OREGON MIST. ISSVE0 RTEHT FRIDAY MHlHNa -ST- . BF.EGLR k DAVIS. MilMtrlrllta UMti. On eoy rf la advance. 11 m On ooi tlx i. i. ........ i. r CO Advertising rates mad known npoa application IMt that exportation of wool from Australia haa been greatly restricted by the Dlngley bill, in which there will probably be ao change mada for the next eight years, la not likely to be admitted by democrats or populist free tradera aa having anything to do with the improved condition. Pen dleton Republican. COLOMBIA COUNTY DIRECTORY. Judge...... Ulerk Sheriff TtMwm.. CosiBilr Officers. Joseph. B. TXwn, Rainier .JtuiaoD Weed, Vernonia J. K.M. N. Rio. Clatikante Wharton W. Uelmi But, of School ..J. O. Watts, SoappooM Martin k lute, tjmncy A Surveyor., coroner ..W. N. Nmtn. Helen .Dr. A. P. McLaren. Rainier o-1-..r J:::;;;DM T. HELEN, BBK80II, RKf. lO. Thi Salem Journal, in apeaking of the aUte treasury, says : "They never will know anything about how much the treasury la inaolvent until a popo list treasurer is elected." The Jonrnal aeema to understand the weakness of populist official Thi populists are lor once energetic in an attempt to convince their de luded followers that times are not 1m proving, realising that they must be kept in the dark on that point if they hop to succeed in politics. A great party, this, that cannot thrive only on the poverty of the people. "Pricks cannot advance under the gold standard," aaid oar populist prophets one year ago. Bat prices have advanced under the gold stand ard jast the same. Now our populist friends say prosperity is only tempor ary. Well, sinoe they were false in the first instance why should they be believed now? There is a common practice in this country that "a wit ness false in one particular is pre anmed to be false in aU." Thi report from Klondike have not been ao flattering of late. In almost every instance persons writing home while en their journey to the gold regions tell of the great hardships en dured, and offer no encouragement to others to come. Each steamer re turning from the north brings back a few disguated Klondikers, and aa the months roll by the number of those returning will increase. In aU di rections the fever seema to be abating. It is very noticeable, and very de plorable fact, that populist newspapers rejoice greatly when Ibey hear of a business man failing or the price of toy of the products fall a notch or two. The depraved apint of rule or rain that domineers these papers is certainly deplorable. The populist would rather see the business man without business, and the farmer with out a market, than to admit, in toe least, that prosperity is here without ny hope of free silver. 1 auras nave changed now. It is the poor, downtrodden, common mill ionaire silver mine owner in whom the populists are interested in seeing be come rich, instead of the horny banded tiller of the aoil. There is now wailing and gnashing of teeth because the poor farmer haa become, in some de gree, a plutocrat on 80-cent wheat, 12 cent hops, 11-oent wool, $1.35 shin gles, 12-dollar hay, etc It is reslly aad that populism should receive such a blow at a time when it was in snch great need of nourishment to keep it alive. "Pbospbritt is not here for the com mon people," says a populist paper. Who are the "common people V Are not the wheat raisers, the wool grow ere, the hop raisers, the shingle mak ers, the cattle raisers snd the agricul tural people in general known as the "common people," and are they not all receiving better prices for all com moditiea than formerly, and isn't bet ter prices conducive to prosperity? Perhaps the "common people" referred to by our fnend are the millionaire silver mine owners. They are about tbe only ones wboee product haa not advanced in price under the present administration. Thi congressional delegation, so far as known, has made no recommends. tion for collector of customs at Port land. This is the place Hon. T.T. Goer haa been making an effort to se cure, and which bia friends would like to see him have. Tbe delegation, how ever, recognising Mr. Geer'i services to the party and his integrity aa a man, and inasmuch as the collector . will probably not be appointed for some time to come, has given bim a unanimous indorsement for register of tbe bind office at Oregon City, which is aaid to be one of the best positions, all things considered, in the state. No better man could have been selected for the place. Off! year ago lambs were a drug in tbe market at 80 cent per head, and now buyers from the east are "running after" tbe sheepmen of Pendleton of fering them 1.50 a head for limbs. The populists say this revival in tbe lamb market is due to a shortage of lambs in Australia. How quickly our populist friends bave caugbt tbe idea of the law of supply and demand hav ing something to do with regulating the price of wheat, cattle, sheep and iu fact everything except silver. Tbe , Civil service may be all well enough confined to pertain limits, but when it is carried to such lengtha as to pro duce a resnlt like that which occurred in San Francisco the other day it is carried too far. When a man is eleo ted or appointed to an office he should have the right to name his subordi nates, especially those whoin he most trust. In the case in question, one of the subordinates in the Baa Francisco postoffice became a defaulter to the amount oi nearly 110,000. The post master wee sued ou bis official bond for tbe amount of the defalcation and Judge Morrow af the federal court has decided that he was liable. The faots are that the defaulter was placed in his position by the department under tbe civil service regulations. Tbe poetmsster did not appoint him and could net remove him, but still he must be responsible for his peculations. The ruling may be law, but if so it is an unjust law, and civil attrvice car- riej to such extremes will soon be come a stench in the nostrils of ths people. ' A BUSINESS ENTERPRISE. Conducted o Baalneas Principle by a Baslaese Mas. Probably the largest plant ever operated ia Columbia county to the lumber basis now belag conducted by H. B. Bqrthwick at Gobi. Wbn tb sawmill was built si Hooremlle. about three miles inland from Gobi, some seven or eight year ato. a large amount of money was inverted and ia a few Tsars th original promoter of the enterprise were forced, through the depres sion of 189, to clow down tbe plant, which wa subsequently sold at sheriff's sal. Tbe plant was tbn leased by Mr. Bortb wick, who ass since conducted the boines and, althougb the profits have been small, tbe plant has been kept busy most of the time. For tbe put six months, however, prospects bsve been brighter until now eonnacted with th mill there are abont 100 men kept constantly employed in th var ious departments, and in many Instances an advanoe in wages haa been made. About sixty-three men are employed in ' the mill alone and the remainder of the on hun dred are engaged in logging, operating the two large scows anda (team tag belonging to th establishment, whil others are en gaged in operating the flames, etc Tbe log is taken from th green tree on the mountain side, passe through the mill, coming oat lomber, and is floated Ihre miles in a flora to th Columbia river where it is losded on scows and towed to the market up or down the river, and is at no time out of the hands of men directly connected with the establishment until it is delivered to tbe purchaser. This plant is capable of sawing from 40, 006 to 50,000 feet of lumber per day. Tbe principal part of tbe logging is done with a large donkey engine, which, on s test a few day ago, moved thirteen log, averaging 1000 fet each, one-half mile in ten minutes. Tt is is said to be the best logging engine oa th river. In addition to this there are about thirty-five horses used in putting In logs. Tbe mill is now engaged in filling sn order for one million feet of lomber for tbe government work near the mouth of tbe river, snd it bss also a contract to furnish ties snd bridge timber for th Astoria rail road, the ties being 7x8 inches, 8 feet long, somewhat larger than ordinary tie. Bach sn establishment as this csanot fail to be of great benefit to tbe community, disbarring, as it does, thousands of dollars monthly for labor and supplies and at the asms time putting to profitable use th vast quantity of timber which mast be dis posed of preparatory to tilling th soil, Columbia county needs a few more just such men as Mr. Borthwick to put on foot snd operate just inch enterprises. CX.AT8KANIE NOTES. reputation of being a rood logger aa wall a a good student. H expects to attend th high school this winter. Steve Tichenor, jr., has secured s posi tion In Dan Diego. Cal., snd l(t for that city last Friday, Th boys In th band re gretted very much to see Btev go a h ia great help to thsra her. T. I.. Carter I putting Ih flushing touches on the Mia Bryant residence, M lowing th Blackford brothers, who have been papering th wall snd ceilings. It 1' now about ready for occupancy. A. M . Tichenor spent Saturday and Sun day In Portland, and looked after hi grand son, Steve, who took an ocean steamer for San Francisco on his way to Ban Piego, Mr. Tichenor returned Monday morning. Anson Orwlg, of Mist, expects to embark In th hotel businM In our city, having teased th Klverview hotel for that purpose, He will bilng his family over shout the middle of the month, If weather and roads permit. The Bryant family will soon leav th bote! and nior Into th Kdgerton building over th store room. Some persons were amused at a little epi sode In front of Conveys' store last Satur day. Our city marshal haa a peculiar no tion that th city ordinances should b ob served by all person, without eioeptien. A tax of 11 per year on dogs is on of th city's requirements and mot dog owuers have promptly paid their tax. In ou lu stanc. however, a dog has Neaped taxa tion from year to year by mean of various schemes on th part of it owner, but this yar th said owner was notified that the tax must be paid. Th marshal and owner met at Conyers' (tore where, in answer to demand for th tax th owner ordered the marshal to attend to his own business, and npoa the marshal threatening lo tak the dog Into custody, he was dared to make the attempt to do so. Th owner then hissed th dog on the official and urged him to bite bim while the marshal was shying around to watch his chance. Tbe chance soon came and he grabbed the animal in sacb a way that h could not bit and started oft at a lively gait with his prise. The owner, seeing he was outgeneraled, at tempted to follow him, but as luck would hav It, slipped and fell off th porch in front of th atore, bruising him so that he could not run, and bad the mortification of seeing bis favorite dog a prisoner. The dog ha not appeared sine, and aa tbe ordin ance requires dog to b killed whos own- era will not pay tax on them, it I probabl that the animal ia in the happy hunting grounds wbll th majesty of tbe city or dinance ia fully vindicated. What Dr. A, K. Salter Say Bcmu), N. Y. Gents: From my per sonal knowledge, gained in observing the effect of your Bhilob's Cur in cases of ad vanced Consumption, I am prepared to say it is th most remarkable Bemedy that has ever been brought to my attention. It has certainly saved many-Irom Consumption, Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross. Karl's Clover Boot Tea, for consumption It's th best and if after uaing it you don't say o, return tbe package and get your money. Sold by Dr. Edwin Boss, W. H. Conyers is in the metropolis. O. E. Elliott is In Portland this weak. Will Myers Is back from Nebalem bay. Mrs. Huntley snd child, of Oregon Ci'y, left for their home Mondsy evening. Mrs. A. M. Wheeler, of Astoria, wa visiting her father, C. W. J one, this week. Mr. Frank Merrill left Mondsy evening, it I thought to join the hop pickers from this locsiity. Ills rumored that Thomas Colvin, of Marshland, is very seriously ill, snd not ex pected to survive many days. John Bryant took a day off from his rail road work near Rainier to make his friends visit and spent Mondsy in Clatekanie. Mrs. E. H. Lane and child, from Neha- lem, came in Monday morning to visit with her parent, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Fsbrique. Henry Krats ha been having bis coun ters finished snd vary much improved, ad ding to th attractiveness of his storeroom. Miss Carrie Tichenor haa secured the Dsvey school and commenced a three month' term aa teacher on Monday of this week. William Buck, one of tbe proprietor of tbe shingle mill of Buck 4 Orindell, is railing over the arrival of a daughter at hla home. Z. Bryant left on the steamer Mondsy evening for Portland and th Willamette valley, where be will spend perhaps a month. Ed Page and family left for Portland last Friday evening. Mrs. Psgs snd children will visit her sister, Mrs. McClure, near Forest Grove. Circulars eslling attention to tbe Clatska- nle bigb school bave been sent out numer naly through the mails, Tbe fsll term be ns September 27th. Rev. Shannon left Monday evening with hi family for Portland, where tbe family will visit while the minister goes to Corvai- lis to attend the M. E. conference to meet this week. " A hack load of our people, accompanied by tw o or three on horseback, braved th storm Saturday evening to attend a social Marshland. They report having spent a very pleasant craning. John Myers is at borne after his summer in th Elliott logging camp. John ha tb It Saves the Creasy Callarwa. Sbavisw, Va We hav a splendid sale on Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy, and our customer coming from far snd near, apeak of it in the highest terms. Many bave said that their children would bave died of croop if Chamberlain's Cough Remedy had not been given. Killam & OoasxH. The 2S and 50 cent sixes for sale by Dr. E. Rosa. Stop that eougb t Take warning. It may lead to consumption. "A 25c bottis of Shiloh's cure msy save your llf. Bold by Dr. Edwin Ross. CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. stalls BtSUMI! MM nrr NOTICE OF FINAL SKTTLCMCNT NOTICE 18 HKREBY GIVEN THAT I, th undersign! administratrix of Ih estate ol Frank M. Meeker, deceased have tiled in the office of the ouunty dark of th County of Columbia. But of Oregon ray final account uf my administration upon th said estate of the said deceased and that Ih Hon. J. B. Doan. ludm of th vouniy ioiri oi eeiu viounty anu eiate, k. . . . ! -.1 1-.. 1 .. .. 1 ,1.1. iu,n I. J a'.tiiwM iimu,, wtuuci iron, I 1 o'clock F, M., and th courtroom of aid county courthouse, in th Cily of Ht. Helens, in laid county and state, as tb time ana Diaoe lor in nearina and settle ment of said final account, at which tim and place any parson Interested In said es tate may appear and til their objectten inereto. Dmru ni bi. iieiens, ureron, Hep tembrr 0th, 117. KMK1.INK MKbKKK, Administratrix of the natal of Frank M Meeker, decerned. llOott NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT we, th undersigned admlnlntralura of the stat ol vuthnert Btuoiu, sr., deceased, hav filed in the t.lfloe of the county clerk of Columbia county, Stat of Oregon, oar oual account of our administration upon said estate: together with our petiiion for final dlstribuilon of th residua of aaid tat amour th parsons entitled thereto that th Hon. J. B. Doan. ludmotth County Court of aaid County and State, haa appoimea stonuay in nrai day of .Novem ber, IMJ7, at one o'clock p. ru., and the court-room of said Court at the County loun-nouse, in in vity oi at, lieu ns, in said County ud Stat, as the lime and nlac for tli settlement of said final ac count and th hearing of (aid petition for aisiriouiion; at wnicn lime ana pier any person Interested in sold tat mav aouear and tile their objection thereto. Dated at St. Helens. Ore oii. Bentember uui, iou. n. eu ar ana tUTJjalVKX oTUHr, Jr. Administrators of the Estate of Cuthbert Slump, Br., deceased. alOoH .1 THBASVaVEat'S HOT1CB. County Triasvbir Ornci. St. Hklbns. Or.. Aug. 20. 1897. "fOTICKI hereby given that all unpaid Iv County Warrant of said county. i men nav oeen presenteo ana endorsed Not Paid for Want of Funds." crior to December 10. 180. will be naid Unon Dre- sentation at this office. Inkrcat will not b allowed alter this date. E. M. WHARTON. 3017 Treasurer of Columbia County, Or. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla te, A A A A .1 .a. Get Value Received EVERY TIME AT N. A. Perry's, OREGON. HOULTON, OREC yp TirANTBD-rAITHFCL MRU On vnvis V V to travel Inr pv.'wn.l hl wvivnoa. oeiary s.tu ann espeiues. roeltloa permanent. Relerenoe. Knelosa selt-addraeMd "P" earviope. 1 as national, star inaus Shiloh' Consumption Cur cures where other fail. It is tb lesding cough cure, and no home should be without it Pleas ant to take and goes right to tbe spot. Bold by Dr. Edwin Bos. Get Your IHHOFF & UINAR, MANUFACTURERS OF ataaats a QHANITC Monuments Letter Heads, Note Heads, Envelopes, Etc. LOWEST PRICES The Hist Wheels, tuSrSSr" Tool rm.ni L&dics't Cfflftafi't ft TaadctaV Tb Lightest lUmnlng Wheels oa Earth, HIE ELDREDGE . .wtrVDU. THE BELVIDERE. w always Has m4 tewtag MraahMsl Why tsealea'l a ask d WbMtel National Sewing Machine Co., J 39 BrsWay, - Factory! - NnrVarfc. Betrktem, Ills, ARD A IX KIHDI OF CIVITIIY WORK ITALIAN MAMBLC Sf ClAtW. 321 E. Morrison St.f Portland, Or i tti Your Money's Worth Every Time TIlDapt'sfc rvducMo's 18 THE rLACE TO GET- aLr1""- Dolman's Store. Lumber AU kinds of rough and dressed Lumber on short nolico. Builders' Material Of tie beet quality delivered to any point ou tba river at Ilia Lowest Possible Price One-half Cash and One-half In FARM PRODUCE. Address all orders to H. B. BORTHWICK, GOBLE, OREGON. Choice Groceries 6T. HELENS, OFUGQN, 0.mnlfp Tine nf Cnitntr . e-vsWsSSWr l " SHELF HARDWARE AND NOTIONS. Flour, Feed, Hay and Grain. ST. HELENS MEAT MARKET All Kinds of Fresh Meats, Hams, Bacon and Lard Meat by Wholesale . At Special Rates. " MAIN BTIIFKT. I I ? James H. Sheldon, O.R.&N. Clatskanie Drug Store New tnd Select Stock. DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor. -TO TOE- Patent Medicines and Druggist's Notions. oivsa thi ohoioi or TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES Stationery, School Books. Prescriptions Carefally Compounded QRKAT NORTHERN RY. vu SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL tap CHICAGO OHEQQN SHORT LINE. " VIA DENVER SALT LAKE OMAHA KANSAS CITY r aa- at sfa aVaHi ata afa at atfcatkafcjslaJatjswjssi . ..ST. HELENS HOTEL 1 Oar table will at aU times be found supplied wlUi tbe best edibles toi delicacies tha market allurd. . TERMS REASONABLE FOR REGULAR BOARDERS Tha hotel baring been newly refurnished wa are prepared to givt talis- . taction 1 an our patrons, auu solicit your patronage. J. George, Proprietor, St. Helens, Or. LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES From Us ! Buy Your Shoes Reduction Sale OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DAY8 FOR San Francisco For full Information call on or add re W. H. HURLBURT, A. L. HOHLER, Uen. Fs. Agent, President and Manager. Postlssd, Ob. PROFESSIONAL. FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. aTEAMIR Young America -vu- WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Leave 81. Helens Arrive st Portland... Leave Portland . . Arrive at Ht. Helens.. .. 6:80 A M ..10:00 A M .. 2:30 P H .. 6:00 P M FA HE tS CERTS. Will Carry Nothing bat Passengers and Fast Jfreigut. . JAMES GOOD, MASTER. Wanted VAinwrrji, HIW OB WOMCW to trar.l for ra.Donslbl. wiabllahd bnaaa In Oregon. Salary 70 and ezpansas. Position psrmaoant. Halerene. oslos sM-addrad stampad mTslop. Th national, Star Inaur sue Bldg., Chicago. WHITE COLLAR LINE FAST TIME. Str. Telephone Leave Portland dallr (except Sunday) 7 A. M. leaves Aswria turny (exeepi suuaay; 7 r. M. Str. Bailey Gatzert Leave Portland dally (eieept ftanday) 8 P. af. Saturday nignis at iu o cioca. '.eaves Astoria dally (exrept Sunday and Mon day; at i a. js. eunoay mgnt at 7 o cioccs. . Landlnri: Foot of Alder straet. Portland. Or.. Flarel dock, Astoria, Oregon. WAWTED PAITHFUL HIM OR WOMEN to travel for ra.DonslblaaatAhll.hMl Kahm in Oregon. Salary 1780 and expenses, Positio permanent. Reference. Bnolos self addressed stamped envelope. Tb rtutenel, Mas Inaur anc bldg., Chicago. '.DAT W. B. D1LLARD I7il(arh ft 9it ATTORNEYS -AT-LAW OOe next door lo Conrtboose, ST. UKUCMM, OKKUON. General nraettr tn eonrta of Oreann or Wash. Alietracw Bad directly I rata oouuty Inxtoii reoorda. GEORGE A. HALL, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. Collections, foreclosures, mechanics' lelns, etc. deputy prosecuting attorney, unioe Itb V. i. tleelon. Ladies' Shoes Ladies' Tan $1.75, Oxford, Square or Round Toe, $1.25 Ladies' Tan ia.50, Oxford, Square or Round Toe, $..85 Ladies' Tan $x.oo, Oxford, Square or Round Toe, 85c Misses Shoes Misses Tan la.oo Shoes, sizes 11 to 2, 50 Misses Tan I1.50 Shoes, sizes 11 to 2, $1.2$ Men's Shoes Gents i.s.oo Tan Shoes. Souare or Onera Toe. size and 6 for $2.50 LEO SELLING, A an Third, Bet. Yamhill and Morrison, m PORTLAND, OREGON. Send Us Your Mail Order. St. Haunts, : Orkqon. G. W. COLE, ATTORNIY ARD COUNBELOB-AT-tAW, 8T. HELENS, OREGON. Title Abetraet Books, Kntsrv Publlo, Commls-1 sinner ol Deed, lor WahlnU)n, and anxper- vuwi, uuiwHir iu ouuuw.Kin wimi oniev. MUCKLE BROS. ASDrACTi)sss or Dimension Lumber, Flooring, Rustle. Sheathing;. Casings, and a complete slock of eveiy variety ut Eongh and Dressed Lumber ALWAYS OW HARD, AT TRR OLD STAND, ST. HELENS OREOOH ORIENTAL 1IOTKL r. . . . . . A. It. BI.AKEHI.KY, Proprietor. Board by Day, Week, or Month AT REASONABLE RATES.' . Th tabl Is supplM with th best ths wsrk.t affiinls, Kvvrrtiiliig clean, A dlmre ol y r pal' rouave is sollelled. ST. HELENS, Ol MtH PORTLAND AND CLATSKANIE DENNIS A TIMMONS, Attorney, anil Counselor, at Lai. Genbral Law Practicb. Colleetlon, Forecloaures, Mechanlos' Hens, te. Will practice In all the eonrta ot Oregon and Washington. Tatlos Bdildiho, - - 8t. II11.IKS, Or. J-jB. EDWIN ROBS, PHYSICIAN AND BDEOEON. St. Helens, Oregon j-jr. h. k. oun, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Bt Hslens, Oregon. STEAMER O. W, SHAVER, Dell Shaver, Master. J-JB. . B. HALL, PHYSICIAN AND SUEGEON. ClaUkanle, Columbia oountr, Or. Commnrln. Anrll IK lum am di.j ..... ... ur 1.1 ...... Tiuailir m. , i"., 1 . " " . ' " iwniHiM,, lint, ui rf Mlllllgtill li.iao., .... - . Tburaday and Hunday evening at ft o'clcx k. Returnlng-Ix-aves i:lnt.ltnle. (Utl TMr niitllng), Monday, Wednesday and Krl.lay evenings at 6 o'clock. Will p Oak ?oi"t about ?; rJtella 7:16; Mayger 1:26; Rainier 8:20; Kalama 9:1ft; Ht. Helens 10:80. Arrlr in l ortland 1 JO A. 11. Tb company rcnerve th right to change time without notw. SIIAVER TBAMBPOHTATIOM COfllPArlV" THE JOSEPH KELLOGG & COMPANY'8 RIVER STEAMER yy W. ME8IBVE, Surreyorand Civil Engineer DELKNA, OREGON. Conntv Barvevor. Land Hurvln Town Platting and Engineering work promptly TACUUWll, WANTXD PAITHrCL afBN OB to travel for menon.1 hla Mtahl ta Oreroa. Sslarf 7 and eipensee. Vnur. an.lbl.e.Ubllhed hoUM and esuefiaM eiwwa Miarenee. anoioM ell-aaiJieMed "t"1 i4. nv.loP- Tb MaUoaal, Star lajur 1 fUJO. Bldg., Chicago. FOR PORTLAND- ' v n !?-?",s? Mondy. Wedne.days, and Fridays at 6 o'clocV . m. Um Portland Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 o'clock a. m.