OREGON MIST. ISSVED EVEBV FRIOAT mORIMIM : -IT" BEEGLE A DAVIS. Safcacrla-tlasi Hates. On copy oaa rar In advanc. ....... .11 00 On copy six: months .. ................ M Blngla oo.y. JkdrcrUsuts rates mad. known upon application COLOMBIA COONTY DIRKCTOBY. Coauiv Olfiora. Jnd... Clark.......,,.,.. BlKtrltT Treasurer But, of School!. ANMMOr.. Surveyor. , , t. n n ( i . , , . . in.-i xi. iumi. iMiiiiffr ...... J unson Weed, Ysrnoni , J. N. Rim, Clatskanl ...K. M. Wharton Hl J. O. Watts, Scappnos Martin Whit. Oiilncv ....W. N. Meeerve, Pvlena Coronar , Dr. A. P. McLaren, KalHivf r. A. rrases, scarp? ( H. u. reterson, atisi T. HEtiSMIi OHECION, OCT. S. "Wheat is falling and silver is on the rise," say oar popolist friends, an other admission that the populist theory of last fall that the pricee of wheat and silver rise and fall together. was aot true. Barren wages and better prices for commodities, according to the News, will not improve times. This is a new theory, and one which will cause old age to dawn rapidly on those who try to make themselves balieve it, Wl don't want better prices, say our populist friends. This will be welcome news to men who have been working for merely bread and butter for the past three or four years ; or to the farmers who have been forced to sell their products for just about what it cost to grow them. But then it is consoling to know that populism and prosperity do not travel in the same direction. The Simon-Oregonian "push" has elated Mr. Geer for either collector of cnstome, governor, congressman or United States senator, to all of which Mr. Geer bows gracefully, and all of which goes to ahow that Mr. Geer is, in fact, very much a "miscellaneous candidate." After he fails to get either lie may renew bis "miscellaneous can didacy" for superintendent of the pen itentiary, superintendent of the re form school or clerk of the state land board, all of which are on his "miscel laneous" list. Just now it seems that the State of Oregon has four instead of three rail road commissioners. At a meeting of the board in Salem the other day the three original members and A. I. Wagner, the "spare," were all present and took part or attempted to take part in the proceedings. General Compeon, however, whom Wagner was appointed to succeed, is still of the opinion that he is a commissioner, and Mr. Wagner is equally confident of himself being a commissioner be cause onr Lord has so ordained. Last fall populist papers seemed very much interested that the laborer and the farmer should each get better pricee. the one for his labor and the other for the products of the soiL Both these conditions have been wrought, andjiow the same papers repudiate their own argument and say the la borer and the farmer are no better off because the price of the product of both have advanced. This is not sur prising, however, since repudiation is one of the fundamental principles of populism, the other one being to howl calamity and ran for office. Ora populist friend has finally ad mitted that wages have gone op, even in Columbia county, but adds that the necessaries of life wheat, butter, etc., 'have also gone up, and therefore the people are no better off. Well, then, if better prices for labor and other commodities is not an indication of better times, what constitutes a condi tion for improvement! What have the populists been bowling for all this time, if it were not for better prices, and what, pray, do they want instead? There seems but one answer, and that is to have "better times" for the few populists who might get into office by reason of business stagnation and therefore discontent among the people, a condition essential to populist suc cess. It is a great "principle" upon which that party rests its case. WHAT THE PAPERS SAY, Th yawp in some of the sensatianal dailies about the poor man suffering because of the advance in wheat and flour is very tiresome. These came papers are the self-appointed cham pions (t) of the distressed and op pressed. When wheat was little above 60 cents a bushel they were commis erating the farmer, heaping abuse on the alleged grain pit gambler and ex Donating the Wall street plutocracy for the condition of things in general. Then it was tue tarmer, now it is me ' poor man. It makes the honest mem bers of the newspaper profession burn with shame, that there should be in the ranks these charlatans and base trucklers to vicious sentiment. Not the npbuilding of society, but the furtherance of anarchy seems to be the mission of these editors. Does it not occur to the latter that prosperity for the farmer means prosperity for the whole country, East and West, and that to obtain such prosperity, not only wheat but other commodities mast rise in value? It is an old axiom that low prices never bring prosperity. Philadelphia Bulletin. Condition Have Changed. (Dallas Observer.) What a marked oontrait exists between condition! lit the United States, today and those of the corresponding period ot Presl dent Cleveland's Inst term. Four years ago, with alow tariff staring the manufacturers of the country in the face, business wsi go ing to the everlasting smash, banks break ing, railroads going Into th hands of re ceivers, factories closing, and workinijuien thrown out of employment liy the hundreds of thousands. Mow hundreds of tboassnds of wurkingnien are finding additional em ploynient, railroads are ordering thousands of new cars to aieet the demand upon tbem for transportation ot nianufactares, mer chandise, and grain; the banks report larger deposit and larger clearings than ia many years, and instead of ailcnt fac tories, there are elouds of amok and the hum ot busy wheels everywhere. Cannot be Covered Up. (Pendleton Tribune ) The class of people who thrive upon ca lamity and try to cover up the evidence ol prosperity eontinn to repeat that th poor are having a harder time ot it than ever be fore, because th tariff has caused a rise in the prices of necessities. But the grief ot this das, who r miserabl from cliol.a, is not shared by the workingmen' in que, tion. They da not even show gratitude for th Under regard for their misfortunes. Th reason seems to be that they are too busy working at increased wages to bother about it. They know that they are much better off than they were twelve month ago. Thta Tear and Last. (Lakevltw Examiner ) There is going to be a dearth of cattle in Lake connty next year. Every available hoot has been sold, and some small raisers have disposed ef everything they had, calve and all. But it is no wonder they are selling when Bve or six cent are being paid. Last year three and four cent was the highest offered, and even at that price the cattlemen bad to driv to market and take chances on selling. They ware at th mercy of th bay era, tnd would bare their cattle culled to suit the pan baser. What the buyers did aot want they were com pelled to drive back home. Bnt matter are different this year: th buyers take everything on the range, and want more. The range ia this county will have a much needed rest in the next few yean, but the catUa buainess will be very quiet. What Does Mr. Geer Mean? ; (Oregon City enterprise.) Mr. T. T. Geerin the statements he ha given out lately regarding hia political actions and motives, appears to bare badly contradicted himself as th following ex tracts from an interview published in the Statesman of September 7 and from hia let ter of declination published September IS shows. In regard to hi "miscellaneous" candidacy the two following statements hardly agree: unn or osjcuajr sTATXSMaa mn viaw. "However. I am turned down just as regular as these tbines com around every two years. It's a systematic wing. Some men would lose their enthnsi asm after a time." TIOSJ. "I dislike very mncb to be considered a 'miscellaneous candi date' for any position on the political chess board that may be parceled out to me by those having the plac ing of th men." As to whether he bad no intention of ac cepting th land office, as bis letter of de clination states, the following will do to compare: Lxrrta or dscuha- BTATKSMIH nTTBBr VIXW. "I have not decid ed yet whether I will accept the office or not; neither have I been notified of mv appointment, I will probably go to tee CoL Miller and ascertain th true facte a to th posi tion." Ttoa. "Regarding your recommendation for my appointment as register of the United State land office at Oregon Citv, I beg leave to say that ex tended reflection has only served to eon firm my first conclu sion not to accept the appointment it made. From Marion County Papers. (Salem Statesman.) We fear Mr. Scott will love our friend Geer to death. (Silverton Appeal.) T. T. Geer baa declined the appointment a register at the Oregon City land office. While Mr. Geer was advised by friends to take thi action, it look a though his as pirations are a little too high. The register- ship is a good thing, and now Mr. ueer will probably get nothing. The recommenda tion and work of the Oregon delegation in congress are meeting with general approval throughout the state. The people are well pleased with the appointment of C. B. Moores a register of the land office at Ore gon City. The Oregon delegation will do the right thing by the people. (Balem Statesman.) The Oregonfaa will stand at Mr. Oeer's back until hi political front i beateu bine. (Jefferson Review.) Geer has injured no one but Mm self by refusing to accept the reglstershlp. The Oregon delegation consider that they have discharged all obligation the party may hire been under to him. and we are glad to have him oat of the way. The friends (?) who advised him to refuse the place be cause he was entitled to something better ar chuckling in their sleeves at the success of tbelr scheme and Geer will have to rustle like fun to make bis farm pay him I30OO a year. ' (Balem Statesman.) The hold-op crowd has Mr. Geer out as a sort of "miscellaneous candidate," They are running bim for most everything in sight now, from the gubernatorial place down. But when the convention com on well, they won't be in them. t SUTBal (am 4 CTwatpjr VMllflffff 8aviiw, Vs. We bave a splendid sale on Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy, and our customers coming from far and near, speak of it in tbe highest terms. Many bave said that their children would bave died of croup if Chamberlain's Cough Remedy had not been given. Kill A Ourrik. Tbe 25 and 60 cent (ize for sal by Dr. B. Ross. Sohool Keport. Following is the report of tbe Columbia City school for September: , . Average standing, including deportment. Ella Morrison. 72; Bertha Morrison, TO; Edna Usher, 87; Purley Usher, 00; Lester Spinner and Hugh Captes. ei; Dixie Spin ner, 92; Beanie Butte, 93; Orwin Graham, 99; Roy Kyle and Mamie Maclay, 96; Har ry Kyle, 97; Wilber Kyle, 98. W, H. Corrm, Teacher. CIRCPIT COURT DOCKET. WITT. Anrtia Forties vs. Sister nfCharltvBi. Vincent's Hospital; C. J, McUongal and W. A. M. Jones for tlintuT. M. U. Munly for defendant. Michel Plerter vs. Wns Melllnmr and F, A. Zillgitt; Diltard and Cole for plaintiff, Alien & i.itrion tor defendant. C J Richardson vs. T D Henriri; C J Mo DouksI and WAN Jones lor plainun. stotl. lioi.se s stout lor defendant. John Conway vs. Krne't Bryant; A I. Fraarr for plaintiff, Davis 4 Graham for defendant. Jaiue Kennedy vs. A N Clark et al; G W Utile for plaintiff. Astoria Railroad Co. v. W K Nwora; Fulton Hros for plaintiff. A T Laws vs. Andrew L Clark; Diltard 4 Day for plamutt. t'aleh Hollowell vs. Matttft Hollewell: A It MemlenhHll for plaintiff, l'lttenger A Mc- tunocn tor aaienuant. Marv W Newsom v. Astoria Railroad Co.: Alex Bweek and V 0 Bellinger for platnltu. .,, -. --.. .,......,.. . .- Phillip Draut v. J N Rice and C A John on; O W Col for plnintitf. Chas A Silver va. J N Rice andO A John son; U W Col for rlainUff. Anns West Thomson vs. i N Rice; O W Col tor piaintitt. Hiram Griest vs. Lulu M Marquam; W J Kice ttir plaintiff. GnatHult vs. Charles Erlckson and Hn- ry Kverding; W U Cony era for plaintiff. B B Cflovert vs. John W Maxey; Coovert s btapietoa lor planum. BurtWeat v. M Kva West; i 0 More- land for plaiutiff. LO Baxter vs. Maria West: Cleelaud 4 Cleeland lor plainun. A Sword vs. Martin Davison: O W Col for plaintiff. IAW. Astoria Railroad Co. vs. I L Whits: Pal ton Bros and K J Taylor for plaintiff. Astoria Railroad 0. vs. G W Slaver; Fulton Bros and r J Taylor for plaintiff. Astoria Railroad Co. vs. W W Marquam; Fulton Bro and F J Taylor tor plain lifl, K W Wilbur tor deieuuaut. TT Burkhart vs. N A Muserove: K B Seabrook for plaintiS, Bingham St Avery lor oeienaank A T Hildreath and Dean Blaachard vs. F Debast and U A Lane; Diliard aud Col for plaintiff. C Wanty vs. Dean Blsnehard; Allen A Cleetoa for plaintiff, Diliard and Cole for oetenaaat. Syverson Bro vs. C F Willis ; W J Rice lor plainun, Alien is uteeion lor aeienaant. G W Sharer vs. Astoria Railroad Co.: W W Tbayei and Hnry St. Kayner for plain tiff, Fulton Bro for defendant. A B Root vs. R B and B Smith: J H Peatsy and G W Cole for plaintiff. Allen A Cleeton ana W t rue tor ueienuant. R H Spiel vs. P A Marquam: Charles J Schnabel for plaintiff. 8 C Spencer v. John Conway: Davis A Uranam tor plainun. Martin L Pipe vs. H J and Annie Lynoh ; Diliard A Day for plaintiff, John Ditcbburn for defendant. Marv B Muserove va. Burt West: Cantos A Allen and G W Col for plaintiff, J C Morelana lor aerendant. Penumbra Kelly vs. John W Pogh and Fanny Calkin; Charles H Chance for plaintiff. W J VanSchnwer vs. W Prirgle: Diliard A Day for plaintiff. J J Bowen va. J M Leavens; V 8 G Mar- Juarn for plaintiff, Diliard A Day for de-endant. B R Foster vs. Adeline Reed : G W Cole and Diliard A Day for plain Uff. Enpperlv and McDonald vs. the Rainier Co-opera' ive Industrial Union; Davis A Graham lor plaintiff. CASTORIA For Infanta and. Children. anils ha A Care far Blllww Colle, RnouaCB, Screven Co., Ga. I bar been object to attack of bilious colic for several years. Chamberlain s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy ia the only sore relief. It act like a charm. One dose of it give relief when all other remedies fail. G. D. Sbabf. For sale by Dr. E. Rosa, eja. fs. a. a. a. m si aw -Tt - i Get Value Received i EVERY TIME AT j N. A. Perry's, i HOULTON, OREGON. PROFESSIONAL. 1. W, DAT W. B. DILLABD ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Office next door to Courthouse, 8T. HELENS, OKEtiON. Oeneral practice tn courts of Oregon or Wash ington. Abstract mad directly from county reeorda. GEORGE A. HALL, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. Collections, foreclosures, mechanics lelns, etc. . Deputy prosecuting attorney, uince with T. i. Cleetoa. St. Helens, Oseook. G. W. COLE, ATTORNEY AND COUN8ELOB-AT-LAW, ST. HELENS, OREGON. Title Abstract Books. Notarv Public, Commis sioner of Deeds for Washington, and an exper ienced collector la connection witn omoa. jQB. EDWIN E08B, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. St. Helens, Oregon jjr. u. a. CUFF, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. St. Helens, Oregon. Ja. J. E. HALL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Clatskante, Columbia county, Or. Vy N. ME8EEVE, Surveyor and Civil Engineer DELEN A, OREGON. S. ....... BnHMBA. T 13 11 V I .1 1 TaDI, Plattina and EoKlneerina work promptly executed. WANTED FAITHFUL MEN OB WOMEN to travel for reanonslble established bouse In Orecon. Solar? S?M and aspens. Poaltloa Ktnoauaut. Reference. Enclose aslf-addrasaed ampetf envelope. Th National, Star Iaaur Vte Bldg ., Chicago, COLOMBIA C00N1TS SEMI-ANNUAL FINANCIAL SHOWING Giving the Clerk, Treasurer and Sheriff's Report for the Six Months Ending on the 30th day of September, 1897, SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT Ot the Connty Clerk of Columbia County, 8tal of Oretnn, showing- th amount and number ot claims allowed by the County Court, lor what allowed, amount ol warrants drawn, and the amount or warrants oiitaianuuic ana unpaid, trum in 1st uay 01 ru, iiwr, to uia sum uay 01 Beoieoiuer, W", now luviuaive; ON WHAT ACCOUNT ALLOWED, Road and bride Pauper. Crlruiuit account, circuit court Criminal aoeouut, Juatiu ol tli peace court.. ............. Stationery, prliitlna aud postas..., Courthouse aud jail Clerk's account.... SherlrT'a account., , Bailllf 'aaonouut School suoerlnwodeul. Couuty Jik1k.............................. County commissioners... thipervtaora , tusan.. Jury .., , ............... Treasurer............... Assessors , , District attorney County aiiornoy , Soldiers and sailor' tndlsanl fuud Board of prisoner , Kebalo of taa...., . Otltcial reporter Surveyor . ' Teachers' lamination.............. Total amount of clatma allowed and warrants drawn. . AMOl'NT OF CLAIMS ALLOWED AND WAltRA.NM UKAWN. ,,. "07 ... XI? tt ... mr ... SlU 77 ... wvs ... imm y,y ... 1U 00 as 00 ,., aiooo ... w w ... 1.1a w WW 67 00 ... m 40 ... iiii m ... on an ... 11000 ... sua 00 W 06 ... m m 8 80 ... so 00 ... 7 110 ... 400 ...M stTu AMOUNT OF OUTSTANDING WARRANTS UNPAID. Outstanding unpaid Bounty warrants on the B)ih day oil u. iun I Estimated iutesest accrued thereon , Total amount unpaid ooualy warrants... PRINCIPAL. ....(41 HOT 17 .... two 00 ,.M Mt XI INTEREST. ...... I I QUO 00 lit 807 17 STATS OF ORKOON, i County Columbia,! I, Jndaon Weed, County clerk of tbe county of Columbia, state ol Oretoa, do hereby certify that th foregoing- ia a trua and eorrect statement of the number aad amount of elalma allowwl by the County Court ol said county, tor thaslx months eudlti on IheKOth day of September, 11V7, on ,.- . ....... .n..wiu4 tnd I Ki. .mniint of warrants drawn, and tha amount of war rants outstanding- and unpaid aa the same appear upon the reeorda ot my oltlee, and lu nty official custody. Witness my baud and tn seal of th County Court ol said county, j Ibis MHh day ol Sen-u-wber, A. D. 1S07. JUDtjON W KKD, Couuty clerk. SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT Of th County Treasurer of Columbia county, Oraeoe, for th six month endine on lh SOth day Ol IMptemoer, iwr, ot money msitw BUS mu wua, iiwm rhvh uwur. .uu iiiwi w "- otuos, and ou what account said out: 187 April I " 90 Mayli Auf AMOUNTS RECEIVID. To amount on hand from last report.... To amount ot s per et v. a. lanu aairs.. To amount road las trensfrd to sea fud Tt amount stjkta school fund To amount taken from person dad man !TO aiuouniof nmnaes aeo. ones To amount tearbsr' exam I nation. . rToamouat ol fees To amount special school las ,. To amount special etty tax.,,....... To amount ot road lax (To amount general tax fTo amount ol land rcdainplioa...... ITo amount of lee Total Received FROM WHAT HOUHCB BECK1VID. Oeeretarv of stal Hlate treasurer Coronet , ! Onlu.nl ' ... ntatiii.nl ' Inner! IT. HheiirT Sheriff MhertrT... Bherlir county elerk County elerk OENERAL FUND 6 4t . 7 t 76 . ttiKS St at o . ew m saw 74 70 . 2ta n su . 7o te . si mi n 7M 77 .naaita 11m Beptl April Auk Bept AMOUNTS PAID OUT, By amount paid out en county warrants Hr amount Mid out on tM-Booi suusnuwsncDi s warrauia Hy balance general fund on hand to pay advertised county warnla ny balance school iunu on nana Hv Ho.! tax uald state treasurer By amount paid on school superintendent's order oa Institute fund y amount pain special eity tax ny amount pairs apeeiai scnoni tax...... Hy amount paid county road tax By amount couuty road tax on hand...,...,..,,,. By asaotint special school tax on hand. ,.. By amount special deposit on hand By amount ajieclel city lax on baud... By amount State road fund on hand Br amount Institute fund on baud By amount of Umatilla county warrant on hand..,. - Total paid out.. OENERAL FUND. .lit SOS . 10 4 IS 'A . ?M61 tmt . A Ml TH .. M 00 17 M . Idas 44 IS . W 07 . . fc M . WO 03 9C7 SS U 40 36 00 .4tl0 3t STATE OP OREGON, Couuty of Columbia,! I. m. M Wharton, do hasebv eertlfv that th loresoin Is a true and eorrect statement of th mounts reeelTed, paid out and remaining on band. In the County Treasury ol sal County foe th tlx months ending oa tb9uthdy of Keptaoiber, A. t.. IMt. Witness my band Ihle 2nd day Of October, A. p., teft. at M. WHABTON, Coun.y Treasurer. 6EMI ANNUAL STATEMENT m aI . n-na nmul tar taxea. and monev ftald to th Onntv Traaa- arer by tn eneriiroi ujlutaDlt vounty, uresuw, iw ws iu bhiuiw vuutua w wua wj vi aaptstiutwr, a. u. wot: Dart & ESuckle's 1B THE TLACE TO GET- Choice Groceries 6T. HELENS, OREGON, Complete Line of Clothing AMOUNTS RECEIVED DURING THB MONTHS OP SOURCE. April May Jun July Ao(. Bapt Amount on band April 1 1 1 7W fll , In ceiu and currency, taxeflBM 12WfMlll0tC4263t5 14178S9t 7IM Tax and penalty on same. IM 4S 00 M ss In countj Warrants, tax of UM lUIH 179 10 SSI 16 21 I H 60 M 47 Delinquent tax of W5 , a " 1W4...,.'. " 1W " 1HV2 U J " iml 61 30 00 " IMS) 40 IS 10 law los as Total reeelTed.. 1S ia MMtiillM gi 1 a WX 0V 1 7W 79 1 1 owl By amount paid te County Treasurer during month of April Br " " " May BV " - hum juo, Br m ii m jniy Br ' " " hum August By hum m m u September IIS SI S frts) AO 7 sas 61 1 S I 4ns es ........ i moo Balance OB hand September ftOth, WOT 171 25 STATE OP OREGON, t county oi uoiumbis,) rest and true. Witness my hand this 84th day ol September, UX7. X N. KICK, POSnQ OI WIHIUUWbVIUIIJi SEMI-ANNUAL SUMMARY STATEMENT Of th Scandal eondltlon of th Connty of Colombia, ia th Stat of Oregon, on th SOth day of September, A. v. van. LIABILITIES. To warrants drawn on the connty treasurer, sua out' tending- and unoald To estl mated amou nt of Inter est accrued thereon Total liabilities. AMOUNT. .Ml 807 27 . 1000 001 ..(44 697 27 RESOURCES. Bv funds In hands of county trees- . .. T . . .1 nrer appucaoie so tn payment oil countv warranta I By funil In hands of county sheriff appucaoie to taa payment oi eoun tv warrants By estimated unpaid current taxes sppiiuaoie w sue payment 01 coun ty warrants By amount of delinquent tax IMA. 1H94... JHU3... Wl... 1X01... DtOO... lHW... m.. I 1HS7. By amount of lien oa land bid In by county lor ISO tax , . .-. By mount of Hen on land bid In by countv lor 1804 By amount of lien on land bid In by county tor inn By amount ol tax paid for 1KI4 By amount ot tax paid for 1W6. By amount of Umatilla county war rant in hands of treasurer By amount of state road fund By SO acres ot land fly courthouse, fixtures and lot...... Total resources.. AMOUNT. ..I T 402 61 71 26 i. S07 84 147 7 4 48 . 1 238 OS 070 H . S 178 SI t 274 44 . IM7M 8KB SI . So 84 Tii a . i 000 4 . 4 078 42 787 IS . 84S 04 2 00 .1 207 th . 1 O0 00 . A goo oo ... SHELF. HARDWARE AND NOTIONS. Flour, Feed, Hay and Grain. I 41 M)70 MUCKLE BROS. MABDrAorvaia or Dimension Lumber, Flooring, Bustle, Bbeathlns;, Caslns, and a complete stock of eyeiy variety of Bough and Dressed Lumber ALWAYS OBT HAND. AT TBE OLD STAND, ST. HELENS ORE005 ORIENTAL HOTEL A. H. BLAKESLEY, Proprietor. Board by Day, Week or Month AT REASONABLE BATES. Th table Is supplied with th best th market affords. Everything; clsan. A shars of yr:r pat ronar Is solicited. ST. HELENS, 0 JUON ST. HELENSM EAT MARKET All Kinds of Fresh Meats, Hams, Bacon and lard Meats by Wnolel s ., . At Special Rate. JatTICS II. Shc(fort, MAIM1 BTRTTiKT. I I ST. ITHlI.WNf. OHKGON, Clatskanie Drug Store Nci and Select Stcck. DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor, Patent Medicines and Druggist's Notions, V s e y- Stationery, School Books. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded r Jatakaa lil IL Hk jtuMt. ....ST. HELENS HOTEL.... el J Our tables will al all times be fount) euilltil witb the Ujjst eiiiblvs and dellcaelus the market atTortla, TERMS REASONABLE FOR REGULAR BOARDERS Tbe bolul having been newly refurnisbotl we are DrepnrrJ to give satis faction te all our patrons, and solicit your airoiige. J. George, Proprietor, St. Helens, Or. Tayysxat sy gy sjxtTsjr-sgsrssji sssas y 'stsnsjsrvsjsrsy vsjrsns a a ayaj Lumber All kinrja of rouuli and dressed Luiribcr on short notice. Bunders' Material Of tbe best quality delivered to ay point on the river at tbe Lowest Possible Price One-half Cash and One-half In FARM PRODUCE. Address all orders to H. B. BORTHWICK, GOBLE, OREGON. Your Money's Worth Every Time Dolman's I Store, fig-gyvy ay sy sy ay ay synus, ajsrisys O.E.&N. -TO THE- EAST OIVKS THE 0HOI0I Or TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL KOUTES OHIO A 1? NORTHERN RY. VI SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL AUD CHICAGO OltKOON I HUHl Line. vu ' DENVER OMAHA ' p KANSAS CHI LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DAYS FOR San Francisco For full Information call on or aiMr W. H.HHKI.BUBT. . Gen. l'sss. '' I I'osW".'1, PORTLAND AND CLATSKANIE, 1 JVl. STEAMER O. W. SHAVER, Dell Shaver, Master. Comrnenclnn April 15, 1800, will leave Portland, foot of Waslilnitlon 'w,?,',..,, p lunrlny avenlriK at a o'clocK. KtiturninK- i,fvos 'L".,, , ink M rnnrsiiav and Hunilnv mining), Monday, Wftinesitay and r rt'iay PVfniiiRs moo oiot'K brmt7;Htflla in Portland 1 may, wrnnesitay and r rt'lay rvniiiKs nt n o oioi'k. win v"". Am a 7:t8j Muycer 7:28; Ilulnliir 8:20; Kalamn 0.l St. Hlns W-, :80 A. M. The company res-ervfls the right to ohanKo time wl,hj" .., IIAVeit TH AtvaFOIITATlOl" CO"" j THE JOSEPH KELLOGG & COMPANY'S RIVER stea, I L'j.JS . ' ) -1 liSsl. mmi mil air. i' 'ianMrrii""'i - - a. FOR PORTLAND j,f,u- Leaves Kelso Mondays, Wetlnosdays, end Fridays et 5 o'clock . ; Portland Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 0 o'clock a. m.