The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, November 12, 1897, Image 3

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    AMKKioAW Kaii,s. There will bt 12
milMol American mil laid on the
Astoria and Columbia Klvci railroad,
bcKlnniiiK t Goblo. Tbtt Enlish rttlit
" not itilllolent to com pie tt ilia
track. Thil new consignment It on
its way from tlia Et. The rolls ere
(,e same wulght and line aa those
laid, 76 pound to tlia yard, 6 Inch
bsse, 6 Inohee '''U1' n(1 2i 1,10,1 hltlt
I'racklaylnK at the Oublo end of tht
line when the new raila arrive.
ynr Unkortiikats). About three
week ago Kane Olney, mate of the
tow boat Kmin lleyward, foil and
broke hit tliouldor. One day lat week
wbile the boat wae (owing it ahip down
Gluey fU tl,e dolt, again breaking
lug the ihoulder. On arrival at Aato
ri he wae taken to the hospital and
the injured member tot. Only a low
years ago Captain Olney mot with an
oooident on the No Wonder wbioh ren
dered him unconioloui (or aoma time
mid came near coating him bit life,
lie aeeiue an uufortuueto man.
Tiaao Lova. A remarkable Instance
nt tender conjugal consideration i
that of tbe Loe Angeles man who
steadfastly refuse to work beoauie he
ear hit wile win tie stolen in ma ao
Hioe. It ie probable that other men
ire not united in a desire to poestut
bit only own. charming aa he deema
lier, but no one could make him be
lieve it. 8o in hie groat ilred love, he
sacrifice hit disposition to labor and
loaf atouud home in order to protect
her. It la an affiicting Instance, but
no one knows what excuse he would
offer If be did not have a wife.
Duma nt Wha IIawj. The United
Steins eupreme court hat affirmed the
decision of the lower court in the oaae
of W. 11. T. Durrant in which he was
convicted of murder In the drat degree
about a year and a ball ago. ben
Durrant wat apprised of the action of
the supreme court ho declared he waa
not turpriaed and exhibited no emo
tion. The execution of Durrant will
probably taka plaoa la a few days,
tince the statutory limit of 60 days
grace doee not apply incaaea of re
sentence at this will be. Tbe authorities
seem anxiont to dipte of this case
and bava dona with Mr, Durrant.
Build toth Soukd. -Construction
of a railroad line from Portland to
Pugel sound I now regarded atone
of the probabilities of the near future.
For the past few weeks man have been
engaged searching the records of Che-
nalia and other eountlet of Washing
ton, looking up judgments against tbe
Portland i l'uget Bound Railroad
Company, and lions and rights-of-way
from the Columbia river to tbe Bound.
The work hat been done very quietly,
a muse wno are matting ttie Invest '
Mis. Tillie Muckle visited in Rainier
thit week.
W. IX. Dolman did business in Pert-
land Monday,
Caroll Keaaer returned home from
Portland last Monday.
V. M. Beeghley, of Vernonia. wat In
town Tuesday evening.
Three inches of tnow wat reported
gallons maintain the utmost reticence 00 Bunker bill last Saturday,
on the subject. These examinations Judge Doan was np from Rainier
give rise to the belief that work will Wednesday on official business.
soon ba resumed on the line, which
was abandoned six years aco when the
Charles Francis Adams management
went out of the UMon Pacific and the
8. H. H. Clark management came in.
In im, the Union I'acifio, then in
charge, by Aditme, aa president, and
the Ureat Northern railroad, jointly
undertook to build a railroad line from
Portland to the Fuget tound. The
road wat gradod from Vancouver to
Kalama, and most of the grading work
finished between Kalama end Central
ia, Chehalia county. Comparatively
little work was done north ol Uentralia
About tuu.uw wat expended on a
Bpenoer Rose, of Vernonia, wat in
town Wednesday and yesterday.
Mr. W. B. Dillard waa attending to
business matters in Portland Monday.
Attorney J. N. Pearcy, of Kelso, was
In tbiacity a thort time Wedsetday
William E. Clark, of Deer Island,
was In Ibis city last Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Muckle, of Rain
iur, were in thia city a few hours last
Tuesday. . .
Mr. X. A. Blaokmore, of the tteamer
Uodiue, spent Tuesday afternoon and
bridge over theColumbi at Vanrouver, evening in Ibis city.
and in all mora than f 2,000,000 waa
luvested In the enterprise. It was
abandoned in 1891 In a half finished
condition, tinea when it hM been
Mrs. II. P. Ford, formerly of Hills-
boro, but now of Portland, was tbe
guest of Mrs. T. J. Cleeton Tuesday.
County court adjourned last Satur
day evening, thus finishing up the
work of the regular November term
On and after November 15th 1897.
the steamer O. W. H haver will leave
ClaUkanie at 4 p. m. instead of 5 p. ra.
Mr. F. M. Thorp, employed on the
wood flume, formerly of Mayger, with
bit family, ie now occupying tbe New
ell house.
No man will receive a eall from
ilia uouwty jail. Last week a
proposition waa made to the county
court by an Eastern establishment to
fit up the county jail with corrldora
and other fixtures for 0OO, but the
court did not entertain the proposition
for reason that it did not feel able to
expend audi an amount of muaey
when the county ie to badly in need
..i i : i- il. i. : t
luau rnpaira in iu war ui unuui. nutuim a
etc. In our opinion the court acted Gsn,Ml prosperity" while "wbitiling"
judiciously, notwithstanding tbe fact d , eootl, xei tud complaining of
I k t .AHal kiinv.1 ,. iim mlrrltl ha . ' r .
tun ivvriaii Humiswu sssgtsm w i hurst tlmoal
L.ft In tm AiMinfv swank vnap fni rtna. I
onora board. But when prisoners Mrs. Sara Reed will deliver a free
.n ha Ln.rrl.ft In M.iltnninnh Animi lecture on "Health" at Masonic ball in
, tt nn ... ei n., ,rA thm nit this cllv next iueaa aiterooos t
ol bridges etc being so urgent, we can w clock.
continue yet a white to allow Multno- Cbarlee E. Fell, recommended by
mtn county to care lor our prisoners. ln, congressional delegation, waa ap
Were the county court to entertain nointmi Doatmaster at Pendleton by
v :t.. r . . . ..... .
eery sum prupvaniun w u.iKut, wu- i t,e president last weanesuay,
Pkmitimtiart PoPBtATioH. There
are 310 prisnnera in Ilia Oregon peni
tentiary. Of thf" nine are Uuiled
Btatee prisoners, 134 from Multnomah
county, 24 from Marion, 16 each from
Douglas, Union, and Baker counties,
10 from Clatsop, 11 from Waahington,
9 from Jackson, 8 each from Umatilla
and Wasco, 7 from Joeephine, 0 each
from Crook, Grant and Malbuer, 5
each from Clackamas, Wallowa and
Yamhill, 4 each from Harney, Lane
aud l'olk, 8 eacb from Gilliam, Klam
ath and Linn, 11 each from Curry.
Columbia anu Morrow, and none from
Benton, Lincoln, Sherman and Tilla
mook. A Plucky Woma. Last Saturday
night between S and S o'clock, Mrs. J
8. Cloninger was slarmed by the tound
of tome oue near the rear of tbe house.
Bhe thought at first it wat her hue
band coming home, but upon calling
discovered it wat not he. Bhe tbeu
raised the blind sufficient lo look out
and discovered a man standing near
the windifw. She again Inquired why
be did not answer, when be moved
awar. A little later a noise waa again
heard on the other tide of the house,
when the nluckv woman lathered t
loadod shotgun and opened Are. The
man nearly broke bit neck getting
away and waa beard no mora during
tba night.
Yam mix Mabbiaoi. Thia ie the
way a justice of the peace in Yamhill
oonntv married a couple from the
backwoodai "By tbe authority vested
in ma as aa officer of the state of Ore
gon , by the virgin loreste tnat spread
about ut in noble grandure; by the
howl of the fox hound and coon dog,
and by the morning glory whose cjing
Ing tendrils will shade your bumble
dwelling place ; by the hair of the groat
black bear aud the claws of the pan
ther; by the quills of the hedgehog;
by the juice of the blackberry, whose
aweelnest fills your besrt with joy; b,
tba heavens aud the earth, and the
tbinga under the earth; in the prea
ence of thcao witneseet I pronounce
you man and wife.
Must bx Remariiikd. Tbe eupreme
court of tbit aUte hat reversed a ue
clsimi of the district for Multnomah
county In regard to divorced persons
marrying within nx mouvna irmu ..
time tuch decree of divorce was issued
ti. Um ni this state forbids a mar
riage to a third person within six
nw.nilm mi on account of this many
reraons who have been lu a hurry to
airain enter tho blieaful state ol main
non. have sono to Vancouver, or
tome oilier point lo Waahington, to
have the ceremony aolomnited In
nrAr tn the Orevon law. Judge
Btearnt decided that tuch w,arriage
were legal, when an appeal was taken
. nnrt. which held thai
tuch marriaget were not only null and
void, but that the children begot
in nf .nli marrinifos are illegitimate
and the wife in such caees hat no
property rights in her husbands pot
cessions. People who are in thit pre
Hinamant tnn.i ramarrv after the ex
ulration of tho eix monlhi from the
time the divorce wat granted.
tioue in debt for
tame time not
much, either.
all time, and at the
benefit the county
Forty Eiqht Yiasi. Mr. Charlet
Mavxer. tr.. of Mayger, waa in town
last Tuesday attending to business af
faire at tba courthouse. Mr. Mayger
came to Columbia county in 184V and
has resided in tint county ever since.
When he first came to Hi. Helens there
were but four men in tbe place. He,
with one or two othora, out out the
road between 8U Helena and Soap-
noose plaint and constructed the old
low briil ae acrost the large twail back
of town. Mr. Mayger it a native of
France, and though having reached
the advanced age of 68 yeara, wat, un
til about five yeara ago, when he tui-
f jred a stroke of paralysis, a very rug
ged and strong man. Mr. Mayger has
seen in all its stages, tbe growth and
development of the Pacific Northwest,
The three voarold boy of J. A. John
son, of Lynn Center, 111., la tubjeot lo
Attacks of croup. Mr. Jonnsou says
Mr. Jamet Muckle waa borne over
Sunday from hit Coweeman logging
camn. lie tayt it win oe soma uma
before be in ready to put in toga, as u
will be necessary to first Duua a aam
Tha litigation over tbe tteamer H
C. Qrady teems to bave followed her
to Ban Francisco, according to tne
Bulletin of that city, which describe
ntlans-ih a lawsuit recently bad in
that city.
Rev. M. Burlingama will conduct
Thankseiviner services on that day at
Houlton at 8 o. m.. ana ei uodio at
9. m n. m. Ministers of Other denom
inatinnt present will oe expeowu w
take part
L. L. Decker and Charley Cooper
are at homo again from their dutiea aa
deckhands on tbe Potter, tnat tteamer
havinir laid no because ol tna new
combination between tha steamboat
companies on tbe river.
Rhariff J. N. Rice and family came
up from ClaUkanie with their bouse-
. .a a a I I t 4 A
will in future re
that be is satisfied that the timely use "P y'?""M'" VKht and ere
KlT lUhto tta Tdrug bu-sine..; h! bill, wber. they
a member of Ibe firm of Johnson Bros., ',ae
of that place, and they handle a great u. Wra. D. Connell, of Deer Island,
many patent modicinet lor luroat auu w)0 bM (pent iboui three mon ina at
lung diseases, ne nau au mow u sfcaguay, returned home last saonaaj.
ithootft from, and tKiuea pnysician M, Oonnell tayt that at present eaag
ready to respond to hit call, but ae- uty ig ,ot Tery lively, but next year It
looted tnit remeuy ir uw in u '"' I will develop into ine principal civj ui
uy at a nm wucu . i tne northwest loniturj,
suporior to any other, and famout the - Rev. G. Grovenor Haley, J6""
country over for iu curea of croup, appointed paator in charge of the Bt.
mp ,iv tiiia la tna noil aeu- Helena Maimer qirvuiv, a. vum
i .,k m.ilna ihew handle, and will conduct services at Btebman
that it givet aplendid eatisfaction In achool at 11 a. m., and in tbe Congre
all cases. Sold by Dr. Edwin Rose. gatiooal churoh in Rainier at 7 :30 p.
im., iNovemoeriii
Allan A. tiurgren, agea i yor., , . .in, of the
daimt to bave been born and I f- " r .. nv.
UcIUIlv OWW AiiaMiPMv- r
The first snow of lbs season fell hers Sat
urday. Clarence Adams paid Upper V abalam a
flying vllt Tuesday.
Omar Bbannahao paid Marshland a flying
Visit tbs first of tin week.
Harley Redman and George Bitls came
In from Portland this week.
Mr. Bolmsn, of Pittsburg, was doing bus
iness In onr town Tuesday.
Samuel Mow passed through town Wed
nesday on his way to Pittaburg.
Charles Armstrong snd mother psld Cen-
terville a visit the flist of the week.
V. L. Wilson was hauling; hay Monday
from up the river for 0. S. McNutl.
Joha Smith, of Upper Nehalem, was do
ing some trading in this city Friday.
David Richard arrived at home Tuesday
from an extontsd visit near the metropolis.
Mr. Einnon, of Montana, is viilting his
friend and schoolmate, i. X. Guild, thia
Mr. Phlneas Peak Is improving bis prem
ises by adding an "L" to hi already neat
Joha Baker left this place for the Barn
io attend tbeU. B. quarterly masting which
m ts next Sunday,
The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Dow
has been quite sick, but at last reports was
Wm. Heas arrived ia this city from Port
land Thursday with a load of groceries for
bis father's store.
Tbers Is a new grocery store in our town.
Grandpa Hess has Jnst put ln a stock of
groceries, and invites tbe public to exam
ine It.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Brink are expecting
their two sons, Joseph and Thomas, with
their fsmllles, to arrive here from Pordand
Haus Cbristianson left on Wednesday for
the Astoria Qoble railroad, where he ex
pects to secure employment for the cext
few months.
Ernest Sbannahan passed through town
Friday with a pair of fine-haired pigs. He
expects hereafter to grow nothing but the
best, or as goad as his neighbors have, at
Orin Hlatt. formerly of the Born, bat
who resides in Portland at preeent, waa vis
iting friends In this vicinity Friday and
also baying sheep pelts and hides of au
FTangelical quarterly meeting oommences
on November 25. There will be preaching
on that evening, also on Friday and Satur
day svenlng and two sermons on the Sab
bath by Elder Scbupp.
Joseph Coulter had tbe misfortune te
bave a smaahap last Monday while earning
from Pittsburg with a load of lumber. Aa
be was letting his wagon into a mudbole,
the load being heavy, erasbed the wheel te
Rev. Ward, from Mist, drew a large
crowd to tbechorcb Wednesday snd Thurs
day evenings to hear him expound the
eosnel doctrine, which he did in a very
anditabla manner. We bore we Will oe
favored with his presence many times.
We would like to know what has got the
matter with tbe people of this oommoaity
that they oonnot turn out and take a part
la helping to organise a literary society.
Such an ornniiation, as has been our ex
Dertence. can be made instructive to a large
decree, and afford a source of much amuse
ment to our people this winter. wra out
exDscUna to be appointed a committee of
one to help the thing along.
A Youthful Criminal. Tuesday's
fUlnm Jmirnal: HlierllT J. n. uJ
.,i Pirnv Davis and Joe Hin
kle, of Cronk county, today brought
William Stroud and Joe Dillman to
the penitentiary. The former was
onnuit.ui nf aaaault with a dangerous
weapon and received a sentence of one
. riH. . 1ta Will
ana a nan years. io "- -
for larceny. Dillman
ie a mere youth, being but 17 yoarsoi
an. ii., nmnloved by a rancnei
near Prinoville. Oue day his employer
returned from the county seat wm.
300 in nnln. which he had drawn
ii,., uir. Thia amount was
.,!..,i in ,k hmiM. where tbu boy af
terwards discovered it. He oould not
resist the temptation and took tne
fastened upon him
and he' was arrested, whereupon be
funded the 1300 but bis inai anu
vinii.m fiinuai and he received
i Tt seems too
iir.t a vnnLh of 17 vears ahouia
h iiK-ar.iaratcrl with rough criminals
There ia no doubt, says the Astoria
News, that Mr. Hammond it forming
syndicate, composed of Montana
capitalists, to bave a line of steamers
from Astoria to Alaska in operation
upon tbe completion of the Astoria
and Columbia River railroad. Bucb a
line made np of staunch, ewift boata
would pay from the tend on. uoi-.
seekers from the East and the Interior
would soon "tumble" to the (act that
tha Astoria route would give them less
cbanget, better connections, more sat
isfactory service than any unee .tart-
ing from Ban Francisco, Portland, Ta-
ooma or Seattle. Tha line when ea
tablisbed should be well advertised,
showing ita advantages, etc. three
cheers and a tiger for tbe Astoria and
Alaska steamship line.
.anuiiriin meYri 18
! ?'
sM'atlng ttefoodand&eguia
ttijg fteStoiiiAchs andBcnvels of
is as
Be net deceived. A Court, Hoarseness 1
or Croup, are not to be trifled with. A I
dose in time of Billion's Care will save yon
much trouble. Bold by Dr. Idwia Boss.
DvsDeDsia cured. Bhlloh'a Vltallxer Im
mediately relieves sour stomach, coming-1
np-of-food distress, and is tbe great xianey
and liver remedy. Bold by Dr. J5. itoss.
Ladles, tske the best. If you are troub
led with constipation, ssllow skin, and a
tired feellna. take Karl's Clover Tea. It la
nleassnt to take. Bold by Dr. Edwin Boss.
MOTiCB roar rcaiiciTie". nwvirm it OaaooH ClTT. Oa..
November th. 1897. I
JLl foliowlng-nanieU itttier nu nnra nonce oi
kl- IntanHiin In mk final nroof in SUDPOft Of
hit claim, and that Mid proof will be made be
fore tbe Countr Clerk of Columbia County, at
ot, Helena, Oreiron. on iemrjer aim. tu.
Bomeftead Entry No. 9905, for the southwest W
of uortheaet Si of section S2, township 6 north,
range west. . .
He name the following wit net w to prove bl
eontlnuous reaidence upon and cultlvatlou of
saidUnd.vii: E. A. Sireda, F. OUnlecki, Joe
Dnpont and Fred Zeller, all of Valler, Oregon.
n!2dl CHAD. B. MOOKE8, Begister.
Etc rru3te3Digetion,Chectful
ticM and BcstXontfllas neither
Opnim,MaiphJn0 nor Mirip.fal.
Not Nauc otic.
Was tmJl
A ncrfect Remedy forConsfip-
fion. Sour Stombxh.Dian-hoea,
Worms onvulsions,FevErisK
TacSimle Signature o(
: '
! i(pn7ii)F)n
; U UliydLL A
i i
Clitoris la pit tp la sis-slie setIss aaly. It
'ti mat aoU la sulk. Don't allow anyone te sell
ijn aaytiiiiig else ea tie plea at premiss that it
is "Just ss good" aad "will answer every m.
1 mea." Mf Bet that to ret C-A-S-T-O-B-I-A.
r -
11 undersigned executor ot tne i n " auu
Testamenl oi js,iisaocn ce-jauirj, ,
bave nled In tne omce oi me uounty viera ui
Columbia County, Bute of Oregon, my Anal ac-l
AAt n mw h mlnit-alnn unon aaid estate. I
together with my petition for Anal distribution
ot tne residue otaaia estate among r""""
enutlad tbereto; tnat ine non. j. d.
(tale, tea appointed Thursday, the tth day of
twamw. inn 2 o'clock P. St.. and tne
Court-room of said Court it the County Court-1
Houm, In the City of St. Helens, ln said County
and State, aa the Ume and place for the settle
ment of said anal account ana tne neanug m
said petition for distribution; at wnlcn time
and place any person inierestea iu ma i
may appear ana nw tneir oojeciiuua uw,w. j
Kiwnlnr nf the Laiit will and Testament of
KUsabeth Beegbley, oeceaaea. noua.
Drcstatwllr Narrows.
Gekts: I waa dreadfully nervous, snd
for relief took your Karl'a Clover Boot Tea.
It ouleted my nerves and strenf theasd my
whole Nervous System. I was troubled
with constipation, kidney and bowel troub
le. Your taa soon cleansed my whole sys
tem so thoroughly that I rapidly regained
mv health and strength, airs. 8. A. Bweet.
Hertford, Con. Bold by Dr. Edwin Boss.
. . i . , j nrt
rataoci in rnmana. wae arrnsmw iu vu- --. - , , . , . n , .
lumbi. City yeaurday m.rning and . KZ
brought to Bt. tie en. to pa .n .u - ---- . .
nnndttinn. w nan i " " r . . . .. .
Thii winds ap the busi
ng UJ II let IIIUI1VK Vuimiwi'M. .
Hurgren reached uoiumo.a . w, :- Dro.nBrou. eUla ineti-
VJnA.inmAmw niirlL rtA WU WlinOUb Iini 1 " r
or coal ana oareioowu. o " i
that he was up before Judge Kortnup Mr. A. A. Smith and rmily, who,
in Portland Tuesday evoning, for what for m numb,r 0 yeara bave resided on
uuruose lie knew noi, ana ran out "M Uikon creek about seven miles irom
the door and not away. He also .aid . lnk tr.Bjr denaiture on Tues
he had been abort in hi. acoounU d lrain for joplyn, Mo., where they
with an inauranoo society and tbey narhana Dermanently.
were trying to drive him mad. At Mr 8milh wjh re-enter tba aino and
prea. hour the examination nau out ,el(1 gl tht place,
I .1.. I
neon maua. , I . i;a:..-.l
The Boys anu uiria m dwij
Portlaod baa again appealed to the
nublio for assistance. Tha aociety la
OI SBSlHiauUO, 1UI uu ...
tv wnrk nf ooDvinn the several as
aaaamant rolls into one general delin
quent roll ia being prosecuted in the deeerving
Waofflee at the Dreaent time, which
we believe is a wise move on me part
ol th nonrt. The dolmquent roue
ami hmn ji in bad nonunion irom
conalant handling, and were eome .uch
antion not taken it would bave been
. n..tiar nf hut two or three yeara un
til thr would have been nothing left
ni iti,m If w are to collect inoae
ifllinnunnciea we must tate care oi
each part and parcel of them.
whole it accomplishes a great deal of
good. Many homele. orphan cnii
dren have been provided for through
l,;. .ffannv and the cood work .till
goea on.
Thre are all kind, of fade but tha
latest fad ia for the possession oi in
riiar. ritlipg. Mr. B. M. Wharton and
n. t w nr have lately been mak
ini a inani alt of arrow nointe and
oilier (orme of .tone, used by the In
diana. These gentleman nave gatir
la fnr teach
lira' certificate preaonted themselves Lrod .oraethlugles. than a bushel each
before the examining
board in this
nil. Worlnesdav i Misse Betta Uaw-
son, Butteville, Oregon : Laura Puiey,
warren i lua u. morgan, wi,
iTaitla Mullins. Bcanpoose; La Viva
tv.iht PnrtianH! Mav Whitney. St.
Helens; Tillie Cheldelln, Portland;
Ella Baoon. Warren. Messrs. Guy L.
Shatto, Rainier; A. J. Bmith, Mayger.
ur. h fl Waw assisted with the ex
amination in plaoe of A. B. Little, who
i. absent from tbe state.
Theodore Durrant will be hanged
tod.iy between the hour of eunrise
and noon. Durrant wae convicted of
the murder of Blanohe Lamont in San
Franoisco on April 12, 1895, eince
wbioh time all manner of methods
bave been applied by hi attorneys to
ave hi. life but each time defeat
waited them. The conclusion of this
great tragedy will taka plaoe today,
thus ending the most conspicuous of
all criminal prooeodure. in tha history
of the Pacifio coast
of theee trophies during me pa.
month and are looking lor more. a.
-all flllarl nab net. which win some
day be o! value, i. the result.
Bev. Q. O. Haley and wife have
takon up their abode In St. Helena for
ihe present conference year.
Royal snakes the toad para,
whslasesss aad 4elWewa.
sfttk. wL nisaiinif iT afjS
mvw vm rwwii e ww ww.
"The worst odd I ever bad in my
Ufa waa cured bv Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy," writes W. H. Norton, of
Sutter Creek, Cal. "This cold left me
with a cough, and I was expectorating
all tha time. Tha remedy cured me,
and 1 want all my friends when troub-
fyijiyVVVVVVVV aaisjtvVVV V- V
In tbe Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon, for
Ine County or i;oiumDta.
K. B. Foi, PlainUff, ,
WlUlam Kuenzler, Defendant.
1Q TT 1 1 1 B III RllCiri , rt
I vnn h-.Mh HuitiirMt to aooear and ana-1
war the complaint Bled walnut Ton in the above I
entitled uit on or before tha nret day of the regu-1
lar term of tbis Court, wnicn wiuoegin me n.
Tueaday after tne aeoona aonaay iu mar,
tt n f-u tn aniiwAr. for want thereof.
the plaintiff wiU take Judgment snd decree aa
prayeaioriu we wmuiii. uo,vu: , . -th.
MMta.Ni thorin mentioned, both Kiven
on th Killir of January, 1890. one by Thome
Miller to Defendant lor tne oi ott
Harris' Ch Grocery.
LaxaAaaaaaaA AwVwVwVarfcwVAAsfWsffc.
The Perkins
C. W. KNOWLES, Manager.
Ion S and 4, and one given by Stephen
Defendant for the K4,
and I
both tracts of land be-1
in. j - ...rin on trnvnahins north, ranee a west.
...... . j.i I -..A nKlarfntt (Vl P I
rviiiametie mtsriuiau, 1, ' ,
same aatlsfied and released upon tha records
thereof. , . .
Publication of thia summons Is made in ac
cordance with an order ol the Hon. T. A. Mc-
Bride, iudge of said court, maoo im ian "l
uetoDer, van. . u. i.
029dl0 Attorney tor (iwuuu.
Mr. Knowles was, for many years, proprietor of the St. Charles
hotel, and while there established a reputation as a hotel man.
He is now in a better position to entertain his friende than ever
before, and will welcome all hie old patrons to hie new place of
business, where can be found an up-to-date hotel. :
Corner Fifth and Washington Streets, PcrtJaat
undersigned asaignee ol the estate of Dean
Blanchard, an Inaolrent debtor, have filed In
the omce of the clerk of the Circuit Court of
the State of Oregon, for the County of Colum
bia, my flnal account of my admlniatraUon
tl. iuta nf said Insolvent debtor, to-
irBther with my peUtion aaking that I be per-1
mitted to resign my truat aa aucb aengnee, ana
...- .k. u niu Onnrt of said County and I
State has appointed tbe 2Jnd day of November,
1897. atWooinclia. M., and the courtroom of
aaid Court, ln Bt. Helena, Columbia County, Or
egon, as the Ume and place for the settlement of
aald aocount ana neanu f-"-", -time
and place any person lotereated may ap
pear and conteat tbe ame. M. BOTE,
"aalguee of the estate of Dean Blanchard. In
niv-nL aeotor.
Dr. E. Ross
Constantly Keeps in Stock a Complete Line of
led with a cough or cold to use it, for Coosty TMAeuBKiVa Offic.
it will do them
Edwin Rom.
good." Bold by Dr.
Cure that cough with 6hlloh's Cure. The
best Cough Cure. Relieves croup promptly.
One million bottles sold last year. 40 doses
lor 25 cents. Bold by Dr. Edwin Boss.
Rt Hei.rhh. Or.. Oct. 28. 189T.
Hotico Is hereby given that all unpaid
n. ,.. w.Manti nf aald oonntv.' which I
Iwn nreaented and endorsed "Not!
Paid for Want of Funds," prior to March
1, 1895, will be paid upon presentation at
thl, office. Interest will not be allowed
after tbis date. K. U. WHARTON,
nr,M Treasurer of Columbia County, Or.
Will Save You from $a.oo to
$3.50 on the Price ol a Suit or
OvercoatP .. . ''
School Supplies
.... 1 n. . V C nT-ill-.tTaUAta Tabi Van.
h An Unueualiy weaBeieciea biock vi n rums ahivwi o.
T I u Una Trtlra nn tVia f arLpfe
hi SjllO 1 HllU tUO UCDI Ala v
1. 4m s
Finest Perfumes and 80a pa......
Patat Medicines
Dress Suits $12.50 and $15.00
Boys' Suits $1.75, $J.50 and
up to $7.50.
FAMOUS Clothing House
WrweuT Thaw AMtw Nk
RBtrMoosLi as AkkCAusMtasj ,
raora 12 re SO VUfY AR r... ' M
Wttatesre mwumthw. laeoer'
wwwfmaav im bjwvsw ennr Frrs-'sea
asnr r---c -
7 1
Stes -r
Air-Tight Stoves
. H. BLAKK8LIY, Proprietor.
Board by Day, Week or Month
Tbe table Is (applied with the best the market
aff&rda, Kverythlni clean. A share of T"r pat
ronae la sollolted. ST. HKlNS, OF SOON
Granite-ware, Hardware, Cutlery, Crose-Cut 8awe, Eto.
. OEOUH. 212 First St, Poraand, Or.
Id OTffon. DM""? f ,ow " , K : "Z . --.t, 4
Bldf.i Chloaga.
Young America
Leave St. Holens... 6:30 A
Arrive at Portland..., ... 10:O A
Lenre Portland 2:S0 I
Arrive at St. Helens..,.. 6:00 P
Will Carry NothinR bnt Pawengf
and Fast Freight.