OREGON MIST. 1SSUK0 STERf FRIDAY MR!lNO ' ' . -BV- . BEEGLE & DAVIS. SweHtcrla-tleia Mates. On ropy OM rear la lTau... .tl M i n eop sis months... (0 lioal WI - AAvcrtlMns rate mad nwa upon appllcado COLOMBIA COUNTY DIRKCTORY. CMalf lllwn, Ja Clerk tfi(r. TroMuw up, el Sohoola. JtoMish S Doan. Ralnter ...Judson weed, Vtnmnil ....J. N. Rica. CtetKtaiiis K. U. Wharton, tit. Helens ...,J. G. Watts, Kcappoose Martin White, Quiooj ...W. N. Mesrrre. Delens Surveyor.., CdNMI..., ....Or, A. P. McIawi. Rainier CommlMiooan A. Frates. scpoj ....M. D. feterson. MM KX. BUUUKNR. EMN, JTCI.T SO. Ths Clondyka excitement (bows bo (gat of abatement. Men ia all parti of the country have turned their bau nM over to olber parties and gone to the rich digging of the north; eJerks holding good position have re signed and fitted themselves out for the nine. Al) ihia ia done in most Inataoeea without sober consideration.. Gold, gold, gold, obscure the eight and lead men on to theirewa destruc tion, both physically and financial!. By the time those leaving here uow reach the gold field of Cloodyke the country will he covered with tcow and the thermometer register below aero. The aeaaon will be over for thia year, and the provision taken along will be consumed during the long, idle montba of winter. The Oregon peo ple are not accustomed to such cold climate a Alaska, aad great, no doubt, will be the suffering in that re gion before spring. Indeed, it ia reas onable to suppose, considering all die circumstances, that the deaths in that region which will occur from lack of food and clothing and general expos ure bafora spring opens will be some thing appalling, for while a few are going prepared, there are hundreds going whoa only thought ia to get there and trust to luck for comfort and fortune afterward. There can be but ono result of such a condition. It will be the survival of the strong. So long as there are any provisions in reach men made desperate by hunger will have them, even at the sacrifice of taking human life, and those who bars will be compelled to divide as long as their supplies hold out ; what will follow is easily understood. Every infloeaoe should be brought to bear at this time to keep men from going to the gold fields before next spring, and not then if they have an income at heme sufficient to make them com fortable. TEIS IS TBI OUTLOOK. It is amusing to hear the free silver, democratic sad populistte papers sneer at "prosperity." They seem to bail with delight any strike or bank failure, sad publish the same with an Dotations sad comments. Evidently they have lived under a reign of hard time so long under the snaladministration of Graver Cleveland, LL. D., that they expected times would improve imme diately upon the election of McKin ley. If there is a strike in the coal mines of Ohio they say : "How about that MeKintey prosperity!" If the pries of salmon ia reduced on the Co lumbia river, they sneeringly ask : "How about that KcSanley prosperity is Astoria?" . Of coarse, McSanley and the repub lican congress are to blame for the re daction in the price of salmon on tne Columbia river. They had as much to do with it as the angels in heaven. Two Colombia river cannerymen are directly and aoully responsible for the redaction. They talk about the tariff on tin be ing responsible for the reduction In prices. It will amount to jnatf2.85 en 50,000 caeca. It will amount to loss than $90 on the entire pack of the Colombia river. Now that the tariff bill ia a law it doss not mean that prosperity will be immediately restored. The democratic party knocked the skillets of bug juice oat of prosperity and now they are kicking because the republican party doss not immediately restore it to where it was when the democratic party assumed control of the govern ment, We believe that it will take a year for the times to become adjusted to the new tariff law, and it will be fully that time before wo can justly Say that the situation is materially changed. Borne was not built in one day. We believe that times will be better in Oregon this fall and winter than any time during the past six years. McKioley has been president less than five months. While the re publican party U able to restore pros perity, it cannot take up a bankrupt nation, made so by the democratic party, aad put it on its feet in twenty four hours. If a man fails in business and settles with bis creditors, he is not prosperous until be haa paid the settlement, Tbs government of the United Btatcs ia the same. Herald. Wbbat is now about SOo a bushel above where it stood a year ago. Wheat goes up while Bryanism goes down. If Bryanism had gone np wbe&t would have gone down. This is the relation that exists between tnem. A rood many farmer in the West voted for Bryan, but they have good reason to be thankful that he was beaten." No vember 3, 1896, was a great day for the country. ' DSMIG001SM SAMPAST. Demagogiara ha been the most deadly blight that ha ever been ia flicted upon the people of the United State and the world. Yea, it ha been more subversive of good govern ment and mote destructive of the la bor and business of the people than all the other palamittes combined. Dem agogient is daily becoming more popu lar with those who traffic in it, merely because the people who have been de ceived by the loud and extreme rant ing of those who rant to make money out of their wild, reckless and danger ous assertions are willing to pay high price to be enabled to see and bear those by whom they have been de ceived and misled. That is the reason why Senator Tillman is running about the couatry and gathering up $125 to 1 200 for every speech he makes, in stead of being in his seat in the United Slates senate. Tillman's nam is car ried on the roll of the national eeosle for nearly fit pay for that day's serv ice in the senate, and he will make about $1000 per week while he ia away fiorn hie seat in the senate. William J. Bryan ia clearing over f 1000 per week, every week in tb year, by his demagogue effort, and nearly every cent of it is wrung from his own deceived and misled followers. So it is with all the other extreme and ranting demagogues. They are all "in it" for the money there is "in it," snd when it does not bring them high prices for the speeches they make and the books they write, tbey will seek some other field of demsgogism where weak-minded people are willing to pay $100 or 1200 for each speech and 13 to f 3 for a pouriy printed book. Demsgogism is one of the greatest dangers to the permanency of the government of the people, and it is no wonder that crime and insanity are steadily increasing while such men ss Senator Tillman and John P. Altgeld are blindly followed by those whom they have aided in deceiving. How long will men permit themselves to be deceived by those who are merely de ceiving in Order that they may gain riches for their loud ranting.? Des Moines Register. Ths Dinpley tariff bill became a law last Saturday afternoon at 4:30, when President McKiuley affixed bis signature to the document. No tariff bill in the history of the country has ever Ween passed in so short a time after the aasemblying of congress, and it is to bo hoped it will not be neces sary to foimolate an entirely new tariff schedule sgain for many years to come. The uncertainty of the out come of such a measure is always mors or less damaging to ths basinets interests of the country. But now that another tariff schedule bas been adopted a general business improve ment msy be expected. Thirs is pscked awaiting shipment in the warehouses at The Dalles, Ore gon, 8,000,000 pounds of wool that will bring into this country not one cent less than f 900 ,000. Throughout the valley where rolls the mighty Co lumbia, ars seen scree and acres of golden grain, awaiting the lightning thresher that will turn thia mighty product into yellow gold, says the Portland Chronicle. : Never was the outlook more prosperous; never was Oregon mors bountiful in yielding up ths products of the soil. Have hope and look ahead. Good times are sure to come. Tbs man who haa wheat, or cattle, or wool to sell this year is not com plaining of hard times. It is tbe man who bas not produced these commod ities who is finding fault with the country snd curses tbe government which has provided an opportunity for him to produce wealth, but which he bas neglected to do, that ia contin ually fault finding. He not only find fault with the government nnder' which be lives, but i jealous of hi industrious nieghbor who bas profited by bis industry. Deeds Recorded. John Adams to 'William Gorman, 4 of sw and sK of seX, see 7, 1 7 a, r 6 w ; 1300O. Walter Brother! to Adelida Brothers, sX. see 15, 1 6 n. r S w ; 15. T. 8. Col fin and wile to Astoria Bail road Co., part of seX U swX, see 4, 1 7 n, r S w ; 40. K. House snd wife to Fred Jenning, part of Jobs Bonser donation claim : 1. Carotins Handlemaa to J. 8. Vancleve, swX of dw, hc M sod H of se4 of a. see 15. 1 3 n, r 3 w; $155. If inn: Enapp to O. A. Kaapp, eX of see 15,ta,r2:f5500. A. Kieaeodabl to Fred Jenning, part of John Boaser donation claim; S400. Sosaanah C. Lambert on to George W. Perry, 16-100 al an acre in Broyle donation claim; 135. George Merrill to 8. B. Hosier and wife, X of sX of ul4, sec 54, 1 7 n, rl w; tm Charles Usvcer to John K. Hawkins, 20 sens is see 29, 1 8 a. r 3 w ; $300. C. W. Mayger and wife to John K. Haw kins, same ss above. W. K. Tiehenor and wife to K. D, Tteb- enor, seX, see 24, 1 7 a, r 5 w ; ft. United States to John Adams. X of swX and s)4" of seX. ae7, t7n, lis; patent. United States ts 8. C. Hoadley. swJt. sec 19, t8n, rjw; patent Crop and Weather Report. Pom-laud, July Sfl. Ideal weather conditions bsv prevlld for all erupt daring tb past week, except tor hops. Tb hop lice develop and flour ish during periods of moderately warm weather with a semi molat atmosphere, ami such prevailed th past week. Hop are generally in burr and are waking ex cellent growth, but the lire tre immertma dry warm weather will check th ravages of the He-.'. NotwirhatandtitK th lice, the hop prospects ar good. , Haying is praciicnlty finished and the hay safely hauled. Tb bay crop is good, though bardly an aver in quantity. Tbs second crop of alfalfa and clover ts belter thau was exiwcted. Fall wheat harvest continues, and th farmer are alt well sat- UBed with the outlook. Threshing will not brgtn for a week or more. Oats are turning color and will b ready to out within tea days. Spriuaysowa wheat and oats ar (bowing color. Th spring grain crop is larger than a?ual. and ninat excel lent prospect ar reported for It, Flat tor 6bre is taming yUow and continues to offer excellent prospects. Th it coons of th growth of flsx for flbrs in Oregon is as sured. SuKr beets sown In May ar three inches in diameter; tbey, too, prowls to be most successful. Th fruit prospects continue good. Hale's Earlv peachee will be rip to Ship this week from th southern counties. Hevtral va rieties of apples snd peach plums are rljle and very plentiful. Blackberries continue to be unusually prolific Potato con tinue to be reported from ail sections as be ing an Immense crop. All garden produce is doiug remarkably well. A year of plenty is assured, for all crops are excellent. Tbe weather conditions today are favora ble for continued fair weather, with Increas ing cloudiness Wednesday. Cooler weather Is probable Wednesday, Thursday snd Fridsy, to be then followed by clear and warmer weather. Keaaaas IVfcy Chaankerlala'a Cwlle, Chelet-ss aad Dtarrhaea Mesa edy la the Beat. 1. Because It affords almost Instant re lief in case of pain ia tb stomach, colic and cholera morbus. 2. Because it is the only remedy that never fails in the most severe oases of dys entery and diarrhoea. - 8. Becaas It is tb only remedy that will cure a chronic diarrhoea. 4. Because it is th only remedy that will prevent billions oolio. , 5. Becsus it Is tb only remedy that will cur epidemical dysentery. 6. Becsase it is the only remedy that can always be depended upon in cases of cholera Infantum. 7. Becanse it is the most prompt and most reliable mediciu in us for bowel complaints. -...-."..'.. 8. Becanse it produces no bsd results. 9. Because it is pleasant and ssfe to take. 10, Because it has need the lives of more people than any other medicine in the world. Th 25 and 50 cent size for sals by Dr. Edwin Bos. GENERAL AMD LOCAL. The Eastern lumbermen who are visiting tbe coast probably had an op portunity to see Mount Rainier from Seattle and Mount "Tscoma" front the city bearing that name. Donald Macleay, one of ths most prominent aad highly esteemed citi zens of Portlaod, snd one of tbe old inhabitants of that city, died at hi home there last Monday morniug. It has been carefully estimated that Oregon's wheat yield thi season will be 18,000,000 bushels, which, it is ssfe to say, will put 119,500,000 into circu lation in tb stats within the next nine months. From statistics compiled and pub lished by an Eastern journal it ia learned that tbe population of the United State ia nearly 75,000,000. in creasing in the last sixty years from 14,000,000. Last Tuesday morning Chas. Carbo, of tbe Colombia cannery at Astoria, brought in 1700 pounds of salmon, and one of Elmore's men came in with 1500 pound. It is tbe belief in Astoria that the long looked for July run of salmon bas finally started. Even at 3 cents per pound such catchea as tbe one mentioned above will be a big thing for the fishermen. Governor Lord haa issued bis proc lamation in which he recites ths law forbidding ths setting of fires in ths timber of tbe state whether mslicious ly or not, slso forbidding fishermen and hunters to enter tbe premise of others snd calls attention to tbs pen alties lor violation of tbe act. He warns all persona to abstain from violating all or any of its provisions. fSORil. Joatra. In this city, on Friday, July 23, ln, to tbe wife of Kd Joseph, s sou. Has Wheels, I (NjtaeSr- Too! . STYLES I : . .. talks', GesHemss's ft Tsafem. Tbe Lightest Running Wheels on Carta, TliE ELDREDGE ANEU, THE BELViDERE. slaast Haas Seed Scwlss aVehuissI Wbr AMt w Mas tesd wseelsl Notional Sewing Machine Co., NewVorfc. sMvtders, Ills. CASTORIA Tor Infants and CbJldrea. nfs stalls s ttaMUU STMT m THE ASCRKK'S NOTICE. Coiumr Trsssi'bkb's Orncs, St. Hcuuts, Or., July 9. 1897. Notice is hereby given that all unpaid County Warrant of said county, which have been presented and endorsed "Not Paid for Want of Fuuda," prior to Novem IS, 14, and th following on November IS, 1S)4, Koa. 7i!H, tWO, tllrt, TM, TM. aad fttW, will le paid upon presentation at this nttlre. In terest will not be allowed after thin date, K. M. WHAKTON, jttaO Treasurer of Columbia County, Or, DISSOLUTION NOTICC. Prima. Orseifli, May It, 1IS7. mSI rvtaiKTNKkkHll1 llKKKlvPoKK KX I IsUm Ixlvma L. i. slsnsrve. Wot. R Men em. Harry B. Menerv and Thomas Msme, uiMlwr th Arm nsina of "Modervs Bnts.. U Ktvd in the Murmlll and lumber buslnMS. st itena, Oregon. Is this day OiMulved by mutual consent, U J. Mesens, retiring. Th business will be conducted lu future by . N. Messrve, Barry K. MaMrve and Thomas Mosrrre, under thettro nam f Meoerve llros., aad aJlaccouDta austbfSaitlolit firm of Mwervs nros wm re paid to, and all debts owing by said old nrm of Mscrvs ttrtlS. WIU 0 Pu y v uie him. oi aesenr oroa. , Wm. N. Maatava, Hsaav E. Meaaava, JulriJSO Taaass Ms.seva. EQUALIZATION NOTICC. NUHl K fsi &tr.is iv. suai luntrtj of KualisutUon (or Columbia ooun VCw'B'tn. WIU eaW HI WW wtuiuuwsi as Ouy of Hi, Htirru, Oregon oo Monday, Aufurt 30ih. 17, for U puroua ol quaUilujc t Twtlink tI JS ll ctaauuai awe wiivw IUsUH b aUeUU bvtof ll Hord. MAKTifl WUlla. IOBBIJ aswwor. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Qet Value Received EVERY TIME AT N. A. Perry's, HOULTON, OREGON. WANTED FAITH rCl ME OS WOMCN to travel for rmoDalble established boos laOreeoa. Salary S7S0 sjhI tiprasa. Posltiaa psnaaaeat. Befsrsac. Saelos seif-addrssssd sumpsd envelop. Tbe tisilonal, Stat loaaa aa Bid.. Cbteaeo. IHHOFF & I1INAR, MAKOriCTORKBS OP Monuments MA Bit an. ONANITI ASO A IX KISDS OF CEXITSKT WOBX ITALIAN MAHSLC A SKCIALTV. 321 E. Morrison St., Portland, Or FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. -STEAssIft Young America WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Leave 6L Helen 0:90 A M Arrive at Portland 10:00 A M Leave Portland 2:S0 P M Arrive at Bt. Helena 6.-00 P M rAHB Sf CENTS. Will Carry Nothing bat Fasseogers snd Fast Freight. JAMES GOOD, MASTER. ORIENTAL HOTEL A. B. BLAXISUrr, Proprietor. Board by Bay, Week or Month AT REASONABLE KATES. The table la mnolted with tbe best the market affords. Everything clean. A share ol jtit net rooas la solid led. ST. HKLEN8. Ol -'-OON IIUCKLE BROS. wAsoracrvBBas or Dimension Lumber, Flooring, Bustle, Sheathing, Cssings, and a complete stock ot eveiy variety of Rough and Dressed Lumber ALWAYS OV HAXD. AT THE OLD STAHD. ST. HELENS OBKQOH WAirrrD faith rrfL mzx os wotrra etravsl for responsible abitsbd boas I. Oreton. Solary 7-W snd expense. Fcstuo persoaneni. asisrsoc. idswh wu-toiiiiui stamped envelop. Th National, Star laaur- ae mac., i;nuo. , WHITE COLLAR LINE FAST TIME- Str. Telephone Lmvm IWtUnrl rlaflT taeAnt Bnn1Tl T A. Lsatw Astiori dsUly (except tJundsy) J P.M. Str. Bailey Gatzert Lea-res Portland dally (except Bnnday) I P. at. Hatardar ntgBU at w o uoca. Leaves Astoria daily (sxnept Sunday and Mo day) at 7 A. AL Sunday night at 7 o'elooek. Landlnss: Foot of Alder street, Portland, Or., navel duck, Astoria, Oregon. WANTED rAiTHFOL HIS OS WOsfnt tomvsl forrssoanstblseatabUsbM beas In Oreton. Salary v0 and expenses, rosltto permsnsnt. Kafersura. Kmilos salf-addreasad stsni4 snvslops. Tn kattoaal, Stat laaur- aae Sidg., Cbittago, "frtiimi Tifri'i'iiuiiiiiatigiiiii-iiii nm fsi rf -i-awrf i tmntwmifrr i smt afaijatavJ Your Honey's Worth. Every Time Dolman's Store. . . . Lumber All kinds of rough sod dressed Lumber on short nolle. Builders' Material Of ths best quality delivered, to sny point on ths river at ths Lowest Possible Price One-half Cash aad One-half la FARM PRODUCE. Address all orders to H. B. BORTHWICK, 00BLE, OREGON. O.E.&N. TO THE OIVIS THS OHOtOt Of TWO TRANSCONTIN c NTAL ROUTES GREAT OREGON SHORT LINE. !' VIA DENVER SALT LAKE OMAHA ass KANSAS CITY NORTHERN RT. '' VIA ;'. SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL , . . ass CHICAGO LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVfcRY 5 DAYS FOR San Francisco For full Information rail on or address W.H. HCELBOKT. E. McNEILL, Osa. Pass. Agent, President and aUaager. PoaTtaso, Oa. PEOFE88IONAL. I. w. Hit W. B. EILLASO ATTORNEYS -AT-LAW OfBes next door to Conrthooaa, ST. HaUtlUs, OMJMMMI, General practice la eowrta of Onenn or Waslt InsUia. AiaitraDt atad direct! rreaa ooutitr GEORGE A. HALL, ATTORNEY - AT-LAW. Collections, foreeloenrea, neehantee Mns, et. iMputy protMcniing auorner. owe wuaT.JI. CUelon. Bt. Hslbrs, : : Ossooh. G. W. COLE, ATTORNEY AND CO0K8ELOB-AT-LAW, ST. HELENS, OEEOON. Title Abatraet Books, Notary Poblie, Commls alonerof Usedafor Washinaion, aad anexpar leneed eolleetor In eonneetlon wltb office. DENNIS 4TIMM0NS, Attomeyx ani Counselors at Law. Gknbbal Law Pbactici. Collections, roreolosnres, llechaniea' liens, t. Will praetloe In all th eonrt of Ongoa and Waablnglen. Tavtoa Boiuis. - - Bt. Harass, Os. J-JE. IDW1H BOW, PUY8ICIAN A3SD 80EOEON. St. Helens, Oregon -pa. h. e. curr, PHYSIC1AX AND BUKQEON. BL Helens, Oregon. JB J. X. BALI PHYSICIAN AND 8UBQEON. Clatakanfe, Colombia ooontv, Or. N. HK8ZSVB, Suit eyor and CiYil Engineer DKLENA, OREGON. Connty Surveyor. Land Surveying, Town Platting and Engineering work promptly execated. "VTT A1TTT r FAITH FCT. M IN 0 WOMIN Vv totnvstforsssponslblsestabllshedhoas fcs Qvmosi. SsiwySWand espanaw. Fosliioa j , Hsfsrane. Enslnse MU-aSdrssssd atvslopa. Hlk Mstleaal, Sta lasur- I aaealwisObloaejo. Bart & vZ1lcIIlo, -IS THE PLACE TO OKT Choice Groceries ST, HELENS, OREGON, Complete Line of Clothinjc - SHELF HARDWARE AND NOTIONS. Flour, Feed, Hay and Grain. ST. HELENSMEAT MARKET All Kinds of Fresh Meats, Hams, Bacon end Lard MssU by Wholesale At dpwciai Rates. MAIN BTniPjnT. t I Clatskanie Drug Store New and Select Stock. Patent Medicines and Druggist's Notions; Stationery, Scbool Booh . Prescriptions Carefully Compound r A A alV a i ...ST, HELENS HOTEL j vor taoie win at au times os mutiu " dtlioacis ths . 1 . f, i .! . I . TERMS REASONABLE Tbe botel having been newly refurnished we are prepared to girt satis. factioa t all our Nttrons, aud solicit your talroug. t t J. George, Proprietor, St. Helens, Or. I lj.jsjijijiijijsisyaijisiisssiyji ytf sjij I You Can't -y-l Make Q iC fA V Bicycle from Castings. V Q yNV T- MONARCH 0 yr s5TSv Uurotta n li Look S5, I r( Under the W Enamell A . W want bright ( M hfl A O S. business me V 0 . to represent its ' .. . 0 g JV J evsrywhers, tb d J MONARCH CYCLE CO., 0 Q jjCr Chicago New York Looooo. P PORTLAND ANI3 CLATSKANIE . 40$ 4. 0 . rlSrasTsW- -W sCMn2 STEAMER O. W, SHAVER, Dell Shaver, Maeter. Commendns April 15, 1890, will leave Portland, f.t of Washington street, TafW Thursday snd rjunday evening at 5 o'clock. KeturnliiR-laros I'liitxkante. (ti rj nutting), Monday, Wednesday and Friday eveninirs at 5 oclock. Will pass Oak FJ" bnnt 7: Btella 7:16; Mayper 1M; Rainier 8:20; Kalama 9:19; St. Helens 10:80. ArB" ia Portland 1 :30 A. M. Tli company reserves the rlKlit to change time without now SHAVER THAHSFOHTATIOn tJOMfAli THE JOSEPH KELLOGQ & STR JOSEPH KLJICDGO FOR PORTLANE Leave Kelao Monday, Wednedys, and Fridays at 5 o'clock. . m. . rorlland Tuesday, Thursday sod Saturday at 6 o'clock a. w. . , James H. Sheldon, BT. IIKIiTCNlS. OHKflON, DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor. t 7L 1 .s-.aU . ., J Ut. .L - t...t ..I'M.. . . 1 suiuea wnu tn mist euiuie ana market alTurds. TOR REGULAR BOARDERS 'sbb' 4 SSI '"SJM "I it CO M PANY'S RIVER STEAMER 5. JBja. SjB Mjr II