The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, October 01, 1897, Image 3

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    Cokie-8to Laid, The corner"
too of tha naw Odd Fellows' temple
, laid In Pendleton last waelc, end
In il war pletd numerous articles,
among tuem considerable money, In
denomination! varying from one cent
up to on dollar. It way not be very
fa to publish this leit eoma of the
luaty hobos who congregate ia those
towns ebould blow the building up to
Set the tempting treasure, says o
lestera Oregon paper.
Will Add Akothbb Wiri. The
Weitern Uoion Telegraph Company
la putting in aaothar arm and wire
on their Una between Portland and
Taooma. Thli will make seven wire
for that company paaalng through thia
county, besides thoaa of tha Foetal
company. Tha company hare been
unable to gat men in Portland to do
tha work and hare been oblidged to
bring a crew of men from Minneapolis.
Verily, tbeea MoKinley times make
Idle men scarce.
A Good Bapi.W. B. Byera' safe,
that was in the flour mill in Pen die
ton, when tha mill burned, waa opened
laat Saturday. Tha contents were
found to have suffered vary little In
Jury. The backs of some books were
little charred and the paint and var
nish in the interior bad trickled upon
tha papers, bat otherwise everything
was in as good condition aa whan
locked op. A aaok containing f 1000
In money and aereral pieces of county
aorlp bad not been injured In the least.
A Prbachbr Fiwbd. Soma lima
go Rev. Kvan P. Hughes, pastor of
the Congregational church at Hills
boro, wss fined 50 and costs for viola
tion of tha state game law. It seems
that tha minister waa not familiar with
tha law, and when informed by a
friend that ha had killed a China
pheasant during tha close season, be
went before magistrate, pleaded
guilty and waa fined $00 and cosia,
that being the lowest fine that could
bo Imposed under tha law. Governor
Lord has remitted tha fine.
Ttan Held Up. Late laat Satur
day night tha 0. R. A N. train leaving
Portland waa held up a few milea out
side ot that city. About 915 In cash
and a gold watob waa all tha highway
men secured, and thia waa taken from
tha engineer and fireman, none of the
passengers being disturbed, fjunday
afternoon tha robbers were captured
at their lodgings In Portland. Tbey
fare tbelr namea as Jackson and
Williams, one being about 60 and the
other 23 yeare of age Both claim to
be Innocent of the charges preferred
againat them,
s. : 1 11 e
Fatal Tkaim Wrbck. A freight
train waa wrecked about SO miles east
of The Pallaa early last Monday morn
ing, killing; Charlea W. Johnson, en
gineer, and aerioualy Injuring William
ilockman, fireman. A sand storm
had prevailed during tba nlgbt and a
Urge quantity of aand drifted on tba
track. Tha angina and two freight
cars were thrown from the track by
tba obstruction and turned completely
over. It ia not expected tha fireman
will recover, having suffered a broken
leg and being terribly scalded. Later
Tba fireman died Tuesday.
If aht or Twa Kmd Tha notor
ious Bandy Olds baa gone; but a num
ber of bis bind yet remain In thia oily.
Bandy ia a tough, characterless, eon
aoienceleaa thug, a murderer and a
ilitof. knt ha waa not alone in that
clasa In Portland. There art eharae-
tcre loafing about tha divaa in tha
North End who would kill a man for
la.Klia ik a Millil nn tha atresia or
burn tha town lor a chance to plunder
it. Chief Barry and his force of police
are keeping a cluee watch on tbeea
ghouls and fiends; otherwise there
would oe a carnival or crime in me
North End every week. Welcome.
Aoricultuial Coixioi The Cor
jallia Tlmea baa tha following con-earnine-
tha Agricultural college en
rollment t "Vpio Tuesday noon 226
atudenls bad been enrolled, the num
ber being about 100 greater than the
usual enrollment on the Bret two days.
Tba enrollment ao far ia largely new
atudente, due te the fact that former
atudeuta, aware that the first week
will be largely taken np with prelim
inary work, bave not yet arrived. Dean
Berohtold, who superintends the reg
istration la convinced that the enroll
ment will reaoh 800 by the end of the
current week."
Kept Him Bubdukd. While stop
pine; one night at a farm house la
Missouri, a trsveler wsa astonished to
aee his hostess walk up toberbua
band about every fifteen minutes and
bos hia ears or give hia hair a pull,
- aaya tha New York Journal In the
morning the gueat, seeing tha woman
lone, asked an explanation of ber
atrange conduct, and her reply waa:
"You see, atranger, me and the old
man baa been fightin for ten years to
aee who shall boss this 'ere renoh, and
I have juet got bim cowered, but If I
abould let up on bim for a day ha
'would turn on ma again, and my work
would all go for nothing."
The Deba Colonisation Flan.
Bbattlb. Sept. 27. In an Interview today
at Olympla with a Poit-InreMaenow cor
respondent, Governor Roger gave his
vlsws ss to ths proposed Debs' colonisation
Plan lor Ibis state. Govsrnar Rogers saia
"I know nothing whatever of the social
demoorsoy colony, beyond what I have
eeen outlined in the newspapers, and a let
ter I hare received from Orrue Field Wll
lard, notifying me that a committee would
soon visit this state. I am not altogether
In harmony with ths idsas of ths social
democracy In their colonisation scheme.
There Is nsithsr money nor land that caa
be donated by the ststs to ths proposed
colony, except, of oo'ire, as any men has
ths privilege o( using his homenteud rights.
However, I here actual knowledge that
sonis of the railroads ears offered the pro
genitor! of ths colony money and asaist
anos to Induce them to Mttlo In Washing
ton, also that special Inducements bars
bsen bald out to the colonists by Eastern
Washington land syndicates. Should ths
pioneers sent out by the colony be man
willing to work herd and of praotiosl ideas,
the scheme will be production of good to
the state in dereloping Its resources and
adding to Its farms and eoruniercU! enter
Lunob at Maeonio hall tonight.
Miss Nora Conyers la in the city.
For a geod, cool drink go te tba
new saloon.
Dr. Edwin Sou spent last Sunday
in Portland.
Hare you tried the new pool table
t the new saloon t .
Mr. D. F. Baker, ef Vernonla, was
In tbla oity Tuesday.
Dr. and Mrs. II. B. Cliff visited
Portland yesterday.
Everything la in readiness for the
entertainment tonight.
Mrs. C. H. Piggott waa visiting In
the metropolis Tuesday.
Surveyor Meeerve, of Delena, was
in town a few minutes yesterday morn
Mr. Dave Pope and hia mother, of
Yankton, ware visitors to the big oity
Mrs. Welch, of Walla Walla, Wash.,
la in this oity visiting ber sister, Mrs.
O. H. Piggott.
We have carefully prepared descrip
tive pamphlets of Columbia county
for aale at thia office.
Tha amount of told going to the
Klondike continues to be much laiger
than that coming away.
Lloeuae to wed have been issued to
Adeline Lovell and H. E. LeBsre; and
Misa Leo fi. Bioe and Frank Davis.
liV aiwt lfa CI. V Rlvlh. nl P.L.
land, spent last Sunday In thia oity at
the borne of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Quick.
Mr. and Mrs. 8. Balser, of Bachelor
Flat, were passenger on the early
boat for Portland yesterday morning.
Mr. Jamea Mnekle and wife were in
Portland laat Sunday. Mr. Muckle
bad gone up on Saturday to attend to
buainaaa mattera.
Mr. K A. Blaekmara. nleht nnrser
nn th aljianiar Lurline. was in tha
oity Tuesday, the gueat of Mr. and
Mrs. j. ti, oneiuou.
The Bainier Bevlew baa changed
bands again, or at least, ohanged man
agement, Mr. 8. D. Dennia now hav
ing editorial charge of the paper.
For Sale, Cheap 200 fathoms good
9g and It) inch mash net and good
scow fur sale cheap if taken at once.
Apply to J. T. Walker, lioulton, Or.
Eighteen persons were killed while
attempting to cross White's paaa from
Skaguay on tbe trail to Klondike one
day last week. Tbey were caught in
a land alide.
Nebreska'a gold democrats met on
Wednesday and nominated separate
state ticket. The popocrete dispar
aged the movement, but the result
may aurprise them.
Tbe Interior of Dr. Boss' drug store
baa been undergoing change this
week which, by the application of
paint and paper, giving it more pre
aen table appearanoe.
Mr. George Mayger, of Heyger, waa
in town abort time laet Friday even
ing, lie waa on hia way borne from
Portland, where he had been attend
ing to buelnesa mattera.
v. n W Jnhnaon. editor of the
Corvalha Gesette, and Miss Lillian E.
Hamilton, of the aame city, were mar
ried on Wedaesday of laat week. Tax
Mist extends eengratulationa.
Miss Jones, who has been teacbiog
tbe Bachelor Flat school for some
Hmm hal aunlAt a. nOSitloB in the
Glatakanle eobool, having charge of
tbe intermeaiaie uepanment more,
flnmmlatlonar Frakee waa In town
Tuaadav morninc and In tbe after
noon etarted for Rainier on horseback,
where he and Judge Doan pooled is
aa and muh a trtn of insDectlon
along the county roads down tha river.
Regular services will hereafter be
conducted in the Episcopal church in
the evening of the second and fourth,Wva nl aanh month. Bervicee on
the second Sunday will be conducted
Kw a rasnlar ordained minister and 00
the fourth Sunday by a lay reader.
Tim Um im bow loadina rail-
mm Inmliar at Portland for the Siber
ian railroad will be ready to aail in a
. ... i . anno
faai oava. una win oarrr aoout o.--uv,-
000 feet when loaded. Thia steamer
ia capable of carrying V.0OO tonaol
freight, or aba win carry aa mucn lum
ber aa twelve ordinary ooeaung vessels.
A few years ago it waa rare occur
reuce to aee a lourmaet emu
ni..mkia la hut bow mora than
half the vessels that come here are of
that claaa, which proves conclusively
that the commercial importance of
PnriianJ la e-marins- ranidlv. The av
erage tonage of vessels ooming here
increases annually.
TV, Irani tfnnnt New informs us
that Canada has 12,000,000 bushels
of barley that she wanta to market in
K. ITnltarf Hiatal 11(1 (llMSn L II KB ID.
Dingley bill. Tbe Dominian also has
a big crop of potatoes reaay to amp in.
And yet free trade cranks tall ua that
nmutntlnn never did anvthing for the
r . . a. .n
farmer, aaya tne aauton cagie.
It la aaid there are number of
ahlna Wins- in tha harhr at Ban Fran-
rtlaaA with Aaraoaa on hoard hut can
not go to sea because enougn aaiiora
nan not be had to men tbe veeeele, a
very unusual ooourrenoe. The great
amount of commerce at thia time nas
brought into service every available
seaman and atill there ie demand in
exoesa of the supply.
Tbe personal property belonging to
the estate of Henry Johnson, deceaeed,
that also ot John MoDonald, deoeased,
aa aold at tha courthouse last Tuee-
j.- h W V Onlntr. administrator
The goods consisted of a kit of tools,
some bedding and otner smau,
of little value, in the first case, and
several foreign coina and soma books,
in tha Utter case.
A naughty exobanga aaya there is
anvihino- that a woman can
not do with a hairpin. She uses it to
piok her teeth, button shoes, clean fln m.nnh Had hlira nnt of CraOkS
fasten up stray bangs, clean out her
husband's pipe, pica ner mm nana,
scratch her bead, run into cakes to
sea if they are done, and aooui a rati'
lion other things that the poor, de
luded man knows nothing about.
"My boy came borne from school
one day with his hand badly lacerated
ana oieeaing, ana euiiered great pain,"
says Mr. J. Schall, with Meyer Bros.'
Drug Go St. Louis, Mo. "I dressed
the wound, and applied Chamberlain's
Pain Balm freely. All pain ceased,
and In a remarkably abort time healed
without leaving a aoar. For wounds,
sprains, swellings and rheumatism I
know of no medicine or prescription
equal to it. I consider it a household
necessity." The 20 and 60 cent aisea
for sale by Dr. Edwin Boas.
Mra. Effa Eglin and Miss Louisa
Weber, of Portland, bave been in
town several days this week In an ef
fort to organise a lodge of the Pro
tected Home Circle, an order of eleven
rears' standing, which baa already ac
quired quite a large membership. It
Is for both men and woman, and ia
principally for inauranoe, though ita
social leal u res are aaid to be good.
Mr. J. L. Mitchell delivered a lecture
bare Tuesday evening in tbe interest
of the order.
About a year ago Mr. P. A. Frakee
purchased a piece of land near Scap-
pooee witn toe intention of making it
a highland home. He ia aocceeding
aamiraoiy in nia efforts, aa tba entire
piece, containing 60 acres, is now
logged, and by another couple of years
runup will bave a place be can well
be proud of. Tbe county neede more
energetic, industrious farmers like Mr.
Frakee, and when it baa acquired them
we will be better off.
Mr. E. 0. Giltner, of Salem, and Mr-
L. K. Adama, of HilUboro, came down
to Bt. Helens laet Sunday. Mr. Gilt
ner on Monday went out to Buoker
hilL where Senator McBride waa camp-
lag, and Monday evening Mr. Adams
left for Portland, where be took pas
sage on the steamer Elder bound for
Juneau, Alaska, where he expeote to
remain at least doting tbe winter, and
In the aprlng may proceed to Klondike.
Every woolen mill In Oregon ia
running at full capacity, and some of
them are running night and day. A
new mill ia being put in at Portland
by Fleiscbner, Mayer A Co., who ex
pect to bave it in operation within a
week. There ia an inoreaeed demand
for tha product of these milia and they
will probably continue to run at tbeir
full capacity all winter.
Captain Frank Kellen, a professional
doer of dangeroua feats, will attempt
voyage over tbe Oregon City falls in
a barrel next Sunday. The barrel to
be need ia aaid to be tbe aame one need
by Captain Webb, who lost his Ufa in
Whirlpool rapids, below Niagara leue
some years ago.
Tbe little 4 year-old eon of Mr. nod
Mra. Albert Wood, of Vernonia,
walked into an aab heap a few days
ago and severely burned bia feet and
band. The little fellow waa brought
to St. Helena Wedneaday morning
where hia injuries were attended to by
Judge and Mra. F. A. Moore, of 8a-
lam, came down Monday afternoon
and spent several days in onr city vis-iiine-
Irienda. The iudge bad not been
in St. Helena since he waa called to
Salem over Ave years ago, and notes
many changea and improvements.
Tha errand lodae Knicbte of Pythias
wiU meet in Portland October 12th.
Tba local lodge will be represented by
Grand Inner Guard, J. u. neegie;
Representatives Jamea Sheldon and
Edwin Boas, and Pact Chancellor H.
B. CUff.
The Dallea Transportation Company
have on needed the demands el tne
Bteamboatmen'e Union and advanced
the wagea of dackhanda a per month,
making the wagea 4U per montn ana
It ia aaid the Kellogg Company will
put tbair little steamer Chester on tne
slough route between Bainier and
rortland in tne near luiure. Aooiner
cbanee to "blow in" some money.
Senator McBride and Mr. and Mra.
Dolman want out to Bunker bill last
Friday for a few daya outing. They
ware camped at the Lyden place, near
the summit of the mountain.
Mr. Jamea Alexander, one of the
contractors on tha Astoria road, waa
in town Monday evening. In tbe
opinion of Mr. Alexander the road will
be eompietea tnis year.
After visiting with their daugher,
Mra. J. W. Day, in tbla city for several
daya, Mr. and Mra. A. E. Ansorge re
turned te their home in Lebanon laat
Miaa Frankie Way and Miss Alfred
die McAllister returned from Portland
laat Sunday after apending about ten
daya with relatives and friends in that
Tha his- aieamer Glenloobv naseed
down with a cargo of nearly 8,000,000
feet of lumber on board weanesaay
morning. She Is bound for China.
Walla Sweatlaad. well known here,
waa in town a day or two thia week,
coming up from Grant'e Paaa, where
he and bia family now rearae.
Dyptheria baa again etarted in Port
land. Six oases and two deatba are
reported in one family in Albina.
Judge Doan waa in the oity a shon
time Tuesday afternoon attending U
soma buainesa in probate.
Attorney Beam Kanaga, of Astoria
waa in thia city a day or two this weot
on professional buainosa.
Bev. C.N. Plowman will preach aw
Warren next Sunday at 11 a. m., and
at Yankton at 7 :30 p. m.
The wagea of the section men on
the Northern Paoiflo bave been in
creased 25 cents a day.
Work on the wood flume extension
ia in progress, having begun Monday.
Emmatt Stevena waa circulating at
par in our city Tuesdaj evening.
Hop after tha entertainment tonight,
A DreaeUallr Wes-wewa. .
Gaim: I was dreadfully nervous, and
for relief took yonr Ksrl'a Clover Boot Tea.
It quieted my nerves and strengtheaed my
whole Nervous System. I wss troubled
with oonstipatloa, kidney and bowel troub
le. Yonr tea soon cleansed my whols sys
tem so thoroughly that I rapidly regained
my health and strength, lire. 8. A. Sweet,
Hartford, Con. Sold by Dr. Edwin Boss.
RsJny weather prevails.
Much plowing Is being done.
Vera Mow returned home Tnesdsy.
Carell Keasay we in tosu this weak.
Frank Wilson visited Pittsburg Wednes
Mrs. A. Eaatlickls reported as being quite
Frost fell a nlgbt or two ths first of the
Olartnoe Bead, of Rock creek, paid tbe
outside world a visit tbts week.
Oar winter term of school will begin Oe
tober Uib, with J. K. Dow wielding tbe rod.
Bev. V, M. Fluhtr end D. V. Baker paid
tbe metropolis a visit tbe first of the week.
Some of onr farmers are patronising A.
S. Dudley's gristmill, on East Dairy, this
Samuel Mow, accompanied by Mr. Sban
naaan aad Mrs. Baker, left for 8t. Heleus
Jodgs Brink and his faithful spouse re
turned horns Tuesday from the Marlon
county bopfields. ,
George Pearson, of Pittsburg, took a torn
around ths square, viewing tbe sights in
our town Saturday.
Ths empty houses of this city will soon
all be occupied by students eager to take
advantage of the opportunities afforded for
acquiring kaowledge.
Th young child of Mr. and Mra. Albert
Wood bad ths misfortune to fall Into a Ore
Wednesday and was severely burned.
Win Helling er and Van Mow left for the
Goble railroad Sunday Intending, It luck
attended them, to bold down a job (or the
winter. .
More cattle buyers are scouring this val
ley this week, anxious to secure cattle and
hogs, as much or more so as they were in
the most prosperous times.
Ws are informed that tha catechetical
elass of this city, which hss a membership
of twelve, will meet at the church on Sat
urday, October 28, at 2 p. m. All young
folks are cordially invited to come and help
the good cause.
We prophesy aa overwhelming majority
for the republican party next June, as most
of oar Kloadikers from this part of the
moral vineyard, are populist, who are ss
eager to secure all of tbe despised yellow
dirt ot a year age. that they can comfort
ably carry.
Onr Clatskaale brother says that the hop-
pickers have all returned to bia section of
the country. Hot so here; they eome strag
gling in by twos, threes and wagoo loads
amona tbe latter to arrive we notice Albert
end John Bsksr, Ore Larendar and Mrs.
MoOullough and family.
A feed-grinding mill is needed here.
Rev. Cbas. Phllbrook preached here Son'
X. H. Lynch Is building a barn and silo
oo his plaos.
W. T. Watts b building a silo la connec
tion with his cow barn.
Wild haying la about done. The crop
was short but quality good.
Mrs. Robert Hartman Is spending
month with relative in Kansas.
Potato dlctini Is now in order. The tow
price ottered does not encourage growers.
Mrs. J. O. Watts attended the Congrega
tional association at Hood River this week.
A. Holaday and H. West gathered over
tan tons of prunes from their trees this
Cord wood Is moving at aa advanced price
ever last year, aad the many wood men are
jabilant '
Htm. A. Stump ie erecting a commodious
dwelling on her property. G. W. Vollans
Is the builder.
J. O. Johnson is having a large eew barn
erected on his farm. Umkamp fc Sons are
the contractors.
Rev. Charles Schlock has organised
German Lutheran church In South Boap-
pooee settlement, r
Burgdorfer A Johnssa are Improving the
water power of their sawmill, and soon will
be able to fill large orders.
F. Payee is putting a large French burr
nto hia paint mill, and the output will be
greatly increased thereby.
HooDlckers have about all returned. Wet
weather Interfered with profitable picking,
but all bad aa enjoyable time.
Sabbath school will be maintained during
the winter, and a general tavttatioa is ex
tended to the publle to attend.
Siloe are getting to be a neoessity among
our farmers aad all who havs them are ex
ceedingly well pleased with ensilage feed-
The Anderson fruit dryer proved a great
boon to local fruit growers, and great quan
tities, especially dried prunes, will be of
fered. '.. .---'V :
Miss Gertrude Vollans, who was success
fully graduated tram Miss Boyle's school
this year, has entered tbe Portland High
school tor the winter.
Miss Lulu Mann closed a very successful
term of eobool In district 28, (joint) laat Fri
day,' and left immediately for Hlllsboro,
where she will teach in the eity schools.
A lolly crowd of visitors from the Haul
ton Unity lodge paid the Scappoose lodge a
fraternal visit last Saturday evening. After
a short programme, light refreshments
were served and a general good Urns was
bad. v
t dr.a-
molality hu
Completed by Christmas.
inrhaiwaen Portland
and Astoria before Chrhtraas," said W. O.
Cowgill, elty editor of tbe Astonan, wnen
In Portland a few days sgo.
'The new U1 bridge asross John Day's
river, fire miles east of Astoria, was fin
ished Sunday, and a construction train
went orer ths structure yesterday. Track
k.. Sai I.M thrmiah Knanna on to Blind
slough, 16 miles east ef Astoria. An ia-
ereased fores, now numbering sboatiooo
nan ara nnehtna thin Ml with VlaOrbe
tweea Blind slough and Goble, where con
nection will be mad with tbe northern Pa
A nana In tha erada ara bainc rapidlr
closed, and the hardest of tbe rock work Is
nearly floishsd. Tbe difficult construction
through Blind slough will soon be at aa l natnhar 10. if tba weatner
continues favorable, and at all event not
later than November 1.
"An tinmenss qnantity of lies Is now at
RalnW. and areat niles of steel rsDs havs
bean provided at the east end of tbe line.
Tracklaying will begin from nota enos
a tl.ln tBA wwk.
-Tha malarial for the lone steel brides
over Blind slourh is now en rout from tbe
East, nd contractor B, W. Wakefield, of
East Portland, will begin work on th
structure between October S and 10.
"It I understood that trackage arrange
ment here been made with the Northern
P.IA ha hfoh traina from Altoria will
use the track from Geblelnto Portland, and
that our road wui be provides lor si tne
union nation."
Tar!' Clorar Root Tea ia a Dleasant lax
ative. Regulate ths bowels, purifies ths
blood, liears in complexion, jwy ,
mske and pleasant to take. 29 cent. Bold
by Dr. Edwin Boa.
aj . . a 1 '
There was quit a heavy frost her hut
Monday night.
Ignats Sintak went laat week to seek em
ployment oa the Astoria railroad.
The largest potato dug yet In this locality
this year weighed on pound. John Wil-
rerding raised it.
The hoppickers from this place have all
returned, sad ars busy on their ranches
putting la fall grain.
The bopplckers from Oils piece all report
doing fairly well, considering tbe disad
vantages of wet weather and poor hope.
It ha lately been reported here that a
railroad may be built through here shortly.
and If the report be true, the company that
build it will nap a handsome benefit, a
the road wonld pa throagh a belt of mag-
alficeot timber, and not only that, but
there exist plenty of coal and iron, and,
perhaps, gold; ye, gold land if the people
of this part of tba county sit under their
own vine and fig tne a little longer then
will be a regular Klondike boom here In
stead of going away to the frozen regions
of Alaska.
Cure that cough with 8bUoh's Core. The
best Cough Cure. Believes croup promptly.
One million bottles sold last year. 40 dote
for 25 cent. Sold by Dr. Edwin Roes.
The Farmers and the PopwIlsU.
The populists in the Farmers' National
Congress were badly defeated daring It
sessions. "Calamity" Welter, of Iowa, in
traduced a resolution for tbe restoration of
the free coinage of silver. This was
ported unfavorably and rejected. Then
came a resolution favoring the prohibition
of "private monopoly in public necessities,'
even to tbe extent of the exercise ef the
right of eminent domain and the acquire
saent of such necessities by the state. ' On a
call of states a three to one majority against
the resolution was developed. Another
financial resolution was similarly disposed
of after a short discussion to avoid filibus
tering, which had been resorted to by the
populists, later In the day the pohullsta
wen again "turned down" on tbe final re
port ot the committee en resolutions. Res
olutions were adopted commending tbe
secretary ot agriculture for his efforts In be
half of ths dairy industry; favoring govern
ment Inspection and grading ef butter for
export, aad the reduction of official salaries ;
providing for a committee to report a plan
for co-operatioa between the state for the
preventina of the spread of contagions dis
eases among domeatio animals. Resolu
tions introduced by Mr. Loncks favoring
ths Income tax, government control of tele
graph and telephone, the prohibition of
corporate ownenhip of land for ipeculatlve
purposes, and ths Initiative ana referen
dum had been turned down In committee,
and Mr. Loueks had made a minority re
port in each esse. Hs was allowed to speak
in support of each of the resolutions, and
thaw the concrete overwhelminaly sus
tained its committee. Sew York World.
Deeds Recorded,
Gee. Brous and wife to George A. Brodle,
Ernest Bryant to Enos Hankins, 6X acres
in sec 16. tp 7 n, rawest; sua.
H. F. Dunn ead wife to C. H. Piggott,
right-of-way over lot IS and H ot lot It
block t, Georgetown.
rrauAN mabbu a pkcialty.
321 E.WorrisonSUortlar.d.C
Young America
Lear St. Helens ,
Arriva at Portland. . .
.. 8:30 A M
.,10:00 A M
.. 2:80 P M
I Leave Portland ...
ArrireatSt. Helens..
,.. 6:00 P M
Will Carry Nothing bnt Passengers
ana f ast rreigut.
IL. a - .r--:-::3 i
AYetfefabfe Preparation for As
similating titfToodandBeCuta-
Hrff tha ttnmrfi and Rawpk ct
tiess and Ksst.Coci tains neither
OpnunVMarpbioB lwr ISauaL
Sot Narcotic.
A nerfecf Remedy forCortstlD-
lion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca,
Worms .Convulsions ,r evmsri
ttts mid Loss OF SUEZB
TacSirou Signature ot
AT -
Harris' Cash Grocery.
The Perkins"
C. W.
Mr. Knowles was, for many years, proprietor of the St. Charlea
hotel, and while there established a reputation as a hotel man.
He is now in a better position to entertain hia friends than ever
before, and will welcome all his old patrons to bia new place of
business, where can be found an up-to-date hotel.
Comer Fifth and
Dr. E. Ross i
.. : . 4
Constantly Keeps in Stock a Complete Line of i
k An Unusually well-selected Stock:
. e .1 ai r a r
Finest Perfumes and Boftpn.......
Str. Telephone
Leare Portland dally (except Sunday) V A. M.
Leave Asioria dally (except Sunday) 7 r. M
Str. Bailey Gatzert
Leave Portland dally (except Sunday) S P. at
Leavee Astoria dally lexoept Sunday and Men-
aayj h i s.a. ouuuaj uiu . w vwu
Landing: Pool of Alder street, Portland, Or,,
navel 4.00, aaiona, urogou.
V T af
' 13 ON THE
Oasteris I put n la n-ls oottlei Snly. II
Is set ssU la balk. Beat allow sayou te sell
yea aaythhig als a th plsa at prewis that tt
Is "last ss aeod" aad "will asswer (very eas.
pass." r Bee that yea got 0-A-B-X-O-aVtA, 1
AanValWalfc-anVanVana aa ifa atfc affc aV
KNOWLES, Manager.
Washington Streets, Perth nl
9 -
of Writing Tablets, Fens, Pen-
aT ir 1. a
1UU UU lUrJ iUetrfcUU .
Wine and Liquor
Card tables, pool table, billiard table and
other devices for the entertaUimi-nt of pat
rons, where time can be pleasantly spent.
Besides other popular bramls, are keri
constantly on hand to supply the incrcaitxl
trade at this very popular suloou.
tax famous -(