anwaTHiNO Niw. Gomllla Tlmei Drowln house fllM and tftor thy have been dnfuDot an hour or m brlnf 4nc them to lift agala by applications at salt hM become popular amuse ment la Comim, Thai the thin could be done ii generally doubted, but in numeroui experiment! made, after a doie of ialt the fly bai Invar iably flapped bit irlngt and flown way." y ' ' IUini Timothy Bkb. Mr. Adolph Bergerson, who lives on Upper Ntha lero about tlx miles above Vernonia, wis in title city Monday morning on hie way to Portland. Mr. Beigerson threshed 200 bushels of timothy eeed pa hit place tblt year, and the sample lie exhibited bere wae of the finest quality. Timothy teed ordinarily telle (or five oentt a pound, end the price will probably be at high this year at jDinal, in which oate Mr. Bergeraon will realise handsome profit on bit investment. Tail Loam or Wool. A tpecial train of teventeeo cart of choice wool loft The Daliee Wedneeday, oontlgned to Boeton, and another timilar train will go Eatt next week. The retulu have been moet eatiifaotory U the grower, who have tblt year reallted more than double the prices of tbe eson of 1806. The Indication alto re that rancher will have a larger amount of thie eUple to put on the market next year than ever be fore, the advance In price having limnlated them to greater exertion. Several of the more promlnani ranch art have already gone to Michigan for the purpose of Importing eeveral hun dred bucke of toperior grade for breed ing purpoee. Altogether tbe wool butineee in Oregon it in a high elate of prosperity and rancher do not bet itate to lay that the fund reallted from thie yeare yield will enable them to pey off all back debt and leave them on Eaty ttreet, with every indi cation of remaining in that delightful thoroughfare for tome lima to come. Statesman. S) 4 SOALDKD ADD MAVOLCO. For MV- era! week Uufut H. Norman, of Ti-s-erdville. bat applied himeelf to threshinc with a tteamer and thie morning the outfit pulled for another otttog. Normaa and a hand named Harkint were in charge of the water wagon whioh wae attached to tbe teenier, and a they were pawing over a email bridge near Tigardville, the weak tructur gave way, precipit ating engine and tank into tbe water below, a alliance oi nueen iceior more. The tank completely capeixed U ilia fall and both Norman and tfarkina were oinloned underneath. A team pipe on the engine bureted and tl volume of welding vapor pre vented the reet of the crew from at fint aeeinf the wreck. Tbey hurried down the embankment and at toon aa possible, hut off the team, the erie of Herklne that be wae being acalded to death hastenlnc their peed. A aoicklf poetibla Hariine wt re- aea, ana me siju ww mu the extreme, the flesh literally drop ping from verioue parte of ibe un fortunate man'e body. Medical as sistance wae at once tent for, eni the lie of Herman commenoad. lie wae found under the tank wagon, dead manglrd beyond recognition the body being pulverixed to that nearly evrry bone in it wae broken, the head being crushed into Jelly. The wounded and dead were removed to their hornet and it ie thought, with t,l. itrnnf vitality the wounded man may recover. HilUboro Independent. ' ObAduatiko ExKRCitat. Lett Fri day evening the Aral raduatlng exer i 1 1, Warren euhool were held, Mia Longaore, who had charge of the ohooi the Iset term, labored enthusias tically for the upbuilding of educa tional intereate there, and aa a retult two pupile were graduated from the grammar grades. The programme rendered upon thie occasion wae one of more than ordinary fllnete, and the evoral rendition were in tbemeelvee evidence of what had been ecooaa pHabed. Mittee Laura Pntey and i-ii. naeon. the trad ua tea, took Im portant placet on the programme. Especially wae thie true in Miss Fuiey'e recitation, "The Old Actor1 8tory." The manner in which the rendered it captured tbe audience and bowed her training and talent, and io bar valedictory, her kind remem braoeee of teacher and echoolmatea, aha disputed talent rarely possessed. Mitt Ella Bacon, In her , talutatory, poke kind word of welcome to pal root and friend, and aured them that Warren tchool wae appreciative of the latereat manifet Later In the programme her recitation, "How He Paved St. Miohael," tree enjoyed by ,. Tbe acting duet by the Mum Maude and Mae Stevens, "Under the Old Umbrella," we artistically ren dered, the principal feature being the manner in which Maude, personating a maleo joined her companion and e-.ilant eaeort aa they walked together "under tbe old umbrella." fPk. aoloa rendered by Mis xnnM ami Mi Loot-acre were heartily .nd both were obliged to oome forth with a second selection. The physical exerclt drill by the ad vanced pupils, and the doll drill by iiiti. a-irla. were feature which are - witnessed in country schools, .nd m nnrtaintv have' to commead . ....h xarntaea. The manner in which . they were executed eallt for tpecial mention. In Mi Lonssore's reclt tion the expectalione of the audience mr milled, aa in her Gypsy oottum the portrayed the passions of the "Wild Zlngarella." Bba diiplayed rare talent in rendering Uiiadiffloult aeleo . tion. Tbe addreu to the class by Su perintendent Watt waa timely and highly instructive. He dwelt upon i k ft il mv had reached the mile noat which marked the limit of their oommon tcbool course, and admou fahed them to pursue higher oourses of instruction. He lo epoke oflhe importance of these exercise whereiu tha anM aohool rbould be made infl.mnilal in inducina tbe pu nil. tA aitain iti hiaher suherea. Mr. Vnkn RUna. a chairman of the kn.i i imninra. In a neat speech presented the diploma to the claer. Certainly the class of '97 have cause to be thankful for tbe opportunities enjoyed, Ld a they "have crosseu U .a trnai. that the treat ocean before ihtm may not lie altogether PBBgQWAt) AMD LOCAL. Mr. 0. L. Ayres, of Peril, wat la the city lat Saturday. Mn. W. A. Harrii waa a Portland visitor last Friday. Peter Loustgnont. of Scsppoose, wat la town Monday last. T. 0. Watt, of Reuben, wai In thit olty Wedneeday evening. Commissioner Frakee It on duty tblt woek at the courthouse. W. D, Case, the Tittsburg postmas ter, was in town Wednesday, Attorney W. H. Oonyen, of date kanie, wat in the olty Tuesday, II. M. Fowler, postmaster at Goble, wat in town latt Saturday evening. Mr. Frank Dow and children were in thit city last Tuesday and Wedner Judge J. 0. Moreland, of Portland, wat iu the city Tueaday on legal buti- nest. George Jaqnith, of Eeuben, waa in and again on town last Saturday Monday. . . Mr. E. W. Oonyere, of Clatikanie, wat in thii city Tueeday attending to business matter. flmH ft. Vnuir. oronrletor of tbe town eita of Goble, wat in thit city Utt Saturday evening. , Mrs. I. W. Detrfck and ton and daughter, of Keasey, were In town Wednesday evening. Attorney G. W. Cole waa in Van couver last Saturday attending to Im portant legal matter. Rev. M. Burlingame will preach at Warren next Sunday morning and at Houlton In the evening. District Attorney Cleeton was sum moned to Hillsboro by telegraph last Monday on important legal business. Mr. I. H. Sheldon returned laet Tuesday evening from Portland, where tba had been visiting for aeveral day. School began here last Monday in charge of Mr. George A. Hall. The enrollment tbe first day wae 47, every available seat being occupied. W. J. Delia returned the first of the week from Modena, Wit., where be had tpeut eeveral weekt with bit par ants. He reports good timet in Wis consin. Commissioner Peterson came in from Mitt Tuesday evening and took op the routine work with the other memberi of the court Wedneeday morning. County Superintendent Walta, of Scannoose. wae in the county eeat Monday looking after road matters and other business in which the peo ple o! bis teotion are Interested. It ie aaid tbe Oregon Railroad A Navigation Compacy will build a rail road from Frankfort to Long Beach and have it completed by tbe end of next year. Mr. Cbarlee E. Hall commenced tbe fall term of school at Houlton lat Monday with an attendance of twenty seven. Everything bid! fair to a prof itable term. Mr. and Mr. G. H. Shinn, of Baker City, wore In St. Helene last Monday. The are visitina Mrs. Shinn'a parents, Dr. and Mre. C. G. Caplee, of Colum bia City, and will return home in few day. John MeOralh. who reside! out on the bead waters of the Clatikanie, was in town Monday, bringing with him three horses which required the service! of Blacksmith King to put their feet in proper ibapo for winter. Connty Surveyor Meeservo ba been in the eltv for aeveral days tbi rank, the nrinciDal Dart of bis time being occupied in making a survey for the flume company wno expeos so ex tend their flume farther up Miltou creek. . y- . Ti la currently reported that Wm Mellinger, who carried tbe mail from J Houlton to Vernonia lor tne uei two or three years, baa told the- route to Fred Zeller, who residee near Bunker hill, and who will take charge of it at once. ? -y?:. Miss May Burlingame went to Port land Tueeday morning to attend tbe teachere' institute, miss ciuriingame has engaged to teach the coming year in Multnomah county, bene it ie nec essary to attend tba institute in that county, ; Mr. John D. Morgan, of Soappoote. wai given a birthday lurpriae party last Saturday night. A few friends called at hie home with basketa Ailed with many good thing to eat, and the evening wat tpent in a moat enjoyable manner. Profeseor and Mrs. Lorenio Inskeep, ut Oakland. Cal.. have been in mis city for several dayi visiting relatives, Mrs. lnsiceep oeiug oif W. H. Dolman. Mr. and Mre. Iokeep leave thortly for the Eat, where they will pend the winter. The logging road put in by 3. H. PAtarann hulow Rainier, is now in operation, and putting in log! at the rate of about ininy-nve w u.j. When the road ia placed in good inape it .a claimed that 100.000 leet per day can be pot in the water. Tbe road II two roue ion; wi (-. oent grade, and tape a belt ot magnin cent timber. Thnmaa Muokle. who baa been em ployed by the railroad buildera at Ai- toria ince eany yrl" unii nihL Tom wae knocked from a pier a few daye ago, falling .Kni iwnlva feet, etrikins hie head and left leg against a 6x6 timber which w. i..a n hi. ahnnliler. knookinf him in..n.iMa and severely iuiuring bis loft knee and thigh. A lodge of the order of Unity wai ioiiiiuted at Houlion last Thurdy evening with 16 members. The oi fiosrs from the Soappoose lodge were down and assisted in the work. Mr. J, G. Walts, ae president, it ie said, is an adept, and the work wai done in .. .i.,va Tha officer of the uinuuiu wjssi Hnnlton lodxe are: Past Pres., If. A. Perry; Pres., J. Weed iVice-Pre.., Mr. O.E. Philbrook; Chap., 0. E. Phil brook; Bee. E. H. Philbrook ; Treaa, Mrs. J. Weed; marshal, Mr. O. V. Gilson; euard, G. D. Gilaon; Sen., Oscar Weed. "My boy came home from aohool on day with hi hand badly lacerated and bleeding, and suffered great pain," sayi Mr. J. Schall, with Meyer Bros.' Drug Co 81. Louis, Mo. "I dressed the wound, and applied Chamberlain's Pain Balm freely. All pain ceased, aod In a remarkably short time healed without leaving a tear. For wounds, sprains, twellingt and rheumatism I know of no medicine or prescription equal to It. I consider it a household necessity." The 2D and 60 cent abet for tale by Dr. Edwin Ron. Mill Marguerite Longaore, who elosed a several months' term of school at Warren last Friday has accepted a position for the coming year in the Multnoman scbool at Portland at a salary of $60 per month. She will have charge of tbe fourth grade. Miss Longaore enjoys the reputation of be ing a splendid teacher and no doubt will give satisfaction in the Multno mah school. Dr. Rom will move his drug store Into the building now occupied b John Turpia as a restaurant, while b present location will be used lor a saloon by W. W. Blakesley and E. E. Whitney. In the meantime it Ii laid Tnrpin will move to Kelso, Wash., to engage in business. Twelve Italian prunes and two peaches, from tbe larm of Wm. Ander son near Soappoose, were exhibited in tbi city thii week. Tbey entirely covered the bottom of a large lixed milk pan, and were as pretty ipeci men of Ibe fruit a were ever exhib ited in tbi city. Harris' grocery store is on wheels this week, being on IU way across tbe street to the Aaron Kelley corner, a ntuob bjtter location than formerly, Moving operation have not interfered a f . .. - . . wita easiness, nowever, me store Be ing kept open daring regular business hour. m. , Mountain View lodge of Unity, at Bcapposse, bad a aocial meeting laat Saturday evening, at which time a lit erary programme was rendered and cake and coffee served. The lodge at Doappoose na Ti members and ia in a thriving condition. Mr. R. Cox luitained a quite serious tram on tba muscles of bi Injured leg last Tueeday evening, by falling from tbe hay loft in hi bam. Good fortune prevented him, however, from going through into to tbe manger, He will be about again io a few day. Mr. 8. A. Mile. Mr. G. W. Cole. Mr. and Mre. A. J. Rubert and Mis Grace Mile were passengers for Port land Wednesday. Frank Dow returned Tueeday even ing from Yaquina bay, where he bad pent a week attending to business matlera. '. . . Frank George ii at borne again after a short experience in steam boat ing on the Ocean Wave and Regulator. Work on the new Congregational church in this city i progressing as rapidly as could be expected. Dennis Perry haa resigned hie pnei tion as assistant engineer on the ocean steamer Geo. W. Elder. The Soappoose dramatic club is ooa to produce ihe populardrama, "Broken Fetter," at that place. Hop picker are offered 60 oent per box in Cowliu county and very hard to secure at that price. We have carefully prepared descrip tive pamphlet of Columbia oounty for aale at thi office. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Watta, of Scsp poose. were Portland visitors last Wednetday. N. A. Perry, of Houlton, wat doing business in Portland wedneeday. F. M. Webber, of Bachelor Flat, wat in Portland Wednesday. Mr. W. H. Dolman did business in Portland Wednesday. A. H. George waa in Portland Tues day. '' Will Not Rxcooxiza Waoitbb. Railroad Commissioners Eddy and Macrum have Anally decided to not recognise Wagner, the new appointee, a member of tbe boara, ana win meet next Friday with Mr. Com peon, whose office Governor Lord decided wae vacant. Certainly a recognition of Wagner would be a recognition that they are not commissioners, wnicn they are probably uok It ia said that Food Commissioner Luee also refuses to be supplanted by W. W. Baker, who was appointed by Uovernor Lord. Yoimo Gobi Back to Raikixr. Chris Young, a railroad hand, was taken to Rainier yesterday by City Marshal Sutton, of that place, to ans wer to a charge of forgery. It is claimed that Young paaeed a lime check for 117, purporting to bave been aiened bv Kiernan, a rock contractor for the Astoria dt uoine railway, on Honevman. DeHart A Glenn, at Rain ier. Kiernan sav be did not issue the time check. Young was arrested in Portland Friday last on telegraphio advice from Marshal Sutton. Tuee- day't Oregonian. 1 Cm Iu BIIImi Callt. Rasooaoa, Sereven Co., Ga. I have beea subjeot to attacks of bilious colic for several years. Chamberlain's Collo, Cholera aad Diarrhoea Remedy Is the only snr relief. It sets like a charm. One dose of It gives rallef whan all other remedies fall. U. D. Saiar. For sale by Or. E. Boss. Absolutely Pure. Celebrated for Its greet leavening strength and healthfulneie. Assnres the food against alum and all forms of adul teration common to the cbaap brands. BOTAI. SAKllia rOWDSB CO., MSW YBK. New "egJWilfflSWBjejl afrl 1 VERNONIA OliEANlNGa. Ernest Sbsanahan was a Ksasey visitor test Sondsy. , Hews Is scarce this wsek on Sooount of so many boppickers being sbsent. Israel Spencer and Thomas Solomon were visitors to Pittsburg last Sunday. Bar. Fliher returned home last Friday from a short visit to lbs metropolis. The business meeting of the Y. P. A. has been postponed until mors members can bepreseat. Albert Baker went over the mountain Io Houlton last Sundar In search of a "rob on da section." T.ikn Rjlttnlm ..i.wl tliHnivh knwn lut Hondsr with a load of grain, headed for ths grist mill at Plttsbarg. Len Emmons, who bss been teeming be tween Hist and Clatskanle, csme home last Friday on aooountor rain. Mr. T. B. Denslow took a load of gram to ths mill at Pittsburg last Monday morning, returning later ia tbe day. "Dad" Rldsewsr. who is bead engineer In nmllh Jk Thninaa' mill at If iat. came boms last Bundsy for a short yMt with ats ismuy. John Bakar came home from bis rsncb a East Fork last Sunday, thinking It was Ssturday. John concluded be bad slept over on aay. Inunh flnnltar vaa haullnr straw from II, Rakcr'a In hla ranch west of town. Mr. Coulter has recently rented tbe Web ster place, above lowa. Ths recent rains bsve caused tbe black salmon to commence running. Bom very nice ones have been caught in both Rock ereek and Nehalem rivsr. a aT mtlimia frrtni Portland passed through town ooe day last week on their bikes. Tbey were looking lorsome lot which tbey bad purchased. T.tnvrf Datriek same home from West- port last week, where be bad been working in a logging camp, eat owing to in recent rains tb logging industry I ar a sianasiui. . D. Allen and wifa. of Forest Grove, came In one day last week and are visiting t tha raaldenca of Mr. and Mrs. Mow. Mr. Allen own a barber shop in Forest Grove. ' .,'.. w W Allan waa a ham7 man last Fri day evening, after capturing Ave large, fine hl.k aalmon Inst below tbe camp ground, on Bock ereek. Bill say they ar not dog salmon. tha old maids of this vicinity ar thinking of migrating to tbe Clondyke, h.ra the mav marry millionaire.. " will prepare a list of their names when (?) they start . Ur. and Mrs. Shannaban and daughters, i and Maria, atarted on Bundsy for the Hn rialda. On Monday the families ot J. L. Touagand John Basin too icvnwr lb bop field also. ; Wa ere Informed that Wm. Mellinger ha mrAA tl.a mail contract between Veruonle and Houlton to other parties, and will no longer carry maUbut wtu merswuoiu- ton and reside in the future. a i.m nnmher of the older students who attended school at this place last win ter, are preparing to be with os again tbe present winter. Mr. Dow has been engaged to teach the winter term. No one can realise tbe number of people absent from the valley so wU ss the min i.i.r far laat Rnndar areninc be preached to a mere handful of people, when ordi narily the congregation la large. t. w. VanDrke. who ia ttcacblng In the Solomon district, closed his school last Fri day for a short vication. its nas yet uto months to teach, and will resume his dut ies the latter part of this month. Tom Tucker cam over the mountain last Friday with a small load of goods for Zillgett. He toek his lamuy ana toe urn ii. nr Ur. Thnion to the bop yards, a distance of about 80 miles. He reports the road, especially on tne mountain, in very bad condition. We are Informed that one dsy last week Mr. Clarence Adams placed In his scbool rt.ur a laree O for the daily attendance at bis school. It is high time that parents were awakening to the louy m seeping ikr hllnr.n from scbool wnen money is being expended for their special oenent. Tkmili tha kindness of Representative Ellis LW. VanDykels In possession of a large book, entitled "Tbe Growth of Indus-.-i.i i . Mr. VanDvke is lastly proud of this book, as It shows by beautiful en gravings, the progress and growtn oi au kinds of macbinery, ventcies, urmug im plements, etc School Report. SoArroosK, Or., Sep. S. 1867. Ifailnarln ia the renort of Mountain View rhnal for the month commenoiog August 9tb and ending September 3d : Number of days taught Numhar of DBDils enrolled . SO , 32 .454 . 60 . 6 , 10 . 22 , 26 . 23 Number of daya attendance....... Number of days absence. . ........ Number of times tardy. .. ... Number ot boys enrolled . Number of girls enrolled Average nuffber belonging....... ATcran daily attendance ......... The following-named pupils were neither absent nor tardy: Charley, Willie and Louis Buschman, Katie Callahan and Ella Venders. Mildbio Bona, Teacher. Catarrh Cured. A clear bead and sweet breath secured with ShUoh's Catarrh lem edy,soldon a guarantee. Nasal injector free. Sold by Dr. Edwin Boss. Make No Mistake! ! ! GO Rainier New Store for Good Value and Small Prices A FEW SPECIALS NOTED. Wonted dress goods, SS In. wide, per yard V!H aiHK Hmn vo Light 8a'en 10 Oullm Flannel. 01 Gingham tt)K Lawn in LL Muslin 04 Bleached Kaolin 05 Calleo 03)4 Duck Suiting 0i Laritea handkerchiefs i eta each, three (or 10 Ladle heavy vests with long aleevss 15 Ladle eoraeta 40 Ladlea shoes SS cents and np. Children shoe 86 oenta and ap. Ordinary pin per paper 01 Dron tpool eotton, 200 yard on a spool three spool tor OS Clark' O. N. T. pool eotton, three pool. . 10 Children hoe, per pair..... 04 Oent shi rte, eaoh 2 Ouedreaalng comb 04 Ou towel 06 George Antone RAINIER, RECOMMENDED FOB OFFICE. After deliberating for eeveral dayi In Portland and listening to the claimt of varlout aspirants for placet under tbe nresent administration, tne uregon eongressional delegation laat Saturday reached an agreement upon wno should be recommended for four of tbe principal placee. Tbe four rec ommended were: John II. Hall, of Portland, for United States district at torney; Zoetb Houser, of Pendleton, for United States marsbai; uoi. u. Summers, of Portland, for appraiser of custom! at Portland: ana l. i Geer. of Marion county, to be register of the land office at Oregon City. .For each plsoe there were a number of ss- nirants and of course an du tne sue eessful one were duMDDointed. Mr. Geer bsd not been an applicant for tha land office oositiou but instead for collector of custom at Portland, for which nlace no one ha yet been recommended. Mr. Geer ha not yet contented to accept the registersbip in ease ha ia aDDointed. and ne may not do to, in which case matter would he eren mora com d1 mated than ever, Tha recommendation of Hall and Houser are said to have been dictated by Congressmsn Ellis, while Senator MeBride wae thought to be favorable to Judire Moreland for district attor ney. Mr. Tongue, it i presumed, wa in favor of T. T. Geer for collector of customs, in order that Mr. Geer might not be a candidate for oongre next spring. All these things are conject ure, however, ae tba delegation waa not in tha busineae of making? their preference known until a conference wa held and all could agree. One thing i certain, very lew peo ple supposed Houser would be rec ommended lor marsnai in piace oi Col. Summers, and tbe change made tbrourbout bave caused no nine amount of surprise, and aa all such do. some dissatisfaction. If Mr. Geer decline to accent the position of reg ister at Oreeon city ana aiso iaus in the end to get the custom house be will undoubtedly be a strong candi date for concres in tbe first district next soring. Tbi teems to be pretty generally conceded, although a differ ent pnase may appear ou mo situauuu during tbe next few montha. jror.coi lector of internal revenue no recom mendation wa made as Collector Blackman'i term doee not expere an til January. Tbi Eugbkb Wbickkd. Word comes from the far north that tbe river tteamer Eugene, which left Port land about two week ago for the Yukon river in Alaska, haa been arnwlriul. Tha dianatch ia dated at Port Towneend, and ia as follows : Ths steamer Eugene, which etarted from the Willamette river to Dawaon City. by way of St. Hichaels, in tow of the learner .Bristol, oegan to cress; up, and bad to be deserted by the Bristol. The Eugene ie now lying in Alert bay, In a badlr dam acred condition, her house bainsr nnarlr demolished." Tbe Ennns had no one on board except ber crew, tbe freight and passengers she waa to take up the Yukon all be ing on board tbe big steamer which bad ber in tow. xne intention waa, In aaa the ltiiMna reached the mouth of the Yukon safely, to take the pas sengers and freight from tba ocean steamer np tbe river to Dawson City, reaching there late tins tan, alter which ehe would return to St. Michael and ha nsarl aa a hotel during the winter. All this ha been prevented, however, and just wbat disposition will be made of the caigo accompany ing tbe expedition is not Known. For constipation take Karl's Clover Boot Tea, tbe greet blood purifier. Cures head ache, nervousness, eruptions on the face. and makes the head clear as a bell. Sold by Dr. Edwin Boss. IckMl Warraau Payable. St. Hslbrs, Or.. Sept. S, 1897. Tha school clerk of school district No. 2, Rnlumhia eonntr. Oresoo. has money on hand to pay the following numbered war rants of said district: no. iz, uu, 101. 132. 133 and 134. Interest will cease after this date. E. E. QUICK. District Clerk. -THE BANQUET SALOON CLONINGER & COOPER, PBOPKIBTOR8. Wine and Liquor Card tables, pool table, billiard table and other devices for tbe entertainment of pat rons, where time can be pleasanuy spent. FAMOUS FIRE LADDIE CIGARS Besides other popular brands, are kept constantly on band to supply the Increased trade at this very popular saloon. THI FAMOUS CYRUS NOBLE WHISKY I KEPT AT HBBAHQUET. TO THE : t : Ladies hoes Oent white shirts Gent waolen pants Genu cotton pauta .v... ....... Genu Jumper. Genu heavy underwear, each , .. 0 i. 60 .1.00 .. 60 . as . ss .. 2S ,. 78 uenu suapanaer, io ou, wu rot.. . Genu woolen sweaters Genta overalls . Geutaaocka Spain for Gent aulu 41.00 and up. Genta handkerchief two for Two down dree button..... Twelve dosen white button Slxdosen black button ThMArirtmuU nlna ,. 85 .. 15 .. 05 05 OS 05 06 We alio carry a large moo oi wum a gu furnishing good, ueh a hats, shoe, pants and drea food, and novelties ot all kind, we take shingles and larm produce and egga In trade for our goods. We make a email profit la order to give honest foods at lowest prices. and Mike Ellis, OREGON. AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. ?T3 ASSZSXKS EI TK3 COOT.TS OUR RWSHT TO THI! EXCLUSIVE USB OF TUB WORD "OASTOIUA," m "PITCHER'S O ASTORIA," AS OUR TRADE MARK. I$ DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, qf Eyannis, Uassachusdls, was ihe originator of "PITCHER'S CAST0RIA," the tarn that has borne and doee now j22I-j on bear the facsimile signature of Crfffi&Z2fa; wrapper. This is the original PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the hind you have always bought yf zifJ--' n and has the signature of OSxMciis wrap- per. No one has authority from me to use my name ex cept The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher ia Do Not Bo Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you .(because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he does not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEAR3 THE FAC'SIMILE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Tailed You. tnb acaTaa aenaaav, rr ........GET PROVISIONS w L Harris' Cash Grocery. "The Perkins" C. W. KNOWLES, Manager. Mr. Knowles was, for many years, proprietor of the St. Charles hotel, and while there established a reputation as a hotel man. ' He ia now in a better position to entertain his friends than ever before, and will welcome all his old patrons to his new place of business, where can be found an np-to-date hotel, Corner Fifth y ajauaaiajjiay Jyy m Dr fr ST. HELENS, OREGON Constantly Keeps in Stock a Complete Line of DRUGS, i TOILET i ARTICLES School Supplies An Unusually well-selected Stock of Writing Tablets, Pens, Pen cils, and tbe Best Inks on the Market. A FINE LINE OF FANCY STATIONERY r Finest Perfumes sod Boeps. . ....... raMaui atouiuiue. ttVAAAAAAAAAtVAAftAAAAAAAAAa THE MIST AND OREGONIAN TWO TOGETHER ' ONE YEAR, ONLY TWO DOLLARS Every Time. You buy from us you get For your money in good, Fresh Staple Groceries. Ci w et"r" Oregonian and sweaaf eraas i YOUR. -AT- r- .-i and Washington Streets, Portland. Wyyyy y SVVVVVV . E. Ross j PRS8CRI PTIONfl CARBFUIXT tun tiv-niii'rtiv TI COMPOUNDED. 1 FULL VALUE m.m it. HOULTOH, OEEOOX. Llist TOGETHER ONLY a DOLLAR I undiscovered. ,