rUHSONAIi AND VOVAU Mra. H. n. Cliff vlaltod Portland yesterday. C. W. Maygor wni la (hit city Mon day night. Tat Ilugbei, of Doer Island, was la town Monday. Mr. Charles E, Hull, of Rainier, was la tliU oily Utt sunauy. MIm Daisy Watkin visited relatives iu this city last Baturday. II. A. Corliss, of Qranti Pasa, was In tbli city several any tuts weok. , Mr. Frederick Vivian, of Columbia City, W in Bt. Helen Wednesday. A elate certificate linn been issued (o Mim Margarita Longacre.of Warren. Sixty people ware killed lit Iho city of Mexico by boiler cxplosiou last Monday. Mark A. Swager, of Kelso, wat In this oity last Tueaday. lie en me over on bit wheel. Adam nd Cutlibert Rtump,of Soup poose, wero in town Tuesday lat ut (ending to estate n. alters. Children' Day will be observed neit Sunder t Scappoose Bt 11 a. in., end at Bt. Helen at 8 o'clock p. m. . II. Newell le mid to be in Qrenli Fete by a gentleman from there who wai in thle oily a few day ago. One hundred and fifty three fourth cleea postmasters were appointed by President McKiiiloy last Monday. Mr. Brodie, of the Oregon Wood Co , Portland, waa la town Wedueaday looking after property intereeta here. The market for cream in Portland le better than for a loug time, and our dairymen appreciate the change for the belter. Mra. C. B. Ilart, of Kelso, a former rea ident of thia oity, apent several daya with trienda here, returning home on Tueaday. Mr. James Miicale and daughter, Agnea were Portland visitor Tueaday. Mixa Agnea remained in the metropo lit for eeveral daya. Mr. Otto Kulper, of the ateamer El wood, waa an into raited visitor to our city Tueaday night. Otto cornea ofteti nd io always welcome. Croquet ia the game moat enjoyed in St. Helena at present, The game ia an old one, but like aomo other ar tiolee, growt better with age. Superintendent Walt waa io town Wednesday morning oa hit way to Ooblo and other down river point! tor the purpose of personally looking into publio achool matter. Dr. and Mra. Glendenning, of Fort land, are the truest of Mr. and Mra. F.Vivian, of Columbia City, thia week. They were in thle oily Wednesday and called on Dr. Roe. All the conapiratora In the Portland pontomce robbery cane nave been placed under bonda ranging from f 1000 to $5000 to await the action of United Statea grand jury. The new law oflflcpe ot Dillaid A Day, being erected next door north of (lie court house, are assuming con aidorable prcportiona. The building will be completed ia a abort time. The bicycle fever hat ttruck town, and in a short time moat of our oiti tena may be hoard advocating the good made movement, bicycle patha, eto. It it a good thing; puah it along. George A. Hall, who took the law examination at Balero laat week, re ceived information Tueaday that he had been aucceesful. Me ia now a full fledged lawyer. There were 53 look (he examination, out of which 47 paaaed. II. L. Bark'ey, he of leglalative bold-np fame and who, according to U'Ken, received $80 or mora from the boodle gang for bit aervioea laat win ter, haa been elected biahop for the 1'aoirla coast by the radical Uulted Brethren conference held in Indiana, doting laat week. Childrena' day exeroiiea were held by the Sunday schools of St. Helena, Warren and Moulton in the grove at the latter place laat Sunday. A baa ket picnic, with plenty of ice-cold lem onade, tree for all, waa one of the en joyable featuret of the occasion. A programme of aongt and recitation waa rendered. The water ta rapidly falling, and boom the regulation atage of the river will be reached, when all inoonven ioucoil by the high water will be once more at thoir old vooationa. Dairy mon will be able to return the Block to their farma, and a groat amount of ctivitv and buaiuea will yet be done. Fishermen are once more at work and a general revival all along ia ttarting On Memorial day tome one, appar ently out of pure malioiousnees, while pausing along the walk in front of the reaidnnceof E. E. Quick, pulled up one of Mra. Quick'a choiceat roae treet and threw it into the street, after pluokiog the prettiest bud. Such an act cannot be considered cute on the part of either a lady or gentleman, in fact, neither would be guilty of tucb conduct r Confirmation aervioea were held In the EnisctiDHl church on Wednesday evenlna- hv the Rt. Rev. B. Wiatar Morris, of the diocese of Oreaon. The cls, conaistinir of James Muckle, jr., Charles Muckle, Mra. Mary George, ' Florence Giorice. Anna George anu Louise George, waa nreaented by Rev Geo. B. VanWatera. A good aiaed audience listened to the eloquent ser mon by the bishop, and witnessed tne interesting ceremony. Few people are aware that Clatsop conuty ia rich in niinerula. Copper rim una Conner auluhlte are louuu . sinner Ilia OUmlianifl river: Coul of eood Quality ia found along the N lmlem and Lewis and Clark rivers; zincs and iron sulphite, and gold are foond at Vernonia and along the Young's Bnd Lewis and Clark rivers; kaolin of the first grade has been dir covernd naar Tillamook head, and in eeveral other nluoes in the county Knmn VAiirl ttan orna WHS discovered at Warrenton. but is slill awaiting devel The time has come for the slushing of lands and burning of brush heaps. an anroau in mo country ranonersare making improvements to their placet, wmcu.ln the eyet oi tome people, ap pears to be tbeer waste. Wood that would keep many a poor family warm during the winter ia ruthlessly burned in the clearing process, and yet the poor man hat not the means to out and haul the wood from lit native forost, and the owner cannot do it for him, aud so often cannot even get the expense of handling the wood when it is placed on the market that he limit it cheaper to bum over his land aud prepare it for crops than to at tempt to sell the wood on hia place, The Westfleld, Ind.,New priuli the following in regard to an old resident of that place : "Frank McAvoy, for many yeara in tiio employ oi the L., N. A. i G. Ry., here, saysi 'I have used Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhuua Remedy for ten years or longer am never without it in my family. I consider it the very best remedy of Iho kind manufactured. I take pleasure in recommending it.'" It ia a specific for all bowel disorder!. For sale by Dr. Edwin Ross. By a vote of 42 to 17 the United Stales senate last Tuesday inserted an amendment to the tariff bill, placing a duty of 20 por cent ad valorem on raw ontton. This ia the first time in the history of protection that cotton has been incorporated in a tariff bill. Six democrats voted for the amend ment. They were Baoon and Clay of Georgia, McEnery of Louisiana, Mo- Laurin and Tillman, of South Caro lina, and Rawliot of Utah. Meters. Honeyman, Dallart &, Glenn,oootractora for the Aatoria-Goble railroad, have received orders to com- nlete the road by October 1. Tbey in tend to have it done by that time, and consequently will increase their forces at once. Tbey have now about 600 men employed, and iu a few days will have aeven dredger at work, building gradea aoroaa tidelunds, and will in crease their force to 700 or 800 men. Aatorian. The fishermen are smiling these daya, the reason being a better out look lor salmon. The boys nave not made much so far this season, but il the fish come in any considerable numbers there il yet time to make a profitable season. The man who fol low fishing tor a livelihood comes nearer earning every dollar he gets than in most any other occupation. The steamer Undine, while on her down trip last Saturday night, ran into the dock at the north end of Portland. It was accessary to call the Harvest Queen to extricate the Undine from her new position. It it aaid no ser ious damage waa done, but there cer tainly waa an excited lot of paaeen geraon board. W. A. Harris haa a Monarch bicycle in hia large tbow window which ia for tale. Ticketa are from 1 cent to, The number are placed in envelupea and securely sealed, each puronaser draws an envelope and whatever num ber it contains ia the price of the tick' t. The wheel ia a W model with all the attachment, Five dollar first data aud $2 50 sec ond, is the fare between Portland and San Francisco by ateamer. The rates are expected to go even lower before the aummer ia over. Many persons are expected to avail tbeniaulvea of the low rate and go to 'Frisco instead of the ooean beach for their summer outing."-' Miles Jewell, well known here, waa in town Wednesday. Miles ia now wearing the blue, being a member of Uncle Sam's regular force stationed at Vancouver, on a salary of $13 per month and found. He ia in for three year. ; Judge Doaa was np from Rainier last Tuesday hearing arguments of counsel in the Slump estate. The contention waa over the attorneys' loss for the administrators, and was raised by one of the heir. W. D. Conncll, of Doer Island, was in town Wednesday. If Will had re mainait 1W1 a week Or tWO longer his raoid growth of bvard would have made an introduction necessary, even with hia intimate friend. Someone haa said Governor Lord will call an extra session of the legis lature in November It ia well that thednte has beeu put to far ahead, since it will give an opportunity to change the prediction. Mavor Pennoyer haa removed John Myers, aa chief of police of Portland, and appointed P. J.Barry in hia stead. Myera was appointed by Pennoyer only a few month ago. The fiftieth anniversary of the Whit' roan masaaore will be celebrated in Portland on Jane loth in connection with the annual meeting of the Pion eer't Astociation. River traffic ii much better than nan at thia season of the year. The aleamers are all carrying gqod cargoea of freight. The paaaenger trade ia also improviug. Mm Hannah Tvszkiewics and her mouther, Mr. Lancaater, of Baohelor Ulniwl. are staving at the home of Mr. and Mra. Way in thia city during the high water. M.irahl Rob in so il hat been collect ing dog taxee this week, with no little difficulty 'in tome quartera. The tax has beeu pretty generally piu. uw- ever. Th rhnrrv cron in St. Helens la good this year and the fruit ia being picked ana preBerveu mr The fruit, however, is noi so large usual. Attorney T. J. Brink, of Vernonia, Tuiiadav Ust. Mr. Bnuk ..mods to take a trip to California this summer fur recreation. - of Warren, was in this city last Sunday evening and as sisted witu tne inuBio " church. 'n;u.t 'Attorney Cleelon came home from Oregon City, where he had wn attending court, laat Saturday night t;... i..v..v. nt ScaDDOose, waa on vvo.lmadav. He has re ceutly returned from Winlock, Wash. The creamery at Rainier ii In opera tion, Max Berg, of Warren, was in town yesterday, Mr. Pomeroy, of Rainier, wai in Portland Wednesday. ' Commercial Job printing neatly and quickly done at this office. Mr, 8, A. Miles and ton, Eugene, were in Portland Tueaday, Mrs. C. II. Newell and family will leave this morning for California. Milee Sbeoirn, of Rainier, hat gone to San Francisco on a business trip. Deputy Clerk Harris went to Ver nonia Saturday, returning Monday. Miss Tlllie Muckle visited Mra. T. 0. Wall at Reuben the first of the week. Descriptive pamphlets of this county for asle at thia ollice, only 10 cents each, , Mr. John W. Gwilt preached in the Episcopal church here last Sunday evening. Mrs. W. II. Dolman it visiting In Salem tbit week, having gone there last Friday. W. D. Cae, the Pitlsburg mill man, and postmaster at that place, waa iu town Monday. Jack Matthews, of Portland, wat in town Wednetday morning looking af ter tax mailers. , Mr. and Mn. William Me Dinger, jr., of Vernenia, were paaaenger for Port land Monday last. Try your luck on the bicycle at Harris' grocery store. You may get a ticket for one cent N. H. McKay, of Scappoose, haa been laid up for soma time, having been kicked by a horse. Mr. Jaoob George spent several days last 'week in Beaver valley, and on Saturday night went to Astoria. License to wed were leaned last Mon day to William Mellinger, jr., and Miss Edna May Mills, both oi Vernonia. The oity council has ordered a new sidewalk built on the west aide of Co lumbia adjoining St Helen street. Captain George Shaver la again pilot ou the Gattert .while Captain Crang It absent on hia wedding tour. The great object on the farm should be to make everything pay, whether it be live stock or farm crops. Are we doing UT If not, why notT Old Mr. Gordon, while walking up the itreet a week ago Tuesday, at Rain ier, fell and fractured one of his limbs. He waa carried on board the Potter and tent to St Vincent't hospital. In mentioning those who took a prominent part in the memorial serv ices here laat week we inadvertantly omitted Mis Clara Lavender, whose recitation waa well rendered aud much eujoyed. Bio Fir Portland. Last Sat urday morning about 5 o'clock fire broke out In the bicycle store of F. T. Merrill on Sixth street The contents of the building were destroyed, includ ing about 700 bicycle. The Cactus saloon, next door, waa also destroyed. The loss ia estimated at f zu.uw, par tially insured. Salmon Ron Barms. The catch of salmon haa been improving during the past ten daya, in fact a change for tn uelier naa oeen nouceaoi ever since the water began to recede. The fish being caught now are very large, and it is not uncommon to see a ush weighing 60 pounds on the scales. X H Khtildon shiooed about a ton from tbis viae last Monday morning, the fish averaging 40 pounds each. The June run of fish are usually large, but this year they are larger than common, The Quadrant Again. Ex-Attor ney-General George H. William wai in Forest Grove laat Tueaday for the purpose of consulting those who had paid the railroad company for land situated in their quadrant After con siderable discussion Judge Williams suggested that they attempt to collect rum the railroad company wnat eacn settler had paid, witn interest added. He also suggested that the settlers pay tha incidental circuit court expense, which would not be more than $50, then he would carry all their cases to a final deoision, and would only charge for his services 20 per oent ef what be recovered. The settlers are said to be well pleased with the propo sition, and no doubt a auit will be commenced soon as a test case. Loggers May Organizk. A propo sition ia being discussed by the loggers along the river of forming themselves into an organisation for the purpose of maintaining better pricea for logs and also to proteot themselves in the matter of scaling. Heretofore loggers have been subjected to an uufair acal in manv instancea by tne mm men, aud without organisation, have at times been unable to secure their rislita. Tha plan now under discus inn would, no doubt, remedy the evil from which the loggers nave wet thousand of dollars in the past and at the same time not deprive the mm man oi one aouar to wuiun tuey arc inatlv entitled. A circular letter haa . . . .. . ol hann issued DV U. U. wasion, ui dm mokawa, asking that all loggers along the river express tneir viewa in regaru to the matter. Work on Astoria Road. Work is now being pushed with vigor on the Astoria-Goble railroad. Operationa huve been commenced on the tunnels and the side cute along the rock bluffs. Over 100 additional men were added to the force last week, and ther will be room for from aOO to 500 more this week. Messrs. Kern & Kern, who have tbe conlraot for building the embank ment across the tidulands, have five dredges at work, miming night and day, filling up the embankment rap idly. One of these machines handles 100 cubio yards of earth daily. Mr. Ed Norton, who has been on tbe line inr nnmfi time, was in the oity yester day, and says that work on the road is now being carried on in a manner whinh shows that the promoters are in earnest in regard to completing tbe road this fall. Oregonian. VERNONIA O LEANINGS. The weather continues pleasant. The roads ar drying np very fast, Carrol Eeasey made a trip to Bt Helens last Tuesday. Lloyd Datrlck started for the outside world last Wednesday. Ernest Bhannahsn made a prolonged vis it to Tebble creek last Bunday. Harry Wilson paid this city a flying visit last Friday In the employ of Uncle Sam. Martin Davison is making- some decided improvements on Ida ranch east of town. O. D. Lavendsr visited the outside world last Thursday .returning to the valley Satur day. Mr. 8. E. Shannahan and daughter, I.ulu, visited fMends at Buxton Saturday aud Sunday. Pator Bergerson was in town Inst Wed nesday after provisions for old Mr. Me- Cullough. 8. A. Wilkinson, who has been lirlag on bis father's ranch the past winter, faas moved to bis homestead. Mrs. Detrick and daughter, Bertha, were visiting st the hone of Mr, and Mrs. Spen cer last Sunday and Monday. Mrs. J. E. Dow, a short time ago, was surprised to receive a visit from her father aad mother, of Southern Oregon. Mr. William Mellinger, jr., and Miss Edna Mills left the valley Bstnrday for a bort sojourn with friends at Salem. James Adams returned to the valley last Wednesday from Jackson county, where be had beea prospecting for mineral. Rev. F. Fisher, after a short visit with his parents at Monuiouth,rturned horn last Thursday, and will again take np his min isterial work. A number of ladles gathered at the home of Mrs. O. W. Eiee last Wednesday to aa- slat tn a wool picking. An enjoyable time wat the result Charles Eichman passed through this city last Saturday on bis way to hia ranch en upper Bock creek. Mr. Eichman has beea working on tbe railroad at Rainier. A few friends gathered at the reMdence of Mr. aad Mrs. I. P. Spencer last Monday evening and spent the time very pleasantly. The eld veterans related tales of war, while tbe young folks enjoyed themselves playing games and listening to beautiful strains of uuslc from violin, guitar and organ. All were unanimous in declaring the evening a pleasing one. These present were: Mr. and Mrs. I. P. Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. A. Shannahan', Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mellinger, Mrs. Detrick, Mrs. Wm. Wilkinson, Misses Bertha Detrick, Eva Malmsten, Bertha Oil- liban, Lain and Merle 8bannaban, Verno nia Sheeley, Oral and Maggie Spencer, Elma Wilkinson, Agnea Mellinger, Messrs. Tindle, of Missouri, Lloyd Detrick, Carrol Keasey, Omar Spencer, Otto Maimsten, Ernest Shannahan and Robert 8pencer. Memorial exercises were conducted by the O. A. R. post at this place on that day. Although the weather was not what might have been desired, about 175 people assem bled to pay tribute to those who offered tbelr llyes for their country. The members of tbe post met at Zillgitt's hall and from there marched out to tha cemetery, where the comrades took tbelr position around the grave of one who had gone before. Ex ercises were opened with a short addreas by Commander Spencer. A song, "Beauti ful Flag," was then "rendered by the Phil harmonic Society, followed with prayer by tbe chaplain. Commander Spencer then delivered another address, when the officer of tbe day offered a floral tribute upon tbe grave surrounded, to represent the gravea of all who died in tbe sacred cause. Then the song, "Strew tbe Fan Garland," by Philharmonic Society, was rendered; aa other short address by the commander was made. Another aong, "Rest, Comrades, Rest," by Philharmonic Society, waa ren dered. The commander, S. V. commander, J. V. commander, officer of the day and chaplain then presented portions of the scripture applying to the indorsement of Memorial day. Song, "Bleep, O Sleep." was then rendered, after which a beautiful poem, "The Nation's Dead," was read by Prof. J. E. Dow. Lincoln a speech at Get tysburg, was then delivered by O. O. Been cer. Hong, "national Memorial nymn, by Phllharmonio 8ooiety. Mr. M. Davison, the orator of tbe day, then presented most elaborate and appropriate memorial address. Song, "Farewell Comrades," by Phllharmonio Society, waa rendered. The ehaplain then pronounced the benediction, and after the f rienda and relatives bad dec orated the graves of those who had been near and dear to them, all departed lor their homes. "Rorcs Reddy, DIED. Lmninin.-At Portland Hospital, on j une 4, law, ot meningitis, rauime ueo aaoher. ana 7 years, 10 months and 15 dare. . The remains were brought back to the home she had left May 23, on the evening of June S, and were Interred June 6 beside the father and the brother who had gone before, on the hillside near what had been her home during the brief years aliened her. She had attended six weeks and two davs of her first term of school, where she had made excellent progress and won the hearts of pupils and teacher. In her class there will be a vacant seat and all will miss the sweet face of the departed one. Her school mates paid a beautiful and touching tribute of respect at the funeral by com pletely covering the grave with floral de- aigna and bouquets ot flowers. Tbey also passed resolutions of respect at their next 9inn of school, which they tendered to the bereaved family. Fahnt Burk, Teacher, Goble, Or., June 8th. Kibti At Rainier, on Wednesday, June 3, of consumption, Mrs. A-irn. Absolutely pure. Celetiratod for its great leavening streiiph ami healthfulneas. Assures the food URainst alum and all forms of adul teration common to the cheap brands. aOYaL BAKIHO FOWDBB CO., HXW Y0BK. CLATBKANIE NOTES. W. H. Conyers Is transacting business In the metropolis this week. . Jake Ooddal has been quite a cripple the past few days. It is a boil. Kritz and Edgerton were in Portland last week purchasing supplies. L. Saldern spent a considerable portion of last week in and about oar town. The Tlcbenor mill bse been getting out some cedar timbers far railroad work. Orvllle Merrill was in attendance at tbe grand lodge of Good Templars in Portland last week. C. N, Dillman and wife took tbe steamer Monday evening to spend the balance of the week at Mayger. Laws and Qulgley are pushing work on their railroad, contract on tbe Karronen and Walter Jones ranches. Dr. Hall wss in Portland this week la at tendance at the session of the State Medical Society Tuesday aad Wednesday. Al Blackford was around with a subscrip tion paper for Fourth of July celebration. There ia not a great deal of enthusiasm over the naatter this year, bnt a considera ble sum has been sabscribad. The Lost Creek shingle mill is getting quite a quaatity of their sawed shingles piled about tha river for shipment. This ia a new enterprise and another candidate to share the extremely narrow margin there is in the business. County Superinteadent Watts informs us that the county teachers' Institute will con vene in Clatskania on Monday, July 6th. Our people are always pleased to welcome tbe teachers and com mead Superintendent Watt for his action In this matter. A labor exchange meeting was held in Merrill's hall on Saturday evening. The hall waa not crowded, bat those present were allowed to give free expression to their views, which seems to have been done, a it was midnight before tbe meeting closed. Walter Brothera and his partner took a trip to Portland tbia week to find a market for their split shingles. Their shingle ma chine splits out shingles after the blocks are thoroughly steamed, giving more rapid results than sharing by bead, at much less expense than the use of an engine and saw. A strawberry and ice cream festival was given ia Kraut halt laat Saturday evening for the benefit of tbe resident minister. The eveniag was warm and ice cream waa a popular dish. Quite a number of citisens dropped in to regale themselves at the table and listen to the music furnished by Prof. Fabrique and E. C. Blackford on violin and piano. Something like tlO was the net financial result of the enterprise. On Thursday of last week the remains of Mrs. Alcora, wife of Charles H. Boisvert and daughter of Charlea W. Jones and wife were laid to rest after an illness of about ten daya. Deceased was a well known resi dent of our Hani Grove suburb, and leaves husband and four children that will miss her earnest efforts for their welfare. A funeral service waa held after which the funeral took place at tbe Bryant cemetery. "It t tata Beat Erlh.' Tbat Is what Edwards & Parker, merch ants, of Plains, Ga., say of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, for rheumatism, lame back, deep-seated and muscular pains. Sold by Dr. Edwin Rosa. To Clear Durraht. Arthur 8. Austin, an attorney of Keruville, Or., was in Portland tbe other day, en route for San Francisco, where he ia going, be say, to clear Durrant. Aus tin proposes to hold open air meetings in Golden Gat fark for tbe purpose of arousing publio Bentiment in favor of the convicted murderer. He will attract a crowd by announcing as his subject. "San Francisco, tbe Modern Sodom," and once he has them nnder tbe snell of his eloquence ,wiU proceed to destroy, in an hour's argument, tne fabrio that District Attorney Barnes has been painfully rearing for two years. When tbe people are convinced ef the pnrity and innocence of the persecuted wretch at present awaiting death at San Quentin, Austin will take steps to prove to a mathematical cer tainty tbat on the hour of the murder of Blanche Lament, Durrant waa studiously attending to the lecture of a professor in a medical college, where be was a student. The attorney nas telegraphed to governor Budd of bis intention, and expects to be received on his arrival with open arms. There is nothing startling in Austin a plan, except its apparent impossibility, and he ia confident that before he leaves San FrancUoo Durrant will be a free man. . IMHOFF & MINAR, MANUFACTURER OF Monuments MARBLK NO QRANITK AND AIX KINDS OF CEMETERY WORK ITALIAN MAHBLC a ePKCIALTV. , 321 E. Morrison St., Portland, 0 -THE BANQUET SALOON CL0NINGER&C00PEB, PROPRIETORS. Wine and Liquor Card tables, pool table, billiard table and other devices for the entertainment of pat rons, where time can be pleasantly spent. - -:.;::;.; FAMOUS FIRE LADDIE CIGARS Besides other popular brands, are kept constantly on haiui to supply the increased trade at tbis very popular saioon. THE FAMOUS CYRUS NOBLE WHISKY 18 KEPT AT BE BANQUET. I r '' I in I.IMlhliMi JSVegctablePrcparationfor As similating ttatToodandllegula tlqg I he fitnmnrlw and Bowels of BrotrHstHgcsfloTt,actfuf- Tieas ana iEsf.uraiains neimer OpiuuT,MorptiiruJ nor Mutual. Not Nabo otic. '."Sams. V JPnrff'V fft - JhM fidmfttd- A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stotn.Diairhoea, Worms Ax)nvuisions,reveri3n pre? and Lo S3 OF SlEEB VacSunue Signature of HEW "YORK. exact eopr Of whappeb. VVVVVVVVVVVVVIVVVVVVVVVVVV1 CASH GROCERY I wish to announce to the public that I hare a new s stock oL - GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS CLEAN AND FRESH Which I have just opened in the building recently occupied by New ell & Watbins. Every article ia absolutely fresh, and all goods will be found to be just as represented. .... . A portion oi the public patronage is asked for, and your money's worth guaranteed. Call and be conviuced. UAAAAAAAAAAAAAjA Dr. E. Ross ST. HELENS, OREGON Constantly Keeps in Stock a Complete Line of DRUGS, I TOILET J ARTICLES School Supplies An Unusually well-selected Stock of Writing Tablets, Pens, Pen cila, aud the Best Inks on tbe Market. , A FINE LINE OF FANCY STATIONERY Finest Perfumes and Soaps. ......Patent Medicines TH E MIST AND OREGONIAN TWO TOGETHER ONE YEAR, ONLY TWO DOLLARS Kimball Specials We have a few square and upright Pianos and Organs, taken in part payment for Kimballs, which we will close out at special bargaina. Among the lot are: One Steck Square Grand One Keyers Square Grand One Steinway Square Grand One Wilcox & White Parlor Organ One Earhuff Parlor Organ Call early if you expect to secure one of these bargains. Easy terms, if desired. Eemember, we are the only exclusive Piano and Organ house in the state of Oregon. W. W. KIMBALL CO., Manufacturers Pacific Coast Salesroom. 333-335 Morrison Street, Portland, Or. L. V. MOORE, Manager. WW)' MUCKLE BROS. HANUFACTUBERS Ot Dimension Lumber, Flooring, Rustic. Bheathinff , Casings, and a complete stock of eyeiy variety of Rough and Dressed Lumber ALWAYS ON HAND. AT THE OLD STAND, BT. HELENS OREOOB 31 SEE ' I THAT THE FACSIMILE SIGNATURE' : OF IS ON THE WRAPPER OP EVEELY BOTTTF1 OB Oasterla is put tp la eae-else Bettbe ealr. It Is aot sold la bK. Don't allow anycm to sell jea anything alts oa the plea or promise that Ik is Just as food" aaa am answer wnrj pm , pose." -( uat 70a (at v-a-a-z-v-awnB. 1 Hate- "lj9 . v - -n Sfesatsni wwe. vaVyffVVWVavVVVa PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY AND ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED. 1 ORIENTAL HOTEL A. B. BLAK33LEY, Proprietor. Board by Day, Week or Month AT REASONABLE KATES. The table ts supplied vfth the beat the market afford. Everything cloftn. A kIvitb o' yi ".r ronare Is sollotted. ST. HSLKN., o ,MOii mm 1 opment.