The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, August 27, 1897, Image 3

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    Boaio or EQUiuzATiosr. County
board of aquslUatlotv tneaU next
Monday, at whloh lima all person
may appr and praaaot ibalr claims
(or change In their assessment. Tba
board ooniifU of (ha Judge, clerk au4
'Muor, who have their mind pre
jrsd for all manner of grievance!.
Got BartiXD Oohtsiol. A. dltaatrona
fin hai been raging In the vicinity of
J. M. Archibald' place, back of lieu
ben, for eeveral day. Mr. Archibald
ael fire In a itump near bia home and
t an unguarded moment the flame
crept away to the timber and brtuh
and eoon wea beyond aH control.
Bony Iteed't house and barn, yalor-d
at about $000, were dealroyed, 600
pordeof wood wa burned, 100 rod
of flume waa destroyed, a burn on
llarve Fowler'a place, Valued ai
about $160, waa burned, and a em nil
bouae belonging to T. O. Welti, worth
about $100, waa deetroyed.
X Bamoue Acoidbht. The party
conilating of Mr. and Mra. George A.
Hall and Mr. and Mr. Godfrey and
(mlly returned from the fall on
North goappooae, where tbey had
been camping, laet Friday evening.
During their tay there Mia May
Whitney met with a painful accident
by falling about forty feet down an al
moat perpendicular rock bluff whlob
the waa attempting to aaoend. The
fall rendered her uuooneoiouefortom
time and reeultod in many bruits,
aoma ol which are of a aeiloue nature.
Another young lady waa making tbe
aaoeni at the tame time and eeme
near Buffering tbe eeme fate. It wee
only a miracle that Mia Whitney did
not loaa bar life.
8himgli MilU EMUMtao. It ie as
sarted bv tboaa wbo annum know, mat
the white pine hiugl manufacturer
are aUrting op a great many of their
nllla that have been Idle for some
aim. The advance in oeder abingli
haa oeonraged tbm to again outer
thafl.ld. Thl eUtement U probably
' correct, but on the baata of preeeot
nrUm for cedar ahintloa. or even a
little higher prioee, tbe demand for
them wiU equal tbe aupply. The
danger la not ao much from white
plna aa from boomlab ideea again get
tine- atarted and a whole lot of new
cedar mill be put up. Already there
m ! aew one contemplated. A
few mora would bo all right, bat not
many. Weal Coasl Lumberman
Dviava to Buociao. Thirteen
young men, atudenU ol Portland Unj
vereity, have been camped Bear Yank
i inr aeveral week cutting cord-
wood, moat of which will UMd.fJI
ike university. Something like 860
corda la tbe reeiilt of their cummer ve
.tinn. which will materially aid tbem
financially In gtog through the next
oh! vaar. The wood la being
brought to tbla oity through the flume
end from bare hipped on mow to
Portland. Tbeeo determined young
tnen deserve great credit for the r
.ffnrii ia ufiura an education, and it
1 a aafe proportion that their indu.
try and energy will prepare
k. hither walka of life. "Where
there' a will there' a way" eeeoi to
apply la tliia case.
HcRMiMM axd Hia FaiDa.-Aboul
4he flrt appointment eeoured for Ore
con wa Ihet of -Congreemao Her
menn, tolhe oommiMionereliipof the
general Uod office. Then Mr. Her
Z. . hmtlior waa appointed poat-
at Mvrtle Point: then another
... annotated to a place In
VIVVMOI waeajaw ..."
La.. He Harfflin n'a brother-in-law
waa appointed to a place in tbe land
office. All of the eppol hove re
ferred to live in Uo county, w
seen a Utile etrange In view of the
tact that Cooe county gavo Bryan
several hundred majority and haa been
carried by the populiaU lor the peel
eix year, that Coo county jhould bo
aingled out a the oounty to be eepeo
lally favored by the preeeot
tration. There are aeveral able bodied
men in tbe Hermann family yet un
provided with an officer-Btafaman.
Au. Bat Knr away. r.
Lethrop, who etarted lor Klondike
from Pendleton, repreaenllng eeveral
neaapaper, write back aa followa
IromDvea: "If anyone
eight like tbla before he aaw it in hie
e&aros. Imagine 8000 w?W .ended
AnAnm a faw week with camping
. outfit. Not a man of tham ever waa
here before, and tbe majority nave no
iiniM manuel labor for year.
Tbey are strung along from tide water
(0 WO loot OI we paw, nt.v
......ti- m nt over. Every day
ace intue rivalry and vain endeavor,
but little auccea. Men simply can
not grt over who cauia late, at leaai.
Iu. i. . indement." Throughout
hie letter be aound. Ibis good .dvicet
. - mi this fall. Under any
a .ii Aimumatancea (lay at home
.ui- anil noma in the tpring.
t. .wiutl enoueh to Bay thi
.nnMitaion.b And be con
hi. i.ti. with thia unmlUka
Oiuun ....... -
bleP. B.J "Agaiudo not come norin
tbia fall, excepting on "f
Btcamboat Mm 8tb. Laet Bat
urday morning only a few minniea
r...' .i.i,.ia time to leave rort-
land, the capUina on asver.l of he
-Vl. .(..r. were notified that the
t...khnda and firemen would not go
aniiL an the boaU unlea Ibeir wage
. l-.-I ttlt n.r mnnlh. TblB aC'
inn w.m biousht about by an order
. ,u. .lumkntlmtiu' UaiOO
Portland. Heretofore iho deckhand
v... uoaiviul tS5 ner montn ana
board, and tbe demand wee to inoreaee
.Ma in HQ. No nreviou aotice bad
..mA nn narnara of the dlf
f . .ml onnaMiuentlv there In nnnaider the de-
.9 uw v..wuvw
-J Tn . ahnrt time. bOWBVer,
.ninlu, nf man bad oeen
t ty. amhta the boaia toleeve,
u.-iZ- a nart of a crew
Only a few daya were required to have
a lull cumuii"""" ....
banda and firemen, ad
Joe. along a. , BOthin J"fi fr
.oenod. Jutetbi"0,lhf5f!,r
U light, man, of not .g
depreMion wf?.,"'- offlciala,
Frank Dow icent Tueadar In tbla
city. ;
County Clerk Weed waa a Portland
vleltor lait Tueaday.
Mr. John Dibble, of Rainier, vUUed
our oity Wedaeadiy,
Mr, A. JT. Shepard, of Perl, wa in
thia oity Wednesday rooming.
F. M. Tompkln, of fceppoo, wa
oounty wat vUitor Wedneaday.
Diitriot Attorney Cleeton waa a
Portland vialtor Monday and Tuoiday.
John Bwager, of Kelao, well known
are, wa circulating on oureireeta
Oreeon Bartlett pear are bringintr
from $1.76 to $2.23 per box la the Chi
cago market.
Judae Switaer went to Grant county
aeveral day ago to invealigate mluiug
in that part of the atat.
Bev.' Burlingame will preach at
Reader on Saiivie'e Uland next 8uu-
day morning and evening.
A. II. Blakealey epent aeveral daya
at Aatoria and tbe coaat laet week, re
turning home Sunday night.
lira. Judaon Weed and children and
Mr. fi. Weed returned Wedneaday
from a aeveral daya' vidt to relative
on the Cowlitt.
(i. W. Emeraon ha the repair on
the achoolbouae completed, and tbe
building will be ready lor uae by tne
lima aobool la to begin.
Was Reuba Payne, of Quincy, re
turned to her noma Monday alter
pending aeveral day with Mr. and
Mr. White at Houlton.
Dra. II. R. Cliff and Edwin Rom, of
thia oity and J. E. Hall, of Clatakanie,
have beeo Appointed a board ol pen
ion examiners for Columbia county,
You may hunt the world over and
you will not find another medicine
equal to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Viarrnoea nemeay lor oowei con
Dlaiots. It la pleaaant, aaie ana re
liable. For sale by Dr. Edwin Roes,
Mia Alfreddie McAllliter, of Oconto,
Wi la in the city tbe guet ol bar
finuilni. the Mlaaea Way. Mita Mo-
AllitUr baa been on the eoatt about
alirht weeke. and in a abort time will
leave bare to viaii irienaam vvaau'
Mr. and Mr. W. H. Dolman, Capt
and Mr. Bulllvan, Mrs. Knowlea, Mia
Dull Butler, Dr. W. B, Jtoree, a. v.
Oiltner and L. K. Adams returned
tram Mount St. Helena last Sunday
after eoendiof two weeks Intbatwil-
dernna of woods.
Mr. W. T. Pioer. of Bcappooae, waa
In town Wedneaday and made tbie
nfflca a nlaaaant Call. He ay Crop
are good in bis section, and a general
(eeling Ol conienimeni preTaiia buiuhK
the DeoDta. He alao reported aoma
foreat Area In that locality.
If "by their fruite ya shall know
tbem" be anything to judge by the
people of Deer Inland are a go-ahead,
thrivina community. Much valuable
(mnrovtne- la belnc done in that com
munity and a apirit of enterpriae ie
every whero noticeable.
Tha warahnnaa of W. P. Fuller
Co., In Portland, waa completely de
etroyed by Ore last Monday evening
about 9 :90. The loa of the building
n1 what, it contained glaas and
painta ie said to be $60,000, covered
by conatderabio insurance.
The aieamboat etrike haa been the
of a number of St. Helena young
men flmlina amolovment. On the
i.i..rt aill ha found Robert George,
r..i Whitnav. John Lamberaon and
flam Tnrnln. On the Pottar Knutc
Sundby and L. U Decker have po
altion. '
A man bv the name of Marmod,
native of France, employed on the
Northern Pacific railroad grade work
at Naer City, fell dead about V o'clock
TueadaY morning of heart diaeaae. An
inqueat wa bold by Coroner McLaren
and tha iurv returned a verdict of
Haath from natural came. Hia re
main! were taken to Attona lor our-
ial the next day.
T ..i Tnaadav evenlnc a number of
our people, young and old, joined by
aeveral ol tne univereity o"y, gaiuanu
Park DilUrd about 1 o oiuc. ana
.! tha time drinking leinonaue,
.ilnf walarmelona. chatting and
tinging. The crowa remamea unw
about 10:30, when they retired, all
pleaaad with Mr. Dillard'a boapiulity
and the einuaementa of tbe evening.
A naraonal letter received a few day
ago inform ue lhat Mr. 0. L. Colbnrn,
formerly of this place, ia now school
superintendent oi BJioaiiat cuu..y,
ur..k .nrf la Innatad in Goldendale.
Tha laitar alao aUUs that Mra. Ool-
burn waa juat recovering from a er-
lout illoe. Mr. ana r. woiouro
have many Irienda nere wno win n
glad to hear they are getting along
whV ;:.,,;
Andrew Ruberl, who recently re-
.h frnm the mininK aiairiow ui
Southern Oregon, hae the pattern for
an Invention for catching and aaving
fine gold. The Invention ia auou wa
k. ...naratuaiatobe atuched at the
and of a eat of aluioe boxea,
an thna bv iU intricate mechaniam,
....k.. .11 tha Ana orold wbiob may
u ...j Anmn ma aiuioea. m.
Hubert haa applied for a patent and a
oon a. It la granted be will probably
begin the manufacture and Bale ol
the machine.
Mr. and Mra. Edward Joseph went
to Vernonia Wednesday morning in
rwpooae to word from there that Mr.
JoaVpU'. father, Mr. William W.lkin
ton, bad .uddenly expired on Tueaday
mowing. Mr. Wilkicon had com
plained to hi wife a few moment be
fore that he felt ick, and retired to
.u. .k.rfa nf a tree in the yard, where,
fter a few momenta, Mr. Wilkiuoo t
waa attraoted bv a noiae.
..a .nnnina- to her husband, found
HaH. It ia aaid that death waa
a i.nin iiiilHan heart attack. Mr,
wiikin.n had reaided in that locality
lor many year, and had the reapeot
nf avarv realdenl of that part of the
Ha left a wife and four chil
5 " ir n W. Mallinaer. of Verno
nia. Mr. Kd Joeeiih, of thia oity, B.
. iir:ii.tnn. ol Vernonia. and an
unmarried daughter.
Jay Doming waa a Portland viiitor
Rev. C. E. Pbilbrook was a Portland
vltitor yesterday. .
Judge Doan waa up from Rainier
Monday afternoon.
Mr. and Mi. J. H. Sheldon visited
Eureka yenlerday.
Charles E. Hall went to Rainier
Wedneaday afternoon.
Mr. A. H. Tarbell, of Houlton, via-
Ited Portland yeeterday.
Mlu Mamie Dart returned from
Portland Wedneaday afternoon.
T. C. Watte, of Reuben, wa in tU
Ity Tueaday evening.
Mi Bertha IIeldL,rrHilIboro, I
viciting friend iu thi city.
Dr. Cliff vitited MooreaviHe profes
aionally laat Monday eveuiag.
Louis B. Fitzgerald, of Vernonia,
waa in town Tueaday evening.
Charlca H. Englih, of Deer Ielaud,
waa in till city Tueaday evening.
Mr. Frank Dow returned laet Fri
ay from a three weeaa' viait in Ban
Mr. R. II. Bailey, of Yankton, U
aeriouily ill at Si. Vincent' huapital
in Portland.
Mi Daliy Watkina I viaitlng with
friend at Caitle Rock. She weut
down Wedneaday.
The Auguat apportionment of acbool
money can be aeeu in antotuer coi
umn of thi iuue.
Tbe dedication of tha new Congre-
aational church at Rainier takee
place next Sunday.
a. D. Oilnoa and daughter. of Houl
ton. were paaaengera for Jforiiaod
Wednesday morning.
E. H. Philbrook relumed from the
coait Wedneaday morning, where be
bad apent aeveral daya.
Mra. J. H. Groves, of -Portland, via
ited her daughter, Mrs. J. G. Muckle,
for several day thi week.
Balhins in the Columbia haa been
liberally indulged in by St. Helena
people lor tbe laat ten aay.
Jamea Fitagerald, of Lo Angela;
Col., baa been vialting relativee in thia
county and on Oak liland lor aome
Doj'I fail to attend tha entertain
ment at the opera bouae thia (Friday)
evening. You will get your money a
Tude Blakealey returned Tuecday
evening from a aeveral week' trip
through tbe British Columbia mining
Mra. W. H. Braden and children
a air rW I ...
came over irom vernonia auuhukj
evening, where I bey had been visiting
for aeveral weeka.
Mr. E. M. Wharton went out to
their camp on Clali-kanie Wedneaday
mnrnina to ioin bia family, tie ex
peeled to return today.
Mra. Perrlne and children, who had
bean viaitioc in toil city for aeveral
daya, returned to their home in Clata
Kama last sunaay Tennm.
CaDtain Grove, of the ateamer Fan
nie. and a Mr. Morriaon. a Michigan
lumberman, were in Bt. Heleua a abort
lime laat Friday evening.
Ra. Philbrook will bold common
ion service al Bcappooae next Sunday
at 11 o'oloolt, and will preaon at uaon
elor Flat at 4 o'clock iu the afternoon.
fl.ntain ICellrtee: ia building a new
learner for the Cowlita river trade. Ii
ia aaid whan com Dieted tbe aieamer
will draw only about ix inchea
water. -,
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ruberl, jr., a
rived from Graate Paa laat Friday,
altar havina been abient for aeveral
month. They may return to South
ern Oregon later In tbe aeaaon.
The remain of the little eon of Mr.
and Mra. Ed Banser were brought
down from Portland Monday morning
and taken to La Center for buriaL A
number of relatives accompanied the
remain on ita laat earthly journey.
Mra. E C. Gray, of Wbatoom county,
Wash., wbo baa been yUriting her eon,
M. C. Gray of this oily for a week or
more, returned home laal lueaoay.
Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Gray aocompanied
her as far as Portland,
Tbrnblog ba eominancad.
Campmeetlng baa closed with good re
Park Mltchatt retarned to Portland laat
Vernon Mow left for aotalde potolelaat
W. D. Caaa, ol PltUbnrg, was a Varnonla
vlntor lait Sunday.
Mr. and Mra. Powall, of Pittabnrg, ware
in thia city laat Bunday,
Bert Mllla drave tbe mall itoxa oat to
Houlton laat Saturday.
Mr. 8am Turk, of Oppar Hehalem.waa
In town (Saturday and Bunday.
A. Malll and family, of Mlat, ware at
tending campmeating at tbla place
Geo. Sitta. of Upper Ror.k eraak, brought I
In a load of marobandia for W. A. uutu
laat weak.
Cat Howard, of Yankton, baa bean ao-
iournln hare for tont time. He returned
bom laat Monday.
Old Mr. McOulloorh. of Upper Nehalem.
came down laat Batarday and remained
over Bnnday ia town.
Mr. Cbarlea Flber,f the Bom, wbo baa
tbe Bldgway farm rented, came up laat
week to Ibraab bia grain.
Mr. North and family wera la attendance
at campmeating tbe laat of tha week. Tbey
returned home Monday.
Arthur Johnaoa, wbo haa bean working
Bey. Shannon and family apent moat of
laat weak among bia parUbiooera at Lower
Beaver. ..v.
Cooildarablebaria being baled In tbla
vicinity and aold In tbe market at f 10 and
U per ton.
Mra. C. A. Hlmpel, of Kebatom City, ia
la town thia week on a vialt to Iter parent.
Mr. and Mra. A. F. Myers.
A faw of our taxpayer are mailing
around tbia week to aMe with tbe iherllf
and aare an additional 20 par cent.
Mra. R.f Conjrera left on Hi ateamer
Mft3ay tor La Grande, Oregon, on a viait
to bar daughter, Mra. W. K. Ticlienor.
Or. Maker, a dentist, of Portland, apenl
a week In town, tearing Tueaday. He waa
looking after our deficient taetb and found
aoma that needed repairing.
Dr. W. B. rlne, of Aberdeen, with two
medical frienda, paaaed through town laat
week fur tbe Nehalem valley to apend a few
daya. They returned Monday and left
on tha ateamer next day, declaring tbey
bad a aplendld time.
Mra. Bcrkenfeldt and eon, Paul, came
from Portland Tueaday on their way to
their home in the Nehalem yalley. A eon
eidorable amount of furniture and other
good accompanied them, enough to ereate
tbe auapiclon that Paul might be going to
tart out for blmaelf.
The unfortunate accident to the ateamer
Dizon that delayed bar arrival bare lor
nearly thlrty-eU hour, earned a good deal
ol uneaalnaea to many wbo raioa in during a logging caaap on tba Columbia river,
Monday, expecting to go out tbat evening, returned home laat Batarday.
Mill! llj v.J , ,
lwwwwwwa. wwaie"wil 4
gloulBtlng rlToodarlHc3ula
Uqg thtS tornado aMBowels of
Opdjm.MorpuinB nor ruautu.
Vutyrmm WW
A moonlight (f) picnic waa held in
tha nark laat Baturday oigbt wnicn
was attended by tbo thirteen univer-
aii atudanta eamDod in thia vicinity
anl ahnnt twenty raaideolS of thic
nl.M. Tha avaninc waa spent in
muaio. recitations and addreeaei end a
eeneral BOO al time, in couoiuaiuo
and under tne ngn ui vuimm
l.P. hnncr about in tbe tree a pien
AiA lunnhann waa nartaken oi. xne
evening wa a very pleaaant one.
Attorney L. K. Adama, of HilUboro,
walked forty milea with a pack on hia
h.-v nna da laat week for the privi
lege of paaaing one night in quietude
haaida the atill waura of Trout take,
.... nr,ini Rt. Halana. On awaken
Ina- in the morning be wa informed
that tha trout in those watare were
not ao frisky aa they used to be, and
nnt taka a fly." whereupon he
beat a baaty retreat and arrived here
laat Sunday evening ina very muob
disguated frame ol mino.
Tbe hotel received a benefit, however, and
have no complaint to mke.
D. Dixon. r., drove over to Mayger Mon
day and on bii return had the miafortune
to break a abaft on hia buggy, ue waa
looking after wrk for bia team and report
tbat teama can get plenty ol wora now on
tba railroad trade near Mayger at a little
ad ranee In price from what haa been pre
vailing. Hia team, wltb otaera, are orgia
nlng work this week.
One traveling over tha road from Clata-
kania to Mnyier cannot belp being im-
pre ted with the aubatantial character of
the railroad work being done. Tbe grading,
ontabla of the dredce work, beeidea being
compact ft very neatly done and give evi
dence of eood engineerinf. while the dredge
work on tbe prairlea fnrniahee plenty of
chance for diacuaaion aa to whether it will
atand or not,
A few talka of wheat from Ed Elhott'a
ranch have been on exhibition at tbe drug
tore. Tbey are about aix leet in lengin
and well beaded out. Borne or tne ranea
en who have aeen tbem aay tbey can beat
that in root. If tbey can, tall wheat can
be raited In tbia taction. By tba way, ia
writing of wheat, your eorreapondent waa
In tha Nehalem valley from Miat to Flab-
hawk a lew day ago. and waa mncb (leased
to aee ao much wheat growing and being
barveated. Thia valley wiU not be left thia
year when wheal ia booming.
Tba blackamitb eaema to be the buaiest
man tu town tbeee daya. So many wagon
wheela era dryiiif. out that hiaihop ia made
a denoailorv for diaabled vehicles to iwcb
an extent tbat It la aometlmea aimcuu to
get put on the sidewalk. It aeema, too.
tbat each man tblnka bia wagon ought to
be attended to Brat, and Eagle ie obliged to
nee aome itrategy to keep bia out to men an
amicable. He manage very well, however,
and gives general aatlalactiod with bia
work. Oar town would be ia a deplorable
condition without a blackamith ahopi In
fact, we don't propose to be without one.
Tha num'ier of persona who come to tbu
town and vicinity and the Nehalem valley
beyond for real and recreation waa In
creased thi week by the arrival of eome
meats who were Uken In charge by W. 8.
Miller and wife, other by Mr. ana ra.
W. H. Conyera, while others paeaeo on
through town. For tbe peat two month
visitors from Portland and elsewhere have
been coming and going through ear town,
delighted with the attraction of tbla
tion of country, for a change oi acenery
during the heated term. Tbey Bud thia ia
tha ulaea for them to live cheaply, uve wen
and live to enjoy themeelvee free tram tne
harrowing oarel that make lite in a cuy
unenviable daring hot weather.
Mrs. J. H. Sheldon went to Portland
Tueaday afternoon,
Tha bia- ateamer Florida pacard
town the river one day laat week, hav
ing on board S.OUO.UUU feet ot lumoer
from tbe Portland muia, oounu ior iue
rtri.nt On Friday evening the large
American ahiu Eureka, aleo paseed
down with a full cargo of lumber from
tbo aame port.
Tjtat anmmer one of our grand
children waa aick with a severe bowel
trouble." says Mrs. K. O. Uregory.oi
Fredarickatown. Mo. "Our doctor's
ramadv had failed, then we tried
Chamberlain a Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy, which gave very speedy
relief." For aale by JLr. t-awin noe.
Mr. Qua Hegele, who haa been oper
ating hia thresher in tbe vicinity oi
Scappooee and Warren for three weeka
paat, naa tne iuhowiub mi aj m
to the yield throughout the ruction :
wheat, his-heat yield ner acre, 80
hnahaia. average for all threahed, 20
h.hala! oata. areateat yield per acre,
60 bushela, average of all threahed, 40
buahel; barley, greateat yield, 40
buahela, average oi au uirsanw, v
k,..h.i. Mr. K. W. Steven and Mr.
AmoaSlavena' oat crop averaged 60
buahel per acre.
Lloyd Detrick. who baa been working in
a logging camp at Weatport, came home on
a abort viait laat Saturday, returning Monday.
Mlai Esther yiaber, who ha been vialting
ber brother, Bar. Fisher, of thia place, re
turned to ber borne in Monmouth laat
Mann Phver, of Cornelius, came over tbe
mountain on hia bike last Sunday, and ia
viaitlng hi friend, 0. 8. McNutt, ot thia
city, this week.
Among the people from Pittabarg attend
ing eampmeeting at thia place wa noticed
Mr. Ballard ! father and mother, lately ar
rived from tne East.
Frank Malmaten. accompanied by John
Baker and 8. P. Ballard, aa witneeeee, went
out to 8U Helena last Friday to make final
proof on bia homestead.
Tha talk of Clondyke remlada na very
much of aome of our populiat frienda wbo
have politic for dinner, politic for sapper
and politics for breauaat.
Bar. Bbnoo. Bay. W inert and aeveral
others left for their different fietda of lobor
laat Monday. Bev. L. 8. Fisher will re
main la the yalley visiting frienda.
Everybody la on the rush to get their
harvesting done in time to go hop picking-
Tka greater number of pickers have been
engaged by Frank Tracy for a Marion
county grower. ;
Mra. Daywalt, the Misses Beatrice and
Jennie Burkbead, Mr. Harvey and Waster
Daywalt, of lower Nehalem. eame np laat
Saturday to attend eampmeeting. iuej
returned Monday.
Tba Ore at large have not done any ma
terial damage as yet. A large nre te re
ported down tbe river. Tbe nre east oi
town la liable ti do damage. Parson set
ting ont firea this time of year abould be
careful that tbey do not get away.
Benefit Entertainment.
An entertainment will be given at thel
opera bouse in ot. neiena wnarnuj;i
evening for tbe benent or Key. macaweu.
at which time the lollowlog programme I
will be rendered:
Sons... ....... wiueu.
Rotation , urace vmi
Kecitation....... . ..... Jennie onaon
Dnet Miss Milea and Miss Longacre
Bedtatlon... ........ ......Gladya Hggott
BeclUtion Winnie Way
Solo. . ........... ... ...... - Misa Longacre
Bong Little Girls
Recitation.,.. .......Mis Boyle
Solo ....MlaaJonea
Recitation.. ........Mr. W. H. Brown
Duel... ... Mia Longacre and Mrs. Watte
Recitation - r. Cole
na aa1TAVn!ai rVnp(h1 la ,
lie Cream Everybody)
Albert nternedv for Cons Up-
1 a. sr.... gsWMaK 1an-rtvisJi
nnn uur nii gmauiuiivvw
Wonnsotwuisions jeverisit-
ntsa oral LOSS OF oLEEE
Yac Sisal Signature of
Otataria Is set as la ess-daa btUaa ealy. II
'la art aoU U kalk. Seat allew aayeaa te wu
'yea aaythiag elaa as the plea er yraadse tbat it
I la -last aa gee" ama wiu eaaww t
i-aa-a I
'poaa." " B that yo got 0-L-i-T-O-.
Harris' Cash Grocery.
The Perkins
C. W. KNOWLES, Manager.
Mr. Snowies was, for many yes re, proprietor of the St. Charles
hotel, and while there established a reputation as a hotel man.
He is now in a better position to entertain hia frienda than ever
before, and will welcome all hia old patron to his new place ol
buaineia, where osn be found an op-to-date hotel.
Corner Fifth end Yashingtcn Strssts, Pcrtlani
auwWVVVWV aySjanajFaisray .ay ay W
0 Dr. E. Ross
Constantly Keeps in Stock a Complete Line of
' rfrWfyMayrryfW
School Supplies
Ad Dn usually well-selected Stock of Writing Tablets, Pen, Pen
cils, and the Best Inks on tbo Market.
J T I L cils, and tne ueat inas on tne jaarae.
Wine and Liquor t km m 0F m stationery
.... i
Card tables, pool table, billiard table ana
other device for the entertainment of pat-1
rona, where time can be pleasantly epeui.
Finest ferftunse andSoapa..
Besides other popular brand, are kepi
constantly on band to aapply the mareased
trade at this very popular ealoon.
torn yajtong
Make No Mistake!
s t s GOTOTHC : t s ' "',
Rainier New Store for Good Value and Small Prices.
Worsted dresa foods, M la, wide, per raid VM
Black Katean.,
Llgbt Ha'een..
Outing riaanaL.,
Lawn.. ,
Bleached tiuslta
Duck Sulttnjr.
Ladies bandk,
absolutely Puree
Celebrated for Ita eeat leavening
atrenKtb and healthluloesa. Assure, tba
food aaalnst alum and all forms of adul-
teratlon common to the chtap braoda.
aoYAL aaatva rowoaa co., saw veaa.
nhia(. s eta each, three for 10
Ledtee heavy vesta with long aleavea W
Ladtaa ooraeU e
Ladle shoes 86 centa and np.
Chlldrens shoes USeents and ap.
Ordinary plna per pap". 81
DraRon apool cotton, 300 yarda on a spool
three spools for J
Clark's oTrl. T. apool cotton, three apoola. . 10
Chlldrens hoae, per pair
OenU shirts, each.
Onedresslnf eomD V?
One towel
T.H1M hflM.i
OenU white shirts
OenU waolen panta
Uents cotton pant.
Oents lumpers..
Gents heavy nnderwear, each . . . . ,
Gsnta susixnaers. toon, iw ..
0nu woolen sweatera
Gents overaiia.......
Gents seeks pairs lor ..,
l.w anu up.
.. 05
.. W
.. 60
.. 9
... 06
... 05
... OS
... es
Gants handaeieniei. twv ..,
Twa dosen drees buttons
Tweira dosen white button..,
Six aoaen black buttons
Tnval.7r7j 'rutwrtoViof ladiMa swta
fa mrti-
order to give aoneat sood at loweat ana
Money Talks
When You Want Groceries.
I have my new and complete stock of groceries now
on sale at my new store at Houlton, which are offered
to the public at
Bed-Rock Prices.
Tvprvthinor new and fresh from the market and
guaranteed first-class, and offered to patrons at the low
est possible margin. Consult my prices before buying
elsewhere. I will have some special attractions ia the
line of groceries in a few days. A portion of the public
patronage is solicited.
G. W. PERRY, Houlton, Or.
George Antone and Mike Ellis,
Oregonian and Ilist on
paid, o claii
N IU. vww, r