OREGON MIST. iMVCBiviwr rmoAV ntoauuna BEEGLK A DAVIS. Sa.ecrla.tlea lsala On copy one year la e4venoe.... Oh eoi'T months... .... CO - stasis copy...-.... Advertlains rata aiade tnosna npoo appltcattoa COLUMBIA COITNTV DIRECTORY. Caaaty etiicara. J aim Joseph B. Dnaa, Rainier Clerk JuOeoB Weed, Vmo Sheriff ... J. N. Rl. Clatskanle Treasurer ,...K. M. Wharton r. Helena Bui, ol Schools ....O. Wetia, Scappooee AasMeor .....Martin White, Quince Surveyor W. N. Meaerre. Helena CotOMt Dr. A. P. McLaren, Rainier I, ...... .P. A. Fraitea. 9cap jae Conmtaalonera ; D peters. Mist T. HELBUSi 0BKiOI, OCT. IS. Thb rub away from th Klondi lot bean and bacon i somewhat lbs nature of boom. Whs the breadmekor of this coun try are in need of a "rapid raiser" they can depend on MoKinley's protection powder. " Gem. Weyler insist that he will tarn over to hi successor soros paci fied apoU in Cuba. He most mean the numerous and spacious graveyards. It i not a new. but it nevertheless a peculiar instaoc to read of "free- ailver republican." The term savors too much of popocrstism to uit ua. Tut bubo and the - hizhwavman. with intermediate criminal, are too prominent around Portland at present. Send the militia alone with each car to Oregon City. Thb most interesting campaign this year is in Nebraska, where the demo crate, the populists, the "free-silver re publicans" and Mr. Bryan have formed a coalition agaiust dollar wheat. Sbcbbtaet Wilsoh. of the depart stent of agriculture, is confident that the result of this year's experiment with sugar beets will add 300 per cent to the beet-eogar factories of the coun try. Such an industry means much for the Pacific coast slates. CoatPLAnrr has come to a several times from various parts of the county that bounds are being nsed for deer bunting. This is against the laws of Oregon, an inhuman and unsports manlike manner of hunting, and the game warden will yet track the guilty parties. ; ;"' ' ' Thb value of the wheat, rye and oat crop of Nebraska this year is closely and particularly calculated at $95,866,- fiCO, and that is an advancd of Sl&V 838,500 upon last year. This contra dicts in every respect that material in the series of speeches on which the popocrats carried that state last fall. Thb benefit of protection goes first and last to th men who have earned their bread by the sweat of their faces. The auspicious and momentions re sult is that never before in the history of the world has comfort been enjoyed, education acquired and independence secured by so large a majority of the total population as in the United States of America. Thb statistics of the cotton crop for last year show it to have been 8,767, 964 bales. It has been sold for about $350,000,000, or something more than the total volume of the greenback cur rency. This is more than five times the value of the annual silver product of the country. What folly it is then for cotton growers to think that their prosperity depends upon "doing some thing for silver," when all the silver produced in the country would not buy one in five of their cotton bales. Thb streets of Oregon towns have been crowded all this fall with country visitors baring the happy faces of peo ple who raise 80 cent wheat and get correspondingly good prices for other farm products. This is the first time in several years that they have felt able to take a holiday. That is to say, they hare been having democratic times, but now prosperity has come back again, and they can afford to take a run to the city to sea the fair and other attractions,.;-. By their visita tions other people are made prosper Ous and happy. Ip Professor Coin desires to begin the world again with a new theory he should consider one recently placed before the public. It it that dollar wheat is a twin with republican suc cess. In 1883. under Arthur, the average price of wheat was 91 cents s bushel. During Cleveland's first term the average was 68 cents. When Har rison was president wheat varied from 84 to 93 cents. Cleveland's second election sent it down at ouse to 63 cento, and it continued to tumble until tt reached 49 cents, the lowest price in a century. These are New York quotations, that city being the great shipping point of the United States. In the first months of McKinley's ad ministration dollar wheat has relumed. Now hers is a theory, with all the ' figures open to the world, that prom ises to Stand the test. Let Professor Coin reassemble his school and try once more to adjust the plastic mind to mathematical truth. Mi. BRYAN has just sampled the Kansas brand of prosperity. He at tended the state fair at Wichita week before last and for bis share in the ex ercises was handed a check for nesrly $2500. He remarked to the commit tee that he had uever before earned so much money in one day and that the amount was more than had been guar anteed. Perhaps the thought had oc curred to him that the one day's re. ceipta could be eicbanged for 6500 Mexican silver dollars. Why would it not be a good idea for Mr. Bryan to convert his earning in this way with the expectation of doubling them at a stroke in the year 1900 f It is possible that he caught a glimpse of Gen. Pros perity at Wichita in full dress, with golden epaulets. But it is more likely that Mr. Bryan was looking in another direction, deeply immersed in thought on the calamitous condition of the country. '' ' Labor is one of the great elements of society the great substantial inter est on wbiuh we all stand. Not fuedal service, or predial toil, or the irksome drudgery by one race of mankind sub jected to another; but labor, intelli gent, manly, independent, thinking and acting for itself, earning its own wages, accumulating those wage into capital, educating childhood, main taining worship, claiming the right of elective franchise, and helping to up hold the great fabric of the state. That is American labor; and all eyni palhies are with it. Thb New York Herald learns that 36,000 more skilled laborers in the United States are employed now than were last year at this season. That is certainly a very satisfactory indication of a better state of affairs. Thb Ssn Domingo silver dollar is worth 35 cents, and in order to pre vent confusion the government has ex cluded American monej. A 100 cent dollar is something the advanced fiat financiers cannot endure. Thb United States imports 1,700,000 tons of sugar and produces only 400,- 000 tons. This is the one great item in which our farmers and manufac turers are behind the times. A STavsas farmer near Wichita fs said to have lost a $300 diamond in his wheat field the other day. Prob ably be wss too busy to go back and look for it. From Oar Exchanges. Silver and wheat keep together. Yes. Tbey are each worth about a dollar a bushel. Even Missouri has hit calimity a swipe in the face. The strawberry vines are yielding their second crop of the year. A populist paper in Kansas has quit publishing the market reports, because the pops construed tbem as republican campaign ammunition. ... Proapmrity and business activity began the moment a republican presi dent and a protective coneress were elected. Was it mere "luck?" Free silver wss the chief plank of the Ohio platform, but it must have been either dropped ont of the plat form or else been dressed down from a regular inch plank to quarter-inch stuff: The calimity howlers should take off their smoked glasses and look around. They will find that the fac tory smoke in the sky will protect their orbs from the too dasxling beams of the McKmley prosperity. The records of the auditor in Walla Walla county show that between Sep Umber 1 and October 18, $40,989 63 was paid on mortgages. Daring the same period last year $7607 was paid on mortgages in the county. How that India famine is spreading. If the British gold bugs don't check it the populist will go wild. Every com modity is increasing in value. Labor is getting better pay, right here in Kelso and everywhere else in the Union, That famine has made every pop orator out a liar. Now is the time for the prosperous counties of Oregon to make a long stride toward getting out of debt. Farmer and other in the agricultural counties can afford to pay pretty high taxes next year, (or tbat purpose. All Booting, debts should be cleared off; bonded debts refunded at lower rates; snd everything made snug and trim, with far lighter burdens abroad, in preparation for future storms and calms.' It is an absolute fact that the West ern farmer's financial condition is won derfully improved. During the past j three years be practiced such economy tbat with a slight improvement ! wheat prices last tall and fair values for cattle, sheep and hogs, the thrifty farmer gradually reduced bis debts. With good prices this fall, be is indeed paying off the mortgage. The fall in the interest rate,is as remarkable as the other features of the rising tide. Karl's Clover Boot Tea is a pleassnt lax ative. Begulates the bowels, purifies the blood. Clears tbe complexion. Easy to mate and pleasant to take. 25 cents. Bold by Dr. Edwin Boss. School tteport. Following Is tbe report of the Mist public school for tbe first month, ending October 8th, lie?: Boys enrolled.... 7 Oirls enrolled 18 Total enrollment 2$ Number days tanght 20 Whole number day attendance 340 !4 Whole nomber day absence ... a 61 Times tardy 2 Those neither absent nor tardy for the month were: Marha, Johanna and Har old Magnnson, anna Lyons, Ellen and Henry BorquisL. L. J. Masxavs, Teacher, VKKMOMA CLEAN IMPS. Miss Myrtl Powsll passed through this city Saturday. . Uriah Mellinjrer brought a load of grain to towa Saturday. Wm, Wilson and family returned Iron) Portland Wednesday, Mr. Clark, of Crooked creek, was visiting ths metropolis this week. The daughter of Mr. and Mr. Hacker Is visiting theiu this week. Mr. gilts, of Upper Rock creek, paid For est Grove a visit this week. Mr. I. Spencer has purchased a valuable colt from Mr. F. M. Parker. Caroll Keasey went to Honltoa last Thurs day, accompanied by Miss Oillihsn, Dr. Hall, at Clatskanle, passed through tills eity Wednesday of last week. Albert Baker and Ernest Shannafcan took a load of grain to Forest Orov last week. Messrs. Coulter and Wood passed through town last Friday en rout for Forsat Orov. Mr. I. Spencer was cleaning wheat with Mr. Bbantiahaa's fanning machine last Fri- day. Wm. Hacker returned to his ranch on Rock creek last Wednesday with two loads of provisions. Mr. Poagrate, of Boxton, came Into ths valley last week and purchased several bead of milk cow. ' Lon Adanis took a load of poultry to Bui ton Tuesday returning Wednesdsy with load of sash and doors tor bis asw bouse. Dr. 0. H. Kewth bas purchased a trotter from Mr, Case and Mr, Lavender will take th animal out to th doctor at Philomath. 8CAPPOO8K NEWS. Miss Edna Tompkins has been quite ill tbe psst week. J. A. Holaday made a builnsss trip to Lewi river this week. A masquerade ball announced for Fri day evening, th I5ta. D. W. Price moved his family to Portland this week for tbe winter. Farm work la being pushed during th continuance of fair weather. Mr. W. H. Brawn, teacher la district No. 1, Is interesting our young people lu a night school for the winter. P. B. Stephens is doing a large Job of land clearing on Hooej man's farm, and reports good progress in th work. H. West shipped to th Portland market on Monday 7200 pound of dried prunes, th sain belcg the first crop from bis orch ard. Surveyor Meserv was In our midst Tues day locating a new county road from Joy's place to the settlement on tbe bill west of there. Lam numbers of Washington eonntv people have been camping oa Lower 8cap poose creek catching fall salmon aad cat fish. Tbe genius hobo Is again abroad in tbe land. He is evidently fleeing from the crop of prosperity that ba overtaken him some where. Hand-skaved shingle are again coming in to tha market. The increase in price has encouraged the Dixie shingle makers to go to work. School district No. 8 bas received from Congressman Ellis a special map of the united States, and also a set of report of Commissioner Harris for 1866. Tbe Western Union linemen passed through here this week. Tbey are putting in a copper wire between Portland and Ta eonia. The' extra wire Is. presamably, to be used by Portland and Tacoma in com. paring bank clearances. Cure that cough with Sbiloh's Car. Th best Cough Cure. Believe croup promptly. One million bottles sold last year. 40 doses for 25 cents. Sold by Dr. Edwin Boa. Deeds Recorded. B. DeWild to HenryKrets. ej of t of sec 19, and wj of swX of sec 20, tp 7 n, r 4 west; $500. O. D. Oilson and wife to C. H. Plggott. rlglit-of way. George Kelley snd wife to C. H. Plggott, right-of-way. John Lamberson and wife to G. A. Bro- die, rigbt-of-way. C. H. Piggott to G. A. Brodie, right-of- way lease. - Elizabeth Perry to G. A. Brodie, 7 acres in Perry's donation claim; $L N. A. Perry and wife to G. A. Brodie, 160 acres in Perry donation land claim, bond for deed; $2500. Hannah Tyuklewlcs to G. A. Brodie; bond. ' Tbe Bainier Co-Opera tire Industrial Un ion to Geo. F. Moeck, loU 1, 2, 3 and 4, bit 41, Moeck's addition to Bainier; $100. Dyspepsia cured, Bhiloh's Vitalixer Im mediately relieves sour stomach, coming-spot-food distress, and is the great kidney and liver remedy. Sold by Dr. K. Boss. Might Have "Fiddled" Is. We have been asked what tune it was that Nero fiddled while Borne was burning. We were not there, but be could bsv ap propriately fiddled: "There'll ba a Hot Tim in th Old Town Tonight." Be not deceived. A Cough, Hoarseness or Croup, are not to be triflVd with. A dose In time of Sbiloh's Cure will sav yon much trouble. Sold by Dr. Edwia Boss. Ik. he- alls tssi Ladles, fsk tbe best. If you are troub led with constipation, sallow skin, snd a tired feeling, take Earl's Clover Tea. It Is pleasant to take. Sold by Dr. Edwin Bos. siatls Uuen His Hop Honst.-Tbe Eu gene Gnard say: "Steven Emced, of Wallerville, after finishing his bop crop utilized his hop house in drying prune and from the samples shown he has done as good work as tbe average fruit dryer, constructed specially for that purpose. In order to use the hop bouse for drying fruit no cbang was made except to change the cloth on the top bop floor. At first a thin coat ing of tbe fruit was laid on tbe top Boor, but after a few hours it was gathered together about three inches in thickness. It took him about ten hours longer to dry a flooring than in a regular evaporator. He paid 60 cents per 100 pounds for tbe green Italian prunes, and purchased all offered at that price, lie bas about 5000 pounds of the dried article produced tbusly." Clrcalt Ooart, Tbs regular October term of circuit court convened In this eity Tuesday forenoon, and all th Jurymen summoned answered to th roll call bsv on a, Th grand Jury, consisting of Sevan members, wss drawn, charged and teat to their room, with Mr. J. K. Blakealey bailiff. Mr. T. 0. Watts was appointed bailiff for th trial Jury. At about Hi 10 Tuesday afternoon th trial Jury waa excused until 8 o'clock Wednesday morning, when tbey were again excused until Thursday morning. Ths grand Jury, Thursday forenoon, turned two true bill agaiust Joel Bat. TORXAU Malls ass !a f It Saves the Craapv Callarea. Siivtiw, Va. W aav a splendid sate on Chamberlain's Cougb Remedy, and our oustoiuera coming from far and near, apeak of tt in th highest terms. Many have said that their children would hare died of croup if Chamberlain's Cougb Remedy had not been given. K slum A Ousaaw. Th 25 and 50 cent sites tor ssls by Dr. E. Bos. 8kcll Tbiphimed At th state In sane asylum yesterday Drs. W. T. Williamson and L. r . Urifniih, assisted by Dr.Carll.ol Oregon City, performed an operation in the shape of trephin ing tbe frontal bone of Robert Bettie, the expectation being that ths reason of the man will be restored, says the Salem Statesman. Mr. Betlia was sent to the asylum a few weeks ago from Clackamas county. Ilia brain trouble was caused by a hurt received on bis head some Urns ago by the ex plosion of a shotgun in bis hands sev eral years ago, and the pbysiaians were of the opioioa that his insanity wss caused by so abnormal growth on the inside of bis skull, making an unnat ural pressure on the brsin. Tbs oper ation was quite successful. Diixabd. In this city, Thursday, Oet. 15, 188T, to Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Dillard, a son. WssT. To the wife of Mr. Burt West, en October 8lh, 18U7, a son. weight 13 pounds. Ctty Treaaarefs Notice). St. Hslcss. Or., October 7, 1897. NOTICE is hereby given that all unpaid and outstanding city warrants of th City of 8t Helens, Oregon, presented and endorsed "Nut Paid for Want of Funds," prior to August 10, lim, will be paid upon presentation. Interest will not be allowed from this date Aogu't 7 1K7. W. B. DILLABD, City Treasurer. CASTORIA Far Infants sad CUldran. jf WAirTED FalTMrUL MM OR WOMBX to travel lor reaponslbls established kms la OrvcoB. Salary ?w sad sspeaeae. roatlioa BenaeueM. aetersaca. IneUiae sell-addreaaad siaaiped envelope. ThetiaUuaaL Mas lneitf SaeaBldfr, Chicago. PROFESSIONAL. . W. DAT W. B. DILLABD ATTORNEYS -AT-LAW Oflre next door to Courthouse, ST. UeUMtS, OM.HMJH. Ingtou. Abstract made directly train count? records. GEORGE A. HALL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. -- Collections, foreclosures, meehanles Mas, etc. with T. I. Cleston. St. Hkuws, : Obeooh. G. W. COLE, ATTOBNir AHD COUN8ELO&-AT-LAW, ST. HELENS, OREGON. Title Abstract Books, Notary Public, Commie, oner of Iieeda tor Washington, aad an exper ienced collector in connection with oBee. J-JB. EDWIH B08M, PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. St. Helens, Oregon JJR. H. K. CUM. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. St, Helens, Oregon, J-JB. I, & HALL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Clatskaiile, Columbia oountv, Or. yy H. ME8KKVE, Surveyor and Cinl Engineer DELENA, OREGON. Countv Survevor. Land BurveyloK. Town Plattinc and Kngineerim work promptly sxecut ', BssaBaavaLaAUsaaUDB I Get Value Received 4 EVERY TIME AT f J N. A. Perry's, I 4 HOULTON, OREGON. f JYour f i Honey's Worth J Every Time c 3 Dolman's f j Store. . . .1 tfVVVVVWVVVVWw -THB BANQUET SALOON CL0MNGER & COOPER, rBoFkirroBi. Wine and Liquor Card tables, pool table, billiard table and tithsr devices (or tbe entertainment of pat rons, where urn can o pieasenur spans. FAMOUS FIRE LADDIE CIGARS Raaldes other ttonular brands, are kept constantly on hand to supply th Increased trad at this very popular saloon. y TH FAstODa CYRUS NOBLE WHISKY I KEPT AT Ht4HJtirr. All kinds of rough and dressed Lumber on short notice. Builders' Material Of tbe best qnality delivered to sny point on tbe river at tbe Lowest Possible Price Oaebalf Cash and One-ball la FARM PRODUCE. Address all orders to E B. BORTHWICK, GOBLE, OREGON. WHITS COLLAR LINE FAST TIMK, Str. Telephone Leaves Partlsnd dally (except Snndav) 1 A. M. Leeree aawna oauv (ciocpiBuiiaajj i r. . Str. Bailey Gatzert Lear as Portland dally (exeetrt Sunday) I P. at. eaiuraay aiiata si iu or lues, Lsaves Aamrla dally (eseeiit Sunday and Mea day) at 7 A.M. suaUay nlsht at 7 o'doecs. Landings: Fix of Alder street, Portland, Or,, Flarel dock, Astoria, Oregon. WAHTID rilTHrDL Waif OB WOMBX to travel lot leeponslble eaUMIahed house taOregoa. Salary nso and expense. PoelUaa penianeDt. Belersae. Ineloee eel'-addraeeed Stamped envelope. The MaUeaeJL Mas iasa aasa aid.. Chiaaaa. IIUCKLE BROS. susoraCTvssa or Dimension Lumber, Flooring, Rustic, 8beathlnir, Casings, and s complete stock of evetv variety of Bongh and Dressed Lumber ALWAYS OB HARD. ( AT TBI OLD STAND, ST. HELENS OBEOON O.E.&N. y- TO THE GIVES THE OHOIOE Of TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES GREAT OBKGON NORTHERN RT. SHORT LINE. - VIA '". SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL AMD CHICAGO -. ' VIA . DENVER SALT LAKE OMAHA - AMD KANSAS CITY LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES OCEAN 8TEAMER3 LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DAYS FOR San Francisco For full Information call on or address W.H, HDBLBORT, . Gen. Pass. Agent, POBTLSSD, Oa, W A XT KD FAITHFUL MBit OR WOMEN to travel for reapontlble eatabl taken house as Oraeoa. Baierv S7M end esueuse.. Position Cnuaueat. Reference. Bneloee aelf-addreeaed tmped envelope. Til HaUoast, Star Iasur- SBvS j)Mift voieaso. Lumber pesrsj fVVVVWTTTTTTV-TTTTTVWWl Free Excursion! TO PORTLANDsJa- . '''..' In order to snabla our numerous friends and customer to pay . RKlMI fW t.l. I, us a visit and examine our .navv otutm witu u entirely NEW STOCK w have oonoludod to glva thum au opportunity ot doing so FUE OF COST, Our Plan is This: Everyone visiting our store from Colum- y bia County who manes a purchase of us amounting to $10 or over and presenting a cow of this add will have the amount of his or her steamer fare to Portland and return refunded by us. To assura tiiosa wbo art not acquainted with our bouse, w beg leave to ay tbat ws bavs but ONE PRICE And tbat la ' ttis lowest All our goods are marked In plain figures. Our stock is ENTIRELY NEW and has been oar. fully selected by our Mr. Pen LAR PRICES. Moyer Clothing Co;, L. I BEN SELLING, Manager. aVuTjsua Dart & Muckle's -IS THE fLACE TO GET- Choice 8T. HELENS, OREGON, Complete Line of Clothing . SHELF HARDWARE AND NOTIONS. Flour, Feed, ST. HELENS MEAT MARKET All Kinds cf Resh eats, Hams, Bacon and Lard MmU by Whoteaal ac special Kates. MAIN BTIIVKT, t I Clatskanie Drug Store New and Patent Medicines and Stationery, Scbool Books. Prescriptions Carefully Componnde r AajCkLafauBVatfe. ....ST. HELENS HOTEL.... m VJai Mioies will as an ume p. iounu (1 Ml . t delicacle the TERMS REASONABLE Tbe hotel having been newly refurnished ws ars Prepared to give satis faction ts all our patrons, aud solicit your patronage. J. George, Proprietor, St. Helena, Or. ay ay aa ay ay ay ay ay sy ay sy aja ay a) ay ay ajai ay sy ay ay ay ay aasys PORTLAND A ND CLATSKANIE STEAMER a. W. SHAVER, Dell Sharer, Master. rVitnmennlne Anrll IK 1WM arlll Pnrtl.nrf fonr. nl Wl,lnotin mlrtttl. TllesdT Toursday and Bundny evenings at A o'clock. KeturninK Leave Olatskanle, (tltl f"J mining), Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings at 6 o'clock. Will pass Oak rw" about 7: Stella 7:18; Maymir7:2S; Rainier 8:20; Kalama 9:15; 81. Helens 10:110. Arrlv in Portland 1:30 A. M. Ths company reserve tbe right to chance time without nolM SIIAVEH THE JOSEPH KELLOGG & 4 STR aOSKPH KBIjIjOOG POR PORTLAND- . Leaves Kelso Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays at 5 o'clock a. m. 1T Portland Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 8 o'olock a. m. Soiling, and we sell ouly at POPU THIRD AND OAK STS. afa afli arWatV Groceries Hay and Grain . ' ' James ii. onciuwn, BT. HIELRNB, ORROON. DR. J. E. IIALL, Proprietor. Select Stock. Druggist's Notions. 1 tit t . J suppuen wiin in. pest eat Die buu market aubrds. a FOR REGULAR BOARDERS C3 TBANSPOHTATIOie COKIfaKV' COMPANY'S RIVER STEAMER