OREGON MIST. IHr : CVKttr rftlDAV MOMfllSU -v- BEEGLR A DAVIS. Subacrtptlwn llatm. On copy on year l advance... ..........H OR tint njy iix mouth.,,.... 60 Hiusle copy......,....,,.,..........,......... ' e Advert! nine ria mart known upon application COLUMBIA COUNTY PIUKCTORY. Cnuty omeera. Juriire Jowph B. Donn, IRatnler CUtrk...,. .Jtutaun Weed. Vorooma Hhnriir J. N. Ktee. Clatxkanie Treasurer K. M. Wharton r. Helmut gui. of Schools...,, J O. Watt, HoamwMrae AMuwMir Martin While. OiiIiiot Surveyor..,.,.....,.... t..W. N. Menrv, Peluna Curonar ........Dr. A. e. McLaren. Kainier ,.,.1. A, rrjik. caipo jse .fi. u. (etenon, Miat Conuulniouera j T. HELE.1S, OBEBUJI, H Shingles are bow said to b selling for f 1 12$ in Fortlaod, and retailing at fl.20. Six or eight months ago shingles were a drag en the market at 70 to 75 cents. U it abort crop of shingles in Europe that bat broiigh , about tbia change? Tbs professional luult-nndors are not finding the welcome eata they did last fall. People are too busy now to listen to complaints tbat they know re aot founded on fact, and tbey are suspicions of men who offered them theory which would not hold good even for one year. Tbkrb is etill one class in the United Statea who are out of employment Thia ia the professional calamity shriekers. Probably tbey might find employment in Mexico now, judging from the doleful report which have come from there aince the recent drop in the price of silver. Gold ia appreciating 1" shriek the silveritea, .-Oh, no. A gold dollar will buy lew wheat or other farm products and less commodities in general than it did six months or a year ago, gold dollar will buy less labor than formerly did. Commodities end wages are "appreciating,' ar.d not gold. On day last week the Oregonian published a number of interviews with prominent business men of all political beliefs, and in each instance the opinion was expressed that bust sess, ia all branches, was materially improving. No one baa a better chance to judge of this matter than men actively encaged in mercantile pursuits, and their opinions are en titled to weight. - Thesb McKinley times has driven the Eastern Oregon farmers to adver tise for harvest bands, offering $3 per day and board. It is too bad that farmers should be obliged to pay such 'prices sad wheat worth only 80 cents a bushel. But then it gives the la boring man a chance to work, even though the wages are low. II wages for harvest bands do not advance to from 4 to 1 5 per day by next season it will be in order to strike. Ths reports to the effect thai Brit ish vessels are landing goods Skaeaay, Alaska, contrary to United States customs laws, instead of land ing at Bitka, the port of entry, may lead to international complications. There i no custom bouse at Skaguay and therefore no revenue , officers -sJtaijooed there, so that goods landed do not pay 4he revenue laid by this government. This action by Brithsb shipowners may raise a dispute as to the boundary line between Alaska and British North America. ' Soros and fusion are back num bars with the populists just now. Sil ver, the war cry in 1896, has been abandoned, as was fiat money after the election of 1892, temporarily. But the fist money proposition will no doubt be resurrected in time for the campaign of 1900. However, since that party changes its policy in eacb succeeding campaign to conform to public sentiment, tbey may confine their efforts to advocating government ownership of a railroad to Klondike. Tbat would be a drawing card at tbe present time, at least. "Nbvkb till now was it asserted tbat the editor of the Oregonian bad been a stockholder in it," says Sunday's Oregonian, speaking of the Portland Savings bank. Yet in a previous par agraph of tbe same article the editor of tbst paper acknowledges that he was a stockholder and gives the date at which time bis stock wss disposed of. "Here is journalism" indeed. The fact Of the matter is tbe Oregonian never attempted an attack on the management of the defunct concern ntil Mr. D. P. Thompson, one of tbe bank's directors, advertised to give a "lecture on finance." The whole at tack on Mr. Thompson lias proved a boomerang to the editor of tbe Ore gonian, and "now he's sorry tbat he spoke." . Thsbb are people who imagine themselves cautious and conservative in all things, who have made up their minds' to go to Klondike this fall. Tbey ask their friends and those who have had experience for advice and ere told not to think of going this year; tbey read the papers and learn that it is foolhardy to attempt to get to Kluudike before next season : but j they go right along making prepara tions just ths same. Go tbey will and the devil himself couldn't stop them. When the gold fever gets a bold like this on people they are hovering dan gerously near the insanity Una. "Go get gold" has driven every other thought away from their minds. One of these days they will Cud themselves plauWd in a snow bank trying to gnaw a weal off the wishbone of a long haired dog. Uutil then they are lost. There is no more show to change the mind of a man who has becemt thor oughly collared on Klondike than there is to convince a populist that congress can't legislate age into whis ky. Pcudlt-toa Tribune. KEEP AWAY FROM KLONDIKE. Since the arrival of the sleamor Portland which was said to have brought "a ton of gold" from Alaska about a month ago there haa been no leas than fifteen steamers arrived in Seattle, Sau Francisco and other points from ths same section of untold riches, and not ne of them are re ported to have brought a pound of gold dust. Isn't it a little strange that all the men who had "struck it rich" op there should take a notion to leave at the same time, aed on the same vessel? Isn't it also a little strange that, considering the shortness of the season, if these parties were gathering np coal oil cans full oi the precious metal they would leave the land of such a rich harvest in tbe middle of the working season? Every day makes it more apparent that tbe riches of Klondike have been grossly exaggerated. Certainly if there was as much gold there as haa been repre sented, some ef tbe steamers lately from that region would have brought, at least, a small amount out with them. It will now be in order for someone to start the story tbat the Mexico, which was sunk on ber return trip, bad on board several millions of dollars in transit from Alaska. ,,. But notwithstanding tbe picture presented after mature reasoning, tbe mad rush northward continues, regard lees of the lateness of tbe season, which csa result in nothing short of great auffering before the long winter, which begins there about tbe middle of Sep tember, is over. Many persons have gone without a dollar, except enough to pay their fare to Dyea, expecting to get employment there in assisting to carry the supplies of others over the pass. This may prove all right at present, but as soon as winter .eta in tbe bulk of travel will atop, aod then what will be tbeir occupation? In a short time tbeir few weeks' earnings will be exhausted ; they will be out of employment and far from any source of aupply, without funds with which to pay thoir fare back to civilization, and indeed most of them will be hun dreds of miles inland, still pushing en into an unknown and unproductive region where prices are fabulous in the extreme. When the cold weather comes en they are out of money and provisions, and at tbe mercy of those who have perhaps only taken barely enough for themselves. But what is to be done in this emergency? If those who have taken enough only for themselves divide with those who have nothing, they, too, will run ahort ; and if tbey do not divide it will be taken from them, for men driven to despera tion by hunger will have food if it is in reach even at the sacrifice of hu man life, and as a result tbe food sup ply will become exhausted long before the thaw in the spring and great suf fering, not to say starvation, will ensue. Meantime, owing to tbe remoteness of the district and tbe impossibility of penetrating tbe interior of that region in winter, relief from the outside world will be impossible. Of coarse, to those on the way, afflicted with the deadly gold fever, these emergencies are per haps not thought of, bnt no doubt tbey will be confronted with tbe stern realization a little later when many a man might be willing to give bis strong right arm for a slice of borse meat or the bam of an Esquimaux dog tbst life might be prolonged. Tbe picture, ss it appears from a distance, and summarized from all tbe reports sent out is not an attractive one, es pecially as witnessed at this advanced season of the year.. School ltoiort. Rainikb, Or,, A us. 10, IS0T. Following U ths report of school in dis trict No, 10 (or term ending August IT; Total number enrolled. .., .... 40 Number of boys enrolled.. Number of slrU enrolled ... Average dally attendance First month. ... Second month.,..,.,.'.. Third month. Numbor of visitors There neither absent nor tardy I . 0 .20 ."' 8 , ST . 87 , 0 Ollie nice, Elsie Furrow, Myrtle Shells, Willie shults, Carl e lew art, Willie Rice, Sibyl Furrow. Those that were absent bnt not tardy were: Mafrjrie lovelaoe, Ethel Stewart, Clyde Stewart, Willie lovolao, Lucy Wil son, Willie Stehuiaa, Albert etehnsn, Eu irene Furrow, Carrie Olrt, Todd Bhults, Myrtle Stehm&n. Those whs were only once tardy: Frank Rice and Maud Lane, 6. SosNtumn, Teacher. School Iteport. The following- is the report of school tn district No. 2a, tor the month beginulng July 12th and ending August 6ih: Number of days taught... ............ SO Whole number enrolled. 14 Average daily attendance 11 Tbe following received 100 par sent In de portment: Madge Cramer, Robert Me Adam, Johunle Fowler. Claude Greenwood, Reed Holden, Cheater Metcalf. The following persons visited the school during ths month: Mr. and Mrs. Slaugh- terback, Hasel Slaughterback, Misses Anna Bee, Grace Bee, Ida Fowler, and Master George Fowler. Robbbt Boais, '.Teacher. Bea.se.we Why curlalaeCaile, Cholera mm Diarrhoea Beat cay la the Boat. 1. Because it affords almost Instant re lief In ess of pain In the stomach, eoltc and cholera morbus. S. Because It Is the only remedy that never fails in the most severe eases of dys entery and diarrhoea. 5. Because it Is the only remedy thai will core a chronic diarrhoea. 4. Because It Is the only remedy that will prevent billious eolte. 6. Because It Is tbe only remedy that will cure epidemical dysentery. 6. Because it is the only remedy that can always be depended upon in rases of cholera Infantum. 7. Becanse it Is the most prompt and most reliable medicine in use tor bowel complaints. 8. Because it produces no bad results. 9. Because it ia pleasant and ssfe to take. 10. Because it has saved the lives of more people than any other medicine In the world. The 25 and SO cent sixes for sale by Dr. cawin tu.se. ' A well known populist of this county, says tbe Boseburg Plaindealer, who last yesr contended with all the force of a good pair of longs that tbe depression in the price of agricultural producta was tbe result of pernicious republican legislation, now says tbe improved condition is the result of tbe operation of ths law of supply and demand. That is true. Legislation! helps but cannot always work wonders. But our populist friend, in order to be consistent, should give tbe credit for tbe change to the change of adminis tration. Consistency, however, is a thing we need not look for among professional populists. Fear Hoars of Daylight. In the Klondike region in midwinter the sun rises from 9:30 to 10 a. m., and sets from 2 to S p. m.. the total length of day light being about four hours. Remember ing that ths sun rises but a few degrees above ths horison, and that it is wholly ob scured oo a great many days, the character of the winter months may easily be iia agined. We are indebted to the United State coast and geodetic sarvey for a series of six months' observations oa the Yskon not far from tbe site of tbe present gold dii coveries. Tbe observations were made with standard Instruments, and are wholly reliable. The mean temperature of the months October. 1889. to April, 1800, fol lows: October, 22 degrees; November, degrees; December, 11 degrees, below sero January, 17 degrees below sero; February 15 degrees below zero; March, degrees above sero; April, 20 degrees above. The daily mean temperature fell and remained below the freeaing point (22) from Novem ber 4, 1889, to April 21, 1800, thus giving 168 dsys as tbe length of tbe dosed aeason of 1889-90, assuming tbe outdoor opereuoas are controlled by temperature only. The lowest temperatures registered dar ing the winter were: 52 degree below sero in November, 47 below in December, fi9 be low ia January, 55 below in February, 46 below in March, 26 below in April. . The Straggle for Prosperity. rebnuka State Journal. The promise of a glorious crop Is certain, I suppose. And that's why each howling pop Is looking down his nose. O Party of uncalled-for creeds, To urosper is tout snort. When earth's dried cover cracks and bleeds And corn ana bay are snort; When hot winds blow across the nlain And burn the crops in streaks, And there has been no siga of rain or warty -seven weeks; When grass, and grain, and potted plants Are withered bv tbe inn. Tbe poppy popper sees bis chanee But rain has fallen far and wide, ' Joy be within our rates: Nebraska sittetb in her pride. The queen of prairie states: We have in sight a wealth of crops To harvest ia the fall; But, dern our skins, we hare the pops, iue greatest acourre m an. E. S. Bryant, of Clatskaute, was In town yesterday, In the probate court Judga Doao has made an order authorising the ad- ruiuiaWaUtrs of the cstittQ of OiUtibprt Stump, deceased, to sell personal property belonging to said estate. Senator MuBride is expected home in a few dayx, and his coming is anx iously awaited by the politicians. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children, nf- tiail S)gaauuS ' SI has r Wis? THBSSCHEH KOTICK. COUHTY TWiSDBKtt'8 OfflCI, ) 8t. Hklkns. Or., Aug. 20, 1807,f VTOTICK Is hereby given tbat all unpaid ll County Warrants of said county, which have been presented and enilurwd "Notl'aidfor Want of Funds," prior to December 10, 18W. will be paid upon pre sentation at this ofHee. Interest will nut be allowed sier this date. K. M. WHARTON, s30s!7 Treasurer of Columbia Couuty, Or. EQUALIZATION NOTICE. N-OTIOB IS HKHKBY GIVEN THAT THB Hoard of Kuualiutlnu for Columbia Boun ty, Orrnon, will meat In tbe oourthimae lu the City of Hklieteu, Oreaon, ou Monuay, Annual Mb, 1W7, for the pnrwMW of equalllu the as- eaaineiit of van. an viaima lor eerreuuuo neat be made before the Board. MAKTIM WiliTS, vOQDty ai Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. hiawaSaVettafcaaltBaJ Get Value Received EVERY TIME AT N. A. Perry's, HOULTON, OREGON. iayjaayyayayajiayaaajisiai issb wheels, CaarSsr Tool The contrast between republican nd democratic prosperity is strongly marked. People who remember the general smash in business of all sorts during the first year of 'the Cleveland administration and then compare tbe reviving conditions which mark the present - period of the McKinley ad ministration will probably not regret the change which the voters made through the tlection of last year. , TVUtl Lses, Gsollissea's ft TaaSssL The Lightest Banning Wheel oa Earth. THE ELDREDBE THE OELViDERE. N slirars Mas Caes Sewlaf BVsUoaa! Way Sul4't we Make iM WhoMSl National Sewing Machine Co., S39Braadway, Factory! NawVoirk. MvMees, ills. WAHTBD-rATTHrTJL URN OK WOMSK to travel for reiniooaibia eatabltahed hnue In Oreeoo. SaUry ITQ ana eipeiue. poaluo permanent Kefren"e. Eneloc aelf-addrewed stamped envelope. The KaUoaal, Stat loaaf aao Bldg., Chicago. IE1H0FF & 11INAR, MAgOFACTUBEBS OF MARBLS ana eSAMITC lonoients ABD ALL KINDS OF CSXETEBY WOkK ITALIAN UAWhLE a aeCCIALTV. 321 E. Morrison St., Portland, Or FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. '-STEAMER- Young America VIA WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Leave St. Helens 6:30 & M Arrive at Portland ...100 A M Leave Portlsnd 2:80 P M Arrive at bt. Helens 8.00 V SI f ABE IS CENTS. Will Carry Nothing bnt Passengers ana fast freight. JAMES GOOD, MASTER ORIENTAL HOTEL A. H. B LAKES LET, Proprietor. Board by Day, Week or Month AT SEASONABLE BATES. Tbe table fa rormlteri with the beat the market anorn. arerjuium eiean. A anare oiyr'ir pai rouara w aouciuxi. ei. auuB, ui JiUUA RUCKLE BROS. m Aiuracrrjssas or Dimension Lumber, Flooring, Bustle, Bbeathlng, Casings, and s complete stock of every variety of Rough and Pressed Lumber ALWAYS ojr HAJtD. AT TBI OLD STAND, ST. HELENS OBEOOV iTa AAA AsthAAafaury i Your y's Worth Every Time Uatia JUaVUV, Dolman's Store. . . . Lumber All kinds of rough and dressed Lumber on short notice. Builders' Material Of the best quality delivered to any point ou the river at tbe Lowest Possible Price Owe-half Cash and One-half In FARM PRODUCE. Address all orders to H. B. BORTHWICK, Q0BLE, OBEQON. O.R&N. -TO THS- OlVia THE OHOIOE OF TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES ORES AT NORTHERN RT. VIA SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL ASP CHICAGO OllKOON SHORT LINE VIA DENVER SALT LAKE OMAHA ASD KANSAS Cm LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES WASTE n-VMTHrtTI, VEX 01 WOMB In trav.l lor rroiitbla eatabllahed houua la Oregon. Salary 17 and espenaea, foalUoa permanent. Haiarenee. Boelua elf-edilreM4 inul eirvainp. ins uuuaj, but Insur ance jua(., vausaa. ram .tx WHITE COLLAR LINE FAST TIME. Str. Telephone Leave Portland dallr (except Sunday) 7 A. H. Leare Anion dally (eavept Sunday) 7 V. M, Str. Bailey Gatzert Leaves Portland dally (except Snnday) I P, H. Saturday nlibu at 10 o':l'k. Leave Aakirla dally (except Mnnday and Mon day) at 7 A. M. Sunday night at 7 o elooca. Landlne: Font of Alder (treat. Portland. Dr.. Flarel dock, A.torla, Oregon. OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVfcRY 5 0AY8 FOR San Francisco For lull Information call on or address W.H. HCRLBDET. A. L. MOIILEB, Oen. Pass. Agent, President and Manager. PuarLiirti, Os. PROFESSIONAL. i. W. BAT W. B. DtLLASD piUrti & Stall, ATTORNEYS -AT-LAW Office Best door to OmrthouM. ST. UKLKMtt, OBtlioN, General practice In court of Oragnn or Waah inawu. iw record. tract made directly from county GEORGE A. HALL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Collection, foreclomre, mechanic' lelns, etc vcpuir ppjMnuiini attorney viueo . . . with T. i. Ueeton. St. Hbxms, t Obkooh. G. W. COLE, ATTOBHIY AMD COUS8ELOR-AT-LAW, 8T. HELENS, OREGON. Title Ahatraet Book. Hotarr PnMla. Cmnmla. loner of Meed, for Waahlniiion, and ansxper- inw wjiwiur in oonoaution who OIDH. DENNI8 & TIMMONS, Attorney, an. Connector: at Law. Gbhsbal Law Paotic. Collection, Foreelosan, Mechanic' liens, ste. Will practice In all th eonrt of Oregon and Washing-ten. Tatlob Bcildiso, . - 8t. Hsisss, Os. JB, EDWIN BOSS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 8t. Helens, Oregon jB. h. b. cLirr, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. St. Helens, Oregon. IDart -&::3!v3ubEsl- -IS THE PLACE TO GET- )K. J. K. HALL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Clatakaiile, Columbia eounty, Or. WANTS D FAITH PUL MK! OR WOMKN to trar.l for r.nnnltblMtahll.h.d hnuu In Oregon. Salary l?no aod ruii. roaltlon permanent. Kaference. r.nclow elf-ddrwd lamuwl enralope. Tn MaUonal, Star Injur- nu.! wuusairo. yy V. MKSKHVB, Surveyop and Civil Engineer HELENA, 0BEQ0N. County Survevor. Ijtnd Survevlnor. Town Plattins and EuKineerins work nroinntlv executed. Choice Groceries 9T, HELENS, OREGON, Complete Line gf Clothing SHELF HARDWARE AND NOTIONS. Flour, Feed, Hay and Grain. ST. HELENSJV1EAT MARKET All Kinds of Fresh Meats, Hams, Bacon and lard Meat by Wholesale At Special Rates. MAIN" BTHfKT. James II. Sheldon, fT. 1IKLKNH, urtKOUV. Clatskanie Drug Store New and Select Stock. DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor. t Patent Medicines and Druggist's Notions. Stationery, School Booh Prescriptions Carefully Compound r 1 sAc aaa alt iS sarja. a-a Sal Sarfci aiia safta SfW Si afU a ajras, aask jtf ....ST. HELENS HOTEL.... f Our tables will at all times be found supplied with the host edibles ind dulicscies the market sli'irdfl. TERMS REASONABLE FOR REGULAR B0ARDEKS Tlie hotel having been newly refurnished we are prepared to give satis faction ts all our patrons, and solicit your patronage, . tJ. George, Proprietor, Gt. Helens, Or. ft Jis-f World 'Loves H Cw 'Ninety 5evea ' ) 1 ? Complete Lhia of 1 I Supreme nTji I JResult j(prM If Years of 3LJ j Experience f MONARCH CYCLE MFO. CO. V? OBCjVM IZWTOIX lOlDOl M 7? Rs4aH laliniiai j iLl) isaUsarswalU. trf AsfclasUI Ave, !i It Catsag. B xaSssasNsiiKj PORTLAND AND CLATSKANIE V . .-'.5...' . , . " '1,'' ft STEAMER O. W. SHAVER, Dell Shaver, Master. CommonHnff Anrll IS IMM ailtl Pn.ll.nJ t.u,( .f Waatilniptnn atrnat. TudV, Tbnrwlsy and Hunday svenlna at S o'clock. KaluriiiiiK-lMtatre ClntRkanle. (tldsP1 mittlne), Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenhiK at ft o'clock. Will pass Oak P" n about J:8tella7:in; Mayffer:26; Kalnler8:l; Kalama U:15; HI. Helens 10:80. ArrlS in fortlsnd 1:30 A. M, Tbe oompany raerves the right to eliange time without nodes. com ran SIIAVeH THANSPOBTATION THE JOSEPH KELLOGG A COMPANY'S RIVER 'STEAMER sr' ri'"e.ij tw V WAJfTKD FAITHFCL MR If OR WO If EM totrvlforrMpotiiibIawUblUbtMl hotu InOretfon. Salnry f7H0 ami xpufi. FotHlAg parrotvisAut Kfriitm. Ent4M Mlf-dnMMtJ STR aOSEJPH K.-H3-jI-jOaGr FOR PORTLAND- Leaves Kelso Mondays, Wednesdays, nnd Fridays at 6 e'olock s. m. Leaves Portland Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ut 6 o'clock a. ju.