OREGON MIST. Illl't ZTEBI rKIDAT MOItSIKO . -V- REEGI-K & DAVIS. ejkseriptleei States. Out eopv M Tr la eaY One etr six iwoniht,. .JIN lae etr 4 d renin Ox hum made kaoem epoo applkUoB COLDeflMA COCKTT DIRECTORV. Ce-l- Officer. io4re Clerk ...Joarph B Doen. Rainier ,...,Juaon Weed. Vernonie ...... i. H Riro, Cli.knl ,.E. M. vYbartn t. iieUes ......JO. tts'ts, KnnwM Martin White. Qutnev SlieriS. Treasurer fctivi. 1 Schools AWWMKIf ......... Surveyor - W. N. Meecrve, tieleas cocoa sr ..VI. A. r. mcurii, Kajniev ...II,-,. f f. A. rrakea. (iinjH poeamlssiaoers J N PMrxMi. Mist T. BELEJIt. tIL'CM, JCVK I. The new politic! party recently organised at Albany ia said to bare for iu aim, "reform." It U composed largely of the tame material that re formed the last legislature by staying ont of it. Siois of approaching prosperity cause the calamity bowlers to bow! loader. Populism wa bom in poverty, and can cod linn to grow only on general business adversity, bene any improvement in business calls forth the wrath of those depending npon boaines stagnation for success. Yui after year the tariff question becomes less partisan. Many South ern members of congress are awaken ing to th necessity of protecting aui clea of American nianulsctur and the product of the American farm. The South want protection for ber cotton and sugar; the North for ber iron, coal nd lumber; and both sections demand protection for numerous other articles of production. Is there any reason why the question should be a partisan one? Tp last legislature) io our sister tat across the river passed a law ex empting from taxation all property on tide lands and all foreign corporation. thru tbrowiug the burden of taxation upon the farmers. It will be reroem be red that the best and most wealthy portion of Best lie, Tacoma, Fort Townsead and many other towns of Washington are built npon tide land and under the law as enacted would pot have been subject to taxation. The large lumber mills of that state are nearly all owned by foreign cor porations, yel they were to be exempt from taxation. This is a sample of populist legislation in the interest of the farmers and laboringroen, but thanks to the supreme court, the law Was declared unconstitutional. why not Columbia county us as warrant and divide them out among the people as well ss to expect the gen eral government to create money and giva it to it subjects? One would be just ss reasonable a the other, and neither would be of any value, be cause there would be nothing with which to redeem tbem. Or, to make the matter plain, why not the state of Oregon issue fifty billion dollars cf ir redeemable paper; would oor neigh boring state of Washington, Idaho and Cahfernia take it in exchange for their commodities? Everyooe knows they would not. Ber could they be compeled to take it. As ft is with a ingle state, so it would be with a ingle nation, and so it win be always. The idea to get something for nothing Will work only in theory. The case of Mr. Corbett win not come before the senate at this session. This is indeed to be regretted. What ever is to be Mr. Corbeti's fste ought to be decided without delay. 80 long a tb case k pending no extra session of the legislature will be called, and the farce which bangs over the state of Oregon will continue to magnify. There certainly can be nothing gained one way or the other by Ibis delay, while the loss to the state, brought about by the same cause that led up to Mr. Corbeti's appointment is cost ing the stale thousands of dollars every month. The disgrace baa been sufficient and ought to be terminated. The senate may continue the matter ontil December, but what then? the matter must be settled by that body, and it would not take longer now than to wait several months. TBI average tramp going about the country looking for a job (and hoping all the time he will not find it) is usually agitating free silver or an in crease in tbe volume of money in some form, mainly for tbe reason that be does not expect any of it to come into hi possession by honest labor. But tb msn of intelligence at once asks for information a to hew an in creased volume of money, created by tbe government, would get into circu lation, and what is there he can do to earn it? No man of sense believes tbe government is going to create money to give pro rata to its subjects; no msn of common sense believes be can get money honestly without earn ing it; and every man who does any busioessat all knowa there is more money in existence now than there is business to trsnsacl with it Why create more money, and thereby en dacger its vslue, when the bsnks and safe depositaries are already overflow ing with money awaiting profitable, investment? Interest rate are low, yet the money lies idle; so also would silver or any other money lie idle un less the aovernment would civs it away, which it will not do in this or sny other age. The proposition is hollow in the extreme end will not bear the light of business investiga tion. ' -' - ' Tub lynching of Mitchell, the Ohio negro assailant of the while won.an, waaabad affair, but the crime for which he was punixhed, was hideous. In no demning lbs mob for taking the law into its own hands let us not forge the provocation which it had. Some crimes are so horrible and revolting thnt in dealing with them the ordinary pro cesses of the law appear to many lis abiding men to be too slow and uncer tain. Mitchell's was one of that data of Crimea. In cases of this tort, where the guilt is clearly proven, the mob's violations of the law is only technical. Violations of ths law, even in a teebni eal sense, of course, should be slopped but, to slightly alter Hugo's words, in this work of reform let Messieurs the monsters begin. LEOIStiATIVK BRIBERY. During toe late lesislalive fiasco st th dose and since, (rave charge of attempted bribery bavs beea frequently made. Tbey are sot mere street rumors or mad by ir responsible parties. Tbsy srs msds by grand senators and representatives; niea who, heretofore, have borne tbe highest reputatiens for truth and veracity. Men standing high la church eonncUs, in other professions, or callings, so much so that tbey were honored by ths bee suffrage of their people by election to seats in the le i) I a tare. These charges hsTS been openly made before tb people in public assembly, To add to ths gravity of the charres tbey ars mad not only against irresponsible snd nnknovn parties, bat tbey touch even ths highest office of tb state the presi dent of the senate and candidates for United States senator. It has even beea stated by a member who, for over BTty days refused to qualify, that members of the opposition received 930 to $100 apiece irons a fond that bad been mads op by the ens mies of Mitchell', and that be himself re ceived $30 from that source. We think the people ought to know whether tt charges ars trns or false; and where was the source? WsasWthe generous constit uency of the members who were thus en abled to live without their per diemf Or was it as the public seemingly believed, the bank account of the millionaire, who is now knocking at the door of the United States senate T The people should know the facta. The fsir name of our slate can not remain untarnished without these ru mors are investigated. Let as know tbe facts. Tbe state's attorney and the grand jury of Marion county, should summon the parties and probe these cbsrges to tbe core. Oregon expects them to do their duty. Let bo guilty nun escape. alem Independ ent, (pop) STATE KEWB NOTES. By an ordinance signed in Astoria last Tuesday that city now supports a paid fire department. Last Saturday tbe locks at ths Cascades were opened for tbe season, as high water is over for this year. A special traia near Booster Bock col lided with a hand car last Sunday, killing Charles A. Bathbon and a 6-year-old boy named Bobert Dunne. , The largest shipment of wool made on tbs coast so far this year was msds from Pendleton last Monday by F. W. Hendley. It consisted of 500.000 pounds. Tb Portland grave robbers have all been convicted, except those who pleaded guilty. Montgomery was sentenced to two years in tbs penitentiary. Tb others were sen tenced. Wednesday. One thousand bead of eattls were shipped from Eogene to Kansas City last Saturday. It is said ths entire shipment of cattle from the Willamette valley to Eastern markets this year will aggregate 15,000 bead. Tbe Eugene Goard says that in view of the great number of marriage licenses is sued times most be picking Bp. If this is to be considered an evidence conditions are certainly improving all along tbs line. Captain Groves, of ths stesmer Fannie, wss arrested in Astoria one dsy last week on a charge of towing a abip without a pilot. Captain Groves wss placed nnJer $500 bonds to appear before tbe grand jury, says tbs Astoriaa. One day last week J Gehnnao, wbOe working in a sawmill near SUrerton, wss track by a lot of falling lumber. Four of his ribs were fractured, bis nose broken snd be wss badly bruised about tbe head, bnt it is expected that be will get well. In ton Planner, a Forest Grove banker, disappeared one day last week snd baa not since been beard from. From Portland Planner aent a letter to bis cashier, in which was also tbe appointment of two as signees to take charge of tbe bank's affairs, It is thought Planner is insane. Crop and Weather Report. More rain is badly needed. Ths dry weather has materially affected tbs bsy crop, especially clover aud timothy, and lbs correspondents srs of tbs opinion that not over an one-half crop will be secured. Hsying bas commenced, though the show ers in tbs northern portion of tbs district bsvs retarded the work. It can safely be estimated that tbe hay crop will be short. Bains, each ss sre necessary to imprevs the late bsy, are not probable, bene no material improvement esn be expected in the crop. Tbe frost nipped tender vines in exposed localities; in low, dsmp locations tbey were killed. Tbe srea of killing frost is very smalL Fall and winter sown osts snd wheat are very promising; without more rain they will make very good crops, and with rain the crops will be excellent. Spring grain of ail kinds is badly in,Bed of rain. Tbs showers were of benefit, but tbey were not besvy enough. Spring wheat in a favorable year, yields from 20 to 85 bushels per acre; but this year, unless most unusual ehsnges occur,, it will not yield over from 10 to 20 bushels. No Exemption for Wage. Ossooa City, June 14. In tbe circuit court action of James Hodges vs. Charles Pinks, the plaintiff bad served a garnish ment on tbe Southern Pacific Company for tbe wages dus tbs defendant, snd tbs latter asked for so order exempting certain moneys covered by ths garnishment. To day Judge Mc Bride overruled the motion for such order and found that no part of lbs property uentioued in tbs motion was siempt from execution. This is th first tint s rating has been made on this point In this district. In snaounclngths decision lbs court said lbs legislators might bsvs had in mind an exemption of 90 days' pay for a working man, but be did not think ths languag of lbs slstuts admitted of such construction being placed upon it. School Report. Mist Pcsuc Scaoet, Dtsv. 62, Juaa 12, 10T. Tbs following Is s report of tbe above school fur th second month, ending Jnss 1Mb. of ths term beginning Alird J, 1897: Komber of days taught........ 90 Number of students registered st close of last month..... - 90 Students admitted during ths month . . . Total enrollment . S3 Ha mber discontinued during month . . . Present enrollment.. x9 Average daily attendance 28 Percent of attendance ... 92H Number tardy marks.. Average deportment..... 100 The fil lowing students were neither ab sent aor tardy during th month: anna Cathrina and Christina Schedvin. Martha Jobaana and Harold Maenusen. Alraa Meaaint, Ella and Charlie Phillips. Henry snd El'ea Botquist. Lotta and Frances Anmiller. CariMalmbsrg aud Earl Dora Among the visitors for th past month ws note ss follows: Mr. and Mrs. L. Mag- noeen, Mrs. G. F. Lindgren, Mr. and Mrs. H. Korqaist. Mr. 8. Lindgren. Mrs. John Wallace, Mrs. Charles lindgren. Mr. snd Mrs. A. Mellte, Mrs. Knowlss, Mrs. Lane, Mrs. Aldrich, Mrs. Lyons, Mrs. 8rhedvin, Mrs. Kelson. Mrs. Turner, Mr. Fredigal. Mrs. Lena Nelson, the Misses Fkraie Tur ner, Amanda Johnson. Carrie Hodge, and Messrs. Gronburg, Wallace, Know lea snd Turner. Following is tbs programme rendered by tbe school ea Friday, Msy 28, beiag Me morial exercises: Hymn "Decoration Day," School Recitation -Memorial Day," Martha Magnnssn Concert recitation '-May 90th," Thirteen girls Recitation "A Little Chili,". ...Earl Dora Recitation "The Boy and tbs Soldier." Charlie Phillips BeeiUlion "The Best Tribute.".... . . . Henry BorqaJst Recitation Dobbin's Thought,"..... . ............... Roberta Bittner Recitation "The Lonely Grave and fe," .....Jobaana Magnuses Concert recitation "Decoration Day," ... .Children bearing baskets of flowers Recitation "The Blue snd tbe Grey,". ...Edward Lyons Recitation "At the head of tbe Una." ....Carl Maimber Bedtation "Tbs Soldier's Message,".. ...Casper Wilson Recitation "Our Country is Free,"... Edwin Wallace Recitation "Ths Sleeping Kings,".... ....The. Wallace Recitation "Decoration Day," Catherine Scbedvin Becitation" Forgotten,".. Lottie Anmiller Beading "Tbs Nation's Dead," Clara Jones Song "Columbia, tbe Gem of tbe Ocean,".... School Recitation "Kindness," ...... ..Fire girls Song "Don't Forget Your Aged Par ents,",.,.... 8chool L. J. Msstsvs, Teacher. Spain Recalling Troop. Jixw Yobs, Jane 14. A dispatch to the Journal from Havana says: Spanish troops sre returning to Spsin st tbs rate of 3000 a month. This week's steamer will cany back over ODD, free of cost to the government, tbe expenses being born jointly by th Marquis de Comillas. president of tbs Transatlantic Una, snd tbe Spanish Bed Cross Society ber. Probably half th men sailing today were ill or wounded, and at leaat 50 looked as if tbey would never withstand tbs voyage. On man died while being taken from tbs hos pital to the wharf to embark. Reports of increasing misery among the Cubans iri Weyler's fortified towns come from all over the island. Debs' Colony Schema. Dallas, Texss, June 14. J. F. Bradley, chairman of the populist state committee, baa gone to Chicago to meet E. Y. Debs snd his associates in a scheme to organise a socialist labor co-operative colony to be located at soma place not yet determined npon. Tbe Chicago meeting to promote tbe movement is to be held on Jans 15. Tbe middle-of-the-road populist leaders of Texas, It is said, profess to see in the scheme political advantages to tbem, and Chair man Bradley's presence st Chicago will be for tb purpose of trying to get tb colony la bis state. : General Paul Vandervoort, late of Omaha; ex-Governor Wsite, of Colorado, and J. C. McAndrews, middle-of-the-road populist candidate for atttorney-gensralof Colorado, all recently located in Texas, and ars posh ing movements similar to that on which Debs la working. IEHABWIidaIc 5 g " 11VV147S t&ztjZZZZr4 Too! TTLUl lMtet, Usafkmafi t Tulsa. The Ufhtest Bonnins Wheels on Earth. THE ELDREDGE THE BELVIDERE. fe aiwty Made Seed lewis HreWaesI ltyiTwailu.eedwatsl National Sewing Macfalne Co Broadway, Factsrjrt New Vasfc. Baeveaafa. BHa. CCRIOCS FACTS. Tbelaremt known flower is the raf flasia of Sumatra, who diameter is oine feet, and which smells like a piece of putrid beef of the ssroe ise. Nearly seventy round towers, from 30 to 135 feet high, are fonnd in various part of Ireland. Tbey are believed to have been used in tbe ceremoaie of fire worship. If the landed surface of tb glob were divided and allotted in equal ah ares to each of it human inhabitants it would be found that each would get a plot f Jwf sera. Tb city of Banian, In Great Bu charia, ia cut in th aids of a mountain, There ar 12,000 artificial cave, soms very large, and two statues one ninety snd the other twenty feet high, earb bewn from a single stone. Tb region between the first and second cataracts of tbe Nil is the hot test on the globe. It never raina there, and the native do not believe foreigner who tell them that water can descend from tbe sky. Tbe grand triumph! arch in Paris begun by Nepolen, is 147 by 75 feet st iu base and 163 feel biffh. The central archway la 93 feet high and 48 feet wide. The inner walla ar io scribed with lb name of 384 gener al and to victories. Tbe largest fla. pule in the United States over 176 feet long and 30 inches in diameter at the base will soon be erected at Doylsatowa, Pa. Dr. Swanslander had it made at a cost of 11000, and will preseut it to the town. The stst capitol of Texas is tb largeat stale building in tbe United SUtes, and the seventh in site among the buildings in the world. It 1 paid for with 3,000,000 acres of pnbl e land, deeded to the Chicago capitalists who executed tbe work. CASTORIA Tor Infanti ajtd.C&ildrcn. THEiscatEica notice. Cotnrrr Texisubib's Omen, .1 St. Hklkhs. Or., June 18, 1897. "VTOTICE is hereby given that all unpaid iv County Warrauta of said county, which bare been presented and endorsed "Not Paid for Want of Funds," prior to feptomber 14, in, win M paut upon pre sentation si ints omce. inurest wui not ce allowed alter this date. E. M. WHARTON. jl8jJ8 Treasurer of Columbia County, Or, ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. NOTICR 18 HERF.BV GIVE THAT A r. AnnraaadS. H. Klatner, copartuen, do- tog business ss ''Aerys A Klstoer, hare made an aasteiiraent to ma of all their property for the benefit of all their creditors and that I have duly qualified by exee'Jtias and aline the bond required by law, and asmed the duties of such trust, any ana sji creation 01 esia a. r. Iness as "Anrys A KlMae r." are hereby required to present their duly veri fled claims, with proper vmMhern to ms at my office la fuiuter, Coluat bla county, State of Oregon, within late noatha from tbe date of thia notice. Dated this Zut day of May, sw7. i. B. DOA!C, Aasiene of "Antra A Klatner." Insolvent debtors. m2IJlS SUMMONS. Ia the County Court of ths But of Oregon for uoiumoia i4tmty. Michel rierter, plaintiff, 1 vs. V Pauline P. Bonnlek, James Bosnlek and f Gofm R. Hawkfiis. ditfeiKlanu. I Te George Bl Hawkins, one of the above-namea K THB NAME OP TBS STATE orOKEOO", You ara rmulnMl t.) toDttf and answer tbe complaint Slsd axainst yua In the above entitled action oa tbe Mb day of July, lav7, aatd day be ing we nrst aay 01 me next regular serss of id Court, and If von fall so toantiearana answer, for want thereof said plaintiff will ap- 10 the Court lor judgment aa prayed lor la I eomnlaint. to-wlt: for Judgment ejfainiS the abore-aamed defendants for lbs sum of StO.OS, with Interest thereon front January Uth. ww. at me rate 01 eient per cent per sear, ana tbe further mm of $3U.U0 as attorneys fees in aaid action and the touts and disbursements therein. This summons la published by order or tbs Hon. J. B. Doan, iudge of said Court, dated April a, WW. O. W. COLE, aauju Attorney Jorriainuu. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Get Value Received EVERY TIME AT N. A. Perry's, HOULTON, OREGON. WW WAMTED WAITHFOL ME It OB WOMB to travel lor reiponslbls eetabllabed bouse In Oreson. Salary S780 and eapeneaa, foaltloa peraaansat. Reference. Enclose sslf -addressed eiaaiped envelope. Tbs national. Star Iaauf aac Bids-, Cb lease. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla WHITE COLLAR LINE O. R. & N. CO.. PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. BAILEY GATZERT Leaves Portland daily except Sunday Alder atreet S:4A A. M., Au atreet 7 A. M. Leave. AstorUdaily7P.M. T. 3. POTTEB o. a, A H. CO, Leaves Portland daily-AlderstreettiSSP. at. Ah streets P. M ; Saturday Alder street t it P.M., Aato atreet 10 P. at. Tickets of th two Companies rood on both hoata, U. B, 8COTT, President. K. A. SEELEY, Agent TIT ANTE DFAITHfrL V Elf OB WOMEH Vv to travel for re.non.lble established house In Oreson. Salary v and expense. Position pemsoenl. Reference. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. Tb National, Star Insur ance old., Chicago, sMf Your Honey's Worth Every Time c At. Dolman's Store. t Lumber All kind of rough and dressed Lumber on short notice. - Builders' Material Of the best quality delivered to anv point on tbe river at lb Lowest Possible Price One-half Cask aad One-half la FARM PRODUCE. Address all order Io H. R BORTHWICK, COBLE, OREGON. FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. -TtASUR- Young America -TIA- WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Leave 81. Helens Arrive at Portland. .. Leave Portland . .. . :! a M .10:00 A M . t-.m e m , 6:00 P Arrive at HI. Helena., ABB t CEBIT. Will Carry Nothins bat Passengers and Feat Freight. JAMES GOOD, MASTER. rvrr hlo TO THE 3E S TT GIVES THE CHOICE 0 Tf o Transcontinental Routes GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY BT WAT OF Sookane, Minneapolis & St. Paul UNION PACIFIC RY . - BY WAT OP : ' DEIYER, oim, & KAKSAS CUT LOW BATE IO ALL EASTERN CITIES OCKAN bTEAMKRB LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 8 DAY8 For San Francisco. For Full Details Csli on or Address W. H. HCRLBUKT, General Freight and Pass. Aft., Portland. I. Menetll. rre. mm Hsmaaer. PROFESSIONAL. eSte S. PtUarfr, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW Will practice In all eourta of Oreson or Waah Ington. Prompt attention given to eonveyane ln and notary's bualneas. . G. W. COLE, ATTORNEY AMD COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, BT. HELENS, OREGON. Title Abatraet Books, Notary Pobllo, Commis sioner of leel for Washington, and an exper ienced collector In eonuectiou with office. DENNIS & TIMMONS, Attorneys aui Counselor: at Lav. General Law Practice. Collections, Poreclosares, Mechanics' Hens, etc. Will practloe In sit ths eourta of Oregon and Waahlnglen. TAVLoe Btnwio, - - Br. Hslsss, Ob. jyt. EDWIS BOhh, " PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. Bt. Helens, Oregon JQB. B. B. CLlfl, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 8t. Helens, Oregon. pH. i. E. HALL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Clstsksnls, Columbia ooiinty. Or. N. MESEKVB, Surreyorand Civil Engineer DELENA, OREGON. County Surveyor. Land Surveying, Town Platting and Engineering work promptly executed. WANTED -PAITHPUL MEN OB WOMEN Io travel lor responsible established boust la Oregon. Salary S7H0 and espsnass. Poaltloa K-msneat. Reference. Enclose aelf-addrasted raped envelope. Ths Rational, Star Insur ance Bid., Chicago. w ANTED FAITH FTJL MEN OB WOMEN h nam lor re.non.iDie established house la Orea-oa, salary 7K) and expanses. PoalUsa psnnaueot. Merersnce. a-noioss aelf-audrei tamped envelope. Tbs National, Star in WW 0MI., VJUWfWi Bart & rvluckle' -13 THE PLACE TO GET Choice -i Qroceries ST, HELENS, OREGON, Com plete Line of Clothing f SHELF HARDWARE AND NOTIONS. Flour, Feed, Hay and Grain. ST. HELENSMEAT MARKET All Kinds of Fresh Meats, Hams, Bacon and Lard . Meats by Wholesale) At 5 pec tal Rate. MAIN BTRJlRT. t Clatskanie Drug New and - Patent Medicines Stationery, School Books. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded , ....ST HELENS HOTEL.... Our tabid will at U time be found delicacies th market affords. TERMS REASONABLE FOR REGULAR BOARDERS The bote having been new) refurnished we sre preps red to givs satis- action ts all our patrons, J. Ceorgc, Proprietor, St. Helens, Or. You Can't Make O s.V'v"1 m Whit Plum frora a A X Oow'" TJI, Bora good S V fc y .iSlOviv Bicycle from Castings. V Q ? Th MONARCH d iff Lx)ok 5 Vf Under the jsl gV Enamel! A VV Wwant bright O frf S O bustaes men O V V Q , to represent ua N... m H q J MONARCH CYCLE CO., 5 X Chicago Nor York Uodoo. V PORTLAND AND CLATSKANIE '"marfr- STEAMER O. VT. SHAVER, DeU Shaver, Master. Comraanelne Anrll t loon .ill i.v P.iu.wl tui 1,1 wlil.ina iiimt. Tiiesdsfi Tbtirsiiay and Huncliiy eveniiiKS at 6 o'cltHlt. BeturnInK l-eavea ClnUikanie. (Hil'lff mitiins), Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenlnm at 6 o'clock. Will pans OuUrm abmit7:Btella7:18: Mayeer7:25: fUlnlor:20: Kalama 9:1ft: Bl, Helens 10:0. in Portland 1:30 A. M. tbs company reserves tlis riulit to change time without now BHAVEB THE JOSEPH .KELLOGG A -yB3rJls'ts rm-gT "iTr-r-rrr r" . '-i--sBBn.fc . i..ir.iiBBii-i nsli1 aa-aBB STR JOSEPH khujucdgo FOR PORTLAND Leaves Kelso Mondays, Wednesdays, snd Fridays at 6 o'clock it. m. ITW Ponlsnd Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 o'clock a. m. James H. Sheldon, BT, IIKI.KN. OltKCJON. DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor. V Select Stock. and Druggist's Notions. supplied with the best edibles sod sua solicit your istrotisge. TRAMBPOUTATIOIS CO.IIfA" COMPANY'S RIVER: STEAMER