Material Of the beat quality delivered to ny point on tbe river at tbe Lowest Possible Price One-halt Cash and One-half In FARM PRODUCE. Address all orders to ft B. BORTHWICK, GOBLE, OBEGON. PROFESSIONAL. J. W. DAT W. B. DILLARD gHltarl & Ptu. ATTORNEYS -AT-LAW Office next door to Conrt house, BT. HKLENS, OHKUON. i .ii i . -a rs aa..!. IriKtou. AbsHracw made directly from comity recordi. GEORGE A. HALL, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. Colleellons, foreclosures, mechanics' lelns, eta. vepuij profteeuung aiujrnej. umoa with T. 1. Cieeton. St. Helens, Oeeqok. G. W. COLE, ATTORNEY AND COUNSKLOB-AT-LAW, ST. HELENS, OBEGON. Title Abstract Books. Notary Publla. Commis sioner of Deeds for Washington, and anezper- lencea collector in oonneoiion witn omoe. jQB. EDWIN BOSH, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. , St. Helens, Oregon J-)B. 0. b. oun, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Bt. Helens, Oregon. JB. J. X. HALL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Clatskanle, Columbia county, Or. yy N. ME8EBVE, Surveyor and Civil Engineer DEI.ENA, OREGON. Connty Surveyor. Tand Surveying, Town Platting and Engineering work promptly executed. WANTED -FAITHFUL MKN OB WOMBM to travel for responsible establ tshei houss In Oresoa. Salary 1780 anil expauM. Position f ermanaat. Refersnoe. Enolose self-addreused tsmiisil envelope. Tb National, Star burnt yitt ttldg., Uhloago, art' Sc 12nc!ile5o S THE PLACE TO GET Choice ST. HELENS, Complete Line of Clothing SHELF HARDWARE AND NOTIONS. Flour, Feed, Hay and Grain ST. H ELENSM All Kinds of Fresh Meats, JVW.U by Wholesals r ', Inma H Ch.Mnn MAIN BTBflllT. I I Clatskanie Drug Store Kef and Select Steel Patent Medicines and Druggist's Notions. Stationery, School Books. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded rlefl jfc llfrr 1 hllnF rf trWiAL As afW AAA At safV V. ak Jfj ....ST. HELENS HOTEL.... m j u I vwtv Trill mm timos us " 1 dellcaoies the TERMS REASONABLE The hotel having been newly refurnished we are prepared to give satis- taction ts all our patrons, J. George, Proprietor. St. Helens, Or Hqjr,iyr wffui fyn say sy 'ay sysyayr tyy yp'jyKTf mr si J WHITE COLLAR LINE Columbia Riyer and Paget Sound Navigation Co. PORTLAND-ASTORIA ROUTE. Steamer Bailey Gatzert Landlns Toot ot Aldsr (Hreat, Portland. Learea FortlaDd daily (QxcaplSuuday)ia7 A. U. Lsndlns Telrphons dnk, Astoria. Leaves Astoria dally (except Suuday) 7 P. M. Oatssrt Tlcktta Good oa Hummer Thorn naon Steamer Thompson Ttckita Oud oa Onucrt K. A. 8EELEV, Agt. V. B. SCOTT, Prsa. IIUCKLE BROS. MAStirAOTURBBS OT ' Dimension Lumber, Flooring, Rustic. Sheathing. Caaltifts, and a complete stock o( yeiy variety of Bough and Dressed Lumber ALWAYS OR HAND. AT THE OLD STAND, ST. HELENS 0RE001 PORTLAND AND CLATSKANIE STEAMER a. W. SHAVER, DeU Shaver, Maeter. , Coramonnlnj! April 15, 1WX), will lcavo Portland, foot ot Waslilnirton street, Tuesday Thursday and Hunday evenlnne at 4 o'clock. HetiirtiltiB-Leaves Clatskanle. (tide per- . nutting), Monday, Wednesday and Friday evrnlnei at 6 o'clock. Will pass Oak Point about 7; Stella 7:18; Muyirer 1:2r ltniiiier 8:20; Kalama 8:10; Ht. Helens 10:,10. Arrlv in Portland 1 ;30 A. M. Th company reserves th rlKht to cIiuiik time without notice. IIAVCSU TUANSPOHTATIOFI COWfAlV . THE JOSEPH KELLOGG & 1. 1 -.'tyTism 4toVStoiMm ilia, lata, hi it, MHhJmUt .mfr''r'"'tml . FOR PORTLAND Leaves Kelso Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 0 o'clock a. m. ! Portland Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at tt o'clock a. m, Groceries OREGON, EAT MARKET Hams Jacojynjsrj BT. HELBKg. OKJIOON. DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor. ti iv mvb i"v market affords. FOR REGULAR BOARDERS aud solicit your patronage. O.R.&N. OiVCS THE OHOIOI Of TWO TRANSCONTINENTAU HOUTEB OHEAT NORTHERN RY. VIA .. . ' SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL :. AMD . CHICAGO onrcooN SHORT LINE. VIA DENVER SALT LAKE OMAHA : A0 KANSAS CITY Low Rates to all Eastern Cities. OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DAYS FOR San Francisco Steamers monthly from Portland to Yokoboma and Hong Konk, via tbe Northern Pacific Steamship Co. In con nection with O. JR. and N. For lull information call on or address W. H. HUHLBURT, Gan. Pas. Agent, Fobtmbd, Oa. COMPANY'S RIVER 8TEAMER 5. ay ay yig r TO THE