The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, October 08, 1897, Image 4

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Schilling's Best baking powder goes a
third farther than any other ; gets to work
quicker ; makes sweeter cake.
Schilling's Best tea makes good cake
taste better.
Schilling's Best baking powder and tea are
Jbecause they are money-back.
What it the missing word? not SAFE, although Sihiliing't Set baking
P uer ana tea mrt sale. : - '
Get Schilling's Bttt baking powder or tea at your grocers'; take out the
ticket (brown ticket in every package of baking powder; yellow ticket in the
tea); tend a ticket with each word to address below before December 31st.
Until October 15th two words allowed for every ticket; after that only one
word for every ticket.
If only one person finds the word, that person gets f 2000.00; if several find
is jooo.oo will be equally divided among them.
Every one sending a brown or yellow ticket will receive a set of cardboard
creeping babies at the end of the contest Those sending three or more in one
envelope will receive an 1898 pocket calendar no advertising on it These
creeping babies and pocket calendars will be different fiom the oues offered in
the last contest
Better cut these rules out. :
Tourist Trafllc la Ireland.
Ireland is now being opened more
than ever for visitors. Its attractions
are being more prominently placed be
fore tourists, and increased facilities
hare been provided for viewing ita
many natural beauties. The presence
of royalty cannot fail to give a stimu
lus to tonrist traffic.
Send us names for
Free Catalogue".
Bnell Lamberson,
. Portland, Oregon.
HAcnml 10 Pvr
Plow an4 Ssieder Combined.
Thoroughly workt tbe Soil to a depth of S to
S inches.
Leaves 110 Plow Crtiat.
flares the seed 3 tosiuchesdown, thoroughly
covered with light, loose mil.
Every farmer that has used it RECOM
l'oor Froneh Cannery.
; The gunners of the French navy are
not to be congratulated on their marks
manship if the results of the target
practice of three of the larger war ves
sels at Toulon are to be taken as a cri
terion. The guns of the three vessels
biased away at the old wooden dispatch-boat
Petrel, utilised as the tar
get, which was set about 4.000 yards
(two miles) awav, until 300 charges
were expended, enough to have snnk a
whole squadron of each vessels. The ,
ret rel is still afloat. This is some
thing like the target practice of the
flagship Pensaoola. the frigate Iroquois
and the training ship Jamestown in San
Francisco bay at the centennial cele
bration of 1876, when at a range of one
mile they bred for over an hour at an
old scow anchored in the stream off the
Presidio, which was rigged as a monitor
and filled with combustibles, without
hitting it once. It was planned to
drop a shell into it that would fire it
and blow it up, but the defective gun
nery of the fleet and of Fort Point,
which joined in the bombardment,
made it necessary to send ont a boat to
it and apply the torch to it by hand.
1 ne excuse at the time lor. tne poor
markmanship was that the ammuni
tion used was old and worthless, being
a part of the surplus on hand at the
close of the war.
Make Good Entrances to Fields Mow
Orchards ft lion Id be Cultivated -Winter
Grain Aftsr Potatoes mut
oa Sweat Corn General Farm Mote.
Washing Hatter. .
Years ago It was generally supposed
that In order to make really Hue but
ter one must not allow a drop of water
to touch It. Of late years, since we be
gun, to hear so much about grauultir
butter, we have been Instructed to
wash It In successive waters until this
was drawn off clear, or free from mllkl
ueaa. It is my oplulon that neither one
of these policies Is the right one to fol
low. I have tested this matter of wash
ing butter for a number of years, and
have come to the conclusion that eltlier
extreme Is to be, avoided. To wash It,
even In granular form, will give us a
butter that will not decay or turn
growing of weeds which suctt out all
the moisture as fast as rnlns bring It
to the soil., vt v-.i ' ,
Fmut on tweet Torn.
Every oue hits noticed the fact thnt
smut Is much mora prevalent n sweet
corn than on that grown In the Held for
feeding. Not only are the stalks of
sweet com moie tender and Juicy t ha u
those of the lull! grain, hut tho harvest'
lug of tho sweet com Is always done by
breaking off the car when It Is In Its
most succulent condition, ,-. Of course
a single case of smut propagate tup'
Idly under such conditions,, especially
If the picker feels of each cur to judge
whether It Is In ttt condition for use.
Tbe pressure of tho ear wtiti-H this
method of judging Involves Ju'iilses the
stalk and gtves opportunity for the
smut spores to propagate. In too many
gardens sweet corn Is grown in mtcv
cession. It Is not an eshuustlvo crop,
and were It not for the smut, the prac
tice of growing It lu succession would
not be a bad oue. '?
Fruit Bettrr t.ian CaVs,
Used lu moderation and whs fully
ripened fruit will do no harm to any-
ImuIv Tim lllfnl nimotttn of I'hlMron
B,Mnn a a ' ,,.., .. . I, ...I .... ! - - -
. ofu, oMila for something between
.norotismy, out 11 wasnes out uiuch in , , . , , ,. u ,, -,K1W4111,
the flavor. Ou the other hand, while
the flavor Is enhanced by not washing,
the buttermilk left In It after working
will tend to putrlticatlon, for, as we
all know, there Is nothing which more
quickly spoils and becomes 111 smelling
than buttermilk.
To work out all the buttermilk breaks
the gralu, makes the butter salvy. Of
ed to by the too lndulKcut pareut by
giving a piece of pie or cuke. A healthy
boy will digest almost anything If he
has plenty of play to keep him active
But even the healthy boy would fare
much better if he were given a ripe
apple or pear or peach. It la a nils
take to suppose, as moat people do, tha
these are hurtful lu hot weather. Ai!
we will wash It In granular form ., , . , ,,. ,....
, ' ' """" '"7- Green fruit Is acrid aud astringent,
lug upon quantity of water used and , , ..,... .. ,..,..,
work In the salt until thoroughly In
corporated, and call It finished-Jersey
General Amenta for Orffos,
ton and Idaho.
Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored
Weaknc, XervousneM, Debility,
mua ui turn tnoa of rfla
from Mrly error or laxer
RICHtM ; u rMQit of
OTOrworlC ickau, wor
l 17. He Fail treojrh.
I dr)opmeDt oatl too
I gtren to over? orgmm
I anil DfMrUon of tho bod'.
I SlehdI. natBral mmtKai
' Immodiatc inipro-rnint
eon. Fauinr imiMMaihlsx.
3,000 MforotMeM. Book.
iplaoatioi. ond prooXf
aiisxi oooiod fb
: -2T
We want an
srenl in each
village and
city, also to
work the country homes, selling our lloumt
Bookm .uituble for cljildren. Only one person
in each place will be atpointel. either lady or
fcemlenaau; experience not necessary. Com
mnaiiun. KeliaMe house. Write today.
300 Post Street, San rranelseo, Cal.
Oct them at K. J. BOWICN'S, 201 and 213
Kroni street, Portland, Or. Also agent lor the
Celebrated Clipier Mill; best farming mill in
the world. Every farmer should have one.
W rite lor prices.
Get your supplies of as at cut rates
Large stock sud low prices.
Goods guaranteed. .
ntay-Clirti l (a, Otolil Ccpd, Purtlaai
Debility sufTerer in an aggravated
form shows it on his face a haggard
worn-looking man. The same with
women. But what of the man who
has lost all vital and manly power,
and yet looks like a phyoical giant?
That is iust the question to which Dr.
8anden has devou-d twenty years of
study. It is true that men Who look
strong ARE weak in this respect.
Dr. Kanden has found the cause and
explains it in his little work,
-Three Classes of Men,"
Which he sends free by mail sealed
from observation, or can be had at
his office. It gives full inlormation
relating to
Dr. Sanden's Electric Belt
It might he worth your time to read
the little look. Get it, or call and
see this wonderful Belt.
The readers of this psper will be pleased to
lesrn that there is at leasi one dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure in allitsstages
and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure s the
only positive cure now known to the medical
fraternity. , Catarrh being a constitutional di.
ea. requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's
starrnt ureisiasen lnternaUT.acmig directly
uon the blood and mucous surfaces of the svs
tero, thereby destroying the foundation of the
dix-axe, and giving the patient strength by
building up the constitution arjd assisting
nature in doing its work. The proprietors have
so much faith in its curative powers, that they
offer One Hundred Hollars forany case that it
fails to cure. Send for liit of tenimonials,
Address, F. J. 1'HK.NISY, 4 Co., Toledo, 0
Bold bv druggins, 7ac.
HaU'a Family Pills are the best.
Dr. Max Schlier, of Berlin, has dem
onstrated that by the use of Roentgen
rays one can see bow sounds are pro
duced by the voice in singing.
All Eastern Syrup, so-called, usually very
light colored and of heavy body, is made from
glucose. "7Va Garden lrip" ia made from
Sugar Cane and it strictly pure, it la for sale
by rirst-class grocers, in cans onlv. Manufac
tured by the Pacific Coaitt Svicr Co. All gen
uine "Tea Gnrdm Iript" have the manufac
turer's name lithographed on every can.
A boy who reecntly died at the age of
13, in Indiana, from excessive smok
ing, had consumed in the past five years
50,000 cigarettes.
I know that my life was saved by Piso's
Cure for Consumption. John A. Miller,
An Sable, Michigan, April 21, 1895,
The value of house property of Ion
don ia (3,365,000,000; that of Paris,
1,430,000,000; that of New York, f 1,. .
Try Schilling's Best tea, and baking powder.
Kmploy Xone But Women.
Women have displaced men in every
branch of the machine shops of a bi
cycle manufacturing firm having a large
plant at Toledo, O. In this establish
ment girls are now employed on mill
ing machines, drill presses and other
machines used in the manufacture of
bicycle parts. The substitution of girls
for men has certainly not been prompt
ed by a desire on the part of the com
pany to assist in the great purpose of
making the female portion of the popu
lation self-sustaining, but rather to se
cure cheaper labor than their copmeti
tors. Another L'sa for the Kay.
In France, by means of the Roentgen
rays, the sex of tbe silkworms is now
determined while they are in the co
coon. This deterimnation lias in the
past been carired on uncertainly,
usually by weight, the female cocoons
usually being slightly heavier.
Ftnne. t?nder Apple Trera.
Many wiudfall apples would be little
Injured If a velvety sod, free .rco
stones were spread out under them.
There Is no excuse for leaving loose
stones where apples uiut fall on them.
as the bruising destroys their market
value. Orchards much cultivated are
apt to have most stones on the surface.
It Is better to leave the ground under
trees In sod, mulching the surface to
keep the grass from drawing too much
of the soil moisture.
Winter Grain After Potato 'a.
Wherever the potato crop can be got
off In time for seeding with fall grain,
It makes the very best seed bed. No
plowlug Is needed if the weeds have
been kept down. It is only necessary
to pile the potato vines In heaps and
burn them, starting the fire In a brush
heap. If the potato tops are too green
to burn readily. A great deal of plant
food Is developed after growing a crop
cf potatoes. It Is largely nitrogenous,
as the potato crop Is chiefly ater and
carbon, with some potash, which ts
mostly found in the potato tops.
eases. But well-rliieued fruit eateu
with moderattuu is good for everybody,
Ihf Tnrnlp Yield.
If runners would realise how uuuiy
bushels of turnips can be raised from
au acre, aud their value as substitute
for hay In wluterlng sheep ami cows.
no oue would be without at least hall
an acre. They can be raised without
cultivating or hoeing; are not au un
certain crop. Any fairly good piece of
laud, a clover sod, from which tbe liny
has been taken, will do. Make a well
harrowed seed-bed. For au acre, mix
thoroughly half a pound of seed wall
200 pounds commercial fertiliser, aud
sow with phosphate attachmrut of
grain drill. Nothing more Is necessary.
except, perhaps, to roll the ground.
Last year, from an acre prepared as
stated, 1.050 bushels of turnips wotf
taken. Tbe Tribune.
as Wast Washington gt., Portland, Or.
PUaM mention tkti Paper.
: r nfb
l 1 Best C'i.a rro. Tmkm Good. Has I f
I 1 ffna, Mtrinnw. 1 1
: jk
Most Popnlowa Nations.
The revised returns of the Russian
census give the total population of that
country as 129,000,000. This makes
Russia third in rank among nations,
China coming first with an estimated
population of 400,000,000, and the
British Empire next with 293,000,000.
Slain and Foreign Trade.
The capital of Siam has a consider
able foreign trade. During 1895 the
number of vessels that entered the bar
ber of Bangkok was 618, and the im
ports were valued at $20,000,000.
The X rays are to be used in settling
whether tbe old masters in New York
are genuine paintings or not. If traces
of a signature be found under the one
now in evidence, it will be proof enough
that tbe painting has been tampered
A ton of Atlantic water when evapor
ated yields eighty-one pounds of salt; a
ton of Pacific water, seventy-nine
pounds; tbe water in the Dead Bea,
more than twice as much 187 pounds
to the ton.
Kntrance. to Fie'da.
In country road making there is much
plowing of roadsides and scraping
awayoftbesurfacesoil. This la almost
alwaysa mistake. But the fanner should
ee to It that at least the work of road
improvement does not obstruct the ea
trauces to his fields. Making It easy
for the fanner to use any part of his
farm is for him about the most neces
sary part of road improvement. Out
of this field Into tbe road he will each
year draw many loads, besides tbe
loads of manure he will likely draw
into It. If a plowed ridge or ditch ob
structs tbe entrance to the field many
wagons will be needlessly broken. If
a ditch Is required In the roadside op
posite a gate, the path master may be
obliged to convert it at that point into
a sluiceway, with stone or tile passage
ror the water. An underdraln beside
the road, three feet deep, with good out'
let. Is the best way to Improve moat
poor roads. But whatever tbe method
adopted, the farmer should see to It
that road Improvement does not ob
struct gateways that he baa to use.
Peed fiowlnsr.
The usual failure In getting seeds to
grow Is from sowing them too deeply
In the earth. If It were possible to
keep the seeds dark and moist, they
would be all tbe better fiom being
sown absolutely on the surface. Ev
ery one familiar with forest growth
must have noticed how forest-tree
seeds, which simply fall to tbo earth
and are covered by the few leaves or
the remains of grasses, germinate
without difficulty. In cherry trees, es
pecially, the stones which have fallen
from the tree, lying on tbe surface all
winter, sprout and grow rapidly when
spring time comes, and yet cherry seeds
from the same tree, collected by the
seed sower, sown In tin way In which
seeds are usually sown, frequently fall
to grow. In order to have seeds as
near the surface as possible and ye'
protected against drying up the great
prince of American practical gardeners
the late Peter Henderson recom
mended for planting vegetable seeds
that the garden line should first be
stretched along In tbe direction where
the vegetables were to grow, inink!e
tbe weds along the line entirely on tbe
surface, and then simply tramp them In
the ground along the line. In this way
no garden seed ever failed to grow If
It were good, and garden seeds are
generally good, for It has been found
that even old seed, If guarded agulnst
extreme heat or moisture, will continue
to preserve its vital power for an In
definite period. Still every purchaser
desires to got seed as fresh as possible.
If tbe suggestions given are borne In
mind there will lie very seldom com
plaints about the failure of garden
seeds to grow. Meehan's Monthly.
Cnltlvatlna Crchard-.
; Many people who plow their orchards
In spring full to get the full benefit
of tills cultivation by not continuing
It through the summer. All fruit grow
ers understand that when the orchard
gets Into bearing It should not be crop
ped. Hut If because there Is no crop
growing tbe orchard Is ullowt d to grow
up with weeds, these are more npt to
rob the soil of what the tree roots re
quire. - It Is not, however, fertlllly
that the orchard most needs, It Is mois
ture. The object of cultivation In the
orchard is to keep the surface mulch
ed, so that all the rains that full will
sink luto the soli and be retained.
Very shallow cultivation, repeated lif
ter each rain, will keep the soli beneath
always moist, for It will prevent tbe
Potting Rep In Corn Fields.
An Idea which we have lately seen
suggested Is that of sowing rune In
the cornfield after tbe last cultivation,
A farmer who tried It last yenr say
that bis land was fertile and the sea
sou moist. The cos of seed and sow
ing he estimated at thirty cents per
acre, when the corn was cut tbe rape
bad reached a height of about elgbteeu
Inches and the sheep were turned luto
the Meld. He believes It was worth 2
per acre to sheep, In addition to which
the rape thoroughly smothered the
weeds. As the rape Is killed by the
winter there Is no danger of Its troub
ling one the next seuson. Indiana
Parmer. . "
Pet Heea Wanted.
With all the abuse that may be heap
ed upon the fat ben because she does
not lay, she brings more In market
than any other kind of poultry except
the turkey, and at times the difference
In favor of the turkey Is very little. As
the consumers are willing to pay good
prices for fat bens. It la best to sell
them as soon as they cease laying If
In a very fat condition, as the time re
quired to get such hens to the proper
condition for laying again niny be
weeks or even months. Tho best time
to sell Is when you have the article the
consumer requires, and at the present
time the fat ben Is In demand. Port
land Transcript.
' Live Mock Point.
It Is a mighty poor p!au to keep scrub
stock upon high-priced land.
Dorset ewes have been known to pro
duce m many as six lambs at a birth.
They are enormous mllKers and good
mothers. For raising lambs for mar
keting at about three months old no
breed Is better than the Dorset. The
mutton of the older Sheep Is, however,
not so good as that of some other
breeds. New York Sun.
Denning, Mopklfve Company's Kevlaw
' . , Trad.
A low range of values for wheat. lint
aeon established during the week aa the
result of diminished speculation, In
jreased receipts ami accumulating
itocks, the market closing weak under
these conditions, with still lower ten
loiioy. Clearances continue, largo.
Export sale have been only moderate,
iiitl there seems to be a pause in tli
European demand. . The diminished
volume of speculation is probably ; the
weakest feature In the market at pres
ent, as the trade generally have accept
ed as a faot that Europe wants all thd
mrplua food product, that we have to
lare. The presence of a so-ohIIihI
bull clique' has boon largely respon
sible for the decreased trado ami dona
muoh to check tlu advance. The in
creasing stocks would not prove sulll-
cient to depress values, but lu conjunc
tion with the lessened export ilomuud
and absence of speculation tho current
of the market has been turned ami un
til conditions are changed a lower range
of values is to be expected temporarily.
Corn values have auffured a severe
decline, due in part to local sieculatlve
conditions. The salient points of
weakness In the market, however, hava
been the large receipts, enormous stocks
and the Insufficiency of the cash de
mand. The forward movement is now
falling off. Farmers have practically
ceased selling. The cash demand is
also improving and a stronger maikot Is
probable next week. Crop prospects
are unfavorable. Herlotia damage lias
occurred since the lust government re
port was compiled, and the next report
will show a very large decrease in the
estimated yield. Present values are
below the average for years past and in
vite speculative buying. , The shortage
lu the world wheat crop would io it
self warrant butter values for com, but
in connection with the serious shortage
in the potato crop, etstimated at
1,000,000,000 bushels, it is apparent
that corn will be in greater xort de
mand than ever before. We regard
present weakness as bnt temporary, and
certain to be followed by much higher
Inroads of Oarmea Trade,
France Imported 1,000,000 worth of
jewelry from Hurmsny litct year. This
fact has caused O'limteiimlltm among
the huge Jewelry uiauufiieturors in the
Iminor country. The (leiinnti articles
are nearly all of a cheap vurluty, and a
huge proportion of the jewels which
they contain lire imitation. It Is rath
er striking to sen the (lermstis cutting
Into a branch of trade in which the
French have always been easily first.
French exports of juwelry and watches
continue to bo very important, Ju tho
Far Kiist China and India tho
French have almost entire control of
the watch and jewelry trado,
, TIIR lil.tKN. .
This Is s synonym fof Hint Bloomy, hammed
condition ol Hie mind which liss Us origin in
dy.,.'i, All the tiKly spirits Hist, uiuU-r ih
name of the "ttim," 'wht devils," "im'Krlms"
and"mitllliirlti"tiiruii'hl Ihe'd vmiUc almost
tH-sselcsHty, vanish whtn attacked with IIok
tenor's siomnch llitlvts, that, moreover, aniil
hllair liilioiismiMt, iiiislliailon. chilli and
lever, kidney complaint, aud iicirvoustiuxs.
An American ftuifmtist has recently
discovered a new microbe which I par
ticularly destructive to the tissues of
the human body, and the most striking
peculiarity of the creature Is that It is
nearly all mouth,
A magnetic well of great power has
been struck at Howersville, five miles
south of Jamestown, Ohio. Th: well
w drilled 140 feel deep, and at this
depth the drill becamu so magnetised
that particle of Iron clung to it,
Tho Hauls, to make handle for their
tone axes, cleft the branch of a tree,
placed the atono lu it and left it till the
wound in tho wood had lieeu com
pletely liculcd.
a mothee'8 mm.
. ' ' ""T " '
Your daughter are the most wr.
clous legacy possible In thlt life.
Tho responsibility fur them and their
future I largely with you.
The mysterious change that develop
the thoughtful woiuaa tram the
thoughtless girl, should find you oa
tha watch day aud night
A you car for their physical wU '
Doing, so win uio woman tfrfK
tie, and so wlU her child- c
run ue aino,
tydla 12.
rtukham'a " VegctiiUa Compound In
uia sure reliance In tlil hour of trial.
Thousands havo found It the tic. vor-fU.
Ing power to correct nil iiregulwrlUw
ami start tha woman on t he sen of life
with that physical health nil should
hnve, '.
Womb difficulties, displacements and
tho horror cannot exist In company
with Lydln K. Plnkhnni'a Vegeubl
VMS, Wlt.iir iHMUrttsa St scr mlem4 Jftjw a
9 i rr
fe 9 ll gum, i
k b- brt rwe1
Z biii. ft i, Ot
a I fir oWlilfes l-tbiof. Iimm.!"- lit hlla.w,ll- i
CHS IIW gum. All (MM, OS I Wlt't! f-lMlt',aiir
rsietHi, ir nwrmwa inim VMM II
rortUnd Markets.
Wheat Walk Walla, 79c; Val-
ley and Blnestem, 8l8llc per bushel.
fiuwr Best grades, 14.40; graham,
t3.70; superfine, $3.60 per barrel.
Oat Choice white, 87(1 88c; choice
gray, 86c per buslnd.
Barley Feed barley, tl930; Draw
ing, $19(320 per ton.
AlilIstutTj Bran, $14 per ton
middlings, $21; aborts, $15.50. ,
Hay Timothy, $12(4 13.60; clover.
$10fill; California wheat, $10
do oat, $11; Oregon wild bay. $9
10 per ton.
t.ggs ledn.10 per dozen.
Butter Fancy creamery, 45jl50o;
fair to good, 85t340c; dairy, 80 30c
per roll. -
Cheeso Oregon, llu'o; Young
America, IS.'vi'c; California, 0(3 10c put
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.00ri
8.50 per dosen; broilers, $3.00'' g. 75;
geese, $87; ducks, $464.50 per
doxen; turkeys, live, V10o per
Potatoes. Oiegon Bur batiks. 4 03
45c per suck; new potatoes, 60o per
suck; sweets, $1.40 per cental.
Onions Caliiornia, new, red. $1.35;
yellow, 80o per cental.
Hops 18 15o per pound for now
crop; 1 890 crop, 6(tt!7c.
Wool Valley, 141160 per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 10 12c; mohair, 0o
per pound.
Mutton Grose, best sheep, wether
md ewes, 8,s!3,c; dressed mutton,
Bo; spring lambs, 6 ' per pound.
Hogs (irons, choice heavy, $4.00;
light and feeders, $3 i dressed, $5
5.50 per 100 pounds.
Beef Gross, top steers, $3. 75 (8;
sow $3.26; dressed beef, 45Jc per
Veal Largo, 4 ttf fSOo; small, 5sS6o
per ponnu. -
;, Seattle Markets.
Butter Fancy native creamery,
brick, 28 (3 24c; ranch, 140 16c
Cheese Native Washington, 10(4
11c; California, 9 'iO.
fcggs Fresh ranch, 203Ia
Poultry Chickens, live, per pound,
hens, 10c; spring chickens, fi.60
(3; ducks, $3.603.7S.
Wheat Feed wheat, $30 per ton. .
: Oats Choice, per ton,
Corn Whole, cracked, per ton,
23; feed meal, $33 per ton.
Barley Moiled or ground, per ton,
$22; whole, $23.
Fresh Meats Choice dressed beef,
steers, Co; cows, 6,'c; mutton sheep,
6(6,c; pork, 7c; veal, small, 8.
Fresh Fish Halibut, 617c; salmon,
t 5o; salmon trout, 7 lOojfloundeni
and sole, 8(34; liug coil, 4(5; rock
cod, 6o; smelt, 2;a4c .
PITCHER'S CA8T0RIA," AS WK aik mark.
. DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Iliannii. Maisachutetlt
was the orifinalor of "PITCHER'S CAST0RIA," the am
tliai has borm and does now n? on ewru
bear the fuo-ttmile signature of wrapper.
This is tht ordinal " PITCHER'S CASTORIA," uhlch has been
used in the homes of tfo mothers of America for ovtr thirty
years. LOOK CAREFULLY at tfm wrapper and see that it is
tha kind pou Imve always bought nf sfTZZZu on ti
and has the signature of(ZAf-&fc&U wrap
per, A'o one lias authority from me to use my name except
The Centaur Company of which Chas. It. Fletcher is
March 8, 1S07, QA
Do Not Bo Deceived.
Vo not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute
which omj druggist may offer you (because be make a few more bennies
on It), the ingredients of which even he doca not know.
"The Kind You Have Always Bought"
Insist on Having
Tho Kind That Never Failed You.
Tlsnnthjr on fatifly Foil,
Timothy grass Is often sown on
sandy soil, not beeauw; It Is especially
adapted to It, but because sandy soil
is not easily seeded with anything, aud
timothy, which can be sown late In
summer and all through the fall, suc
ceed rather better tlmu the grasses
and clovers sown in spring. All sandy
soils are deficient in mineral plant food.
Timothy does not require much, either
of phosphate or potash, until Its seeds
begin to form. It does not need one
quurter as much of these mlucru's or
of lime as does clover, aud as Its roots
run near the surface. It Is manured
chiefly by tbe ammonia gathered by
falling rains In their parsage through
the air. When once seeded with tlm-
otJhy, the grass will remain In sandy
soil until It is starved out, and musses
take its place. -
Hawaii Hay Bring L" More Chinese
According to a Ban Francisco paper
there are In the United Htates 40,01X1
native born citizen of Chinese parent
age. In San Fnaurjlmx) there arc 25,0OC
to 30,000 Chinese, and their children
are entitled to the rights of citizenship.
The school cenaus shows l,f00 children
loss than 17 years of age of Chinese
parentage, and thl Is probably a very
Incomplete census, owing to the dllll-
cuMy of obtaining Information from the 1 hioTm
tn o, A, , 86a black- 2080i. tokay. 20r30o;
are 21,000 Ob near, and If the Islands M(.hc()i um0o. 'UcC x
are - annexed the majority of theae will )x,x; phims 30m()o. crab BppieSi s$&
be In San Francisco within a few years. g5c V
Many of the Hawaiian Chinese nrel ,,,,, .nau,,.!.......
asa iv UVUl,f jjf W, TTiltittv taJiU Utlbe
$11 14; oat, $10 12; river barley,
Ran Francisco Markets.
Wool Choice foothill, 8 (312c; San
Joaquin, 0 months' 79o; do year's
staple, 79o; mountain, 10(gllc; Ore
gon, 11 14a per pound.
Hops 1018o per pound,
Millstuffs Middlings, $ 1 9. GO 20;
California bran, $18. G0ri 14.60 per ton.
Unions mew red, 7080o; do new
lilverskin, 85o$l per cental.
Potatoes New, in boxes, 85(9850.
Butter Fancy creamery, 87 28c; do
seconds, 252c; fancy dairy, 38(324c;
good to choice, 20g22oper pound.
Eggs Store, lS2Bc; ranch, 60 &
B2o; Kastern, 202fi; duck, 20o per
Citrus fruit Oranges, Valencia,
$1. 50(3; Mexican limes, $5; Cali
fornia lemons, fancy, $3; do common,'
$1.1)0(33.50 per box.
I Fresh fruit Apples, G06Gc per
I largo box; apricots, 2040o; Fontsin-
grapes, 153fto; muscats, 20
married, most of them to Hawaiian
women and In this population of 50,000
there would be uot less than 20,000
False Economy In Greece.
Greece la, of course, now compelled
$78; best barley, $1012; alfalfa,
$810 clover, $8 10. ;
Con Tints Cry for Tie.
Massachusetts convicts are getting
to economize; but Instead of making re- fastidious. Not content with Boston
trenchmenu In the direction of high- baked beans for breakfast every day
ly-paid powts with purely nominal f unc- they have Just sent in a petition for
tlons, the government has decided to custard pie every Sunday,
begin by reducing the wages of nil sec
ondary officials by 50 per cent. In ad-
The loftiest ' Inhabited place in the
ttntci ijpt n ra Bignw erstr ef eilac Is nisnsfictart." T,
. " . - .... ' J
Walter Baker & Co.'s If
-VI Establlshs4
Absolutely Pure Delir Sou Nutritioua.
Coata Leaa than One Cent a Cup.
Be aura that yee the
gsoulo artbla, eiaea at
, ....By....
WALTER BAKER ft CO. Ltd. li.
MiTi-t from ih muiiiifsctun'r are) savs eilitdlvman's profit,
wr tturirrscll ttMin all, tluf t nrtnoiits ar fftmtum toadtt arid not .
Its lliis thrown logrlher It, ,v.r fi .n,.., whom rll I ra
anil is ae ri'lsn Our narinsuiit sro (nariiuii t-il as to ilurslnl.
Itjf anrl Our prices tin liii-t'aiws mnsa Itiini aN Mmard
on Fur l.'illarttus, from tia uewarls; Kwk lton, irom ltd
warrln; irrnumi Alsssa Hosi.kin liariiinl inatls Irotu atfto up.
warils. Writs for lulormatlou snU caialunue,
. OllVCrilCIU, 43 Third St., I'urtlaixl, Or.
... ll all i r.
Power that will Rave you money and
make you money. Hcrcutca Kuginca
are the cheapest power known. Hum
Gasoline or Distillate Oil; no smoke,
fire, or dirt For pumping, running
dairy or farm toacbincry, tbey have uu
equal. Automatic io action, perfectly
aafc and reliable.
Send fur Illustrated catalog.
Hercules Gas
Engine Works
Bay St., San Francisco, Cal.
Hcrcalet Special
i1 actual horsepower)
Price, only $183,
nix tne siomai'n,
P!'rln : null mav
lisvp trier! all tin...
rnmoiiiBS ana only innnrt rrllff from Indlites
tlon, l aiarrh of lli Stomach. In trvlnii IIVH.
I'KI"I'I( MIO vou will flint H i nt I'H,...
I. On receipt ot ssms will dollvor It to your
ucartisl ex press (imre Iroo of (ihsrite, Asent,
fort and 1 otu I'liarmsttr.
Hlxlli and Morrison stru t.
P0HTLAN9, oa.
dltlon the natlonul achools have for e worl1 th Buddhist monastery of
time been closed to save the salaries Haine, in Thibet. It is 17,000 feet
ox tbe teachers for that period.
shore tbe tea.
BASE BALL Mil. gftjg"
ws carry the mosicomplnte Una o( Oymnaslam
nu Atiiiutic uoimis on me i.oasi,
Send lor Our A tlilutic Caialosna.
aia-aso Market St., Me., Cal.
... Portland, Oregon .
A. P. AaMsraoao,u,,B.,Prin. J. A. Wttsco.Bec'y
thk uev would or nusiNiaa
flrss sr.SUW, taslysMst to ksssra4 sfur grsSssui, sa4
will to iBu,sa4, u.n, Ssstf Inr ssr tttalsf ss,
- WsrsaSMsiiSssvwttMsfe. Vsrll;,
a auaiNtan (oucation jv
KIPTUItK and flf.VS eursd! no pay tin
til ctira-l; send lor book. Das. Msssnsi
oftTCKViKt.D, m Market t Sau rranolsuo.
N. P. Jf. V,
WHKH wrltlnt to advertisers,
keeatlen this ar,