The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, November 05, 1897, Image 3

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    IIn Authority aitiuT. The man
who wee elected mayor ot the enlarged
ity ot New York last Tuesday, Van
Wyck, will pretide over more peo
ple (ben li! George Weehlofjtoa when
Liu first elected president, 1789;
lie willi ia hit etihere, have far greater
authority then Wellington possessed,
a nd hie domain will have several timet
i much wealth ae the United Btatee
)itd at the beginning of thia century.
Cruelty to animals. One day tail
wrek B. Mellveny, employed in one
Dlthe railroad camps down the river,
we arretted on a charge of cruelty to
horeee, sworn out by a member of the
Humane Society. He was brought
before Jtiiiloa Clark, where he entered
plea of guilty anJ was fined f 25. A
member of the Humaue Society vieited
the railroad oamp on a tour of Inapeo
tlon, and there learned that the horeea
belonging to private partiee and uaed
by their ownera were in good condi
tion and well cared for, but thote
iwned by the contracting Arm were
poor and eome were badly treated.
Man oomtjlalnls have been entered
in regard to the treatment of horeet at
tbe railroad oampe.
Union Pacific Hall In the aale
of the Union Paoifio railroad the gov
.mment will gel nearly the full
mount of lie lien, which wet l!)8,448,
tlS, the amount reelliwl from tbe aale
being obUOO,Jo. i it it a great in
inntth for the MiKlnley adinliiislre
tlon. When the road wae atarled a
third of a century ago nobody sup
posed the covernment would get back
In direct caeh any of the money which
it put into the work. It wee a great
military ae well at economic enter-
priee, and it wae expected to pay the
iveoule by uniting the raciilo coaat
with the Atleutio aod in developing
the Went, many timet for the money
expenditure which the government
made. 1 hie, or course, it bat done.
It will do more than thie, however, for
the covernment ie obtaining almott
the full amount of ita claim. The ad
miniatrallon'e desire bae been to pro
toct the teot)lee' ioleretia in thia mat
ter to the sreatett ooeeibl extent, and
it hae achieved a larger nieatureof
tucceat than anybody month ago
Tn EutoTione. Elections took
place in many of the Eastern atatet
and larce oitiet laet Tueeday. In New
York City the Tammany ticket wae
alncwd bf a lane plurality, and Van
Wyck wat choeen mayor. Returns
from Ohio are not quite complete, but
with only one county to hear from the
republicant have a majority on joint
ballot in the letieUture of five. Tbe
lata ticket, including tbe governor,
rpDubltcan by n4 maioritiea. The
renublican majority in Iowa ie eli
nmtfd at 30.000: in Maaeachusettea
88,000. The republicant carried Mew
Joreey, and the vole te to einee in
Maryland that it will require the offl
oial count to determine the reeult In
Kanaat the republicant eeoure eight
not of tha thirteen dietnet juditee, and
have elected the county ticket! In
about one Imlf the countiee In the
at ate. The futioniilt carried Nebraska
h. from 10000 to 16.000 tualortty
There were only two offloera voted for
in Pennsylvania and in both oatee re-
nutilieaoa were elected by about 140,-
fob. The eleotiona of Tueaday were
not general, being mottly municipal,
tA in nn La.ta waa there an entire
.i.t voiad for. Some elected a
eovernor only, while othert eeleoled a
.,., r . .i.ta lirket or a leiritlature,
ao that the retull hat no particular
national significance.
A Pecuuae Game. The busSiiese
ir.naaetiona ot the oppoeitioo steam-
boat oompamea on the Columbia river
fn. i ha mat half a doien yeare have
been peculiar. Almoal every fall when
kn.inau ia dull and orectxlioe a alack
.ini trade, the White Collar Line
ka afltteud a comnromiee or combi
nation with the 0. K. 4 N. Co., where
by the number of -learners would be
reduced to one half the uual number,
and the proUtt divided. With each
eucceediog epriug when bueineat be
Iran to pick up the combination waa
Si.lfMl and a fiifiit ensued between
the rivalt during the tummer when
bueineat wae goyd. but during almoal
vary aeaton the number of boala have
been increated aufflcient to contume
what profit there would other
wiee have been, in extra expenses.
Thie elate of thinga would laet until
the dull eeaeon in the fall again set in
when the usual combination would be
effected and thinga run on an econom
ical baaie throughout the winter in or
der to be able to make war on each
other during the following tummer.
Laet tpriug when tho combination
,i..i,...i ..(T it waa thought that it
..i, in ba entered into be
.. i.. tain companies, but ataal
hinaiion it on for tbe win
ter. at least, and ia the meantime the
eervice it poor because of Ihe poor
tinta marlfl arlipn there it but one boat
on the route. Competition makct a
good eervice, and while theie it no
money in competition for the steam
boat companies, it afforda a good eer
vice for the public.
Tha thrae veer old boy oi J. A. John
..i i - n.hinr. Til., ie subject to
ma, Ul UTHH V" I . - -
....!.. nrnnn. Mr. Johneon tays
.v.. i,. t. ......H.l iheLthe timely ute
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedj, dur
ing a tevere attack aaved lilt
boy's life. He it in the drug business,
a member of the firm of Johnson Bros.,
of that place, and they handle a great
man tin l Afl t mmiioinet for turoat ana
Tiaet. He had all theie to
rhoote from, and skilled phyaiomnt
J- . .nnH in Ilia call, but Be-
ki. rom.ilv tor use in hit laoi-
ily at a time when hie child t lite w
'j Iia knew it to be
auperior to any other, and faniout me
country over for ite curea of croup.
Mr. Johnaon tayt thia it the beet ae -
ing cough;
that it givet aplondid aaiitfaotion
all catet. Sold by Dr. Edwin Kite.
Hew to mire BUle colfo.
X tnffcrrd for weekt with colio and paint
In my ttoma,-b cau.od by bllloutnest, and
bad to take medicine all the while until I
uted CbamUtrlaln-a Collo, Cholera and Di
arrhoea Keniady. whlcb onrtd me. I na
alnoe racoinmflnded tt to a good many peo
ple. Mat. F. PoTtta. FelrhevMi. Conn.
- Fenonawho are auhject to billow oo e
ean ward off the attarkt by taking tbit
reuedr at toon at the Hr.t tymptooie ap
pear. Sold by Dr. Edwiu IIom.
County Cletk Woed vltlted Halnlor
laet Friday.
Mrt. J, II. Bholdon waa In Portland
Tuetday afternoon,
Dr. II. B. Cliff waa called to Wood.
land Sunday evening.
Mr. C. L. Parker, of PitUburi. wm
on our tlreete Wednetday.
County Surveyor Meterva came un
from Dulena Wednoeday.
County court convened latt Wednet
day, tbe eutire board being pretent.
NeilO'Hare, of May for, did btial
nett bulore the county court Wednee-
Mr. and Mrt. Alfred Harriton, of
Iloultou, were Portland viaitort Mon
Jacob George, of the St. Ilelent ho
tel, wat doing butlueit In Portland
Mr. Edwin Merrill, of Deer Itland,
wat attending to bunnett in our town
Tuetday latt.
Mr. George Hall wae ill one day thia
week and unable to attend to hit dut-
let at tchooL
Itaao Copeland wat attending to
buainoit affairt in thie city Wednet
day afternoon.
A number of Knlghte from tbit city
will vitit Ivenhoe lodge in Portland
next Monday evening.
Probate court wat in tee-ion Monday
and Tuetday with contiderable buai
nett to be trantacted.
A marriage licente wae iteued on
Nov. 1 to Benford K. Butte and Bertha
M. Makinater, of Goble.
Adam Slump, ot Soappooae, waa in
town latt Monday attending to eetate
ruatlcre before Judge JJoaa.
Mr. and Mrt. W. II. Dolman and
Mrt. J. tt. Beegle tpent latt Saturday
and Sunday out at Bunker bill.
President McKlnley hat eet apart
November S6th at a day of general
Tbanktgiving in the United Btatee.
B. Z. Joy and W. T. Watta, of Scep-
pooee, were attending to bueineat mat-
ten in tha oouoty teat weuoetuay,
Mr. and Mrt. John Lamberaon and
Mr. and Mre. George Broua, of Houl-
ton, were in the metropolit yeeterday,
Mre. T. J. Cleeton epent laat Sunday
in tbit city and went to Oregon uuy
Monday, where the joined ber autbead
Tha regular ouarleily publio exam
ination of teachere will be conducted
in tbit oity, beginning next Weduee-
day at 1 o'clock.
From the futilade kept up on Sauv
ie't and Bachelor ialanda laat Sunday
it tee rot hardly pottible that there it a
duck lelt to tell the ute.
Commfaeioner Peterton came over
from Nehalera Tueaday to be ready
for official bueineat with tbe county
court Wednesday morning.
Miteea Daitv Watkina and Grace
Milee were borne to apend Sunday
with their narenu. returning to their
ttudiet at Portland Monday morning
After the moat beautiful fall in
many yeere the rainy aeaton teemt to
have eel in tor the winter. Our peo
ple have no reeeoo to complain of the
weatner m it year.
Henry George, the great tingle tax
advocate and candidate lor mayor oi
nraatar New York, died of eppoplexy
early laat Friday morning, fiye daya
before the election took place.
Mr. O. F. Blvth. of Portland, who
haa lars-a financial internet in Col urn
hia oountv. waa in town yeeterday,
Mr. Blyth expeote to tpend the winter
in California, returning in me epnng,
Our vonne folka enioyed Halloween
laat Sunday evening by ditturbing iu
frinndl wav. many of the retideale.
Halloween comet but once a year and
the children are entitled to their apurt.
The trial of B. L, Ward, the default
ing Ireaaurer of Clataop county, took
place in Aetoria laat week and reeulted
in a m a trial, the i'TV failing to agree.
It will be taken up again at me next
term of court.
Nina thoutand membera of an anil
tweariug eociety paraded in Brooklyn
a few daya ago. When ptaaiog wag
aUtiarad thain with mud oi
r . .. . .1
blockaded Die Hoe oi marca uimj
merely tmilsd.
O.iinina It made from Peruvian bark
-the oater part of a medical plant
called clnohooa. It waa ao named
from the wife of Count uincnon, oi
Peru, in the aeventh century, who by
ita use, waacureu oi loiermuumno".
k man aivtnff hit name aa Peter
Petereon wat arretted at Houlton laat
Saturday and examined aa to nia tan-
ity before Juttioe ciara ana oomamwu
to the atylum, where he wat taken by
Conetable Kobinton aud C. W. Blakea
Work an the wood flame it progreee
!. in a aatinfafiiorv manner, etpeoial-
i. .inra tha work of taateuing the
fiuina to the bluff above the Perry
place baa been finished. It it taid
that now tbe work can proceed at the
rate of 600 feet per day.
The potato crop in California it Mid
to be tumewnat tnori wiie jor wu
.in h iiantnurv to fto abroad to tup
nlr the home demand. Thie being
!i iii. fiu.iron erowert may
peot a good demaud lor tbeir crop and
a correaponaingiy goou
We call the attention ot our readert
to the advertifemente of the Moyer
filoihinB Co.. F. B. Chowu and the
if...,,.,., ninth nar iiouie. wniuu win
be found in thie iwue. Theae firma
era reliable and their goodt juel what
they a i repreiented to be.
A nephew of William and Eudolph
Karth, of near Buoker bill, wat taken
to Portland Monday, where il waa
thought an operation would have to be
performed lorobatruction. The young
man waa in thie city under charge of
a phytioian for a day or two,
Mr W. H. Bumgurdner, of Deer;
Wand, returned a few dayt ago from
Monroe, Benton county, where he bad
breu for the paat two niouthe building
a house for Elty George, a former rea
ident of tbit county, wbota houae bad
been deetroved by nre aoma time ago.
The price of cordwood all along the
river hat been, or will be raited to 92
per cord on the 10th of the month, an
agreement to that effeot being entered
mo teveral dayt ago by dealert. Tbe
price of wood thould never have been
below 2, but during depretted timet
dealere looking for patronage effected
aught cut which only necettitated
another reduction until they found
themeelvet almoet upon tbe verge of
bankruptcy. That cord wood hat been
put up to Z per cord will be bailed
1th general tatitfaction all along the
The coffee and oytter toolal given
at Houlton laet Tuetday evening wat
brilliant tuccett In every detail. An
excellent literary programme wat ren-
area, each number being good. Uyt-
tert aud cake and coffee ware terved
throughout the evening, the net re
ceiptt being 114.65, which waa given
to tbe t-md for puronaaing an organ
for tbe Union Sunday eohool Thote
avlng the affair In charge are bighly
pleaaed, and the entire community
(eele muo elated.
George Kelley, of Houlton, recently
purchated about 150 bead of theep
n the Willamette valley and now hat
them on the Bunker hill range where
he expeota to keep them until enow
fallt. Mr. Kelley paid II 25 and 11.60
per head for the theep, and tayt one
year ago he could have purcbated the
tame atock for 75 centt per bead. A
Dingley price for wool hat placed
Dingley price on tbe aheep.
Il ia now taid that all atlemptt to
float the big tbip Gleoinorag, which
baa been aabore on North beach for
bout two yeare, have been abandoned
Tbe recent heavy windt have eent the
aliin 'liioKo. nn nn lh h and
greatly damaged ber bull, one tide ba
ng broken In. A great deal oi money
haa already been epent in trying to
float tbe thip, but all of no avail.
If one were to undertake to walk one
way only through all the etreett of
London, he would be obliged to go a
dittance of 2090 milee. or at far aa it
t acroea the American continent from
New York to San Francisco. Tbit
will give an idea of tha dittance one
would have to go to tea thoroughly
even the greater part of the city of
London the largett city in the world,
Not long ago a Maine man jilted by
a woman on the eve of marriage wae
awarded $1788 by a jury for breach ot
nromiaa. Laat week a middie-eged
widow in Kentucky obtained a verdict
of 54,333.33 for breach of promiae
againal a widower 71 yeare old. Some
expert mathematician ehould explain
that S3 centa, and the law oi propor
lion between tbe two caaet.
"Tha wont cold I ever had in my
life waa cured by Chamberlain't Cough
Remedy." wriiet W. H. orton, oi
Salter Creek, Cel. , "Thie oold left me
with a cough, and I waa expectorating
all tbe time. Tbe remedy curea me,
and 1 want all my friende when troub
led with a cough or cold to ute it, lor
witl do tbem good." Bold by ut.
Edwin Boat.
Commiationer and Mre. P. A. Fraket
returned laat Saturday from a two
weeke' vitit to San Franciacoand other
California oointa. during their ab-
aenca they having aeen mnch of inter
net to tbem. Both were iu tbiacity
laat Tueeday evening and Mr. Frakea
remained to attend to hit official dutiet
aa a member of tbe county court.
A new time tcbedute on the Colura
bia river went into effect laat Monday
mornini. the Gatiert leaving Portland
at 7 a. n and the Thorn peon leaving
At tone at 7 a. m. 1 ba Uataeit win
leave Attoria at 7 n. m. and tha Thomp
eon will leave Portland at 8 p. m. Tbe
Lurlina will continue to run on Her
old eohedule.
Theevee of beet are made to
neat diatancea. When abtent from
tbeir hive they go op in tbe air till
they eee their borne, and then fly
toward it in a atraignt una ana at great
apeed. The thorteet line between two
plaoee It eomeumee caneo. a- oee uu.
Probate Mattera.
In the probate court tbit week the
following proceeding! were naa :
Ia tbe matter ot the eeiaie oi uuin
hurt Stumo. deceated, tbe final ac
count and aeltlement of the admioie-
tratora wat had and admimalratora
were ditoharged and bondamen were
In the matter of the eetate ot Itaao
Tmakann. deceased, the tame proceed
ioga were bad at in the above, and
the lunae remaining wem iuiu v.
in tha Danish vice contul.
In the matter of the petition of w,
J. Muckle, guardian, for permiaeion or
' . . k . . flL!1 I
licente to tell real eaiaie oi rnuanuor
Harria, argued and eubmitted ana ny
the oourt taken under aaviaemeot.
R. Seueman ttarted for tbeGrove Friday
Mr.. PhllllD Bueeley was In Vernonia
Albert Baker returned from HUltboro
Mr. Alfred Stephent waa vUitlng eur
town tbit week.
Tnkn of Unner Nehalem, wat in
Vernrnla Monday.
Caroll Kearny baa gone to Portland to at
tend tohool thlt winter.
Mra. Armttronf it the iraitt of Mr. am
Mrt. D. F. Baker thlt week.
it n nlosfi a term of tohool in
the Baayer dittrict tbia week.
Drlab Melllngor hat moved hit household
Bnval taakaa tbe lead part.
wboleaeme and detldeas.
eUaolutoi fur
srwst smww aowpvs en., swum
effecte to Oatton for the winter,
Alex Sword It Improving bit time clear
ing land. Alex it a great rattler.
Thomat Adamt dreve a flock ot tbeep
to the Orove to market Tburtday.
Edward Tbroop waa a Forett Grove vis
itor latt week, returning Wednetday.
Mra. 0. 8. McNutt left on Friday for ao
extended vltlt in Waahington county.
Mr. U. 0. Adama bat been rogand to
teach the Pttttuorg achool tbit winter.
Mrt. Ida Uvtnder returned to tbit city
Wednetday from Washington county.
Mra. Rube Betteiuan left thia place for
ber borne in Washington coaoty Friday.
Bev. F. M. Flsber went to Jewell Tuesday
efter a load ot provisions, returning Wed
Mr. Frank Malmbtrc. ot Mist, waa the
guest ot Mr. and Mrt. John Kdbolm Sun
day latt.
Mr. J. Young passed through our city
on bit way to tbe Pituburg flour mill latt
We bad thought the pops were mostly all
dead but we noticed in last week's Newt a
very bretcy item or two from pope who
bave just enongb life left to kick, that't all
In the dayt of old. through beat and eold,
1 n village and In city -,
Mo HOP UUCD BEER to nerve and obeer
Tha people btxi 'tis pity I
Bat now behold, everywhere 'tit told,
1 be nnett brew nop Uoia.
For tale at the Star, Btakesley A Whit
ney, proprietors.
Cold, foggy weather.
Halloween wat dnly observed by a few
Rev. 0. Bcbink ia conducting a German
school in district 28.
Fred Adams haa lately finished a tub-
ttantial barn on bia ranch.
Mrt. R. Hartman returned thlt week
from a visit to f riendt in Kantat.
WUIiam Anderson will enlarge his fruit
dryer tbit winter and be ready for a large
output next season.
Mra. Fanny Dnke, stepdaughter ot Steph
en Hainet, waa married to Captain Know
of Portland, Saturday.
Jersey cowt are rapidly gaining favor In
creamery circles. There thould be more
attention paid to Improving dairy herdt.
Oar reads are not ia very good condition
for sjinter traffic owing to the heavy team
ing which hat been done on tbem in trans
porting cordwood.
Commissioner Frakea and family re
turned from their California tour last Sat
urday. They tpeak highly of tbeir trip,
but intitt that Columbia county la all right
Catarrh Cured. A clear head and tweet
breath secured with 8hiloh's Catarrh rem
edy, told on a guarantee. Masai injector
iree. noia oy ut. now in
Mr. J. H. Petereon, the logger, it
making tome decided and substantial
imorovementa in hia chute and road
in Beaver valley. Mr. Petereon haa
large iateretta there, and when thit
latest imorovement it completed hia
road will be in brti-ciaat anape.
Stop tbat cough I Take warning. It may
lead to consumption. A 25o bottle oi
Sbiloh's eure may aave your life. Sold by
Dr. Edwin Ross.
We are prepared to do all kindt of
commercial job printing on anon no
tice and at cheap ratea.
The new batcher. Blanco, hat ar
rived in Cuba and takee up the war
fare where Weyler left off. It remaint
to be eeen whether hia effortt to put
dowa the inearreotion will be mora
aucceaaful than thote of hie two pre
decessor!. Il mattera little what hit
effortt are for the Cubant will never
again eubmil to tha oppreeaion of
Spain. It ia freedom or aeatn who
BBOtn-WAUtaa. At Kainler, Oregon, on
Wednesday, Noeember a, 18H7, Miss nans
Walter ana nr. jess duiuu, uj
B. loan, offlciatint;.
The contracting parties are faverablv
known la Bearer Tslley, where both hare
resided for many years.
Cliab. In this oity, Tuesday, November
2, laen, to Ute wileol t . L.. tjiear.a oaugn.
Hattak. In this city. Bnnday, October Si.
1897, to the wife ol B. B. Hattau, a daugh
ter. Will
FAMOUS Clothing House
! COR.
Jewel Stoves
Air-Tight Stoves
Granite-ware, Hardware,
B. E. OIlOWeN. 212 First St, Portland,
The extent to which tbe value of
wide tiree hat come lo be recognized
it abown by tbe fact that during the
latt twelve monthi the legislature on
nearly everv elate hat beeu lined to
pate a bill providing for tbetr compui-
torr adoulion. ine Riaie oi new
Jersey hat already adopted a law of
thie kind, and it te reaping tne oeneni
in tha enuntrv. With the wide tirer
in uee, even the present country road
will improve, for eucb tiree eerve ea I
rollers to make the roadbed compact I
inatead of cutting deep rule ae do I
heavily loaded wagont on narrow Urea.
When tbe Oregon farmer comet to I
a realization tbat thit it hie harvest!
vear in more than one way, then will I
he thoroughly enjoy tne oietainga
which life in Oregon affords bim. It
hae been hit good fortune lo produce
an abundance of everything year after
veer when bit fellow farmers in otner I
atatet have had drought and peeta ana
. - . . . el
famine to contend with. Thie year,
eapecially, ia the Oregon farmer to be
congratulated, for he not only haa
plenty for tbe borne demand, but ia I
being called upon to tupply other I
tales and nationa.
ODdenlitied executor of the Last Will and
Testament oi . Autauein neegoiry, ucwmcu,
have filed In tbe office of the County Clerk of I
Columbia County, state ol Oregon, my ouai ao-1
Mimt nf m administration UDOIl laid estate. I
together with my iietitton for final distribution I
of the residue of said estate among the persons I
mlLlMl thMrabi; thai the Hod. J. B. foan, I
udire of the Conntv court oi seia umnnr bbu i
V. .nMlnbin Thtlrariav. theftthc
day of I
December. 1S7. st 2 o'clock P. M., and the I
Court-room of said Court tbe County Court
irnnaa In tha CAu nf St. Hereas. In said Countr
anil wtata mm tha time and nlsce tor the settle
ment of said final account and tbe hearing of I
suid petition for distribution; at which time
and place any person interested lu said estate I
may appear ana aim weir uujctuuu. n,w
Dated at St. Helens, Oregon, November 4. 1897.
Executor of the Last Will and Testament of I
Elizabeth Beegbley, deoeaeea. naos.
tbe ourooae of making an examination ' I
all persons w
dates for teac
irsons who may offer themselves as eandi
dates for teachers of tbe publio echo
ubllo schools of Co- I
lnmhia nnmitv. tha school Bune:
lurobia Couuty,
School Superintendent I
thereof will bold a public examination atbt.
Helens. Oregon, beginning Wednesday, qem-1
ber loth, at 1 o'clock P. 24. All teachers holding
temporary certificates are requested to attend.
Dated Bcappoose, Oregon, this 2Mb day of
(talihar. WU7. J. U. WATIB.
uounty bcouh aainiuiwuiwuh
In the Circuit Court of the Bute of Oregon, for
the County of coinmnia.
IE. B. Fobs, Plaintiff,
William Kueniler, Defendant
. Will.. 1 ...... 1 ...
j M n ituaiu
1 You are hereby required lo appear and ans
wer the com Dial nl filed against you in the above
enUtled suit on or before the first day of the regu
lar term of una court, wnicn win oegiu we nn
Tuesday after the second atonaay in awy, iow;
and tf you fail to answer, for want thereof,
the plaintiff will take Judgment ana aecree as
prayed lor in tne eorantaint nemn, uwivmi
th mnrtfup, therein mentioned, both civen
on the 23d day ot January. 1SB0. one by Thomas
Miller to Defendant for the EH of aK, snd
lots and , and one given by fHepben Miller to
Defendant for the BE'-i, both tracu of land be
inin Mtinn an. town8hln6 north. ranae 8 west.
Willamette meridian, paid, and ordering the I
same sstUfied and released upon the records
thereof. a ,
Publication of this summons Is made In ac
cordance with an order of the Hon. T. A. Mo
Bride, Judge of said oourt, made tbe 12th day of
October, umj. u. .
O2KI10 Auoruey wi piajiiuu.
1 iinriaraimad aaalrnee of the estate of Dean I
Dl. n.hunl an Inaolvant debtor. hSVe filed In I
the office of the clerk of the Circuit Court of
the State of Oregon, tor tne txmnry oi voium-,
hi. mv anal annount of mv administration I
upon the estate of said Insolvent debtor, to-1
getber with my petition asking, that I ae pet-1
mitted to resign my trust as such assignee, and I
that the Hon. Circuit Court of said County and I
a... k . .nnrt niui ,h una airai nanniKr. I
toon , iAA-Aimk a M and the conrtroom of I
said Court, In 8t Helens, Columbia County, Or-1
egon, as the lime and place for the settlement of I
said aocount aod bearing said peUtion, at which
time and place any person iswrara mj a-1
pear and contest tbe same. M. BOTH, I
jknlmM of tha astaM of Dean Blsncbard, In I
solvent debtor.
Gotjuty Treasurer's Office, )
Rt. Helens. Or.. Oct. 8. 1897.1
TVf OTICE ht hereby giTen that all unpaid 1
131 Connty Warrant of taid county,
rhlnh have been nresented and endorsed I
"NotPtidfor Want or Funds," prior to I
January 15, 1895, will be paid upon pre-1
tentatioo at this office. Interest will not be
allowed after thlt date WHARTON.
o&aS Treasurer ot Columbia County, Or.
treasurer's notice.
Cotjhty Treasdrbr's Office,
Rt Helens. Or.. Oot. 28. 1897-
WMin ) hArohv riven that all unpaid
Conntv Warrants of taid county, which
have been presented and endorsed "Not
Paid for Want ot Funds," prior to March
1, 1895, will be paid upon presentation at
thia office. Interest will not be allowed
after thit date. B- M. WHARTON.
o29n2S Treasurer of Columbia County, Or.
Save You from $a.oo to
on the Price of a Suit or
$8.5 o
1V1 '
Dress Suits $12.50 and $15.00
Boys' Suits $1.75, $8.50 and
up to $7.50.
Cutlery, Cross-Cut Saws, Eto.
I p
, )!U!!'!ill.,,r ..'.!!!!!! !I1!'H I
i La-fa -ifaiJaaAia.,.' Mi tl.eV Ut-U.faLl fit( trAii-Uir-t ttJLU.-, li tiJiaU-.. -..J U, I j
JtVegetable Preparation for As
similating rberoodandBeula
Uqg theSiamadLS anttBawm of
nessandBestjContains neltter
fDMum,Mofpuiai nor MiaeraL
Not NAac otic.
Anerfeet Remedy for ConsUpa-
tion. Sour Ston.Diumhoea.
Worau ortvulsions.tevertsar
Dcss and LOSS OF StEEB
TscSiinue Signature ef
Harris' Cash Grocery.
"The Perkins
C. W.
Mr. Knowlea wae, for many yeare, proprietor of the St. Charlea
hotel, end while there established reputation aa a hotel man.
He ia now io a better position to entertain hie friende than ever
before, and will welcome all his old patrona to hie new place of
business, where can be found an up-to-date hotel.
Corner Fifth
0 Dr. E. Ross j
Constantly Keeps in Stock a Complete Line of
School Supplies
An Unusually well-selected Stock of Writing Tablets, Pens, Pen
cils, and the Best Inks on tbe Market.
Finest Perfumes and Soaps.......
Patent Medicines
1 fc ''ftj
i BirrtfrertT Moone
ron S23o
A. H. B LA EES LEY, Proprietor.
Board by Day. Week or Month
The table la supplied with the beat the market
affords. Everything oleso. A share of yr pat
ronam Is solicited. ST. HELENS, O! .OON
to travel for repunible8iabiiBhed house
Is Oregon. Salary svw ana eipen ii
SrmaSent. Kelereuce. Enclose self-addressed
JTamP I envelope. The NsttunaL Star Iusu
ICS OlUg., vuiuat"-
13 ON" THE
Oasteria is pnt p ia sas-slse bottlet aaly. II
It sot sold ia talk. Dost allow anysae to sell
yoa sayUlng ties ea the flea st f remiss that It
Is "lost ss good" and "will answer every re.
pets.H got that j get 0-1-8-I-O-K-Uu j
Thsf- ? ...,11 i
is as?
YOUR.. j
M. 'V-' A lew
KN0WLE5, Manager.
and Washington Strssts, Portland.
prescriptions carefully
aud accurately
TAkino AuoNO
Atvrvttmoit, uxoor
solo tntrrwHCKr
Young Americ
Leave St. Helens
Arrive at Portland
Leave Portland
Arrive at 8t. Helena. .
. fl:.W A
10 00 A
. 2:3(1 P
,. 6:00 P
Cany Noihinu but I'.isKonj-
and Fasf, Freigiit.
Mdo ilUjJLdUA
Sa : --
TKtV ARB rue. JW.'f1Ttrl