Rial Popity. Eueens Ousrdi Jeff Couch, of Juootlon precinct, U ft happy maa, bavins cleared an 80 sore wheat (arm with the net prooeeds of one crop. Mr. Conch bought the 80 aoreslsst fell psylng 11000 lor the same. Hsaowad it with wheat and yesterday eold the wheat just hsr yetted for enough to pay all expenses of the drop and the thouiand dollars paid for it. Laat fall Mr. Oouob of fered to aell the plaoo (or a price that would even blm up. Now be aiki 12000 for the farm. Tun Labout 8tamb. The big teamer Ulenloehy, tald to be the Lirg est tteamer that ever entered the Co lumbia river, paued this place for Portland early yesterday morning. The dlmentiona of the big craft are aa follower Length, 400 feet: beam, 49.6 feet; depth of bold, S9.6 feet; en pises, tripple oompound, 29x47 and 77 inobea diameter with S4 inobee troke. Tb Qlenlocby comet to Portland for a cargo of lumber (or tbe Orient and will take cargo at tbe North Paoifla and Inman-Poulaon mills. When loaded the will carry in the neighborhood of 3,000,000 feet. Fruit nr Dkmahd. Reports from varlona eeotlone of tbe United Statea indicate briak demand for dried frolts, end the proapeote are that fruits properly dried will sell readily tble wiuter. One advantage In drying fruit le that it doee not have to be ruabed on the market, end doea not have to be quickly disposed ef. It can wait for a favorable market. Dealers throughout the valley are in daily re ceipt of inquiries regarding the amount of dried (rult available, and are asked to quote figuree on large lota. Indications are that the pro ducer who curee hie crop will find ft market for tbe tame at paving figures. Thi Old Way The Corvall'n Gs sette says t JL new arrival from Ne braska ia Wesley Newton, and he made a long trip across the plalna at tbey used to do in tbe days of '49. His two covered wagona rolled into Corvallia Wednesday afternoon, and the long trip of 1800 milea was ended. Tbe start was made from Arspsho on tbe 10th of May, and tbe route traveled waa tbe same those we now call pion eers followed westward in the early days, but 21 days of tbe period wee a pent at Boise City in rest and recup eration for tbe remainder of the trip. Tbe horses arrived in first rate condi tion, and after short rest will be able to resume bard labor. Mr. Newton is ft brother-in-law of O. W. Beck with, and wants to rent a xarm. Binm EimTAiKiiajiT-The en tertainment given at tbe opera bouse latt Friday evening (or tbe benefit of Bev. W. L Blackwell wae atuccese in every detail Tbe programme ren dered waa not too long, neither too short ; just right ! and tbe diiTerent se lection! were well rendered. The toloe ty Mis Longaore and Miae Jonee and tbe duet by Mrs. Watte and Mies Long acre were especially good, aa was also the recitations by Miae Boyle and the character eketob by Miae Jennie Gil eon. During the rendering of the pro gramme short intermlaaions were baa durinsT whioh ice cream wae served and social cbat iudulged in by the lane crowd. By tbe time the enter tainment waa brought to a close eight gallons of lew cream bad been disposed of at two (or a quarter, and the re oeipte amounted to f 21. It wat about 11 o'clock when the festivities closed. TltaunwH Rii.vnK PinKKa Cam plaint it made that cannerymen on the Bound are putting up tne amen and comparatively low-grade salmon caught there under the name of Co lumbia river salmon, cave tbe Oregou ian. It la said that no feu than eeven labels used by Bound cannerymen bear tbe Inscription, "Columbia River Salmon, put up at Astoria." A (ew years ago ft great "howl" was raised here because packers of fall fiih in the Columbia, labeled them Columbia river salmon, and thua Injured tbe reputation of the Columbia river fiab in the market. This, it ie understood, haa been etopped. There is no fish put up on tbe coast, or elsewhere, equal to the genuine ohinook of tbe Columbia, and the standard branda of tble flab, put up by packere who have an established reputation, have always commanded a higher price than any other. Whether there is any wsy ol KM..niU nntmlA Aahrman from forcing tbe name of Columbia river salmon lor tneir paca oi wienor dm is not known, but every effort will be used to prevent it, and to expose dis honest paotters. , Friqhtfui.lt Lacbbatbd. A. quite aerioua accident happened nearver- . i. t..t a.,iirtu whan fllftva. Lba UUUia I maw " - 13-year-old son of Mr. Wm. Mellingsr, received ft tun cnarge oi anut id iu i..t. nart nf the left forearm. The IUMJ f .. w - - - boy , in company with hie older broth er, Perry, and nay mum, were out gun ning aear tbe Bidgway farm, and while Cleve waa reloading bis gun a . I.I...,!... tha hull nf th emn invHirw-u.. - - m alipped off the log on which he was standing, ana me lunaeu imi -ii.-u..- BiUh tha Ktinll statad be- uiavum ---- .. A uanMr araa lianatahel to llUf, tm iHww.",. . this olty for medical aid, and Dra. Cliff and Boss let nere at xu o oiooa. wu night for a long, mountain drive to Vernonia, reaohing there at 5 o'clock Sunday morning. Upon examination of the wound tbey found the tendons, nlM and artariaa friffhtfullv torn and severed. The wound waa care fully dressed, and as there oould be AntiaA m, taint niilaaLlnn. it waa de- cided not to amputate the member (or a day or two. Mr. Mellinger brought tbe boy to thia city Monday and tne pnysioians are more nopeiui ....... nns nf utlnff Ilia arm and band. If sufficient circulation can be had there ie scarcely any question PUUU, HIH ..... ......- -. " the wound is a serious one, the little follow anrla Llia nnnnmfnrtlhleiiess of it manfully, and is getting along as nloeiy aa OOUIU ne expeoteu unuor wm circumitances. The charge of shot entered from the outer side, pasting between the two bones of the forearm, and coming out on toe inner siuo. Mr. J. L. Charlton, who baa been residing in the neighborhood oi xanic- trm Inr anmu tlma. la nOW llvinB in this city, having moved here for the purpose of schooling dis cnuarea. . rBnSONAIi AND LOCAL. Mra. jr. W. Day waa la Portland Tuesday. Fred VTatklna wuolrouktlog In tha metropolis a day or two thia week, T. 3. Cleeton waa looking after bus iness matters in Portland Wednesday. Tbe tame season opened Wednes day and the sports were out in full loroe. D. W. Frloe, of ScaDDooae. wat seen in town Tuesday evening for a minute or two. ,- Tbe regular September session of county court will convene next Wed nesday, the olb, Mrs. Way and daughter Mabel re turned from their plaoe near Bunker hill latt Tuesday. Wa tiava rarafullv nranariid daanrln. tlve pamphlets of Columbia county lor saie at tuis oiuoe. Tbe rain and cool weather the first of the week turned the tide of travel from the coast iuland. Seven thousand bushels of wheat were sold at Monmouth last Monday for 75 oenta per bushel. . Mr. W. B. Diltard and Mr. E. H. Fbilbrook are out on a fUhlng expedi tion on North Soappoose. Mra. Holoomb. of Portland, arrived In thia city Tueaday evening and is the guest oi her daughter, Mra. W. a. Dillard. Hon. Norman Merrill, of Clatsluinie, aooomanied by Mrs. Merrill, wae in Iowa Tuesday last, and irom nere went to Portland. Johnnie Lamberson, employed on the Galsert, apent last Monday fore noon at borne, It being tbe lay on day for that steamer. Tbe boy stood on the burning deck. rubbing his hands with glee; "I'm from Clondyke," be exclaimed "this u )ust rtgbt lor me." Deputy Sheriff Hattan and family returned last Tuesday night from Claiekanie where tbey bad spent sev eral days visiting relativte. Mr. and Mra. M. 0. Gray wnt to the eeaside on Thursday night of laat week, where tbey remained for several daya enjoying owne from old ooean. A letter from Judas Switser statea that be reached bia destination in Grant county all right, and reports that considerable mining ia being done tbero thia season. The tteamer Maaoot resumed ber Lewie river run last Saturday, the El wood having been placed on the upper Willamette route to haul wheat, bops and Uoppicbera. The property owners in Columbia county are evidently very well pleased with the 1897 assessment, as very few petitlona were filed with the board of equalisation for change. A number ol people have left this county witbln tbe past two weeks for the bop fields of Wallamette valley. Tbe price paid (or picking this year is better than (or two or more years in tbe past, James Fitsgerald, of Los Angeles, CaL, returned Tueaday evening from near Vernonia, where he bad been vis itinc bis parenta. He went to Oak ialand the next day to visit bis sister, Mrs. Frank Dow. A seventy-acre tract of land near Forest Grove yielded an average ol 42 bushels of wheal to the acre. Thia, at 76 cents per bushel, would net tbe owner iz.zuo, or f 31.W per acre, Nothing alow about that, W. A. Harris baa leased the comer lot on Strand and Cowlits streets Irom Aaron Kelley and will move his pres ent store building to that location. Meantime Dr. CHiTa office will be moved a (ew feet north. Tbe board of equalisation met in this city last Monday and remained in session five days. No serious com Dlaiota were made from any quarter and the opinion ia freely expressed that Mr. White has been exceptionally fair in hta assessment. Tbe bay crop on the bottom lands ia aaid to be somewhat shorter than usual, owing principally to the exoea sive heat during tbe greater part of August. Haying, however, ia well undor way, and although the crop it reported short there ie plenty for home consumption, and to spare. The prospeotus of the Clatakanie high sobool for the next term is out. A full blab school course is outlined. All the educational featurea connected with such an institution are to be found there, and the city of Clatakanie ia bound to profit by the concerted action of her people along thia line. It is said that about 150,000 shin gles per day are shipped from Clataka nie, the price ranging from $1.20 to fl.35 per thousand in Portland. Tha output of most of tbe shingle mills is being increased and in a short time it may not be unreasonable to expect that all the sbiagle mills of the county may bo running at their full capacity. Loft-era alone the Columbia rejoice in better demand for their product than for some time. Tbe price bas not vet advanoed.but suoh it expected daily and for thst reason the Portland mills are using every available means to capture a large supply oi logs aneaa of an expected advanoe, and in con sequence tow boats are in great de mand, every available one being in use. Frank Bishop, of Goble, waa in town Tuesday night and reports that one bridge about 100 feet long in bis road distriot was destroyed by the recent destructive fire in that vicinity, a aeoond bridge waa somewhat injured hut ia now in condition for travel. That fire was a very unfortunate thing and is one of those occurrences in whioh no ono really teems to be at fault. :,' Frank H. Fry e, of the Frye Buhn Meat Company, of Seattle, waa in this city and vicinity a few days this week buying lsrge beef cattle for his estab lishment. Mr. Frye aaya that no state in the Union has brighter proapeote for humming times this fall and win ter than Oregon. With big prices for beef, mutton, wool, hops, wheat and fruit, and to much of it to sell, Oregon ia bound to feel the good timet. Wm, D. Oonnell, of Deer Island, wat in town Monday, Mr. O. H. Engllah, of Deer Island, wm ft county seat visitor Tuesday evsnlng. . . Captain Edward Sullivan ia again at his post of duty on tbe Potter, after his vacation to Mt. St. Helens. Bev. 0. E. Pbilbrook will preach at Bachelor Flat at 11 o'clock next Sun day, and in thia oity In tbe evening. N. A. Perry and party returned laat Saturday (rom North beach, where they had been rusticating for some time. .- A marriage license was Issued by the county clerk Wednesdsy to Jennie Burkbead and Martin M. Harvey, of Mist. . Mr. H. P. Watkins, after an absence of four months in Southern Oregon, returned to this city last Saturday night. Bay your school books and school supplies from Boss. He bas a com plete tine. An excellent aasortmsat of tablets. ' Miss Mary Conyers, of Oregon City, spent last Sundsy in this oity visiting friends. She returned home Monday afternoon. Mrs. 0. E. Fbilbrook and Mrs. G. H. Lemont attended the dedication ser vice of the Congregational church al Baiaier last Sunday. W. E. Stevens, of Lake (arm, Frank Dow, Henry Uelgeson and Louis Johnson, of Oak island, were in this oity last Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mra. G. A. Hall returned last Saturday from West Portland, where tbey bad spent tbe week visit ing relatives and friends. Mrs. E. M. Wharton and children, wbo have been ruaticating in the mountains for a number of weeks, re turned to this city last Friday, Tbe reason (or the scarcity of flab in Trout lake this year ia aaid to be that explosives have been used to such an extent that tbe fish bave been al most exterminated. A party of excursionists from Port land came to town Sunday on a little teamer and apent two or three hours in tbs park. Tbey started on their return about 7 o'clock. ; A game of baseball took place at Rainier last Sunday between the boys of that town and tbe Beaver valley nine, resulting in a victory for tbe former by a score of 46 to 10. The steamer G. W. Shaver made ber first trio last Sunday on tbs Clata kanie run, after having been laid off for repairs for same time. Tbe Dixon, after her little miahap last week, is again towing logs. Bev. Mr. W. L. Blackwell preached bia laat aermon in thia city laat Sun day evening for thia conference year. Conference will convene soon and it is not known whether ho will be re turned here or not. Will some kiod cltixen inform us what excuse there ie for such a publi oationas tbe Portland Weekly Dis patch. It ia neither useful, ornamen tal or profitable. Its patent outside is tbe only redeeming feature about it. Budget. . Thomas and Charley Cooper went to Washington comity Tuesday to be on hand to shoot China pheasants when the law opened Wednesday morning. Thomaa eaid tbey bad per mission to shoot on three large farms, and we expect to see tbe market over stocked with birds in a few days. Tbe St. Helena publie school will nnan Mil Uirndiv with Mr. G. A. Hall aa teaoher. Mr. Hall taught tbe school laat year ana gave gooa eatieiacuoo, and no oouot no win ainve vo main tain the reputation be bas established for himself. The building bas been overhauled, and will now furnish bet ter accommodations (or the children aud teaoher. Gray brothers, two (allows arrested in Portland on a charge of larceny committed in Rainier, are now serving a aivt ria aantanna in the COUntV jail at thia place, having been com muted ny ronce juogo uiara, oi Rainier. The men stole some old scrap iron from Dean Blanchard'e mill and disposed of it for enough money to buy some morphine, to which habit they are slaves. They nlaaifai anili.T to tha charge and Judee Clark imposed the sentence meutioned aoove. - Now that Harvey Soott has coma to the concluaion that United Statea sen ators should be elected by direct vote of tbe people let him show bis sincer ity by allowing hie name to be used aa candidate by petition. Every body knowe him aud ia familiar with his opinions. Tbe plain people of Oregon want just one crack at him to show bim now muon tney love mm. One ohance to get action on Mr. Scott as a candidate for United Statea aena tor would make bim think hell had broke loose. Budget. It Saves cwmpr ChtMrem. Biavicw, Ve. We have a aplendid aate on Charatxrlain's Cough Remedy, and our eaatoiners coming from far and near, apeak of it in tha alcheit terms. Many have aaid that their children would bave died of orouo if Ohamberlala's dough Bemedy had not been given. Kbllak 4 Ooaaijt. The 25 and SO cent sixes for sale by Dr. J. Boss. absolutely Puree Celebrated for Itt treat leavening trength and healthfulnew. Aaiurw the food agalnit alum and all forma of adul teration common to the ohwtp branda, boyai, bakimo rowBia oo., Maw veaK. VEHNOKIA GLEANINGS. Patter, patter, came tht rain. everybody bas gone bop picking. Bev. Fisber left here on Monday morn ing for Portland. At present there are three threshing ma chine operating in thia valley. Thomas Pettllobn and Ed Webstar, of Ksasey, wers in town last Friday. Tbe recent showers will eanae tbs thresh ing machines to stop for a day or two. John Broas and family passed throogb town but Wednesday en route (or tbe bop fields. ; It is rumored about that Grandpa Heas inlands to start a small grocery store in veraonla. Miss Myrtle Powell has been eagaged to teach tbe school la tbe Bay district, below Pittsburg. Miss Bertha Patrick closed a very suc cessful term of school in tbe Keaaey dis trict last Friday. Miss Lola Bbannahan, wbo baa been vis iting bar sister, Mrs. Cleeton, at St. Helens, returned borne laat Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Dow went to Clstaka- nie the latter part of last week to diapose of their stock of bockskln gloves. Mr. John Van passed through town for St. Helena last Friday to meet bis daugh ter, Dora, wbo bas been working in Fort- land tbe pastsummer. Tbey arrived borne Saturday, Tbe youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Lane, who live below Pittsburg, died last Friday. Tbe funeral was preached by Bev. Palmer In tbia city Saturday, followed by tbs burial In ths Vernonia cemetery. Tbe wedding bells were ringing at tbe psrsonags last Sunday, Mr. George Parker and alias Anna Solomon being united In tbe bonds of matrimony by Bev. Fisber. Frank Malmatea and John Baker were tbe witnesses. Tbe newly msrrlad couple lett Monday for a wedding tear to tbe bop Helda. Ws extend congratulations. 'We, tbe undersigned, of Vernonia. and vicinity offer ourselves as matrimonial can didates ss our wives have gone bop pick ing. Any good looking woman will be ac cepted provided she can cook, waab dishes snd patch old elothess Frank Tracy, L. W. Van Dyke, M. Davison, I. Spencer, 8. A. Hosford, Sol Sheeley. Ernest Bbannahan, "Doc" Beeghley, E. B. Tbroop. J. E. Dow, News of tbs death of Able Reedrat For est Grove, was received hers last week. Mr. Bead bad been a resident of this valley for a long time, and bad. gons to Forest Grove only a short time ago for medical treatment Mr. Beed was very aged and bas not been expected to livo for some time. He waa an old war veteran, and a member of John Bucber Post Mo. 70, U. A. B., of this city. Wm. Wilkinson, one of Nebalem's oldest pioneers, passed away quite unexpectedly laat Tuesday, a week ago. Decessed was about 69 years of bge, and very feeble, hav ing not bean able to perform hard labor for some Urns. He served as a volunteer scout in the Union army during the late war. He was one of tbs first to settle in this val ley. He leaves a wife and four children to mourn bis demise. EXCELLENT CONDITIONS. A gentleman residing in this city, who made a trip through tbe lower valley a few daya ago. returning borne yesterday, ex pressed himself as highly pleased with the conditions and prospects of tbe eonntry, as a result of the excellent crops and good markets. Among other things he said : "The hot weather, prevailing at this time and which Is the beat that could be bad for bops, la rapidly making away with bop lice. Tbe country between Salem and Oregon City ia in a base ef golden glory. Many fields of spring wheat, which ap peared worthless last spring, are now eovered with shocks of bound grain, tbe beads well filled and baagiag over heavily. "At many places along the road I noticed prune orchards heavily loaded aad one in particular In this county wu loaded until tbe trees were breaking down. A number f tbe bop yards are Is excellent condition, promising a splendid return for the capital invested and the labor performed, and many others are vary good, though some few bsre suffered. "I was in Portland on Friday when tbe news came that in tha Eastern market wheat had gone to $1 per bashel, and this caused an exceptionally buoyant feeling in business circlet, and In faet among all claases of oitisens, and tbe earns feeling waa noticeable in tbe valley to wns as I returned home today. "There is no use denying It any longer, prosperity haa returned, and it bas come to stay with ua for a long time, if we will only bave the good judgment not to set It back by vicious legislation In the various states, and thereby drive Invested capital away." Salem Statesman. "My boy came home from school one day with hie band badly lacerated and bleeding, and Buffered great pain," says Mr. J. Serial!, with Meyer Bros.' Drug Co., St, Louis, Mo. "I dressed tbe wound, and applied Chamberlain'a Pain Balm freely. All pain oeaaed, and in a remarkably short time healed without leaving a scar. For wounds, spraina, awelliugs and rheumatism I know of no medicine or prescription equal to it. I consider it a household necessity." The 25 and 60 cent sixes for sale by Dr. Edwin Boss. Make No Mistake! GO TO Rainier New Store for Good Value and Small Prices. A rCW SPECIALS NOTED. Wonted drees goods, St in. wide, per yard 17 Blaek Hatean 08 Light 8atn. 10 Outing Flannet... 04 OlnKham Wi Lawn OS I. h af adln Ot Bleached siualin.... 05 Calico W Duck Suiting... 0 Ladles handkerchief! S eta each, three tor 10 Lwliee heavy vests with long sleeves IS Latlleeooraeta 40 Ladles ahoea 85 eents and no. Children! hoee 86 oeoU and op. Ordinary pins per paper 01 Dragon apool cotton, 300 yards on a spool three epoolB lor..... OS Clark'a O. N. T. spool cotton, three spools. . 10 Chlldnne hoea, per pair 04 OenU ahlrta, each 26 Onedreuing eomb pt One towel OS George Antone RAINIER, VALLEY SKWg ITEMS. We bed qaite a heavy rain here Monday night. Frank Cobiskl, who bas been confined to his bed for a long time, la now reported to be Improving. Hsrvsstinc Is about over, except some very late grain, ,snd a Urge number of poop" bave gone to tbe hep fields. Mr. Wharton's fsmfly sad relatives who bare been camping on Bear creek, near here, moved laat Friday for Bt. Helens. Crops ars very good here. In some plsces tbe bay yield bas been ss high as three tons to tbs sere. Fotstqee promise a good yield. , Tbe rain that came this week served a good purpose In putting ont tbe forest fires and starting up tbs second growtn clover. It bas also been good for tbe gardens. Fred Zeller is busy threshing out nesr river front and is expected to go over to Mist with his machine as soon as be com pletes tbe work In this neighborhood. His machine is said to be doing good work tins , Crop and Weather Report. Pobtlabd. Oregon, Aug. 80, 1897. Fall sown wbeat Is aafely stored in ware houses, etc. Threshing of spring-sown wbeat is nearly done. All reports agree as to the excellent yield and quality. Spring sown grain is eenaiderably above tbe aver age. Oats are safely out of the way; tbey are of a superior qusiity, and tbs yield baa been excellent. Prase a are ripening rapidly. Urge quan tities are being shipped for fresh fruit, and tioe over rips go to the driers. Tbe driers ars all starting ap. The prone crop is much heavier than was anticipated. Tbe shipment of Bsrtlett pears and Crawford peaches continues. Trainloada of fruit eon- signed to tbe Middle West and tha AUantlc Slope cities bave left this city every other day for tbe past two weeks; tbe fruit hst arrived in good condition and command! good prices. Tbe msin crop now demanding attention ia the bop crop; tbe weather prevailing is not favorable. Picking bas commenced la all sections. Tbe hop louss Is bad. Mould bas appeared In some yards, and the total product will be less than heretofore ex pected. Hoppickera ars not over plentiful. Ths quantity and quality ef the bops will not be an average. Tbe apple and late peach crops will be good, the former being freer from tbe ef fects of tbe Codlin moth tbsn usual. Com is a good crop for Oregon. Corn in Oregon dees not grow to that perfection that la found in the Mississippi valley. Pasturages are now at their poorest, though stock is yet in a good condition. Potatoes continue to be reported a big crop. Melons, squashes, oabbage, etc., are prolific Within a few weeks all crops and pro duce will be gathered, and plowing tor next year's crops commenced. : A Caure fes ttillome Celie. Bbsocbcb, Screven Co., Ga. I have been subject to attacks of b'lioua colls for several years. Chamberlain's Collo, Cholera and Diarrhoea Bemedy is tbe only sore relief. It acts like a charm. One dose of It gives relief when all other remedies fail. G. D. Bsuir. For ssle by Dr. E. Boss. WUtxt Dr. A. E. Ssrtter Mmy . BurriyO, 5. Y. Gents: From my per sonal knowledge, gained In observing the effect of your Shiloh's Core In cases of ad vanced Consumption, I am prepared to say it la the most remarkable Bemedy that has ever been brought to my attention. It bas certainly ssved many irom Consumption. Sold by Dr. Edwin Boss. . Catarrh Cored. A clear head" and sweet breath secured with Shiloh's Catarrh tem edy, sold on a guarantee. Nasal injector free. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross. Earl's Clover Boot Tea, for consumption It's the best snd if after using it yon don't say so, return tbe package and get your money. Sold by Dr. Edwin Boss. . Bcfceol Wsarrswie Parakla. Sr. Hbum, Or., Sept. S, 1897. The school clerk of school district Ho. 9, Columbia eonutT. Oresoo. bas monev on hand to pay the following numbered war rants or eaia aumei: nos. vat, isu, iai, 132, 133 and 134. Interest will cease after this date. K. E. QUICK, District Clerk. -THE BANQUET SALOON CLONINGER & C00PEB, PROPRIETORS. Wine and Liquor Card tables, pool table, billiard table and other devices for ths entertainment of pat rona, where time can be pleasantly spent, FAMOUS FIRE LADDIE CIGARS ATeSBAWTS) VSITOI ZVp4aa ast auun) ewav v-. constant.? on band to apply tht increased TJuMaa aVes nnnnlo twain si at shrwt Va.4 iravutj m uiw t J avj4as. bmwu CYRUS NOBLE WHISKY I KXFT AT HI BANQUET. THC : : t Ladles hoes Genu white shirts....... Oenta weolen pants Genu cotton pants Gents tampers. . Genu heavy underwear, each Genu eaapendera, 16 eta, two for... GanU woolen (westers Genu overalls GenUaoclu Spain for......... GenUauilsU.eoendap. . Genu handkerchief a two for....... Two doaea draaa buttons Twelve doun white buttons........ Six doaen black button ThMAllMMI a&ftfeftT nli?a ,. 05 . 60 .1.00 . 60 . ss . s& . 25 .. 75 ,. 80 .. 35 OS 05 OS Itt 05 ... ...rrw a fanm atock nt ladlaa and aenU turnlahlug gooda, aueh aa hala, shoes, panU and drees goods, and noveltlea of all kfnda. We take shingles and farm produce and eggs In trade for our goods. Wa make a small prom In order to give nona gooaa at towea pcro-a. and Alike Ellis, OREGON. AN OPEN LETTER . To MOTHERS. WB ARB ASSERTING IN TUB COURTS OUX RIGHT IX) TliU EXCLUSIVE USB OF THE WORD "OASTORIA," AND " PITCHER'S CASTORIA," A3 OUR TRADE MARK. It DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, cf Hyannis, Kassaehusctis, was the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the gam that hoi borne and does now ) sifeu on bear the foe-simile signature of C&$753Sf wrapper. This is the original " PITCHER'S CASTORIA.- which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bought .srfj. on13 and has the signature of CfifffljcAte wrap-1 per. No one has authority from me to use my name ex cept The Centaur Company of which Chas. H, Fletcher is Do Not Be Deceived. Do not saidanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he does not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THC F AC-SI MILE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. the mttmusm , rr IVVVWVVVVWVV ........GET PROVISIONS - Harris' Cash Grocery. "The Perkins" C. W. KNOWLES, Manager, Mr. Knowlea was, for many years, proprietor of the Bt Cbarlea hotel, and while there established a reputation as a hotel man. He ia now in a better position to entertain his friends than aver before, and will welcome all his old patrona to his new place of business, where can be fooad an ap-to-date hotel. Corner Fifth Dr. E. Ross ST. HELENS, OREGON Constantly Keeps in Stock a Complete Line of DRUGS, ? TOILET t ARTICLES School K An Unusually well-selected Stock W .. I il . W . cuf ana ma jaesi A FINE LINE OF Finest Perfumes and Soaps. Patent Medicines THE MIST AND OREGONIAN TWO TOGETHER ONE YEAR. ONLY TWO DOLLARS Every Time. You buy from us you get FULL VALUE For your money in good. Fresh Staple Groceries. HOULTOST, OREGOX W llLsr" Oregonian and tmmtua 'TT V V V W W YOUR........ AT - and Washington Streets, Pcrtlanl i i 4 Supplies of Writing Tablets, Pens, Pen- J I it aT L-a. H vu 100 juarset. 4 FANCY STATIONERY J PRESCRIPTIONS CARKPTTIXY AND ACCURATKLY COMPOGNDKD. aJ"au-SfcAaJMa sfta sffc AjsansVdgj i Uist ON TOQCTiim LY 2 DOLLARS Sf saysCT