The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, October 15, 1897, Image 3

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    Captured a Dxitn. Lust on
the op trip Of the Iralda, when about
a mil u "If bov Kalama, Cup
Uln Ilooghkirk noticed a large deer
swimming lu the river Juit about on
the boat' oouree. He notllltid the
other mamhere or the crew and they
proceeded to capture the animal,
which wa done by tanning it. The
deer waa Itaulud nu board tho boat and
taken to Portland, where it was dis
posed ol to Mr. K. 0. Unroot, who was
aid to be proud of Ilia antlnul a a pet.
Harvest Moon. Perbape few are
aware that the moon wiiiub appeared
on the 12th of Setitembet was the har
vest moon. Thie name waa given bo
oauee while nearly full the moon rises
for several ooneeoulive night, at nearly
thtu hour, to that moonlight even
ings laet for an unusually Ionic time.
The long, illuminated ullU afforded
the yoemanry of the higher latitude
an opportunity for moonlight harvest
ing; bono the aaiietance rendered by
the full faced aalellite) at this season
long ago passed this period into tradi
tion aa the harvest uiaon.
Collided AT Oapi-k. Saturday
night while the steamer U. R. Thomp
son and Lnrline were on their way
down from Portland, and when near
Caplee landing, they came into collis
ion, tho Thompson striking the Lur
Ine near the forward stairs and smash
ing quit a hole In her starboard side.
The Thompson was not damaged In
any way. The Lurline, however, con
tinued her journey to Astoria, and left
up again on time Sunday evening.
she is laid ud and repairs are being
made, during which time the Undine
la on her run to and from Astoria.
Good Riaio to Rbjoici. The log
gers of the lower Colombia river have
good cause for rejoicing, says the As
toria Herald. The price of logs hat
advanced 11 per thousand, and wages
la the logting camps have advanced
60 oente per day. The indications are
that there will be an unusual demand
for log this fall and wiuter and next
year. This means the opening up of
several logging camps that have been
closed down and the distribution of a
large amount of money. The pros
pect tor a further advance in hg is
also very good. This Is all caused by
the $S tax placed upon British Colum
bia log under the Vlngley tariff bill.
As nearly all the logger in Clatsop
county voted for McKinley and pro
tection, they bava a right to enjoy a
little of the prosperity assured under
a republican administration.
Our Fruit Exhibit. Colombia
county is the beet fruit producer on
earth I We make thi (tatement with
out fear of successful contradiction.
Tbla week we have been given sam
ple of fruit wbioh testify for litem-a-tvee.
Besidea an excellent display
placed In our office from the fruit farm
of Mr. H. West, of Scapponee, an ao
quialtion waa made to it Wednesday
nornfna by Mr. Max Berg and Mr. K.
O. Hasan, of Warren, the former
bringing three King of Tomj.kio
County applee which compare favor
ably with the former exhibit, and Mr.
listen turniahed three applee, two of
the Blua Fermain variety, and one
Ben Davis, all of which cannot be
beaten. Without exception this Is the
bet display of apples ever exhibited
in Columbia county, and do us credit
in a sense we should all appreciate.
We'll All Feel It. Th largest
hipping Arm in Portland has reported
io 'London that In 1897 140,000,000
will have been received by the stales
of Oregon and Washington from their
exports, and the astlmata does not In
clude the larce item of lumber nnd
hlnglea. With a population of only
about 1,000,000 people, it I readily to
pa aen what thie meana for os when
ilia matter of wealth per capita ia to
be considered. Nothing can stop the
. growth of these two etatea and every
section of them will feel the incoming
lida of prosperity and Immigration of
people and capital. Notwithstanding
the fact thai the lower Columbia river
aection has furnished but a small per
cent of thie export production that
of salmon by another year it will be
crowding to the top of the list with
shingle and lumber, from which Items
we can furnish our proportionate per
papita with other sections of the stater.
A. Severe 8BSTIK0R. Trainrobbert
George Jackson and Charles William...
the lads wbe held up the 0. 11. 4 N.
train near Portlaud a short time ago,
were sentenced by Judge rJt-art In Port
land Tuesday to thirty years and
even months eaoh in the penitentiary.
The sentence for robbing the engineer,
u Ream, was eighteen yeart
and four months and for the robbing
f the fireman, Marion jr. "
defendants were each sentenced to
twelve yeara and three months. Al
lowing credit lor good behavior, the
sentences amount to about 21 years
each. Williams, the younger man,
waa disposed to cry when he heard his
dot.m, but Jackson look it coolly, only
turning psle. He thanked the court,
and filed out of court with the ofBoer
having him in charge with the best
form potilble under the oircnmslances.
Thia is iadeed a dear lesson to the rob
bers, but tbey certainly deserve all
they got. ";-.: v'.. . " '"
Cobdwood Hiohbr. Now that wood
dealers have advanced the price of
wood from 12.50 to 3, and the price
of sawing ha ben advanced from 25
to 30 cents per cord, thone who took
time by the forelock and had their
winter supply of wood put in at 12 .60
tier cord are congratulating immelve
on their good look. The dealer! say
the rise haa not benefited them, but
waa rendered necessary by advances
.11 along the line in the price of cut
ting wood, delivering It to the river
., hurfflnn il to the city. C ml
ilealem have a combine, but have not
..iA nrioea. and would be PleasrO
to see the price of wood go still hijjhar,
as this would lend tninorraM the price
of coal. Any one who n ever r,r
...... i n. hauling wood la convinced
that person Ju this business do more
hard work for the money they make
than any one else. A cord of wood
h.. t,. h handled sevcntl times before
it is In the hands of the consumer,
and 128 cubio feel ot uregn imi-
eent no small amount ot avonu"j
Oregonlau of tbo 12ih.
Utah is a good country I
Mr. J, W. Day visited in Portland
Elmer Whitney was in the metrop
olis Wuduoiday.
Martin Both, of Rainier, was in town
Monday a few hours.
T. C. Watts, of Reuben, was in town
Tuesday attending court.
Hiram VanBlarioom, of Vernonia,
was In this city this week,
Johnnie Braim, of Rainier, was at
tending court this week.
Jack Payne, of Deer Island, reported
for jury duty Tuesday. ;. ;; t
Mrs. T. 0. Watt, of Reubon. spent
Saturday evening in thia city. ;
Mr. E. W. Potter, of Kalama, spent
Saturday evening in this city.
Judge Clark, of Iloulton, was doing
business in Portland Xuesuay.
8. C. Henry and Woodman Waters
were In the metropolis Monday.
Bert Seffurt, of CUUkanie, was on
duty In the court room this week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Sword, of Vernonia
were passeugers tor Portland Monday
Dr. Edwin Rots attended K. of P,
grand lodge iu Portland Ibis week.
Andrew Hubert was looking after
business matter In Portland Wedues
Jr. . ,
Judge Doan came np from Rainier
lues Jay to attend to matters of bust
Mr. 0. L. Parker, of Pittsburg, came
over from there last JJiouday to attend
court. ..'.'"
Dr. II R Cliff attended the grand
lodge of Knights of Pythias Tuesday
Captain Jamas Cox, of Iloulton,
was a paasengor for Pottlaud Monday
Frank Miles came down from Salem
Wednesday to visit for a week or such
a matter.
Dr. Morse, of Salem, after visiting
in this city a few days, returned home
Smith Kleiner, of Rainier, was at
tending to buiiuesa affairs in our city
last Katurday.
Mr. D. C. Tedford had charge of
liarria' oasb grocery this week in the
absence of Mrs. Harris.
Mrs. T.J. Cleeton and Mr. N. A
Perry, of Hnultoa, were visiting the
metropolis Tuesday.
Stout Bryant, of Clatskanle, waa
present wben court waa convened in
our city Tuesday morning.
Herbert Wharton has gone to Baker
City, where be will apend some lime
with bis aunt, Mr. U. 11. Stiinn.
Mrs. J. R. Beegte went to Hillsboro
last Friday, where she expected to re
main some time vieiliog relatives.
Mrs. M. J. Scott has just received
hsr stock of fall millinery, which is
being offered at greatly reduced prices,
Mrs. II. R. Cliff and children visited
at the home of Mr. and Mr. George
Georig, near Woodland, eeveral day
Ibi week.
Mr. and. Mr. James Sheldon went
to Portland Tuesday afternoon, Mr.
Sheldon to attend grand lodge K. of
P., and Mr. Sheldon to vieit.
Mia Nora Cony era, who baa been
visiting in this city for two weeks,
went to Oregon Uity Tuesday to re
main a couple of week.
John Winter, of thi city, waa in
Portland Monday taking the civil
service examination of the United
Bute postal railway service.
Mr. G. II. Shinn, of Baker City,
after spending tome time visiting rel-
ativea and friend at Columbia City
and thi place, returned to her home
laat Monday.
J. R. Beegle left last 8unday night
for Portland, where be remained all
the week attending the grand lodge
of Knighte of Pythias, ot which body
he i inner guard.
Mrs. W. A. Harri went to Port
land Tuesday to attend the annual
session of the grand temple ot iiain
bone Bistera which met in that city on
Tuesday evening.
The Lewi River Press ha been
removed from Woodland to Kalama,
where Mr. Davis will continue to pub
lish a howling populist journal. One
populist paper has froaen out there
within the last year.
J. 8. Clonineer and family are now
occupying as a residenoe the building
which waa used by Mr. Cloninger aa a
taloon building for several yeara. Mr.
Cloninger had the Inside of the build
ing remoddled and placed in conven
ient shape for a residence.
A case in the justice court last Bat
urday, where in Geo. Merril had Albert
Lm and Milt Lenhart arrested for
stealing school money occupied the
time. No evident) was proauceu mat
had a tenJoncy to convict, so the
defendants were given their liberty.
The lighthouse tender, Mantanita,
which haa been on the ways for sev
eral months at Aatoria, made her trial
trip in Baker's bay laat Saturday, and
proved nighly sallsiaotory in every
particular, developing a apead of over
eleven knots au hour. She may be
expected up the river at any time.
Mr. R. B. Smith," the hustling saw
mill man of Rainier, waa in town an
hour or two Tuesday and informed us
that the lu.nb. r trade is improving per
eeplilily and bids fair to continue on
the up grade. He is going to San
Francisco in a few days, where he will
dispone of two or three schooner loads
of lumber.
"My boy came home from sohool
one day with his hand badly lacerated
and bleeding, and suffered great pain,"
taya Mr. J. Hohall, with Meyer Bros.'
Drug Co., St. Louis, Mo. "I dressed
the wound, and applied Chamberlain's
Pain Balm freely. All pain ceased,
and in a remarkably short time healed
without leaving a scar. For wounds,
sprains, dwellings and rheumatism I
know of no medioine or prescription
caiinl to it. I consider it household
necessity." The 25 and 60 cent Bin's
(or sule by Dr. Edwiu Ross.
Mr. II. B. Borthwlck.of Mooresville,
was seen on our street Wrdneaday
Hon. George 0. Brownell, ttate sen
ator from Clackamaa county, was in
our city Wednesday,
Mr. Charles Runyon, the official
oourt reporter, was on hand at the
opening of oourt Tuesday morning
Thomas Cloninger, of Scappoose,
was in town Wednesday afternoon.
Tom reports nothing startling at Beep
poote, .....;. , ...
Regular service will hereafter be
conducted In the Episcopal cburoh in
the evening of the second and fourth
Sundays of eaoh month. Services on
the second Sunday will be conducted
by a regular ordained minister and on
the fourth Sunday by a lay reader.
The Oregon girls are all right and
about as level headed aa you will find
them. Une of them wben asked re
cently why she did uot marry, said
"i nave considerable money of my
own, i nave a parrot mat swears,
pet rabbit that chews aud a stove thst
smukei, so you tee I am not in need
of a hutband very badly."
The following attorney were pres
ent at the opening of court Tuesday
morning t O. V. uennit, Harrison
Allen, W. H. Convert, C. W. Fulton,
Ueorge Davis, Judge Horeland, W. B.
Uillard, L. flarin, (J. W. Cole, W. J.
Rice, J. W. Day, W. F., Timmons, W,
Nichols and Prosecuting Attorney T.
J. Cleeton.
Harry Went, of the Sonny Bank
fruit and stock farm, at Scappoote,
latt Saturday shipped 7200 pounds of
dried prunes to Portland, for which be
received 4 cents and 6 cents, averag
ing 5 eanta per pound. He realised
upon the shipment $360. Columbia
county is gaining popularity each year
a a iruii producer.
Mr. Max Berg, of Warren, brought
to town Wednesday three wild straw
berry plant in full bloom, gathered in
bit front yard. A little late in the
eaann, yet not an uncommon thing
in this section. He also told ua that
be had a pear tree in full bloom on bi
place, which i further proof that our
climate cannot be beaten.
The barkenteen, Leslie D, which
has been taking a cargo of lumber at
Smith Bros., mill at Kaimer, has com'
plated her load, and sailed for Sao
Francisco Wednesday morning. She
bad on board 350,000 feet of assorted
spruce and pine. These gentlemen
intend to cut more lumber for the San
Francisco market, and are encouraged
by the outlook for the lumber market.
About 11:30 Tuesday forenoon, the
steamer Vulcan, Capt. Paddy Jenes,
entered Alger's slough at Skarnokawa,
to get a raft of logs belonging to Me
Inlire A Hepburn. Before reaching
the draw bridge Capt Jones whistled
for the draw to be opened. Within
ten minutes Lawrence Aeala, the
bridge tender, was on band, but the
captain for reason known to himtelf
ran up againat the draw rest, carrying
away about twenty feet of the bridge,
knocking out three pile and doing
other damage that baa rendered the
bridge useless, aa it cannot now be
opened. The estimated damage ia
placed at 1400. Parties who saw the
affair, say that the captain when he
swung around to the mouth ot the
slough whistled and gave Ihe bells for
the engines to stop, within 400 feet of
the bridge. He then gave the signal
for the engineer to hook on and ran
into the bridge, breaking the jack staff.
The tide waa flooding at the time. The
county attorney will at once com
mence action to recover the damage
sustained. We have been nnable to
get Captain Jones' version of the acci
dent Cathlamet Gaxette.
"Gold Standard" Applee.
BcAFroosc, Oct. U, 1897.
Editors Mirr: Plcaae accept these an-
plet of applet for axbibition at your offlce,
and If you eannot, Ilka the News editor,
boast of the bifgeat apples in the county,
these may enable you to boast of the brig-litest.
Week before last. I think It was, the
Ntwt was complain about apples being
worth ft per box latt year and this year
tons of applet were going to waste for want
of market, (or wordt to that effect.) Now,
good, marketable apples will bring a fair
price at any time, for we sold oar summer
apples at 60 cents per box, and tba fall ap
plet were told readily at 75 cents per box,
sod Mr. Spiegl sail he could have sold 600
boxes at that price bad he been able to pro-
care that many as good as those we told
hiiu. The prices quoted are good when ap
plet are at abundant as tbey are this year.
We ware welt please with the price.
The applet I tend you are a sample of
oar winter applet, and wben we sell them
I will tend you an item for the benefit of
the Newt editor..
With - best wishes for the future pros
perity of Thi Mist, I am yoora vtrr cor
dially, Fabmib.
N. B. These are gold standard applet.
The applet In question are on exhibition
at this offloe. and are at fine specimens as
were ever exhibited In thit city. The lot
oonsists of eight applet, four of the North
ern Spy variety and four of the King of
Tompkins County variety. In else and ap
pearance they are very much alike, but at
to their palatable qualities we are nnable to
testify. Come and tee them. Koitob.
A Cart fer Blllia Cwlle.
Risovaca, Screven Co., Oa. I have been
subject to attacks of bilious colic for several
years. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy ia the only sore relief.
It acts like a charm. One dose of it gives
relief when all other remedies fall.-O, D.
Sham. For tale by Dr. E. Ross.
the ta4 pars,
Absolutely Puiw
mrrm. iwiw rtumn e mw vwm.
I FAMOUS Clothing House
E. D. Tichenor, of our town, la on the
jury it court this week.
Mrs. J. Jones It home again, having re
covered from hep picking.
O. F. Llndgren, of Wist, was In town oa
hit to way Portland Monday.
UUt Louise Barr waa home from Port
land from Friday to Monday evening.
Jasper Lewis it making various repairs
la and about his house, preparatory for
winter. ..;.
W. A. Edgerton and son, Roy, are can
vassing Eastern Oregon with a view to pos
sible location.
Th literary society had its preliminary
meeting laat Friday, to be kept up ia con
nection with the schools.
Alex Chlsholm is in town taking rare of
a cut foot be brought from Benton's log
ging camp, near Oak Point
W. H. Cooyers was a passenger Monday
evening for the county teat, looking after
legal matters In the circuit court.
Mr. and Mm. A. M. Wheeler, of Astoria.
spent two or three days with Mr. and Mrs.
Jones, Mn. Wheeler's parents.
The steamer warehouse is getting well
filled with bales of hops brought over at
different times from the Nehaleni valley.
Where was the chairman of the school
board laat Saturday wben the wood eutting
was going onf He was the "chief ' absen
Miss Myrtle Jones, with the assistance of
Mrs. Crosby at the organ, favored our peo
ple with a solo at the church Sunday even
Mrs. Henry Bright and daughter, Jessie,
spent a few dayt visiting friends here, leav
ing for home in the valley oa Wednesday
The families of 8. C. and E. D. Tichenar
moved Into town latt week to be nearer
school, and for general conveniences af
forded by life in ear city.
Last Saturday wis wood chopping day
for the schools and those who took part in
It had a good time. Joha English and
Bruce Halm selected a tree about 4 feet in
diameter the day before, and cut It down to
at to be ready for next morning, and at the
appointed time eight cross cut saws were
put to work upon that fallen tree until In
an incredibly abort time It was In blocks of
lest than 2 feet in length. Then others who
had no saws but had wedges and axes went
for those blocks and split them in shape to
handle, piled them along side of the road
for the eoBTcoienoe of the teams. Bam
Shuler Jos Lewis aad Fred Clark were
there with their teams and loaded on the
pieces, took tbem to the school wood house.
George Brown, full of enthusiasm for work
brought two grey eolta ha la breaking to
work and after hunting all over town found
a set of harness and a wagoa to hitch to
and with the aid of half a dosen other boys
got a conple of loads of wood to Its destina
tion. The ladies were busy also, and Elsie
Hughes a roitt of 15, went out to tha pas
ture, secured two hones belonging to her
father, which she brought home harnessed
and hitched to a wagon without the aid ot
a man. In thia wagon the ladies placed
baskets, packagea, pails, boxes, etc., until
Elsie had considerable of a wagon load,
though the kindly allowed twe or three
ladies to ride with her, aad followed by a
procession of matrons, uiasea and chtl
eren aha drove the supplies to the woods
where the men were working. Here a
fir was built, and en it Mrs. Shannon
about ruined her tin boiler trying to make
coffee for the crowd. . The men were soon
beg uildad by the odor of th cooking coffee,
and leaving their work, gathered around,
declaring they were hnagry as bears. The
wagon box was lifted off, and being turned
up tide down, served at a table, and was
toonoevered with table-cloths, with sub.
stantial delicacies placed upon them in inch
tempting array that men soon gathered
around it and declared they could not wait.
Well, they were not required to wait, and
such a dinner at the got, and how they
did eat. Talk about appetites. The way
victuals disappeared made people think
shovels were being used, but they were not
Only knives, forks and spoons, bat tbey
were kept busy for 20 minutes, though
iokes at each others' expente were in order
and freely Indulged In. Men declared it
was worth a days' work to get that dinner.
When they got away women and children
gathered around to help themtelvea, and
on lady with a numerous family was heard
to remark: "I wish I bad brought my
klda here and cot them filh d up." There
was "filling" enough, and to spare. Weil,
everybody waa happy. Everybody was
well fed, and a pile of wood was cot, more
than what will be needed by the schools
during th present school year. Frank
Merrill lays this is th kind of socialism be
advocates, and he both ate and worked
well. John English wis foreman, brim full
of good nature and well pleased with the
result, while all vothed the occasion a
grand success.
, Dretnttully Nervens.
Gains: I was dreadfully nervous, and
for relief took your Karl 'a Clover Root Tea.
It quieted my nervet and strengthened my
whole Nervous System. I was troubled
with constipation, kidney and bowel troub
le. Your tea soon cleansed my whole sys
tem ao thoroughly that I rapidly regained
my health and strength. Mrs. S. A. Sweet,
Hartford, Con. Bold by Dr. Edwin Rota.
Save You from $3.00 to $
$3.50 on the Price of a Suit or
O vercoatgC:
Iff urAT I
Suits $12.50 and $15.00
Suits $1.75, $2.50 and
up to $7.50. .
Coumty Treasurer's Office,
St. Helens. Or.. Oct 8. 1897.
"VJOTICE Is hereby given that all unpaid
County Warrants of Mid county,
which bar been presented and endorsed
"Not Paid for Want of Funds," prior to
January is, law. win oe paid upon pre
sentation at this office. Interest will not be
allowed after thia date.
oftnS Treasurer of Columbia County, Or,
undersigned administrator of tbe estate ot
Charles Isakseu, deceased, hat filed In tbe
office ol tbe Clerk of the County Court of the
auta ol Orecnn. In and for Columbia Count?
my Unal account and petition for flnal distribu
tion 01 we residue, in ine maner 01 saia esiate;
that the Hon. 1. B. Doan, Judge of said Court,
haa appointed Tuesday, the 2nd day of Novem
ber, mn. at 10 o'clock A. M. of that day, as tbe
time, and the Court-room of said Court at tbe
County Court-House, In the City of He Helens,
In said County and State, aa the place for tbe
settlement of said secount, and the bearing of
said petition for distribution, at which time Mid
place any person interested soay appear and ale
weir ooieeuona laercto.
Administrator of the Estate of Charles Isaksen,
aeceaaed. SMOtei
In the Circuit Court of th Bute of Oregon, for
tn County of coiumoia.
. B. roes. Plaintiff,
Wllllsm Kuensler, Defendant
Mr 1 1,1 ir r f ...
A You are hereby required to appear and ans
wer tne complaint niea against you in toe a Dove
antitlnd suit. hT th 7th d of December. UtT.
and if Too fall so to answer, for want thereof,
the plaintiff will take Judgment and decree as
prayed for lu tbe complaint herein, declaring
tbe mortgages therein mentioned, both given
on the 2Sd day of January, MM. one by Thomas
Miller to Defendant for th EH of 8WM, and
lot S and 4, and one given by Stephen Killer to
Defendant for tbe WM, both tracts of land be
ing in section M, township north, range t west,
Willamette meridian, paid, and ordering the
sam satisfied and released upon th records
Publication of this summons Is made In ac
cordance with an order of th Hon. T. A. Me-
Brtde, Judge of said court, made the 12th day of
uctooer, urn. u t. basik,
oUna. Attorney for plaintiff.
In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for
ittiumoia iaunir.
In the Matter of the Estate of Philander Harris,
an Incompetent person.
Whereas; w. j. mucexe. the duly
appointed, qualified and actingguardian
of tbe person and estate of Philander Harris, an
incompetent person, haa Sled his petition In the
above entitled Court asking for a license or
anthnritv to eell the followlne-deserlbed real
estate belonging to tbe astate of said Philander
Harris forth purpose of procuring means for
the maintenance ot tne saia warn, namely tne
East one-half of the Southwest quarter of Sec
tion 22, Township 7 North. Bang t West of the
Wlllamatta Moridlan.
Now, therefore, the hearing of said petition Is
set for Monday, November 1st, 1897, at the hour
oi 10 o eioea A. St., ana tne piae ia at we
County Court-House, in St. Helens, Oregon, at
which time and place all persona interested In
said property and In said estate, or either ot
in era, nercoj nounen ana rajuinq m ap
pear and show cause, if any they have, why said
petition should not be granted and the eaid land
be sold, and said notice of this hearing to be
Subilsbed for three consecutive weeks in the
re von Mist.
Don at Chambers this ISth day of September,
van. i. . ums,
County Judge.
To th Honorable County Court of Columbia
County, Oregoi
aunty, uregon:
VV residing In Oak Point precinct, Columbia
County, Oregon, would respectfully petition
your Honorable Body, at Its next regular term,
which will be held on Wednesday. November
Srd,lW7,attbe Court Houte, In the City of St.
Helens. Columbia County. Oregon, that a li
cense be granted to Neil O'Hare to tell apirltu
ous, vinous and matt liquors tn less quantities
than one rallon, in Oak Point precinct, and that
such license be granted for a period of six
license be gran
s, for all of whi
months, for all of which your petlti
Litioaen will
m ij maiuerm, Jim .wdwu, x.uuiwr,
Joe Powers, Carl 8toekenberg, Con Ewing, J E
M L Mathers, Jos Johnston, Louis Fluhrer,
Bison, cnas Ternanan, u u nayger. rorier emim
Wm Blackford. C F Blomqulst, John Bryant, 8
Norgren, A P McOraw, W F. Slaughter, P N
Kerney, C Churchill, Chaa Ericsson, B H King,
J Stockenbere. L 8 Mason. Simon Kaaper, E An
derson, J W Turner, Wm Roberta, Geo Hares,
i Johnston, A Peterson, 1 Fern, v vranaaii,
1 W Hoffman, Chas Black, J Anderson, Wm
Fluhrer. Tho Brady. P J McHngh, F Johnaun.
Chas Bloom, A Peterson, John Peterson. John
Anderson, J Jackson, reter ttunaon, h jonn-
son, Chaa Holhom, cnaa atayger, n u vraaaau,
j j Manoney.u jonnson. james jonnson. im,
Luna. V HabMon. M Oennv. Martin Henesev.
Junes ritspairica, n u aiwu. vt a inmnnii
Ternanan, A Madden, J Cowling, O Banger, F
C Harold, A M atcuraw. oiow
In the County Court ot the State ot Oregon, for
Columbia County.
In the matter of th Estate of Oils Cherringtoo,
To Vernonia V
Dawsoa. heir at law of Oslaa
. deceased, and to all halts un
known. If any there be:
Yon. and each of
you, are hereby com-
County Court of the Stat of Oregon, in and for
tbe County of Columbia, at the Court-Hoase, tn
St. Helena, Oregon, on Saturday, th 28rd day of
October, A. D. 1897, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said
day, It being th regular September term of said
Court, to show cause, if any exist, why an order
of sale ot the whole of the oo-partnership real
estate of Able and Charrington, should not b
made as prayed for tn th petition of th exec
utor ol the last will of Osiaa Cherriugton, de
ceased, and administrator of the partnership
estate of Able and Che rrt niton, now on file in
said Court; said partnership real estate being d-
mended to ie ana ep
3 Dear before the Honorable
aennea as louowsto-wit:
First-The NHof NEW; theNE of NWW; the
fractional SWU of NW& theSEKof NWJ, and
the 8Uol NEW o( Section No. U tn Township
no. nortnot Kang no. i nest or tn mnam
ette Meridian In
ultnomah County.
SUt of
Onmi. and Aontalninr 271 acres of land.
eecono A tract oi tana siiusteu in saia auw
nomah County. Oreaon. and containing 70
acres; said traot of land being knows and de
acrihdaa"Tha Jov 70-Aere Tract." and It ait
uated iu the South end of the 8a.m. Lamberson
and Mary Jane Lamberson Donation Land
Claim, in Section No. 25, in Township No.
North, ot Range No. West of the Willamette
Meridian, and is more particularly described in
a oertain deed Irora J. M. Joy and wife to Jack
son Able and O. Cherrington, dated October 12th,
1888, and which deed is recorded tn the Koeords
ot Multnomah county, Oregon, tn Book 108, at
page 46, to which reterence is hereby mad for
further description. .... . , .
In testimony whereof, I, Judsoa Weed, Clerk
of the County Court aforesaid, do hereunto set
my hand and afltx the seal ot said County Court,
at my offlce tn the City of St Helens, Oregon,
this Ith day of Beltom,ejrjANljEn
I slab County Clerk.
flijmijiitui.. j
.l,.iLm,.l.l.l.lH.....,.m,.l,H. Ill
JSflelablePitoaralkm Car As
similating tiKToodflndltetfula-
HrM tit. ,?haMrha nnd TViwpU et
ns and Best-Contalns nrittr
Ojmim,Morphin nor MtoeraL
Not Nbo otic.
.. 4.4.11. tJ-
ii nr ,
A oaf eel Remedy for CortsflD-
rion. Sour Slonh.Diurrtoea.
Worms j-xmvuisions ,r evensiv
7ac Simile Signature of
exact copt erf" vtuma.
Harris' Cash Grocery.
"The Perkins"
C. W.
Mr. Knowlea was, for many years, proprietor of tbe St. Charles
hotel, and while there established a reputation as hotel man.
He is now in a better position to entertain his friends than ever .
before, and will welcome all his old patrons to his new place of
business, where can be found an np-to-date hotel. -
Corner Fifth
Dr. E. Ross
Constantly Keeps in Stock a Complete Line of
iispiu iirvrrinnri-! . s i i " ---------Tr"r""TrTrTTin
School Supplies
An Unusually well-selected Stock of Writing Tablets, Pens, Fen
1 it. . "aT . .. .a
ens, idq ido ieH
Finest Perfumes and Soaps.
Patent Vtediclne
SST TTTV- 1r iW .hnig
Jewel Stoves
Air-Tight Stoves
Granite-ware, Hardware,
A. H. BLAK2SLKY, Proprietor.
Board by Day, Week or Month
The table la supplied with th beat th market
affords. Everything olean. A share of ynr pat
ronara la solicited. ST. HELENS. Of liOON
V V te In. raatwinatblaeatabllahed hone
iu Oregon. Salary 10 and aipenjea. Position
srmanent. Reference. Enclose seU-addreased
sieuuiu .ii . ..... - -
ao Bids-, Chioaf.
Oestorta Is wot 1 la sne-slss Vtttlss snly. II
la act tola la bulk. Seat allow aayoa to asll
yea eaytklsg lss se taa plea a ynmias that tt
ia "Jast a feed" eat "will aaswsr vey jmt
pass." -Bet that yea get 0-A-8-T-0-A-&A. I
KNOWLES, Manager.
and Washington Streets, Portland.
lUKt, oa me iuan.ut.
isSir iW A iSrar lhr .h. tr-jl
Cutlery, Cross-Cut Saws, Eto.
212 First St, Portland, Or.
Young America
Leave St. Helens..... 6:80 A M
Arrive at Portland... ...... ...10:tt A M
Leave Portland ............. 2:30 P il
Arrive at St. Helens 6:00 V M
Will Carry Nothing but Pawngrs
and Fast Fremiti ,
I utT yV yifJa. "