OREGON MIST IMVKI KVCBV mui HvBUUfl BEKGLK DAVIS. Bakscrtpllea Bsatee. Ob enpr eae veer t eeva One eopv eia swats... Slacle OPT- AlrarUnm rst. atad knowa apoa application COLOMBIA COUNTY DIRECTORY, Jndre.... Jooeph B. Dom, Kalnle Clerk , Judsoa Weed, Vernoma Sheriff. .,,.1. M. Blee, IHattSsule Treasurer M. Wh.rtoa W. Helen Septet Schools...,, J O. Watt. geappoose Aawssor Martin White, $nlaej Surveyor.,,., W. K. Mesarve, Helena Coroner., a .....Dr. A. P. McLaren, Raluler ...ii.- p. A. Fta-e. Seanpo-w Ooainia-ooera 1 Petcnoll, MM T. RIUMi MMRi CI, tfl. JcmcB Fuld baa retired from tbs supreme court ot the United Slates, bit resignation having bcn hanJed ia about ten daya ago, lliue bringing to close tha longeat term on the baqch ol any man who baa arer held a position oa the highest jadicial tribunal of the country. Joslioe Field will, ia all probability, be succeeded by Attorney General MeKenna. The lUteraent, publiabed ia another oolumn, made by Senator McBride ahonld not be OTer looked, and oominf from the senator direct, v9 not be doubted by thoaa who know tha man. It ought to put at reet the unfonnded vaporing of Mr. Gear and hia sggre tration of miachief-makera. Senator McBride ia not and never haa ben joe tier in political affairs, and hia word, wherever and whenever spoken, goes unchallenged. Tax appointment of B. W. Johnson editor of tha Gazette, as postmaster at Corvallia, waa a deserved recognition of valuable services rendered. The appointment waa made last Monday nod wlQ he hailed with general satis faction, especially by the republican press of tha state, as Mr. Johnson is one of the faithful onea who stands by principles regardless of consequences. Mr. Jonnson waa recommended by the congressional delegation some three weeks ago, and hia appointment fol lows, notwithstanding the personal op position of tha Oregonian. Will the Oregonian now repeat that Mr. Cor- bett joined in recommending Mr. John bob? Thb old story hsa been revived that there waa cannibal ism in the Arctic exploring party commanded by Lieut. Greeley. That band waa slowly starr ing to death, many died, and moat of the earvivors were insane. The strong est man was executed by Greeley's order because be waa stealing food aud thus threatening the lives of nil hia companions. There may have been cannibalism among some of the most frensied of the party, nooe of whom expected to escape, but tha ma jority stoically nerved themselves to meet death like men, as Lieut. De Long's castaways did under like cir cumstances. Those who have never tried starving to death in Arctic dark ness and desolation should not judge the worst of Greeley's men too harshly. Some died demented and not one ever fully recovered hia vigor. Tax London Spectator, in speaking of the Cuban conflict, aaya that "to prolong the war would be a crime, and if America chooses to stop these hideous cruelties all Englishmen should applaud and refuse to inquire . too narrowly into the reason which in fluenced bar statesmen in putting pressure oa Spain.'' This probably represents the view of a large majority of the English people, and very likely it is in harmony with the feeling of their government. Spain will have no ally in Europe if a conflict comes between her and the United States. Tbe talk about Austrian interference seems absurd, of course. Austria has bo navy which would count for any thing in a war with the United States, and, moreover, she has trouble enough at home to keep her busy. A few German papers have been shrieking against the United States and in favor of Spain, hut it ia entirely aafe to pre dict that they do not voice the semi mentof aay considerable portien of the German people or tbe feeling of their government. Spain will have to fight the United States single-handed UaheflgbUatalL Thb cattle shipments from tbe Will amette valley and Eastern Oregon con tinue. One man ia said to have shipped from tbe state this year 20,000 head, the last shipment a trainload start ing from Baker City yesterday. Cattle and wheat have been two great crops in Oregon this year, the price of both being better than for many years, mortgages have been paid off and in moat cases a .orpins left with which to provide for tbe winter after putting in the crop for next year. Portland merchants are jubilant and report bet ter business than for a long tims, ons firm claiming that thsy are doing a belter line of business than tor twelve years. Trade conditions are improv ing in all lines, which is plainly evi dent on all sides. Tbs gloom of a few months sgo hss passed away and the business world breaths easier for the first tims since 1S92, tbe beginning of the greatest depression in twenty years, if not in tbe bisto ry of tbe con a try. Instead of tbe improvement being temporary ooiy, as claimed In some quarters, Indications point to its per manency, thrice welcome to eur land, SENATOR ftTBKIDB ftPEAKS. Senator McBride, aneut a report given circulation that be has been did a: ins slate tor tbe Marion county legislative ticket ot next spring, had Mi to say to aa Oregoniea reporter; "The report that I directly or iudlreetly dictated, advised or novated eitbvr county or legadettve ticket in Marlon county, or suggested tbe name of any can didate, la woolly and absolutely untrue. Further than this, I wish to say that no person la Marion county, or In tbe state, has written to tun, or orally asade to me any aoggeetiens respecting the personnel of a legialative or county ticket in Marina county. I have said to niy friends there and ia other eooaties ol the state that I do not desire, even by suggestion, to laterfere in the nemiaatioa of either local or legisla tive candidates. I do not desire say lends latire candidate to pledge me bis support tor re-election aa United States senator, la niyewa opinion, no member of the stile senate to be elected uext year should pledge himself for, or against, any candidate for United States senator, three years la ad vance of the Have when he will be choosing a senator. Bhenld I be a candidate for re election, I should desire to hereafter suc ceed opoa a record of my service ia behalf of the interests of the state of Oregon sad upon ssy record hitherto and hereafter to be made oa great pubtia questions, upon which I hare taken and shall take positions as a senator. I do not wish to bind the judgment nor the treednm of action of any member of the legislature to be elected next year, lung in ad ranee of the election of ssy 'In reference to other reports emanating from Marion county, that I had shown special regard to my personal interests in recommending candidates for appointment I have to say thb: I have asked no candi date seeking my recommendation fore Que, for any promise, or area by intimation, of his political support should I be s candi date for re-election. Bach b my regard lor the honor and dignity of the great office of United State senator that I do not wish to hold it if it be necessary to traffic and barter appointment to obtain a re-election. The election of a United State senator onght not to depend on such petty con siderations, bat upon the efficiency, ability, character and public services of the candi- A RKPIiT TO DR. LANE. (Orasonian, October IS.) dajue , Or., Oct. V. noticing two com munications in your paper from a former superintendent of the Oregon state insane asylnm, reflecting on the business methods of oar firm, I take thb opportunity te make s plain statement as to oar business with that institution. Fee the benefit of those not conversant with the ratings of tbe board as regards contract, I will state that twice s year, la January sad Jnly, tbe board of trustees asks, by advertisements in tbe newspapers, for bids oa supplies. We submit the sdvertbemeet to the wholesale grocer ia Portland and get bb prices on the goods, to be delivered at tbs asylnm ; if successful in getting the contract, we order the goods, and they are shipped direct from Portland to the asylum, Ifl tbe asylnm mark, diamond "A." As s matter of fact, we never ass tbe goods. If the roods are accepted by tbs superin tendent, be bsnes a Toucher for payment. stating aa follows: "I hereby certify that I have examined the bill hereunto affixed, and find tbe same correct." The board passes on the bill, and n warrant b drawn by the secretary of state for the int. If tbs goods are not satisfactory to tbe superintendent of the asylnm, be re ports the facts to us; we in turn notify the wholesale grocer at Portland, who replaces the goods with others to satisfy the super. bteadenL Daring the administration of Dr. Harry Lane, we leueised two contractu. one en January g, 1888, and the other on July S ef tbe same year. Tbe tint was paid m April, and the last one ia Septem ber, some time after tbe goods were deliv ered, giving sm pie lime for the superin tendent to examine taora. However, if oar attention bad been called to aay defect ia tbe quality of the goods, although they bad been paid for, ws would hare been (lad to have notified the wholesale bouse, who would have corrected the matter at . Tbe character of tbe wholesale firm farnbhing the goods b such ss to warrant thb. If there wss any defect in the goods, the imposition was practiced on the whole- sate firm in Portland, and timely notice would hare enabled them to correct it withont lorn to themselves; but now, nine years after the tranaaetfaam, b a bte day to remedy say mistake, especially so sines ths only notice comes through ths public press. Tbe records of ths board, which I have carefully examined, end tbe reporte of the superintendent, do not show that aay com plaint wss made regarding tbe goods in question. After 1888, we were not saecees fal in ear bids for supplies daring Dr. Lane's sapsrintendeney. Kote thb, bew ever: we did eell nim goods in tne open market, from time to time, until hb sue- r was sleeted, our test bill being In Jans, 1891. Dr. Lens's successor wss sleeted in Jaly, 1801. If the goods famished on tbe contract were not what tbe state should have bad, the responsibility rests with Dr. Lane, sad not with us, and if any merchant is to blame ia tbe matter it b one ef the largest wholesale bosses la Portland. It seems strsags to tbs writer tbst if the goods were such as Dr. Lena claims, he should have continued to buy goods of us in tbe open market, as our books and the records of the ssy law board show. I. L. Parrsssoa. at a great soet, A warrant bat been drawn for about $190 for repairs en the courthouse sad jail, but ws find on esamlnina ths Jsll that no repairs bsvs been mads on the seme, the money having been need for the courthouse alone. We think that a small amount of mousy would make tbe Jail se rum. We have looked over tbe book the clerk, sheriff, treasurer Sd assessor, and Bad tliem aeet, well kept and correct as far as we could Judge In the limited time we bad at our disposal. We commend tbe system now la voeue among the county of. Hotels In which each b a check on the elber. We rail the county court's attention to the Wlkstmia flume, which orosava ths read between 8t. Helena end Portland, ami which Is a source ot danger to passing teams. We recommend tbat the flume be covered for a abort distance above aad below the crossing. Now, bsvlag finished our labors, w spectfully ask that ws be discharged. Max Bta, Foreman. A. W. PABKia. John CaAasa. Wsltsb Heomsas, R.O. Hs, A. A. Msaaiu, L. Mausoeoa. CIRCUIT COURT. Astoria Railroad Oa., vs. W, X, Newsom drfault and decree. Hull vs. Xrickson, default and decree. K B Fose vs. Kaeesler; order for pabH esuoa of sammons. O J Bryant vs. K Tingle; stricken from docket. OP Willis vs. 8yvereon Bros.; dismissed. Hill ve. Barn Judgment oa verdict. W J VanScbnyver vs. W Priagls: default and decree. Grieat vs. Marquam, default aad judg ment . attorney fee $75. Laws vs. Clark; dismissed. L O Baxter vs. West; taken under ad visement. Micbolai Bros. vs. M Boseer; judgment for plaintiff. Bword vs. Davison; Judgment reversed end remanded to tbe Justice court for further nrooeedinge. James Kennedy vs. A N Clark; earns as sbove. Eppcrty A M acdon aid vs. Rainier Co Opt rati ve Cnioa; default and attached property ordered sold. P Kelly ve. Jobs Push; default and at tached property ordered sold ; attorney fee of gto allowed. Oa October 14th all Jurors except A Merrill, 8 Salaer. J W Charlton and Fred Wikstrom were excused for tbe term. State vs. HC Gore; defendant pleaded guilty te carrying concealed we pone and fined 120. Indictment es to assault dis missed. State vs. Joel Bate; plea of guilty and fined MO and costs. As to chares of lar ceny dismissed. M B Musgrove vs. Bnri West; dismissed State vs. Chris Young; plan of guilty sentenced to SO days in tbe Multnomah county JaU. State vs. Jonathan Pruett; dismissed. Caleb HalloweU vs. Matte Hallow ell; de cree of divorce. Grand Jury discharged on October 18th Boot vs. Smith; Set for trial January S. Spencer vs. Conway; set for trial Janu ary 6. Pipes vs. Lynch; est for trial January 7 Miller vs. Quigley ; set for trial January 10th. Esberg-Gunst Cigar Co.; vs. Henry Branning; confirmation of tale. Bills allowed District attorney. S96: T. 0. Watts, court bailiff, $21; J. K. Blase. lev grand Jury bailiff, gig. OREGONIAN 8 ABROAD. Post Siatrsoa, B. C, Oct. 0, 1967, Kditobs Mist: Tbs weather of late baa been unusually stormy here, ths anemome ter registering from 90 to 100 miles in twelve boors, white the rain for ths whole of 1 week amoanted to nearly b inches. One week sgo today Ceptaia J. H. Bowser and Messrs, J. M. Lindsay. & M. Alex der, George Budge and L. Bonser. left here in the steam launch, "Bite." for s few days' boat en soaas of las Islands near here and have not yet returned. The friends and relatives of Messrs. T. C. Copies sod r. Williams will be sjted te hear tbst those two young men, late of Portland, Oregon, have returned after many hair breadths escapes, from their ad vea tares on Skeena river and inform the Inhabitants here that they aave had quite enough of 8 keens river whirl-pools for one year at tbe very bast The latest roroor here Is that the Hudson Bay Co. 'a steamer, 'Caledonia," which aow on her ways, will be launched ia short time sad taken to tbe Capital where she will receive a general overhauling. M. W. O Nbim. Stop that cough I Take warning. It may lead to consumption. A 2Se bottle of Shilob's cure msy ssvs your life. Bold by Dr. Edwin Boss. . PROGRAMME GRAND JURY REPORT. To tbe Hon. T. A. McBride. judge of the Circuit Court, for tbe County of Columbia: We, the grand vy in attendance at tbe October term of mid Court for tbe 7esr 1897. respectfully report that we have examined all matters brought to our attention, and bars found ssven true bills. Besides ws bsvc investigated a number of esses upon which ws do not deem the evidence suf ficient to wsrrsnt a report. We have vis ited tbe cronty Jail, and find it wholly in adequate to the needs and requirements of ths county, and ws unanimously agree with former grand Juries tbst tbs Jail b a standing meaaee to the health and safety prisoners confined therein. We respect fully call ths attention of tbe county eosrt their total disregard of tbe recommen dations cf former grand Juries In this par ticular, and respectfully urge upon tbsm the necessity of tusking tbs jail secure, tbst prisoners msy "be kept in our own county without sending them to Portland For Colombia County Sunday geheol Aaaoete- ttoa at Kaialer, October ma aad JSth. Thursday, 7:10 1. St., devotional exercise led by Bev. C W. Wells. At o'clock, address of welcome. Kesponse by Martin White. Att:10addrees by state superintendent. Priday morning session. I:0, devotional ex ercises led by Bev. St. Barllngamo. At o'clock, report of previous meeting by tbe secretary. Att:lS, report ol committee on credent!' At f:lA, framing of constitution and by-laws. At W, reports of Sunday Schools. At 10M, Topics: "Tbe Value of Sunday Schools." by Bev. W. I BlaekwelL A 10:60: "What do You Consider aa Ideal Programme for the Sunday School HourT" Bev. D. M. Shannon. AtU:lS: Tuiietuality,"Mrs.Burllngam. At U:S0, question box. Priday afternoon session, 1 o'clock, devotional exercises, led by Bev. D. M Shannon. AtS:M: "Music a Factor la Sunday School Work," Bev. C. W. Wells. At2:0: "After the Lemon and Between Sun days, What?" by noson Weed. At :M: "The Becearlty of Thorough atody of the Lesson by Superintendent sad Teachers,' Mrs. Kate Perry. AIS I0: "Odds sad Bads la Sunday School Work," Dr. J. B. Ball. Religious services at 7:M P. M. C. B. FniMBooa, President. 8h!loh's Consumption Cure cares where others fall. It b tbe leading cough cure, sod no boms should be without It Pleas ant to take and goes right to tbe spot. Sold by Dr. Kdwio Boss. Wahtid faithful miw ob woarg . to travel for responsible established house teOregoa. Salary 7to and ezpsiues. Foal Us a ymi i.turij . eiarvDce. socio ,ir aurSMSq t suiaped snveiose. Xhe m'rrwal star Inssr I aaea Bldg., Chicago. Free Excursion! TO PORTLAND- Dart & rvluclile'i 18 THE FLACK TO OET- In order to enable our numerous friends and customers to pay us a visit aud examine our NSW 8TOHB with its entirely MEW STOCK we have ooncluded to give tbsm au opportunity of doing an rUB OF COST, Ghoice Groceries 8T, HELENS, OREGON, Our Plan is This: Everyone visiting our store from Colum bia County who makes a purohase of us amounting to $10 or over and presenting a copy of this add will have the amount of his or her steamer fare to Portland and return refunded by us. To assure those who am not acquainted with our house, beg leave to aay that wa have but ONE PRICE And that ia tha lowest. All our goods are marked In plain figures. Our stock ia ENTIRELY NEW and haa been care fully selected by our Mr. Baa Belling, and wa sell only at POPU LA PBICES. Complete Line of Clothing SHELF ifARDWARE AND NOTIONS. Flour, Feed, Hay and Grain, ST. HELENS MEAT MARKET All Kinds of Fresh Kssts, Hams, Bacon end terd iMoata by Wboleeale At Special Rate. M.AYXH (TRWKT, James H. Sheldon,' ST. HKIVBIN-S. OIllCOON, Moyer Clothing Co., BPV OPTTlVfl Vr.. vxinav .... voAVAiAsA.iiF.iuiiutigBr. ihihu AND OAK 5 IS. THE MIST AND OREGONIAN Clatskanie Drug Store DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor. i TWO TOGETHER ONE YEAR, ONLY TWO DOLLARS New tad Select Stock Patent Medicines tsd Druggist's Notions. be NOTE AND COMMENT. , (Corvallb Ossette.) Hoeb as Mr. Gear has been admired aa a tamp speaker, be cannot convince even bb friends that perineal b a nark ot atatee. asaneliip. Nor can s man wbo makes hie dignity a matter of dollars and cents, and aa oat Investigate before deciding that dig nity has beea affronted, reasonably aspect people to warmly tabs ap hia caoae. Thb calculator, smart and selQsh Qeer b not tbe Oeer we tbougnt we knew, and so tbinklng, bved. Iks aw. all Carl's Clover Boot Tea, tor eonsamptlnn It's tbe best and If after using It yon don't say so, return tbe package end get your money. Bold by Dr. Edwin Boss. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. NOTICg 13 HEREBY GIVK1T THAT I, THZ nndersif ned alieof the estate of Deaa Blanehard. an Insolvent debtor, hsva Sladin Ibe oflleeof the elerk ef the Circuit Court ol the Stale of Oreson, lor the Coostr of Oolnnv Ma, bsv Snal account ef Bar administration DDoa tbe estate of aM Insnlvsnt dahtnn tst. sether with sav petition askine that 1 he per mitted to redan av trust ss such sedanee, aad that tbe Boa. Circuit Court of ssld Coantv and Stale has appointed the ttnd da? of November, www ci.iv s. m., mq ins eoanrooBB Ol said Court, in St. Helens, Columbia Countv, Or ecoa, aa the Urn and plaee tor tbe stUeaent of ssia aoeount ana sennas said pernios, at which Unto aad plaee anv person loleteeted may ap pear and contest the una at. HOTuT Aseisneeof the estate ef Deaa Blanebard, la solvent debtor. oZtal Your Honey's Worth Stationery, School Books. Prescriptions CareMl; Compound. Every Time At, a? Dolman's Store. . . ...ST. HELENS HOTEL.... Our tables will at all tlmea be found supplied with tha best edibles and delicacies the market affords. TERMS REASONABLE FOR REGULAR BOARDERS Tha hotel having been newly refurnjshed wa arc prepared to give eatWv faction is an our patrons, aoa solicit your patronage. J. George, Proprietor, St. Helens, Or. Lumber Jr 1 ' 1. ffCatwN WHITE COLLAR LINE All kinds of rough and dressed Lumber on short notice. Builders' Of tha beat qoslily delivered to any point on tb. rlvar nl lb. gr XelCOhOnC W Wm t wa. a 1 ' Lowest FossiDie race u 'AST TIME. TBW tTasfgaVn MOTIGat. CoDamr TBauavuB's Omci, ) St. Hum. Or.. Oct. 8. 1897.1 NOTICE Is hereby given tbst all nnpald i' ionry narranie oi said eonnty, which hava been presented sad endorsed "Net Paid for Want nf ffiinrU " nrinr to. jsaoary is, int. will be paid anon pre sentation at tbis oflBc. Interest will not be snowed after this date. B. V. WHAETOW. oflnS ' Treasurer of Columbia County, Or. CASTORIA for Xnluta and Children, TT!fTD VAlTTarCL atw 01 WOaTsTsT W W .... u ...ILL .J I la Oreson. aalary fsSsnd espenss. foaltlsa Fswm MiirsDvt, aoetos eu-aoareasee "efi veiopei jatnassM, an MB vaiease. j Get Value Received 4 CVCRY TIME AT 3 N. A. Perry's, 4 HOULTON, OREGON. f -rat BANQUET SALOON CliONINOEE&CJOOPEE, PKoPKirrone. Wine and Liquor Card tables, pool tsbl. billiard table and other devices (or tbe entertainment of pat rons, woere time can do pteaaanuy spent. FAMOUS FIRE LADDIE CIGARS Besides other populsr brands, are kept constantly on band to supply the Increased trsds st this very populsr saloon. THB FAMOUS CYRUS NOBLE WHISKY I SSI-TAT HBBABUBT. One-half Cash and Osss-haif la FARM PRODUCE. Addreas all orders to E R BORTHWICK, GOBLE, OREGON. PsrUand daflv feaese Basdavt 1 a. M. Leaves Aalorla dally (essepl BuBday) T f. at. Sir. Bailey Gatert Leaves rortlsed dally (eteept ftanday) IP. M. I at iw ill linit Si day) at 7 A.M. Sunday nlsht at J o'eluoca. Haturdsv itlshl (sznspt auwiay ana hob- I Leaves Astoria dall O'dllK'S. PHOTE88IONAI 1. W. BAT W. B. DILLABD Landlnee: font of A lda attest. Portland. Or Flavel duck, Astoria, Oreejoa. puirttrf A e?3tf ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW OfRee Best door to Conrthouse, ST. UkMJtNB. OBBUON. Oeneral Braetie la eonita of Oreson or Wash- a-neuaOTe lnatou. record. made directly front eonnty GEORGE A. HALL, ATTORNEY - AT- LAW. Collections, foreclosures, aierhinloe' lelna, ete. pu prosecuting attorney, vinos wita 1. 1. Cleetos. 8t.' Hblbxi, t i Oagooir. IITJCKLE BBOS. MaBDrAcrvaaaa ov Dimension Lumber, Flooring:, Bustle, Sheathing, Caslnsv, snd a complete stock of eveiy variety of Rongh and Dressed Lumber ALWAYS OB HAND. AT THB OLD STAND, ST. BKLBNI OBIOOV O.E.&N. TO THB QlVIt THg OHOIOB Of TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES QHKAT I ORXOOH NORTHERN RT. I SHORT LINE. SPOKANE . MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL ARB CHICAGO VIA DENVER SJUT LUKE OMAHA : ABB KANSAS CITY LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVfcRY 5 DAYS FOR , San Francisco For full Information call on or address W. H. HUEbBUKT, Gen. Pass. Anent, fOSTLASD, Oa, PORTLAND AND CLATSKANIE G. W. COLE, ATTOBKBY ABO COOMflBLOsVAT-LAW, ST. HELENS, OKEGOW. Title Abetraet Books. ITaisrv PnMla. Commit. rlooer of Used, for Waehlnfton, aad aa caper- wsea eoiieewr in eonneetten wita onion. JB. XDWIX BOSH, PHY8ICIAS AUD SURGEON. 8 1. Helena, Oregon j-)tt. h. b. curr. PHYSICIAN AND SUED EON. Bt, Helens, Oregon. 1 t 3 QrfVyv-ry, 7. H . !S?3d&&,ls , rS'.. T Tin iii-r H STEAMER O. 17. SHAVER, Dell Shaver, Master. J-JB. J. B. BALL, PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. Oletakaaie, Columbia eounty, Or. Commenclna ADril IS. 189ft. will leave Portland, (not nf Wsshlnirtnn atraat. TnesdSV Thursday and nunday evenings at 5 o'elock. Betornine-Iaves ClsUksnie. (tide per- mining), fljonnsv, wedneatlav and Krtriay evenlnirs at S o'clock, will pass Oi i ; about ' Oak Pulnt stlav and : ritelle 7:15: M.virsr 7 '2. Ksinl.ra.oo. in Portland IM A.M. Tbe company reserves the rle-lit to ohanse time withont notice. Kalama 9:19: HI. Helens 10:30. Arrlvs SHAVER TRAKarOBTATIOIS COS! A NT. THE J03EPH KELLOGG A COMPANY'S RIVER STEAMER yf M. HK8BBVK, Surveyor and Civil Engineer DELX2U, OBSQON. ConntV Borvevor. Land Burvavine. Town I PlatOna and Koaineerina work eromotlv 'riiXriira'''rIi 'ii i iiati1-t-airniiiiiiiir ''''iliiMii'BM ' WiisT TVTAlrTKD-rAlTHrTJL MBN OB WOMia W is tesvsl for rasDoiMlblasrtshluhMt kAMU wusry soo sxpsuaee. roaiiioe eraasismt. Beferenee. Bnelote selfddreseed ttaupl envelope. Tbe BaUeaeL Btae laaan. Bid, Caleasa. STR 0"Os3HHl-i PCBLLOGO FOR PORTLANr Lesvea Kelso Monrfsvs. WdnmHaa. and Frldava at 8 o'clock a. m. Leavet Portland Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 o'clock a. m.